/* * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 7006109 * @summary Add test library to simplify the task of writing automated type-system tests * @author mcimadamore * @library . * @run main BoxingConversionTest */ import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.*; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.EnumSet; /** * Check invariants in assignment/method conversion involving boxing conversions */ public class BoxingConversionTest extends TypeHarness { Type[] types1; Type[] types2; Type[] types3; enum Result { OK_BOTH(true), FAIL_BOTH(false), OK_ASSIGN_ONLY(true); boolean value; Result(boolean value) { this.value = value; } } enum ConversionKind { ASSIGNMENT_CONVERSION(EnumSet.of(Result.OK_BOTH, Result.OK_ASSIGN_ONLY)) { @Override void check(TypeHarness harness, Type from, Type to, Result expected) { harness.assertAssignable(from, to, resSet.contains(expected)); } }, METHOD_CONVERSION(EnumSet.of(Result.OK_BOTH)) { @Override void check(TypeHarness harness, Type from, Type to, Result expected) { harness.assertConvertible(from, to, resSet.contains(expected)); } }; EnumSet resSet; private ConversionKind(EnumSet resSet) { this.resSet = resSet; } abstract void check(TypeHarness harness, Type from, Type to, Result expected); } enum TestKind { SIMPLE { @Override Type[] getFromTypes(BoxingConversionTest harness) { return harness.types1; } @Override Type[] getToTypes(BoxingConversionTest harness) { return harness.types1; } @Override Result[][] getResults(BoxingConversionTest harness) { return harness.results1; } }, CONSTANT_TYPES { @Override Type[] getFromTypes(BoxingConversionTest harness) { return harness.types2; } @Override Type[] getToTypes(BoxingConversionTest harness) { return harness.types3; } @Override Result[][] getResults(BoxingConversionTest harness) { return harness.results2; } }; abstract Type[] getFromTypes(BoxingConversionTest harness); abstract Type[] getToTypes(BoxingConversionTest harness); abstract Result[][] getResults(BoxingConversionTest harness); } static final Result T = Result.OK_BOTH; static final Result F = Result.FAIL_BOTH; static final Result A = Result.OK_ASSIGN_ONLY; Result[][] results1 = { //byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, bool, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean /*byte*/ { T , T , T , T , T , T , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F }, /*short*/ { F , T , T , T , T , T , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F }, /*int*/ { F , F , T , T , T , T , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F }, /*long*/ { F , F , F , T , T , T , F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F }, /*float*/ { F , F , F , F , T , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F }, /*double*/ { F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F }, /*char*/ { F , F , T , T , T , T , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F }, /*bool*/ { F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T }, /*Byte*/ { T , T , T , T , T , T , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F }, /*Short*/ { F , T , T , T , T , T , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F }, /*Integer*/ { F , F , T , T , T , T , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F }, /*Long*/ { F , F , F , T , T , T , F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F }, /*Float*/ { F , F , F , F , T , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F }, /*Double*/ { F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F }, /*Character*/ { F , F , T , T , T , T , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F }, /*Boolean*/ { F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T }}; Result[][] results2 = { //Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Chararacter, Boolean /*byte*/ { T , F , F , F , F , F , F , F }, /*short*/ { F , T , F , F , F , F , F , F }, /*short1*/ { A , T , F , F , F , F , A , F }, /*short2*/ { F , T , F , F , F , F , A , F }, /*int*/ { F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F }, /*int1*/ { A , A , T , F , F , F , A , F }, /*int2*/ { F , A , T , F , F , F , A , F }, /*int4*/ { F , F , T , F , F , F , F , F }, /*long*/ { F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F }, /*long1*/ { F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F }, /*long2*/ { F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F }, /*long4*/ { F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F }, /*long8*/ { F , F , F , T , F , F , F , F }, /*float*/ { F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F }, /*float1*/ { F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F }, /*float2*/ { F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F }, /*float4*/ { F , F , F , F , T , F , F , F }, /*double*/ { F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F }, /*double1*/ { F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F }, /*double2*/ { F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F }, /*double4*/ { F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F }, /*double8*/ { F , F , F , F , F , T , F , F }, /*char*/ { F , F , F , F , F , F , T , F }, /*char1*/ { A , A , F , F , F , F , T , F }, /*char2*/ { F , A , F , F , F , F , T , F }, /*bool*/ { F , F , F , F , F , F , F , T }}; BoxingConversionTest() { Type[] primitiveTypes = new Type[] { predef.byteType, predef.shortType, predef.intType, predef.longType, predef.floatType, predef.doubleType, predef.charType, predef.booleanType }; Type[] boxedTypes = new Type[primitiveTypes.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < primitiveTypes.length ; i++) { boxedTypes[i] = box(primitiveTypes[i]); } types1 = join(Type.class, primitiveTypes, boxedTypes); types2 = new Type[] { predef.byteType, predef.shortType, fac.Constant((short)0x0001), fac.Constant((short)0x0100), predef.intType, fac.Constant((int)0x0000_0001), fac.Constant((int)0x0000_0100), fac.Constant((int)0x0001_0000), predef.longType, fac.Constant((long)0x0000_0000_0000_0001L), fac.Constant((long)0x0000_0000_0000_0100L), fac.Constant((long)0x0000_0000_0001_0000L), fac.Constant((long)0x0001_0000_0000_0000L), predef.floatType, fac.Constant((float)0x0000_0001), fac.Constant((float)0x0000_0100), fac.Constant((float)0x0001_0000), predef.doubleType, fac.Constant((double)0x0000_0000_0000_0001L), fac.Constant((double)0x0000_0000_0000_0100L), fac.Constant((double)0x0000_0000_0001_0000L), fac.Constant((double)0x0001_0000_0000_0000L), predef.charType, fac.Constant((char)0x0001), fac.Constant((char)0x0100), predef.booleanType }; types3 = boxedTypes; } void testConversion(ConversionKind convKind, TestKind testKind) { Type[] rows = testKind.getFromTypes(this); Type[] cols = testKind.getToTypes(this); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols.length ; j++) { convKind.check(this, rows[i], cols[j], testKind.getResults(this)[i][j]); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T[] join(Class type, T[]... args) { int totalLength = 0; for (T[] arr : args) { totalLength += arr.length; } T[] new_arr = (T[])Array.newInstance(type, totalLength); int idx = 0; for (T[] arr : args) { System.arraycopy(arr, 0, new_arr, idx, arr.length); idx += arr.length; } return new_arr; } public static void main(String[] args) { BoxingConversionTest harness = new BoxingConversionTest(); for (ConversionKind convKind : ConversionKind.values()) { for (TestKind testKind : TestKind.values()) { harness.testConversion(convKind, testKind); } } } }