/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* ******************************************************************************* * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. and others, 1996-2009 - All Rights Reserved * * * * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted * * and owned by IBM, These materials are provided under terms of a License * * Agreement between IBM and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple * * US and International patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not * * to removed. * ******************************************************************************* */ package sun.text.normalizer; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.InputStream; /** * @author Ram Viswanadha */ public final class NormalizerImpl { // Static block for the class to initialize its own self static final NormalizerImpl IMPL; static { try { IMPL = new NormalizerImpl(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } static final int UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK =0xFF; static final long UNSIGNED_INT_MASK = 0xffffffffL; /* * This new implementation of the normalization code loads its data from * unorm.icu, which is generated with the gennorm tool. * The format of that file is described at the end of this file. */ private static final String DATA_FILE_NAME = "/sun/text/resources/unorm.icu"; // norm32 value constants // quick check flags 0..3 set mean "no" for their forms public static final int QC_NFC=0x11; /* no|maybe */ public static final int QC_NFKC=0x22; /* no|maybe */ public static final int QC_NFD=4; /* no */ public static final int QC_NFKD=8; /* no */ public static final int QC_ANY_NO=0xf; /* quick check flags 4..5 mean "maybe" for their forms; * test flags>=QC_MAYBE */ public static final int QC_MAYBE=0x10; public static final int QC_ANY_MAYBE=0x30; public static final int QC_MASK=0x3f; private static final int COMBINES_FWD=0x40; private static final int COMBINES_BACK=0x80; public static final int COMBINES_ANY=0xc0; // UnicodeData.txt combining class in bits 15. private static final int CC_SHIFT=8; public static final int CC_MASK=0xff00; // 16 bits for the index to UChars and other extra data private static final int EXTRA_SHIFT=16; /* norm32 value constants using >16 bits */ private static final long MIN_SPECIAL = (long)(0xfc000000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final long SURROGATES_TOP = (long)(0xfff00000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final long MIN_HANGUL = (long)(0xfff00000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); // private static final long MIN_JAMO_V = (long)(0xfff20000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); private static final long JAMO_V_TOP = (long)(0xfff30000 & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK); /* indexes[] value names */ /* number of bytes in normalization trie */ static final int INDEX_TRIE_SIZE = 0; /* number of chars in extra data */ static final int INDEX_CHAR_COUNT = 1; /* number of uint16_t words for combining data */ static final int INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT = 2; /* first code point with quick check NFC NO/MAYBE */ public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFC_NO_MAYBE = 6; /* first code point with quick check NFKC NO/MAYBE */ public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFKC_NO_MAYBE = 7; /* first code point with quick check NFD NO/MAYBE */ public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE = 8; /* first code point with quick check NFKD NO/MAYBE */ public static final int INDEX_MIN_NFKD_NO_MAYBE = 9; /* number of bytes in FCD trie */ static final int INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE = 10; /* number of bytes in the auxiliary trie */ static final int INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE = 11; /* changing this requires a new formatVersion */ static final int INDEX_TOP = 32; /* AUX constants */ /* value constants for auxTrie */ private static final int AUX_UNSAFE_SHIFT = 11; private static final int AUX_COMP_EX_SHIFT = 10; private static final int AUX_NFC_SKIPPABLE_F_SHIFT = 12; private static final int AUX_MAX_FNC = ((int)1<>(EXTRA_SHIFT-SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS))& (0x3ff<>Trie.INDEX_STAGE_1_SHIFT_; /** Number of bits of a trail surrogate that are used in index table * lookups. */ private static final int SURROGATE_BLOCK_BITS=10-Trie.INDEX_STAGE_1_SHIFT_; // public utility public static int getFromIndexesArr(int index){ return indexes[index]; } // protected constructor --------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor * @exception thrown when data reading fails or data corrupted */ private NormalizerImpl() throws IOException { //data should be loaded only once if(!isDataLoaded){ // jar access InputStream i = ICUData.getRequiredStream(DATA_FILE_NAME); BufferedInputStream b = new BufferedInputStream(i,DATA_BUFFER_SIZE); NormalizerDataReader reader = new NormalizerDataReader(b); // read the indexes indexes = reader.readIndexes(NormalizerImpl.INDEX_TOP); byte[] normBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_TRIE_SIZE]]; int combiningTableTop = indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_COMBINE_DATA_COUNT]; combiningTable = new char[combiningTableTop]; int extraDataTop = indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_CHAR_COUNT]; extraData = new char[extraDataTop]; byte[] fcdBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_FCD_TRIE_SIZE]]; byte[] auxBytes = new byte[indexes[NormalizerImpl.INDEX_AUX_TRIE_SIZE]]; fcdTrieImpl = new FCDTrieImpl(); normTrieImpl = new NormTrieImpl(); auxTrieImpl = new AuxTrieImpl(); // load the rest of the data data and initialize the data members reader.read(normBytes, fcdBytes,auxBytes, extraData, combiningTable); NormTrieImpl.normTrie = new IntTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(normBytes),normTrieImpl ); FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie = new CharTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(fcdBytes),fcdTrieImpl ); AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie = new CharTrie( new ByteArrayInputStream(auxBytes),auxTrieImpl ); // we reached here without any exceptions so the data is fully // loaded set the variable to true isDataLoaded = true; // get the data format version byte[] formatVersion = reader.getDataFormatVersion(); isFormatVersion_2_1 =( formatVersion[0]>2 || (formatVersion[0]==2 && formatVersion[1]>=1) ); isFormatVersion_2_2 =( formatVersion[0]>2 || (formatVersion[0]==2 && formatVersion[1]>=2) ); unicodeVersion = reader.getUnicodeVersion(); b.close(); } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Korean Hangul and Jamo constants */ public static final int JAMO_L_BASE=0x1100; /* "lead" jamo */ public static final int JAMO_V_BASE=0x1161; /* "vowel" jamo */ public static final int JAMO_T_BASE=0x11a7; /* "trail" jamo */ public static final int HANGUL_BASE=0xac00; public static final int JAMO_L_COUNT=19; public static final int JAMO_V_COUNT=21; public static final int JAMO_T_COUNT=28; public static final int HANGUL_COUNT=JAMO_L_COUNT*JAMO_V_COUNT*JAMO_T_COUNT; private static boolean isHangulWithoutJamoT(char c) { c-=HANGUL_BASE; return c=MIN_HANGUL; } /* * Given norm32 for Jamo V or T, * is this a Jamo V? */ private static boolean isJamoVTNorm32JamoV(long norm32) { return norm320) && isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) { /* *p is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */ norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, p[start+1]); } return norm32; } //// for StringPrep public static VersionInfo getUnicodeVersion(){ return VersionInfo.getInstance(unicodeVersion[0], unicodeVersion[1], unicodeVersion[2], unicodeVersion[3]); } public static char getFCD16(char c) { return FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getLeadValue(c); } public static char getFCD16FromSurrogatePair(char fcd16, char c2) { /* the surrogate index in fcd16 is an absolute offset over the * start of stage 1 * */ return FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getTrailValue(fcd16, c2); } public static int getFCD16(int c) { return FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie.getCodePointValue(c); } private static int getExtraDataIndex(long norm32) { return (int)(norm32>>EXTRA_SHIFT); } private static final class DecomposeArgs{ int /*unsigned byte*/ cc; int /*unsigned byte*/ trailCC; int length; } /** * * get the canonical or compatibility decomposition for one character * * @return index into the extraData array */ private static int/*index*/ decompose(long/*unsigned*/ norm32, int/*unsigned*/ qcMask, DecomposeArgs args) { int p= getExtraDataIndex(norm32); args.length=extraData[p++]; if((norm32&qcMask&QC_NFKD)!=0 && args.length>=0x100) { /* use compatibility decomposition, skip canonical data */ p+=((args.length>>7)&1)+(args.length&DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK); args.length>>=8; } if((args.length&DECOMP_FLAG_LENGTH_HAS_CC)>0) { /* get the lead and trail cc's */ char bothCCs=extraData[p++]; args.cc=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (bothCCs>>8); args.trailCC=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & bothCCs; } else { /* lead and trail cc's are both 0 */ args.cc=args.trailCC=0; } args.length&=DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK; return p; } /** * get the canonical decomposition for one character * @return index into the extraData array */ private static int decompose(long/*unsigned*/ norm32, DecomposeArgs args) { int p= getExtraDataIndex(norm32); args.length=extraData[p++]; if((args.length&DECOMP_FLAG_LENGTH_HAS_CC)>0) { /* get the lead and trail cc's */ char bothCCs=extraData[p++]; args.cc=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (bothCCs>>8); args.trailCC=(UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & bothCCs; } else { /* lead and trail cc's are both 0 */ args.cc=args.trailCC=0; } args.length&=DECOMP_LENGTH_MASK; return p; } private static final class NextCCArgs{ char[] source; int next; int limit; char c; char c2; } /* * get the combining class of (c, c2)= args.source[args.next++] * before: args.next>CC_SHIFT)); } } private static final class PrevArgs{ char[] src; int start; int current; char c; char c2; } /* * read backwards and get norm32 * return 0 if the character is >CC_SHIFT)); } /* * is this a safe boundary character for NF*D? * (lead cc==0) */ public static boolean isNFDSafe(long/*unsigned*/ norm32, int/*unsigned*/ccOrQCMask, int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask) { if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) { return true; /* cc==0 and no decomposition: this is NF*D safe */ } /* inspect its decomposition - maybe a Hangul but not a surrogate here*/ if(isNorm32Regular(norm32) && (norm32&decompQCMask)!=0) { DecomposeArgs args=new DecomposeArgs(); /* decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data */ decompose(norm32, decompQCMask, args); return args.cc==0; } else { /* no decomposition (or Hangul), test the cc directly */ return (norm32&CC_MASK)==0; } } /* * is this (or does its decomposition begin with) a "true starter"? * (cc==0 and NF*C_YES) */ public static boolean isTrueStarter(long/*unsigned*/ norm32, int/*unsigned*/ ccOrQCMask, int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask) { if((norm32&ccOrQCMask)==0) { return true; /* this is a true starter (could be Hangul or Jamo L)*/ } /* inspect its decomposition - not a Hangul or a surrogate here */ if((norm32&decompQCMask)!=0) { int p; /* index into extra data array */ DecomposeArgs args=new DecomposeArgs(); /* decomposes, get everything from the variable-length extra data */ p=decompose(norm32, decompQCMask, args); if(args.cc==0) { int/*unsigned*/ qcMask=ccOrQCMask&QC_MASK; /* does it begin with NFC_YES? */ if((getNorm32(extraData,p, qcMask)&qcMask)==0) { /* yes, the decomposition begins with a true starter */ return true; } } } return false; } /* reorder UTF-16 in-place ---------------------------------------------- */ /** * simpler, single-character version of mergeOrdered() - * bubble-insert one single code point into the preceding string * which is already canonically ordered * (c, c2) may or may not yet have been inserted at src[current]..src[p] * * it must be p=current+lengthof(c, c2) i.e. p=current+(c2==0 ? 1 : 2) * * before: src[start]..src[current] is already ordered, and * src[current]..src[p] may or may not hold (c, c2) but * must be exactly the same length as (c, c2) * after: src[start]..src[p] is ordered * * @return the trailing combining class */ private static int/*unsigned byte*/ insertOrdered(char[] source, int start, int current, int p, char c, char c2, int/*unsigned byte*/ cc) { int back, preBack; int r; int prevCC, trailCC=cc; if(start=prevCC preBack=back=current; PrevArgs prevArgs = new PrevArgs(); prevArgs.current = current; prevArgs.start = start; prevArgs.src = source; // get the prevCC prevCC=getPrevCC(prevArgs); preBack = prevArgs.current; if(cc=prevCC) { break; } back=preBack; } // this is where we are right now with all these indicies: // [start]..[pPreBack] 0..? code points that we can ignore // [pPreBack]..[pBack] 0..1 code points with prevCC<=cc // [pBack]..[current] 0..n code points with >cc, move up to insert (c, c2) // [current]..[p] 1 code point (c, c2) with cc // move the code units in between up r=p; do { source[--r]=source[--current]; } while(back!=current); } } // insert (c, c2) source[current]=c; if(c2!=0) { source[(current+1)]=c2; } // we know the cc of the last code point return trailCC; } /** * merge two UTF-16 string parts together * to canonically order (order by combining classes) their concatenation * * the two strings may already be adjacent, so that the merging is done * in-place if the two strings are not adjacent, then the buffer holding the * first one must be large enough * the second string may or may not be ordered in itself * * before: [start]..[current] is already ordered, and * [next]..[limit] may be ordered in itself, but * is not in relation to [start..current[ * after: [start..current+(limit-next)[ is ordered * * the algorithm is a simple bubble-sort that takes the characters from * src[next++] and inserts them in correct combining class order into the * preceding part of the string * * since this function is called much less often than the single-code point * insertOrdered(), it just uses that for easier maintenance * * @return the trailing combining class */ private static int /*unsigned byte*/ mergeOrdered(char[] source, int start, int current, char[] data, int next, int limit, boolean isOrdered) { int r; int /*unsigned byte*/ cc, trailCC=0; boolean adjacent; adjacent= current==next; NextCCArgs ncArgs = new NextCCArgs(); ncArgs.source = data; ncArgs.next = next; ncArgs.limit = limit; if(start!=current || !isOrdered) { while(ncArgs.next=minNoMaybe && (( norm32=getNorm32(c)) & ccOrQCMask)!=0) { break; } prevCC=0; } // check one above-minimum, relevant code unit if(isNorm32LeadSurrogate(norm32)) { // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 if(srcStart!=srcLimit&& UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcStart])) { ++srcStart; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32,c2); } else { norm32=0; c2=0; } }else{ c2=0; } if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) { /* excluded: norm32==0 */ norm32=0; } // check the combining order cc=(char)((norm32>>CC_SHIFT)&0xFF); if(cc!=0 && cc=1) { result= NormalizerBase.NO; break; } else if(qcNorm32!=0) { // "maybe" can only occur for NFC and NFKC if(allowMaybe){ result=NormalizerBase.MAYBE; }else{ // normalize a section around here to see if it is really // normalized or not int prevStarter; int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask; decompQCMask=(qcMask<<2)&0xf; // decomposition quick check mask // find the previous starter // set prevStarter to the beginning of the current character prevStarter=srcStart-1; if(UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(src[prevStarter])) { // safe because unpaired surrogates do not result // in "maybe" --prevStarter; } prevStarter=findPreviousStarter(src, start, prevStarter, ccOrQCMask, decompQCMask, (char)minNoMaybe); // find the next true starter in [src..limit[ - modifies // src to point to the next starter srcStart=findNextStarter(src,srcStart, srcLimit, qcMask, decompQCMask,(char) minNoMaybe); //set the args for compose part args.prevCC = prevCC; // decompose and recompose [prevStarter..src[ buffer = composePart(args,prevStarter,src,srcStart,srcLimit,options,nx); // compare the normalized version with the original if(0!=strCompare(buffer,0,args.length,src,prevStarter,srcStart, false)) { result=NormalizerBase.NO; // normalization differs break; } // continue after the next starter } } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------ // make NFD & NFKD //------------------------------------------------------ public static int decompose(char[] src,int srcStart,int srcLimit, char[] dest,int destStart,int destLimit, boolean compat,int[] outTrailCC, UnicodeSet nx) { char[] buffer = new char[3]; int prevSrc; long norm32; int ccOrQCMask, qcMask; int reorderStartIndex, length; char c, c2, minNoMaybe; int/*unsigned byte*/ cc, prevCC, trailCC; char[] p; int pStart; int destIndex = destStart; int srcIndex = srcStart; if(!compat) { minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE]; qcMask=QC_NFD; } else { minNoMaybe=(char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFKD_NO_MAYBE]; qcMask=QC_NFKD; } /* initialize */ ccOrQCMask=CC_MASK|qcMask; reorderStartIndex=0; prevCC=0; norm32=0; c=0; pStart=0; cc=trailCC=-1;//initialize to bogus value for(;;) { /* count code units below the minimum or with irrelevant data for * the quick check */ prevSrc=srcIndex; while(srcIndex!=srcLimit &&((c=src[srcIndex])0) { buffer[2]=(char)(JAMO_T_BASE+c2); length=3; } else { length=2; } buffer[1]=(char)(JAMO_V_BASE+c%JAMO_V_COUNT); buffer[0]=(char)(JAMO_L_BASE+c/JAMO_V_COUNT); } } else { if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) { c2=0; length=1; } else { // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 if(srcIndex!=srcLimit && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcIndex])) { ++srcIndex; length=2; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); } else { c2=0; length=1; norm32=0; } } /* get the decomposition and the lead and trail cc's */ if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) { /* excluded: norm32==0 */ cc=trailCC=0; p=null; } else if((norm32&qcMask)==0) { /* c does not decompose */ cc=trailCC=(int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (norm32>>CC_SHIFT)); p=null; pStart=-1; } else { DecomposeArgs arg = new DecomposeArgs(); /* c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length * extra data */ pStart=decompose(norm32, qcMask, arg); p=extraData; length=arg.length; cc=arg.cc; trailCC=arg.trailCC; if(length==1) { /* fastpath a single code unit from decomposition */ c=p[pStart]; c2=0; p=null; pStart=-1; } } } /* append the decomposition to the destination buffer, assume * length>0 */ if((destIndex+length)<=destLimit) { int reorderSplit=destIndex; if(p==null) { /* fastpath: single code point */ if(cc!=0 && cc0); } } } else { /* buffer overflow */ /* keep incrementing the destIndex for preflighting */ destIndex+=length; } prevCC=trailCC; if(prevCC==0) { reorderStartIndex=destIndex; } } outTrailCC[0]=prevCC; return destIndex - destStart; } /* make NFC & NFKC ------------------------------------------------------ */ private static final class NextCombiningArgs{ char[] source; int start; //int limit; char c; char c2; int/*unsigned*/ combiningIndex; char /*unsigned byte*/ cc; } /* get the composition properties of the next character */ private static int /*unsigned*/ getNextCombining(NextCombiningArgs args, int limit, UnicodeSet nx) { long/*unsigned*/ norm32; int combineFlags; /* get properties */ args.c=args.source[args.start++]; norm32=getNorm32(args.c); /* preset output values for most characters */ args.c2=0; args.combiningIndex=0; args.cc=0; if((norm32&(CC_MASK|COMBINES_ANY))==0) { return 0; } else { if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) { /* set cc etc. below */ } else if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) { /* a compatibility decomposition contained Jamos */ args.combiningIndex=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&(0xfff0| (norm32>>EXTRA_SHIFT))); return (int)(norm32&COMBINES_ANY); } else { /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */ if(args.start!=limit && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(args.c2= args.source[args.start])) { ++args.start; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, args.c2); } else { args.c2=0; return 0; } } if(nx_contains(nx, args.c, args.c2)) { return 0; /* excluded: norm32==0 */ } args.cc= (char)((norm32>>CC_SHIFT)&0xff); combineFlags=(int)(norm32&COMBINES_ANY); if(combineFlags!=0) { int index = getExtraDataIndex(norm32); args.combiningIndex=index>0 ? extraData[(index-1)] :0; } return combineFlags; } } /* * given a composition-result starter (c, c2) - which means its cc==0, * it combines forward, it has extra data, its norm32!=0, * it is not a Hangul or Jamo, * get just its combineFwdIndex * * norm32(c) is special if and only if c2!=0 */ private static int/*unsigned*/ getCombiningIndexFromStarter(char c,char c2){ long/*unsigned*/ norm32; norm32=getNorm32(c); if(c2!=0) { norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); } return extraData[(getExtraDataIndex(norm32)-1)]; } /* * Find the recomposition result for * a forward-combining character * (specified with a pointer to its part of the combiningTable[]) * and a backward-combining character * (specified with its combineBackIndex). * * If these two characters combine, then set (value, value2) * with the code unit(s) of the composition character. * * Return value: * 0 do not combine * 1 combine * >1 combine, and the composition is a forward-combining starter * * See unormimp.h for a description of the composition table format. */ private static int/*unsigned*/ combine(char[]table,int tableStart, int/*unsinged*/ combineBackIndex, int[] outValues) { int/*unsigned*/ key; int value,value2; if(outValues.length<2){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /* search in the starter's composition table */ for(;;) { key=table[tableStart++]; if(key>=combineBackIndex) { break; } tableStart+= ((table[tableStart]&0x8000) != 0)? 2 : 1; } /* mask off bit 15, the last-entry-in-the-list flag */ if((key&0x7fff)==combineBackIndex) { /* found! combine! */ value=table[tableStart]; /* is the composition a starter that combines forward? */ key=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&((value&0x2000)+1)); /* get the composition result code point from the variable-length * result value */ if((value&0x8000) != 0) { if((value&0x4000) != 0) { /* surrogate pair composition result */ value=(int)((UNSIGNED_INT_MASK)&((value&0x3ff)|0xd800)); value2=table[tableStart+1]; } else { /* BMP composition result U+2000..U+ffff */ value=table[tableStart+1]; value2=0; } } else { /* BMP composition result U+0000..U+1fff */ value&=0x1fff; value2=0; } outValues[0]=value; outValues[1]=value2; return key; } else { /* not found */ return 0; } } private static final class RecomposeArgs{ char[] source; int start; int limit; } /* * recompose the characters in [p..limit[ * (which is in NFD - decomposed and canonically ordered), * adjust limit, and return the trailing cc * * since for NFKC we may get Jamos in decompositions, we need to * recompose those too * * note that recomposition never lengthens the text: * any character consists of either one or two code units; * a composition may contain at most one more code unit than the original * starter, while the combining mark that is removed has at least one code * unit */ private static char/*unsigned byte*/ recompose(RecomposeArgs args, int options, UnicodeSet nx) { int remove, q, r; int /*unsigned*/ combineFlags; int /*unsigned*/ combineFwdIndex, combineBackIndex; int /*unsigned*/ result, value=0, value2=0; int /*unsigned byte*/ prevCC; boolean starterIsSupplementary; int starter; int[] outValues = new int[2]; starter=-1; /* no starter */ combineFwdIndex=0; /* will not be used until starter!=NULL */ starterIsSupplementary=false; /* will not be used until starter!=NULL */ prevCC=0; NextCombiningArgs ncArg = new NextCombiningArgs(); ncArg.source = args.source; ncArg.cc =0; ncArg.c2 =0; for(;;) { ncArg.start = args.start; combineFlags=getNextCombining(ncArg,args.limit,nx); combineBackIndex=ncArg.combiningIndex; args.start = ncArg.start; if(((combineFlags&COMBINES_BACK)!=0) && starter!=-1) { if((combineBackIndex&0x8000)!=0) { /* c is a Jamo V/T, see if we can compose it with the * previous character */ /* for the PRI #29 fix, check that there is no intervening combining mark */ if((options&BEFORE_PRI_29)!=0 || prevCC==0) { remove=-1; /* NULL while no Hangul composition */ combineFlags=0; ncArg.c2=args.source[starter]; if(combineBackIndex==0xfff2) { /* Jamo V, compose with previous Jamo L and following * Jamo T */ ncArg.c2=(char)(ncArg.c2-JAMO_L_BASE); if(ncArg.c2 the rest of the loop body will reset starter * to NULL; technically, a composed Hangul syllable is a * starter, but it does not combine forward now that we have * consumed all eligible Jamos; for Jamo V/T, combineFlags * does not contain _NORM_COMBINES_FWD */ } else if( /* the starter is not a Hangul LV or Jamo V/T and */ !((combineFwdIndex&0x8000)!=0) && /* the combining mark is not blocked and */ ((options&BEFORE_PRI_29)!=0 ? (prevCC!=ncArg.cc || prevCC==0) : (prevCC1) { combineFwdIndex=getCombiningIndexFromStarter((char)value, (char)value2); } else { starter=-1; } /* we combined; continue with looking for compositions */ continue; } } /* no combination this time */ prevCC=ncArg.cc; if(args.start==args.limit) { return (char)prevCC; } /* if (c, c2) did not combine, then check if it is a starter */ if(ncArg.cc==0) { /* found a new starter; combineFlags==0 if (c, c2) is excluded */ if((combineFlags&COMBINES_FWD)!=0) { /* it may combine with something, prepare for it */ if(ncArg.c2==0) { starterIsSupplementary=false; starter=args.start-1; } else { starterIsSupplementary=false; starter=args.start-2; } combineFwdIndex=combineBackIndex; } else { /* it will not combine with anything */ starter=-1; } } else if((options&OPTIONS_COMPOSE_CONTIGUOUS)!=0) { /* FCC: no discontiguous compositions; any intervening character blocks */ starter=-1; } } } // find the last true starter between src[start]....src[current] going // backwards and return its index private static int findPreviousStarter(char[]src, int srcStart, int current, int/*unsigned*/ ccOrQCMask, int/*unsigned*/ decompQCMask, char minNoMaybe) { long norm32; PrevArgs args = new PrevArgs(); args.src = src; args.start = srcStart; args.current = current; while(args.start=2) { RecomposeArgs rcArgs = new RecomposeArgs(); rcArgs.source = buffer; rcArgs.start = 0; rcArgs.limit = recomposeLimit; args.prevCC=recompose(rcArgs, options, nx); recomposeLimit = rcArgs.limit; } /* return with a pointer to the recomposition and its length */ args.length=recomposeLimit; return buffer; } private static boolean composeHangul(char prev, char c, long/*unsigned*/ norm32, char[] src,int[] srcIndex, int limit, boolean compat, char[] dest,int destIndex, UnicodeSet nx) { int start=srcIndex[0]; if(isJamoVTNorm32JamoV(norm32)) { /* c is a Jamo V, compose with previous Jamo L and * following Jamo T */ prev=(char)(prev-JAMO_L_BASE); if(prev0 && composeHangul(src[(prevSrc-1)], c, norm32,src, ioIndex, srcLimit, (options&OPTIONS_COMPAT)!=0, dest, destIndex<=destLimit ? destIndex-1: 0, nx) ) { srcIndex=ioIndex[0]; prevStarter=srcIndex; continue; } srcIndex = ioIndex[0]; /* the Jamo V/T did not compose into a Hangul syllable, just * append to dest */ c2=0; length=1; prevStarter=prevSrc; } else { if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) { c2=0; length=1; } else { /* c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 */ if(srcIndex!=srcLimit && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c2=src[srcIndex])) { ++srcIndex; length=2; norm32=getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); } else { /* c is an unpaired lead surrogate, nothing to do */ c2=0; length=1; norm32=0; } } ComposePartArgs args =new ComposePartArgs(); /* we are looking at the character (c, c2) at [prevSrc..src[ */ if(nx_contains(nx, c, c2)) { /* excluded: norm32==0 */ cc=0; } else if((norm32&qcMask)==0) { cc=(int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK)&(norm32>>CC_SHIFT)); } else { char[] p; /* * find appropriate boundaries around this character, * decompose the source text from between the boundaries, * and recompose it * * this puts the intermediate text into the side buffer because * it might be longer than the recomposition end result, * or the destination buffer may be too short or missing * * note that destIndex may be adjusted backwards to account * for source text that passed the quick check but needed to * take part in the recomposition */ int decompQCMask=(qcMask<<2)&0xf; /* decomposition quick check mask */ /* * find the last true starter in [prevStarter..src[ * it is either the decomposition of the current character (at prevSrc), * or prevStarter */ if(isTrueStarter(norm32, CC_MASK|qcMask, decompQCMask)) { prevStarter=prevSrc; } else { /* adjust destIndex: back out what had been copied with qc "yes" */ destIndex-=prevSrc-prevStarter; } /* find the next true starter in [src..limit[ */ srcIndex=findNextStarter(src, srcIndex,srcLimit, qcMask, decompQCMask, minNoMaybe); //args.prevStarter = prevStarter; args.prevCC = prevCC; //args.destIndex = destIndex; args.length = length; p=composePart(args,prevStarter,src,srcIndex,srcLimit,options,nx); if(p==null) { /* an error occurred (out of memory) */ break; } prevCC = args.prevCC; length = args.length; /* append the recomposed buffer contents to the destination * buffer */ if((destIndex+args.length)<=destLimit) { int i=0; while(i>CC_SHIFT)&0xFF); } public static boolean isFullCompositionExclusion(int c) { if(isFormatVersion_2_1) { int aux =AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c); return (boolean)((aux & AUX_COMP_EX_MASK)!=0); } else { return false; } } public static boolean isCanonSafeStart(int c) { if(isFormatVersion_2_1) { int aux = AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c); return (boolean)((aux & AUX_UNSAFE_MASK)==0); } else { return false; } } /* Is c an NF-skippable code point? See unormimp.h. */ public static boolean isNFSkippable(int c, NormalizerBase.Mode mode, long mask) { long /*unsigned int*/ norm32; mask = mask & UNSIGNED_INT_MASK; char aux; /* check conditions (a)..(e), see unormimp.h */ norm32 = getNorm32(c); if((norm32&mask)!=0) { return false; /* fails (a)..(e), not skippable */ } if(mode == NormalizerBase.NFD || mode == NormalizerBase.NFKD || mode == NormalizerBase.NONE){ return true; /* NF*D, passed (a)..(c), is skippable */ } /* check conditions (a)..(e), see unormimp.h */ /* NF*C/FCC, passed (a)..(e) */ if((norm32& QC_NFD)==0) { return true; /* no canonical decomposition, is skippable */ } /* check Hangul syllables algorithmically */ if(isNorm32HangulOrJamo(norm32)) { /* Jamo passed (a)..(e) above, must be Hangul */ return !isHangulWithoutJamoT((char)c); /* LVT are skippable, LV are not */ } /* if(mode<=UNORM_NFKC) { -- enable when implementing FCC */ /* NF*C, test (f) flag */ if(!isFormatVersion_2_2) { return false; /* no (f) data, say not skippable to be safe */ } aux = AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie.getCodePointValue(c); return (aux&AUX_NFC_SKIP_F_MASK)==0; /* TRUE=skippable if the (f) flag is not set */ /* } else { FCC, test fcd<=1 instead of the above } */ } public static UnicodeSet addPropertyStarts(UnicodeSet set) { int c; /* add the start code point of each same-value range of each trie */ //utrie_enum(&normTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set); TrieIterator normIter = new TrieIterator(NormTrieImpl.normTrie); RangeValueIterator.Element normResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element(); while(normIter.next(normResult)){ set.add(normResult.start); } //utrie_enum(&fcdTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set); TrieIterator fcdIter = new TrieIterator(FCDTrieImpl.fcdTrie); RangeValueIterator.Element fcdResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element(); while(fcdIter.next(fcdResult)){ set.add(fcdResult.start); } if(isFormatVersion_2_1){ //utrie_enum(&auxTrie, NULL, _enumPropertyStartsRange, set); TrieIterator auxIter = new TrieIterator(AuxTrieImpl.auxTrie); RangeValueIterator.Element auxResult = new RangeValueIterator.Element(); while(auxIter.next(auxResult)){ set.add(auxResult.start); } } /* add Hangul LV syllables and LV+1 because of skippables */ for(c=HANGUL_BASE; clength2 */ { lengthResult=1; limit1=start1+length2; } if(s1==s2) { return lengthResult; } for(;;) { /* check pseudo-limit */ if(s1Start==limit1) { return lengthResult; } c1=s1[s1Start]; c2=s2[s2Start]; if(c1!=c2) { break; } ++s1Start; ++s2Start; } /* setup for fix-up */ limit1=start1+length1; limit2=start2+length2; /* if both values are in or above the surrogate range, fix them up */ if(c1>=0xd800 && c2>=0xd800 && codePointOrder) { /* subtract 0x2800 from BMP code points to make them smaller than * supplementary ones */ if( ( c1<=0xdbff && (s1Start+1)!=limit1 && UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(s1[(s1Start+1)]) ) || ( UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(c1) && start1!=s1Start && UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(s1[(s1Start-1)]) ) ) { /* part of a surrogate pair, leave >=d800 */ } else { /* BMP code point - may be surrogate code point - make =d800 */ } else { /* BMP code point - may be surrogate code point - make 0) { hasDecomp.add(start); } ++start; } } /* hasDecomp now contains all ideographs that decompose canonically */ nxCache[NX_CJK_COMPAT]=hasDecomp; } return nxCache[NX_CJK_COMPAT]; } private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNXUnicode(int options) { options &= OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK; if(options==0) { return null; } if(nxCache[options]==null) { /* build a set with all code points that were not designated by the specified Unicode version */ UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet(); switch(options) { case NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2: set.applyPattern("[:^Age=3.2:]"); break; default: return null; } nxCache[options]=set; } return nxCache[options]; } /* Get a decomposition exclusion set. The data must be loaded. */ private static final synchronized UnicodeSet internalGetNX(int options) { options&=OPTIONS_SETS_MASK; if(nxCache[options]==null) { /* return basic sets */ if(options==NX_HANGUL) { return internalGetNXHangul(); } if(options==NX_CJK_COMPAT) { return internalGetNXCJKCompat(); } if((options & OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK)!=0 && (options & OPTIONS_NX_MASK)==0) { return internalGetNXUnicode(options); } /* build a set from multiple subsets */ UnicodeSet set; UnicodeSet other; set=new UnicodeSet(); if((options & NX_HANGUL)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXHangul())) { set.addAll(other); } if((options&NX_CJK_COMPAT)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXCJKCompat())) { set.addAll(other); } if((options&OPTIONS_UNICODE_MASK)!=0 && null!=(other=internalGetNXUnicode(options))) { set.addAll(other); } nxCache[options]=set; } return nxCache[options]; } public static final UnicodeSet getNX(int options) { if((options&=OPTIONS_SETS_MASK)==0) { /* incoming failure, or no decomposition exclusions requested */ return null; } else { return internalGetNX(options); } } private static final boolean nx_contains(UnicodeSet nx, int c) { return nx!=null && nx.contains(c); } private static final boolean nx_contains(UnicodeSet nx, char c, char c2) { return nx!=null && nx.contains(c2==0 ? c : UCharacterProperty.getRawSupplementary(c, c2)); } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Get the canonical decomposition * sherman for ComposedCharIter */ public static int getDecompose(int chars[], String decomps[]) { DecomposeArgs args = new DecomposeArgs(); int length=0; long norm32 = 0; int ch = -1; int index = 0; int i = 0; while (++ch < 0x2fa1e) { //no cannoical above 0x3ffff //TBD !!!! the hack code heres save us about 50ms for startup //need a better solution/lookup if (ch == 0x30ff) ch = 0xf900; else if (ch == 0x10000) ch = 0x1d15e; else if (ch == 0x1d1c1) ch = 0x2f800; norm32 = NormalizerImpl.getNorm32(ch); if((norm32 & QC_NFD)!=0 && i < chars.length) { chars[i] = ch; index = decompose(norm32, args); decomps[i++] = new String(extraData,index, args.length); } } return i; } //------------------------------------------------------ // special method for Collation //------------------------------------------------------ private static boolean needSingleQuotation(char c) { return (c >= 0x0009 && c <= 0x000D) || (c >= 0x0020 && c <= 0x002F) || (c >= 0x003A && c <= 0x0040) || (c >= 0x005B && c <= 0x0060) || (c >= 0x007B && c <= 0x007E); } public static String canonicalDecomposeWithSingleQuotation(String string) { char[] src = string.toCharArray(); int srcIndex = 0; int srcLimit = src.length; char[] dest = new char[src.length * 3]; //MAX_BUF_SIZE_DECOMPOSE = 3 int destIndex = 0; int destLimit = dest.length; char[] buffer = new char[3]; int prevSrc; long norm32; int ccOrQCMask; int qcMask = QC_NFD; int reorderStartIndex, length; char c, c2; char minNoMaybe = (char)indexes[INDEX_MIN_NFD_NO_MAYBE]; int cc, prevCC, trailCC; char[] p; int pStart; // initialize ccOrQCMask = CC_MASK | qcMask; reorderStartIndex = 0; prevCC = 0; norm32 = 0; c = 0; pStart = 0; cc = trailCC = -1; // initialize to bogus value for(;;) { prevSrc=srcIndex; //quick check (1)less than minNoMaybe (2)no decomp (3)hangual while (srcIndex != srcLimit && (( c = src[srcIndex]) < minNoMaybe || ((norm32 = getNorm32(c)) & ccOrQCMask) == 0 || ( c >= '\uac00' && c <= '\ud7a3'))){ prevCC = 0; ++srcIndex; } // copy these code units all at once if (srcIndex != prevSrc) { length = (int)(srcIndex - prevSrc); if ((destIndex + length) <= destLimit) { System.arraycopy(src,prevSrc,dest,destIndex,length); } destIndex += length; reorderStartIndex = destIndex; } // end of source reached? if(srcIndex == srcLimit) { break; } // c already contains *src and norm32 is set for it, increment src ++srcIndex; if(isNorm32Regular(norm32)) { c2 = 0; length = 1; } else { // c is a lead surrogate, get the real norm32 if(srcIndex != srcLimit && Character.isLowSurrogate(c2 = src[srcIndex])) { ++srcIndex; length = 2; norm32 = getNorm32FromSurrogatePair(norm32, c2); } else { c2 = 0; length = 1; norm32 = 0; } } // get the decomposition and the lead and trail cc's if((norm32 & qcMask) == 0) { // c does not decompose cc = trailCC = (int)((UNSIGNED_BYTE_MASK) & (norm32 >> CC_SHIFT)); p = null; pStart = -1; } else { DecomposeArgs arg = new DecomposeArgs(); // c decomposes, get everything from the variable-length // extra data pStart = decompose(norm32, qcMask, arg); p = extraData; length = arg.length; cc = arg.cc; trailCC = arg.trailCC; if(length == 1) { // fastpath a single code unit from decomposition c = p[pStart]; c2 = 0; p = null; pStart = -1; } } if((destIndex + length * 3) >= destLimit) { // 2 SingleQuotations // buffer overflow char[] tmpBuf = new char[destLimit * 2]; System.arraycopy(dest, 0, tmpBuf, 0, destIndex); dest = tmpBuf; destLimit = dest.length; } // append the decomposition to the destination buffer, assume length>0 { int reorderSplit = destIndex; if(p == null) { // fastpath: single code point if (needSingleQuotation(c)) { //if we need single quotation, no need to consider "prevCC" //and it must NOT be a supplementary pair dest[destIndex++] = '\''; dest[destIndex++] = c; dest[destIndex++] = '\''; trailCC = 0; } else if(cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) { // (c, c2) is out of order with respect to the preceding // text destIndex += length; trailCC = insertOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex, reorderSplit, destIndex, c, c2, cc); } else { // just append (c, c2) dest[destIndex++] = c; if(c2 != 0) { dest[destIndex++] = c2; } } } else { // general: multiple code points (ordered by themselves) // from decomposition if (needSingleQuotation(p[pStart])) { dest[destIndex++] = '\''; dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++]; dest[destIndex++] = '\''; length--; do { dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++]; } while(--length > 0); } else if(cc != 0 && cc < prevCC) { destIndex += length; trailCC = mergeOrdered(dest,reorderStartIndex, reorderSplit,p, pStart,pStart+length); } else { // just append the decomposition do { dest[destIndex++] = p[pStart++]; } while(--length > 0); } } } prevCC = trailCC; if(prevCC == 0) { reorderStartIndex = destIndex; } } return new String(dest, 0, destIndex); } //------------------------------------------------------ // mapping method for IDNA/StringPrep //------------------------------------------------------ /* * Normalization using NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2 option supports Unicode * 3.2 normalization with Corrigendum 4 corrections. However, normalization * without the corrections is necessary for IDNA/StringPrep support. * This method is called when NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2_0_ORIGINAL option * (= sun.text.Normalizer.UNICODE_3_2) is used and normalizes five * characters in Corrigendum 4 before normalization in order to avoid * incorrect normalization. * For the Corrigendum 4 issue, refer * http://www.unicode.org/versions/corrigendum4.html */ /* * Option used in NormalizerBase.UNICODE_3_2_0_ORIGINAL. */ public static final int WITHOUT_CORRIGENDUM4_CORRECTIONS=0x40000; private static final char[][] corrigendum4MappingTable = { {'\uD844', '\uDF6A'}, // 0x2F868 {'\u5F33'}, // 0x2F874 {'\u43AB'}, // 0x2F91F {'\u7AAE'}, // 0x2F95F {'\u4D57'}}; // 0x2F9BF /* * Removing Corrigendum 4 fix * @return normalized text */ public static String convert(String str) { if (str == null) { return null; } int ch = UCharacterIterator.DONE; StringBuffer dest = new StringBuffer(); UCharacterIterator iter = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(str); while ((ch=iter.nextCodePoint())!= UCharacterIterator.DONE){ switch (ch) { case 0x2F868: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[0]); break; case 0x2F874: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[1]); break; case 0x2F91F: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[2]); break; case 0x2F95F: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[3]); break; case 0x2F9BF: dest.append(corrigendum4MappingTable[4]); break; default: UTF16.append(dest,ch); break; } } return dest.toString(); } }