/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package ilib; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Inject implements RuntimeConstants { public static byte[] instrumentation(Options opt, ClassLoader loader, String className, byte[] classfileBuffer) { ClassReaderWriter c = new ClassReaderWriter(classfileBuffer); (new Inject(className, c, loader == null, opt)).doit(); return c.result(); } static boolean verbose = false; final String className; final ClassReaderWriter c; final boolean isSystem; final Options options; int constantPoolCount; int methodsCount; int methodsCountPos; int profiler; int wrappedTrackerIndex = 0; int thisClassIndex = 0; TrackerInjector callInjector; TrackerInjector allocInjector; TrackerInjector defaultInjector; static interface TrackerInjector extends Injector { void reinit(int tracker); int stackSize(int currentSize); } static class SimpleInjector implements TrackerInjector { byte[] injection; public int stackSize(int currentSize) { return currentSize; } public void reinit(int tracker) { injection = new byte[3]; injection[0] = (byte)opc_invokestatic; injection[1] = (byte)(tracker >> 8); injection[2] = (byte)tracker; } public byte[] bytecodes(String className, String methodName, int location) { return injection; } } static class ObjectInjector implements TrackerInjector { byte[] injection; public int stackSize(int currentSize) { return currentSize + 1; } public void reinit(int tracker) { injection = new byte[4]; injection[0] = (byte)opc_dup; injection[1] = (byte)opc_invokestatic; injection[2] = (byte)(tracker >> 8); injection[3] = (byte)tracker; } public byte[] bytecodes(String className, String methodName, int location) { return injection; } } class IndexedInjector implements TrackerInjector { int counter = 0; int tracker; List infoList = new ArrayList<>(); public int stackSize(int currentSize) { return currentSize + 1; } public void reinit(int tracker) { this.tracker = tracker; } void dump(File outDir, String filename) throws IOException { try (FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(new File(outDir, filename)); DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(fileOut)) { String currentClassName = null; dataOut.writeInt(infoList.size()); for (Iterator it = infoList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Info info = it.next(); if (!info.className.equals(currentClassName)) { dataOut.writeInt(123456); // class name marker currentClassName = info.className; dataOut.writeUTF(currentClassName); } dataOut.writeInt(info.location); dataOut.writeUTF(info.methodName); } } } public byte[] bytecodes(String className, String methodName, int location) { byte[] injection = new byte[6]; int injectedIndex = options.fixedIndex != 0? options.fixedIndex : ++counter; infoList.add(new Info(counter, className, methodName, location)); injection[0] = (byte)opc_sipush; injection[1] = (byte)(injectedIndex >> 8); injection[2] = (byte)injectedIndex; injection[3] = (byte)opc_invokestatic; injection[4] = (byte)(tracker >> 8); injection[5] = (byte)tracker; return injection; } } Inject(String className, ClassReaderWriter c, boolean isSystem, Options options) { this.className = className; this.c = c; this.isSystem = isSystem; this.options = options; } void doit() { int i; c.copy(4 + 2 + 2); // magic min/maj version int constantPoolCountPos = c.generatedPosition(); constantPoolCount = c.copyU2(); // copy old constant pool c.copyConstantPool(constantPoolCount); if (verbose) { System.out.println("ConstantPool expanded from: " + constantPoolCount); } profiler = addClassToConstantPool(options.trackerClassName); if (options.shouldInstrumentNew || options.shouldInstrumentObjectInit) { if (options.shouldInstrumentIndexed) { if (allocInjector == null) { // first time - create it allocInjector = new IndexedInjector(); } int allocTracker = addMethodToConstantPool(profiler, options.allocTrackerMethodName, "(I)V"); allocInjector.reinit(allocTracker); } else if (options.shouldInstrumentObject) { if (allocInjector == null) { // first time - create it allocInjector = new ObjectInjector(); } int allocTracker = addMethodToConstantPool(profiler, options.allocTrackerMethodName, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); allocInjector.reinit(allocTracker); } else { if (allocInjector == null) { // first time - create it allocInjector = new SimpleInjector(); } int allocTracker = addMethodToConstantPool(profiler, options.allocTrackerMethodName, "()V"); allocInjector.reinit(allocTracker); } defaultInjector = allocInjector; } if (options.shouldInstrumentCall) { if (options.shouldInstrumentIndexed) { if (callInjector == null) { // first time - create it callInjector = new IndexedInjector(); } int callTracker = addMethodToConstantPool(profiler, options.callTrackerMethodName, "(I)V"); callInjector.reinit(callTracker); } else { if (callInjector == null) { // first time - create it callInjector = new SimpleInjector(); } int callTracker = addMethodToConstantPool(profiler, options.callTrackerMethodName, "()V"); callInjector.reinit(callTracker); } defaultInjector = callInjector; } if (verbose) { System.out.println("To: " + constantPoolCount); } c.setSection(1); c.copy(2 + 2 + 2); // access, this, super int interfaceCount = c.copyU2(); if (verbose) { System.out.println("interfaceCount: " + interfaceCount); } c.copy(interfaceCount * 2); copyFields(); // fields copyMethods(); // methods int attrCountPos = c.generatedPosition(); int attrCount = c.copyU2(); if (verbose) { System.out.println("class attrCount: " + attrCount); } // copy the class attributes copyAttrs(attrCount); c.randomAccessWriteU2(constantPoolCountPos, constantPoolCount); } void copyFields() { int count = c.copyU2(); if (verbose) { System.out.println("fields count: " + count); } for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { c.copy(6); // access, name, descriptor int attrCount = c.copyU2(); if (verbose) { System.out.println("field attr count: " + attrCount); } copyAttrs(attrCount); } } void copyMethods() { methodsCountPos = c.generatedPosition(); methodsCount = c.copyU2(); int initialMethodsCount = methodsCount; if (verbose) { System.out.println("methods count: " + methodsCount); } for (int i = 0; i < initialMethodsCount; ++i) { copyMethod(); } } void copyMethod() { int accessFlags = c.copyU2();// access flags if (options.shouldInstrumentNativeMethods && (accessFlags & ACC_NATIVE) != 0) { wrapNativeMethod(accessFlags); return; } int nameIndex = c.copyU2(); // name String methodName = c.constantPoolString(nameIndex); c.copyU2(); // descriptor int attrCount = c.copyU2(); // attribute count if (verbose) { System.out.println("methods attr count: " + attrCount); } for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) { copyAttrForMethod(methodName, accessFlags); } } void wrapNativeMethod(int accessFlags) { // first, copy the native method with the name changed // accessFlags have already been copied int nameIndex = c.readU2(); // name String methodName = c.constantPoolString(nameIndex); String wrappedMethodName = options.wrappedPrefix + methodName; int wrappedNameIndex = writeCPEntryUtf8(wrappedMethodName); c.writeU2(wrappedNameIndex); // change to the wrapped name int descriptorIndex = c.copyU2(); // descriptor index int attrCount = c.copyU2(); // attribute count // need to replicate these attributes (esp Exceptions) in wrapper // so mark this location so we can rewind c.markLocalPositionStart(); for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) { copyAttrForMethod(methodName, accessFlags); } if (true) { System.err.println(" wrapped: " + methodName); } // now write the wrapper method c.writeU2(accessFlags & ~ACC_NATIVE); c.writeU2(nameIndex); // original unwrapped name c.writeU2(descriptorIndex); // descriptor is the same c.writeU2(attrCount + 1); // wrapped plus a code attribute // rewind to wrapped attributes c.rewind(); for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) { copyAttrForMethod(methodName, accessFlags); } // generate a Code attribute for the wrapper method int wrappedIndex = addMethodToConstantPool(getThisClassIndex(), wrappedNameIndex, descriptorIndex); String descriptor = c.constantPoolString(descriptorIndex); createWrapperCodeAttr(nameIndex, accessFlags, descriptor, wrappedIndex); // increment method count c.randomAccessWriteU2(methodsCountPos, ++methodsCount); } void copyAttrs(int attrCount) { for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) { copyAttr(); } } void copyAttr() { c.copy(2); // name int len = c.copyU4(); // attr len if (verbose) { System.out.println("attr len: " + len); } c.copy(len); // attribute info } void copyAttrForMethod(String methodName, int accessFlags) { int nameIndex = c.copyU2(); // name // check for Code attr if (nameIndex == c.codeAttributeIndex) { try { copyCodeAttr(methodName); } catch (IOException exc) { System.err.println("Code Exception - " + exc); System.exit(1); } } else { int len = c.copyU4(); // attr len if (verbose) { System.out.println("method attr len: " + len); } c.copy(len); // attribute info } } void copyAttrForCode(InjectBytecodes ib) throws IOException { int nameIndex = c.copyU2(); // name // check for Code attr if (nameIndex == c.lineNumberAttributeIndex) { ib.copyLineNumberAttr(); } else if (nameIndex == c.localVarAttributeIndex) { ib.copyLocalVarAttr(); } else { int len = c.copyU4(); // attr len if (verbose) { System.out.println("code attr len: " + len); } c.copy(len); // attribute info } } void copyCodeAttr(String methodName) throws IOException { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Code attr found"); } int attrLengthPos = c.generatedPosition(); int attrLength = c.copyU4(); // attr len int maxStack = c.readU2(); // max stack c.writeU2(defaultInjector == null? maxStack : defaultInjector.stackSize(maxStack)); // big enough for injected code c.copyU2(); // max locals int codeLengthPos = c.generatedPosition(); int codeLength = c.copyU4(); // code length if (options.targetMethod != null && !options.targetMethod.equals(methodName)) { c.copy(attrLength - 8); // copy remainder minus already copied return; } if (isSystem) { if (codeLength == 1 && methodName.equals("finalize")) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("empty system finalizer not instrumented"); } c.copy(attrLength - 8); // copy remainder minus already copied return; } if (codeLength == 1 && methodName.equals("")) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("empty system constructor not instrumented"); } if (!options.shouldInstrumentObjectInit) { c.copy(attrLength - 8); // copy remainder minus already copied return; } } if (methodName.equals("")) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("system class initializer not instrumented"); } c.copy(attrLength - 8); // copy remainder minus already copied return; } } if (options.shouldInstrumentObjectInit && (!className.equals("java/lang/Object") || !methodName.equals(""))) { c.copy(attrLength - 8); // copy remainder minus already copied return; } InjectBytecodes ib = new InjectBytecodes(c, codeLength, className, methodName); if (options.shouldInstrumentNew) { ib.injectAfter(opc_new, allocInjector); ib.injectAfter(opc_newarray, allocInjector); ib.injectAfter(opc_anewarray, allocInjector); ib.injectAfter(opc_multianewarray, allocInjector); } if (options.shouldInstrumentCall) { ib.inject(0, callInjector.bytecodes(className, methodName, 0)); } if (options.shouldInstrumentObjectInit) { ib.inject(0, allocInjector.bytecodes(className, methodName, 0)); } ib.adjustOffsets(); // fix up code length int newCodeLength = c.generatedPosition() - (codeLengthPos + 4); c.randomAccessWriteU4(codeLengthPos, newCodeLength); if (verbose) { System.out.println("code length old: " + codeLength + ", new: " + newCodeLength); } ib.copyExceptionTable(); int attrCount = c.copyU2(); for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; ++i) { copyAttrForCode(ib); } // fix up attr length int newAttrLength = c.generatedPosition() - (attrLengthPos + 4); c.randomAccessWriteU4(attrLengthPos, newAttrLength); if (verbose) { System.out.println("attr length old: " + attrLength + ", new: " + newAttrLength); } } int nextDescriptorIndex(String descriptor, int index) { switch (descriptor.charAt(index)) { case 'B': // byte case 'C': // char case 'I': // int case 'S': // short case 'Z': // boolean case 'F': // float case 'D': // double case 'J': // long return index + 1; case 'L': // object int i = index + 1; while (descriptor.charAt(i) != ';') { ++i; } return i + 1; case '[': // array return nextDescriptorIndex(descriptor, index + 1); } throw new InternalError("should not reach here"); } int getWrappedTrackerIndex() { if (wrappedTrackerIndex == 0) { wrappedTrackerIndex = addMethodToConstantPool(profiler, options.wrappedTrackerMethodName, "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V"); } return wrappedTrackerIndex; } int getThisClassIndex() { if (thisClassIndex == 0) { thisClassIndex = addClassToConstantPool(className); } return thisClassIndex; } int computeMaxLocals(String descriptor, int accessFlags) { int index = 1; int slot = 0; if ((accessFlags & ACC_STATIC) == 0) { ++slot; } char type; while ((type = descriptor.charAt(index)) != ')') { switch (type) { case 'B': // byte case 'C': // char case 'I': // int case 'S': // short case 'Z': // boolean case 'F': // float case 'L': // object case '[': // array ++slot; break; case 'D': // double case 'J': // long slot += 2; break; } index = nextDescriptorIndex(descriptor, index); } return slot; } void createWrapperCodeAttr(int methodNameIndex, int accessFlags, String descriptor, int wrappedIndex) { int maxLocals = computeMaxLocals(descriptor, accessFlags); c.writeU2(c.codeAttributeIndex); // int attrLengthPos = c.generatedPosition(); c.writeU4(0); // attr len -- fix up below c.writeU2(maxLocals + 4); // max stack c.writeU2(maxLocals); // max locals int codeLengthPos = c.generatedPosition(); c.writeU4(0); // code length -- fix up below int methodStringIndex = writeCPEntryString(methodNameIndex); c.writeU1(opc_ldc_w); c.writeU2(methodStringIndex); // send the method name c.writeU1(opc_sipush); c.writeU2(options.fixedIndex); c.writeU1(opc_invokestatic); c.writeU2(getWrappedTrackerIndex()); // set-up args int index = 1; int slot = 0; if ((accessFlags & ACC_STATIC) == 0) { c.writeU1(opc_aload_0); // this ++slot; } char type; while ((type = descriptor.charAt(index)) != ')') { switch (type) { case 'B': // byte case 'C': // char case 'I': // int case 'S': // short case 'Z': // boolean c.writeU1(opc_iload); c.writeU1(slot); ++slot; break; case 'F': // float c.writeU1(opc_fload); c.writeU1(slot); ++slot; break; case 'D': // double c.writeU1(opc_dload); c.writeU1(slot); slot += 2; break; case 'J': // long c.writeU1(opc_lload); c.writeU1(slot); slot += 2; break; case 'L': // object case '[': // array c.writeU1(opc_aload); c.writeU1(slot); ++slot; break; } index = nextDescriptorIndex(descriptor, index); } // call the wrapped version if ((accessFlags & ACC_STATIC) == 0) { c.writeU1(opc_invokevirtual); } else { c.writeU1(opc_invokestatic); } c.writeU2(wrappedIndex); // return correct type switch (descriptor.charAt(index+1)) { case 'B': // byte case 'C': // char case 'I': // int case 'S': // short case 'Z': // boolean c.writeU1(opc_ireturn); break; case 'F': // float c.writeU1(opc_freturn); break; case 'D': // double c.writeU1(opc_dreturn); break; case 'J': // long c.writeU1(opc_lreturn); break; case 'L': // object case '[': // array c.writeU1(opc_areturn); break; case 'V': // void c.writeU1(opc_return); break; } // end of code // fix up code length int newCodeLength = c.generatedPosition() - (codeLengthPos + 4); c.randomAccessWriteU4(codeLengthPos, newCodeLength); c.writeU2(0); // exception table length c.writeU2(0); // attribute count // fix up attr length int newAttrLength = c.generatedPosition() - (attrLengthPos + 4); c.randomAccessWriteU4(attrLengthPos, newAttrLength); } int addClassToConstantPool(String className) { int prevSection = c.setSection(0); int classNameIndex = writeCPEntryUtf8(className); int classIndex = writeCPEntryClass(classNameIndex); c.setSection(prevSection); return classIndex; } int addMethodToConstantPool(int classIndex, String methodName, String descr) { int prevSection = c.setSection(0); int methodNameIndex = writeCPEntryUtf8(methodName); int descrIndex = writeCPEntryUtf8(descr); c.setSection(prevSection); return addMethodToConstantPool(classIndex, methodNameIndex, descrIndex); } int addMethodToConstantPool(int classIndex, int methodNameIndex, int descrIndex) { int prevSection = c.setSection(0); int nameAndTypeIndex = writeCPEntryNameAndType(methodNameIndex, descrIndex); int methodIndex = writeCPEntryMethodRef(classIndex, nameAndTypeIndex); c.setSection(prevSection); return methodIndex; } int writeCPEntryUtf8(String str) { int prevSection = c.setSection(0); int len = str.length(); c.writeU1(CONSTANT_UTF8); // Utf8 tag c.writeU2(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { c.writeU1(str.charAt(i)); } c.setSection(prevSection); return constantPoolCount++; } int writeCPEntryString(int utf8Index) { int prevSection = c.setSection(0); c.writeU1(CONSTANT_STRING); c.writeU2(utf8Index); c.setSection(prevSection); return constantPoolCount++; } int writeCPEntryClass(int classNameIndex) { int prevSection = c.setSection(0); c.writeU1(CONSTANT_CLASS); c.writeU2(classNameIndex); c.setSection(prevSection); return constantPoolCount++; } int writeCPEntryNameAndType(int nameIndex, int descrIndex) { int prevSection = c.setSection(0); c.writeU1(CONSTANT_NAMEANDTYPE); c.writeU2(nameIndex); c.writeU2(descrIndex); c.setSection(prevSection); return constantPoolCount++; } int writeCPEntryMethodRef(int classIndex, int nameAndTypeIndex) { int prevSection = c.setSection(0); c.writeU1(CONSTANT_METHOD); c.writeU2(classIndex); c.writeU2(nameAndTypeIndex); c.setSection(prevSection); return constantPoolCount++; } }