f6096b958c8b58c4709860d7c4dcdde5deeacb7aEvan HuntThis directory is for tools and scripts related to the OpenDNSSEC KASP
f6096b958c8b58c4709860d7c4dcdde5deeacb7aEvan Hunt("key and signature policy") format. Currently it only contains
f6096b958c8b58c4709860d7c4dcdde5deeacb7aEvan Hunt"kasp2policy.py", a python script for converting KASP key policy
f6096b958c8b58c4709860d7c4dcdde5deeacb7aEvan Huntto the "dnssec.policy" format that is used by dnssec-keymgr.
f6096b958c8b58c4709860d7c4dcdde5deeacb7aEvan HuntThis depends on PLY (python lex/yacc) and on the "isc.dnskey" module in