#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2004-2008, 2010-2017 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# Framework for starting test servers.
# Based on the type of server specified, check for port availability, remove
# temporary files, start the server, and verify that the server is running.
# If a server is specified, start it. Otherwise, start all servers for test.
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Getopt::Long;
# Option handling
# --noclean test [server [options]]
# --noclean - Do not cleanup files in server directory
# test - name of the test directory
# server - name of the server directory
# options - alternate options for the server
# NOTE: options must be specified with '-- "<option list>"',
# for instance: start.pl . ns1 -- "-c n.conf -d 43"
# ALSO NOTE: this variable will be filled with the
# contents of the first non-commented/non-blank line of args
# in a file called "named.args" in an ns*/ subdirectory only
# the FIRST non-commented/non-blank line is used (everything
# else in the file is ignored. If "options" is already set,
# then "named.args" is ignored.
my $usage = "usage: $0 [--noclean] [--restart] test-directory [server-directory [server-options]]";
my $noclean = '';
my $restart = '';
GetOptions('noclean' => \$noclean, 'restart' => \$restart);
my $test = $ARGV[0];
my $server = $ARGV[1];
my $options = $ARGV[2];
if (!$test) {
print "$usage\n";
if (!-d $test) {
print "No test directory: \"$test\"\n";
if ($server && !-d "$test/$server") {
print "No server directory: \"$test/$server\"\n";
# Global variables
my $topdir = abs_path("$test/..");
my $testdir = abs_path("$test");
my $NAMED = $ENV{'NAMED'};
my $DIG = $ENV{'DIG'};
my $PERL = $ENV{'PERL'};
# Start the server(s)
if ($server) {
if ($server =~ /^ns/) {
&start_server($server, $options);
if ($server =~ /^ns/) {
} else {
# Determine which servers need to be started for this test.
opendir DIR, $testdir;
my @files = sort readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my @ns = grep /^ns[0-9]*$/, @files;
my @lwresd = grep /^lwresd[0-9]*$/, @files;
my @ans = grep /^ans[0-9]*$/, @files;
my $name;
# Start the servers we found.
foreach $name(@ns, @lwresd, @ans) {
&verify_server($name) if ($name =~ /^ns/);
# Subroutines
sub check_ports {
my $server = shift;
my $options = "";
my $port = 5300;
my $file = "";
$file = $testdir . "/" . $server . "/named.port" if ($server);
if ($server && $server =~ /(\d+)$/) {
$options = "-i $1";
if ($file ne "" && -e $file) {
open(FH, "<", $file);
while(my $line=<FH>) {
chomp $line;
$port = $line;
close FH;
my $tries = 0;
while (1) {
my $return = system("$PERL $topdir/testsock.pl -p $port $options");
last if ($return == 0);
if (++$tries > 4) {
print "$0: could not bind to server addresses, still running?\n";
print "I:server sockets not available\n";
print "I:failed\n";
system("$PERL $topdir/stop.pl $testdir"); # Is this the correct behavior?
exit 1;
print "I:Couldn't bind to socket (yet)\n";
sleep 2;
sub start_server {
my $server = shift;
my $options = shift;
my $cleanup_files;
my $command;
my $pid_file;
my $cwd = getcwd();
my $args_file = $cwd . "/" . $test . "/" . $server . "/" . "named.args";
if ($server =~ /^ns/) {
$cleanup_files = "{*.jnl,*.bk,*.st,named.run}";
$command = "valgrind -q --gen-suppressions=all --num-callers=48 --fullpath-after= --log-file=named-$server-valgrind-%p.log ";
if ($ENV{'USE_VALGRIND'} eq 'helgrind') {
$command .= "--tool=helgrind ";
} else {
$command .= "--tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ";
$command .= "$NAMED -m none -M external ";
} else {
$command = "$NAMED ";
if ($options) {
$command .= "$options";
} elsif (-e $args_file) {
open(FH, "<", $args_file);
while(my $line=<FH>)
#$line =~ s/\R//g;
chomp $line;
next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/); #discard blank lines
next if ($line =~ /^\s*#/); #discard comment lines
$line =~ s/#.*$//g;
$options = $line;
close FH;
$command .= "$options";
} else {
$command .= "-D $server ";
$command .= "-X named.lock ";
$command .= "-m record,size,mctx ";
$command .= "-T clienttest ";
$command .= "-T nosoa "
if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.nosoa");
$command .= "-T noaa "
if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.noaa");
$command .= "-T noedns "
if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.noedns");
$command .= "-T dropedns "
if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.dropedns");
$command .= "-T maxudp512 "
if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.maxudp512");
$command .= "-T maxudp1460 "
if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.maxudp1460");
$command .= "-c named.conf -d 99 -g -U 4";
$command .= " -T notcp"
if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.notcp");
if ($restart) {
$command .= " >>named.run 2>&1 &";
} else {
$command .= " >named.run 2>&1 &";
$pid_file = "named.pid";
} elsif ($server =~ /^lwresd/) {
$cleanup_files = "{lwresd.run}";
$command = "valgrind -q --gen-suppressions=all --num-callers=48 --fullpath-after= --log-file=lwresd-valgrind-%p.log ";
if ($ENV{'USE_VALGRIND'} eq 'helgrind') {
$command .= "--tool=helgrind ";
} else {
$command .= "--tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full ";
$command .= "$LWRESD -m none -M external ";
} else {
$command = "$LWRESD ";
if ($options) {
$command .= "$options";
} else {
$command .= "-X lwresd.lock ";
$command .= "-m record,size,mctx ";
$command .= "-T clienttest ";
$command .= "-C resolv.conf -d 99 -g -U 4 ";
$command .= "-i lwresd.pid -P 9210 -p 5300";
if ($restart) {
$command .= " >>lwresd.run 2>&1 &";
} else {
$command .= " >lwresd.run 2>&1 &";
$pid_file = "lwresd.pid";
} elsif ($server =~ /^ans/) {
$cleanup_files = "{ans.run}";
if (-e "$testdir/$server/ans.py") {
$command = "$PYTHON -u ans.py 10.53.0.$' 5300";
} elsif (-e "$testdir/$server/ans.pl") {
$command = "$PERL ans.pl";
} else {
$command = "$PERL $topdir/ans.pl 10.53.0.$'";
if ($options) {
$command .= "$options";
} else {
$command .= "";
if ($restart) {
$command .= " >>ans.run 2>&1 &";
} else {
$command .= " >ans.run 2>&1 &";
$pid_file = "ans.pid";
} else {
print "I:Unknown server type $server\n";
print "I:failed\n";
system "$PERL $topdir/stop.pl $testdir";
exit 1;
# print "I:starting server %s\n",$server;
chdir "$testdir/$server";
unless ($noclean) {
unlink glob $cleanup_files;
# get the shell to report the pid of the server ($!)
$command .= "echo \$!";
# start the server
my $child = `$command`;
$child =~ s/\s+$//g;
# wait up to 14 seconds for the server to start and to write the
# pid file otherwise kill this server and any others that have
# already been started
my $tries = 0;
while (!-s $pid_file) {
if (++$tries > 140) {
print "I:Couldn't start server $server (pid=$child)\n";
print "I:failed\n";
system "kill -9 $child" if ("$child" ne "");
system "$PERL $topdir/stop.pl $testdir";
exit 1;
# sleep for 0.1 seconds
select undef,undef,undef,0.1;
# go back to the top level directory
chdir $cwd;
sub verify_server {
my $server = shift;
my $n = $server;
my $port = 5300;
my $tcp = "+tcp";
$n =~ s/^ns//;
if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.port") {
open(FH, "<", "$testdir/$server/named.port");
while(my $line=<FH>) {
chomp $line;
$port = $line;
close FH;
$tcp = "" if (-e "$testdir/$server/named.notcp");
my $tries = 0;
while (1) {
my $return = system("$DIG $tcp +noadd +nosea +nostat +noquest +nocomm +nocmd +noedns -p $port version.bind. chaos txt \@10.53.0.$n > dig.out");
last if ($return == 0);
if (++$tries >= 30) {
print `grep ";" dig.out > /dev/null`;
print "I:no response from $server\n";
print "I:failed\n";
system("$PERL $topdir/stop.pl $testdir");
exit 1;
sleep 2;
unlink "dig.out";