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In this chapter we explore how variants and facets are used in IPS to provide different installation options to the end user. Variants ~~~~~~~~ Since Oracle Solaris supports multiple architectures, one common error made with the SVR4 packaging system was the accidental installation of packages for an incorrect architecture. With the introduction of software repositories, the prospect of maintaining a separate repository for each supported architecture seemed unappealing to ISVs and error prone for customers. As a result, IPS supports installation of a single package on multiple architectures. The mechanism that implements this feature is called a *variant*. A variant enables the properties of the target image to determine which software components are actually installed. A variant has two parts: its name, and the list of possible values. The variants defined in Oracle Solaris 11 are: ======================== ================= Name Values ======================== ================= variant.arch sparc, i386 variant.opensolaris.zone global, nonglobal variant.debug.* true, false ======================== ================= Variants appear in two places in a package: * A ``set`` action names the variant and defines the values that apply to this package. * Any action that can only be installed for a subset of the variant values has a tag that specifies the name of the variant and the value on which it is installed. For example, a package that delivers the symbolic link ``/var/ld/64`` might include:: set name=variant.arch value=sparc value=i386 dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=var/ld dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=var/ld/amd64 \ variant.arch=i386 dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=var/ld/sparcv9 \ variant.arch=sparc link path=var/ld/32 target=. link path=var/ld/64 target=sparcv9 variant.arch=sparc link path=var/ld/64 target=amd64 variant.arch=i386 Note that components that are delivered on both sparc and i386 receive no variant tag, but those delivered to one architecture or the other receive the appropriate tag. It is perfectly reasonable for actions to contain multiple tags for different variant names; there might be debug and nondebug binaries for both sparc and i386. In Oracle Solaris, kernel components are commonly elided from packages installed in zones, as they serve no useful purpose. Thus, they are marked with the ``opensolaris.zone`` variant set to ``global`` so that they are not installed in non-global zones. This is typically done in the manifest during publication with a |pkgmogrify| rule. Thus the packages from the i386 and sparc builds are already marked for zones. We then use the |pkgmerge| command to take the packages from the sparc and i386 builds and merge them together. This is far more reliable and faster than attempting to construct such packages manually. The ``variant.debug.*`` portion of the variant namespace is explicitly predefined to have a default version of ``false``; thus, developers can provide debug versions of their components, tagged with the appropriate variant, and users can select that variant if problems arise. Remember that variants are set per image, so selecting a suitable name that is unique at the appropriate resolution for that piece of software is important. In addition, any variant tags not described here are assumed to have a default value of ``false`` in the image. This allows the definition of custom variants not explicitly set in the image for use in packages. Note that variant tags are applied to any actions that differ between architectures during merging; this includes dependencies, ``set`` actions, etc. Packages that are marked as not supporting one of the variant values of the current image are not considered for installation. The |pkgmerge| man page provides several examples of merging packages. Note that it will merge across multiple different variants at the same time if needed. Facets ~~~~~~ Often, package developers have optional portions of their software that actually belong with the main body, but some people might not want to install. Some examples are localization files for different locales, man pages and other documentation, header files needed only by developers or DTrace users. Traditionally, such optional content has been placed in separate packages with an arbitrarily selected naming convention (such as appending ``-dev`` or ``-devel`` to the package name) enabling administrators to select the optional content. This has led to various problems, such as adding a new locale for all the software on a system being a rather irritating task, as the admin has to discover all the necessary packages by examining the lists of available packages. IPS has implemented a mechanism similar to variants called *facets* to deal with this problem. Like variants, facets have a name and a value. The value is either set to ``true`` or ``false`` in the image. The default value is ``true``. The facet namespace is hierarchal, with matching rules such that the longest match wins. For example, the default value for all facets is ``true``; the |pkg| client implicitly sets ``facet.*`` to ``true``. Documentation in Oracle Solaris packages is tagged with the type of documentation. For example, man pages are tagged with ``facet.doc.man=true`` in the package manifests. The following commands include man pages but exclude all other documentation from being installed in this image:: # pkg change-facet facet.doc.*=false # pkg change-facet facet.doc.man=true Similarly, the following commands install only the German localization in this image:: # pkg change-facet facet.locale.*=false # pkg change-facet facet.locale.de=true If an action contains multiple facet tags, the action is installed if the value of any of the facet tags is ``true``. The ``pkg facet`` command is useful in determining which facets are set in the image. The package developer can use |pkgmogrify| to quickly tag his man pages, localizations, etc. using regular expressions to match the different types of files. This is described in detail in *Chapter 8*. Facets can also be used to manage dependencies, essentially turning dependencies on and off, depending on whether the facet is set. See *Chapter 6* for a discussion of ``facet.version-lock.*``. Oracle Solaris facets that might be of use for software developers include: ======================== ================== ================== facet.devel facet.locale.es_BO facet.locale.lt_LT facet.doc facet.locale.es_CL facet.locale.lv facet.doc.man facet.locale.es_CO facet.locale.lv_LV facet.doc.pdf facet.locale.es_CR facet.locale.mk facet.doc.info facet.locale.es_DO facet.locale.mk_MK facet.doc.html facet.locale.es_EC facet.locale.ml facet.locale facet.locale.es_ES facet.locale.ml_IN facet.locale.af facet.locale.es_GT facet.locale.mr facet.locale.af_ZA facet.locale.es_HN facet.locale.mr_IN facet.locale.ar facet.locale.es_MX facet.locale.ms facet.locale.ar_AE facet.locale.es_NI facet.locale.ms_MY facet.locale.ar_BH facet.locale.es_PA facet.locale.mt facet.locale.ar_DZ facet.locale.es_PE facet.locale.mt_MT facet.locale.ar_EG facet.locale.es_PR facet.locale.nb facet.locale.ar_IQ facet.locale.es_PY facet.locale.nb_NO facet.locale.ar_JO facet.locale.es_SV facet.locale.nl facet.locale.ar_KW facet.locale.es_US facet.locale.nl_BE facet.locale.ar_LY facet.locale.es_UY facet.locale.nl_NL facet.locale.ar_MA facet.locale.es_VE facet.locale.nn facet.locale.ar_OM facet.locale.et facet.locale.nn_NO facet.locale.ar_QA facet.locale.et_EE facet.locale.no facet.locale.ar_SA facet.locale.eu facet.locale.or facet.locale.ar_TN facet.locale.fi facet.locale.or_IN facet.locale.ar_YE facet.locale.fi_FI facet.locale.pa facet.locale.as facet.locale.fr facet.locale.pa_IN facet.locale.as_IN facet.locale.fr_BE facet.locale.pl facet.locale.az facet.locale.fr_CA facet.locale.pl_PL facet.locale.az_AZ facet.locale.fr_CH facet.locale.pt facet.locale.be facet.locale.fr_FR facet.locale.pt_BR facet.locale.be_BY facet.locale.fr_LU facet.locale.pt_PT facet.locale.bg facet.locale.ga facet.locale.ro facet.locale.bg_BG facet.locale.gl facet.locale.ro_RO facet.locale.bn facet.locale.gu facet.locale.ru facet.locale.bn_IN facet.locale.gu_IN facet.locale.ru_RU facet.locale.bs facet.locale.he facet.locale.ru_UA facet.locale.bs_BA facet.locale.he_IL facet.locale.rw facet.locale.ca facet.locale.hi facet.locale.sa facet.locale.ca_ES facet.locale.hi_IN facet.locale.sa_IN facet.locale.cs facet.locale.hr facet.locale.sk facet.locale.cs_CZ facet.locale.hr_HR facet.locale.sk_SK facet.locale.da facet.locale.hu facet.locale.sl facet.locale.da_DK facet.locale.hu_HU facet.locale.sl_SI facet.locale.de facet.locale.hy facet.locale.sq facet.locale.de_AT facet.locale.hy_AM facet.locale.sq_AL facet.locale.de_BE facet.locale.id facet.locale.sr facet.locale.de_CH facet.locale.id_ID facet.locale.sr_ME facet.locale.de_DE facet.locale.is facet.locale.sr_RS facet.locale.de_LI facet.locale.is_IS facet.locale.sv facet.locale.de_LU facet.locale.it facet.locale.sv_SE facet.locale.el facet.locale.it_CH facet.locale.ta facet.locale.el_CY facet.locale.it_IT facet.locale.ta_IN facet.locale.el_GR facet.locale.ja facet.locale.te facet.locale.en facet.locale.ja_JP facet.locale.te_IN facet.locale.en_AU facet.locale.ka facet.locale.th facet.locale.en_BW facet.locale.ka_GE facet.locale.th_TH facet.locale.en_CA facet.locale.kk facet.locale.tr facet.locale.en_GB facet.locale.kk_KZ facet.locale.tr_TR facet.locale.en_HK facet.locale.kn facet.locale.uk facet.locale.en_IE facet.locale.kn_IN facet.locale.uk_UA facet.locale.en_IN facet.locale.ko facet.locale.vi facet.locale.en_MT facet.locale.ko_KR facet.locale.vi_VN facet.locale.en_NZ facet.locale.ks facet.locale.zh facet.locale.en_PH facet.locale.ks_IN facet.locale.zh_CN facet.locale.en_SG facet.locale.ku facet.locale.zh_HK facet.locale.en_US facet.locale.ku_TR facet.locale.zh_HK facet.locale.en_ZW facet.locale.ky facet.locale.zh_SG facet.locale.eo facet.locale.ky_KG facet.locale.zh_TW facet.locale.es_AR facet.locale.lg ======================== ================== ==================