/* * Copyright (c) 1994, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.tools.java; import sun.tools.tree.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; /** * This class is used to parse Java statements and expressions. * The result is a parse tree.

* * This class implements an operator precedence parser. Errors are * reported to the Environment object, if the error can't be * resolved immediately, a SyntaxError exception is thrown.

* * Error recovery is implemented by catching SyntaxError exceptions * and discarding input tokens until an input token is reached that * is possibly a legal continuation.

* * The parse tree that is constructed represents the input * exactly (no rewrites to simpler forms). This is important * if the resulting tree is to be used for code formatting in * a programming environment. Currently only documentation comments * are retained.

* * The parsing algorithm does NOT use any type information. Changes * in the type system do not affect the structure of the parse tree. * This restriction does introduce an ambiguity an expression of the * form: (e1) e2 is assumed to be a cast if e2 does not start with * an operator. That means that (a) - b is interpreted as subtract * b from a and not cast negative b to type a. However, if a is a * simple type (byte, int, ...) then it is assumed to be a cast.

* * WARNING: The contents of this source file are not part of any * supported API. Code that depends on them does so at its own risk: * they are subject to change or removal without notice. * * @author Arthur van Hoff */ public class Parser extends Scanner implements ParserActions, Constants { /** * Create a parser */ protected Parser(Environment env, InputStream in) throws IOException { super(env, in); this.scanner = this; this.actions = this; } /** * Create a parser, given a scanner. */ protected Parser(Scanner scanner) throws IOException { super(scanner.env); this.scanner = scanner; ((Scanner)this).env = scanner.env; ((Scanner)this).token = scanner.token; ((Scanner)this).pos = scanner.pos; this.actions = this; } /** * Create a parser, given a scanner and the semantic callback. */ public Parser(Scanner scanner, ParserActions actions) throws IOException { this(scanner); this.actions = actions; } /** * Usually this.actions == (ParserActions)this. * However, a delegate scanner can produce tokens for this parser, * in which case (Scanner)this is unused, * except for this.token and this.pos * instance variables which are filled from the real scanner * by this.scan() and the constructor. */ ParserActions actions; // Note: The duplication of methods allows pre-1.1 classes to // be binary compatible with the new version of the parser, // which now passes IdentifierTokens to the semantics phase, // rather than just Identifiers. This change is necessary, // since the parser is no longer responsible for managing the // resolution of type names. (That caused the "Vector" bug.) // // In a future release, the old "plain-Identifier" methods will // go away, and the corresponding "IdentifierToken" methods // may become abstract. /** * package declaration * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void packageDeclaration(long off, IdentifierToken nm) { // By default, call the deprecated version. // Any application must override one of the packageDeclaration methods. packageDeclaration(off, nm.id); } /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated protected void packageDeclaration(long off, Identifier nm) { throw new RuntimeException("beginClass method is abstract"); } /** * import class * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void importClass(long off, IdentifierToken nm) { // By default, call the deprecated version. // Any application must override one of the packageDeclaration methods. importClass(off, nm.id); } /** * @deprecated Use the version with the IdentifierToken arguments. */ @Deprecated protected void importClass(long off, Identifier nm) { throw new RuntimeException("importClass method is abstract"); } /** * import package * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void importPackage(long off, IdentifierToken nm) { // By default, call the deprecated version. // Any application must override one of the importPackage methods. importPackage(off, nm.id); } /** * @deprecated Use the version with the IdentifierToken arguments. */ @Deprecated protected void importPackage(long off, Identifier nm) { throw new RuntimeException("importPackage method is abstract"); } /** * Define class * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public ClassDefinition beginClass(long off, String doc, int mod, IdentifierToken nm, IdentifierToken sup, IdentifierToken impl[]) { // By default, call the deprecated version. // Any application must override one of the beginClass methods. Identifier supId = (sup == null) ? null : sup.id; Identifier implIds[] = null; if (impl != null) { implIds = new Identifier[impl.length]; for (int i = 0; i < impl.length; i++) { implIds[i] = impl[i].id; } } beginClass(off, doc, mod, nm.id, supId, implIds); return getCurrentClass(); } /** * @deprecated Use the version with the IdentifierToken arguments. */ @Deprecated protected void beginClass(long off, String doc, int mod, Identifier nm, Identifier sup, Identifier impl[]) { throw new RuntimeException("beginClass method is abstract"); } /** * Report the current class under construction. * By default, it's a no-op which returns null. * It may only be called before the corresponding endClass(). */ protected ClassDefinition getCurrentClass() { return null; } /** * End class * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void endClass(long off, ClassDefinition c) { // By default, call the deprecated version. // Any application must override one of the beginClass methods. endClass(off, c.getName().getFlatName().getName()); } /** * @deprecated Use the version with the IdentifierToken arguments. */ @Deprecated protected void endClass(long off, Identifier nm) { throw new RuntimeException("endClass method is abstract"); } /** * Define a field * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public void defineField(long where, ClassDefinition c, String doc, int mod, Type t, IdentifierToken nm, IdentifierToken args[], IdentifierToken exp[], Node val) { // By default, call the deprecated version. // Any application must override one of the defineField methods. Identifier argIds[] = null; Identifier expIds[] = null; if (args != null) { argIds = new Identifier[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { argIds[i] = args[i].id; } } if (exp != null) { expIds = new Identifier[exp.length]; for (int i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) { expIds[i] = exp[i].id; } } defineField(where, doc, mod, t, nm.id, argIds, expIds, val); } /** * @deprecated Use the version with the IdentifierToken arguments. */ @Deprecated protected void defineField(long where, String doc, int mod, Type t, Identifier nm, Identifier args[], Identifier exp[], Node val) { throw new RuntimeException("defineField method is abstract"); } /* * A growable array of nodes. It is used as a growable * buffer to hold argument lists and expression lists. * I'm not using Vector to make it more efficient. */ private Node args[] = new Node[32]; protected int argIndex = 0; protected final void addArgument(Node n) { if (argIndex == args.length) { Node newArgs[] = new Node[args.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, args.length); args = newArgs; } args[argIndex++] = n; } protected final Expression exprArgs(int index)[] { Expression e[] = new Expression[argIndex - index]; System.arraycopy(args, index, e, 0, argIndex - index); argIndex = index; return e; } protected final Statement statArgs(int index)[] { Statement s[] = new Statement[argIndex - index]; System.arraycopy(args, index, s, 0, argIndex - index); argIndex = index; return s; } /** * Expect a token, return its value, scan the next token or * throw an exception. */ protected void expect(int t) throws SyntaxError, IOException { if (token != t) { switch (t) { case IDENT: env.error(scanner.prevPos, "identifier.expected"); break; default: env.error(scanner.prevPos, "token.expected", opNames[t]); break; } throw new SyntaxError(); } scan(); } /** * Parse a type expression. Does not parse the []'s. */ protected Expression parseTypeExpression() throws SyntaxError, IOException { switch (token) { case VOID: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tVoid); case BOOLEAN: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tBoolean); case BYTE: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tByte); case CHAR: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tChar); case SHORT: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tShort); case INT: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tInt); case LONG: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tLong); case FLOAT: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tFloat); case DOUBLE: return new TypeExpression(scan(), Type.tDouble); case IDENT: Expression e = new IdentifierExpression(pos, scanner.idValue); scan(); while (token == FIELD) { e = new FieldExpression(scan(), e, scanner.idValue); expect(IDENT); } return e; } env.error(pos, "type.expected"); throw new SyntaxError(); } /** * Parse a method invocation. Should be called when the current * then is the '(' of the argument list. */ protected Expression parseMethodExpression(Expression e, Identifier id) throws SyntaxError, IOException { long p = scan(); int i = argIndex; if (token != RPAREN) { addArgument(parseExpression()); while (token == COMMA) { scan(); addArgument(parseExpression()); } } expect(RPAREN); return new MethodExpression(p, e, id, exprArgs(i)); } /** * Parse a new instance expression. Should be called when the current * token is the '(' of the argument list. */ protected Expression parseNewInstanceExpression(long p, Expression outerArg, Expression type) throws SyntaxError, IOException { int i = argIndex; expect(LPAREN); if (token != RPAREN) { addArgument(parseExpression()); while (token == COMMA) { scan(); addArgument(parseExpression()); } } expect(RPAREN); ClassDefinition body = null; if (token == LBRACE && !(type instanceof TypeExpression)) { long tp = pos; // x = new Type(arg) { subclass body ... } Identifier superName = FieldExpression.toIdentifier(type); if (superName == null) { env.error(type.getWhere(), "type.expected"); } Vector ext = new Vector(1); Vector impl = new Vector(0); ext.addElement(new IdentifierToken(idNull)); if (token == IMPLEMENTS || token == EXTENDS) { env.error(pos, "anonymous.extends"); parseInheritance(ext, impl); // error recovery } body = parseClassBody(new IdentifierToken(tp, idNull), M_ANONYMOUS | M_LOCAL, EXPR, null, ext, impl, type.getWhere()); } if (outerArg == null && body == null) { return new NewInstanceExpression(p, type, exprArgs(i)); } return new NewInstanceExpression(p, type, exprArgs(i), outerArg, body); } /** * Parse a primary expression. */ protected Expression parseTerm() throws SyntaxError, IOException { switch (token) { case CHARVAL: { char v = scanner.charValue; return new CharExpression(scan(), v); } case INTVAL: { int v = scanner.intValue; long q = scan(); if (v < 0 && radix == 10) env.error(q, "overflow.int.dec"); return new IntExpression(q, v); } case LONGVAL: { long v = scanner.longValue; long q = scan(); if (v < 0 && radix == 10) env.error(q, "overflow.long.dec"); return new LongExpression(q, v); } case FLOATVAL: { float v = scanner.floatValue; return new FloatExpression(scan(), v); } case DOUBLEVAL: { double v = scanner.doubleValue; return new DoubleExpression(scan(), v); } case STRINGVAL: { String v = scanner.stringValue; return new StringExpression(scan(), v); } case IDENT: { Identifier v = scanner.idValue; long p = scan(); return (token == LPAREN) ? parseMethodExpression(null, v) : new IdentifierExpression(p, v); } case TRUE: return new BooleanExpression(scan(), true); case FALSE: return new BooleanExpression(scan(), false); case NULL: return new NullExpression(scan()); case THIS: { Expression e = new ThisExpression(scan()); return (token == LPAREN) ? parseMethodExpression(e, idInit) : e; } case SUPER: { Expression e = new SuperExpression(scan()); return (token == LPAREN) ? parseMethodExpression(e, idInit) : e; } case VOID: case BOOLEAN: case BYTE: case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: return parseTypeExpression(); case ADD: { long p = scan(); switch (token) { case INTVAL: { int v = scanner.intValue; long q = scan(); if (v < 0 && radix == 10) env.error(q, "overflow.int.dec"); return new IntExpression(q, v); } case LONGVAL: { long v = scanner.longValue; long q = scan(); if (v < 0 && radix == 10) env.error(q, "overflow.long.dec"); return new LongExpression(q, v); } case FLOATVAL: { float v = scanner.floatValue; return new FloatExpression(scan(), v); } case DOUBLEVAL: { double v = scanner.doubleValue; return new DoubleExpression(scan(), v); } } return new PositiveExpression(p, parseTerm()); } case SUB: { long p = scan(); switch (token) { case INTVAL: { int v = -scanner.intValue; return new IntExpression(scan(), v); } case LONGVAL: { long v = -scanner.longValue; return new LongExpression(scan(), v); } case FLOATVAL: { float v = -scanner.floatValue; return new FloatExpression(scan(), v); } case DOUBLEVAL: { double v = -scanner.doubleValue; return new DoubleExpression(scan(), v); } } return new NegativeExpression(p, parseTerm()); } case NOT: return new NotExpression(scan(), parseTerm()); case BITNOT: return new BitNotExpression(scan(), parseTerm()); case INC: return new PreIncExpression(scan(), parseTerm()); case DEC: return new PreDecExpression(scan(), parseTerm()); case LPAREN: { // bracketed-expr: (expr) long p = scan(); Expression e = parseExpression(); expect(RPAREN); if (e.getOp() == TYPE) { // cast-expr: (simple-type) expr return new CastExpression(p, e, parseTerm()); } switch (token) { // We handle INC and DEC specially. // See the discussion in JLS section 15.14.1. // (Part of fix for 4044502.) case INC: // We know this must be a postfix increment. return new PostIncExpression(scan(), e); case DEC: // We know this must be a postfix decrement. return new PostDecExpression(scan(), e); case LPAREN: case CHARVAL: case INTVAL: case LONGVAL: case FLOATVAL: case DOUBLEVAL: case STRINGVAL: case IDENT: case TRUE: case FALSE: case NOT: case BITNOT: case THIS: case SUPER: case NULL: case NEW: // cast-expr: (expr) expr return new CastExpression(p, e, parseTerm()); } return new ExprExpression(p, e); } case LBRACE: { // array initializer: {expr1, expr2, ... exprn} long p = scan(); int i = argIndex; if (token != RBRACE) { addArgument(parseExpression()); while (token == COMMA) { scan(); if (token == RBRACE) { break; } addArgument(parseExpression()); } } expect(RBRACE); return new ArrayExpression(p, exprArgs(i)); } case NEW: { long p = scan(); int i = argIndex; if (token == LPAREN) { scan(); Expression e = parseExpression(); expect(RPAREN); env.error(p, "not.supported", "new(...)"); return new NullExpression(p); } Expression e = parseTypeExpression(); if (token == LSQBRACKET) { while (token == LSQBRACKET) { scan(); addArgument((token != RSQBRACKET) ? parseExpression() : null); expect(RSQBRACKET); } Expression[] dims = exprArgs(i); if (token == LBRACE) { return new NewArrayExpression(p, e, dims, parseTerm()); } return new NewArrayExpression(p, e, dims); } else { return parseNewInstanceExpression(p, null, e); } } } // System.err.println("NEAR: " + opNames[token]); env.error(scanner.prevPos, "missing.term"); return new IntExpression(pos, 0); } /** * Parse an expression. */ protected Expression parseExpression() throws SyntaxError, IOException { for (Expression e = parseTerm() ; e != null ; e = e.order()) { Expression more = parseBinaryExpression(e); if (more == null) return e; e = more; } // this return is bogus return null; } /** * Given a left-hand term, parse an operator and right-hand term. */ protected Expression parseBinaryExpression(Expression e) throws SyntaxError, IOException { if (e != null) { switch (token) { case LSQBRACKET: { // index: expr1[expr2] long p = scan(); Expression index = (token != RSQBRACKET) ? parseExpression() : null; expect(RSQBRACKET); e = new ArrayAccessExpression(p, e, index); break; } case INC: e = new PostIncExpression(scan(), e); break; case DEC: e = new PostDecExpression(scan(), e); break; case FIELD: { long p = scan(); if (token == THIS) { // class C { class N { ... C.this ... } } // class C { class N { N(C c){ ... c.this() ... } } } long q = scan(); if (token == LPAREN) { e = new ThisExpression(q, e); e = parseMethodExpression(e, idInit); } else { e = new FieldExpression(p, e, idThis); } break; } if (token == SUPER) { // class D extends C.N { D(C.N n) { n.super(); } } // Also, 'C.super', as in: // class C extends CS { class N { ... C.super.foo ... } } // class C extends CS { class N { ... C.super.foo() ... } } long q = scan(); if (token == LPAREN) { e = new SuperExpression(q, e); e = parseMethodExpression(e, idInit); } else { // We must check elsewhere that this expression // does not stand alone, but qualifies a member name. e = new FieldExpression(p, e, idSuper); } break; } if (token == NEW) { // new C().new N() scan(); if (token != IDENT) expect(IDENT); e = parseNewInstanceExpression(p, e, parseTypeExpression()); break; } if (token == CLASS) { // just class literals, really // Class c = C.class; scan(); e = new FieldExpression(p, e, idClass); break; } Identifier id = scanner.idValue; expect(IDENT); if (token == LPAREN) { e = parseMethodExpression(e, id); } else { e = new FieldExpression(p, e, id); } break; } case INSTANCEOF: e = new InstanceOfExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ADD: e = new AddExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case SUB: e = new SubtractExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case MUL: e = new MultiplyExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case DIV: e = new DivideExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case REM: e = new RemainderExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case LSHIFT: e = new ShiftLeftExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case RSHIFT: e = new ShiftRightExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case URSHIFT: e = new UnsignedShiftRightExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case LT: e = new LessExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case LE: e = new LessOrEqualExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case GT: e = new GreaterExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case GE: e = new GreaterOrEqualExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case EQ: e = new EqualExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case NE: e = new NotEqualExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case BITAND: e = new BitAndExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case BITXOR: e = new BitXorExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case BITOR: e = new BitOrExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case AND: e = new AndExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case OR: e = new OrExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASSIGN: e = new AssignExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGMUL: e = new AssignMultiplyExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGDIV: e = new AssignDivideExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGREM: e = new AssignRemainderExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGADD: e = new AssignAddExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGSUB: e = new AssignSubtractExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGLSHIFT: e = new AssignShiftLeftExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGRSHIFT: e = new AssignShiftRightExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGURSHIFT: e = new AssignUnsignedShiftRightExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGBITAND: e = new AssignBitAndExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGBITOR: e = new AssignBitOrExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case ASGBITXOR: e = new AssignBitXorExpression(scan(), e, parseTerm()); break; case QUESTIONMARK: { long p = scan(); Expression second = parseExpression(); expect(COLON); Expression third = parseExpression(); // The grammar in the JLS does not allow assignment // expressions as the third part of a ?: expression. // Even though javac has no trouble parsing this, // check for this case and signal an error. // (fix for bug 4092958) if (third instanceof AssignExpression || third instanceof AssignOpExpression) { env.error(third.getWhere(), "assign.in.conditionalexpr"); } e = new ConditionalExpression(p, e, second, third); break; } default: return null; // mark end of binary expressions } } return e; // return more binary expression stuff } /** * Recover after a syntax error in a statement. This involves * discarding tokens until EOF or a possible continuation is * encountered. */ protected boolean recoverStatement() throws SyntaxError, IOException { while (true) { switch (token) { case EOF: case RBRACE: case LBRACE: case IF: case FOR: case WHILE: case DO: case TRY: case CATCH: case FINALLY: case BREAK: case CONTINUE: case RETURN: // begin of a statement, return return true; case VOID: case STATIC: case PUBLIC: case PRIVATE: case SYNCHRONIZED: case INTERFACE: case CLASS: case TRANSIENT: // begin of something outside a statement, panic some more expect(RBRACE); return false; case LPAREN: match(LPAREN, RPAREN); scan(); break; case LSQBRACKET: match(LSQBRACKET, RSQBRACKET); scan(); break; default: // don't know what to do, skip scan(); break; } } } /** * Parse declaration, called after the type expression * has been parsed and the current token is IDENT. */ protected Statement parseDeclaration(long p, int mod, Expression type) throws SyntaxError, IOException { int i = argIndex; if (token == IDENT) { addArgument(new VarDeclarationStatement(pos, parseExpression())); while (token == COMMA) { scan(); addArgument(new VarDeclarationStatement(pos, parseExpression())); } } return new DeclarationStatement(p, mod, type, statArgs(i)); } /** * Check if an expression is a legal toplevel expression. * Only method, inc, dec, and new expression are allowed. */ protected void topLevelExpression(Expression e) { switch (e.getOp()) { case ASSIGN: case ASGMUL: case ASGDIV: case ASGREM: case ASGADD: case ASGSUB: case ASGLSHIFT: case ASGRSHIFT: case ASGURSHIFT: case ASGBITAND: case ASGBITOR: case ASGBITXOR: case PREINC: case PREDEC: case POSTINC: case POSTDEC: case METHOD: case NEWINSTANCE: return; } env.error(e.getWhere(), "invalid.expr"); } /** * Parse a statement. */ protected Statement parseStatement() throws SyntaxError, IOException { switch (token) { case SEMICOLON: return new CompoundStatement(scan(), new Statement[0]); case LBRACE: return parseBlockStatement(); case IF: { // if-statement: if (expr) stat // if-statement: if (expr) stat else stat long p = scan(); expect(LPAREN); Expression c = parseExpression(); expect(RPAREN); Statement t = parseStatement(); if (token == ELSE) { scan(); return new IfStatement(p, c, t, parseStatement()); } else { return new IfStatement(p, c, t, null); } } case ELSE: { // else-statement: else stat env.error(scan(), "else.without.if"); return parseStatement(); } case FOR: { // for-statement: for (decl-expr? ; expr? ; expr?) stat long p = scan(); Statement init = null; Expression cond = null, inc = null; expect(LPAREN); if (token != SEMICOLON) { long p2 = pos; int mod = parseModifiers(M_FINAL); Expression e = parseExpression(); if (token == IDENT) { init = parseDeclaration(p2, mod, e); } else { if (mod != 0) { expect(IDENT); // should have been a declaration } topLevelExpression(e); while (token == COMMA) { long p3 = scan(); Expression e2 = parseExpression(); topLevelExpression(e2); e = new CommaExpression(p3, e, e2); } init = new ExpressionStatement(p2, e); } } expect(SEMICOLON); if (token != SEMICOLON) { cond = parseExpression(); } expect(SEMICOLON); if (token != RPAREN) { inc = parseExpression(); topLevelExpression(inc); while (token == COMMA) { long p2 = scan(); Expression e2 = parseExpression(); topLevelExpression(e2); inc = new CommaExpression(p2, inc, e2); } } expect(RPAREN); return new ForStatement(p, init, cond, inc, parseStatement()); } case WHILE: { // while-statement: while (expr) stat long p = scan(); expect(LPAREN); Expression cond = parseExpression(); expect(RPAREN); return new WhileStatement(p, cond, parseStatement()); } case DO: { // do-statement: do stat while (expr) long p = scan(); Statement body = parseStatement(); expect(WHILE); expect(LPAREN); Expression cond = parseExpression(); expect(RPAREN); expect(SEMICOLON); return new DoStatement(p, body, cond); } case BREAK: { // break-statement: break ; long p = scan(); Identifier label = null; if (token == IDENT) { label = scanner.idValue; scan(); } expect(SEMICOLON); return new BreakStatement(p, label); } case CONTINUE: { // continue-statement: continue ; long p = scan(); Identifier label = null; if (token == IDENT) { label = scanner.idValue; scan(); } expect(SEMICOLON); return new ContinueStatement(p, label); } case RETURN: { // return-statement: return ; // return-statement: return expr ; long p = scan(); Expression e = null; if (token != SEMICOLON) { e = parseExpression(); } expect(SEMICOLON); return new ReturnStatement(p, e); } case SWITCH: { // switch statement: switch ( expr ) stat long p = scan(); int i = argIndex; expect(LPAREN); Expression e = parseExpression(); expect(RPAREN); expect(LBRACE); while ((token != EOF) && (token != RBRACE)) { int j = argIndex; try { switch (token) { case CASE: // case-statement: case expr: addArgument(new CaseStatement(scan(), parseExpression())); expect(COLON); break; case DEFAULT: // default-statement: default: addArgument(new CaseStatement(scan(), null)); expect(COLON); break; default: addArgument(parseStatement()); break; } } catch (SyntaxError ee) { argIndex = j; if (!recoverStatement()) { throw ee; } } } expect(RBRACE); return new SwitchStatement(p, e, statArgs(i)); } case CASE: { // case-statement: case expr : stat env.error(pos, "case.without.switch"); while (token == CASE) { scan(); parseExpression(); expect(COLON); } return parseStatement(); } case DEFAULT: { // default-statement: default : stat env.error(pos, "default.without.switch"); scan(); expect(COLON); return parseStatement(); } case TRY: { // try-statement: try stat catch (type-expr ident) stat finally stat long p = scan(); Statement init = null; // try-object specification int i = argIndex; boolean catches = false; if (false && token == LPAREN) { expect(LPAREN); long p2 = pos; int mod = parseModifiers(M_FINAL); Expression e = parseExpression(); if (token == IDENT) { init = parseDeclaration(p2, mod, e); // leave check for try (T x, y) for semantic phase } else { if (mod != 0) { expect(IDENT); // should have been a declaration } init = new ExpressionStatement(p2, e); } expect(RPAREN); } Statement s = parseBlockStatement(); if (init != null) { // s = new FinallyStatement(p, init, s, 0); } while (token == CATCH) { long pp = pos; expect(CATCH); expect(LPAREN); int mod = parseModifiers(M_FINAL); Expression t = parseExpression(); IdentifierToken id = scanner.getIdToken(); expect(IDENT); id.modifiers = mod; // We only catch Throwable's, so this is no longer required // while (token == LSQBRACKET) { // t = new ArrayAccessExpression(scan(), t, null); // expect(RSQBRACKET); // } expect(RPAREN); addArgument(new CatchStatement(pp, t, id, parseBlockStatement())); catches = true; } if (catches) s = new TryStatement(p, s, statArgs(i)); if (token == FINALLY) { scan(); return new FinallyStatement(p, s, parseBlockStatement()); } else if (catches || init != null) { return s; } else { env.error(pos, "try.without.catch.finally"); return new TryStatement(p, s, null); } } case CATCH: { // catch-statement: catch (expr ident) stat finally stat env.error(pos, "catch.without.try"); Statement s; do { scan(); expect(LPAREN); parseModifiers(M_FINAL); parseExpression(); expect(IDENT); expect(RPAREN); s = parseBlockStatement(); } while (token == CATCH); if (token == FINALLY) { scan(); s = parseBlockStatement(); } return s; } case FINALLY: { // finally-statement: finally stat env.error(pos, "finally.without.try"); scan(); return parseBlockStatement(); } case THROW: { // throw-statement: throw expr; long p = scan(); Expression e = parseExpression(); expect(SEMICOLON); return new ThrowStatement(p, e); } case GOTO: { long p = scan(); expect(IDENT); expect(SEMICOLON); env.error(p, "not.supported", "goto"); return new CompoundStatement(p, new Statement[0]); } case SYNCHRONIZED: { // synchronized-statement: synchronized (expr) stat long p = scan(); expect(LPAREN); Expression e = parseExpression(); expect(RPAREN); return new SynchronizedStatement(p, e, parseBlockStatement()); } case INTERFACE: case CLASS: // Inner class. return parseLocalClass(0); case CONST: case ABSTRACT: case FINAL: case STRICTFP: { // a declaration of some sort long p = pos; // A class which is local to a block is not a member, and so // cannot be public, private, protected, or static. It is in // effect private to the block, since it cannot be used outside // its scope. // // However, any class (if it has a name) can be declared final, // abstract, or strictfp. int mod = parseModifiers(M_FINAL | M_ABSTRACT | M_STRICTFP ); switch (token) { case INTERFACE: case CLASS: return parseLocalClass(mod); case BOOLEAN: case BYTE: case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case IDENT: { if ((mod & (M_ABSTRACT | M_STRICTFP )) != 0) { mod &= ~ (M_ABSTRACT | M_STRICTFP ); expect(CLASS); } Expression e = parseExpression(); if (token != IDENT) { expect(IDENT); } // declaration: final expr expr Statement s = parseDeclaration(p, mod, e); expect(SEMICOLON); return s; } default: env.error(pos, "type.expected"); throw new SyntaxError(); } } case VOID: case STATIC: case PUBLIC: case PRIVATE: case TRANSIENT: // This is the start of something outside a statement env.error(pos, "statement.expected"); throw new SyntaxError(); } long p = pos; Expression e = parseExpression(); if (token == IDENT) { // declaration: expr expr Statement s = parseDeclaration(p, 0, e); expect(SEMICOLON); return s; } if (token == COLON) { // label: id: stat scan(); Statement s = parseStatement(); s.setLabel(env, e); return s; } // it was just an expression... topLevelExpression(e); expect(SEMICOLON); return new ExpressionStatement(p, e); } protected Statement parseBlockStatement() throws SyntaxError, IOException { // compound statement: { stat1 stat2 ... statn } if (token != LBRACE) { // We're expecting a block statement. But we'll probably do the // least damage if we try to parse a normal statement instead. env.error(scanner.prevPos, "token.expected", opNames[LBRACE]); return parseStatement(); } long p = scan(); int i = argIndex; while ((token != EOF) && (token != RBRACE)) { int j = argIndex; try { addArgument(parseStatement()); } catch (SyntaxError e) { argIndex = j; if (!recoverStatement()) { throw e; } } } expect(RBRACE); return new CompoundStatement(p, statArgs(i)); } /** * Parse an identifier. ie: a.b.c returns "a.b.c" * If star is true then "a.b.*" is allowed. * The return value encodes both the identifier and its location. */ protected IdentifierToken parseName(boolean star) throws SyntaxError, IOException { IdentifierToken res = scanner.getIdToken(); expect(IDENT); if (token != FIELD) { return res; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(res.id.toString()); while (token == FIELD) { scan(); if ((token == MUL) && star) { scan(); buf.append(".*"); break; } buf.append('.'); if (token == IDENT) { buf.append(scanner.idValue); } expect(IDENT); } res.id = Identifier.lookup(buf.toString()); return res; } /** * @deprecated * @see #parseName */ @Deprecated protected Identifier parseIdentifier(boolean star) throws SyntaxError, IOException { return parseName(star).id; } /** * Parse a type expression, this results in a Type. * The parse includes trailing array brackets. */ protected Type parseType() throws SyntaxError, IOException { Type t; switch (token) { case IDENT: t = Type.tClass(parseName(false).id); break; case VOID: scan(); t = Type.tVoid; break; case BOOLEAN: scan(); t = Type.tBoolean; break; case BYTE: scan(); t = Type.tByte; break; case CHAR: scan(); t = Type.tChar; break; case SHORT: scan(); t = Type.tShort; break; case INT: scan(); t = Type.tInt; break; case FLOAT: scan(); t = Type.tFloat; break; case LONG: scan(); t = Type.tLong; break; case DOUBLE: scan(); t = Type.tDouble; break; default: env.error(pos, "type.expected"); throw new SyntaxError(); } return parseArrayBrackets(t); } /** * Parse the tail of a type expression, which might be array brackets. * Return the given type, as possibly modified by the suffix. */ protected Type parseArrayBrackets(Type t) throws SyntaxError, IOException { // Parse []'s while (token == LSQBRACKET) { scan(); if (token != RSQBRACKET) { env.error(pos, "array.dim.in.decl"); parseExpression(); } expect(RSQBRACKET); t = Type.tArray(t); } return t; } /* * Dealing with argument lists, I'm not using * Vector for efficiency. */ private int aCount = 0; private Type aTypes[] = new Type[8]; private IdentifierToken aNames[] = new IdentifierToken[aTypes.length]; private void addArgument(int mod, Type t, IdentifierToken nm) { nm.modifiers = mod; if (aCount >= aTypes.length) { Type newATypes[] = new Type[aCount * 2]; System.arraycopy(aTypes, 0, newATypes, 0, aCount); aTypes = newATypes; IdentifierToken newANames[] = new IdentifierToken[aCount * 2]; System.arraycopy(aNames, 0, newANames, 0, aCount); aNames = newANames; } aTypes[aCount] = t; aNames[aCount++] = nm; } /** * Parse a possibly-empty sequence of modifier keywords. * Return the resulting bitmask. * Diagnose repeated modifiers, but make no other checks. * Only modifiers mentioned in the given bitmask are scanned; * an unmatched modifier must be handled by the caller. */ protected int parseModifiers(int mask) throws IOException { int mod = 0; while (true) { if (token==CONST) { // const isn't in java, but handle a common C++ usage gently env.error(pos, "not.supported", "const"); scan(); } int nextmod = 0; switch (token) { case PRIVATE: nextmod = M_PRIVATE; break; case PUBLIC: nextmod = M_PUBLIC; break; case PROTECTED: nextmod = M_PROTECTED; break; case STATIC: nextmod = M_STATIC; break; case TRANSIENT: nextmod = M_TRANSIENT; break; case FINAL: nextmod = M_FINAL; break; case ABSTRACT: nextmod = M_ABSTRACT; break; case NATIVE: nextmod = M_NATIVE; break; case VOLATILE: nextmod = M_VOLATILE; break; case SYNCHRONIZED: nextmod = M_SYNCHRONIZED; break; case STRICTFP: nextmod = M_STRICTFP; break; } if ((nextmod & mask) == 0) { break; } if ((nextmod & mod) != 0) { env.error(pos, "repeated.modifier"); } mod |= nextmod; scan(); } return mod; } private ClassDefinition curClass; /** * Parse a field. */ protected void parseField() throws SyntaxError, IOException { // Empty fields are not allowed by the JLS but are accepted by // the compiler, and much code has come to rely on this. It has // been decided that the language will be extended to legitimize them. if (token == SEMICOLON) { // empty field scan(); return; } // Optional doc comment String doc = scanner.docComment; // The start of the field long p = pos; // Parse the modifiers int mod = parseModifiers(MM_FIELD | MM_METHOD); // Check for static initializer // ie: static { ... } // or an instance initializer (w/o the static). if ((mod == (mod & M_STATIC)) && (token == LBRACE)) { // static initializer actions.defineField(p, curClass, doc, mod, Type.tMethod(Type.tVoid), new IdentifierToken(idClassInit), null, null, parseStatement()); return; } // Check for inner class if (token == CLASS || token == INTERFACE) { parseNamedClass(mod, CLASS, doc); return; } // Parse the type p = pos; Type t = parseType(); IdentifierToken id = null; // Check that the type is followed by an Identifier // (the name of the method or the first variable), // otherwise it is a constructor. switch (token) { case IDENT: id = scanner.getIdToken(); p = scan(); break; case LPAREN: // It is a constructor id = new IdentifierToken(idInit); if ((mod & M_STRICTFP) != 0) env.error(pos, "bad.constructor.modifier"); break; default: expect(IDENT); } // If the next token is a left-bracket then we // are dealing with a method or constructor, otherwise it is // a list of variables if (token == LPAREN) { // It is a method or constructor declaration scan(); aCount = 0; if (token != RPAREN) { // Parse argument type and identifier // (arguments (like locals) are allowed to be final) int am = parseModifiers(M_FINAL); Type at = parseType(); IdentifierToken an = scanner.getIdToken(); expect(IDENT); // Parse optional array specifier, ie: a[][] at = parseArrayBrackets(at); addArgument(am, at, an); // If the next token is a comma then there are // more arguments while (token == COMMA) { // Parse argument type and identifier scan(); am = parseModifiers(M_FINAL); at = parseType(); an = scanner.getIdToken(); expect(IDENT); // Parse optional array specifier, ie: a[][] at = parseArrayBrackets(at); addArgument(am, at, an); } } expect(RPAREN); // Parse optional array sepecifier, ie: foo()[][] t = parseArrayBrackets(t); // copy arguments Type atypes[] = new Type[aCount]; System.arraycopy(aTypes, 0, atypes, 0, aCount); IdentifierToken anames[] = new IdentifierToken[aCount]; System.arraycopy(aNames, 0, anames, 0, aCount); // Construct the type signature t = Type.tMethod(t, atypes); // Parse and ignore throws clause IdentifierToken exp[] = null; if (token == THROWS) { Vector v = new Vector(); scan(); v.addElement(parseName(false)); while (token == COMMA) { scan(); v.addElement(parseName(false)); } exp = new IdentifierToken[v.size()]; v.copyInto(exp); } // Check if it is a method definition or a method declaration // ie: foo() {...} or foo(); switch (token) { case LBRACE: // It's a method definition // Set the state of FP strictness for the body of the method int oldFPstate = FPstate; if ((mod & M_STRICTFP)!=0) { FPstate = M_STRICTFP; } else { mod |= FPstate & M_STRICTFP; } actions.defineField(p, curClass, doc, mod, t, id, anames, exp, parseStatement()); FPstate = oldFPstate; break; case SEMICOLON: scan(); actions.defineField(p, curClass, doc, mod, t, id, anames, exp, null); break; default: // really expected a statement body here if ((mod & (M_NATIVE | M_ABSTRACT)) == 0) { expect(LBRACE); } else { expect(SEMICOLON); } } return; } // It is a list of instance variables while (true) { p = pos; // get the current position // parse the array brackets (if any) // ie: var[][][] Type vt = parseArrayBrackets(t); // Parse the optional initializer Node init = null; if (token == ASSIGN) { scan(); init = parseExpression(); } // Define the variable actions.defineField(p, curClass, doc, mod, vt, id, null, null, init); // If the next token is a comma, then there is more if (token != COMMA) { expect(SEMICOLON); return; } scan(); // The next token must be an identifier id = scanner.getIdToken(); expect(IDENT); } } /** * Recover after a syntax error in a field. This involves * discarding tokens until an EOF or a possible legal * continuation is encountered. */ protected void recoverField(ClassDefinition newClass) throws SyntaxError, IOException { while (true) { switch (token) { case EOF: case STATIC: case FINAL: case PUBLIC: case PRIVATE: case SYNCHRONIZED: case TRANSIENT: case VOID: case BOOLEAN: case BYTE: case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case FLOAT: case LONG: case DOUBLE: // possible begin of a field, continue return; case LBRACE: match(LBRACE, RBRACE); scan(); break; case LPAREN: match(LPAREN, RPAREN); scan(); break; case LSQBRACKET: match(LSQBRACKET, RSQBRACKET); scan(); break; case RBRACE: case INTERFACE: case CLASS: case IMPORT: case PACKAGE: // begin of something outside a class, panic more actions.endClass(pos, newClass); throw new SyntaxError(); default: // don't know what to do, skip scan(); break; } } } /** * Parse a top-level class or interface declaration. */ protected void parseClass() throws SyntaxError, IOException { String doc = scanner.docComment; // Parse the modifiers. int mod = parseModifiers(MM_CLASS | MM_MEMBER); parseNamedClass(mod, PACKAGE, doc); } // Current strict/default state of floating point. This is // set and reset with a stack discipline around methods and named // classes. Only M_STRICTFP may be set in this word. try... // finally is not needed to protect setting and resetting because // there are no error messages based on FPstate. private int FPstate = 0; /** * Parse a block-local class or interface declaration. */ protected Statement parseLocalClass(int mod) throws SyntaxError, IOException { long p = pos; ClassDefinition body = parseNamedClass(M_LOCAL | mod, STAT, null); Statement ds[] = { new VarDeclarationStatement(p, new LocalMember(body), null) }; Expression type = new TypeExpression(p, body.getType()); return new DeclarationStatement(p, 0, type, ds); } /** * Parse a named class or interface declaration, * starting at "class" or "interface". * @arg ctx Syntactic context of the class, one of {PACKAGE CLASS STAT EXPR}. */ protected ClassDefinition parseNamedClass(int mod, int ctx, String doc) throws SyntaxError, IOException { // Parse class/interface switch (token) { case INTERFACE: scan(); mod |= M_INTERFACE; break; case CLASS: scan(); break; default: env.error(pos, "class.expected"); break; } int oldFPstate = FPstate; if ((mod & M_STRICTFP)!=0) { FPstate = M_STRICTFP; } else { // The & (...) isn't really necessary here because we do maintain // the invariant that FPstate has no extra bits set. mod |= FPstate & M_STRICTFP; } // Parse the class name IdentifierToken nm = scanner.getIdToken(); long p = pos; expect(IDENT); Vector ext = new Vector(); Vector impl = new Vector(); parseInheritance(ext, impl); ClassDefinition tmp = parseClassBody(nm, mod, ctx, doc, ext, impl, p); FPstate = oldFPstate; return tmp; } protected void parseInheritance(Vector ext, Vector impl) throws SyntaxError, IOException { // Parse extends clause if (token == EXTENDS) { scan(); ext.addElement(parseName(false)); while (token == COMMA) { scan(); ext.addElement(parseName(false)); } } // Parse implements clause if (token == IMPLEMENTS) { scan(); impl.addElement(parseName(false)); while (token == COMMA) { scan(); impl.addElement(parseName(false)); } } } /** * Parse the body of a class or interface declaration, * starting at the left brace. */ protected ClassDefinition parseClassBody(IdentifierToken nm, int mod, int ctx, String doc, Vector ext, Vector impl, long p ) throws SyntaxError, IOException { // Decide which is the super class IdentifierToken sup = null; if ((mod & M_INTERFACE) != 0) { if (impl.size() > 0) { env.error(((IdentifierToken)impl.elementAt(0)).getWhere(), "intf.impl.intf"); } impl = ext; } else { if (ext.size() > 0) { if (ext.size() > 1) { env.error(((IdentifierToken)ext.elementAt(1)).getWhere(), "multiple.inherit"); } sup = (IdentifierToken)ext.elementAt(0); } } ClassDefinition oldClass = curClass; // Begin a new class IdentifierToken implids[] = new IdentifierToken[impl.size()]; impl.copyInto(implids); ClassDefinition newClass = actions.beginClass(p, doc, mod, nm, sup, implids); // Parse fields expect(LBRACE); while ((token != EOF) && (token != RBRACE)) { try { curClass = newClass; parseField(); } catch (SyntaxError e) { recoverField(newClass); } finally { curClass = oldClass; } } expect(RBRACE); // End the class actions.endClass(scanner.prevPos, newClass); return newClass; } /** * Recover after a syntax error in the file. * This involves discarding tokens until an EOF * or a possible legal continuation is encountered. */ protected void recoverFile() throws IOException { while (true) { switch (token) { case CLASS: case INTERFACE: // Start of a new source file statement, continue return; case LBRACE: match(LBRACE, RBRACE); scan(); break; case LPAREN: match(LPAREN, RPAREN); scan(); break; case LSQBRACKET: match(LSQBRACKET, RSQBRACKET); scan(); break; case EOF: return; default: // Don't know what to do, skip scan(); break; } } } /** * Parse an Java file. */ public void parseFile() { try { try { if (token == PACKAGE) { // Package statement long p = scan(); IdentifierToken id = parseName(false); expect(SEMICOLON); actions.packageDeclaration(p, id); } } catch (SyntaxError e) { recoverFile(); } while (token == IMPORT) { try{ // Import statement long p = scan(); IdentifierToken id = parseName(true); expect(SEMICOLON); if (id.id.getName().equals(idStar)) { id.id = id.id.getQualifier(); actions.importPackage(p, id); } else { actions.importClass(p, id); } } catch (SyntaxError e) { recoverFile(); } } while (token != EOF) { try { switch (token) { case FINAL: case PUBLIC: case PRIVATE: case ABSTRACT: case CLASS: case INTERFACE: case STRICTFP: // Start of a class parseClass(); break; case SEMICOLON: // Bogus semicolon. // According to the JLS (7.6,19.6), a TypeDeclaration // may consist of a single semicolon, however, this // usage is discouraged (JLS 7.6). In contrast, // a FieldDeclaration may not be empty, and is flagged // as an error. See parseField above. scan(); break; case EOF: // The end return; default: // Oops env.error(pos, "toplevel.expected"); throw new SyntaxError(); } } catch (SyntaxError e) { recoverFile(); } } } catch (IOException e) { env.error(pos, "io.exception", env.getSource()); return; } } /** * Usually this.scanner == (Scanner)this. * However, a delegate scanner can produce tokens for this parser, * in which case (Scanner)this is unused, * except for this.token and this.pos * instance variables which are filled from the real scanner * by this.scan() and the constructor. */ protected Scanner scanner; // Design Note: We ought to disinherit Parser from Scanner. // We also should split out the interface ParserActions from // Parser, and make BatchParser implement ParserActions, // not extend Parser. This would split scanning, parsing, // and class building into distinct responsibility areas. // (Perhaps tree building could be virtualized too.) public long scan() throws IOException { if (scanner != this && scanner != null) { long result = scanner.scan(); ((Scanner)this).token = scanner.token; ((Scanner)this).pos = scanner.pos; return result; } return super.scan(); } public void match(int open, int close) throws IOException { if (scanner != this) { scanner.match(open, close); ((Scanner)this).token = scanner.token; ((Scanner)this).pos = scanner.pos; return; } super.match(open, close); } }