Makefile revision 3f54fd611f536639ec30dd53c48e5ec1897cc7d9
# Libvcodex.a makefile #
# #
# Written by Kiem-Phong Vo #
# The below parameters should be edited as appropriate per installation.
# VCSFIO=1 if Sfio is used or 0 if Stdio is desired.
# VCPROPRIETARY=1 if various proprietary transforms are to be included.
# If VCPROPRIETARY=0, vc_prorprietary should be taken off "targets"
#### Common Vcodex functions ############################################
#### Delta compression ##################################################
#### Huffman coding methods #############################################
#### Miscellaneous methods ##############################################
#### Proprietary to AT&T only ###########################################
.c.o :
cd Vcdelta; \
cd Vcwindow; \
cd Vchuff; \
cd Vcmisc; \
cd Vctable; \
cd Vcrdb; \
cd Vcsieve; \
cd Vcadhoc; \
cd Vczip; \
clean :