* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2003-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com> *
* *
#include "vchhdr.h"
/* Static Huffman encoding.
** Written by Kiem-Phong Vo (kpv@research.att.com)
/* internal handle for Huffman coder and decoder */
typedef struct _vchuff_s
{ ssize_t freq[VCH_SIZE]; /* frequencies of bytes */
ssize_t size[VCH_SIZE]; /* encoding lengths */
Vcbit_t bits[VCH_SIZE]; /* encoding bits */
ssize_t maxs; /* max code size */
Vchtrie_t* trie; /* re-trie for decoding */
int type;
} Vchuff_t;
/* sentinels to tell that application has set these tables */
#define VCH_HASFREQ (1<<15)
#define VCH_HASSIZE (1<<14)
/* Copy frequencies, code sizes and code bits into a Vcodex handle. */
#if __STD_C
int vchcopy(Vcodex_t* vc, ssize_t* freq, ssize_t* size , ssize_t maxs)
int vchcopy(vc, freq, size, maxs )
Vcodex_t* vc;
ssize_t* freq; /* byte frequency table */
ssize_t* size; /* code length table */
ssize_t maxs; /* max length of any code */
Vchuff_t *huff = vcgetmtdata(vc, Vchuff_t*);
huff->type = 0;
huff->maxs = 0;
{ memcpy(huff->freq, freq, VCH_SIZE*sizeof(freq[0]));
huff->type |= VCH_HASFREQ;
if(size && maxs >= 0 && maxs < 32)
{ memcpy(huff->size, size, VCH_SIZE*sizeof(size[0]));
huff->maxs = maxs;
huff->type |= VCH_HASSIZE;
return 0;
#if __STD_C
static ssize_t vchuff(Vcodex_t* vc, const Void_t* data, size_t dtsz, Void_t** out)
static ssize_t vchuff(vc, data, dtsz, out)
Vcodex_t* vc;
Void_t* data; /* data to be encoded */
size_t dtsz;
Void_t** out; /* return encoded data */
reg Vcbit_t b;
reg ssize_t n;
ssize_t s;
Vcchar_t *output, *dt, *enddt;
Vcio_t io;
Vchuff_t *huff = vcgetmtdata(vc, Vchuff_t*);
ssize_t *freq = huff->freq;
ssize_t *size = huff->size;
Vcbit_t *bits = huff->bits;
if(dtsz == 0) /* no data to compress */
return 0;
/* compute code frequencies and lengths */
if(!(huff->type&VCH_HASFREQ) )
ADDFREQ(freq, Vcchar_t*, data, dtsz);
huff->type = 0;
if(!(huff->type&VCH_HASSIZE) &&
(huff->maxs = vchsize(VCH_SIZE,freq,size,NIL(int*))) < 0)
return -1;
huff->type = 0;
/* estimate compressed size */
if(huff->maxs > 0)
{ DOTPRODUCT(s, freq, size, VCH_SIZE);
s = (s+7)/8; /* round up to byte count */
else s = 1;
s += vcsizeu(dtsz) + 1;
/* set up buffer for output */
s += VCH_SIZE;
if(!(output = vcbuffer(vc, NIL(Vcchar_t*), s, 0)) )
return -1;
vcioinit(&io, output, s);
huff->maxs = vchbits(VCH_SIZE, size, bits); /* compute bits per byte */
vcioputu(&io, dtsz); /* size of raw data */
vcioputc(&io, huff->maxs); /* the control code */
/**/DEBUG_PRINT(2,"Vchuff: inputsz=%d ",dtsz);
enddt = (dt = (Vcchar_t*)data) + dtsz;
if(huff->maxs == 0) /* a single run */
vcioputc(&io, *dt);
{ /* output the code tree */
if((s = vchputcode(VCH_SIZE, size, huff->maxs, vcionext(&io), vciomore(&io))) <= 0)
return -1;
else vcioskip(&io,s);
/**/DEBUG_PRINT(2,"headsz=%d ",vciosize(&io));
vciosetb(io, b, n, VC_ENCODE);
for(; dt < enddt; ++dt)
vcioaddb(&io, b, n, bits[*dt], size[*dt]);
vcioendb(&io, b, n, VC_ENCODE); /* flush any remaining bits */
dt = output;
s = vciosize(&io); /**/DEBUG_PRINT(2,"cmpsz=%d\n",s);
if(vcrecode(vc, &output, &s, 0, 0) < 0 )
return -1;
if(dt != output)
vcbuffer(vc, dt, -1, -1);
*out = output;
return s;
#if __STD_C
static ssize_t vcunhuff(Vcodex_t* vc, const Void_t* orig, size_t dtsz, Void_t** out)
static ssize_t vcunhuff(vc, orig, dtsz, out)
Vcodex_t* vc;
Void_t* orig; /* data to be decoded */
size_t dtsz;
Void_t** out; /* return decoded data */
reg Vcbit_t b;
ssize_t n, p, sz, ntop;
short *node, *size;
Vcchar_t *o, *endo, *output, *data;
Vcio_t io;
Vchuff_t *huff = vcgetmtdata(vc, Vchuff_t*);
if(dtsz == 0)
return 0;
data = (Vcchar_t*)orig; sz = (ssize_t)dtsz;
if(vcrecode(vc, &data, &sz, 0, 0) < 0 )
return -1;
dtsz = sz;
vcioinit(&io, data, dtsz);
sz = (ssize_t)vciogetu(&io);
if(!(output = vcbuffer(vc, NIL(Vcchar_t*), sz, 0)) )
return -1;
endo = (o = output)+sz;
if((sz = vciogetc(&io)) == 0 )
{ n = vciogetc(&io);
while(o < endo)
*o++ = n;
{ if((n = vchgetcode(VCH_SIZE, huff->size, sz, vcionext(&io), vciomore(&io))) < 0)
return -1;
else vcioskip(&io,n);
if(vchbits(VCH_SIZE, huff->size, huff->bits) < 0)
return -1;
if(!(huff->trie = vchbldtrie(VCH_SIZE, huff->size, huff->bits)) )
return -1;
node = huff->trie->node;
size = huff->trie->size;
ntop = huff->trie->ntop;
vciosetb(&io, b, n, VC_DECODE); /* associate b,n as bit vector */
for(sz = ntop, p = 0;; )
{ vciofilb(&io, b, n, sz);
p += (b >> (VC_BITSIZE-sz)); /* slot to look into */
if(size[p] > 0) /* byte is found */
{ vciodelb(&io, b, n, size[p]); /* consume bits */
*o = (Vcchar_t)node[p]; /* decode the byte */
if((o += 1) >= endo)
sz = ntop; p = 0; /* restart at trie top */
else if(size[p] == 0) /* corrupted data */
return -1;
{ vciodelb(&io, b, n, sz); /* consume bits */
sz = -size[p]; p = node[p]; /* trie recursion */
vcioendb(&io, b, n, VC_DECODE);
if(data != orig)
vcbuffer(vc, data, -1, -1);
*out = output;
return o-output;
#if __STD_C
static int huffevent(Vcodex_t* vc, int type, Void_t* params)
static int huffevent(vc, type, params)
Vcodex_t* vc;
int type;
Void_t* params;
Vchuff_t *huff;
if(type == VC_OPENING)
{ if(!(huff = (Vchuff_t*)malloc(sizeof(Vchuff_t))) )
return -1;
huff->trie = NIL(Vchtrie_t*);
huff->maxs = 0;
huff->type = 0;
vcsetmtdata(vc, huff);
return 0;
else if(type == VC_CLOSING)
{ if((huff = vcgetmtdata(vc, Vchuff_t*)) )
{ if(huff->trie)
vcsetmtdata(vc, NIL(Vchuff_t*));
return 0;
else return 0;
Vcmethod_t _Vchuffman =
{ vchuff,
"huffman", "Huffman encoding.",
"[-version?huffman (AT&T Research) 2003-01-01]" USAGE_LICENSE,