Searched refs:start (Results 1 - 25 of 50) sorted by relevance


H A Dderby43 # Short-Description: start Apache Derby
68 start)
78 start-stop-daemon \
79 --start \
90 start
103 start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE
112 $0 start
132 echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/derby {start|stop|restart|try-restart|reload|force-reload|status}"
H A DActivator.java27 * org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin#start(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext
31 public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { method in class:Activator
32 super.start(context);
H A Dopengrok.sh56 start)
65 echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
H A DHistoryContext.java159 int start = -1;
164 if (start < 0) {
165 start = tokens.getMatchStart();
170 writeMatch(sb, line, start, end, true,path,wcontext,nrev,rev);
173 writeMatch(out, line, start, end, false,path,wcontext,nrev,rev);
178 if (start < 0) {
179 start = tokens.getMatchStart();
182 start = -1;
198 * @param start start positio
207 writeMatch(Appendable out, String line, int start, int end, boolean flatten, String path, String wcontext, String nrev, String rev) argument
H A DPlainLineTokenizer.lex52 * Buffer that holds all the text from the start of the current line, or,
53 * in the case of a match that spans multiple lines, from the start of the
152 private int printWithNum(int start, int end, int lineNo,
158 for(int i=start;i<end; i++) {
214 private int formatWithNum(int start, int end, int lineNo) {
215 for(int i=start;i<end; i++) {
296 // Remove everything up to the start of the current line in the
H A DJFlexTokenizer.java99 protected void setAttribs(String str, int start, int end) { argument
106 this.offsetAtt.setOffset(start, end);
H A DSimpleCharStream.java354 * Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
358 int start = tokenBegin;
374 bufline[j = start % bufsize] == bufline[k = ++start % bufsize])
390 if (bufline[j = start % bufsize] != bufline[++start % bufsize])
H A DArchiveParserTokenManager.java386 private final void jjAddStates(int start, int end) argument
389 jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = jjnextStates[start];
390 } while (start++ != end);
397 private final void jjCheckNAddStates(int start, int end) argument
400 jjCheckNAdd(jjnextStates[start]);
401 } while (start++ != end);
403 private final void jjCheckNAddStates(int start) argument
405 jjCheckNAdd(jjnextStates[start]);
406 jjCheckNAdd(jjnextStates[start + 1]);
H A DArchive.java796 int start = 0;
800 start += 1;
803 for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
H A DChunk.java86 * @param pos the start position in the text.
98 * @param pos the start position in the text.
111 * @param pos the start position in the text.
124 * @param pos the start position in the text.
137 * @param pos the start position in the text.
246 * @param start where to add the text.
249 public void applyAdd(int start, List target) argument
254 target.add(start++,;
292 * @param pos the start position.
311 * @param pos the start positio
H A DSSCMHistoryParser.java95 if (matcher.start() != prevEntryEnd) {
98 entry.appendMessage(total.substring(prevEntryEnd, matcher.start()).replaceAll("(\\r?\\n){2}", " $1").trim());
H A DSCCSRepository.java105 process = pb.start();
169 process = pb.start();
279 "Failed to get parent for {0} (first line does not start with VERSION)", directoryName);
H A DGitRepository.java512 process = pb.start();
565 process = pb.start();
619 process = pb.start();
651 process = pb.start();
H A DJSONSearchServlet.java114 long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
141 long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
H A DEftarFile.java120 private FNode sbinSearch(long start, int len, long hash, RandomAccessFile f) throws Throwable { argument
125 + m * RECORD_LENGTH);
H A DEftarFileReader.java89 private FNode binarySearch(long start, int len, long hash) throws IOException { argument
90 //System.err.printf(" Searching [%x] in %5d elem from %x\n", hash, len, start);
95 + m * EftarFile.RECORD_LENGTH);
H A Dshowdown-1.4.2.min.js3 (function(){function a(a){"use strict";var b={omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks:{"default":!1,describe:"Omit the default extra whiteline added to code blocks",type:"boolean"},noHeaderId:{"default":!1,describe:"Turn on/off generated header id",type:"boolean"},prefixHeaderId:{"default":!1,describe:"Specify a prefix to generated header ids",type:"string"},headerLevelStart:{"default":!1,describe:"The header blocks level start",type:"integer"},parseImgDimensions:{"default":!1,describe:"Turn on/off image dimension parsing",type:"boolean"},simplifiedAutoLink:{"default":!1,describe:"Turn on/off GFM autolink style",type:"boolean"},literalMidWordUnderscores:{"default":!1,describe:"Parse midword underscores as literal underscores",type:"boolean"},strikethrough:{"default":!1,describe:"Turn on/off strikethrough support",type:"boolean"},tables:{"default":!1,describe:"Turn on/off tables support",type:"boolean"},tablesHeaderId:{"default":!1,describe:"Add an id to table headers",type:"boolean"},ghCodeBlocks:{"default":!0,describe:"Turn on/off GFM fenced code blocks support",type:"boolean"},tasklists:{"default":!1,describe:"Turn on/off GFM tasklist support",type:"boolean"},smoothLivePreview:{"default":!1,describe:"Prevents weird effects in live previews due to incomplete input",type:"boolean"},smartIndentationFix:{"default":!1,description:"Tries to smartly fix identation in es6 strings",type:"boolean"}};if(a===!1)return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(b));var c={};for(var d in b)b.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(c[d]=b[d]["default"]);return c}function b(a,b){"use strict";var c=b?"Error in "+b+" extension->":"Error in unnamed extension",e={valid:!0,error:""};d.helper.isArray(a)||(a=[a]);for(var f=0;f<a.length;++f){var g=c+" sub-extension "+f+": ",h=a[f];if("object"!=typeof h)return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+"must be an object, but "+typeof h+" given",e;if(!d.helper.isString(h.type))return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+'property "type" must be a string, but '+typeof h.type+" given",e;var i=h.type=h.type.toLowerCase();if("language"===i&&(i=h.type="lang"),"html"===i&&(i=h.type="output"),"lang"!==i&&"output"!==i&&"listener"!==i)return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+"type "+i+' is not recognized. Valid values: "lang/language", "output/html" or "listener"',e;if("listener"===i){if(d.helper.isUndefined(h.listeners))return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+'. Extensions of type "listener" must have a property called "listeners"',e}else if(d.helper.isUndefined(h.filter)&&d.helper.isUndefined(h.regex))return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+i+' extensions must define either a "regex" property or a "filter" method',e;if(h.listeners){if("object"!=typeof h.listeners)return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+'"listeners" property must be an object but '+typeof h.listeners+" given",e;for(var j in h.listeners)if(h.listeners.hasOwnProperty(j)&&"function"!=typeof h.listeners[j])return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+'"listeners" property must be an hash of [event name]: [callback]. listeners.'+j+" must be a function but "+typeof h.listeners[j]+" given",e}if(h.filter){if("function"!=typeof h.filter)return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+'"filter" must be a function, but '+typeof h.filter+" given",e}else if(h.regex){if(d.helper.isString(h.regex)&&(h.regex=new RegExp(h.regex,"g")),!h.regex instanceof RegExp)return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+'"regex" property must either be a string or a RegExp object, but '+typeof h.regex+" given",e;if(d.helper.isUndefined(h.replace))return e.valid=!1,e.error=g+'"regex" extensions must implement a replace string or function',e}}return e}function c(a,b){"use strict";var c=b.charCodeAt(0);return"~E"+c+"E"}var d={},e={},f={},g=a(!0),h={github:{omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks:!0,prefixHeaderId:"user-content-",simplifiedAutoLink:!0,literalMidWordUnderscores:!0,strikethrough:!0,tables:!0,tablesHeaderId:!0,ghCodeBlocks:!0,tasklists:!0},vanilla:a(!0)};d.helper={},d.extensions={},d.setOption=function(a,b){"use strict";return g[a]=b,this},d.getOption=function(a){"use strict";return g[a]},d.getOptions=function(){"use strict";return g},d.resetOptions=function(){"use strict";g=a(!0)},d.setFlavor=function(a){"use strict";if(h.hasOwnProperty(a)){var b=h[a];for(var c in b)b.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(g[c]=b[c])}},d.getDefaultOptions=function(b){"use strict";return a(b)},d.subParser=function(a,b){"use strict";if(d.helper.isString(a)){if("undefined"==typeof b){if(e.hasOwnProperty(a))return e[a];throw Error("SubParser named "+a+" not registered!")}e[a]=b}},d.extension=function(a,c){"use strict";if(!d.helper.isString(a))throw Error("Extension 'name' must be a string");if(a=d.helper.stdExtName(a),d.helper.isUndefined(c)){if(!f.hasOwnProperty(a))throw Error("Extension named "+a+" is not registered!");return f[a]}"function"==typeof c&&(c=c()),d.helper.isArray(c)||(c=[c]);var e=b(c,a);if(!e.valid)throw Error(e.error);f[a]=c},d.getAllExtensions=function(){"use strict";return f},d.removeExtension=function(a){"use strict";delete f[a]},d.resetExtensions=function(){"use strict";f={}},d.validateExtension=function(a){"use strict";var c=b(a,null);return c.valid?!0:(console.warn(c.error),!1)},d.hasOwnProperty("helper")||(d.helper={}),d.helper.isString=function(a){"use strict";return"string"==typeof a||a instanceof String},d.helper.isFunction=function(a){"use strict";var b={};return a&&"[object Function]"},d.helper.forEach=function(a,b){"use strict";if("function"==typeof a.forEach)a.forEach(b);else for(var c=0;c<a.length;c++)b(a[c],c,a)},d.helper.isArray=function(a){"use strict";return a.constructor===Array},d.helper.isUndefined=function(a){"use strict";return"undefined"==typeof a},d.helper.stdExtName=function(a){"use strict";return a.replace(/[_-]||\s/g,"").toLowerCase()},d.helper.escapeCharactersCallback=c,d.helper.escapeCharacters=function(a,b,d){"use strict";var e="(["+b.replace(/([\[\]\\])/g,"\\$1")+"])";d&&(e="\\\\"+e);var f=new RegExp(e,"g");return a=a.replace(f,c)};var i=function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";var e,f,g,h,i,j=d||"",k=j.indexOf("g")>-1,l=new RegExp(b+"|"+c,"g"+j.replace(/g/g,"")),m=new RegExp(b,j.replace(/g/g,"")),n=[];do for(e=0;g=l.exec(a);)if(m.test(g[0]))e++||(f=l.lastIndex,h=f-g[0].length);else if(e&&!--e){i=g.index+g[0].length;var o={left:{start:h,end:f},match:{start:f,end:g.index},right:{start:g.index,end:i},wholeMatch:{start:h,end:i}};if(n.push(o),!k)return n}while(e&&(l.lastIndex=f));return n};d.helper.matchRecursiveRegExp=function(a,b,c,d){"use strict";for(var e=i(a,b,c,d),f=[],g=0;g<e.length;++g)f.push([a.slice(e[g].wholeMatch.start,e[g].wholeMatch.end),a.slice(e[g].match.start,e[g].match.end),a.slice(e[g].left.start,e[g].left.end),a.slice(e[g].right.start,e[g].right.end)]);return f},d.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp=function(a,b,c,e,f){"use strict";if(!d.helper.isFunction(b)){var g=b;b=function(){return g}}var h=i(a,c,e,f),j=a,k=h.length;if(k>0){var l=[];0!==h[0].wholeMatch.start
H A Dutils.js88 start: Math.floor(
104 start: 0,
113 indices.start = inner.binarySearch(inner.$collection, expectations.start, cmp);
117 indices.start = Math.max(0, indices.start);
118 indices.start = Math.min(inner.$collection.length - 1, indices.start);
125 for (var i = indices.start; i <= indices.end; i++) {
519 start
H A DProjectHelperTestBase.java107 int start,
115 for (int i = start; i < start + cnt; i++) {
106 createGroups( int start, int cnt, boolean allowed, List<RepositoryInfo> rps, Map<Project, List<RepositoryInfo>> map, List<Project> prjs, List<Group> grps) argument
H A DSearchHelperTest.java92 sh.start = 0;
H A DExecutor.java174 process = processBuilder.start();
193 thread.start();
H A DSearchEngine.java356 * number of cachePages also end has to be bigger than start !
358 * @param start start of the hit list
360 * @param ret list of results from start to end or null/empty if no search
363 public void results(int start, int end, List<Hit> ret) { argument
365 //return if no start search() was done
366 if (hits == null || (end < start)) {
385 for (int i = start; i < hits.length; i++) {
400 for (int ii = start; ii < end; ++ii) {
H A DSummarizer.java191 // Iterate from the start point to the finish, adding
296 public SToken(char[] startTermBuffer, int termBufferOffset, int termBufferLength, int start, int end) { argument
298 setOffset(start, end);
H A DResults.java143 * @param start index of the first hit to print
149 public static void prettyPrint(Writer out, SearchHelper sh, int start, argument
160 createMap(sh.searcher, sh.hits, start, end).entrySet()) {
H A DAuthorizationFramework.java202 private List<File> listFilesClassesRec(File start, String suffix) { argument
204 File[] fs = start.listFiles();

Completed in 5244 milliseconds