* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2003-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com> *
* *
#ifndef _VCODEX_H
#define _VCODEX_H 1
/* VCODEX = COmpression + DElta + X (encryption, etc.)
** Written by Kiem-Phong Vo (kpv@research.att.com)
#define VC_VERSION 20081104L /* ILU-NDV */
#define VC_ID "vcodex" /* package identification */
#define VC_LIB "vcodex_lib" /* function name */
#if _PACKAGE_ast
#include <ast_std.h>
#undef VCSFIO
#define VCSFIO 1
#include <ast_common.h>
#define VCSFIO 0
#if VCSFIO == 1
#include <sfio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cdt.h> /* container data types */
#if !_SFIO_H /* emulate Sfio features */
#define Sfoff_t off_t /* file offset type */
#define Sfio_t FILE /* stream structure */
#define Sfdisc_t int /* Sfio discipline */
#define sfstderr stderr /* standard streams */
#define sfstdout stdout
#define sfstdin stdin
#define SF_IOCHECK 010
#define SF_LOCKR 001
#define SF_LASTR 002
#define SF_SYNC 001
#define SF_CLOSING 002
#define SF_DPOP 004
#define SF_ATEXIT 010
#define sfprintf fprintf
#define sfvprintf vfprintf
#define sfopen(s,f,m) ((s) ? freopen((f),(m),(s)) : fopen((f), (m)) )
#define sfread(s,b,n) fread((b), 1, (n), (s))
#define sfwrite(s,b,n) fwrite((b), 1, (n), (s))
#define sfrd(s,b,n,d) fread((b), 1, (n), (s))
#define sfwr(s,b,n,d) fwrite((b), 1, (n), (s))
#define sfseek(s,p,t) (fseek((s),(long)(p),(t)) >= 0 ? (Sfoff_t)ftell(s) : (Sfoff_t)(-1))
#define sfdisc(s,d) (d)
#define sfset(f,m,t) (0)
#define sfsetbuf(f,b,n) (0)
#define sffileno(f) fileno(f)
#define sftmp(n) tmpfile()
extern Void_t* sfreserve _ARG_((Sfio_t*, ssize_t, int));
extern char* sfgetr _ARG_((Sfio_t*, int, int));
extern ssize_t sfvalue _ARG_((Sfio_t*));
extern Sfoff_t sfsize _ARG_((Sfio_t*));
extern int sfclose _ARG_((Sfio_t*));
#endif /*_SFIO_H*/
/* define 32-bit integer types */
#if !defined(Vcint32_t) && _typ_int32_t
#define Vcint32_t int32_t
#if !defined(Vcint32_t) && defined(_ast_int4_t)
#define Vcint32_t _ast_int4_t
#if !defined(Vcint32_t)
Help needed to define signed 32-bit integer type.
#if !defined(Vcuint32_t) && _typ_uint32_t
#define Vcuint32_t uint32_t
#if !defined(Vcuint32_t) && defined(_ast_int4_t)
#define Vcuint32_t unsigned _ast_int4_t
#if !defined(Vcuint32_t)
Help needed to define unsigned 32-bit integer type.
typedef unsigned char Vcchar_t;
typedef struct _vcodex_s Vcodex_t;
typedef struct _vcdisc_s Vcdisc_t;
typedef struct _vcmethod_s Vcmethod_t;
typedef struct _vcmtarg_s Vcmtarg_t;
typedef struct _vcmtcode_s Vcmtcode_t;
typedef struct _vccontext_s Vccontext_t;
typedef int (*Vcevent_f)_ARG_((Vcodex_t*, int, Void_t*, Vcdisc_t*));
typedef ssize_t (*Vcapply_f)_ARG_((Vcodex_t*, const Void_t*, size_t, Void_t**));
typedef int (*Vcwalk_f)_ARG_((Void_t*, char*, char*, Void_t*));
/* type of buffers allocated for transformed data */
typedef struct _vcbuffer_s Vcbuffer_t;
/* types to encode/decode bits and integers */
typedef Vcuint32_t Vcbit_t; /* 32-bit accumulator */
#define VC_BITSIZE (sizeof(Vcbit_t)*8 )
typedef Vcint32_t Vcint_t; /* 32-bit integers */
#define VC_INTSIZE (sizeof(Vcint_t)*8 )
/* Vcio_t: handle to perform IO functions on strings */
typedef struct _vcio_s
{ Vcchar_t* data; /* the data buffer */
Vcchar_t* next; /* current position in buffer */
Vcchar_t* endb; /* end of buffer or data in it */
Vcbit_t bits; /* buffer usable for bit-coding */
ssize_t nbits; /* # of bits cached in "bits" */
} Vcio_t;
/* Discipline structure: what application supplies */
struct _vcdisc_s
{ Void_t* data; /* data, key string, etc. */
ssize_t size; /* size of data or just an int */
Vcevent_f eventf; /* call-back function on events */
/* Arguments to a method */
struct _vcmtarg_s
{ char* name; /* argument name - alphanumeric */
char* desc; /* short description of arg */
Void_t* data; /* predefined data, if any */
/* structure to extract/restore a handle by its private code */
struct _vcmtcode_s
{ Vcchar_t* data; /* the encoding data for handle */
ssize_t size; /* the data size */
Vcodex_t* coder; /* the reconstructed coder */
/* Method structure: what a tranform looks like */
struct _vcmethod_s
{ Vcapply_f encodef; /* function to encode */
Vcapply_f decodef; /* function to decode */
int (*eventf)_ARG_((Vcodex_t*, int, Void_t*));
char* name; /* string name, 0-terminated */
char* desc; /* description, 0-terminated */
char* about; /* [-name?value]...0-terminated */
Vcmtarg_t* args; /* list of possible arguments */
ssize_t window; /* suggested window size */
int type; /* flags telling type of method */
/* Method writers: note that this should be first in any context type */
struct _vccontext_s
{ Vccontext_t *next;
/* Vcodex_t handle structure: to keep states */
struct _vcodex_s
{ Vcapply_f applyf; /* function to process data */
Vcdisc_t* disc; /* supplied discipline */
Vcmethod_t* meth; /* selected coding method */
Vcodex_t* coder; /* continuation coder */
size_t undone; /* left-over after vcapply() */
unsigned int flags; /* bits to control operations */
Vccontext_t* ctxt; /* list of contexts */
Void_t* data; /* private method data */
ssize_t head; /* required buffer head size */
char* file; /* file with allocation request */
int line; /* line number in file */
/* flags passable to vcopen() */
#define VC_FLAGS 007777 /* all supported flags */
#define VC_ENCODE 000001 /* handle for encoding data */
#define VC_DECODE 000002 /* handle to decode data */
#define VC_CLOSECODER 000010 /* 2nd-ary coders to be closed */
/* event types passable to discipline event handlers */
#define VC_OPENING 1 /* opening event */
#define VC_CLOSING 2 /* closing event */
#define VC_DISC 3 /* changing discipline */
#define VC_DATA 4 /* on getting data for method */
/* event types to be processed by method event handlers */
#define VC_INITCONTEXT 101 /* setting/creating a context */
#define VC_FREECONTEXT 102 /* freeing one or all contexts */
#define VC_FREEBUFFER 103 /* free all associated buffers */
#define VC_SETMTARG 104 /* set argument(s) to a method */
#define VC_EXTRACT 105 /* extract code for handle */
#define VC_RESTORE 106 /* restoring a handle from code */
/* flags defining certain method attributes */
#define VC_MTSOURCE 000001 /* use source data (Vcdelta) */
/* separators for arguments */
#define VC_ARGSEP '.' /* separator for method args */
#define VC_METHSEP ',' /* separator for methods */
/* function to initialize a discipline structure */
#define VCDISC(dc,dt,sz,fn) \
((dc)->data = (dt), (dc)->size = (sz), (dc)->eventf = (fn) )
/* return vcodex discipline event */
#define VCSF_DISC ((((int)('V'))<<7)|((int)('C')))
#if _BLD_vcodex && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern extern __EXPORT__
#if !_BLD_vcodex && defined(__IMPORT__)
#define extern extern __IMPORT__
/* pointers to the default public -lvcodex methods */
#include <vcmethods.h>
#undef extern
#if _BLD_vcodex && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern __EXPORT__
/* public functions */
extern Vcodex_t* vcopen _ARG_((Vcdisc_t*, Vcmethod_t*, Void_t*, Vcodex_t*, int));
extern Vcodex_t* vcmake _ARG_((char*, int));
extern ssize_t vcextract _ARG_((Vcodex_t*, Void_t**));
extern Vcodex_t* vcrestore _ARG_((Void_t*, size_t));
extern int vcclose _ARG_((Vcodex_t*));
extern ssize_t vcapply _ARG_((Vcodex_t*, Void_t*, size_t, Void_t**));
extern size_t vcundone _ARG_((Vcodex_t*));
extern Vcdisc_t* vcdisc _ARG_((Vcodex_t*, Vcdisc_t*));
extern int vcaddmeth _ARG_((Vcmethod_t**, ssize_t));
extern Vcmethod_t* vcgetmeth _ARG_((char*, int));
extern int vcwalkmeth _ARG_((Vcwalk_f, Void_t*));
extern void vcaddalias _ARG_((char**));
extern char* vcgetalias _ARG_((char*, char*, ssize_t));
extern int vcwalkalias _ARG_((Vcwalk_f, Void_t*));
extern char* vcgetfname _ARG_((char*, char*, ssize_t));
extern int vcwalkfname _ARG_((Vcwalk_f, Void_t*));
extern char* vcgetident _ARG_((Vcmethod_t*, char*, ssize_t));
extern char* vcgetmtarg _ARG_((char*, char*, ssize_t, Vcmtarg_t*, Vcmtarg_t**));
extern int vcsetmtarg _ARG_((Vcodex_t*, char*, Void_t*, int));
extern char* vcsubstring _ARG_((char*, int, char*, ssize_t, int));
extern double vclog _ARG_((size_t)); /* fast log2 */
extern size_t vclogi _ARG_((size_t)); /* integer part of log2 */
extern ssize_t vcbcktsort _ARG_((ssize_t*, ssize_t*, ssize_t, Vcchar_t*, ssize_t*));
typedef int (*Vccompare_f)_ARG_((Void_t*, Void_t*, Void_t*));
extern Void_t vcqsort _ARG_((Void_t*, ssize_t, ssize_t, Vccompare_f, Void_t*));
#undef extern
/* macro functions to run the transformation and return amount of data left unprocessed */
#define vcapply(vc,s,sz,b) (*(vc)->applyf)((vc), (Void_t*)(s), (size_t)(sz), (Void_t**)(b) )
#define vcundone(vc) ((vc)->undone) /* amount left unprocessed by transform */
#if _BLD_vcodex && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern __EXPORT__
extern Vcint_t vcatoi _ARG_((char*));
extern ssize_t vcitoa _ARG_((Vcint_t, char*, ssize_t));
extern Vcint_t vcintcode _ARG_((Vcint_t, Vcint_t, Vcint_t, Vcint_t, int));
extern char* vcstrcode _ARG_((char*, char*, ssize_t));
extern ssize_t vchexcode _ARG_((Vcchar_t*, ssize_t, Vcchar_t*, ssize_t, int));
extern ssize_t vcstr2list _ARG_((char*, int, ssize_t**));
extern ssize_t vcioputc _ARG_((Vcio_t*, int));
extern int vciogetc _ARG_((Vcio_t*));
extern ssize_t vcioputs _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Void_t*, size_t));
extern ssize_t vciogets _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Void_t*, size_t));
extern ssize_t vcioputu _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t));
extern Vcint_t vciogetu _ARG_((Vcio_t*));
extern ssize_t vcioputm _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t, Vcint_t));
extern Vcint_t vciogetm _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t));
extern ssize_t vcioput2 _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcchar_t, Vcchar_t, Vcint_t));
extern Vcint_t vcioget2 _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcchar_t, Vcchar_t));
extern ssize_t vcioputg _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t));
extern Vcint_t vciogetg _ARG_((Vcio_t*));
extern ssize_t vcioputlist _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t*, ssize_t));
extern ssize_t vciogetlist _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t*, ssize_t));
extern ssize_t _vcioputu _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t));
extern Vcint_t _vciogetu _ARG_((Vcio_t*));
extern ssize_t _vcioputm _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t, Vcint_t));
extern Vcint_t _vciogetm _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t));
extern ssize_t _vcioput2 _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t, Vcchar_t, Vcchar_t));
extern Vcint_t _vcioget2 _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcchar_t, Vcchar_t));
extern ssize_t _vcioputg _ARG_((Vcio_t*, Vcint_t));
extern Vcint_t _vciogetg _ARG_((Vcio_t*));
#undef extern
#define vcioinit(io,b,n) ((io)->data = (io)->next = (Vcchar_t*)(b), \
(io)->endb = (io)->data + (n) )
#define vciosize(io) ((io)->next - (io)->data)
#define vciomore(io) ((io)->endb - (io)->next)
#define vcioextent(io) ((io)->endb - (io)->data)
#define vciodata(io) ((io)->data)
#define vcionext(io) ((io)->next)
#define vcioskip(io, n) ((io)->next += (n))
#define vcioputc(io, v) (*(io)->next++ = (Vcchar_t)(v) )
#define vciogetc(io) (*(io)->next++)
#define vcioputs(io, str, sz) (memcpy((io)->next, (str), (sz)), (io)->next += (sz) )
#define vciogets(io, str, sz) (memcpy((str), (io)->next, (sz)), (io)->next += (sz) )
#define vciomove(io1, io2, sz) (memcpy((io2)->next, (io1)->next, (sz)), \
(io1)->next += (sz), (io2)->next += (sz) )
#define vcioputm(io, v, m) _vcioputm((io), (Vcint_t)(v), (Vcint_t)(m))
#define vciogetm(io, m) _vciogetm((io), (Vcint_t)(m))
#define vcioputu(io, v) \
((Vcint_t)(v) < (Vcint_t)(1<<7) ? (*(io)->next++ = (Vcchar_t)(v), 1) : \
_vcioputu((io), (Vcint_t)(v)) )
#define vciogetu(io) _vciogetu((io))
#define vcioput2(io, v, a, z) _vcioput2((io),(Vcint_t)(v),(Vcchar_t)(a),(Vcchar_t)(z))
#define vcioget2(io, a, z) _vcioget2((io),(Vcchar_t)(a),(Vcchar_t)(z))
#define vcioputg(io, v) _vcioputg((io), (Vcint_t)(v))
#define vciogetg(io) _vciogetg((io))
/* Compute the size of a 32-bit integer coded by vcioputu() and vcputm() */
#define vcsizeu(v) ((v)<(1<<7) ? 1 : (v)<(1<<14) ? 2 : \
(v)<(1<<21) ? 3 : (v)<(1<<28) ? 4 : 5 )
#define vcsizem(v) ((v)<(1<<8) ? 1 : (v)<(1<<16) ? 2 : \
(v)<(1<<24) ? 3 : 4 )
/* The below bit I/O macro functions use (bt,nb) for bit accumulation. These
** are (register) variables that will be modified in place to keep states.
** The variables must be initialized by vciosetb() before starting bit coding
** and finalized by vcioendb() before restarting to byte coding.
** For convenience, the Vcio_t structure itself provides two fields (bits,nbits)
** usable as (bt,nb). In this way, applications that perform bits ops in function
** calls does not need extra (static) variables to keep states.
#define vciosetb(io, bt, nb, tp) /* (tp) is only for symmetry with vcioendb */ \
do { (bt) = 0; (nb) = 0; \
} while(0)
#define vciofilb(io, bt, nb, mb) /* getting bits from stream into (bt) */ \
do { if((nb) < (mb)) while((nb) <= (VC_BITSIZE-8) && (io)->next < (io)->endb) \
{ (nb) += 8; (bt) |= (*(io)->next++ << (VC_BITSIZE - (nb))); } \
} while(0)
#define vciodelb(io, bt, nb, nd) /* consume bits already read */ \
do { (bt) <<= (nd); (nb) -= (nd); \
} while(0)
#define vcioflsb(io, bt, nb) /* putting accumulated bits out to stream */ \
do { for(; (nb) >= 8 && (io)->next < (io)->endb; (nb) -= 8) \
{ *(io)->next++ = (Vcchar_t)((bt) >> (VC_BITSIZE-8)); (bt) <<= 8; } \
} while(0)
#define vcioaddb(io, bt, nb, ad, na) /* add new bits to accumulator */ \
do { if(((nb)+(na)) > VC_BITSIZE ) \
vcioflsb((io), (bt), (nb)); \
(bt) |= (ad) >> (nb); (nb) += (na); \
} while(0)
#define vcioendb(io, bt, nb, tp) /* finishing bit operations */ \
do { if((tp) == VC_ENCODE) \
{ vcioflsb(io, bt, nb); \
if((nb) > 0) /* finish up the partial last byte */ \
{ *(io)->next++ = (Vcchar_t)((bt) >> (VC_BITSIZE-8)); (bt) = 0; } \
} else \
{ while(((nb) -= 8) >= 0) \
(bt) = 0; (nb) = 0; \
} \
} while(0)
typedef Vcuint32_t Vchash_t; /* 32-bit hash value */
#define VCHASH(ky) (((ky)>>13)^0x1add2b3^(ky) )
#define VCINDEX(ky,msk) (VCHASH(ky) & (msk) )
/* get/set private method data */
#define vcgetmtdata(vc, tp) ((tp)(vc)->data)
#define vcsetmtdata(vc, mt) ((vc)->data = (Void_t*)(mt))
/* get disciplines */
#define vcgetdisc(vc) ((vc)->disc)
/* get context and coerce to the true type */
#define vcgetcontext(vc, tp) ((tp)(vc)->ctxt)
/* allocate/deallocate buffer.
** bb: if !NULL, current buffer to resize.
** zz: new size, 0 to deallocate.
** hh: slack amount at head of buffer for certain header data
#if defined(__FILE__) && defined(__LINE__)
#define vcbuffer(vv,bb,zz,hh) \
(!(vv) ? ((Vcchar_t*)0) : \
((vv)->file = __FILE__, (vv)->line = __LINE__, \
_vcbuffer((vv),(bb),(zz),(hh)) ) )
#define vcbuffer(vv,bb,zz,hh) _vcbuffer((vv),(bb),(zz),(hh))
struct _vcbuffer_s /* type of a buffer */
{ Vcbuffer_t* next;
size_t size; /* total buffer size */
char* file; /* file allocating it */
int line; /* line number in file */
unsigned char buf[1]; /* actual data buffer */
#if _BLD_vcodex && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern __EXPORT__
extern Vcchar_t* _vcbuffer _ARG_((Vcodex_t*, Vcchar_t*, ssize_t, ssize_t));
extern int vcrecode _ARG_((Vcodex_t*, Vcchar_t**, ssize_t*, ssize_t, int));
extern Vccontext_t* vcinitcontext _ARG_((Vcodex_t*, Vccontext_t*));
extern int vcfreecontext _ARG_((Vcodex_t*, Vccontext_t*));
#undef extern
#if VCSFXINT /* may be desirable when sizeof(int) < sizeof(ssize_t) */
#define Vcsfxint_t int
#define Vcsfxint_t ssize_t
typedef struct _vcsfx_s
{ Vcsfxint_t* idx; /* the sorted suffix array */
Vcsfxint_t* inv; /* the inverted indices/ranks */
Vcchar_t* str; /* the source string */
Vcsfxint_t nstr;
} Vcsfx_t;
#if _BLD_vcodex && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern __EXPORT__
extern Vcsfx_t* vcsfxsort _ARG_((const Void_t*, ssize_t));
extern ssize_t vcperiod _ARG_((const Void_t*, ssize_t));
#undef extern
/* (*parsef)(Vclzparse_t* vcpa, int type, Vcmatch_t* mtch, ssize_t n)
vcpa: structure describing source&target data and matching requirements.
type: type of match, VC_REVERSE, VCP_MAP, etc.
mtch: array of matched data.
n: number of elements in mtch.
Return values:
> 0: amount of data used up.
= 0: all given data should be considered unmatchable.
< 0: processing failed, quit and return immediately.
#define VCLZ_REVERSE 0001 /* use/do reverse matching */
#define VCLZ_MAP 0002 /* matching by mapping bytes */
typedef struct _vclzparse_s Vclzparse_t;
typedef struct _vclzmatch_s Vclzmatch_t;
typedef ssize_t (*Vclzparse_f)_ARG_((Vclzparse_t*,int,Vclzmatch_t*,ssize_t));
/* tpos is monotonically increasing in an array of these */
struct _vclzmatch_s
{ ssize_t tpos; /* position in target to match */
ssize_t mpos; /* match pos or <0 for none */
ssize_t size; /* length of data involved */
struct _vclzparse_s
{ Vclzparse_f parsef; /* function to process parsed segments */
Vcchar_t* src; /* source string, if any, to learn from */
ssize_t nsrc;
Vcchar_t* tar; /* target string to be parsed */
ssize_t ntar;
ssize_t mmin; /* minimum acceptable match length */
Vcchar_t* cmap; /* character map for matching */
int type; /* VCP_REVERSE, VCP_MAP */
#if _BLD_vcodex && defined(__EXPORT__)
#define extern __EXPORT__
extern int vclzparse _ARG_((Vclzparse_t*, ssize_t));
#undef extern
This is based on and extending IETF RFC3284,
the Vcdiff delta compression coding format.
The 4th byte can be changed for different versions.
#define VC_HEADER0 (0126|0200) /* ASCII 'V' | 0200 */
#define VC_HEADER1 (0103|0200) /* ASCII 'C' | 0200 */
#define VC_HEADER2 (0104|0200) /* ASCII 'D' | 0200 */
#define VC_HEADER3 (0130|0200) /* ASCII 'X' | 0200 */
/* Bits in the file control byte.
** The first two bits are for windowing with respect to IETF RFC3284.
** They are no longer needed with VCDX since information about secondary
** compression, etc. are now packaged along with method encoding. However,
** we keep them for compatibility.
#define VCD_COMPRESSOR (1<<0) /* using a secondary compressor */
#define VCD_CODETABLE (1<<1) /* alternative code table */
#define VC_EXTRAHEADER (1<<2) /* application-defined header */
#define VC_CHECKSUM (1<<3) /* window has a checksum */
#define VC_INITS (0xf)
/* Bits in the window control byte. Again, the first two bits are for
** windowing with respect to IETF RFC3284.
#define VCD_SOURCEFILE (1<<0) /* match window in source file */
#define VCD_TARGETFILE (1<<1) /* match window in target file */
#define VC_RAW (1<<2) /* data was left uncoded */
#define VC_EOF (1<<7) /* end-of-file */
#include <vcwindow.h>
#if _PACKAGE_ast
#include <vcsfio.h>
#ifdef _BLD_vcodex
#ifdef __STDC__
#define VCLIB(m) Vcmethod_t* m = &_##m;
#define VCLIB(m) Vcmethod_t* m = &_/**/m;
#ifdef __STDC__
#if defined(__EXPORT__)
#define VCLIB(m) Vcmethod_t* m = &_##m; extern __EXPORT__ Vcmethod_t* vcodex_lib(const char* path) { return m; } \
unsigned long plugin_version(void) { return VCODEX_PLUGIN_VERSION; }
#define VCLIB(m) Vcmethod_t* m = &_##m; extern Vcmethod_t* vcodex_lib(const char* path) { return m; } \
unsigned long plugin_version(void) { return VCODEX_PLUGIN_VERSION; }
#define VCLIB(m) Vcmethod_t* m = &_/**/m; extern Vcmethod_t* vcodex_lib(path) char* path; { return m; } \
unsigned long plugin_version() { return VCODEX_PLUGIN_VERSION; }
#endif /*_VCODEX_H*/