/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.rmi.log; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction; import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction; /** * This class is a simple implementation of a reliable Log. The * client of a ReliableLog must provide a set of callbacks (via a * LogHandler) that enables a ReliableLog to read and write * checkpoints and log records. This implementation ensures that the * current value of the data stored (via a ReliableLog) is recoverable * after a system crash.

* * The secondary storage strategy is to record values in files using a * representation of the caller's choosing. Two sorts of files are * kept: snapshots and logs. At any instant, one snapshot is current. * The log consists of a sequence of updates that have occurred since * the current snapshot was taken. The current stable state is the * value of the snapshot, as modified by the sequence of updates in * the log. From time to time, the client of a ReliableLog instructs * the package to make a new snapshot and clear the log. A ReliableLog * arranges disk writes such that updates are stable (as long as the * changes are force-written to disk) and atomic : no update is lost, * and each update either is recorded completely in the log or not at * all. Making a new snapshot is also atomic.

* * Normal use for maintaining the recoverable store is as follows: The * client maintains the relevant data structure in virtual memory. As * updates happen to the structure, the client informs the ReliableLog * (all it "log") by calling log.update. Periodically, the client * calls log.snapshot to provide the current value of the data * structure. On restart, the client calls log.recover to obtain the * latest snapshot and the following sequences of updates; the client * applies the updates to the snapshot to obtain the state that * existed before the crash.

* * The current logfile format is:

  1. a format version number (two 4-octet integers, major and * minor), followed by *
  2. a sequence of log records. Each log record contains, in * order,
    1. a 4-octet integer representing the length of the following log * data, *
    2. the log data (variable length).

* * @see LogHandler * * @author Ann Wollrath * */ public class ReliableLog { public final static int PreferredMajorVersion = 0; public final static int PreferredMinorVersion = 2; // sun.rmi.log.debug=false private boolean Debug = false; private static String snapshotPrefix = "Snapshot."; private static String logfilePrefix = "Logfile."; private static String versionFile = "Version_Number"; private static String newVersionFile = "New_Version_Number"; private static int intBytes = 4; private static long diskPageSize = 512; private File dir; // base directory private int version = 0; // current snapshot and log version private String logName = null; private LogFile log = null; private long snapshotBytes = 0; private long logBytes = 0; private int logEntries = 0; private long lastSnapshot = 0; private long lastLog = 0; //private long padBoundary = intBytes; private LogHandler handler; private final byte[] intBuf = new byte[4]; // format version numbers read from/written to this.log private int majorFormatVersion = 0; private int minorFormatVersion = 0; /** * Constructor for the log file. If the system property * sun.rmi.log.class is non-null and the class specified by this * property a) can be loaded, b) is a subclass of LogFile, and c) has a * public two-arg constructor (String, String), ReliableLog uses the * constructor to construct the LogFile. **/ private static final Constructor logClassConstructor = getLogClassConstructor(); /** * Creates a ReliableLog to handle checkpoints and logging in a * stable storage directory. * * @param dirPath path to the stable storage directory * @param logCl the closure object containing callbacks for logging and * recovery * @param pad ignored * @exception IOException If a directory creation error has * occurred or if initialSnapshot callback raises an exception or * if an exception occurs during invocation of the handler's * snapshot method or if other IOException occurs. */ public ReliableLog(String dirPath, LogHandler handler, boolean pad) throws IOException { super(); this.Debug = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetBooleanAction("sun.rmi.log.debug")).booleanValue(); dir = new File(dirPath); if (!(dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory())) { // create directory if (!dir.mkdir()) { throw new IOException("could not create directory for log: " + dirPath); } } //padBoundary = (pad ? diskPageSize : intBytes); this.handler = handler; lastSnapshot = 0; lastLog = 0; getVersion(); if (version == 0) { try { snapshot(handler.initialSnapshot()); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("initial snapshot failed with " + "exception: " + e); } } } /** * Creates a ReliableLog to handle checkpoints and logging in a * stable storage directory. * * @param dirPath path to the stable storage directory * @param logCl the closure object containing callbacks for logging and * recovery * @exception IOException If a directory creation error has * occurred or if initialSnapshot callback raises an exception */ public ReliableLog(String dirPath, LogHandler handler) throws IOException { this(dirPath, handler, false); } /* public methods */ /** * Returns an object which is the value recorded in the current * snapshot. This snapshot is recovered by calling the client * supplied callback "recover" and then subsequently invoking * the "readUpdate" callback to apply any logged updates to the state. * * @exception IOException If recovery fails due to serious log * corruption, read update failure, or if an exception occurs * during the recover callback */ public synchronized Object recover() throws IOException { if (Debug) System.err.println("log.debug: recover()"); if (version == 0) return null; Object snapshot; String fname = versionName(snapshotPrefix); File snapshotFile = new File(fname); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(snapshotFile)); if (Debug) System.err.println("log.debug: recovering from " + fname); try { try { snapshot = handler.recover(in); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { if (Debug) System.err.println("log.debug: recovery failed: " + e); throw new IOException("log recover failed with " + "exception: " + e); } snapshotBytes = snapshotFile.length(); } finally { in.close(); } return recoverUpdates(snapshot); } /** * Records this update in the log file (does not force update to disk). * The update is recorded by calling the client's "writeUpdate" callback. * This method must not be called until this log's recover method has * been invoked (and completed). * * @param value the object representing the update * @exception IOException If an exception occurred during a * writeUpdate callback or if other I/O error has occurred. */ public synchronized void update(Object value) throws IOException { update(value, true); } /** * Records this update in the log file. The update is recorded by * calling the client's writeUpdate callback. This method must not be * called until this log's recover method has been invoked * (and completed). * * @param value the object representing the update * @param forceToDisk ignored; changes are always forced to disk * @exception IOException If force-write to log failed or an * exception occurred during the writeUpdate callback or if other * I/O error occurs while updating the log. */ public synchronized void update(Object value, boolean forceToDisk) throws IOException { // avoid accessing a null log field. if (log == null) { throw new IOException("log is inaccessible, " + "it may have been corrupted or closed"); } /* * If the entry length field spans a sector boundary, write * the high order bit of the entry length, otherwise write zero for * the entry length. */ long entryStart = log.getFilePointer(); boolean spansBoundary = log.checkSpansBoundary(entryStart); writeInt(log, spansBoundary? 1<<31 : 0); /* * Write update, and sync. */ try { handler.writeUpdate(new LogOutputStream(log), value); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw (IOException) new IOException("write update failed").initCause(e); } log.sync(); long entryEnd = log.getFilePointer(); int updateLen = (int) ((entryEnd - entryStart) - intBytes); log.seek(entryStart); if (spansBoundary) { /* * If length field spans a sector boundary, then * the next two steps are required (see 4652922): * * 1) Write actual length with high order bit set; sync. * 2) Then clear high order bit of length; sync. */ writeInt(log, updateLen | 1<<31); log.sync(); log.seek(entryStart); log.writeByte(updateLen >> 24); log.sync(); } else { /* * Write actual length; sync. */ writeInt(log, updateLen); log.sync(); } log.seek(entryEnd); logBytes = entryEnd; lastLog = System.currentTimeMillis(); logEntries++; } /** * Returns the constructor for the log file if the system property * sun.rmi.log.class is non-null and the class specified by the * property a) can be loaded, b) is a subclass of LogFile, and c) has a * public two-arg constructor (String, String); otherwise returns null. **/ private static Constructor getLogClassConstructor() { String logClassName = AccessController.doPrivileged( new GetPropertyAction("sun.rmi.log.class")); if (logClassName != null) { try { ClassLoader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction() { public ClassLoader run() { return ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); } }); Class cl = loader.loadClass(logClassName).asSubclass(LogFile.class); return cl.getConstructor(String.class, String.class); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception occurred:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } /** * Records this value as the current snapshot by invoking the client * supplied "snapshot" callback and then empties the log. * * @param value the object representing the new snapshot * @exception IOException If an exception occurred during the * snapshot callback or if other I/O error has occurred during the * snapshot process */ public synchronized void snapshot(Object value) throws IOException { int oldVersion = version; incrVersion(); String fname = versionName(snapshotPrefix); File snapshotFile = new File(fname); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(snapshotFile); try { try { handler.snapshot(out, value); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("snapshot failed", e); } lastSnapshot = System.currentTimeMillis(); } finally { out.close(); snapshotBytes = snapshotFile.length(); } openLogFile(true); writeVersionFile(true); commitToNewVersion(); deleteSnapshot(oldVersion); deleteLogFile(oldVersion); } /** * Close the stable storage directory in an orderly manner. * * @exception IOException If an I/O error occurs when the log is * closed */ public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (log == null) return; try { log.close(); } finally { log = null; } } /** * Returns the size of the snapshot file in bytes; */ public long snapshotSize() { return snapshotBytes; } /** * Returns the size of the log file in bytes; */ public long logSize() { return logBytes; } /* private methods */ /** * Write an int value in single write operation. This method * assumes that the caller is synchronized on the log file. * * @param out output stream * @param val int value * @throws IOException if any other I/O error occurs */ private void writeInt(DataOutput out, int val) throws IOException { intBuf[0] = (byte) (val >> 24); intBuf[1] = (byte) (val >> 16); intBuf[2] = (byte) (val >> 8); intBuf[3] = (byte) val; out.write(intBuf); } /** * Generates a filename prepended with the stable storage directory path. * * @param name the leaf name of the file */ private String fName(String name) { return dir.getPath() + File.separator + name; } /** * Generates a version 0 filename prepended with the stable storage * directory path * * @param name version file name */ private String versionName(String name) { return versionName(name, 0); } /** * Generates a version filename prepended with the stable storage * directory path with the version number as a suffix. * * @param name version file name * @thisversion a version number */ private String versionName(String prefix, int ver) { ver = (ver == 0) ? version : ver; return fName(prefix) + String.valueOf(ver); } /** * Increments the directory version number. */ private void incrVersion() { do { version++; } while (version==0); } /** * Delete a file. * * @param name the name of the file * @exception IOException If new version file couldn't be removed */ private void deleteFile(String name) throws IOException { File f = new File(name); if (!f.delete()) throw new IOException("couldn't remove file: " + name); } /** * Removes the new version number file. * * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void deleteNewVersionFile() throws IOException { deleteFile(fName(newVersionFile)); } /** * Removes the snapshot file. * * @param ver the version to remove * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void deleteSnapshot(int ver) throws IOException { if (ver == 0) return; deleteFile(versionName(snapshotPrefix, ver)); } /** * Removes the log file. * * @param ver the version to remove * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void deleteLogFile(int ver) throws IOException { if (ver == 0) return; deleteFile(versionName(logfilePrefix, ver)); } /** * Opens the log file in read/write mode. If file does not exist, it is * created. * * @param truncate if true and file exists, file is truncated to zero * length * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void openLogFile(boolean truncate) throws IOException { try { close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* assume this is okay */ } logName = versionName(logfilePrefix); try { log = (logClassConstructor == null ? new LogFile(logName, "rw") : logClassConstructor.newInstance(logName, "rw")); } catch (Exception e) { throw (IOException) new IOException( "unable to construct LogFile instance").initCause(e); } if (truncate) { initializeLogFile(); } } /** * Creates a new log file, truncated and initialized with the format * version number preferred by this implementation. *

Environment: inited, synchronized *

Precondition: valid: log, log contains nothing useful *

Postcondition: if successful, log is initialised with the format * version number (Preferred{Major,Minor}Version), and logBytes is * set to the resulting size of the updatelog, and logEntries is set to * zero. Otherwise, log is in an indeterminate state, and logBytes * is unchanged, and logEntries is unchanged. * * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void initializeLogFile() throws IOException { log.setLength(0); majorFormatVersion = PreferredMajorVersion; writeInt(log, PreferredMajorVersion); minorFormatVersion = PreferredMinorVersion; writeInt(log, PreferredMinorVersion); logBytes = intBytes * 2; logEntries = 0; } /** * Writes out version number to file. * * @param newVersion if true, writes to a new version file * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void writeVersionFile(boolean newVersion) throws IOException { String name; if (newVersion) { name = newVersionFile; } else { name = versionFile; } try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fName(name)); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(fos)) { writeInt(out, version); } } /** * Creates the initial version file * * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void createFirstVersion() throws IOException { version = 0; writeVersionFile(false); } /** * Commits (atomically) the new version. * * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void commitToNewVersion() throws IOException { writeVersionFile(false); deleteNewVersionFile(); } /** * Reads version number from a file. * * @param name the name of the version file * @return the version * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private int readVersion(String name) throws IOException { try (DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream (new FileInputStream(name))) { return in.readInt(); } } /** * Sets the version. If version file does not exist, the initial * version file is created. * * @exception IOException If an I/O error has occurred. */ private void getVersion() throws IOException { try { version = readVersion(fName(newVersionFile)); commitToNewVersion(); } catch (IOException e) { try { deleteNewVersionFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { } try { version = readVersion(fName(versionFile)); } catch (IOException ex) { createFirstVersion(); } } } /** * Applies outstanding updates to the snapshot. * * @param state the most recent snapshot * @exception IOException If serious log corruption is detected or * if an exception occurred during a readUpdate callback or if * other I/O error has occurred. * @return the resulting state of the object after all updates */ private Object recoverUpdates(Object state) throws IOException { logBytes = 0; logEntries = 0; if (version == 0) return state; String fname = versionName(logfilePrefix); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fname)); DataInputStream dataIn = new DataInputStream(in); if (Debug) System.err.println("log.debug: reading updates from " + fname); try { majorFormatVersion = dataIn.readInt(); logBytes += intBytes; minorFormatVersion = dataIn.readInt(); logBytes += intBytes; } catch (EOFException e) { /* This is a log which was corrupted and/or cleared (by * fsck or equivalent). This is not an error. */ openLogFile(true); // create and truncate in = null; } /* A new major version number is a catastrophe (it means * that the file format is incompatible with older * clients, and we'll only be breaking things by trying to * use the log). A new minor version is no big deal for * upward compatibility. */ if (majorFormatVersion != PreferredMajorVersion) { if (Debug) { System.err.println("log.debug: major version mismatch: " + majorFormatVersion + "." + minorFormatVersion); } throw new IOException("Log file " + logName + " has a " + "version " + majorFormatVersion + "." + minorFormatVersion + " format, and this implementation " + " understands only version " + PreferredMajorVersion + "." + PreferredMinorVersion); } try { while (in != null) { int updateLen = 0; try { updateLen = dataIn.readInt(); } catch (EOFException e) { if (Debug) System.err.println("log.debug: log was sync'd cleanly"); break; } if (updateLen <= 0) {/* crashed while writing last log entry */ if (Debug) { System.err.println( "log.debug: last update incomplete, " + "updateLen = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(updateLen)); } break; } // this is a fragile use of available() which relies on the // twin facts that BufferedInputStream correctly consults // the underlying stream, and that FileInputStream returns // the number of bytes remaining in the file (via FIONREAD). if (in.available() < updateLen) { /* corrupted record at end of log (can happen since we * do only one fsync) */ if (Debug) System.err.println("log.debug: log was truncated"); break; } if (Debug) System.err.println("log.debug: rdUpdate size " + updateLen); try { state = handler.readUpdate(new LogInputStream(in, updateLen), state); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("read update failed with " + "exception: " + e); } logBytes += (intBytes + updateLen); logEntries++; } /* while */ } finally { if (in != null) in.close(); } if (Debug) System.err.println("log.debug: recovered updates: " + logEntries); /* reopen log file at end */ openLogFile(false); // avoid accessing a null log field if (log == null) { throw new IOException("rmid's log is inaccessible, " + "it may have been corrupted or closed"); } log.seek(logBytes); log.setLength(logBytes); return state; } /** * ReliableLog's log file implementation. This implementation * is subclassable for testing purposes. */ public static class LogFile extends RandomAccessFile { private final FileDescriptor fd; /** * Constructs a LogFile and initializes the file descriptor. **/ public LogFile(String name, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { super(name, mode); this.fd = getFD(); } /** * Invokes sync on the file descriptor for this log file. */ protected void sync() throws IOException { fd.sync(); } /** * Returns true if writing 4 bytes starting at the specified file * position, would span a 512 byte sector boundary; otherwise returns * false. **/ protected boolean checkSpansBoundary(long fp) { return fp % 512 > 508; } } }