watchdir revision 3f54fd611f536639ec30dd53c48e5ec1897cc7d9
# Tksh Demo
# Jeff Korn
# This script keeps track of visited directories and shows the files
# in the current directory. You can double-click on files and
# directories. The script should be used interactively, so to run:
# $ tksh
# $ . scripts/watchdir
function winsetup
pack $(frame .f)
frame .f.dirname -relief raised -bd 1
pack .f.dirname -side top -fill x
label .f.dirname.label -text "Current directory: "
label .f.dirname.pwd -textvariable PWD
pack .f.dirname.label .f.dirname.pwd -side left
scrollbar -command " yview"
listbox -yscroll " set" -width 20 -setgrid 1
pack $(label -text "Directory Contents") -side top
pack -side left -fill y -expand 1
scrollbar .f.dirs.scroll -command ".f.dirs.list yview"
listbox .f.dirs.list -yscroll ".f.dirs.scroll set" -width 20 -setgrid 1
pack $(label .f.dirs.label -text "Visited Directories") -side top
pack .f.dirs.list .f.dirs.scroll -side left -fill y -expand 1
bind .f.dirs.list "<Double-1>" 'cd $(selection get)'
bind "<Double-1>" 'tkfileselect $(selection get)'
function tkfileselect
[[ -d "$1" ]] && tkcd "$1"
[[ -f "$1" ]] && ${EDITOR-${VISUAL-emacs}} "$1"
function tkcd
cd $1 > /dev/null || return delete 0 end
set -o markdirs insert end .. *
[[ ${VisitedDir["$PWD"]} == "" ]] && .f.dirs.list insert end "$PWD"
typeset -A VisitedDir
winsetup > /dev/null
alias cd=tkcd
tkcd .