/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* @test * @summary Unit test for java.net.URI * @bug 4464135 4505046 4503239 4438319 4991359 4866303 7023363 7041800 * @author Mark Reinhold */ import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.MalformedURLException; public class Test { static PrintStream out = System.out; static int testCount = 0; // Properties that we check static final int PARSEFAIL = 1 << 0; static final int SCHEME = 1 << 1; static final int SSP = 1 << 2; static final int SSP_D = 1 << 3; // Decoded form static final int OPAQUEPART = 1 << 4; // SSP, and URI is opaque static final int USERINFO = 1 << 5; static final int USERINFO_D = 1 << 6; // Decoded form static final int HOST = 1 << 7; static final int PORT = 1 << 8; static final int REGISTRY = 1 << 9; static final int REGISTRY_D = 1 << 10; // Decoded form static final int PATH = 1 << 11; static final int PATH_D = 1 << 12; // Decoded form static final int QUERY = 1 << 13; static final int QUERY_D = 1 << 14; // Decoded form static final int FRAGMENT = 1 << 15; static final int FRAGMENT_D = 1 << 16; // Decoded form static final int TOASCII = 1 << 17; static final int IDENT_STR = 1 << 18; // Identities static final int IDENT_URI1 = 1 << 19; static final int IDENT_URI3 = 1 << 20; static final int IDENT_URI5 = 1 << 21; static final int IDENT_URI7 = 1 << 22; static final int TOSTRING = 1 << 23; String input; URI uri = null; URI originalURI; URI base = null; // Base for resolution/relativization String op = null; // Op performed if uri != originalURI int checked = 0; // Mask for checked properties int failed = 0; // Mask for failed properties Exception exc = null; private Test(String s) { testCount++; input = s; try { uri = new URI(s); } catch (URISyntaxException x) { exc = x; } originalURI = uri; } static Test test(String s) { return new Test(s); } private Test(String s, String u, String h, int n, String p, String q, String f) { testCount++; try { uri = new URI(s, u, h, n, p, q, f); } catch (URISyntaxException x) { exc = x; input = x.getInput(); } if (uri != null) input = uri.toString(); originalURI = uri; } static Test test(String s, String u, String h, int n, String p, String q, String f) { return new Test(s, u, h, n, p, q, f); } private Test(String s, String a, String p, String q, String f) { testCount++; try { uri = new URI(s, a, p, q, f); } catch (URISyntaxException x) { exc = x; input = x.getInput(); } if (uri != null) input = uri.toString(); originalURI = uri; } static Test test(String s, String a, String p, String q, String f) { return new Test(s, a, p, q, f); } private Test(String s, String h, String p, String f) { testCount++; try { uri = new URI(s, h, p, f); } catch (URISyntaxException x) { exc = x; input = x.getInput(); } if (uri != null) input = uri.toString(); originalURI = uri; } static Test test(String s, String h, String p, String f) { return new Test(s, h, p, f); } private Test(String s, String ssp, String f) { testCount++; try { uri = new URI(s, ssp, f); } catch (URISyntaxException x) { exc = x; input = x.getInput(); } if (uri != null) input = uri.toString(); originalURI = uri; } static Test test(String s, String ssp, String f) { return new Test(s, ssp, f); } private Test(String s, boolean xxx) { testCount++; try { uri = URI.create(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { exc = x; } if (uri != null) input = uri.toString(); originalURI = uri; } static Test testCreate(String s) { return new Test(s, false); } boolean parsed() { return uri != null; } boolean resolved() { return base != null; } URI uri() { return uri; } // Operations on Test instances // // These are short so as to make test cases compact. // // s Scheme // sp Scheme-specific part // spd Scheme-specific part, decoded // o Opaque part (isOpaque() && ssp matches) // g reGistry (authority matches, and host is not defined) // gd reGistry, decoded // u User info // ud User info, decoded // h Host // n port Number // p Path // pd Path, decoded // q Query // qd Query, decoded // f Fragment // fd Fragment, decoded // // rslv Resolve against given base // rtvz Relativize // psa Parse server Authority // norm Normalize // ta ASCII form // // x Check that parse failed as expected // z End -- ensure that unchecked components are null private boolean check1(int prop) { checked |= prop; if (!parsed()) { failed |= prop; return false; } return true; } private void check2(String s, String ans, int prop) { if ((s == null) || !s.equals(ans)) failed |= prop; } Test s(String s) { if (check1(SCHEME)) check2(uri.getScheme(), s, SCHEME); return this; } Test u(String s) { if (check1(USERINFO)) check2(uri.getRawUserInfo(), s, USERINFO); return this; } Test ud(String s) { if (check1(USERINFO_D)) { check2(uri.getUserInfo(), s, USERINFO_D); } return this; } Test h(String s) { if (check1(HOST)) check2(uri.getHost(), s, HOST); return this; } Test g(String s) { if (check1(REGISTRY)) { if (uri.getHost() != null) failed |= REGISTRY; else check2(uri.getRawAuthority(), s, REGISTRY); } return this; } Test gd(String s) { if (check1(REGISTRY_D)) { if (uri.getHost() != null) failed |= REGISTRY_D; else check2(uri.getAuthority(), s, REGISTRY_D); } return this; } Test n(int n) { checked |= PORT; if (!parsed() || (uri.getPort() != n)) failed |= PORT; return this; } Test p(String s) { if (check1(PATH)) check2(uri.getRawPath(), s, PATH); return this; } Test pd(String s) { if (check1(PATH_D)) check2(uri.getPath(), s, PATH_D); return this; } Test o(String s) { if (check1(OPAQUEPART)) { if (!uri.isOpaque()) failed |= OPAQUEPART; else check2(uri.getSchemeSpecificPart(), s, OPAQUEPART); } return this; } Test sp(String s) { if (check1(SSP)) check2(uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart(), s, SSP); return this; } Test spd(String s) { if (check1(SSP_D)) check2(uri.getSchemeSpecificPart(), s, SSP_D); return this; } Test q(String s) { if (check1(QUERY)) check2(uri.getRawQuery(), s, QUERY); return this; } Test qd(String s) { if (check1(QUERY_D)) check2(uri.getQuery(), s, QUERY_D); return this; } Test f(String s) { if (check1(FRAGMENT)) check2(uri.getRawFragment(), s, FRAGMENT); return this; } Test fd(String s) { if (check1(FRAGMENT_D)) check2(uri.getFragment(), s, FRAGMENT_D); return this; } Test ta(String s) { if (check1(TOASCII)) check2(uri.toASCIIString(), s, TOASCII); return this; } Test ts(String s) { if (check1(TOSTRING)) check2(uri.toString(), s, TOSTRING); return this; } Test x() { checked |= PARSEFAIL; if (parsed()) failed |= PARSEFAIL; return this; } Test rslv(URI base) { if (!parsed()) return this; this.base = base; op = "rslv"; URI u = uri; uri = null; try { this.uri = base.resolve(u); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { exc = x; } checked = 0; failed = 0; return this; } Test norm() { if (!parsed()) return this; op = "norm"; uri = uri.normalize(); return this; } Test rtvz(URI base) { if (!parsed()) return this; this.base = base; op = "rtvz"; uri = base.relativize(uri); checked = 0; failed = 0; return this; } Test psa() { try { uri.parseServerAuthority(); } catch (URISyntaxException x) { exc = x; uri = null; } checked = 0; failed = 0; return this; } private void checkEmpty(String s, int prop) { if (((checked & prop) == 0) && (s != null)) failed |= prop; } // Check identity for the seven-argument URI constructor // void checkURI7() { // Only works on hierarchical URIs if (uri.isOpaque()) return; // Only works with server-based authorities if ((uri.getAuthority() == null) != ((uri.getUserInfo() == null) && (uri.getHost() == null))) return; // Not true if non-US-ASCII chars are encoded unnecessarily if (uri.getPath().indexOf('\u20AC') >= 0) return; try { URI u2 = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment()); if (!uri.equals(u2)) failed |= IDENT_URI7; } catch (URISyntaxException x) { failed |= IDENT_URI7; } } // Check identity for the five-argument URI constructor // void checkURI5() { // Only works on hierarchical URIs if (uri.isOpaque()) return; try { URI u2 = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment()); if (!uri.equals(u2)) failed |= IDENT_URI5; } catch (URISyntaxException x) { failed |= IDENT_URI5; } } // Check identity for the three-argument URI constructor // void checkURI3() { try { URI u2 = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getSchemeSpecificPart(), uri.getFragment()); if (!uri.equals(u2)) failed |= IDENT_URI3; } catch (URISyntaxException x) { failed |= IDENT_URI3; } } // Check all identities mentioned in the URI class specification // void checkIdentities() { if (input != null) { if (!uri.toString().equals(input)) failed |= IDENT_STR; } try { if (!(new URI(uri.toString())).equals(uri)) failed |= IDENT_URI1; } catch (URISyntaxException x) { failed |= IDENT_URI1; } // Remaining identities fail if "//" given but authority is undefined if ((uri.getAuthority() == null) && (uri.getSchemeSpecificPart() != null) && (uri.getSchemeSpecificPart().startsWith("///") || uri.getSchemeSpecificPart().startsWith("//?") || uri.getSchemeSpecificPart().equals("//"))) return; // Remaining identities fail if ":" given but port is undefined if ((uri.getHost() != null) && (uri.getAuthority() != null) && (uri.getAuthority().equals(uri.getHost() + ":"))) return; // Remaining identities fail if non-US-ASCII chars are encoded // unnecessarily if ((uri.getPath() != null) && uri.getPath().indexOf('\u20AC') >= 0) return; checkURI3(); checkURI5(); checkURI7(); } // Check identities, check that unchecked component properties are not // defined, and report any failures // Test z() { if (!parsed()) { report(); return this; } if (op == null) checkIdentities(); // Check that unchecked components are undefined checkEmpty(uri.getScheme(), SCHEME); checkEmpty(uri.getUserInfo(), USERINFO); checkEmpty(uri.getHost(), HOST); if (((checked & PORT) == 0) && (uri.getPort() != -1)) failed |= PORT; checkEmpty(uri.getPath(), PATH); checkEmpty(uri.getQuery(), QUERY); checkEmpty(uri.getFragment(), FRAGMENT); // Report failures report(); return this; } // Summarization and reporting static void header(String s) { out.println(); out.println(); out.println("-- " + s + " --"); } static void show(String prefix, URISyntaxException x) { out.println(uquote(x.getInput())); if (x.getIndex() >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < x.getIndex(); i++) { if (x.getInput().charAt(i) >= '\u0080') out.print(" "); // Skip over \u1234 else out.print(" "); } out.println("^"); } out.println(prefix + ": " + x.getReason()); } private void summarize() { out.println(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (input.length() == 0) sb.append("\"\""); else sb.append(input); if (base != null) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(base); } if (!parsed()) { String s = (((checked & PARSEFAIL) != 0) ? "Correct exception" : "UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION"); if (exc instanceof URISyntaxException) show(s, (URISyntaxException)exc); else { out.println(uquote(sb.toString())); out.print(s + ": "); exc.printStackTrace(out); } } else { if (uri != originalURI) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(op); sb.append(" --> "); sb.append(uri); } out.println(uquote(sb.toString())); } } public static String uquote(String str) { if (str == null) return str; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int n = str.length(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); if ((c >= ' ') && (c < 0x7f)) { sb.append(c); continue; } sb.append("\\u"); String s = Integer.toHexString(c).toUpperCase(); while (s.length() < 4) s = "0" + s; sb.append(s); } return sb.toString(); } static void show(String n, String v) { out.println(" " + n + " = ".substring(n.length()) + uquote(v)); } static void show(String n, String v, String vd) { if ((v == null) || v.equals(vd)) show(n, v); else { out.println(" " + n + " = ".substring(n.length()) + uquote(v) + " = " + uquote(vd)); } } public static void show(URI u) { show("opaque", "" + u.isOpaque()); show("scheme", u.getScheme()); show("ssp", u.getRawSchemeSpecificPart(), u.getSchemeSpecificPart()); show("authority", u.getRawAuthority(), u.getAuthority()); show("userinfo", u.getRawUserInfo(), u.getUserInfo()); show("host", u.getHost()); show("port", "" + u.getPort()); show("path", u.getRawPath(), u.getPath()); show("query", u.getRawQuery(), u.getQuery()); show("fragment", u.getRawFragment(), u.getFragment()); if (!u.toString().equals(u.toASCIIString())) show("toascii", u.toASCIIString()); } private void report() { summarize(); if (failed == 0) return; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("FAIL:"); if ((failed & PARSEFAIL) != 0) sb.append(" parsefail"); if ((failed & SCHEME) != 0) sb.append(" scheme"); if ((failed & SSP) != 0) sb.append(" ssp"); if ((failed & OPAQUEPART) != 0) sb.append(" opaquepart"); if ((failed & USERINFO) != 0) sb.append(" userinfo"); if ((failed & USERINFO_D) != 0) sb.append(" userinfod"); if ((failed & HOST) != 0) sb.append(" host"); if ((failed & PORT) != 0) sb.append(" port"); if ((failed & REGISTRY) != 0) sb.append(" registry"); if ((failed & PATH) != 0) sb.append(" path"); if ((failed & PATH_D) != 0) sb.append(" pathd"); if ((failed & QUERY) != 0) sb.append(" query"); if ((failed & QUERY_D) != 0) sb.append(" queryd"); if ((failed & FRAGMENT) != 0) sb.append(" fragment"); if ((failed & FRAGMENT_D) != 0) sb.append(" fragmentd"); if ((failed & TOASCII) != 0) sb.append(" toascii"); if ((failed & IDENT_STR) != 0) sb.append(" ident-str"); if ((failed & IDENT_URI1) != 0) sb.append(" ident-uri1"); if ((failed & IDENT_URI3) != 0) sb.append(" ident-uri3"); if ((failed & IDENT_URI5) != 0) sb.append(" ident-uri5"); if ((failed & IDENT_URI7) != 0) sb.append(" ident-uri7"); if ((failed & TOSTRING) != 0) sb.append(" tostring"); out.println(sb.toString()); if (uri != null) show(uri); throw new RuntimeException("Test failed"); } // -- Tests -- static void rfc2396() { header("RFC2396: Basic examples"); test("ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt") .s("ftp").h("ftp.is.co.za").p("/rfc/rfc1808.txt").z(); test("gopher://spinaltap.micro.umn.edu/00/Weather/California/Los%20Angeles") .s("gopher").h("spinaltap.micro.umn.edu") .p("/00/Weather/California/Los%20Angeles").z(); test("http://www.math.uio.no/faq/compression-faq/part1.html") .s("http").h("www.math.uio.no").p("/faq/compression-faq/part1.html").z(); test("mailto:mduerst@ifi.unizh.ch") .s("mailto").o("mduerst@ifi.unizh.ch").z(); test("news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix") .s("news").o("comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix").z(); test("telnet://melvyl.ucop.edu/") .s("telnet").h("melvyl.ucop.edu").p("/").z(); test("http://www.w3.org/Addressing/") .s("http").h("www.w3.org").p("/Addressing/").z(); test("ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/") .s("ftp").h("ds.internic.net").p("/rfc/").z(); test("http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/uri/historical.html#WARNING") .s("http").h("www.ics.uci.edu").p("/pub/ietf/uri/historical.html") .f("WARNING").z(); test("http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/uri/#Related") .s("http").h("www.ics.uci.edu").p("/pub/ietf/uri/") .f("Related").z(); header("RFC2396: Normal relative-URI examples (appendix C)"); URI base = (test("http://a/b/c/d;p?q") .s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/d;p").q("q").z().uri()); // g:h g:h test("g:h") .s("g").o("h").z() .rslv(base).s("g").o("h").z(); // g http://a/b/c/g test("g") .p("g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").z(); // ./g http://a/b/c/g test("./g") .p("./g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").z(); // g/ http://a/b/c/g/ test("g/") .p("g/").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g/").z(); // /g http://a/g test("/g") .p("/g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/g").z(); // //g http://g test("//g") .h("g").p("").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("g").p("").z(); // ?y http://a/b/c/?y test("?y") .p("").q("y").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/").q("y").z(); // g?y http://a/b/c/g?y test("g?y") .p("g").q("y").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").q("y").z(); // #s (current document)#s // DEVIATION: Lone fragment parses as relative URI with empty path test("#s") .p("").f("s").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/d;p").f("s").q("q").z(); // g#s http://a/b/c/g#s test("g#s") .p("g").f("s").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").f("s").z(); // g?y#s http://a/b/c/g?y#s test("g?y#s") .p("g").q("y").f("s").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").q("y").f("s").z(); // ;x http://a/b/c/;x test(";x") .p(";x").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/;x").z(); // g;x http://a/b/c/g;x test("g;x") .p("g;x").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g;x").z(); // g;x?y#s http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s test("g;x?y#s") .p("g;x").q("y").f("s").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g;x").q("y").f("s").z(); // . http://a/b/c/ test(".") .p(".").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/").z(); // ./ http://a/b/c/ test("./") .p("./").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/").z(); // .. http://a/b/ test("..") .p("..").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/").z(); // ../ http://a/b/ test("../") .p("../").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/").z(); // ../g http://a/b/g test("../g") .p("../g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/g").z(); // ../.. http://a/ test("../..") .p("../..").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/").z(); // ../../ http://a/ test("../../") .p("../../").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/").z(); // ../../g http://a/g test("../../g") .p("../../g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/g").z(); header("RFC2396: Abnormal relative-URI examples (appendix C)"); // ../../../g = http://a/../g test("../../../g") .p("../../../g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/../g").z(); // ../../../../g = http://a/../../g test("../../../../g") .p("../../../../g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/../../g").z(); // /./g = http://a/./g test("/./g") .p("/./g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/./g").z(); // /../g = http://a/../g test("/../g") .p("/../g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/../g").z(); // g. = http://a/b/c/g. test("g.") .p("g.").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g.").z(); // .g = http://a/b/c/.g test(".g") .p(".g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/.g").z(); // g.. = http://a/b/c/g.. test("g..") .p("g..").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g..").z(); // ..g = http://a/b/c/..g test("..g") .p("..g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/..g").z(); // ./../g = http://a/b/g test("./../g") .p("./../g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/g").z(); // ./g/. = http://a/b/c/g/ test("./g/.") .p("./g/.").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g/").z(); // g/./h = http://a/b/c/g/h test("g/./h") .p("g/./h").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g/h").z(); // g/../h = http://a/b/c/h test("g/../h") .p("g/../h").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/h").z(); // g;x=1/./y = http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y test("g;x=1/./y") .p("g;x=1/./y").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g;x=1/y").z(); // g;x=1/../y = http://a/b/c/y test("g;x=1/../y") .p("g;x=1/../y").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/y").z(); // g?y/./x = http://a/b/c/g?y/./x test("g?y/./x") .p("g").q("y/./x").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").q("y/./x").z(); // g?y/../x = http://a/b/c/g?y/../x test("g?y/../x") .p("g").q("y/../x").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").q("y/../x").z(); // g#s/./x = http://a/b/c/g#s/./x test("g#s/./x") .p("g").f("s/./x").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").f("s/./x").z(); // g#s/../x = http://a/b/c/g#s/../x test("g#s/../x") .p("g").f("s/../x").z() .rslv(base).s("http").h("a").p("/b/c/g").f("s/../x").z(); // http:g = http:g test("http:g") .s("http").o("g").z() .rslv(base).s("http").o("g").z(); } static void ip() { header("IP addresses"); test("") .s("http").h("").n(5).p("").z(); // From RFC2732 test("http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html") .s("http").h("[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]") .n(80).p("/index.html").z(); test("http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:10%12]:80/index.html") .s("http").h("[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:10%12]") .n(80).p("/index.html").z(); test("http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]/index.html") .s("http").h("[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]").p("/index.html").z(); test("http://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A%1]/index.html") .s("http").h("[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A%1]").p("/index.html").z(); test("http://[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]") .s("http").h("[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]").p("").z(); test("http://[1080::8:800:200C:417A]/foo") .s("http").h("[1080::8:800:200C:417A]").p("/foo").z(); test("http://[::]/ipng") .s("http").h("[::]").p("/ipng").z(); test("http://[::]/ipng") .s("http").h("[::]").p("/ipng").z(); test("http://[::FFFF:]:80/index.html") .s("http").h("[::FFFF:]").n(80).p("/index.html").z(); test("http://[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]") .s("http").h("[2010:836B:4179::836B:4179]").p("").z(); // From RFC2373 test("http://[FF01::101]") .s("http").h("[FF01::101]").p("").z(); test("http://[::1]") .s("http").h("[::1]").p("").z(); test("http://[::]") .s("http").h("[::]").p("").z(); test("http://[::%hme0]") .s("http").h("[::%hme0]").p("").z(); test("http://[0:0:0:0:0:0:]") .s("http").h("[0:0:0:0:0:0:]").p("").z(); test("http://[0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:]") .s("http").h("[0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:]").p("").z(); test("http://[0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:]") .s("http").h("[0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:]").p("").z(); test("http://[0:0:0:0:0:ffff:]") .s("http").h("[0:0:0:0:0:ffff:]").p("").z(); test("http://[::]") .s("http").h("[::]").p("").z(); // Optional IPv6 brackets in constructors test("s", null, "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", -1, null, null, null) .s("s").h("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]").p("").z(); test("s", null, "[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", -1, null, null, null) .s("s").h("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]").p("").z(); test("s", null, "[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", -1, null, null, null) .s("s").h("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]").p("").z(); test("s", "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", null, null) .s("s").h("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]").p("").z(); test("s", "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8%hme0", null, null) .s("s").h("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8%hme0]").p("").z(); test("s", "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8%1", null, null) .s("s").h("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8%1]").p("").z(); test("s", "[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", null, null) .s("s").h("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]").p("").z(); test("s", "[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]", null, null, null) .s("s").h("[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8]").p("").z(); test("s", "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", null, null, null) .s("s").g("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8").p("").z(); // Error cases test("http://[ff01:234/foo").x().z(); test("http://[ff01:234:zzz]/foo").x().z(); test("http://[foo]").x().z(); test("http://[]").x().z(); test("http://[]").x().z(); test("http://[ff:ee:dd:cc:bb::aa:9:8]").x().z(); test("http://[fffff::1]").x().z(); test("http://[ff::ee::8]").x().z(); test("http://[1:2:3:4::5:6:7:8]").x().z(); test("http://[1:2]").x().z(); test("http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9]").x().z(); test("http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8%]").x().z(); test("http://[1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8%!/]").x().z(); test("http://[::]").x().z(); test("http://1.2.3").psa().x().z(); test("").psa().x().z(); test("").psa().x().z(); test("http://[]").x().z(); test("http://1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8").psa().x().z(); test("http://[]/").x().z(); test("http://[").x().z(); test("http://[foo]/").x().z(); test("http://[foo/").x().z(); test("s", "[foo]", "/", null, null).x().z(); test("s", "[foo", "/", null, null).x().z(); test("s", "[::foo", "/", null, null).x().z(); // Test hostnames that might initially look like IPv4 addresses test("s://1.2.3.com").psa().s("s").h("1.2.3.com").p("").z(); test("s://").psa().s("s").h("").p("").z(); test("s://7up.com").psa().s("s").h("7up.com").p("").z(); test("s://7up.com/p").psa().s("s").h("7up.com").p("/p").z(); test("s://7up").psa().s("s").h("7up").p("").z(); test("s://7up/p").psa().s("s").h("7up").p("/p").z(); test("s://7up.").psa().s("s").h("7up.").p("").z(); test("s://7up./p").psa().s("s").h("7up.").p("/p").z(); } static void misc() throws URISyntaxException { URI base = new URI("s://h/a/b"); URI rbase = new URI("a/b/c/d"); header("Corner cases"); // The empty URI parses as a relative URI with an empty path test("").p("").z() .rslv(base).s("s").h("h").p("/a/").z(); // Resolving solo queries and fragments test("#f").p("").f("f").z() .rslv(base).s("s").h("h").p("/a/b").f("f").z(); test("?q").p("").q("q").z() .rslv(base).s("s").h("h").p("/a/").q("q").z(); // Fragment is not part of ssp test("p#f").p("p").f("f").sp("p").z(); test("s:p#f").s("s").o("p").f("f").z(); test("p#f") .rslv(base).s("s").h("h").p("/a/p").f("f").sp("//h/a/p").z(); test("").p("").sp("").z(); header("Emptiness"); // Components that may be empty test("///p").p("/p").z(); // Authority (w/ path) test("//@h/p").u("").h("h").p("/p").z(); // User info test("//h:/p").h("h").p("/p").z(); // Port test("//h").h("h").p("").z(); // Path test("//h?q").h("h").p("").q("q").z(); // Path (w/query) test("//?q").p("").q("q").z(); // Authority (w/query) test("//#f").p("").f("f").z(); // Authority (w/fragment) test("p?#").p("p").q("").f("").z(); // Query & fragment // Components that may not be empty test(":").x().z(); // Scheme test("x:").x().z(); // Hier/opaque test("//").x().z(); // Authority (w/o path) header("Resolution, normalization, and relativization"); // Resolving relative paths test("../e/f").p("../e/f").z() .rslv(rbase).p("a/b/e/f").z(); test("../../../../d").p("../../../../d").z() .rslv(rbase).p("../d").z(); test("../../../d:e").p("../../../d:e").z() .rslv(rbase).p("./d:e").z(); test("../../../d:e/f").p("../../../d:e/f").z() .rslv(rbase).p("./d:e/f").z(); // Normalization test("a/./c/../d/f").p("a/./c/../d/f").z() .norm().p("a/d/f").z(); test("http://a/./b/c/../d?q#f") .s("http").h("a").p("/./b/c/../d").q("q").f("f").z() .norm().s("http").h("a").p("/b/d").q("q").f("f").z(); test("a/../b").p("a/../b").z(). norm().p("b"); test("a/../b:c").p("a/../b:c").z() .norm().p("./b:c").z(); // Normalization of already normalized URI should yield the // same URI URI u1 = URI.create("s://h/../p"); URI u2 = u1.normalize(); eq(u1, u2); eqeq(u1, u2); // Relativization test("/a/b").p("/a/b").z() .rtvz(new URI("/a")).p("b").z(); test("/a/b").p("/a/b").z() .rtvz(new URI("/a/")).p("b").z(); test("a/b").p("a/b").z() .rtvz(new URI("a")).p("b").z(); test("/a/b").p("/a/b").z() .rtvz(new URI("/a/b")).p("").z(); // Result is empty path test("a/../b:c/d").p("a/../b:c/d").z() .rtvz(new URI("./b:c/")).p("d").z(); test("http://a/b/d/e?q#f") .s("http").h("a").p("/b/d/e").q("q").f("f").z() .rtvz(new URI("http://a/b/?r#g")) .p("d/e").q("q").f("f").z(); // parseServerAuthority test("/a/b").psa().p("/a/b").z(); test("s://u@h:1/p") .psa().s("s").u("u").h("h").n(1).p("/p").z(); test("s://u@h:-foo/p").s("s").g("u@h:-foo").p("/p").z() .psa().x().z(); test("s://h:999999999999999999999999").psa().x().z(); test("s://:/b").psa().x().z(); header("Constructors and factories"); test("s", null, null, -1, "p", null, null).x().z(); test(null, null, null, -1, null, null, null).p("").z(); test(null, null, null, -1, "p", null, null).p("p").z(); test(null, null, "foo%20bar", -1, null, null, null).x().z(); test(null, null, "foo", -100, null, null, null).x().z(); test("s", null, null, -1, "", null, null).x().z(); test("s", null, null, -1, "/p", null, null).s("s").p("/p").z(); test("s", "u", "h", 10, "/p", "q", "f") .s("s").u("u").h("h").n(10).p("/p").q("q").f("f").z(); test("s", "a:b", "/p", "q", "f") .s("s").g("a:b").p("/p").q("q").f("f").z(); test("s", "h", "/p", "f") .s("s").h("h").p("/p").f("f").z(); test("s", "p", "f").s("s").o("p").f("f").z(); test("s", "/p", "f").s("s").p("/p").f("f").z(); testCreate("s://u@h/p?q#f") .s("s").u("u").h("h").p("/p").q("q").f("f").z(); } static void npes() throws URISyntaxException { header("NullPointerException"); URI base = URI.create("mailto:root@foobar.com"); out.println(); try { base.resolve((URI)null); throw new RuntimeException("NullPointerException not thrown"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { out.println("resolve((URI)null) -->"); out.println("Correct exception: " + x); } out.println(); try { base.resolve((String)null); throw new RuntimeException("NullPointerException not thrown"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { out.println("resolve((String)null) -->"); out.println("Correct exception: " + x); } out.println(); try { base.relativize((URI)null); throw new RuntimeException("NullPointerException not thrown"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { out.println("relativize((String)null) -->"); out.println("Correct exception: " + x); } testCount += 3; } static void chars() throws URISyntaxException { header("Escapes and non-US-ASCII characters"); URI uri; // Escape pairs test("%0a%0A%0f%0F%01%09zz") .p("%0a%0A%0f%0F%01%09zz").z(); test("foo%1").x().z(); test("foo%z").x().z(); test("foo%9z").x().z(); // Escapes not permitted in scheme, host test("s%20t://a").x().z(); test("//a%20b").g("a%20b").p("").z(); // Parses as registry // Escapes permitted in opaque part, userInfo, registry, path, // query, and fragment test("//u%20v@a").u("u%20v").h("a").p("").z(); test("/p%20q").p("/p%20q").z(); test("/p?q%20").p("/p").q("q%20").z(); test("/p#%20f").p("/p").f("%20f").z(); // Non-US-ASCII chars test("s\u00a7t://a").x().z(); test("//\u00a7/b").g("\u00a7").p("/b").z(); // Parses as registry test("//u\u00a7v@a").u("u\u00a7v").h("a").p("").z(); test("/p\u00a7q").p("/p\u00a7q").z(); test("/p?q\u00a7").p("/p").q("q\u00a7").z(); test("/p#\u00a7f").p("/p").f("\u00a7f").z(); // 4648111 - Escapes quoted by toString after resolution uri = new URI("http://a/b/c/d;p?q"); test("/p%20p") .rslv(uri).s("http").h("a").p("/p%20p").ts("http://a/p%20p").z(); // 4464135: Forbid unwise characters throughout opaque part test("foo:x{bar").x().z(); test("foo:{bar").x().z(); // 4438319: Single-argument constructor requires quotation, // preserves escapes test("//u%01@h/a/b/%02/c?q%03#f%04") .u("u%01").ud("u\1") .h("h") .p("/a/b/%02/c").pd("/a/b/\2/c") .q("q%03").qd("q\3") .f("f%04").fd("f\4") .z(); test("/a/b c").x().z(); // 4438319: Multi-argument constructors quote illegal chars and // preserve legal non-ASCII chars // \uA001-\uA009 are visible characters, \u2000 is a space character test(null, "u\uA001\1", "h", -1, "/p% \uA002\2\u2000", "q% \uA003\3\u2000", "f% \uA004\4\u2000") .u("u\uA001%01").h("h") .p("/p%25%20\uA002%02%E2%80%80").pd("/p% \uA002\2\u2000") .q("q%25%20\uA003%03%E2%80%80").qd("q% \uA003\3\u2000") .f("f%25%20\uA004%04%E2%80%80").fd("f% \uA004\4\u2000").z(); test(null, "g\uA001\1", "/p% \uA002\2\u2000", "q% \uA003\3\u2000", "f% \uA004\4\u2000") .g("g\uA001%01") .p("/p%25%20\uA002%02%E2%80%80").pd("/p% \uA002\2\u2000") .q("q%25%20\uA003%03%E2%80%80").qd("q% \uA003\3\u2000") .f("f%25%20\uA004%04%E2%80%80").fd("f% \uA004\4\u2000").z(); test(null, null, "/p% \uA002\2\u2000", "f% \uA004\4\u2000") .p("/p%25%20\uA002%02%E2%80%80").pd("/p% \uA002\2\u2000") .f("f%25%20\uA004%04%E2%80%80").fd("f% \uA004\4\u2000").z(); test(null, "/sp% \uA001\1\u2000", "f% \uA004\4\u2000") .sp("/sp%25%20\uA001%01%E2%80%80").spd("/sp% \uA001\1\u2000") .p("/sp%25%20\uA001%01%E2%80%80").pd("/sp% \uA001\1\u2000") .f("f%25%20\uA004%04%E2%80%80").fd("f% \uA004\4\u2000").z(); // 4438319: Non-raw accessors decode all escaped octets test("/%25%20%E2%82%AC%E2%80%80") .p("/%25%20%E2%82%AC%E2%80%80").pd("/% \u20Ac\u2000").z(); // 4438319: toASCIIString test("/\uCAFE\uBABE") .p("/\uCAFE\uBABE").ta("/%EC%AB%BE%EB%AA%BE").z(); // 4991359 and 4866303: bad quoting by defineSchemeSpecificPart() URI base = new URI ("http://host/foo%20bar/a/b/c/d"); test ("resolve") .rslv(base).spd("//host/foo bar/a/b/c/resolve") .sp("//host/foo%20bar/a/b/c/resolve").s("http") .pd("/foo bar/a/b/c/resolve").h("host") .p("/foo%20bar/a/b/c/resolve").z(); // 6773270: java.net.URI fails to escape u0000 test("s", "a", "/\u0000", null) .s("s").p("/%00").h("a") .ta("s://a/%00").z(); } static void eq0(Comparable u, Comparable v) throws URISyntaxException { testCount++; if (!u.equals(v)) throw new RuntimeException("Not equal: " + u + " " + v); int uh = u.hashCode(); int vh = v.hashCode(); if (uh != vh) throw new RuntimeException("Hash codes not equal: " + u + " " + Integer.toHexString(uh) + " " + v + " " + Integer.toHexString(vh)); out.println(); out.println(u + " == " + v + " [" + Integer.toHexString(uh) + "]"); } static void cmp0(Comparable u, Comparable v, boolean same) throws URISyntaxException { int c = u.compareTo(v); if ((c == 0) != same) throw new RuntimeException("Comparison inconsistent: " + u + " " + v + " " + c); } static void eq(Comparable u, Comparable v) throws URISyntaxException { eq0(u, v); cmp0(u, v, true); } static void eqeq(Comparable u, Comparable v) { testCount++; if (u != v) throw new RuntimeException("Not ==: " + u + " " + v); } static void ne0(Comparable u, Comparable v) throws URISyntaxException { testCount++; if (u.equals(v)) throw new RuntimeException("Equal: " + u + " " + v); out.println(); out.println(u + " != " + v + " [" + Integer.toHexString(u.hashCode()) + " " + Integer.toHexString(v.hashCode()) + "]"); } static void ne(Comparable u, Comparable v) throws URISyntaxException { ne0(u, v); cmp0(u, v, false); } static void lt(Comparable u, Comparable v) throws URISyntaxException { ne0(u, v); int c = u.compareTo(v); if (c >= 0) { show((URI)u); show((URI)v); throw new RuntimeException("Not less than: " + u + " " + v + " " + c); } out.println(u + " < " + v); } static void lt(String s, String t) throws URISyntaxException { lt(new URI(s), new URI(t)); } static void gt(Comparable u, Comparable v) throws URISyntaxException { lt(v, u); } static void eqHashComp() throws URISyntaxException { header("Equality, hashing, and comparison"); URI o = new URI("mailto:foo@bar.com"); URI r = new URI("reg://some%20registry/b/c/d?q#f"); URI s = new URI("http://jag:cafebabe@java.sun.com:94/b/c/d?q#f"); eq(o, o); lt(o, r); lt(s, o); lt(s, r); eq(o, new URI("MaILto:foo@bar.com")); gt(o, new URI("mailto:foo@bar.COM")); eq(r, new URI("rEg://some%20registry/b/c/d?q#f")); gt(r, new URI("reg://Some%20Registry/b/c/d?q#f")); gt(r, new URI("reg://some%20registry/b/c/D?q#f")); eq(s, new URI("hTtP://jag:cafebabe@Java.Sun.COM:94/b/c/d?q#f")); gt(s, new URI("http://jag:CafeBabe@java.sun.com:94/b/c/d?q#f")); lt(s, new URI("http://jag:cafebabe@java.sun.com:94/b/c/d?r#f")); lt(s, new URI("http://jag:cafebabe@java.sun.com:94/b/c/d?q#g")); eq(new URI("http://host/a%00bcd"), new URI("http://host/a%00bcd")); ne(new URI("http://host/a%00bcd"), new URI("http://host/aZ00bcd")); lt("p", "s:p"); lt("s:p", "T:p"); lt("S:p", "t:p"); lt("s:/p", "s:p"); lt("s:p", "s:q"); lt("s:p#f", "s:p#g"); lt("s://u@h:1", "s://v@h:1"); lt("s://u@h:1", "s://u@i:1"); lt("s://u@h:1", "s://v@h:2"); lt("s://a%20b", "s://a%20c"); lt("s://a%20b", "s://aab"); lt("s://AA", "s://A_"); lt("s:/p", "s:/q"); lt("s:/p?q", "s:/p?r"); lt("s:/p#f", "s:/p#g"); lt("s://h", "s://h/p"); lt("s://h/p", "s://h/p?q"); } static void serial(URI u) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oo = new ObjectOutputStream(bo); oo.writeObject(u); oo.close(); ByteArrayInputStream bi = new ByteArrayInputStream(bo.toByteArray()); ObjectInputStream oi = new ObjectInputStream(bi); try { Object o = oi.readObject(); eq(u, (Comparable)o); } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) { x.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(x.toString()); } testCount++; } static void serial() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { header("Serialization"); serial(URI.create("http://java.sun.com/jdk/1.4?release#beta")); serial(URI.create("s://h/p").resolve("/long%20path/")); } static void urls() throws URISyntaxException { header("URLs"); URI uri; URL url; boolean caught = false; out.println(); uri = new URI("http://a/p?q#f"); try { url = uri.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException x) { throw new RuntimeException(x.toString()); } if (!url.toString().equals("http://a/p?q#f")) throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect URL: " + url); out.println(uri + " url --> " + url); out.println(); uri = new URI("a/b"); try { out.println(uri + " url --> "); url = uri.toURL(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { caught = true; out.println("Correct exception: " + x); } catch (MalformedURLException x) { caught = true; throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect exception: " + x); } if (!caught) throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect URL: " + url); out.println(); uri = new URI("foo://bar/baz"); caught = false; try { out.println(uri + " url --> "); url = uri.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException x) { caught = true; out.println("Correct exception: " + x); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { caught = true; throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect exception: " + x); } if (!caught) throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect URL: " + url); testCount += 3; } static void tests() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { rfc2396(); ip(); misc(); chars(); eqHashComp(); serial(); urls(); npes(); bugs(); } // -- Command-line invocation -- static void usage() { out.println("Usage:"); out.println(" java Test -- Runs all tests in this file"); out.println(" java Test -- Parses uri, shows components"); out.println(" java Test -- Parses uri and base, then resolves"); out.println(" uri against base"); } static void clargs(String base, String uri) { URI b = null, u; try { if (base != null) { b = new URI(base); out.println(base); show(b); } u = new URI(uri); out.println(uri); show(u); if (base != null) { URI r = b.resolve(u); out.println(r); show(r); } } catch (URISyntaxException x) { show("ERROR", x); x.printStackTrace(out); } } // miscellaneous bugs/rfes that don't fit in with the test framework static void bugs() { // 6339649 - include detail message from nested exception try { URI uri = URI.create("http://nowhere.net/should not be permitted"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if ("".equals(e.getMessage()) || e.getMessage() == null) { throw new RuntimeException ("No detail message"); } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { switch (args.length) { case 0: tests(); out.println(); out.println("Test cases: " + testCount); break; case 1: if (args[0].equals("-help")) { usage(); break; } clargs(null, args[0]); break; case 2: clargs(args[0], args[1]); break; default: usage(); break; } } }