/* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.tools.javac.comp; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.api.Formattable.LocalizedString; import static com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Resolve.MethodResolutionPhase.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.*; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.*; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.*; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTags.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticFlag; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementVisitor; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; /** Helper class for name resolution, used mostly by the attribution phase. * *

This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice. */ public class Resolve { protected static final Context.Key resolveKey = new Context.Key(); Names names; Log log; Symtab syms; Check chk; Infer infer; ClassReader reader; TreeInfo treeinfo; Types types; JCDiagnostic.Factory diags; public final boolean boxingEnabled; // = source.allowBoxing(); public final boolean varargsEnabled; // = source.allowVarargs(); public final boolean allowMethodHandles; private final boolean debugResolve; Scope polymorphicSignatureScope; public static Resolve instance(Context context) { Resolve instance = context.get(resolveKey); if (instance == null) instance = new Resolve(context); return instance; } protected Resolve(Context context) { context.put(resolveKey, this); syms = Symtab.instance(context); varNotFound = new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_VAR); wrongMethod = new InapplicableSymbolError(syms.errSymbol); wrongMethods = new InapplicableSymbolsError(syms.errSymbol); methodNotFound = new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_MTH); typeNotFound = new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_TYP); names = Names.instance(context); log = Log.instance(context); chk = Check.instance(context); infer = Infer.instance(context); reader = ClassReader.instance(context); treeinfo = TreeInfo.instance(context); types = Types.instance(context); diags = JCDiagnostic.Factory.instance(context); Source source = Source.instance(context); boxingEnabled = source.allowBoxing(); varargsEnabled = source.allowVarargs(); Options options = Options.instance(context); debugResolve = options.isSet("debugresolve"); Target target = Target.instance(context); allowMethodHandles = target.hasMethodHandles(); polymorphicSignatureScope = new Scope(syms.noSymbol); inapplicableMethodException = new InapplicableMethodException(diags); } /** error symbols, which are returned when resolution fails */ final SymbolNotFoundError varNotFound; final InapplicableSymbolError wrongMethod; final InapplicableSymbolsError wrongMethods; final SymbolNotFoundError methodNotFound; final SymbolNotFoundError typeNotFound; /* ************************************************************************ * Identifier resolution *************************************************************************/ /** An environment is "static" if its static level is greater than * the one of its outer environment */ static boolean isStatic(Env env) { return env.info.staticLevel > env.outer.info.staticLevel; } /** An environment is an "initializer" if it is a constructor or * an instance initializer. */ static boolean isInitializer(Env env) { Symbol owner = env.info.scope.owner; return owner.isConstructor() || owner.owner.kind == TYP && (owner.kind == VAR || owner.kind == MTH && (owner.flags() & BLOCK) != 0) && (owner.flags() & STATIC) == 0; } /** Is class accessible in given evironment? * @param env The current environment. * @param c The class whose accessibility is checked. */ public boolean isAccessible(Env env, TypeSymbol c) { return isAccessible(env, c, false); } public boolean isAccessible(Env env, TypeSymbol c, boolean checkInner) { boolean isAccessible = false; switch ((short)(c.flags() & AccessFlags)) { case PRIVATE: isAccessible = env.enclClass.sym.outermostClass() == c.owner.outermostClass(); break; case 0: isAccessible = env.toplevel.packge == c.owner // fast special case || env.toplevel.packge == c.packge() || // Hack: this case is added since synthesized default constructors // of anonymous classes should be allowed to access // classes which would be inaccessible otherwise. env.enclMethod != null && (env.enclMethod.mods.flags & ANONCONSTR) != 0; break; default: // error recovery case PUBLIC: isAccessible = true; break; case PROTECTED: isAccessible = env.toplevel.packge == c.owner // fast special case || env.toplevel.packge == c.packge() || isInnerSubClass(env.enclClass.sym, c.owner); break; } return (checkInner == false || c.type.getEnclosingType() == Type.noType) ? isAccessible : isAccessible && isAccessible(env, c.type.getEnclosingType(), checkInner); } //where /** Is given class a subclass of given base class, or an inner class * of a subclass? * Return null if no such class exists. * @param c The class which is the subclass or is contained in it. * @param base The base class */ private boolean isInnerSubClass(ClassSymbol c, Symbol base) { while (c != null && !c.isSubClass(base, types)) { c = c.owner.enclClass(); } return c != null; } boolean isAccessible(Env env, Type t) { return isAccessible(env, t, false); } boolean isAccessible(Env env, Type t, boolean checkInner) { return (t.tag == ARRAY) ? isAccessible(env, types.elemtype(t)) : isAccessible(env, t.tsym, checkInner); } /** Is symbol accessible as a member of given type in given evironment? * @param env The current environment. * @param site The type of which the tested symbol is regarded * as a member. * @param sym The symbol. */ public boolean isAccessible(Env env, Type site, Symbol sym) { return isAccessible(env, site, sym, false); } public boolean isAccessible(Env env, Type site, Symbol sym, boolean checkInner) { if (sym.name == names.init && sym.owner != site.tsym) return false; switch ((short)(sym.flags() & AccessFlags)) { case PRIVATE: return (env.enclClass.sym == sym.owner // fast special case || env.enclClass.sym.outermostClass() == sym.owner.outermostClass()) && sym.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types); case 0: return (env.toplevel.packge == sym.owner.owner // fast special case || env.toplevel.packge == sym.packge()) && isAccessible(env, site, checkInner) && sym.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types) && notOverriddenIn(site, sym); case PROTECTED: return (env.toplevel.packge == sym.owner.owner // fast special case || env.toplevel.packge == sym.packge() || isProtectedAccessible(sym, env.enclClass.sym, site) || // OK to select instance method or field from 'super' or type name // (but type names should be disallowed elsewhere!) env.info.selectSuper && (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0 && sym.kind != TYP) && isAccessible(env, site, checkInner) && notOverriddenIn(site, sym); default: // this case includes erroneous combinations as well return isAccessible(env, site, checkInner) && notOverriddenIn(site, sym); } } //where /* `sym' is accessible only if not overridden by * another symbol which is a member of `site' * (because, if it is overridden, `sym' is not strictly * speaking a member of `site'). A polymorphic signature method * cannot be overridden (e.g. MH.invokeExact(Object[])). */ private boolean notOverriddenIn(Type site, Symbol sym) { if (sym.kind != MTH || sym.isConstructor() || sym.isStatic()) return true; else { Symbol s2 = ((MethodSymbol)sym).implementation(site.tsym, types, true); return (s2 == null || s2 == sym || sym.owner == s2.owner || s2.isPolymorphicSignatureGeneric() || !types.isSubSignature(types.memberType(site, s2), types.memberType(site, sym))); } } //where /** Is given protected symbol accessible if it is selected from given site * and the selection takes place in given class? * @param sym The symbol with protected access * @param c The class where the access takes place * @site The type of the qualifier */ private boolean isProtectedAccessible(Symbol sym, ClassSymbol c, Type site) { while (c != null && !(c.isSubClass(sym.owner, types) && (c.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0 && // In JLS 2e, the subclass restriction applies // only to instance fields and methods -- types are excluded // regardless of whether they are declared 'static' or not. ((sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0 || sym.kind == TYP || site.tsym.isSubClass(c, types)))) c = c.owner.enclClass(); return c != null; } /** Try to instantiate the type of a method so that it fits * given type arguments and argument types. If successful, return * the method's instantiated type, else return null. * The instantiation will take into account an additional leading * formal parameter if the method is an instance method seen as a member * of an undetermined site In this case, we treat site as an additional * parameter and the parameters of the class containing the method as * additional type variables that get instantiated. * * @param env The current environment * @param site The type of which the method is a member. * @param m The method symbol. * @param argtypes The invocation's given value arguments. * @param typeargtypes The invocation's given type arguments. * @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments. * @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs. */ Type rawInstantiate(Env env, Type site, Symbol m, List argtypes, List typeargtypes, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs, Warner warn) throws Infer.InferenceException { boolean polymorphicSignature = m.isPolymorphicSignatureGeneric() && allowMethodHandles; if (useVarargs && (m.flags() & VARARGS) == 0) throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage(); Type mt = types.memberType(site, m); // tvars is the list of formal type variables for which type arguments // need to inferred. List tvars = null; if (env.info.tvars != null) { tvars = types.newInstances(env.info.tvars); mt = types.subst(mt, env.info.tvars, tvars); } if (typeargtypes == null) typeargtypes = List.nil(); if (mt.tag != FORALL && typeargtypes.nonEmpty()) { // This is not a polymorphic method, but typeargs are supplied // which is fine, see JLS } else if (mt.tag == FORALL && typeargtypes.nonEmpty()) { ForAll pmt = (ForAll) mt; if (typeargtypes.length() != pmt.tvars.length()) throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage("arg.length.mismatch"); // not enough args // Check type arguments are within bounds List formals = pmt.tvars; List actuals = typeargtypes; while (formals.nonEmpty() && actuals.nonEmpty()) { List bounds = types.subst(types.getBounds((TypeVar)formals.head), pmt.tvars, typeargtypes); for (; bounds.nonEmpty(); bounds = bounds.tail) if (!types.isSubtypeUnchecked(actuals.head, bounds.head, warn)) throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage("explicit.param.do.not.conform.to.bounds",actuals.head, bounds); formals = formals.tail; actuals = actuals.tail; } mt = types.subst(pmt.qtype, pmt.tvars, typeargtypes); } else if (mt.tag == FORALL) { ForAll pmt = (ForAll) mt; List tvars1 = types.newInstances(pmt.tvars); tvars = tvars.appendList(tvars1); mt = types.subst(pmt.qtype, pmt.tvars, tvars1); } // find out whether we need to go the slow route via infer boolean instNeeded = tvars.tail != null || /*inlined: tvars.nonEmpty()*/ polymorphicSignature; for (List l = argtypes; l.tail != null/*inlined: l.nonEmpty()*/ && !instNeeded; l = l.tail) { if (l.head.tag == FORALL) instNeeded = true; } if (instNeeded) return polymorphicSignature ? infer.instantiatePolymorphicSignatureInstance(env, site, m.name, (MethodSymbol)m, argtypes) : infer.instantiateMethod(env, tvars, (MethodType)mt, m, argtypes, allowBoxing, useVarargs, warn); checkRawArgumentsAcceptable(env, argtypes, mt.getParameterTypes(), allowBoxing, useVarargs, warn); return mt; } /** Same but returns null instead throwing a NoInstanceException */ Type instantiate(Env env, Type site, Symbol m, List argtypes, List typeargtypes, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs, Warner warn) { try { return rawInstantiate(env, site, m, argtypes, typeargtypes, allowBoxing, useVarargs, warn); } catch (InapplicableMethodException ex) { return null; } } /** Check if a parameter list accepts a list of args. */ boolean argumentsAcceptable(Env env, List argtypes, List formals, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs, Warner warn) { try { checkRawArgumentsAcceptable(env, argtypes, formals, allowBoxing, useVarargs, warn); return true; } catch (InapplicableMethodException ex) { return false; } } void checkRawArgumentsAcceptable(Env env, List argtypes, List formals, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs, Warner warn) { Type varargsFormal = useVarargs ? formals.last() : null; if (varargsFormal == null && argtypes.size() != formals.size()) { throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage("arg.length.mismatch"); // not enough args } while (argtypes.nonEmpty() && formals.head != varargsFormal) { boolean works = allowBoxing ? types.isConvertible(argtypes.head, formals.head, warn) : types.isSubtypeUnchecked(argtypes.head, formals.head, warn); if (!works) throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage("no.conforming.assignment.exists", argtypes.head, formals.head); argtypes = argtypes.tail; formals = formals.tail; } if (formals.head != varargsFormal) throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage("arg.length.mismatch"); // not enough args if (useVarargs) { Type elt = types.elemtype(varargsFormal); while (argtypes.nonEmpty()) { if (!types.isConvertible(argtypes.head, elt, warn)) throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage("varargs.argument.mismatch", argtypes.head, elt); argtypes = argtypes.tail; } //check varargs element type accessibility if (!isAccessible(env, elt)) { Symbol location = env.enclClass.sym; throw inapplicableMethodException.setMessage("inaccessible.varargs.type", elt, Kinds.kindName(location), location); } } return; } // where public static class InapplicableMethodException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; JCDiagnostic diagnostic; JCDiagnostic.Factory diags; InapplicableMethodException(JCDiagnostic.Factory diags) { this.diagnostic = null; this.diags = diags; } InapplicableMethodException setMessage() { this.diagnostic = null; return this; } InapplicableMethodException setMessage(String key) { this.diagnostic = key != null ? diags.fragment(key) : null; return this; } InapplicableMethodException setMessage(String key, Object... args) { this.diagnostic = key != null ? diags.fragment(key, args) : null; return this; } InapplicableMethodException setMessage(JCDiagnostic diag) { this.diagnostic = diag; return this; } public JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic() { return diagnostic; } } private final InapplicableMethodException inapplicableMethodException; /* *************************************************************************** * Symbol lookup * the following naming conventions for arguments are used * * env is the environment where the symbol was mentioned * site is the type of which the symbol is a member * name is the symbol's name * if no arguments are given * argtypes are the value arguments, if we search for a method * * If no symbol was found, a ResolveError detailing the problem is returned. ****************************************************************************/ /** Find field. Synthetic fields are always skipped. * @param env The current environment. * @param site The original type from where the selection takes place. * @param name The name of the field. * @param c The class to search for the field. This is always * a superclass or implemented interface of site's class. */ Symbol findField(Env env, Type site, Name name, TypeSymbol c) { while (c.type.tag == TYPEVAR) c = c.type.getUpperBound().tsym; Symbol bestSoFar = varNotFound; Symbol sym; Scope.Entry e = c.members().lookup(name); while (e.scope != null) { if (e.sym.kind == VAR && (e.sym.flags_field & SYNTHETIC) == 0) { return isAccessible(env, site, e.sym) ? e.sym : new AccessError(env, site, e.sym); } e = e.next(); } Type st = types.supertype(c.type); if (st != null && (st.tag == CLASS || st.tag == TYPEVAR)) { sym = findField(env, site, name, st.tsym); if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } for (List l = types.interfaces(c.type); bestSoFar.kind != AMBIGUOUS && l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { sym = findField(env, site, name, l.head.tsym); if (bestSoFar.kind < AMBIGUOUS && sym.kind < AMBIGUOUS && sym.owner != bestSoFar.owner) bestSoFar = new AmbiguityError(bestSoFar, sym); else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } return bestSoFar; } /** Resolve a field identifier, throw a fatal error if not found. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the method invocation. * @param site The type of the qualifying expression, in which * identifier is searched. * @param name The identifier's name. */ public VarSymbol resolveInternalField(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type site, Name name) { Symbol sym = findField(env, site, name, site.tsym); if (sym.kind == VAR) return (VarSymbol)sym; else throw new FatalError( diags.fragment("fatal.err.cant.locate.field", name)); } /** Find unqualified variable or field with given name. * Synthetic fields always skipped. * @param env The current environment. * @param name The name of the variable or field. */ Symbol findVar(Env env, Name name) { Symbol bestSoFar = varNotFound; Symbol sym; Env env1 = env; boolean staticOnly = false; while (env1.outer != null) { if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true; Scope.Entry e = env1.info.scope.lookup(name); while (e.scope != null && (e.sym.kind != VAR || (e.sym.flags_field & SYNTHETIC) != 0)) e = e.next(); sym = (e.scope != null) ? e.sym : findField( env1, env1.enclClass.sym.type, name, env1.enclClass.sym); if (sym.exists()) { if (staticOnly && sym.kind == VAR && sym.owner.kind == TYP && (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0) return new StaticError(sym); else return sym; } else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) { bestSoFar = sym; } if ((env1.enclClass.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) staticOnly = true; env1 = env1.outer; } sym = findField(env, syms.predefClass.type, name, syms.predefClass); if (sym.exists()) return sym; if (bestSoFar.exists()) return bestSoFar; Scope.Entry e = env.toplevel.namedImportScope.lookup(name); for (; e.scope != null; e = e.next()) { sym = e.sym; Type origin = e.getOrigin().owner.type; if (sym.kind == VAR) { if (e.sym.owner.type != origin) sym = sym.clone(e.getOrigin().owner); return isAccessible(env, origin, sym) ? sym : new AccessError(env, origin, sym); } } Symbol origin = null; e = env.toplevel.starImportScope.lookup(name); for (; e.scope != null; e = e.next()) { sym = e.sym; if (sym.kind != VAR) continue; // invariant: sym.kind == VAR if (bestSoFar.kind < AMBIGUOUS && sym.owner != bestSoFar.owner) return new AmbiguityError(bestSoFar, sym); else if (bestSoFar.kind >= VAR) { origin = e.getOrigin().owner; bestSoFar = isAccessible(env, origin.type, sym) ? sym : new AccessError(env, origin.type, sym); } } if (bestSoFar.kind == VAR && bestSoFar.owner.type != origin.type) return bestSoFar.clone(origin); else return bestSoFar; } Warner noteWarner = new Warner(); /** Select the best method for a call site among two choices. * @param env The current environment. * @param site The original type from where the * selection takes place. * @param argtypes The invocation's value arguments, * @param typeargtypes The invocation's type arguments, * @param sym Proposed new best match. * @param bestSoFar Previously found best match. * @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments. * @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs. */ @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") Symbol selectBest(Env env, Type site, List argtypes, List typeargtypes, Symbol sym, Symbol bestSoFar, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs, boolean operator) { if (sym.kind == ERR) return bestSoFar; if (!sym.isInheritedIn(site.tsym, types)) return bestSoFar; Assert.check(sym.kind < AMBIGUOUS); try { rawInstantiate(env, site, sym, argtypes, typeargtypes, allowBoxing, useVarargs, Warner.noWarnings); } catch (InapplicableMethodException ex) { switch (bestSoFar.kind) { case ABSENT_MTH: return wrongMethod.setWrongSym(sym, ex.getDiagnostic()); case WRONG_MTH: if (operator) return bestSoFar; wrongMethods.addCandidate(currentStep, wrongMethod.sym, wrongMethod.explanation); case WRONG_MTHS: return wrongMethods.addCandidate(currentStep, sym, ex.getDiagnostic()); default: return bestSoFar; } } if (!isAccessible(env, site, sym)) { return (bestSoFar.kind == ABSENT_MTH) ? new AccessError(env, site, sym) : bestSoFar; } return (bestSoFar.kind > AMBIGUOUS) ? sym : mostSpecific(sym, bestSoFar, env, site, allowBoxing && operator, useVarargs); } /* Return the most specific of the two methods for a call, * given that both are accessible and applicable. * @param m1 A new candidate for most specific. * @param m2 The previous most specific candidate. * @param env The current environment. * @param site The original type from where the selection * takes place. * @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments. * @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs. */ Symbol mostSpecific(Symbol m1, Symbol m2, Env env, final Type site, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs) { switch (m2.kind) { case MTH: if (m1 == m2) return m1; boolean m1SignatureMoreSpecific = signatureMoreSpecific(env, site, m1, m2, allowBoxing, useVarargs); boolean m2SignatureMoreSpecific = signatureMoreSpecific(env, site, m2, m1, allowBoxing, useVarargs); if (m1SignatureMoreSpecific && m2SignatureMoreSpecific) { Type mt1 = types.memberType(site, m1); Type mt2 = types.memberType(site, m2); if (!types.overrideEquivalent(mt1, mt2)) return ambiguityError(m1, m2); // same signature; select (a) the non-bridge method, or // (b) the one that overrides the other, or (c) the concrete // one, or (d) merge both abstract signatures if ((m1.flags() & BRIDGE) != (m2.flags() & BRIDGE)) return ((m1.flags() & BRIDGE) != 0) ? m2 : m1; // if one overrides or hides the other, use it TypeSymbol m1Owner = (TypeSymbol)m1.owner; TypeSymbol m2Owner = (TypeSymbol)m2.owner; if (types.asSuper(m1Owner.type, m2Owner) != null && ((m1.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) == 0 || (m2.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) != 0) && m1.overrides(m2, m1Owner, types, false)) return m1; if (types.asSuper(m2Owner.type, m1Owner) != null && ((m2.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) == 0 || (m1.owner.flags_field & INTERFACE) != 0) && m2.overrides(m1, m2Owner, types, false)) return m2; boolean m1Abstract = (m1.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0; boolean m2Abstract = (m2.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0; if (m1Abstract && !m2Abstract) return m2; if (m2Abstract && !m1Abstract) return m1; // both abstract or both concrete if (!m1Abstract && !m2Abstract) return ambiguityError(m1, m2); // check that both signatures have the same erasure if (!types.isSameTypes(m1.erasure(types).getParameterTypes(), m2.erasure(types).getParameterTypes())) return ambiguityError(m1, m2); // both abstract, neither overridden; merge throws clause and result type Type mst = mostSpecificReturnType(mt1, mt2); if (mst == null) { // Theoretically, this can't happen, but it is possible // due to error recovery or mixing incompatible class files return ambiguityError(m1, m2); } Symbol mostSpecific = mst == mt1 ? m1 : m2; List allThrown = chk.intersect(mt1.getThrownTypes(), mt2.getThrownTypes()); Type newSig = types.createMethodTypeWithThrown(mostSpecific.type, allThrown); MethodSymbol result = new MethodSymbol( mostSpecific.flags(), mostSpecific.name, newSig, mostSpecific.owner) { @Override public MethodSymbol implementation(TypeSymbol origin, Types types, boolean checkResult) { if (origin == site.tsym) return this; else return super.implementation(origin, types, checkResult); } }; return result; } if (m1SignatureMoreSpecific) return m1; if (m2SignatureMoreSpecific) return m2; return ambiguityError(m1, m2); case AMBIGUOUS: AmbiguityError e = (AmbiguityError)m2; Symbol err1 = mostSpecific(m1, e.sym, env, site, allowBoxing, useVarargs); Symbol err2 = mostSpecific(m1, e.sym2, env, site, allowBoxing, useVarargs); if (err1 == err2) return err1; if (err1 == e.sym && err2 == e.sym2) return m2; if (err1 instanceof AmbiguityError && err2 instanceof AmbiguityError && ((AmbiguityError)err1).sym == ((AmbiguityError)err2).sym) return ambiguityError(m1, m2); else return ambiguityError(err1, err2); default: throw new AssertionError(); } } //where private boolean signatureMoreSpecific(Env env, Type site, Symbol m1, Symbol m2, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs) { noteWarner.clear(); Type mtype1 = types.memberType(site, adjustVarargs(m1, m2, useVarargs)); Type mtype2 = instantiate(env, site, adjustVarargs(m2, m1, useVarargs), types.lowerBoundArgtypes(mtype1), null, allowBoxing, false, noteWarner); return mtype2 != null && !noteWarner.hasLint(Lint.LintCategory.UNCHECKED); } //where private Symbol adjustVarargs(Symbol to, Symbol from, boolean useVarargs) { List fromArgs = from.type.getParameterTypes(); List toArgs = to.type.getParameterTypes(); if (useVarargs && (from.flags() & VARARGS) != 0 && (to.flags() & VARARGS) != 0) { Type varargsTypeFrom = fromArgs.last(); Type varargsTypeTo = toArgs.last(); ListBuffer args = ListBuffer.lb(); if (toArgs.length() < fromArgs.length()) { //if we are checking a varargs method 'from' against another varargs //method 'to' (where arity of 'to' < arity of 'from') then expand signature //of 'to' to 'fit' arity of 'from' (this means adding fake formals to 'to' //until 'to' signature has the same arity as 'from') while (fromArgs.head != varargsTypeFrom) { args.append(toArgs.head == varargsTypeTo ? types.elemtype(varargsTypeTo) : toArgs.head); fromArgs = fromArgs.tail; toArgs = toArgs.head == varargsTypeTo ? toArgs : toArgs.tail; } } else { //formal argument list is same as original list where last //argument (array type) is removed args.appendList(toArgs.reverse().tail.reverse()); } //append varargs element type as last synthetic formal args.append(types.elemtype(varargsTypeTo)); Type mtype = types.createMethodTypeWithParameters(to.type, args.toList()); return new MethodSymbol(to.flags_field & ~VARARGS, to.name, mtype, to.owner); } else { return to; } } //where Type mostSpecificReturnType(Type mt1, Type mt2) { Type rt1 = mt1.getReturnType(); Type rt2 = mt2.getReturnType(); if (mt1.tag == FORALL && mt2.tag == FORALL) { //if both are generic methods, adjust return type ahead of subtyping check rt1 = types.subst(rt1, mt1.getTypeArguments(), mt2.getTypeArguments()); } //first use subtyping, then return type substitutability if (types.isSubtype(rt1, rt2)) { return mt1; } else if (types.isSubtype(rt2, rt1)) { return mt2; } else if (types.returnTypeSubstitutable(mt1, mt2)) { return mt1; } else if (types.returnTypeSubstitutable(mt2, mt1)) { return mt2; } else { return null; } } //where Symbol ambiguityError(Symbol m1, Symbol m2) { if (((m1.flags() | m2.flags()) & CLASH) != 0) { return (m1.flags() & CLASH) == 0 ? m1 : m2; } else { return new AmbiguityError(m1, m2); } } /** Find best qualified method matching given name, type and value * arguments. * @param env The current environment. * @param site The original type from where the selection * takes place. * @param name The method's name. * @param argtypes The method's value arguments. * @param typeargtypes The method's type arguments * @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments. * @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs. */ Symbol findMethod(Env env, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs, boolean operator) { Symbol bestSoFar = methodNotFound; return findMethod(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes, site.tsym.type, true, bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, operator, new HashSet()); } // where private Symbol findMethod(Env env, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes, Type intype, boolean abstractok, Symbol bestSoFar, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs, boolean operator, Set seen) { for (Type ct = intype; ct.tag == CLASS || ct.tag == TYPEVAR; ct = types.supertype(ct)) { while (ct.tag == TYPEVAR) ct = ct.getUpperBound(); ClassSymbol c = (ClassSymbol)ct.tsym; if (!seen.add(c)) return bestSoFar; if ((c.flags() & (ABSTRACT | INTERFACE | ENUM)) == 0) abstractok = false; for (Scope.Entry e = c.members().lookup(name); e.scope != null; e = e.next()) { //- System.out.println(" e " + e.sym); if (e.sym.kind == MTH && (e.sym.flags_field & SYNTHETIC) == 0) { bestSoFar = selectBest(env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, e.sym, bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, operator); } } if (name == names.init) break; //- System.out.println(" - " + bestSoFar); if (abstractok) { Symbol concrete = methodNotFound; if ((bestSoFar.flags() & ABSTRACT) == 0) concrete = bestSoFar; for (List l = types.interfaces(c.type); l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { bestSoFar = findMethod(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes, l.head, abstractok, bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, operator, seen); } if (concrete != bestSoFar && concrete.kind < ERR && bestSoFar.kind < ERR && types.isSubSignature(concrete.type, bestSoFar.type)) bestSoFar = concrete; } } return bestSoFar; } /** Find unqualified method matching given name, type and value arguments. * @param env The current environment. * @param name The method's name. * @param argtypes The method's value arguments. * @param typeargtypes The method's type arguments. * @param allowBoxing Allow boxing conversions of arguments. * @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs. */ Symbol findFun(Env env, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs) { Symbol bestSoFar = methodNotFound; Symbol sym; Env env1 = env; boolean staticOnly = false; while (env1.outer != null) { if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true; sym = findMethod( env1, env1.enclClass.sym.type, name, argtypes, typeargtypes, allowBoxing, useVarargs, false); if (sym.exists()) { if (staticOnly && sym.kind == MTH && sym.owner.kind == TYP && (sym.flags() & STATIC) == 0) return new StaticError(sym); else return sym; } else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) { bestSoFar = sym; } if ((env1.enclClass.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) staticOnly = true; env1 = env1.outer; } sym = findMethod(env, syms.predefClass.type, name, argtypes, typeargtypes, allowBoxing, useVarargs, false); if (sym.exists()) return sym; Scope.Entry e = env.toplevel.namedImportScope.lookup(name); for (; e.scope != null; e = e.next()) { sym = e.sym; Type origin = e.getOrigin().owner.type; if (sym.kind == MTH) { if (e.sym.owner.type != origin) sym = sym.clone(e.getOrigin().owner); if (!isAccessible(env, origin, sym)) sym = new AccessError(env, origin, sym); bestSoFar = selectBest(env, origin, argtypes, typeargtypes, sym, bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, false); } } if (bestSoFar.exists()) return bestSoFar; e = env.toplevel.starImportScope.lookup(name); for (; e.scope != null; e = e.next()) { sym = e.sym; Type origin = e.getOrigin().owner.type; if (sym.kind == MTH) { if (e.sym.owner.type != origin) sym = sym.clone(e.getOrigin().owner); if (!isAccessible(env, origin, sym)) sym = new AccessError(env, origin, sym); bestSoFar = selectBest(env, origin, argtypes, typeargtypes, sym, bestSoFar, allowBoxing, useVarargs, false); } } return bestSoFar; } /** Load toplevel or member class with given fully qualified name and * verify that it is accessible. * @param env The current environment. * @param name The fully qualified name of the class to be loaded. */ Symbol loadClass(Env env, Name name) { try { ClassSymbol c = reader.loadClass(name); return isAccessible(env, c) ? c : new AccessError(c); } catch (ClassReader.BadClassFile err) { throw err; } catch (CompletionFailure ex) { return typeNotFound; } } /** Find qualified member type. * @param env The current environment. * @param site The original type from where the selection takes * place. * @param name The type's name. * @param c The class to search for the member type. This is * always a superclass or implemented interface of * site's class. */ Symbol findMemberType(Env env, Type site, Name name, TypeSymbol c) { Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound; Symbol sym; Scope.Entry e = c.members().lookup(name); while (e.scope != null) { if (e.sym.kind == TYP) { return isAccessible(env, site, e.sym) ? e.sym : new AccessError(env, site, e.sym); } e = e.next(); } Type st = types.supertype(c.type); if (st != null && st.tag == CLASS) { sym = findMemberType(env, site, name, st.tsym); if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } for (List l = types.interfaces(c.type); bestSoFar.kind != AMBIGUOUS && l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { sym = findMemberType(env, site, name, l.head.tsym); if (bestSoFar.kind < AMBIGUOUS && sym.kind < AMBIGUOUS && sym.owner != bestSoFar.owner) bestSoFar = new AmbiguityError(bestSoFar, sym); else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } return bestSoFar; } /** Find a global type in given scope and load corresponding class. * @param env The current environment. * @param scope The scope in which to look for the type. * @param name The type's name. */ Symbol findGlobalType(Env env, Scope scope, Name name) { Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound; for (Scope.Entry e = scope.lookup(name); e.scope != null; e = e.next()) { Symbol sym = loadClass(env, e.sym.flatName()); if (bestSoFar.kind == TYP && sym.kind == TYP && bestSoFar != sym) return new AmbiguityError(bestSoFar, sym); else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } return bestSoFar; } /** Find an unqualified type symbol. * @param env The current environment. * @param name The type's name. */ Symbol findType(Env env, Name name) { Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound; Symbol sym; boolean staticOnly = false; for (Env env1 = env; env1.outer != null; env1 = env1.outer) { if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true; for (Scope.Entry e = env1.info.scope.lookup(name); e.scope != null; e = e.next()) { if (e.sym.kind == TYP) { if (staticOnly && e.sym.type.tag == TYPEVAR && e.sym.owner.kind == TYP) return new StaticError(e.sym); return e.sym; } } sym = findMemberType(env1, env1.enclClass.sym.type, name, env1.enclClass.sym); if (staticOnly && sym.kind == TYP && sym.type.tag == CLASS && sym.type.getEnclosingType().tag == CLASS && env1.enclClass.sym.type.isParameterized() && sym.type.getEnclosingType().isParameterized()) return new StaticError(sym); else if (sym.exists()) return sym; else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; JCClassDecl encl = env1.baseClause ? (JCClassDecl)env1.tree : env1.enclClass; if ((encl.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) staticOnly = true; } if (env.tree.getTag() != JCTree.IMPORT) { sym = findGlobalType(env, env.toplevel.namedImportScope, name); if (sym.exists()) return sym; else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; sym = findGlobalType(env, env.toplevel.packge.members(), name); if (sym.exists()) return sym; else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; sym = findGlobalType(env, env.toplevel.starImportScope, name); if (sym.exists()) return sym; else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } return bestSoFar; } /** Find an unqualified identifier which matches a specified kind set. * @param env The current environment. * @param name The indentifier's name. * @param kind Indicates the possible symbol kinds * (a subset of VAL, TYP, PCK). */ Symbol findIdent(Env env, Name name, int kind) { Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound; Symbol sym; if ((kind & VAR) != 0) { sym = findVar(env, name); if (sym.exists()) return sym; else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } if ((kind & TYP) != 0) { sym = findType(env, name); if (sym.exists()) return sym; else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } if ((kind & PCK) != 0) return reader.enterPackage(name); else return bestSoFar; } /** Find an identifier in a package which matches a specified kind set. * @param env The current environment. * @param name The identifier's name. * @param kind Indicates the possible symbol kinds * (a nonempty subset of TYP, PCK). */ Symbol findIdentInPackage(Env env, TypeSymbol pck, Name name, int kind) { Name fullname = TypeSymbol.formFullName(name, pck); Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound; PackageSymbol pack = null; if ((kind & PCK) != 0) { pack = reader.enterPackage(fullname); if (pack.exists()) return pack; } if ((kind & TYP) != 0) { Symbol sym = loadClass(env, fullname); if (sym.exists()) { // don't allow programs to use flatnames if (name == sym.name) return sym; } else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } return (pack != null) ? pack : bestSoFar; } /** Find an identifier among the members of a given type `site'. * @param env The current environment. * @param site The type containing the symbol to be found. * @param name The identifier's name. * @param kind Indicates the possible symbol kinds * (a subset of VAL, TYP). */ Symbol findIdentInType(Env env, Type site, Name name, int kind) { Symbol bestSoFar = typeNotFound; Symbol sym; if ((kind & VAR) != 0) { sym = findField(env, site, name, site.tsym); if (sym.exists()) return sym; else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } if ((kind & TYP) != 0) { sym = findMemberType(env, site, name, site.tsym); if (sym.exists()) return sym; else if (sym.kind < bestSoFar.kind) bestSoFar = sym; } return bestSoFar; } /* *************************************************************************** * Access checking * The following methods convert ResolveErrors to ErrorSymbols, issuing * an error message in the process ****************************************************************************/ /** If `sym' is a bad symbol: report error and return errSymbol * else pass through unchanged, * additional arguments duplicate what has been used in trying to find the * symbol (--> flyweight pattern). This improves performance since we * expect misses to happen frequently. * * @param sym The symbol that was found, or a ResolveError. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param site The original type from where the selection took place. * @param name The symbol's name. * @param argtypes The invocation's value arguments, * if we looked for a method. * @param typeargtypes The invocation's type arguments, * if we looked for a method. */ Symbol access(Symbol sym, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, boolean qualified, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { if (sym.kind >= AMBIGUOUS) { ResolveError errSym = (ResolveError)sym; if (!site.isErroneous() && !Type.isErroneous(argtypes) && (typeargtypes==null || !Type.isErroneous(typeargtypes))) logResolveError(errSym, pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes); sym = errSym.access(name, qualified ? site.tsym : syms.noSymbol); } return sym; } /** Same as original access(), but without location. */ Symbol access(Symbol sym, DiagnosticPosition pos, Type site, Name name, boolean qualified, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { return access(sym, pos, site.tsym, site, name, qualified, argtypes, typeargtypes); } /** Same as original access(), but without type arguments and arguments. */ Symbol access(Symbol sym, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, boolean qualified) { if (sym.kind >= AMBIGUOUS) return access(sym, pos, location, site, name, qualified, List.nil(), null); else return sym; } /** Same as original access(), but without location, type arguments and arguments. */ Symbol access(Symbol sym, DiagnosticPosition pos, Type site, Name name, boolean qualified) { return access(sym, pos, site.tsym, site, name, qualified); } /** Check that sym is not an abstract method. */ void checkNonAbstract(DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol sym) { if ((sym.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0) log.error(pos, "abstract.cant.be.accessed.directly", kindName(sym), sym, sym.location()); } /* *************************************************************************** * Debugging ****************************************************************************/ /** print all scopes starting with scope s and proceeding outwards. * used for debugging. */ public void printscopes(Scope s) { while (s != null) { if (s.owner != null) System.err.print(s.owner + ": "); for (Scope.Entry e = s.elems; e != null; e = e.sibling) { if ((e.sym.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0) System.err.print("abstract "); System.err.print(e.sym + " "); } System.err.println(); s = s.next; } } void printscopes(Env env) { while (env.outer != null) { System.err.println("------------------------------"); printscopes(env.info.scope); env = env.outer; } } public void printscopes(Type t) { while (t.tag == CLASS) { printscopes(t.tsym.members()); t = types.supertype(t); } } /* *************************************************************************** * Name resolution * Naming conventions are as for symbol lookup * Unlike the find... methods these methods will report access errors ****************************************************************************/ /** Resolve an unqualified (non-method) identifier. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the identifier use. * @param name The identifier's name. * @param kind The set of admissible symbol kinds for the identifier. */ Symbol resolveIdent(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Name name, int kind) { return access( findIdent(env, name, kind), pos, env.enclClass.sym.type, name, false); } /** Resolve an unqualified method identifier. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the method invocation. * @param name The identifier's name. * @param argtypes The types of the invocation's value arguments. * @param typeargtypes The types of the invocation's type arguments. */ Symbol resolveMethod(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { Symbol sym = startResolution(); List steps = methodResolutionSteps; while (steps.nonEmpty() && steps.head.isApplicable(boxingEnabled, varargsEnabled) && sym.kind >= ERRONEOUS) { currentStep = steps.head; sym = findFun(env, name, argtypes, typeargtypes, steps.head.isBoxingRequired, env.info.varArgs = steps.head.isVarargsRequired); methodResolutionCache.put(steps.head, sym); steps = steps.tail; } if (sym.kind >= AMBIGUOUS) {//if nothing is found return the 'first' error MethodResolutionPhase errPhase = firstErroneousResolutionPhase(); sym = access(methodResolutionCache.get(errPhase), pos, env.enclClass.sym.type, name, false, argtypes, typeargtypes); env.info.varArgs = errPhase.isVarargsRequired; } return sym; } private Symbol startResolution() { wrongMethod.clear(); wrongMethods.clear(); return methodNotFound; } /** Resolve a qualified method identifier * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the method invocation. * @param site The type of the qualifying expression, in which * identifier is searched. * @param name The identifier's name. * @param argtypes The types of the invocation's value arguments. * @param typeargtypes The types of the invocation's type arguments. */ Symbol resolveQualifiedMethod(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { return resolveQualifiedMethod(pos, env, site.tsym, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes); } Symbol resolveQualifiedMethod(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { Symbol sym = startResolution(); List steps = methodResolutionSteps; while (steps.nonEmpty() && steps.head.isApplicable(boxingEnabled, varargsEnabled) && sym.kind >= ERRONEOUS) { currentStep = steps.head; sym = findMethod(env, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes, steps.head.isBoxingRequired(), env.info.varArgs = steps.head.isVarargsRequired(), false); methodResolutionCache.put(steps.head, sym); steps = steps.tail; } if (sym.kind >= AMBIGUOUS) { if (site.tsym.isPolymorphicSignatureGeneric()) { //polymorphic receiver - synthesize new method symbol env.info.varArgs = false; sym = findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(env, site, name, null, argtypes); } else { //if nothing is found return the 'first' error MethodResolutionPhase errPhase = firstErroneousResolutionPhase(); sym = access(methodResolutionCache.get(errPhase), pos, location, site, name, true, argtypes, typeargtypes); env.info.varArgs = errPhase.isVarargsRequired; } } else if (allowMethodHandles && sym.isPolymorphicSignatureGeneric()) { //non-instantiated polymorphic signature - synthesize new method symbol env.info.varArgs = false; sym = findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(env, site, name, (MethodSymbol)sym, argtypes); } return sym; } /** Find or create an implicit method of exactly the given type (after erasure). * Searches in a side table, not the main scope of the site. * This emulates the lookup process required by JSR 292 in JVM. * @param env Attribution environment * @param site The original type from where the selection takes place. * @param name The method's name. * @param spMethod A template for the implicit method, or null. * @param argtypes The required argument types. * @param typeargtypes The required type arguments. */ Symbol findPolymorphicSignatureInstance(Env env, Type site, Name name, MethodSymbol spMethod, // sig. poly. method or null if none List argtypes) { Type mtype = infer.instantiatePolymorphicSignatureInstance(env, site, name, spMethod, argtypes); long flags = ABSTRACT | HYPOTHETICAL | POLYMORPHIC_SIGNATURE | (spMethod != null ? spMethod.flags() & Flags.AccessFlags : Flags.PUBLIC | Flags.STATIC); Symbol m = null; for (Scope.Entry e = polymorphicSignatureScope.lookup(name); e.scope != null; e = e.next()) { Symbol sym = e.sym; if (types.isSameType(mtype, sym.type) && (sym.flags() & Flags.STATIC) == (flags & Flags.STATIC) && types.isSameType(sym.owner.type, site)) { m = sym; break; } } if (m == null) { // create the desired method m = new MethodSymbol(flags, name, mtype, site.tsym); polymorphicSignatureScope.enter(m); } return m; } /** Resolve a qualified method identifier, throw a fatal error if not * found. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the method invocation. * @param site The type of the qualifying expression, in which * identifier is searched. * @param name The identifier's name. * @param argtypes The types of the invocation's value arguments. * @param typeargtypes The types of the invocation's type arguments. */ public MethodSymbol resolveInternalMethod(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { Symbol sym = resolveQualifiedMethod( pos, env, site.tsym, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes); if (sym.kind == MTH) return (MethodSymbol)sym; else throw new FatalError( diags.fragment("fatal.err.cant.locate.meth", name)); } /** Resolve constructor. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the constructor invocation. * @param site The type of class for which a constructor is searched. * @param argtypes The types of the constructor invocation's value * arguments. * @param typeargtypes The types of the constructor invocation's type * arguments. */ Symbol resolveConstructor(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type site, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { Symbol sym = startResolution(); List steps = methodResolutionSteps; while (steps.nonEmpty() && steps.head.isApplicable(boxingEnabled, varargsEnabled) && sym.kind >= ERRONEOUS) { currentStep = steps.head; sym = resolveConstructor(pos, env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, steps.head.isBoxingRequired(), env.info.varArgs = steps.head.isVarargsRequired()); methodResolutionCache.put(steps.head, sym); steps = steps.tail; } if (sym.kind >= AMBIGUOUS) {//if nothing is found return the 'first' error MethodResolutionPhase errPhase = firstErroneousResolutionPhase(); sym = access(methodResolutionCache.get(errPhase), pos, site, names.init, true, argtypes, typeargtypes); env.info.varArgs = errPhase.isVarargsRequired(); } return sym; } /** Resolve constructor using diamond inference. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the constructor invocation. * @param site The type of class for which a constructor is searched. * The scope of this class has been touched in attribution. * @param argtypes The types of the constructor invocation's value * arguments. * @param typeargtypes The types of the constructor invocation's type * arguments. */ Symbol resolveDiamond(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type site, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { Symbol sym = startResolution(); List steps = methodResolutionSteps; while (steps.nonEmpty() && steps.head.isApplicable(boxingEnabled, varargsEnabled) && sym.kind >= ERRONEOUS) { currentStep = steps.head; sym = resolveConstructor(pos, env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes, steps.head.isBoxingRequired(), env.info.varArgs = steps.head.isVarargsRequired()); methodResolutionCache.put(steps.head, sym); steps = steps.tail; } if (sym.kind >= AMBIGUOUS) { final JCDiagnostic details = sym.kind == WRONG_MTH ? ((InapplicableSymbolError)sym).explanation : null; Symbol errSym = new ResolveError(WRONG_MTH, "diamond error") { @Override JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { String key = details == null ? "cant.apply.diamond" : "cant.apply.diamond.1"; return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, key, diags.fragment("diamond", site.tsym), details); } }; MethodResolutionPhase errPhase = firstErroneousResolutionPhase(); sym = access(errSym, pos, site, names.init, true, argtypes, typeargtypes); env.info.varArgs = errPhase.isVarargsRequired(); } return sym; } /** Resolve constructor. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the constructor invocation. * @param site The type of class for which a constructor is searched. * @param argtypes The types of the constructor invocation's value * arguments. * @param typeargtypes The types of the constructor invocation's type * arguments. * @param allowBoxing Allow boxing and varargs conversions. * @param useVarargs Box trailing arguments into an array for varargs. */ Symbol resolveConstructor(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type site, List argtypes, List typeargtypes, boolean allowBoxing, boolean useVarargs) { Symbol sym = findMethod(env, site, names.init, argtypes, typeargtypes, allowBoxing, useVarargs, false); chk.checkDeprecated(pos, env.info.scope.owner, sym); return sym; } /** Resolve a constructor, throw a fatal error if not found. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the method invocation. * @param site The type to be constructed. * @param argtypes The types of the invocation's value arguments. * @param typeargtypes The types of the invocation's type arguments. */ public MethodSymbol resolveInternalConstructor(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type site, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { Symbol sym = resolveConstructor( pos, env, site, argtypes, typeargtypes); if (sym.kind == MTH) return (MethodSymbol)sym; else throw new FatalError( diags.fragment("fatal.err.cant.locate.ctor", site)); } /** Resolve operator. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param optag The tag of the operation tree. * @param env The environment current at the operation. * @param argtypes The types of the operands. */ Symbol resolveOperator(DiagnosticPosition pos, int optag, Env env, List argtypes) { startResolution(); Name name = treeinfo.operatorName(optag); Symbol sym = findMethod(env, syms.predefClass.type, name, argtypes, null, false, false, true); if (boxingEnabled && sym.kind >= WRONG_MTHS) sym = findMethod(env, syms.predefClass.type, name, argtypes, null, true, false, true); return access(sym, pos, env.enclClass.sym.type, name, false, argtypes, null); } /** Resolve operator. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param optag The tag of the operation tree. * @param env The environment current at the operation. * @param arg The type of the operand. */ Symbol resolveUnaryOperator(DiagnosticPosition pos, int optag, Env env, Type arg) { return resolveOperator(pos, optag, env, List.of(arg)); } /** Resolve binary operator. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param optag The tag of the operation tree. * @param env The environment current at the operation. * @param left The types of the left operand. * @param right The types of the right operand. */ Symbol resolveBinaryOperator(DiagnosticPosition pos, int optag, Env env, Type left, Type right) { return resolveOperator(pos, optag, env, List.of(left, right)); } /** * Resolve `c.name' where name == this or name == super. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the expression. * @param c The qualifier. * @param name The identifier's name. */ Symbol resolveSelf(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, TypeSymbol c, Name name) { Env env1 = env; boolean staticOnly = false; while (env1.outer != null) { if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true; if (env1.enclClass.sym == c) { Symbol sym = env1.info.scope.lookup(name).sym; if (sym != null) { if (staticOnly) sym = new StaticError(sym); return access(sym, pos, env.enclClass.sym.type, name, true); } } if ((env1.enclClass.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) staticOnly = true; env1 = env1.outer; } log.error(pos, "not.encl.class", c); return syms.errSymbol; } /** * Resolve `c.this' for an enclosing class c that contains the * named member. * @param pos The position to use for error reporting. * @param env The environment current at the expression. * @param member The member that must be contained in the result. */ Symbol resolveSelfContaining(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Symbol member, boolean isSuperCall) { Name name = names._this; Env env1 = isSuperCall ? env.outer : env; boolean staticOnly = false; if (env1 != null) { while (env1 != null && env1.outer != null) { if (isStatic(env1)) staticOnly = true; if (env1.enclClass.sym.isSubClass(member.owner, types)) { Symbol sym = env1.info.scope.lookup(name).sym; if (sym != null) { if (staticOnly) sym = new StaticError(sym); return access(sym, pos, env.enclClass.sym.type, name, true); } } if ((env1.enclClass.sym.flags() & STATIC) != 0) staticOnly = true; env1 = env1.outer; } } log.error(pos, "encl.class.required", member); return syms.errSymbol; } /** * Resolve an appropriate implicit this instance for t's container. * JLS and 15.9.2 */ Type resolveImplicitThis(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type t) { return resolveImplicitThis(pos, env, t, false); } Type resolveImplicitThis(DiagnosticPosition pos, Env env, Type t, boolean isSuperCall) { Type thisType = (((t.tsym.owner.kind & (MTH|VAR)) != 0) ? resolveSelf(pos, env, t.getEnclosingType().tsym, names._this) : resolveSelfContaining(pos, env, t.tsym, isSuperCall)).type; if (env.info.isSelfCall && thisType.tsym == env.enclClass.sym) log.error(pos, "cant.ref.before.ctor.called", "this"); return thisType; } /* *************************************************************************** * ResolveError classes, indicating error situations when accessing symbols ****************************************************************************/ //used by TransTypes when checking target type of synthetic cast public void logAccessErrorInternal(Env env, JCTree tree, Type type) { AccessError error = new AccessError(env, env.enclClass.type, type.tsym); logResolveError(error, tree.pos(), env.enclClass.sym, env.enclClass.type, null, null, null); } //where private void logResolveError(ResolveError error, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { JCDiagnostic d = error.getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType.ERROR, pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes); if (d != null) { d.setFlag(DiagnosticFlag.RESOLVE_ERROR); log.report(d); } } private final LocalizedString noArgs = new LocalizedString("compiler.misc.no.args"); public Object methodArguments(List argtypes) { return argtypes.isEmpty() ? noArgs : argtypes; } /** * Root class for resolution errors. Subclass of ResolveError * represent a different kinds of resolution error - as such they must * specify how they map into concrete compiler diagnostics. */ private abstract class ResolveError extends Symbol { /** The name of the kind of error, for debugging only. */ final String debugName; ResolveError(int kind, String debugName) { super(kind, 0, null, null, null); this.debugName = debugName; } @Override public R accept(ElementVisitor v, P p) { throw new AssertionError(); } @Override public String toString() { return debugName; } @Override public boolean exists() { return false; } /** * Create an external representation for this erroneous symbol to be * used during attribution - by default this returns the symbol of a * brand new error type which stores the original type found * during resolution. * * @param name the name used during resolution * @param location the location from which the symbol is accessed */ protected Symbol access(Name name, TypeSymbol location) { return types.createErrorType(name, location, syms.errSymbol.type).tsym; } /** * Create a diagnostic representing this resolution error. * * @param dkind The kind of the diagnostic to be created (e.g error). * @param pos The position to be used for error reporting. * @param site The original type from where the selection took place. * @param name The name of the symbol to be resolved. * @param argtypes The invocation's value arguments, * if we looked for a method. * @param typeargtypes The invocation's type arguments, * if we looked for a method. */ abstract JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes); /** * A name designates an operator if it consists * of a non-empty sequence of operator symbols +-~!/*%&|^<>= */ boolean isOperator(Name name) { int i = 0; while (i < name.getByteLength() && "+-~!*/%&|^<>=".indexOf(name.getByteAt(i)) >= 0) i++; return i > 0 && i == name.getByteLength(); } } /** * This class is the root class of all resolution errors caused by * an invalid symbol being found during resolution. */ abstract class InvalidSymbolError extends ResolveError { /** The invalid symbol found during resolution */ Symbol sym; InvalidSymbolError(int kind, Symbol sym, String debugName) { super(kind, debugName); this.sym = sym; } @Override public boolean exists() { return true; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + " wrongSym=" + sym; } @Override public Symbol access(Name name, TypeSymbol location) { if (sym.kind >= AMBIGUOUS) return ((ResolveError)sym).access(name, location); else if ((sym.kind & ERRONEOUS) == 0 && (sym.kind & TYP) != 0) return types.createErrorType(name, location, sym.type).tsym; else return sym; } } /** * InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that a symbol matching a * given name does not exists in a given site. */ class SymbolNotFoundError extends ResolveError { SymbolNotFoundError(int kind) { super(kind, "symbol not found error"); } @Override JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { argtypes = argtypes == null ? List.nil() : argtypes; typeargtypes = typeargtypes == null ? List.nil() : typeargtypes; if (name == names.error) return null; if (isOperator(name)) { boolean isUnaryOp = argtypes.size() == 1; String key = argtypes.size() == 1 ? "operator.cant.be.applied" : "operator.cant.be.applied.1"; Type first = argtypes.head; Type second = !isUnaryOp ? argtypes.tail.head : null; return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, key, name, first, second); } boolean hasLocation = false; if (location == null) { location = site.tsym; } if (!location.name.isEmpty()) { if (location.kind == PCK && !site.tsym.exists()) { return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "doesnt.exist", location); } hasLocation = !location.name.equals(names._this) && !location.name.equals(names._super); } boolean isConstructor = kind == ABSENT_MTH && name == names.table.names.init; KindName kindname = isConstructor ? KindName.CONSTRUCTOR : absentKind(kind); Name idname = isConstructor ? site.tsym.name : name; String errKey = getErrorKey(kindname, typeargtypes.nonEmpty(), hasLocation); if (hasLocation) { return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, errKey, kindname, idname, //symbol kindname, name typeargtypes, argtypes, //type parameters and arguments (if any) getLocationDiag(location, site)); //location kindname, type } else { return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, errKey, kindname, idname, //symbol kindname, name typeargtypes, argtypes); //type parameters and arguments (if any) } } //where private String getErrorKey(KindName kindname, boolean hasTypeArgs, boolean hasLocation) { String key = "cant.resolve"; String suffix = hasLocation ? ".location" : ""; switch (kindname) { case METHOD: case CONSTRUCTOR: { suffix += ".args"; suffix += hasTypeArgs ? ".params" : ""; } } return key + suffix; } private JCDiagnostic getLocationDiag(Symbol location, Type site) { if (location.kind == VAR) { return diags.fragment("location.1", kindName(location), location, location.type); } else { return diags.fragment("location", typeKindName(site), site, null); } } } /** * InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that a given symbol * (either a method, a constructor or an operand) is not applicable * given an actual arguments/type argument list. */ class InapplicableSymbolError extends InvalidSymbolError { /** An auxiliary explanation set in case of instantiation errors. */ JCDiagnostic explanation; InapplicableSymbolError(Symbol sym) { super(WRONG_MTH, sym, "inapplicable symbol error"); } /** Update sym and explanation and return this. */ InapplicableSymbolError setWrongSym(Symbol sym, JCDiagnostic explanation) { this.sym = sym; if (this.sym == sym && explanation != null) this.explanation = explanation; //update the details return this; } /** Update sym and return this. */ InapplicableSymbolError setWrongSym(Symbol sym) { this.sym = sym; return this; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + " explanation=" + explanation; } @Override JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { if (name == names.error) return null; if (isOperator(name)) { boolean isUnaryOp = argtypes.size() == 1; String key = argtypes.size() == 1 ? "operator.cant.be.applied" : "operator.cant.be.applied.1"; Type first = argtypes.head; Type second = !isUnaryOp ? argtypes.tail.head : null; return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, key, name, first, second); } else { Symbol ws = sym.asMemberOf(site, types); return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "cant.apply.symbol" + (explanation != null ? ".1" : ""), kindName(ws), ws.name == names.init ? ws.owner.name : ws.name, methodArguments(ws.type.getParameterTypes()), methodArguments(argtypes), kindName(ws.owner), ws.owner.type, explanation); } } void clear() { explanation = null; } @Override public Symbol access(Name name, TypeSymbol location) { return types.createErrorType(name, location, syms.errSymbol.type).tsym; } } /** * ResolveError error class indicating that a set of symbols * (either methods, constructors or operands) is not applicable * given an actual arguments/type argument list. */ class InapplicableSymbolsError extends ResolveError { private Set candidates = new LinkedHashSet(); InapplicableSymbolsError(Symbol sym) { super(WRONG_MTHS, "inapplicable symbols"); } @Override JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { if (!candidates.isEmpty()) { JCDiagnostic err = diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "cant.apply.symbols", name == names.init ? KindName.CONSTRUCTOR : absentKind(kind), getName(), argtypes); return new JCDiagnostic.MultilineDiagnostic(err, candidateDetails(site)); } else { return new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_MTH).getDiagnostic(dkind, pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes); } } //where List candidateDetails(Type site) { List details = List.nil(); for (Candidate c : candidates) { details = details.prepend(c.getDiagnostic(site)); } return details.reverse(); } Symbol addCandidate(MethodResolutionPhase currentStep, Symbol sym, JCDiagnostic details) { Candidate c = new Candidate(currentStep, sym, details); if (c.isValid() && !candidates.contains(c)) { candidates.add(c); } return this; } void clear() { candidates.clear(); } private Name getName() { Symbol sym = candidates.iterator().next().sym; return sym.name == names.init ? sym.owner.name : sym.name; } private class Candidate { final MethodResolutionPhase step; final Symbol sym; final JCDiagnostic details; private Candidate(MethodResolutionPhase step, Symbol sym, JCDiagnostic details) { this.step = step; this.sym = sym; this.details = details; } JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(Type site) { return diags.fragment("inapplicable.method", Kinds.kindName(sym), sym.location(site, types), sym.asMemberOf(site, types), details); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof Candidate) { Symbol s1 = this.sym; Symbol s2 = ((Candidate)o).sym; if ((s1 != s2 && (s1.overrides(s2, s1.owner.type.tsym, types, false) || (s2.overrides(s1, s2.owner.type.tsym, types, false)))) || ((s1.isConstructor() || s2.isConstructor()) && s1.owner != s2.owner)) return true; } return false; } boolean isValid() { return (((sym.flags() & VARARGS) != 0 && step == VARARITY) || (sym.flags() & VARARGS) == 0 && step == (boxingEnabled ? BOX : BASIC)); } } } /** * An InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that a symbol is not * accessible from a given site */ class AccessError extends InvalidSymbolError { private Env env; private Type site; AccessError(Symbol sym) { this(null, null, sym); } AccessError(Env env, Type site, Symbol sym) { super(HIDDEN, sym, "access error"); this.env = env; this.site = site; if (debugResolve) log.error("proc.messager", sym + " @ " + site + " is inaccessible."); } @Override public boolean exists() { return false; } @Override JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { if (sym.owner.type.tag == ERROR) return null; if (sym.name == names.init && sym.owner != site.tsym) { return new SymbolNotFoundError(ABSENT_MTH).getDiagnostic(dkind, pos, location, site, name, argtypes, typeargtypes); } else if ((sym.flags() & PUBLIC) != 0 || (env != null && this.site != null && !isAccessible(env, this.site))) { return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "not.def.access.class.intf.cant.access", sym, sym.location()); } else if ((sym.flags() & (PRIVATE | PROTECTED)) != 0) { return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "report.access", sym, asFlagSet(sym.flags() & (PRIVATE | PROTECTED)), sym.location()); } else { return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "not.def.public.cant.access", sym, sym.location()); } } } /** * InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that an instance member * has erroneously been accessed from a static context. */ class StaticError extends InvalidSymbolError { StaticError(Symbol sym) { super(STATICERR, sym, "static error"); } @Override JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { Symbol errSym = ((sym.kind == TYP && sym.type.tag == CLASS) ? types.erasure(sym.type).tsym : sym); return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "non-static.cant.be.ref", kindName(sym), errSym); } } /** * InvalidSymbolError error class indicating that a pair of symbols * (either methods, constructors or operands) are ambiguous * given an actual arguments/type argument list. */ class AmbiguityError extends InvalidSymbolError { /** The other maximally specific symbol */ Symbol sym2; AmbiguityError(Symbol sym1, Symbol sym2) { super(AMBIGUOUS, sym1, "ambiguity error"); this.sym2 = sym2; } @Override JCDiagnostic getDiagnostic(JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticType dkind, DiagnosticPosition pos, Symbol location, Type site, Name name, List argtypes, List typeargtypes) { AmbiguityError pair = this; while (true) { if (pair.sym.kind == AMBIGUOUS) pair = (AmbiguityError)pair.sym; else if (pair.sym2.kind == AMBIGUOUS) pair = (AmbiguityError)pair.sym2; else break; } Name sname = pair.sym.name; if (sname == names.init) sname = pair.sym.owner.name; return diags.create(dkind, log.currentSource(), pos, "ref.ambiguous", sname, kindName(pair.sym), pair.sym, pair.sym.location(site, types), kindName(pair.sym2), pair.sym2, pair.sym2.location(site, types)); } } enum MethodResolutionPhase { BASIC(false, false), BOX(true, false), VARARITY(true, true); boolean isBoxingRequired; boolean isVarargsRequired; MethodResolutionPhase(boolean isBoxingRequired, boolean isVarargsRequired) { this.isBoxingRequired = isBoxingRequired; this.isVarargsRequired = isVarargsRequired; } public boolean isBoxingRequired() { return isBoxingRequired; } public boolean isVarargsRequired() { return isVarargsRequired; } public boolean isApplicable(boolean boxingEnabled, boolean varargsEnabled) { return (varargsEnabled || !isVarargsRequired) && (boxingEnabled || !isBoxingRequired); } } private Map methodResolutionCache = new HashMap(MethodResolutionPhase.values().length); final List methodResolutionSteps = List.of(BASIC, BOX, VARARITY); private MethodResolutionPhase currentStep = null; private MethodResolutionPhase firstErroneousResolutionPhase() { MethodResolutionPhase bestSoFar = BASIC; Symbol sym = methodNotFound; List steps = methodResolutionSteps; while (steps.nonEmpty() && steps.head.isApplicable(boxingEnabled, varargsEnabled) && sym.kind >= WRONG_MTHS) { sym = methodResolutionCache.get(steps.head); bestSoFar = steps.head; steps = steps.tail; } return bestSoFar; } }