The auth_info may be useful when the userdb is for example a SQL database and you are using %variables, like %s or %l , in the user_query setting. Or when you have configured the userdb in a way like this:
userdb { driver = passwd-file args = /etc/%s.passwd }------------------------------------------------------------------------
@INCLUDE:global-options@ --- command specific options --- "/.
Command specific
options : -------------------------------------
-a userdb_socket_path This option is used to specify an absolute path to an alternative UNIX
domain socket.
By default
doveadm (1) will use the socket
@rundir@/auth-userdb . The socket may be located in another directory, when the default
base_dir setting was overridden in
@pkgsysconfdir@/dovecot.conf . -------------------------------------
-f field When this option and the name of a userdb field is given,
doveadm (1) will show only the value of the specified field.
-u When this option is given,
doveadm (1) will only show values from the
userdb . Without -u parameter if any of the
uid ", " gid ", " home " or " mail fields are missing, their defaults are taken from configuration file.
-x auth_info auth_info specifies additional conditions for the user command. The auth_info option string has to be given as name = value pair. For multiple conditions the -x option could be supplied multiple times.
Possible names for the auth_info are:
service The service for which the userdb lookup should be tested. The value may be the name of a service, commonly used with Dovecot. For example: imap , pop3 or smtp .
lip The local IP address (server) for the test.
rip The remote IP address (client) for the test.
lport The local port, e.g. 143
rport The remote port, e.g. 24567
user Is a
user \(aqs login name.
Depending on the configuration, a login name may be for example
jane " or " . It\(aqs also possible to use
\(aq * \(aq and
\(aq ? \(aq wildcards (e.g. -u *
doveadm user jane userdb: jane uid : 8001 gid : 8001 home : /home/jane mail : sdbox:~/sdbox plugins : sieve quota_rule: *:storage=150M userdb: home : /srv/mail/8/70312/79832 uid : 79832 gid : 70312 mail : mdbox:~/mdbox
The next example shows a user lookup, using wildcards.
doveadm user *.?
------------------------------------------------------------------------@INCLUDE:reporting-bugs@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------