* *
* This software is part of the ast package *
* Copyright (c) 2003-2011 AT&T Intellectual Property *
* and is licensed under the *
* Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 *
* by AT&T Intellectual Property *
* *
* A copy of the License is available at *
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.html *
* (with md5 checksum b35adb5213ca9657e911e9befb180842) *
* *
* Information and Software Systems Research *
* AT&T Research *
* Florham Park NJ *
* *
* Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com> *
* Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> *
* *
#include "vctest.h"
#include <vcrdb.h>
/* Test the suite of functions for dealing with relational data
** Written by Kiem-Phong Vo
#define N_RECORDS 50
#define FSEP ':'
#define RSEP '\n'
/* dependency between two strings, ie, str1 and str2 always correspond */
typedef struct _depend_s
{ Vcchar_t* str1;
ssize_t len1;
Vcchar_t* str2;
ssize_t len2;
} Depend_t;
Depend_t Field01[] =
{ { (Vcchar_t*)"aaaaa", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"AAAAAA", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"bbbbb", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"BBBBBB", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"ccccc", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"CCCCCC", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"ddddd", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"DDDDDD", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"eeeee", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"EEEEEE", 6 }
Depend_t Field23[] =
{ { (Vcchar_t*)"iiiii", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"IIIIII", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"jjjjj", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"JJJJJJ", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"kkkkk", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"KKKKKK", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"lllll", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"LLLLLL", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"mmmmm", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"MMMMMM", 6 }
Depend_t Field45[] =
{ { (Vcchar_t*)"rrrrr", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"RRRRRR", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"sssss", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"SSSSSS", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"ttttt", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"TTTTTT", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"uuuuu", 5, (Vcchar_t*)"UUUUUU", 6 },
{ (Vcchar_t*)"vvvvv", 3, (Vcchar_t*)"VVVVVV", 6 }
Vcchar_t Data[N_RECORDS*60 + 1]; /* (#fields=6) * (maxLength=9) + (Separators=6) = 60 */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define LENGTH(maxn) (maxn)
#define LENGTH(maxn) ((trandom() % (maxn)) + 1)
int main()
ssize_t e, k, r, n, dtsz;
Vcrdsepar_t sep[3];
Vcrdinfo_t info;
Vcrdtable_t *tbl, *tst;
Vcrdplan_t *plan;
Vcchar_t buff[6][sizeof(Data)]; /* for testing */
Vcchar_t test[sizeof(Data)];
Vcchar_t *endt, *dedt;
Vcodex_t *envc, *devc, *encd, *decd, *entbl, *detbl, *enbwt, *debwt;
Vcmethod_t *Vcrdb, *Vctable;
if (!(Vcrdb = vcgetmeth("rdb", 0)) || !(Vctable = vcgetmeth("table", 0)))
terror("rdb plugin not found");
/* generate a random set of records */
for(k = 0, r = 0; r < N_RECORDS; ++r)
{ /* fill in fields 0 and 1 */
e = trandom() % (sizeof(Field01)/sizeof(Field01[0]));
n = LENGTH(Field01[e].len1);
memcpy(Data+k, Field01[e].str1, n); k += n; Data[k] = FSEP; k += 1;
n += 1;
memcpy(Data+k, Field01[e].str2, n); k += n; Data[k] = FSEP; k += 1;
/* fill in fields 2 and 3 */
e = trandom() % (sizeof(Field23)/sizeof(Field23[0]));
n = LENGTH(Field23[e].len1);
memcpy(Data+k, Field23[e].str1, n); k += n; Data[k] = FSEP; k += 1;
n += 1;
memcpy(Data+k, Field23[e].str2, n); k += n; Data[k] = FSEP; k += 1;
/* fill in fields 4 and 5 */
e = trandom() % (sizeof(Field45)/sizeof(Field45[0]));
n = LENGTH(Field45[e].len1);
memcpy(Data+k, Field45[e].str1, n); k += n; Data[k] = FSEP; k += 1;
n += 1;
memcpy(Data+k, Field45[e].str2, n); k += n; Data[k] = RSEP; k += 1;
Data[dtsz = k] = 0;
/* see if vcrdsepar() computes the correct separators fsep and rsep */
if((r = vcrdsepar(sep, sizeof(sep)/sizeof(sep[0]), Data, dtsz, -1)) <= 0)
terror("vcrdsepar(): Failed to compute separators rv=%d", r);
if(sep[0].fsep != FSEP || sep[0].rsep != RSEP)
twarn("Unexpected separators found");
/* construct table */
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
info.fsep = sep[0].fsep;
info.rsep = sep[0].rsep;
if(!(tbl = vcrdparse(&info, Data, dtsz, 0)) )
terror("vcrdparse(): Can't construct table");
if(tbl->fldn != 6 || tbl->recn != N_RECORDS)
terror("vcrdparse(): fldn=%d, recn=%d, something is not right", tbl->fldn, tbl->recn);
/* check different modes of extraction of field data */
if((k = vcrdextract(tbl, 3, buff[0], sizeof(buff[0]), VCRD_FIELD)) <= 0)
terror("vcrdextract(): failed to get a field data1");
if(vcrdattrs(tbl, -1, VCRD_PAD, 1) < 0)
terror("vcrdattrs(): can't make fields full length");
if((n = vcrdextract(tbl, 3, buff[0], sizeof(buff[0]), VCRD_FIELD)) <= 0)
terror("vcrdextract(): failed to get a field data2");
if(n == k)
twarn("vcrdextract(): unfilled=%d filled=%d", k, n);
if(n != tbl->fld[3].maxz*N_RECORDS)
terror("vcrdextract(): retrieved data size is wrong");
/* test table construction with filled data */
info.fldn = tbl->fldn;
info.recn = tbl->recn;
if(!(tst = vcrdparse(&info, 0, 0, 0)) )
terror("vcrdparse(): Can't open test table");
for(k = 0; k < tbl->fldn; ++k)
{ if((r = vcrdextract(tbl, k, buff[k], sizeof(buff[0]), VCRD_FIELD)) <= 0 )
terror("vcrdextract(): failed on field %d", k);
if((n = vcrdfield(tst, k, tbl->fld[k].maxz, buff[k], r)) != r)
terror("vcrdfield(): failed on field %d rv=%d", k, n);
vcrdattrs(tst, k, VCRD_PAD, 1);
/* extract padded data to see if the right size */
for(n = 0, k = 0; k < tst->fldn; ++k)
n += tst->fld[k].maxz*N_RECORDS;
r = vcrdextract(tst, -1, test, sizeof(test), VCRD_RECORD);
if(r != n)
terror("vcrdextract(): failed to extract data dtsz=%d rv=%d", n, r);
/* extract variable-sized data, should be the same as Data[] */
vcrdattrs(tst, -1, VCRD_PAD, 0); /* turn off full mode */
r = vcrdextract(tst, -1, test, sizeof(test), VCRD_RECORD);
if(r != dtsz )
terror("vcrdextract(): failed to extract data dtsz=%d rv=%d", dtsz, r);
if(memcmp(Data, test, dtsz) != 0)
terror("vcrdextract(): extracted data were bad");
/* test transformation plan making */
if(!(plan = vcrdmakeplan(tbl, 0)) )
terror("vcrdmakeplan() failed");
if(plan->fldn != tbl->fldn)
terror("vcrdmakeplan(): wrong number of field %d", plan->fldn);
if(plan->pred[1] != 0)
terror("vcrdmakeplan(): fields 0 did not predict field 1.");
if(plan->pred[3] != 2)
terror("vcrdmakeplan(): fields 2 did not predict field 3.");
if(plan->pred[5] != 4)
terror("vcrdmakeplan(): fields 4 did not predict field 5.");
/* test transformation plan execution */
if(vcrdexecplan(tbl, plan, VC_ENCODE) < 0)
terror("vcrdexecplan() encoding failed");
vcrdattrs(tbl, -1, VCRD_PAD, 0);
r = vcrdextract(tbl, -1, test, sizeof(test), VCRD_RECORD);
if(r != dtsz)
terror("vcrdextract(): failed after plan transformation");
if(vcrdexecplan(tbl, plan, VC_DECODE) < 0)
terror("vcrdexecplan() decoding failed");
r = vcrdextract(tbl, -1, test, sizeof(test), VCRD_RECORD);
if(r != dtsz)
terror("vcrdextract(): failed after plan transformation");
if(memcmp(Data, test, dtsz) != 0)
terror("vcrdextract(): extracted data were bad after transformation");
/* test internal field transformation */
for(k = 0; k < tbl->fldn; ++k)
{ if((r = vcrdextract(tbl, k, buff[0], sizeof(buff[0]), VCRD_RECORD)) <= 0)
terror("Cannot extract field 1");
if(vcrdvector(tbl, k, buff[1], sizeof(buff[1]), VC_ENCODE) < 0)
terror("Couldn't get tranformed data for field 1");
if(vcrdsize(tbl) != r)
terror("Got the wrong size of transformed data");
if(vcrdvector(tbl, k, buff[1], sizeof(buff[1]), VC_DECODE) < 0)
terror("Couldn't decode tranformed data for field 1");
if(vcrdsize(tbl) != r)
terror("Got the wrong size of untransformed data");
if(vcrdextract(tbl, k, buff[1], sizeof(buff[1]), VCRD_RECORD) != r)
terror("Cannot extract field 1 after decoding");
if(memcmp(buff[0], buff[1], r) != 0)
terror("Wrong data");
/* open secondary coders for the transform Vcrdb */
if(!(encd = vcopen(0, Vchuffgroup, 0, 0, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(decd = vcopen(0, Vchuffgroup, 0, 0, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vchuffgroup handles");
if(!(encd = vcopen(0, Vcrle, "0", encd, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(decd = vcopen(0, Vcrle, "0", decd, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrle handles");
if(!(encd = vcopen(0, Vcmtf, 0, encd, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(decd = vcopen(0, Vcmtf, 0, decd, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcmtf handles");
if(!(entbl = vcopen(0, Vctable, 0, encd, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(detbl = vcopen(0, Vctable, 0, decd, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vctable handles");
if(!(enbwt = vcopen(0, Vcbwt, 0, encd, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(debwt = vcopen(0, Vcbwt, 0, decd, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcbwt handles");
/* test compression by field only - no transformation */
if(!(envc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "sort", encd, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(devc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "sort", decd, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrdb handles");
if((e = vcapply(envc, Data, dtsz, &endt)) <= 0 )
terror("vcapply(): fail to encode");
if((n = vcapply(devc, endt, e, &dedt)) != dtsz)
terror("vcapply(): fail to decode");
if(memcmp(Data, dedt, n) != 0)
terror("Data do not match");
twarn("\tSorted field: Raw size=%d Compressed size=%d", n, e);
/* test compression by field only - no transformation */
if(!(envc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "plain", enbwt, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(devc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "plain", debwt, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrdb handles");
if((e = vcapply(envc, Data, dtsz, &endt)) <= 0 )
terror("vcapply(): fail to encode");
if((n = vcapply(devc, endt, e, &dedt)) != dtsz)
terror("vcapply(): fail to decode");
if(memcmp(Data, dedt, n) != 0)
terror("Data do not match");
twarn("\tPlain+bwt: Raw size=%d Compressed size=%d", n, e);
/* test compression by field with transformation */
if(!(envc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, 0, enbwt, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(devc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, 0, debwt, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrdb handles");
if((e = vcapply(envc, Data, dtsz, &endt)) <= 0 )
terror("vcapply(): fail to encode");
if((n = vcapply(devc, endt, e, &dedt)) != dtsz)
terror("vcapply(): fail to decode");
if(memcmp(Data, dedt, n) != 0)
terror("Data do not match");
twarn("\tTransform+bwt: Raw size=%d Compressed size=%d", n, e);
/* test compression by padded field */
if(!(envc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "pad", enbwt, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(devc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "pad", debwt, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrdb handles");
if((e = vcapply(envc, Data, dtsz, &endt)) <= 0 )
terror("vcapply(): fail to encode");
if((n = vcapply(devc, endt, e, &dedt)) != dtsz)
terror("vcapply(): fail to decode");
if(memcmp(Data, dedt, n) != 0)
terror("Data do not match");
twarn("\tTransform+Padded fields+bwt: Raw size=%d Compressed size=%d", n, e);
/* test compression by padded field plus the table compressor */
if(!(envc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "pad", entbl, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(devc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "pad", detbl, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrdb handles");
if((e = vcapply(envc, Data, dtsz, &endt)) <= 0 )
terror("vcapply(): fail to encode");
if((n = vcapply(devc, endt, e, &dedt)) != dtsz)
terror("vcapply(): fail to decode");
if(memcmp(Data, dedt, n) != 0)
terror("Data do not match");
twarn("\tTransform+Padded fields+Vctable: Raw size=%d Compressed size=%d", n, e);
/* test compression by padded field plus the table compressor for whole table */
if(!(envc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "pad.whole", entbl, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(devc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "pad.whole", detbl, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrdb handles");
if((e = vcapply(envc, Data, dtsz, &endt)) <= 0 )
terror("vcapply(): fail to encode");
if((n = vcapply(devc, endt, e, &dedt)) != dtsz)
terror("vcapply(): fail to decode");
if(memcmp(Data, dedt, n) != 0)
terror("Data do not match");
twarn("\tTransform+Padded fields+Vctable on whole table: Raw size=%d Compressed size=%d", n, e);
/* test transformation of records with missing fields */
strcpy((char*)test, "\na.b\n5.6.7.8\nc.d.\n"); k = strlen((char*)test);
if(!(envc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "fsep=[.]", entbl, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(devc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "fsep=[.]", detbl, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrdb handles");
if((e = vcapply(envc, test, k, &endt)) <= 0 )
terror("vcapply(): fail to encode");
if((n = vcapply(devc, endt, e, &dedt)) != k )
terror("vcapply(): fail to decode");
if(memcmp(test, dedt, k) != 0)
terror("Data do not match");
if(!(envc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "pad.fsep=[.]", entbl, VC_ENCODE)) ||
!(devc = vcopen(0, Vcrdb, "pad.fsep=[.]", detbl, VC_DECODE)) )
terror("vcopen(): can't open Vcrdb handles");
if((e = vcapply(envc, test, k, &endt)) <= 0 )
terror("vcapply(): fail to encode");
if((n = vcapply(devc, endt, e, &dedt)) != k )
terror("vcapply(): fail to decode");
if(memcmp(test, dedt, k) != 0)
terror("Data do not match");
return 0;