pzsplit.c revision 3f54fd611f536639ec30dd53c48e5ec1897cc7d9
* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* pzip split partition support
#include "pzlib.h"
#include <cdt.h>
struct Deflate_s;
struct Inflate_s;
struct Id_s;
typedef struct Id_s
Dtlink_t byid;
Dtlink_t byseq;
int seq;
int use;
Pzpart_t* part;
Sfio_t* sp;
unsigned long id;
int row;
size_t size;
size_t count;
char* bp;
char* name;
unsigned long used;
unsigned long windows;
Sfulong_t modules;
Sfulong_t total;
} Id_t;
typedef struct Deflate_s
Sfio_t* xp;
Dt_t* ids;
Pz_t* pz;
unsigned int seq;
Dt_t* sqs;
} Deflate_t;
typedef struct Inflate_s
Dt_t* ids;
Pz_t* pz;
} Inflate_t;
#undef state
static struct
Sfio_t* buf;
char* comment;
unsigned long flags;
Sfio_t* opt;
Sfio_t* tmp;
int total;
int verbose;
size_t window;
Sfulong_t windows;
Sfulong_t records;
Sfulong_t modules;
} state;
#if _ast_intswap
* order by signed int
static int
byint(Dt_t* dt, void*a, void* b, Dtdisc_t* disc)
return *(int*)a - *(int*)b;
* order by unsigned long
static int
byulong(Dt_t* dt, void*a, void* b, Dtdisc_t* disc)
if (*(unsigned long*)a < *(unsigned long*)b)
return -1;
if (*(unsigned long*)a > *(unsigned long*)b)
return 1;
return 0;
* free Id_t
static void
freeid(Dt_t* dt, Void_t* ip, Dtdisc_t* disc)
if (((Id_t*)ip)->sp)
* flush the current partition window
* this function determines the file layout
static int
flush(Deflate_t* dp, size_t w, Sfio_t* op)
register Id_t* ip;
register size_t n;
Sfio_t* io;
char* file;
int i;
int line;
static size_t use;
if (!use && (!(dp->pz->test & 04) || !(file = getenv("_AST_pzip_debug_use")) || !(use = strton(file, NiL, NiL, 1))))
use = 8 * 1024;
if ((dp->pz->flags & (PZ_DUMP|PZ_VERBOSE)) && dp->pz->disc->errorf)
(*dp->pz->disc->errorf)(dp->pz, dp->pz->disc, 0, "window %I*u %I*u", sizeof(dp->pz->count.windows), dp->pz->count.windows, sizeof(w), w);
* write the actual window size
sfputu(op, w);
* count the number of active partitions for this window
i = 0;
for (ip = (Id_t*)dtfirst(dp->ids); ip; ip = (Id_t*)dtnext(dp->ids, ip))
if (n = sfstrtell(ip->sp))
if (n >= use && (!ip->row || (n / ip->row) > 16))
if (!ip->used++ && !ip->part && !streq(ip->name, "0") && dp->pz->disc->errorf && (dp->pz->flags & (PZ_SUMMARY|PZ_VERBOSE|PZ_DUMP)))
(*dp->pz->disc->errorf)(dp->pz, dp->pz->disc, 1, "%s: generate a partition to improve compression", ip->name);
if (ip->use = !(dp->pz->flags & PZ_NOPZIP) && ip->part)
ip->part->flags |= PZ_UPDATE;
ip->use = 0;
else if (ip->part)
ip->part->flags &= ~PZ_UPDATE;
* write any PZ_UPDATE partition headers
if (pzpartwrite(dp->pz, op))
return -1;
* write the number of partitions for this window
* followed by the table entry for each partition
sfputu(op, i);
for (ip = (Id_t*)dtfirst(dp->sqs); ip; ip = (Id_t*)dtnext(dp->sqs, ip))
if (n = sfstrtell(ip->sp))
sfputu(op, ip->row);
sfputu(op, ip->use);
sfputu(op, n);
sfputr(op, ip->name, 0);
if ((dp->pz->flags & PZ_DUMP) && dp->pz->disc->errorf)
(*dp->pz->disc->errorf)(dp->pz, dp->pz->disc, 0, "%8d %12s %2d %4d %4I*u %12I*u%s", ip->seq, ip->name, !!ip->part, ip->use, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row, sizeof(n), n, ip->windows == 1 ? " NEW" : "");
if (sferror(op))
if (dp->pz->disc->errorf)
(*dp->pz->disc->errorf)(dp->pz, dp->pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "partition table write error");
return -1;
* write the data for each pzip partition
file = error_info.file;
line = error_info.line;
io = dp->pz->io;
for (ip = (Id_t*)dtfirst(dp->sqs); ip; ip = (Id_t*)dtnext(dp->sqs, ip))
if (ip->use && (n = sfstrtell(ip->sp)))
error_info.file = ip->name;
error_info.line = n;
sfstrseek(ip->sp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (!pzpartset(dp->pz, ip->part))
goto bad;
sfstrbuf(state.buf, sfstrbase(ip->sp), n, 0);
dp->pz->io = state.buf;
if (pzdeflate(dp->pz, op))
goto bad;
ip->seq = 0;
* write the data for the remaining partitions
for (ip = (Id_t*)dtfirst(dp->sqs); ip; ip = (Id_t*)dtnext(dp->sqs, ip))
if (n = sfstrtell(ip->sp))
sfstrseek(ip->sp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (sfwrite(op, sfstrbase(ip->sp), n) != n || sferror(op))
error_info.file = ip->name;
error_info.line = n;
if (dp->pz->disc->errorf)
(*dp->pz->disc->errorf)(dp->pz, dp->pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "partition data write error");
goto bad;
ip->seq = 0;
error_info.file = file;
error_info.line = line;
dp->pz->io = io;
* end the record sequence number list and write it
sfputu(dp->xp, 0);
n = sfstrtell(dp->xp);
sfstrseek(dp->xp, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (sfwrite(op, sfstrbase(dp->xp), n) != n)
if (dp->pz->disc->errorf)
(*dp->pz->disc->errorf)(dp->pz, dp->pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "record sequence write error");
return -1;
* done with this window
if (sferror(op))
if (dp->pz->disc->errorf)
(*dp->pz->disc->errorf)(dp->pz, dp->pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "write error");
return -1;
dp->seq = 0;
return 0;
error_info.file = file;
error_info.line = line;
dp->pz->io = io;
return -1;
* deflate
static int
deflate(Pz_t* pz, Sfio_t* op)
Pzsplit_t* rp;
size_t m;
size_t z;
Dtdisc_t iddisc;
Dtdisc_t sqdisc;
char* file;
char* s;
int line;
int i;
Id_t* ip;
Pzindex_f indexf;
Sfoff_t o;
Deflate_t def;
Pzindex_t index;
Sfulong_t extra;
char num[16];
file = error_info.file;
line = error_info.line;
memset(&iddisc, 0, sizeof(iddisc));
iddisc.key = offsetof(Id_t, id);
iddisc.link = offsetof(Id_t, byid);
iddisc.size = sizeof(unsigned long);
#if _ast_intswap
iddisc.comparf = byulong;
iddisc.freef = freeid;
memset(&sqdisc, 0, sizeof(sqdisc));
sqdisc.key = offsetof(Id_t, seq);
sqdisc.link = offsetof(Id_t, byseq);
sqdisc.size = sizeof(int);
#if _ast_intswap
sqdisc.comparf = byint;
memset(&def, 0, sizeof(def));
def.pz = pz;
if (!(state.buf = sfstropen()) || !(def.xp = sfstropen()))
goto nospace;
if (!(def.ids = dtopen(&iddisc, Dtoset)) || !(def.sqs = dtopen(&sqdisc, Dtoset)))
goto nospace;
def.seq = 0;
* write the pzip header
if (pzheadwrite(def.pz, op))
goto bad;
if (sferror(op))
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "magic write error");
goto bad;
* loop on the records and deflate a window at a time
if (indexf = pz->disc->indexf)
sfraise(op, SFGZ_GETPOS, &index.block);
index.block = 0;
index.offset = extra = 0;
m = pz->win - 8;
error_info.file = (char*)pz->path;
error_info.line = 0;
while (rp = (*pz->disc->splitf)(pz, pz->io, pz->disc))
if (rp->record)
z = rp->record;
z = rp->size;
if (!rp->size)
if ((index.offset + z) > m)
if (flush(&def, index.offset, op))
goto bad;
if (indexf)
sfraise(op, SFGZ_GETPOS, &index.block);
pz->count.uncompressed += index.offset - extra;
index.offset = extra = 0;
if (rp->record && indexf && (*indexf)(pz, &index, rp->data, pz->disc) < 0)
goto bad;
index.offset += rp->size;
if (!(ip = (Id_t*)dtmatch(def.ids, &rp->id)))
if (pz->disc->namef)
s = (*pz->disc->namef)(pz, rp->id, pz->disc);
sfsprintf(s = num, sizeof(num), "%lu", rp->id);
if (!(ip = newof(0, Id_t, 1, strlen(s) + 1)))
goto nospace;
if (ip->id = rp->id)
ip->row = rp->size;
ip->name = strcpy((char*)(ip + 1), s);
if (!(ip->sp = sfstropen()))
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create tmp stream", ip->name);
goto bad;
if ((ip->part = pzpartget(def.pz, ip->name)) && pz->disc->errorf && ip->row && ip->part->row != ip->row)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 1, "%s: partition row %I*u != data row %I*u", ip->name, sizeof(ip->part->row), ip->part->row, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row);
dtinsert(def.ids, ip);
else if (!ip->id)
ip->total += rp->size;
else if (pz->disc->errorf && ip->row != rp->size && (ip->row % rp->size))
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 1, "%s: size %I*u not a multiple of %I*u", ip->name, sizeof(rp->size), rp->size, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row);
if (!ip->seq)
ip->seq = ++def.seq;
dtinsert(def.sqs, ip);
sfputu(def.xp, ip->seq);
if (!ip->id)
o = sfstrtell(ip->sp);
sfputu(ip->sp, rp->size);
o = sfstrtell(ip->sp) - o;
index.offset += o;
extra += o;
if (sfwrite(ip->sp, rp->data, rp->size) != rp->size)
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: %I*u byte write error", ip->name, sizeof(rp->size), rp->size);
goto bad;
if (index.offset)
if (flush(&def, index.offset, op))
goto bad;
pz->count.uncompressed += index.offset - extra;
* done with all the data
* a 0 actual window size marks the end of data
sfputu(op, 0);
if (sferror(op))
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "write error");
goto bad;
if ((pz->flags & PZ_DUMP) && pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 0, "totals");
for (ip = (Id_t*)dtfirst(def.ids); ip; ip = (Id_t*)dtnext(def.ids, ip))
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 0, "%8I*u %12s %2u %4I*u %4I*u %12I*u %12I*u%s", sizeof(ip->windows), ip->windows, ip->name, !!ip->part, sizeof(ip->used), ip->used, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row, sizeof(ip->total), ip->total ? ip->total : ip->modules * ip->row, sizeof(ip->modules), ip->modules, ip->used && !ip->part ? " GENERATE PARTITION" : "");
i = 0;
goto done;
i = -1;
if (state.buf)
if (def.xp)
if (def.ids)
if (def.sqs)
error_info.file = file;
error_info.line = line;
return i;
* inflate
static int
inflate(Pz_t* pz, Sfio_t* op)
register char* s;
register Id_t* ip;
register size_t m;
register size_t n;
register size_t u;
register unsigned char* p;
size_t w;
size_t i;
size_t parts;
char* id;
int row;
int use;
Dt_t* ids;
Dtdisc_t iddisc;
register Id_t** tab = 0;
size_t tabsiz = 0;
char* win = 0;
memset(&iddisc, 0, sizeof(iddisc));
iddisc.key = offsetof(Id_t, name);
iddisc.link = offsetof(Id_t, byid);
iddisc.size = -1;
iddisc.freef = freeid;
if (!(ids = dtopen(&iddisc, Dtoset)))
goto nospace;
if (!(state.buf = sfstropen()))
goto nospace;
if (!(win = newof(0, char, pz->win, 0)))
goto nospace;
* loop on all windows
* w is the actual window size
* w <= pz->win guaranteed
while ((w = sfgetu(pz->io)) && w <= pz->win)
if ((pz->flags & (PZ_DUMP|PZ_VERBOSE)) && pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 0, "window %I*u", sizeof(w), w);
* read the partition headers
if (pzpartread(pz))
goto bad;
* read the number of partitions
parts = sfgetu(pz->io);
if (parts > tabsiz)
n = roundof(parts, 64);
if (!(tab = newof(tab, Id_t*, n, 0)))
goto nospace;
tabsiz = n;
* read the partition table
u = 0;
s = win;
for (i = 0; i < parts; i++)
row = sfgetu(pz->io);
use = sfgetu(pz->io);
m = sfgetu(pz->io);
id = sfgetr(pz->io, 0, 0);
if (!(ip = (Id_t*)dtmatch(ids, id)))
if (!(ip = newof(0, Id_t, 1, sfvalue(pz->io))))
goto nospace;
ip->name = strcpy((char*)(ip + 1), id);
ip->row = row;
if ((ip->part = pzpartget(pz, ip->name)) && pz->disc->errorf && ip->row && ip->part->row != ip->row)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 1, "%s: partition row %I*u != data row %I*u", ip->name, sizeof(ip->part->row), ip->part->row, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row);
dtinsert(ids, ip);
ip->use = use;
tab[i] = ip;
if (m >= pz->win || ip->row && m % ip->row)
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 2, "input corrupted [%s partition table size %I*u]", ip->name, sizeof(m), m);
goto bad;
ip->size = m;
if (ip->use)
ip->bp = s;
s += m;
u += m;
if ((pz->flags & PZ_DUMP) && pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 0, "%8d %12s %2d %4I*u %4I*u %12I*u%s", i + 1, ip->name, ip->use, sizeof(ip->used), ip->used, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row, sizeof(ip->size), ip->size, ip->used == 1 ? " NEW" : "");
* read the pzip partition data
for (i = 0; i < parts; i++)
if (tab[i]->use)
sfstrbuf(state.buf, tab[i]->bp, tab[i]->size, 0);
if (!pzpartset(pz, tab[i]->part))
goto bad;
if (pzinflate(pz, state.buf))
goto bad;
* read the remaining partition data
* and set up the table buffer pointers
if (sfread(pz->io, s, u) != u)
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "cannot read %I*u byte partition data buffer", sizeof(u), u);
goto bad;
for (i = 0; i < parts; i++)
if (!tab[i]->use)
tab[i]->bp = s;
s += tab[i]->size;
* read the record table indices and reconstruct the records
while (m = sfgetu(pz->io))
if (m > parts)
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 2, "input corrupted [partition record index %I*u > %I*u]", sizeof(m), m, sizeof(parts), parts);
goto bad;
ip = tab[m - 1];
p = (unsigned char*)ip->bp;
if (!(n = ip->row) && ((n = *p++) & SF_MORE))
n &= (SF_MORE - 1);
while ((i = *p++) & SF_MORE)
n = (n << SF_UBITS) | (i & (SF_MORE - 1));
n = (n << SF_UBITS) | i;
#if 0
if (s = (char*)sfreserve(op, n, 0)) /* NOTE: investigate how reserve can fail but write work */
memcpy(s, p, n);
if (sfwrite(op, p, n) != n)
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%I*u byte write error", sizeof(n), n);
goto bad;
ip->bp = (char*)p + n;
if (w || sfgetc(pz->io) != EOF)
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 2, "%s: input corrupted [EOF expected at %I*u]", pz->path, sftell(pz->io));
goto bad;
if (sferror(op))
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "write error");
goto bad;
i = 0;
goto done;
i = -1;
if (state.buf)
if (ids)
if (tab)
if (win)
return i;
pzsdeflate(Pz_t* pz, Sfio_t* op)
int r;
pz->split.flags |= PZ_SPLIT_PART;
r = deflate(pz, op);
pz->split.flags &= ~PZ_SPLIT_PART;
return r;
pzsinflate(Pz_t* pz, Sfio_t* op)
int r;
pz->split.flags |= PZ_SPLIT_PART;
r = inflate(pz, op);
pz->split.flags &= ~PZ_SPLIT_PART;
return r;
pzssplit(Pz_t* pz)
Pzsplit_t* rp;
Dtdisc_t iddisc;
char* file;
char* s;
int line;
int i;
size_t window;
Id_t* ip;
Dt_t* ids;
char num[16];
if (!pz->disc->splitf)
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 2, "%s: split discipline library expected", pz->path);
return -1;
window = pz->disc->window ? pz->disc->window : PZ_WINDOW;
file = error_info.file;
line = error_info.line;
memset(&iddisc, 0, sizeof(iddisc));
iddisc.key = offsetof(Id_t, id);
iddisc.link = offsetof(Id_t, byid);
iddisc.size = sizeof(unsigned long);
#if _ast_intswap
iddisc.comparf = byulong;
iddisc.freef = freeid;
if (!(ids = dtopen(&iddisc, Dtoset)))
goto nospace;
* loop on the records and split by id
error_info.file = (char*)pz->path;
error_info.line = 0;
while (rp = (*pz->disc->splitf)(pz, pz->io, pz->disc))
if (rp->record)
if (!(ip = (Id_t*)dtmatch(ids, &rp->id)))
if (pz->disc->namef)
s = (*pz->disc->namef)(pz, rp->id, pz->disc);
sfsprintf(s = num, sizeof(num), "%lu", rp->id);
if (!(ip = newof(0, Id_t, 1, strlen(s) + 1)))
goto nospace;
if (ip->id = rp->id)
ip->row = rp->size;
ip->name = strcpy((char*)(ip + 1), s);
if (!pz->split.match || strmatch(ip->name, pz->split.match))
if (!(ip->sp = sfopen(NiL, ip->name, (pz->flags & PZ_APPEND) ? "a" : "w")))
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot create split stream", ip->name);
goto bad;
ip->count = sfsize(ip->sp);
dtinsert(ids, ip);
if ((pz->flags & PZ_DUMP) && pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 0, "split %s size %I*u", ip->name, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row);
else if (!ip->id)
ip->total += rp->size;
else if (pz->disc->errorf && ip->row != rp->size && rp->size && (ip->row % rp->size))
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 1, "%s: size %I*u not a multiple of %I*u", ip->name, sizeof(rp->size), rp->size, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row);
if (ip->sp)
if (ip->count < window)
if (sfwrite(ip->sp, rp->data, rp->size) != rp->size)
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: %I*u byte write error", ip->name, sizeof(rp->size), rp->size);
goto bad;
ip->count += rp->size;
if ((pz->flags & PZ_DUMP) && pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 0, "totals");
for (ip = (Id_t*)dtfirst(ids); ip; ip = (Id_t*)dtnext(ids, ip))
if (ip->sp)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, 0, "%8I*u %12s %2u %4I*u %4I*u %12I*u %12I*u%s", sizeof(ip->windows), ip->windows, ip->name, !!ip->part, sizeof(ip->used), ip->used, sizeof(ip->row), ip->row, sizeof(ip->total), ip->total ? ip->total : ip->modules * ip->row, sizeof(ip->modules), ip->modules, ip->used && !ip->part ? " GENERATE PARTITION" : "");
for (ip = (Id_t*)dtfirst(ids); ip; ip = (Id_t*)dtnext(ids, ip))
if (ip->sp && sfclose(ip->sp))
if (pz->disc->errorf)
(*pz->disc->errorf)(pz, pz->disc, ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: write error", ip->name);
goto bad;
i = 0;
goto done;
i = -1;
if (ids)
error_info.file = file;
error_info.line = line;
return i;