/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4 -*- * * Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. Change History (most recent first): $Log: TXTRecord.java,v $ Revision 1.6 2006/08/14 23:25:08 cheshire Re-licensed mDNSResponder daemon source code under Apache License, Version 2.0 Revision 1.5 2004/08/25 21:54:36 rpantos Fix getValue() for values containing '='. Revision 1.4 2004/08/04 01:04:50 rpantos Fix set(); add remove() & toString(). Revision 1.3 2004/07/13 21:24:25 rpantos Fix for . Revision 1.2 2004/04/30 21:48:27 rpantos Change line endings for CVS. Revision 1.1 2004/04/30 16:29:35 rpantos First checked in. ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" To do: - implement remove() - fix set() to replace existing values */ package com.apple.dnssd; /** Object used to construct and parse DNS-SD format TXT records. For more info see DNS-Based Service Discovery, section 6. */ public class TXTRecord { /* DNS-SD specifies that a TXT record corresponding to an SRV record consist of a packed array of bytes, each preceded by a length byte. Each string is an attribute-value pair. The TXTRecord object stores the entire TXT data as a single byte array, traversing it as need be to implement its various methods. */ static final protected byte kAttrSep = '='; protected byte[] fBytes; /** Constructs a new, empty TXT record. */ public TXTRecord() { fBytes = new byte[0]; } /** Constructs a new TXT record from a byte array in the standard format. */ public TXTRecord( byte[] initBytes) { fBytes = (byte[]) initBytes.clone(); } /** Set a key/value pair in the TXT record. Setting an existing key will replace its value.

@param key The key name. Must be ASCII, with no '=' characters.

@param value Value to be encoded into bytes using the default platform character set. */ public void set( String key, String value) { byte[] valBytes = (value != null) ? value.getBytes() : null; this.set( key, valBytes); } /** Set a key/value pair in the TXT record. Setting an existing key will replace its value.

@param key The key name. Must be ASCII, with no '=' characters.

@param value Binary representation of the value. */ public void set( String key, byte[] value) { byte[] keyBytes; int valLen = (value != null) ? value.length : 0; try { keyBytes = key.getBytes( "US-ASCII"); } catch ( java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } for ( int i=0; i < keyBytes.length; i++) if ( keyBytes[i] == '=') throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if ( keyBytes.length + valLen >= 255) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); int prevLoc = this.remove( key); if ( prevLoc == -1) prevLoc = this.size(); this.insert( keyBytes, value, prevLoc); } protected void insert( byte[] keyBytes, byte[] value, int index) // Insert a key-value pair at index { byte[] oldBytes = fBytes; int valLen = (value != null) ? value.length : 0; int insertion = 0; byte newLen, avLen; // locate the insertion point for ( int i=0; i < index && insertion < fBytes.length; i++) insertion += fBytes[ insertion] + 1; avLen = (byte) ( keyBytes.length + valLen + (value != null ? 1 : 0)); newLen = (byte) ( avLen + oldBytes.length + 1); fBytes = new byte[ newLen]; System.arraycopy( oldBytes, 0, fBytes, 0, insertion); int secondHalfLen = oldBytes.length - insertion; System.arraycopy( oldBytes, insertion, fBytes, newLen - secondHalfLen, secondHalfLen); fBytes[ insertion] = avLen; System.arraycopy( keyBytes, 0, fBytes, insertion + 1, keyBytes.length); if ( value != null) { fBytes[ insertion + 1 + keyBytes.length] = kAttrSep; System.arraycopy( value, 0, fBytes, insertion + keyBytes.length + 2, valLen); } } /** Remove a key/value pair from the TXT record. Returns index it was at, or -1 if not found. */ public int remove( String key) { int avStart = 0; for ( int i=0; avStart < fBytes.length; i++) { int avLen = fBytes[ avStart]; if ( key.length() <= avLen && ( key.length() == avLen || fBytes[ avStart + key.length() + 1] == kAttrSep)) { String s = new String( fBytes, avStart + 1, key.length()); if ( 0 == key.compareToIgnoreCase( s)) { byte[] oldBytes = fBytes; fBytes = new byte[ oldBytes.length - avLen - 1]; System.arraycopy( oldBytes, 0, fBytes, 0, avStart); System.arraycopy( oldBytes, avStart + avLen + 1, fBytes, avStart, oldBytes.length - avStart - avLen - 1); return i; } } avStart += avLen + 1; } return -1; } /** Return the number of keys in the TXT record. */ public int size() { int i, avStart; for ( i=0, avStart=0; avStart < fBytes.length; i++) avStart += fBytes[ avStart] + 1; return i; } /** Return true if key is present in the TXT record, false if not. */ public boolean contains( String key) { String s = null; for ( int i=0; null != ( s = this.getKey( i)); i++) if ( 0 == key.compareToIgnoreCase( s)) return true; return false; } /** Return a key in the TXT record by zero-based index. Returns null if index exceeds the total number of keys. */ public String getKey( int index) { int avStart = 0; for ( int i=0; i < index && avStart < fBytes.length; i++) avStart += fBytes[ avStart] + 1; if ( avStart < fBytes.length) { int avLen = fBytes[ avStart]; int aLen = 0; for ( aLen=0; aLen < avLen; aLen++) if ( fBytes[ avStart + aLen + 1] == kAttrSep) break; return new String( fBytes, avStart + 1, aLen); } return null; } /** Look up a key in the TXT record by zero-based index and return its value.

Returns null if index exceeds the total number of keys. Returns null if the key is present with no value. */ public byte[] getValue( int index) { int avStart = 0; byte[] value = null; for ( int i=0; i < index && avStart < fBytes.length; i++) avStart += fBytes[ avStart] + 1; if ( avStart < fBytes.length) { int avLen = fBytes[ avStart]; int aLen = 0; for ( aLen=0; aLen < avLen; aLen++) { if ( fBytes[ avStart + aLen + 1] == kAttrSep) { value = new byte[ avLen - aLen - 1]; System.arraycopy( fBytes, avStart + aLen + 2, value, 0, avLen - aLen - 1); break; } } } return value; } /** Converts the result of getValue() to a string in the platform default character set. */ public String getValueAsString( int index) { byte[] value = this.getValue( index); return value != null ? new String( value) : null; } /** Get the value associated with a key. Will be null if the key is not defined. Array will have length 0 if the key is defined with an = but no value.

@param forKey The left-hand side of the key-value pair.

@return The binary representation of the value. */ public byte[] getValue( String forKey) { String s = null; int i; for ( i=0; null != ( s = this.getKey( i)); i++) if ( 0 == forKey.compareToIgnoreCase( s)) return this.getValue( i); return null; } /** Converts the result of getValue() to a string in the platform default character set.

@param forKey The left-hand side of the key-value pair.

@return The value represented in the default platform character set. */ public String getValueAsString( String forKey) { byte[] val = this.getValue( forKey); return val != null ? new String( val) : null; } /** Return the contents of the TXT record as raw bytes. */ public byte[] getRawBytes() { return (byte[]) fBytes.clone(); } /** Return a string representation of the object. */ public String toString() { String a, result = null; for ( int i=0; null != ( a = this.getKey( i)); i++) { String av = String.valueOf( i) + "={" + a; String val = this.getValueAsString( i); if ( val != null) av += "=" + val + "}"; else av += "}"; if ( result == null) result = av; else result = result + ", " + av; } return result != null ? result : ""; } }