1. [sch] Put size in manifest so that we can do GET with offset to speed retrieval. Example: reget on Windows. 2. [billm] ACLs and extended attributes. Are these both new action types? 3. [sch] Do we need other forms of signing, beyond publisher and depot SSL certificates? Is it best to enforce a CA-based model, or should web of trust also be allowed? 4. [dp] Package deletion should include a "subsumed-by" or "replaced-by". A good example is when we stopped including Mozilla, its final version--expressing the deletion--should have stated subsumption by Firefox and Thunderbird. 5. [barts] Minimization boundaries based on setuid binaries. 6. [barts] Feature tagging. This should be offered via leaf packages and grouping packages. 7. [dp] Present timestamp as UTC YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, as opposed to Unix seconds. 8. [lianep] Be able to preserve specific files, even though the package no longer provides them. This one's tricky: if you state, "release file" in version 2, then an upgrade from v 1 to v 3 would miss it (as v 2's manifest is not consulted). These kind of actions could be treated as choking, or we could always examine intermediate manifests. 9. [psa] Take a snapshot [of each affected filesystem] between every package update operation in a larger image transaction, as opposed to at the image transaction boundaries only. 10. [sch] Examine use of alternative, HTTP 1.1-friendly URL loading modules. (Example: Duke's urlgrabber.) 11. [pelegri] Use of package-level metadata to provide additional information, such as links to training/learning resources, declarations of related packages, endorsements by certifying publishers. 12. [sch] Support use of :timestamp field for "newer" and "older" queries.