options revision 2e3160e246a3aaa08ecb2a52a8e1c53a6e7977a3
This is a summary of the implementation status of the various named.conf
options in BIND 9.
Yes Implemented in this release.
No Not implemented, may be implemented in a later release.
Obsolete Obsolete, not applicable to BIND 9, or just evil.
Will not be implemented.
* New in BIND 9.
+ The option is now always enabled.
- The option is now always disabled.
% The default value has changed since BIND 8.
@ Semantics of certain pathological address match lists, in
particular those involving double negation, have changed.
The new semantics are generally safer. IPv6 addresses
are supported, but the predefined ACLs "localhost" and
"localnets" match IPv4 addresses only.
# BIND 9 accepts both LF and CRLF as end-of-line markers.
options {
[ version version_string; ] Yes
[ directory path_name; ] Yes
[ named-xfer path_name; ] Obsolete
[ dump-file path_name; ] No
[ memstatistics-file path_name; ] No
[ pid-file path_name; ] Yes
[ statistics-file path_name; ] No
[ auth-nxdomain yes_or_no; ] Yes%
[ deallocate-on-exit yes_or_no; ] Obsolete+
[ dialup yes_or_no; ] No
[ fake-iquery yes_or_no; ] Obsolete-
[ fetch-glue yes_or_no; ] No
[ has-old-clients yes_or_no; ] Obsolete
[ host-statistics yes_or_no; ] No
[ multiple-cnames yes_or_no; ] Obsolete-
[ notify yes_or_no; ] No
[ recursion yes_or_no; ] Yes
[ rfc2308-type1 yes_or_no; ] No
[ use-id-pool yes_or_no; ] Obsolete+
[ treat-cr-as-space yes_or_no; ] Obsolete#
[ also-notify { ip_addr; [ ip_addr; ... ] }; No
[ forward ( only | first ); ] Yes
[ forwarders { [ in_addr ; [ in_addr ; ... ] ] }; ] Yes
[ check-names ... ] No
[ allow-query { address_match_list }; ] Yes@
[ allow-transfer { address_match_list }; ] Yes@
[ allow-recursion { address_match_list }; ] Yes@
[ blackhole { address_match_list }; ] No
[ listen-on [ port ip_port ] { address_match_list }; ] Yes@ (IPv4 only)
[ query-source .... ] Yes
[ query-source-v6 .... ] Yes*
[ lame-ttl number; ] No
[ max-transfer-time-in number; ] Yes
[ max-transfer-idle-in number; ] Yes*
[ max-transfer-time-out number; ] Yes*
[ max-transfer-idle-out number; ] Yes*
[ max-ncache-ttl number; ] No
[ min-roots number; ] No
[ serial-queries number; ] No
[ transfer-format ( one-answer | many-answers ); ] Yes
[ transfers-in number; ] Yes
[ transfers-out number; ] Yes
[ transfers-per-ns number; ] Yes
[ transfer-source ip_addr; ] Yes
[ transfer-source-v6 ip_addr; ] Yes*
[ maintain-ixfr-base yes_or_no; ] Obsolete+
[ max-ixfr-log-size number; ] No
[ coresize size_spec ; ] No
[ datasize size_spec ; ] No
[ files size_spec ; ] No
[ stacksize size_spec ; ] No
[ cleaning-interval number; ] Yes
[ heartbeat-interval number; ] No
[ interface-interval number; ] Yes
[ statistics-interval number; ] No
[ topology { address_match_list }; ] No
[ sortlist { address_match_list }; ] No
[ rrset-order { order_spec ; [ order_spec ; ... ] ] }; No
[ recursive-clients number; ] Yes*
[ tcp-clients number; ] Yes*
acl Yes@
include Yes
key Yes
logging No
controls No
server ip_addr {
[ bogus yes_or_no; ] No
[ support-ixfr yes_or_no; ] Yes
[ transfers number; ] Yes
[ transfer-format ( one-answer | many-answers ); ] Yes
[ keys { key_id [key_id ... ] }; ] No
trusted-keys No
zone domain_name [ ( in | hs | hesiod | chaos ) ] {
type master; Yes
file path_name; Yes
[ forward ( only | first ); ] No
[ forwarders { [ ip_addr ; [ ip_addr ; ... ] ] }; ] No
[ check-names ( warn | fail | ignore ); ] No
[ allow-update { address_match_list }; ] Yes@
[ allow-query { address_match_list }; ] Yes@
[ allow-transfer { address_match_list }; ] Yes@
[ dialup yes_or_no; ] No
[ max-transfer-time-out number; ] Yes*
[ max-transfer-idle-out number; ] Yes*
[ notify yes_or_no; ] No
[ also-notify { ip_addr; [ ip_addr; ... ] }; No
[ ixfr-base path_name; ] Obsolete
[ pubkey number number number string; ] No
zone domain_name [ ( in | hs | hesiod | chaos ) ] {
type stub; No
zone domain_name [ ( in | hs | hesiod | chaos ) ] {
type slave; Yes
[ file path_name; ] Yes
[ ixfr-base path_name; ] Obsolete
masters [ port ip_port ] { ip_addr; [ ip_addr; ... ] }; Yes
[ forward ( only | first ); ] No
[ forwarders { [ ip_addr ; [ ip_addr ; ... ] ] }; ] No
[ check-names ( warn | fail | ignore ); ] No
[ allow-update { address_match_list }; ] Obsolete
[ allow-update-forwarding { address_match_list }; ] No*
[ allow-query { address_match_list }; ] Yes@
[ allow-transfer { address_match_list }; ] Yes@
[ transfer-source ip_addr; ] Yes
[ transfer-source-v6 ip_addr; ] Yes*
[ dialup yes_or_no; ] No
[ max-transfer-time-in number; ] Yes
[ max-transfer-idle-in number; ] Yes*
[ max-transfer-time-out number; ] Yes*
[ max-transfer-idle-out number; ] Yes*
[ notify yes_or_no; ] No
[ also-notify { ip_addr; [ ip_addr; ... ] }; No
[ pubkey number number number string; ] No
zone domain_name [ ( in | hs | hesiod | chaos ) ] {
type forward; No
zone "." [ ( in | hs | hesiod | chaos ) ] {
type hint; Yes
file path_name; Yes
[ check-names ( warn | fail | ignore ); ] No