rs-rasp.c revision 3f54fd611f536639ec30dd53c48e5ec1897cc7d9
* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1996-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Phong Vo <> *
* Glenn Fowler <> *
* *
/* Radix + splay tree
** Strategy:
** 1. Records are partitioned by first bytes.
** 2. Short records are sorted by a radix sort.
** 3. Long records are sorted in splay trees.
** 4. A final merge phase put things back together.
** Written by Kiem-Phong Vo (07/08/96).
#include "rshdr.h"
#define PREFIX (SLOT + 1)
typedef struct rsrasp_s
{ Rsobj_t* empty;
Rsobj_t* slot[SLOT][UCHAR_MAX+1];
Rsobj_t* tree[UCHAR_MAX+1];
} Rsrasp_t;
#define SPLAYCMP(one,two,o,t,endo,mp,cr) \
{ if(one->order != two->order) \
cr = one->order < two->order ? -1 : 1; \
else \
{ if((mp = (cr = one->keylen) - two->keylen) > 0) cr -= mp; \
o = one->key+PREFIX; t = two->key+PREFIX; \
for(endo = one->key+cr;; ) \
{ if(o >= endo) { cr = mp; break; } \
else if((cr = (int)*o++ - (int)*t++)) break; \
} \
} \
#if __STD_C
static int raspinsert(Rs_t* rs, reg Rsobj_t* obj)
static int raspinsert(rs, obj)
Rs_t* rs;
reg Rsobj_t* obj;
reg ssize_t cr, mp;
reg uchar *o, *k;
reg Rsobj_t *r, *root, *t, *l;
reg uchar* endo;
reg int index;
Rsobj_t link;
reg Rsrasp_t* rasp = (Rsrasp_t*)rs->methdata;
obj->equal = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
if((cr = obj->keylen) == 0)
{ if((r = rasp->empty) )
{ EQUAL(r,obj,t); }
else rasp->empty = obj;
return 0;
index = *(k = obj->key);
if(cr == 1)
{ if((r = rasp->slot[0][index]) )
{ EQUAL(r,obj,t); }
else rasp->slot[0][index] = obj;
return 0;
else if((cr -= 1) < SLOT)
{ if((r = rasp->slot[cr][index]) )
r->left->right = obj;
else r = rasp->slot[cr][index] = obj;
r->left = obj;
return 0;
#if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
obj->order = (((ulong)k[1]) << (CHAR_BIT*7)) |
(((ulong)k[2]) << (CHAR_BIT*6)) |
(((ulong)k[3]) << (CHAR_BIT*5)) |
(((ulong)k[4]) << (CHAR_BIT*4)) |
(((ulong)k[5]) << (CHAR_BIT*3)) |
(((ulong)k[6]) << (CHAR_BIT*2)) |
(((ulong)k[7]) << (CHAR_BIT*1)) |
(((ulong)k[8]) << (CHAR_BIT*0)) ;
#else /* sizeof(long) == 4 */
obj->order = (k[1] << (CHAR_BIT*3)) | (k[2] << (CHAR_BIT*2)) |
(k[3] << (CHAR_BIT*1)) | (k[4] << (CHAR_BIT*0)) ;
if(!(root = rasp->tree[index]))
{ rasp->tree[index] = obj;
obj->left = obj->right = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
return 0;
if(cr == 0)
{ EQUAL(root,obj,t);
return 0;
for(l = r = &link;; )
{ if(cr < 0)
{ if((t = root->left))
{ SPLAYCMP(obj,t,o,k,endo,mp,cr);
if(cr < 0)
{ RROTATE(root,t);
if(!(root = root->left))
goto no_root;
else if(cr == 0)
{ RROTATE(root,t);
goto has_root;
{ LLINK(l,t);
if(!(root = t->right))
goto no_root;
{ RLINK(r,root);
goto no_root;
else /*if(cr > 0)*/
{ if((t = root->right))
{ SPLAYCMP(obj,t,o,k,endo,mp,cr);
if(cr > 0)
{ LROTATE(root,t);
if(!(root = root->right))
goto no_root;
else if(cr == 0)
{ LROTATE(root,t);
goto has_root;
{ RLINK(r,t);
if(!(root = t->left))
goto no_root;
{ LLINK(l,root);
goto no_root;
if(cr == 0)
goto has_root;
l->right = root->left;
r->left = root->right;
root->left = link.right;
root->right = link.left;
rasp->tree[index] = root;
return 0;
l->right = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
r->left = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
obj->left = link.right;
obj->right = link.left;
rasp->tree[index] = obj;
return 0;
#if __STD_C
static Rsobj_t* radix(Rsobj_t* list)
static Rsobj_t* radix(list)
Rsobj_t* list;
reg Rsobj_t *work, *r;
reg ssize_t ph;
reg Rsobj_t **bin, *t, *endl, *next, **lo, **maxpart;
reg ssize_t n, maxph;
Rsobj_t *part[UCHAR_MAX+1];
for(lo = part, maxpart = part + UCHAR_MAX+1; lo < maxpart; ++lo)
*lo = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
work = list; list = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
work->left->right = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
maxph = work->keylen-1;
for(work->order = 1; work; )
{ next = work->left->right; work->left->right = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
lo = maxpart; n = 0;
if((ph = (ssize_t)work->order) == maxph)
{ for(; work; work = work->right)
{ bin = part + work->key[ph];
if(!(r = *bin) )
{ *bin = work;
if(lo > bin)
lo = bin;
n += 1;
else EQUAL(r,work,t);
endl = (endl->right = *lo);
else endl = (list = *lo);
*lo = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
for(bin = lo+1, n -= 1; n > 0; ++bin)
{ if((r = *bin) )
{ n -= 1;
endl = (endl->right = r);
*bin = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
work = next;
{ for(; work; work = work->right)
{ bin = part + work->key[ph];
if((r = *bin) )
r->left->right = work;
{ r = *bin = work;
if(lo > bin)
lo = bin;
n += 1;
r->left = work;
ph += 1;
work = *lo; t = work->left; *lo = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
work->order = ph;
for(bin = lo+1, n -= 1; n > 0; ++bin)
{ if((r = *bin) )
{ n -= 1;
r->order = ph;
t->right = r;
t = r->left;
*bin = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
t->right = next;
if(work && work->left == work)
{ if(list)
endl = (endl->right = work);
else endl = (list = work);
for(work = work->right; work; work = work->right)
{ if(work->left != work)
endl = (endl->right = work);
list->left = endl;
return list;
#define CHARCMP(k1,k2,v,i) (v = (int)k1[i] - (int)k2[i])
#define STRNCMP(k1,k2,v,i,n) \
{ if(CHARCMP(k1,k2,v,1) == 0) \
{ for(i = 2; i <= n; ++i) \
if(CHARCMP(k1,k2,v,i) != 0) \
break; \
} \
#if __STD_C
static Rsobj_t* listmerge(reg Rsobj_t* one, reg Rsobj_t* two, reg int n)
static Rsobj_t* listmerge(one, two, n)
reg Rsobj_t* one;
reg Rsobj_t* two;
reg int n; /* number of bytes to compare */
reg int v, i;
reg uchar *k1, *k2;
reg Rsobj_t *list, *endl, *endone, *endtwo;
endone = one->left; one->left->right = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
endtwo = two->left; two->left->right = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
k1 = one->key; k2 = two->key;
if(v <= 0)
{ list = endl = one;
if((one = one->right) )
k1 = one->key;
{ list = endl = two;
if((two = two->right) )
k2 = two->key;
if(one && two)
{ for(;;)
{ STRNCMP(k1,k2,v,i,n);
if(v <= 0)
{ endl = (endl->right = one);
if((one = one->right) )
k1 = one->key;
else break;
{ endl = (endl->right = two);
if((two = two->right) )
k2 = two->key;
else break;
{ endl->right = one;
endl = endone;
else if(two)
{ endl->right = two;
endl = endtwo;
list->left = endl;
return list;
#if __STD_C
static Rsobj_t* flatten(reg Rsobj_t* r)
static Rsobj_t* flatten(r)
reg Rsobj_t* r;
{ reg Rsobj_t *t, *p, *list;
/* find smallest element and make it head of list */
while((t = r->left) )
/* flatten tree */
for(list = p = r, r = r->right;; p = r, r = r->right)
{ if(!r)
{ list->left = p;
return list;
else if((t = r->left) )
{ do RROTATE(r,t);
while((t = r->left) );
p->right = r;
#if __STD_C
static Rsobj_t* rasplist(Rs_t* rs)
static Rsobj_t* rasplist(rs)
Rs_t* rs;
reg Rsobj_t *r, *t, *list, *endl;
reg int n, e;
reg Rsrasp_t* rasp = (Rsrasp_t*)rs->methdata;
list = endl = rasp->empty; rasp->empty = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
for(n = 0, t = NIL(Rsobj_t*); n <= UCHAR_MAX; ++n)
if((r = rasp->tree[n]) )
{ t = flatten(r);
rasp->tree[n] = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
for(e = SLOT-1; e > 0; --e)
{ if(!(r = rasp->slot[e][n]) )
r = radix(r);
t = t ? listmerge(r,t,e) : r;
rasp->slot[e][n] = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
if((r = rasp->slot[0][n]) )
{ if((r->right = t) )
r->left = t->left;
else r->left = r;
t = r;
rasp->slot[0][n] = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
{ if(list)
endl->right = t;
else list = t;
endl = t->left;
t = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
{ list->left = endl;
endl->right = NIL(Rsobj_t*);
return list;
/* public method */
static Rsmethod_t _Rsrasp =
{ raspinsert,
"Initial radix split into a forest of splay trees."
__DEFINE__(Rsmethod_t*, Rsrasp, &_Rsrasp);
#ifdef NoF