/* * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package xmlkit; // -*- mode: java; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- import java.util.*; import java.util.jar.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.io.*; import xmlkit.XMLKit.Element; /* * @author jrose */ public class ClassReader extends ClassSyntax { private static final CommandLineParser CLP = new CommandLineParser("" + "-source: +> = \n" + "-dest: +> = \n" + "-encoding: +> = \n" + "-jcov $ \n -nojcov !-jcov \n" + "-verbose $ \n -noverbose !-verbose \n" + "-pretty $ \n -nopretty !-pretty \n" + "-keepPath $ \n -nokeepPath !-keepPath \n" + "-keepCP $ \n -nokeepCP !-keepCP \n" + "-keepBytes $ \n -nokeepBytes !-keepBytes \n" + "-parseBytes $ \n -noparseBytes !-parseBytes \n" + "-resolveRefs $ \n -noresolveRefs !-resolveRefs \n" + "-keepOrder $ \n -nokeepOrder !-keepOrder \n" + "-keepSizes $ \n -nokeepSizes !-keepSizes \n" + "-continue $ \n -nocontinue !-continue \n" + "-attrDef & \n" + "-@ >-@ . \n" + "- +? \n" + "\n"); public static void main(String[] ava) throws IOException { ArrayList av = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(ava)); HashMap props = new HashMap(); props.put("-encoding:", "UTF8"); // default props.put("-keepOrder", null); // CLI default props.put("-pretty", "1"); // CLI default props.put("-continue", "1"); // CLI default CLP.parse(av, props); //System.out.println(props+" ++ "+av); File source = asFile(props.get("-source:")); File dest = asFile(props.get("-dest:")); String encoding = props.get("-encoding:"); boolean contError = props.containsKey("-continue"); ClassReader options = new ClassReader(); options.copyOptionsFrom(props); /* if (dest == null && av.size() > 1) { dest = File.createTempFile("TestOut", ".dir", new File(".")); dest.delete(); if (!dest.mkdir()) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create "+dest); System.out.println("Writing results to "+dest); } */ if (av.isEmpty()) { av.add("doit"); //to enter this loop } boolean readList = false; for (String a : av) { if (readList) { readList = false; InputStream fin; if (a.equals("-")) { fin = System.in; } else { fin = new FileInputStream(a); } BufferedReader files = makeReader(fin, encoding); for (String file; (file = files.readLine()) != null;) { doFile(file, source, dest, options, encoding, contError); } if (fin != System.in) { fin.close(); } } else if (a.equals("-@")) { readList = true; } else if (a.startsWith("-")) { throw new RuntimeException("Bad flag argument: " + a); } else if (source.getName().endsWith(".jar")) { doJar(a, source, dest, options, encoding, contError); } else { doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding, contError); } } } private static File asFile(String str) { return (str == null) ? null : new File(str); } private static void doFile(String a, File source, File dest, ClassReader options, String encoding, boolean contError) throws IOException { if (!contError) { doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding); } else { try { doFile(a, source, dest, options, encoding); } catch (Exception ee) { System.out.println("Error processing " + source + ": " + ee); } } } private static void doJar(String a, File source, File dest, ClassReader options, String encoding, Boolean contError) throws IOException { try { JarFile jf = new JarFile(source); for (JarEntry je : Collections.list((Enumeration) jf.entries())) { String name = je.getName(); if (!name.endsWith(".class")) { continue; } doStream(name, jf.getInputStream(je), dest, options, encoding); } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (contError) { System.out.println("Error processing " + source + ": " + ioe); } else { throw ioe; } } } private static void doStream(String a, InputStream in, File dest, ClassReader options, String encoding) throws IOException { File f = new File(a); ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(options); Element e = cr.readFrom(in); OutputStream out; if (dest == null) { //System.out.println(e.prettyString()); out = System.out; } else { File outf = new File(dest, f.isAbsolute() ? f.getName() : f.getPath()); String outName = outf.getName(); File outSubdir = outf.getParentFile(); outSubdir.mkdirs(); int extPos = outName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (extPos > 0) { outf = new File(outSubdir, outName.substring(0, extPos) + ".xml"); } out = new FileOutputStream(outf); } Writer outw = makeWriter(out, encoding); if (options.pretty || !options.keepOrder) { e.writePrettyTo(outw); } else { e.writeTo(outw); } if (out == System.out) { outw.write("\n"); outw.flush(); } else { outw.close(); } } private static void doFile(String a, File source, File dest, ClassReader options, String encoding) throws IOException { File inf = new File(source, a); if (dest != null && options.verbose) { System.out.println("Reading " + inf); } BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inf)); doStream(a, in, dest, options, encoding); } public static BufferedReader makeReader(InputStream in, String encoding) throws IOException { // encoding in DEFAULT, '', UTF8, 8BIT, , or any valid encoding name if (encoding.equals("8BIT")) { encoding = EIGHT_BIT_CHAR_ENCODING; } if (encoding.equals("UTF8")) { encoding = UTF8_ENCODING; } if (encoding.equals("DEFAULT")) { encoding = null; } if (encoding.equals("-")) { encoding = null; } Reader inw; in = new BufferedInputStream(in); // add buffering if (encoding == null) { inw = new InputStreamReader(in); } else { inw = new InputStreamReader(in, encoding); } return new BufferedReader(inw); // add buffering } public static Writer makeWriter(OutputStream out, String encoding) throws IOException { // encoding in DEFAULT, '', UTF8, 8BIT, , or any valid encoding name if (encoding.equals("8BIT")) { encoding = EIGHT_BIT_CHAR_ENCODING; } if (encoding.equals("UTF8")) { encoding = UTF8_ENCODING; } if (encoding.equals("DEFAULT")) { encoding = null; } if (encoding.equals("-")) { encoding = null; } Writer outw; if (encoding == null) { outw = new OutputStreamWriter(out); } else { outw = new OutputStreamWriter(out, encoding); } return new BufferedWriter(outw); // add buffering } public Element result() { return cfile; } protected InputStream in; protected ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); protected byte cpTag[]; protected String cpName[]; protected String[] callables; // varies public static final String REF_PREFIX = "#"; // input options public boolean pretty = false; public boolean verbose = false; public boolean keepPath = false; public boolean keepCP = false; public boolean keepBytes = false; public boolean parseBytes = true; public boolean resolveRefs = true; public boolean keepOrder = true; public boolean keepSizes = false; public ClassReader() { super.cfile = new Element("ClassFile"); } public ClassReader(ClassReader options) { this(); copyOptionsFrom(options); } public void copyOptionsFrom(ClassReader options) { pretty = options.pretty; verbose = options.verbose; keepPath = options.keepPath; keepCP = options.keepCP; keepBytes = options.keepBytes; parseBytes = options.parseBytes; resolveRefs = options.resolveRefs; keepSizes = options.keepSizes; keepOrder = options.keepOrder; attrTypes = options.attrTypes; } public void copyOptionsFrom(Map options) { if (options.containsKey("-pretty")) { pretty = (options.get("-pretty") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-verbose")) { verbose = (options.get("-verbose") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-keepPath")) { keepPath = (options.get("-keepPath") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-keepCP")) { keepCP = (options.get("-keepCP") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-keepBytes")) { keepBytes = (options.get("-keepBytes") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-parseBytes")) { parseBytes = (options.get("-parseBytes") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-resolveRefs")) { resolveRefs = (options.get("-resolveRefs") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-keepSizes")) { keepSizes = (options.get("-keepSizes") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-keepOrder")) { keepOrder = (options.get("-keepOrder") != null); } if (options.containsKey("-attrDef")) { addAttrTypes(options.get("-attrDef").split(" ")); } if (options.get("-jcov") != null) { addJcovAttrTypes(); } } public Element readFrom(InputStream in) throws IOException { this.in = in; // read the file header int magic = u4(); if (magic != 0xCAFEBABE) { throw new RuntimeException("bad magic number " + Integer.toHexString(magic)); } cfile.setAttr("magic", "" + magic); int minver = u2(); int majver = u2(); cfile.setAttr("minver", "" + minver); cfile.setAttr("majver", "" + majver); readCP(); readClass(); return result(); } public Element readFrom(File file) throws IOException { InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(file); Element e = readFrom(new BufferedInputStream(in)); if (keepPath) { e.setAttr("path", file.toString()); } return e; } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } private void readClass() throws IOException { klass = new Element("Class"); cfile.add(klass); int flags = u2(); String thisk = cpRef(); String superk = cpRef(); klass.setAttr("name", thisk); boolean flagsSync = ((flags & Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED) != 0); flags &= ~Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED; String flagString = flagString(flags, klass); if (!flagsSync) { if (flagString.length() > 0) { flagString += " "; } flagString += "!synchronized"; } klass.setAttr("flags", flagString); klass.setAttr("super", superk); for (int len = u2(), i = 0; i < len; i++) { String interk = cpRef(); klass.add(new Element("Interface", "name", interk)); } Element fields = readMembers("Field"); klass.addAll(fields); Element methods = readMembers("Method"); if (!keepOrder) { methods.sort(); } klass.addAll(methods); readAttributesFor(klass); klass.trimToSize(); if (keepSizes) { attachTo(cfile, formatAttrSizes()); } if (paddingSize != 0) { cfile.setAttr("padding", "" + paddingSize); } } private Element readMembers(String kind) throws IOException { int len = u2(); Element members = new Element(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Element member = new Element(kind); int flags = u2(); String name = cpRef(); String type = cpRef(); member.setAttr("name", name); member.setAttr("type", type); member.setAttr("flags", flagString(flags, member)); readAttributesFor(member); member.trimToSize(); members.add(member); } return members; } protected String flagString(int flags, Element holder) { // Superset of Modifier.toString. int kind = 0; if (holder.getName() == "Field") { kind = 1; } if (holder.getName() == "Method") { kind = 2; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; flags != 0; i++, flags >>>= 1) { if ((flags & 1) != 0) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(' '); } if (i < modifierNames.length) { String[] names = modifierNames[i]; String name = (kind < names.length) ? names[kind] : null; for (String name2 : names) { if (name != null) { break; } name = name2; } sb.append(name); } else { sb.append("#").append(1 << i); } } } return sb.toString(); } private void readAttributesFor(Element x) throws IOException { Element prevCurrent; Element y = new Element(); if (x.getName() == "Code") { prevCurrent = currentCode; currentCode = x; } else { prevCurrent = currentMember; currentMember = x; } for (int len = u2(), i = 0; i < len; i++) { int ref = u2(); String uname = cpName(ref).intern(); String refName = uname; if (!resolveRefs) { refName = (REF_PREFIX + ref).intern(); } String qname = (x.getName() + "." + uname).intern(); String wname = ("*." + uname).intern(); String type = attrTypes.get(qname); if (type == null || "".equals(type)) { type = attrTypes.get(wname); } if ("".equals(type)) { type = null; } int size = u4(); int[] countVar = attrSizes.get(qname); if (countVar == null) { attrSizes.put(qname, countVar = new int[2]); } countVar[0] += 1; countVar[1] += size; buf.reset(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { buf.write(u1()); } if (type == null && size == 0) { y.add(new Element(uname)); // , etc. } else if (type == null) { //System.out.println("Warning: No attribute type description: "+qname); // write cdata attribute Element a = new Element("Attribute", new String[]{"Name", refName}, buf.toString(EIGHT_BIT_CHAR_ENCODING)); a.addContent(getCPDigest()); y.add(a); } else if (type.equals("")) { // ignore this attribute... } else { InputStream in0 = in; int fileSize0 = fileSize; ByteArrayInputStream in1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.toByteArray()); boolean ok = false; try { in = in1; // parse according to type desc. Element aval; if (type.equals("...")) { // delve into Code attribute aval = readCode(); } else if (type.equals("...")) { // delve into StackMap attribute aval = readStackMap(false); } else if (type.equals("...")) { // delve into StackMap attribute aval = readStackMap(true); } else if (type.startsWith("[")) { aval = readAttributeCallables(type); } else { aval = readAttribute(type); } //System.out.println("attachTo 1 "+y+" <- "+aval); attachTo(y, aval); if (false && in1.available() != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("extra bytes in " + qname + " :" + in1.available()); } ok = true; } finally { in = in0; fileSize = fileSize0; if (!ok) { System.out.println("*** Failed to read " + type); } } } } if (x.getName() == "Code") { currentCode = prevCurrent; } else { currentMember = prevCurrent; } if (!keepOrder) { y.sort(); y.sortAttrs(); } //System.out.println("attachTo 2 "+x+" <- "+y); attachTo(x, y); } private int fileSize = 0; private int paddingSize = 0; private HashMap attrSizes = new HashMap(); private Element formatAttrSizes() { Element e = new Element("Sizes"); e.setAttr("fileSize", "" + fileSize); for (Map.Entry ie : attrSizes.entrySet()) { int[] countVar = ie.getValue(); e.add(new Element("AttrSize", "name", ie.getKey().toString(), "count", "" + countVar[0], "size", "" + countVar[1])); } return e; } private void attachTo(Element x, Object aval0) { if (aval0 == null) { return; } //System.out.println("attachTo "+x+" : "+aval0); if (!(aval0 instanceof Element)) { x.add(aval0); return; } Element aval = (Element) aval0; if (!aval.isAnonymous()) { x.add(aval); return; } for (int imax = aval.attrSize(), i = 0; i < imax; i++) { //%% attachAttrTo(x, aval.getAttrName(i), aval.getAttr(i)); } x.addAll(aval); } private void attachAttrTo(Element x, String aname, String aval) { //System.out.println("attachAttrTo "+x+" : "+aname+"="+aval); String aval0 = x.getAttr(aname); if (aval0 != null) { aval = aval0 + " " + aval; } x.setAttr(aname, aval); } private Element readAttributeCallables(String type) throws IOException { assert (callables == null); callables = getBodies(type); Element res = readAttribute(callables[0]); callables = null; return res; } private Element readAttribute(String type) throws IOException { //System.out.println("readAttribute "+type); Element aval = new Element(); String nextAttrName = null; for (int len = type.length(), next, i = 0; i < len; i = next) { String value; switch (type.charAt(i)) { case '<': assert (nextAttrName == null); next = type.indexOf('>', ++i); String form = type.substring(i, next++); if (form.indexOf('=') < 0) { // elem_placement = '<' elemname '>' assert (aval.attrSize() == 0); assert (aval.isAnonymous()); aval.setName(form.intern()); } else { // attr_placement = '<' attrname '=' (value)? '>' int eqPos = form.indexOf('='); nextAttrName = form.substring(0, eqPos).intern(); if (eqPos != form.length() - 1) { value = form.substring(eqPos + 1); attachAttrTo(aval, nextAttrName, value); nextAttrName = null; } // ...else subsequent type parsing will find the attr value // and add it as "nextAttrName". } continue; case '(': next = type.indexOf(')', ++i); int callee = Integer.parseInt(type.substring(i, next++)); attachTo(aval, readAttribute(callables[callee])); continue; case 'N': // replication = 'N' int '[' type ... ']' { int count = getInt(type.charAt(i + 1), false); assert (count >= 0); next = i + 2; String type1 = getBody(type, next); next += type1.length() + 2; // skip body and brackets for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { attachTo(aval, readAttribute(type1)); } } continue; case 'T': // union = 'T' any_int union_case* '(' ')' '[' body ']' int tagValue; if (type.charAt(++i) == 'S') { tagValue = getInt(type.charAt(++i), true); } else { tagValue = getInt(type.charAt(i), false); } attachAttrTo(aval, "tag", "" + tagValue); // always named "tag" ++i; // skip the int type char // union_case = '(' uc_tag (',' uc_tag)* ')' '[' body ']' // uc_tag = ('-')? digit+ for (boolean foundCase = false;; i = next) { assert (type.charAt(i) == '('); next = type.indexOf(')', ++i); assert (next >= i); if (type.charAt(next - 1) == '\\' && type.charAt(next - 2) != '\\') // Skip an escaped paren. { next = type.indexOf(')', next + 1); } String caseStr = type.substring(i, next++); String type1 = getBody(type, next); next += type1.length() + 2; // skip body and brackets boolean lastCase = (caseStr.length() == 0); if (!foundCase && (lastCase || matchTag(tagValue, caseStr))) { foundCase = true; // Execute this body. attachTo(aval, readAttribute(type1)); } if (lastCase) { break; } } continue; case 'B': case 'H': case 'I': // int = oneof "BHI" next = i + 1; value = "" + getInt(type.charAt(i), false); break; case 'K': assert ("IJFDLQ".indexOf(type.charAt(i + 1)) >= 0); assert (type.charAt(i + 2) == 'H'); // only H works for now next = i + 3; value = cpRef(); break; case 'R': assert ("CSDFMIU?".indexOf(type.charAt(i + 1)) >= 0); assert (type.charAt(i + 2) == 'H'); // only H works for now next = i + 3; value = cpRef(); break; case 'P': // bci = 'P' int next = i + 2; value = "" + getInt(type.charAt(i + 1), false); break; case 'S': // signed_int = 'S' int next = i + 2; value = "" + getInt(type.charAt(i + 1), true); break; case 'F': next = i + 2; value = flagString(getInt(type.charAt(i + 1), false), currentMember); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("bad attr format '" + type.charAt(i) + "': " + type); } // store the value if (nextAttrName != null) { attachAttrTo(aval, nextAttrName, value); nextAttrName = null; } else { attachTo(aval, value); } } //System.out.println("readAttribute => "+aval); assert (nextAttrName == null); return aval; } private int getInt(char ch, boolean signed) throws IOException { if (signed) { switch (ch) { case 'B': return (byte) u1(); case 'H': return (short) u2(); case 'I': return (int) u4(); } } else { switch (ch) { case 'B': return u1(); case 'H': return u2(); case 'I': return u4(); } } assert ("BHIJ".indexOf(ch) >= 0); return 0; } private Element readCode() throws IOException { int stack = u2(); int local = u2(); int length = u4(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { sb.append((char) u1()); } String bytecodes = sb.toString(); Element e = new Element("Code", "stack", "" + stack, "local", "" + local); Element bytes = new Element("Bytes", (String[]) null, bytecodes); if (keepBytes) { e.add(bytes); } if (parseBytes) { e.add(parseByteCodes(bytecodes)); } for (int len = u2(), i = 0; i < len; i++) { int start = u2(); int end = u2(); int catsh = u2(); String clasz = cpRef(); e.add(new Element("Handler", "start", "" + start, "end", "" + end, "catch", "" + catsh, "class", clasz)); } readAttributesFor(e); e.trimToSize(); return e; } private Element parseByteCodes(String bytecodes) { Element e = InstructionSyntax.parse(bytecodes); for (Element ins : e.elements()) { Number ref = ins.getAttrNumber("ref"); if (ref != null && resolveRefs) { int id = ref.intValue(); String val = cpName(id); if (ins.getName().startsWith("ldc")) { // Yuck: Arb. string cannot be an XML attribute. ins.add(val); val = ""; byte tag = (id >= 0 && id < cpTag.length) ? cpTag[id] : 0; if (tag != 0) { ins.setAttrLong("tag", tag); } } if (ins.getName() == "invokeinterface" && computeInterfaceNum(val) == ins.getAttrLong("num")) { ins.setAttr("num", null); // garbage bytes } ins.setAttr("ref", null); ins.setAttr("val", val); } } return e; } private Element readStackMap(boolean hasXOption) throws IOException { Element result = new Element(); Element bytes = currentCode.findElement("Bytes"); assert (bytes != null && bytes.size() == 1); int byteLength = ((String) bytes.get(0)).length(); boolean uoffsetIsU4 = (byteLength >= (1 << 16)); boolean ulocalvarIsU4 = currentCode.getAttrLong("local") >= (1 << 16); boolean ustackIsU4 = currentCode.getAttrLong("stack") >= (1 << 16); if (hasXOption || uoffsetIsU4 || ulocalvarIsU4 || ustackIsU4) { Element flags = new Element("StackMapFlags"); if (hasXOption) { flags.setAttr("hasXOption", "true"); } if (uoffsetIsU4) { flags.setAttr("uoffsetIsU4", "true"); } if (ulocalvarIsU4) { flags.setAttr("ulocalvarIsU4", "true"); } if (ustackIsU4) { flags.setAttr("ustackIsU4", "true"); } currentCode.add(flags); } int frame_count = (uoffsetIsU4 ? u4() : u2()); for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) { int bci = (uoffsetIsU4 ? u4() : u2()); int flags = (hasXOption ? u1() : 0); Element frame = new Element("Frame"); result.add(frame); if (flags != 0) { frame.setAttr("flags", "" + flags); } frame.setAttr("bci", "" + bci); // Scan local and stack types in this frame: final int LOCALS = 0, STACK = 1; for (int j = LOCALS; j <= STACK; j++) { int typeSize; if (j == LOCALS) { typeSize = (ulocalvarIsU4 ? u4() : u2()); } else { // STACK typeSize = (ustackIsU4 ? u4() : u2()); } Element types = new Element(j == LOCALS ? "Local" : "Stack"); for (int k = 0; k < typeSize; k++) { int tag = u1(); Element type = new Element(itemTagName(tag)); types.add(type); switch (tag) { case ITEM_Object: type.setAttr("class", cpRef()); break; case ITEM_Uninitialized: case ITEM_ReturnAddress: type.setAttr("bci", "" + (uoffsetIsU4 ? u4() : u2())); break; } } if (types.size() > 0) { frame.add(types); } } } return result; } private void readCP() throws IOException { int cpLen = u2(); cpTag = new byte[cpLen]; cpName = new String[cpLen]; int cpTem[][] = new int[cpLen][]; for (int i = 1; i < cpLen; i++) { cpTag[i] = (byte) u1(); switch (cpTag[i]) { case CONSTANT_Utf8: buf.reset(); for (int len = u2(), j = 0; j < len; j++) { buf.write(u1()); } cpName[i] = buf.toString(UTF8_ENCODING); break; case CONSTANT_Integer: cpName[i] = String.valueOf((int) u4()); break; case CONSTANT_Float: cpName[i] = String.valueOf(Float.intBitsToFloat(u4())); break; case CONSTANT_Long: cpName[i] = String.valueOf(u8()); i += 1; break; case CONSTANT_Double: cpName[i] = String.valueOf(Double.longBitsToDouble(u8())); i += 1; break; case CONSTANT_Class: case CONSTANT_String: cpTem[i] = new int[]{u2()}; break; case CONSTANT_Fieldref: case CONSTANT_Methodref: case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: case CONSTANT_NameAndType: cpTem[i] = new int[]{u2(), u2()}; break; } } for (int i = 1; i < cpLen; i++) { switch (cpTag[i]) { case CONSTANT_Class: case CONSTANT_String: cpName[i] = cpName[cpTem[i][0]]; break; case CONSTANT_NameAndType: cpName[i] = cpName[cpTem[i][0]] + " " + cpName[cpTem[i][1]]; break; } } // do fieldref et al after nameandtype are all resolved for (int i = 1; i < cpLen; i++) { switch (cpTag[i]) { case CONSTANT_Fieldref: case CONSTANT_Methodref: case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: cpName[i] = cpName[cpTem[i][0]] + " " + cpName[cpTem[i][1]]; break; } } cpool = new Element("ConstantPool", cpName.length); for (int i = 0; i < cpName.length; i++) { if (cpName[i] == null) { continue; } cpool.add(new Element(cpTagName(cpTag[i]), new String[]{"id", "" + i}, cpName[i])); } if (keepCP) { cfile.add(cpool); } } private String cpRef() throws IOException { int ref = u2(); if (resolveRefs) { return cpName(ref); } else { return REF_PREFIX + ref; } } private String cpName(int id) { if (id >= 0 && id < cpName.length) { return cpName[id]; } else { return "[CP#" + Integer.toHexString(id) + "]"; } } private long u8() throws IOException { return ((long) u4() << 32) + (((long) u4() << 32) >>> 32); } private int u4() throws IOException { return (u2() << 16) + u2(); } private int u2() throws IOException { return (u1() << 8) + u1(); } private int u1() throws IOException { int x = in.read(); if (x < 0) { paddingSize++; return 0; // error recovery } fileSize++; assert (x == (x & 0xFF)); return x; } }