* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 1992-2012 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* David Korn <dgk@research.att.com> *
* *
#pragma prototyped
* Glenn Fowler
* AT&T Research
* sum -- list file checksum and size
static const char usage[] =
"[-?\n@(#)$Id: sum (AT&T Research) 2012-04-20 $\n]"
"[+NAME?cksum,md5sum,sum - print file checksum and block count]"
"[+DESCRIPTION?\bsum\b lists the checksum, and for most methods the block"
" count, for each file argument. The standard input is read if there are"
" no \afile\a arguments. \bgetconf UNIVERSE\b determines the default"
" \bsum\b method: \batt\b for the \batt\b universe, \bbsd\b otherwise."
" The default for the other commands is the command name itself. The"
" \batt\b method is a true sum, all others are order dependent.]"
"[+?Method names consist of a leading identifier and 0 or more options"
" separated by -.]"
"[+?\bgetconf PATH_RESOLVE\b determines how symbolic links are handled. This"
" can be explicitly overridden by the \b--logical\b, \b--metaphysical\b,"
" and \b--physical\b options below. \bPATH_RESOLVE\b can be one of:]{"
" [+logical?Follow all symbolic links.]"
" [+metaphysical?Follow command argument symbolic links,"
" otherwise don't follow.]"
" [+physical?Don't follow symbolic links.]"
"[a:all?List the checksum for all files. Use with \b--total\b to list both"
" individual and total checksums and block counts.]"
"[b:binary?Read files in binary mode. This is the default.]"
"[B:scale?Block count scale (bytes per block) override for methods that"
" include size in the output. The default is method specific.]#[scale]"
"[c:check?Each \afile\a is interpreted as the output from a previous \bsum\b."
" If \b--header\b or \b--permissions\b was specified in the previous"
" \bsum\b then the checksum method is automatically determined,"
" otherwise \b--method\b must be specified. The listed checksum is"
" compared with the current value and a warning is issued for each file"
" that does not match. If \afile\a was generated by \b--permissions\b"
" then the file mode, user and group are also checked. Empty lines,"
" lines starting with \b#<space>\b, or the line \b#\b are ignored. Lines"
" containing no blanks are interpreted as [no]]\aname\a[=\avalue\a]]"
" options:]{"
" [+method=name?Checksum method to apply to subsequent lines.]"
" [+permissions?Subsequent lines were generated with"
" \b--permissions\b.]"
"[h:header?Print the checksum method as the first output line. Used with"
" \b--check\b and \b--permissions\b.]"
"[l:list?Each \afile\a is interpreted as a list of files, one per line,"
" that is checksummed.]"
"[p:permissions?If \b--check\b is not specified then list the file"
" mode, user and group between the checksum and path. User and group"
" matching the caller are output as \b-\b. If \b--check\b is"
" specified then the mode, user and group for each path in \afile\a"
" are updated if necessary to match those in \afile\a. A warning is"
" printed on the standard error for each changed file.]"
"[R:recursive?Recursively checksum the contents of directories.]"
"[S:silent|status?No output for \b--check\b; 0 exit status means all sums"
" matched, non-0 means at least one sum failed to match. Ignored for"
" \b--permissions\b.]"
"[t:total?List only the total checksum and block count of all files."
" \b--all\b \b--total\b lists each checksum and the total. The"
" total checksum and block count may be different from the checksum"
" and block count of the catenation of all files due to partial"
" blocks that may occur when the files are treated separately.]"
"[T:text?Read files in text mode (i.e., treat \b\\r\\n\b as \b\\n\b).]"
"[w!:warn?Warn about invalid \b--check\b lines.]"
"[x:method|algorithm?Specifies the checksum \amethod\a to"
" apply. Parenthesized method options are readonly implementation"
" details.]:[method]{\fmethods\f}"
"[L:logical|follow?Follow symbolic links when traversing directories. The"
" default is determined by \bgetconf PATH_RESOLVE\b.]"
"[H:metaphysical?Follow command argument symbolic links, otherwise don't"
" follow symbolic links when traversing directories. The default is"
" determined by \bgetconf PATH_RESOLVE\b.]"
"[P:physical?Don't follow symbolic links when traversing directories. The"
" default is determined by \bgetconf PATH_RESOLVE\b.]"
"[r:bsd?Equivalent to \b--method=bsd --scale=512\b for compatibility with"
" other \bsum\b(1) implementations.]"
"[s:sysv?Equivalent to \b--method=sys5\b for compatibility with other"
" \bsum\b(1) implementations.]"
"\n[ file ... ]\n"
"[+SEE ALSO?\bgetconf\b(1), \btw\b(1), \buuencode\b(1)]"
#include <cmd.h>
#include <sum.h>
#include <ls.h>
#include <modex.h>
#include <fts_fix.h>
#include <error.h>
typedef struct State_s /* program state */
int all; /* list all items */
Sfio_t* check; /* check previous output */
int flags; /* sumprint() SUM_* flags */
gid_t gid; /* caller gid */
int header; /* list method on output */
int list; /* list file name too */
Sum_t* oldsum; /* previous sum method */
int permissions; /* include mode,uer,group */
int haveperm; /* permissions in the input */
int recursive; /* recursively descend dirs */
size_t scale; /* scale override */
unsigned long size; /* combined size of all files */
int silent; /* silent check, 0 exit if ok */
int (*sort)(FTSENT* const*, FTSENT* const*);
Sum_t* sum; /* sum method */
int text; /* \r\n == \n */
int total; /* list totals only */
uid_t uid; /* caller uid */
int warn; /* invalid check line warnings */
} State_t;
static void verify(State_t*, char*, char*, Sfio_t*);
* open path for read mode
static Sfio_t*
openfile(const char* path, const char* mode)
Sfio_t* sp;
if (!path || streq(path, "-") || streq(path, "/dev/stdin") || streq(path, "/dev/fd/0"))
sp = sfstdin;
sfopen(sp, NiL, mode);
else if (!(sp = sfopen(NiL, path, mode)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot read", path);
return sp;
* close an openfile() stream
static int
closefile(Sfio_t* sp)
return sp == sfstdin ? 0 : sfclose(sp);
* compute and print sum on an open file
static void
pr(State_t* state, Sfio_t* op, Sfio_t* ip, char* file, int perm, struct stat* st, Sfio_t* check)
register char* p;
register char* r;
register char* e;
register int peek;
struct stat ss;
if (check)
state->oldsum = state->sum;
while (p = sfgetr(ip, '\n', 1))
verify(state, p, file, check);
state->sum = state->oldsum;
if (state->warn && !sfeof(ip))
error(2, "%s: last line incomplete", file);
if (state->text)
peek = 0;
while (p = sfreserve(ip, SF_UNBOUND, 0))
e = p + sfvalue(ip);
if (peek)
peek = 0;
if (*p != '\n')
sumblock(state->sum, "\r", 1);
while (r = memchr(p, '\r', e - p))
if (++r >= e)
peek = 1;
sumblock(state->sum, p, r - p - (*r == '\n'));
p = r;
sumblock(state->sum, p, e - p);
if (peek)
sumblock(state->sum, "\r", 1);
while (p = sfreserve(ip, SF_UNBOUND, 0))
sumblock(state->sum, p, sfvalue(ip));
if (sfvalue(ip))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: read error", file);
if (!state->total || state->all)
sumprint(state->sum, op, state->flags|SUM_SCALE, state->scale);
if (perm >= 0)
if (perm)
if (!st && fstat(sffileno(ip), st = &ss))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot stat", file);
sfprintf(sfstdout, " %04o %s %s",
modex(st->st_mode & S_IPERM),
(st->st_uid != state->uid && ((st->st_mode & S_ISUID) || (st->st_mode & S_IRUSR) && !(st->st_mode & (S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)) || (st->st_mode & S_IXUSR) && !(st->st_mode & (S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)))) ? fmtuid(st->st_uid) : "-",
(st->st_gid != state->gid && ((st->st_mode & S_ISGID) || (st->st_mode & S_IRGRP) && !(st->st_mode & S_IROTH) || (st->st_mode & S_IXGRP) && !(st->st_mode & S_IXOTH))) ? fmtgid(st->st_gid) : "-");
if (ip != sfstdin)
sfprintf(op, " %s", file);
sfputc(op, '\n');
* verify previous sum output
static void
verify(State_t* state, register char* s, char* check, Sfio_t* rp)
register char* t;
char* e;
char* file;
int attr;
int mode;
int uid;
int gid;
Sfio_t* sp;
struct stat st;
if (!*s || *s == '#' && (!*(s + 1) || *(s + 1) == ' ' || *(s + 1) == '\t'))
if (t = strchr(s, ' '))
if ((t - s) > 10 || !(file = strchr(t + 1, ' ')))
file = t;
*file++ = 0;
attr = 0;
if ((mode = strtol(file, &e, 8)) && *e == ' ' && (e - file) == 4)
mode = modei(mode);
if (t = strchr(++e, ' '))
if (*e == '-' && (t - e) == 1)
uid = -1;
*t = 0;
uid = struid(e);
*t = ' ';
if (e = strchr(++t, ' '))
if (*t == '-' && (e - t) == 1)
gid = -1;
*e = 0;
gid = struid(t);
*e = ' ';
file = e + 1;
attr = 1;
if (sp = openfile(file, "rb"))
pr(state, rp, sp, file, -1, NiL, NiL);
if (!(t = sfstruse(rp)))
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|3, "out of space");
if (!streq(s, t))
if (state->silent)
error(2, "%s: checksum changed", file);
else if (attr)
if (fstat(sffileno(sp), &st))
if (state->silent)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot stat", file);
if (uid < 0 || uid == st.st_uid)
uid = -1;
else if (!state->permissions)
if (state->silent)
error(2, "%s: uid should be %s", file, fmtuid(uid));
if (gid < 0 || gid == st.st_gid)
gid = -1;
else if (!state->permissions)
if (state->silent)
error(2, "%s: gid should be %s", file, fmtgid(gid));
if (state->permissions && (uid >= 0 || gid >= 0))
if (chown(file, uid, gid) < 0)
if (uid < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot change group to %s", file, fmtgid(gid));
else if (gid < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot change user to %s", file, fmtuid(uid));
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot change user to %s and group to %s", file, fmtuid(uid), fmtgid(gid));
if (uid < 0)
error(1, "%s: changed group to %s", file, fmtgid(gid));
else if (gid < 0)
error(1, "%s: changed user to %s", file, fmtuid(uid));
error(1, "%s: changed user to %s and group to %s", file, fmtuid(uid), fmtgid(gid));
if ((st.st_mode & S_IPERM) ^ mode)
if (state->permissions)
if (chmod(file, mode) < 0)
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|2, "%s: cannot change mode to %s", file, fmtmode(mode, 0));
error(ERROR_SYSTEM|1, "%s: changed mode to %s", file, fmtmode(mode, 0));
else if (state->silent)
error(2, "%s: mode should be %s", file, fmtmode(mode, 0));
else if (strneq(s, "method=", 7))
s += 7;
if (state->sum != state->oldsum)
if (!(state->sum = sumopen(s)))
error(3, "%s: %s: unknown checksum method", check, s);
else if (streq(s, "permissions"))
state->haveperm = 1;
error(1, "%s: %s: unknown option", check, s);
* sum the list of files in lp
static void
list(State_t* state, register Sfio_t* lp)
register char* file;
register Sfio_t* sp;
while (file = sfgetr(lp, '\n', 1))
if (sp = openfile(file, state->check ? "rt" : "rb"))
pr(state, sfstdout, sp, file, state->permissions, NiL, state->check);
* order child entries
static int
order(FTSENT* const* f1, FTSENT* const* f2)
return strcoll((*f1)->fts_name, (*f2)->fts_name);
* optget() info discipline function
static int
optinfo(Opt_t* op, Sfio_t* sp, const char* s, Optdisc_t* dp)
if (streq(s, "methods"))
return sumusage(sp);
return 0;
b_cksum(int argc, register char** argv, Shbltin_t* context)
register int flags;
char* file;
char* method;
Sfio_t* sp;
FTS* fts;
FTSENT* ent;
int logical;
Optdisc_t optdisc;
State_t state;
cmdinit(argc, argv, context, ERROR_CATALOG, ERROR_NOTIFY);
memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
flags = fts_flags() | FTS_META | FTS_TOP | FTS_NOPOSTORDER;
state.flags = SUM_SIZE;
state.warn = 1;
logical = 1;
method = 0;
optinit(&optdisc, optinfo);
for (;;)
switch (optget(argv, usage))
case 'a':
state.all = 1;
case 'b':
state.text = 0;
case 'B':
state.scale = opt_info.num;
case 'c':
if (!(state.check = sfstropen()))
error(3, "out of space [check]");
case 'h':
state.header = 1;
case 'l':
state.list = 1;
case 'p':
state.permissions = 1;
case 'r':
method = "bsd";
state.scale = 512;
state.flags |= SUM_LEGACY;
case 'R':
flags &= ~FTS_TOP;
state.recursive = 1;
state.sort = order;
logical = 0;
case 's':
method = "sys5";
case 'S':
state.silent = opt_info.num;
case 't':
state.total = 1;
case 'w':
state.warn = opt_info.num;
case 'x':
method = opt_info.arg;
case 'H':
logical = 0;
case 'L':
logical = 0;
case 'P':
flags &= ~FTS_META;
flags |= FTS_PHYSICAL;
logical = 0;
case 'T':
state.text = 1;
case '?':
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", opt_info.arg);
case ':':
error(2, "%s", opt_info.arg);
argv += opt_info.index;
if (error_info.errors)
error(ERROR_USAGE|4, "%s", optusage(NiL));
* check the method
if (method && !(state.sum = sumopen(method)))
error(3, "%s: unknown checksum method", method);
if (!state.sum && !(state.sum = sumopen(error_info.id)) && !(state.sum = sumopen(astconf("UNIVERSE", NiL, NiL))))
state.sum = sumopen(NiL);
* do it
if (logical)
if (state.permissions)
state.uid = geteuid();
state.gid = getegid();
state.silent = 0;
if (!state.check && (state.header || state.permissions))
sfprintf(sfstdout, "method=%s\n", state.sum->name);
if (state.permissions)
sfprintf(sfstdout, "permissions\n");
if (state.list)
if (*argv)
while (file = *argv++)
if (sp = openfile(file, "rt"))
list(&state, sp);
else if (sp = openfile(NiL, "rt"))
list(&state, sp);
else if (!*argv && !state.recursive)
pr(&state, sfstdout, sfstdin, "/dev/stdin", state.permissions, NiL, state.check);
else if (!(fts = fts_open(argv, flags, state.sort)))
error(ERROR_system(1), "%s: not found", *argv);
while (!sh_checksig(context) && (ent = fts_read(fts)))
switch (ent->fts_info)
case FTS_SL:
if (!(flags & FTS_PHYSICAL) || (flags & FTS_META) && ent->fts_level == 1)
fts_set(NiL, ent, FTS_FOLLOW);
case FTS_F:
if (sp = openfile(ent->fts_accpath, "rb"))
pr(&state, sfstdout, sp, ent->fts_path, state.permissions, ent->fts_statp, state.check);
case FTS_DC:
error(ERROR_warn(0), "%s: directory causes cycle", ent->fts_path);
case FTS_DNR:
error(ERROR_system(0), "%s: cannot read directory", ent->fts_path);
case FTS_DNX:
error(ERROR_system(0), "%s: cannot search directory", ent->fts_path);
case FTS_NS:
error(ERROR_system(0), "%s: not found", ent->fts_path);
if (state.total)
sumprint(state.sum, sfstdout, state.flags|SUM_TOTAL|SUM_SCALE, state.scale);
sfputc(sfstdout, '\n');
return error_info.errors != 0;