/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 - All Rights Reserved * * The original version of this source code and documentation is * copyrighted and owned by IBM. These materials are provided * under terms of a License Agreement between IBM and Sun. * This technology is protected by multiple US and International * patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not be removed. */ package sun.font; import static sun.font.EAttribute.*; import static java.lang.Math.*; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.font.GraphicAttribute; import java.awt.font.NumericShaper; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.awt.font.TransformAttribute; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.im.InputMethodHighlight; import java.io.Serializable; import java.text.Annotation; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; public final class AttributeValues implements Cloneable { private int defined; private int nondefault; private String family = "Default"; private float weight = 1f; private float width = 1f; private float posture; // 0f private float size = 12f; private float tracking; // 0f private NumericShaper numericShaping; // null private AffineTransform transform; // null == identity private GraphicAttribute charReplacement; // null private Paint foreground; // null private Paint background; // null private float justification = 1f; private Object imHighlight; // null // (can be either Attribute wrapping IMH, or IMH itself private Font font; // here for completeness, don't actually use private byte imUnderline = -1; // same default as underline private byte superscript; // 0 private byte underline = -1; // arrgh, value for ON is 0 private byte runDirection = -2; // BIDI.DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT private byte bidiEmbedding; // 0 private byte kerning; // 0 private byte ligatures; // 0 private boolean strikethrough; // false private boolean swapColors; // false private AffineTransform baselineTransform; // derived from transform private AffineTransform charTransform; // derived from transform private static final AttributeValues DEFAULT = new AttributeValues(); // type-specific API public String getFamily() { return family; } public void setFamily(String f) { this.family = f; update(EFAMILY); } public float getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(float f) { this.weight = f; update(EWEIGHT); } public float getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(float f) { this.width = f; update(EWIDTH); } public float getPosture() { return posture; } public void setPosture(float f) { this.posture = f; update(EPOSTURE); } public float getSize() { return size; } public void setSize(float f) { this.size = f; update(ESIZE); } public AffineTransform getTransform() { return transform; } public void setTransform(AffineTransform f) { this.transform = (f == null || f.isIdentity()) ? DEFAULT.transform : new AffineTransform(f); updateDerivedTransforms(); update(ETRANSFORM); } public void setTransform(TransformAttribute f) { this.transform = (f == null || f.isIdentity()) ? DEFAULT.transform : f.getTransform(); updateDerivedTransforms(); update(ETRANSFORM); } public int getSuperscript() { return superscript; } public void setSuperscript(int f) { this.superscript = (byte)f; update(ESUPERSCRIPT); } public Font getFont() { return font; } public void setFont(Font f) { this.font = f; update(EFONT); } public GraphicAttribute getCharReplacement() { return charReplacement; } public void setCharReplacement(GraphicAttribute f) { this.charReplacement = f; update(ECHAR_REPLACEMENT); } public Paint getForeground() { return foreground; } public void setForeground(Paint f) { this.foreground = f; update(EFOREGROUND); } public Paint getBackground() { return background; } public void setBackground(Paint f) { this.background = f; update(EBACKGROUND); } public int getUnderline() { return underline; } public void setUnderline(int f) { this.underline = (byte)f; update(EUNDERLINE); } public boolean getStrikethrough() { return strikethrough; } public void setStrikethrough(boolean f) { this.strikethrough = f; update(ESTRIKETHROUGH); } public int getRunDirection() { return runDirection; } public void setRunDirection(int f) { this.runDirection = (byte)f; update(ERUN_DIRECTION); } public int getBidiEmbedding() { return bidiEmbedding; } public void setBidiEmbedding(int f) { this.bidiEmbedding = (byte)f; update(EBIDI_EMBEDDING); } public float getJustification() { return justification; } public void setJustification(float f) { this.justification = f; update(EJUSTIFICATION); } public Object getInputMethodHighlight() { return imHighlight; } public void setInputMethodHighlight(Annotation f) { this.imHighlight = f; update(EINPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT); } public void setInputMethodHighlight(InputMethodHighlight f) { this.imHighlight = f; update(EINPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT); } public int getInputMethodUnderline() { return imUnderline; } public void setInputMethodUnderline(int f) { this.imUnderline = (byte)f; update(EINPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE); } public boolean getSwapColors() { return swapColors; } public void setSwapColors(boolean f) { this.swapColors = f; update(ESWAP_COLORS); } public NumericShaper getNumericShaping() { return numericShaping; } public void setNumericShaping(NumericShaper f) { this.numericShaping = f; update(ENUMERIC_SHAPING); } public int getKerning() { return kerning; } public void setKerning(int f) { this.kerning = (byte)f; update(EKERNING); } public float getTracking() { return tracking; } public void setTracking(float f) { this.tracking = (byte)f; update(ETRACKING); } public int getLigatures() { return ligatures; } public void setLigatures(int f) { this.ligatures = (byte)f; update(ELIGATURES); } public AffineTransform getBaselineTransform() { return baselineTransform; } public AffineTransform getCharTransform() { return charTransform; } // mask api public static int getMask(EAttribute att) { return att.mask; } public static int getMask(EAttribute ... atts) { int mask = 0; for (EAttribute a: atts) { mask |= a.mask; } return mask; } public static final int MASK_ALL = getMask(EAttribute.class.getEnumConstants()); public void unsetDefault() { defined &= nondefault; } public void defineAll(int mask) { defined |= mask; if ((defined & EBASELINE_TRANSFORM.mask) != 0) { throw new InternalError("can't define derived attribute"); } } public boolean allDefined(int mask) { return (defined & mask) == mask; } public boolean anyDefined(int mask) { return (defined & mask) != 0; } public boolean anyNonDefault(int mask) { return (nondefault & mask) != 0; } // generic EAttribute API public boolean isDefined(EAttribute a) { return (defined & a.mask) != 0; } public boolean isNonDefault(EAttribute a) { return (nondefault & a.mask) != 0; } public void setDefault(EAttribute a) { if (a.att == null) { throw new InternalError("can't set default derived attribute: " + a); } i_set(a, DEFAULT); defined |= a.mask; nondefault &= ~a.mask; } public void unset(EAttribute a) { if (a.att == null) { throw new InternalError("can't unset derived attribute: " + a); } i_set(a, DEFAULT); defined &= ~a.mask; nondefault &= ~a.mask; } public void set(EAttribute a, AttributeValues src) { if (a.att == null) { throw new InternalError("can't set derived attribute: " + a); } if (src == null || src == DEFAULT) { setDefault(a); } else { if ((src.defined & a.mask) != 0) { i_set(a, src); update(a); } } } public void set(EAttribute a, Object o) { if (a.att == null) { throw new InternalError("can't set derived attribute: " + a); } if (o != null) { try { i_set(a, o); update(a); return; } catch (Exception e) { } } setDefault(a); } public Object get(EAttribute a) { if (a.att == null) { throw new InternalError("can't get derived attribute: " + a); } if ((nondefault & a.mask) != 0) { return i_get(a); } return null; } // merging public AttributeValues merge(Mapmap) { return merge(map, MASK_ALL); } public AttributeValues merge(Mapmap, int mask) { if (map instanceof AttributeMap && ((AttributeMap) map).getValues() != null) { merge(((AttributeMap)map).getValues(), mask); } else if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry e: map.entrySet()) { try { EAttribute ea = EAttribute.forAttribute(e.getKey()); if (ea!= null && (mask & ea.mask) != 0) { set(ea, e.getValue()); } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { // IGNORED } } } return this; } public AttributeValues merge(AttributeValues src) { return merge(src, MASK_ALL); } public AttributeValues merge(AttributeValues src, int mask) { int m = mask & src.defined; for (EAttribute ea: EAttribute.atts) { if (m == 0) { break; } if ((m & ea.mask) != 0) { m &= ~ea.mask; i_set(ea, src); update(ea); } } return this; } // creation API public static AttributeValues fromMap(Map map) { return fromMap(map, MASK_ALL); } public static AttributeValues fromMap(Map map, int mask) { return new AttributeValues().merge(map, mask); } public Map toMap(Map fill) { if (fill == null) { fill = new HashMap(); } for (int m = defined, i = 0; m != 0; ++i) { EAttribute ea = EAttribute.atts[i]; if ((m & ea.mask) != 0) { m &= ~ea.mask; fill.put(ea.att, get(ea)); } } return fill; } // key must be serializable, so use String, not Object private static final String DEFINED_KEY = "sun.font.attributevalues.defined_key"; public static boolean is16Hashtable(Hashtable ht) { return ht.containsKey(DEFINED_KEY); } public static AttributeValues fromSerializableHashtable(Hashtable ht) { AttributeValues result = new AttributeValues(); if (ht != null && !ht.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry e: ht.entrySet()) { Object key = e.getKey(); Object val = e.getValue(); if (key.equals(DEFINED_KEY)) { result.defineAll(((Integer)val).intValue()); } else { try { EAttribute ea = EAttribute.forAttribute((Attribute)key); if (ea != null) { result.set(ea, val); } } catch (ClassCastException ex) { } } } } return result; } public Hashtable toSerializableHashtable() { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); int hashkey = defined; for (int m = defined, i = 0; m != 0; ++i) { EAttribute ea = EAttribute.atts[i]; if ((m & ea.mask) != 0) { m &= ~ea.mask; Object o = get(ea); if (o == null) { // hashkey will handle it } else if (o instanceof Serializable) { // check all... ht.put(ea.att, o); } else { hashkey &= ~ea.mask; } } } ht.put(DEFINED_KEY, Integer.valueOf(hashkey)); return ht; } // boilerplate public int hashCode() { return defined << 8 ^ nondefault; } public boolean equals(Object rhs) { try { return equals((AttributeValues)rhs); } catch (ClassCastException e) { } return false; } public boolean equals(AttributeValues rhs) { // test in order of most likely to differ and easiest to compare // also assumes we're generally calling this only if family, // size, weight, posture are the same if (rhs == null) return false; if (rhs == this) return true; return defined == rhs.defined && nondefault == rhs.nondefault && underline == rhs.underline && strikethrough == rhs.strikethrough && superscript == rhs.superscript && width == rhs.width && kerning == rhs.kerning && tracking == rhs.tracking && ligatures == rhs.ligatures && runDirection == rhs.runDirection && bidiEmbedding == rhs.bidiEmbedding && swapColors == rhs.swapColors && equals(transform, rhs.transform) && equals(foreground, rhs.foreground) && equals(background, rhs.background) && equals(numericShaping, rhs.numericShaping) && equals(justification, rhs.justification) && equals(charReplacement, rhs.charReplacement) && size == rhs.size && weight == rhs.weight && posture == rhs.posture && equals(family, rhs.family) && equals(font, rhs.font) && imUnderline == rhs.imUnderline && equals(imHighlight, rhs.imHighlight); } public AttributeValues clone() { try { AttributeValues result = (AttributeValues)super.clone(); if (transform != null) { // AffineTransform is mutable result.transform = new AffineTransform(transform); result.updateDerivedTransforms(); } // if transform is null, derived transforms are null // so there's nothing to do return result; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // never happens return null; } } public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append('{'); for (int m = defined, i = 0; m != 0; ++i) { EAttribute ea = EAttribute.atts[i]; if ((m & ea.mask) != 0) { m &= ~ea.mask; if (b.length() > 1) { b.append(", "); } b.append(ea); b.append('='); switch (ea) { case EFAMILY: b.append('"'); b.append(family); b.append('"'); break; case EWEIGHT: b.append(weight); break; case EWIDTH: b.append(width); break; case EPOSTURE: b.append(posture); break; case ESIZE: b.append(size); break; case ETRANSFORM: b.append(transform); break; case ESUPERSCRIPT: b.append(superscript); break; case EFONT: b.append(font); break; case ECHAR_REPLACEMENT: b.append(charReplacement); break; case EFOREGROUND: b.append(foreground); break; case EBACKGROUND: b.append(background); break; case EUNDERLINE: b.append(underline); break; case ESTRIKETHROUGH: b.append(strikethrough); break; case ERUN_DIRECTION: b.append(runDirection); break; case EBIDI_EMBEDDING: b.append(bidiEmbedding); break; case EJUSTIFICATION: b.append(justification); break; case EINPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT: b.append(imHighlight); break; case EINPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE: b.append(imUnderline); break; case ESWAP_COLORS: b.append(swapColors); break; case ENUMERIC_SHAPING: b.append(numericShaping); break; case EKERNING: b.append(kerning); break; case ELIGATURES: b.append(ligatures); break; case ETRACKING: b.append(tracking); break; default: throw new InternalError(); } if ((nondefault & ea.mask) == 0) { b.append('*'); } } } b.append("[btx=" + baselineTransform + ", ctx=" + charTransform + "]"); b.append('}'); return b.toString(); } // internal utilities private static boolean equals(Object lhs, Object rhs) { return lhs == null ? rhs == null : lhs.equals(rhs); } private void update(EAttribute a) { defined |= a.mask; if (i_validate(a)) { if (i_equals(a, DEFAULT)) { nondefault &= ~a.mask; } else { nondefault |= a.mask; } } else { setDefault(a); } } // dispatch private void i_set(EAttribute a, AttributeValues src) { switch (a) { case EFAMILY: family = src.family; break; case EWEIGHT: weight = src.weight; break; case EWIDTH: width = src.width; break; case EPOSTURE: posture = src.posture; break; case ESIZE: size = src.size; break; case ETRANSFORM: transform = src.transform; updateDerivedTransforms(); break; case ESUPERSCRIPT: superscript = src.superscript; break; case EFONT: font = src.font; break; case ECHAR_REPLACEMENT: charReplacement = src.charReplacement; break; case EFOREGROUND: foreground = src.foreground; break; case EBACKGROUND: background = src.background; break; case EUNDERLINE: underline = src.underline; break; case ESTRIKETHROUGH: strikethrough = src.strikethrough; break; case ERUN_DIRECTION: runDirection = src.runDirection; break; case EBIDI_EMBEDDING: bidiEmbedding = src.bidiEmbedding; break; case EJUSTIFICATION: justification = src.justification; break; case EINPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT: imHighlight = src.imHighlight; break; case EINPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE: imUnderline = src.imUnderline; break; case ESWAP_COLORS: swapColors = src.swapColors; break; case ENUMERIC_SHAPING: numericShaping = src.numericShaping; break; case EKERNING: kerning = src.kerning; break; case ELIGATURES: ligatures = src.ligatures; break; case ETRACKING: tracking = src.tracking; break; default: throw new InternalError(); } } private boolean i_equals(EAttribute a, AttributeValues src) { switch (a) { case EFAMILY: return equals(family, src.family); case EWEIGHT: return weight == src.weight; case EWIDTH: return width == src.width; case EPOSTURE: return posture == src.posture; case ESIZE: return size == src.size; case ETRANSFORM: return equals(transform, src.transform); case ESUPERSCRIPT: return superscript == src.superscript; case EFONT: return equals(font, src.font); case ECHAR_REPLACEMENT: return equals(charReplacement, src.charReplacement); case EFOREGROUND: return equals(foreground, src.foreground); case EBACKGROUND: return equals(background, src.background); case EUNDERLINE: return underline == src.underline; case ESTRIKETHROUGH: return strikethrough == src.strikethrough; case ERUN_DIRECTION: return runDirection == src.runDirection; case EBIDI_EMBEDDING: return bidiEmbedding == src.bidiEmbedding; case EJUSTIFICATION: return justification == src.justification; case EINPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT: return equals(imHighlight, src.imHighlight); case EINPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE: return imUnderline == src.imUnderline; case ESWAP_COLORS: return swapColors == src.swapColors; case ENUMERIC_SHAPING: return equals(numericShaping, src.numericShaping); case EKERNING: return kerning == src.kerning; case ELIGATURES: return ligatures == src.ligatures; case ETRACKING: return tracking == src.tracking; default: throw new InternalError(); } } private void i_set(EAttribute a, Object o) { switch (a) { case EFAMILY: family = ((String)o).trim(); break; case EWEIGHT: weight = ((Number)o).floatValue(); break; case EWIDTH: width = ((Number)o).floatValue(); break; case EPOSTURE: posture = ((Number)o).floatValue(); break; case ESIZE: size = ((Number)o).floatValue(); break; case ETRANSFORM: { if (o instanceof TransformAttribute) { TransformAttribute ta = (TransformAttribute)o; if (ta.isIdentity()) { transform = null; } else { transform = ta.getTransform(); } } else { transform = new AffineTransform((AffineTransform)o); } updateDerivedTransforms(); } break; case ESUPERSCRIPT: superscript = (byte)((Integer)o).intValue(); break; case EFONT: font = (Font)o; break; case ECHAR_REPLACEMENT: charReplacement = (GraphicAttribute)o; break; case EFOREGROUND: foreground = (Paint)o; break; case EBACKGROUND: background = (Paint)o; break; case EUNDERLINE: underline = (byte)((Integer)o).intValue(); break; case ESTRIKETHROUGH: strikethrough = ((Boolean)o).booleanValue(); break; case ERUN_DIRECTION: { if (o instanceof Boolean) { runDirection = (byte)(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR.equals(o) ? 0 : 1); } else { runDirection = (byte)((Integer)o).intValue(); } } break; case EBIDI_EMBEDDING: bidiEmbedding = (byte)((Integer)o).intValue(); break; case EJUSTIFICATION: justification = ((Number)o).floatValue(); break; case EINPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT: { if (o instanceof Annotation) { Annotation at = (Annotation)o; imHighlight = (InputMethodHighlight)at.getValue(); } else { imHighlight = (InputMethodHighlight)o; } } break; case EINPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE: imUnderline = (byte)((Integer)o).intValue(); break; case ESWAP_COLORS: swapColors = ((Boolean)o).booleanValue(); break; case ENUMERIC_SHAPING: numericShaping = (NumericShaper)o; break; case EKERNING: kerning = (byte)((Integer)o).intValue(); break; case ELIGATURES: ligatures = (byte)((Integer)o).intValue(); break; case ETRACKING: tracking = ((Number)o).floatValue(); break; default: throw new InternalError(); } } private Object i_get(EAttribute a) { switch (a) { case EFAMILY: return family; case EWEIGHT: return Float.valueOf(weight); case EWIDTH: return Float.valueOf(width); case EPOSTURE: return Float.valueOf(posture); case ESIZE: return Float.valueOf(size); case ETRANSFORM: return transform == null ? TransformAttribute.IDENTITY : new TransformAttribute(transform); case ESUPERSCRIPT: return Integer.valueOf(superscript); case EFONT: return font; case ECHAR_REPLACEMENT: return charReplacement; case EFOREGROUND: return foreground; case EBACKGROUND: return background; case EUNDERLINE: return Integer.valueOf(underline); case ESTRIKETHROUGH: return Boolean.valueOf(strikethrough); case ERUN_DIRECTION: { switch (runDirection) { // todo: figure out a way to indicate this value // case -1: return Integer.valueOf(runDirection); case 0: return TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR; case 1: return TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL; default: return null; } } // not reachable case EBIDI_EMBEDDING: return Integer.valueOf(bidiEmbedding); case EJUSTIFICATION: return Float.valueOf(justification); case EINPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT: return imHighlight; case EINPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE: return Integer.valueOf(imUnderline); case ESWAP_COLORS: return Boolean.valueOf(swapColors); case ENUMERIC_SHAPING: return numericShaping; case EKERNING: return Integer.valueOf(kerning); case ELIGATURES: return Integer.valueOf(ligatures); case ETRACKING: return Float.valueOf(tracking); default: throw new InternalError(); } } private boolean i_validate(EAttribute a) { switch (a) { case EFAMILY: if (family == null || family.length() == 0) family = DEFAULT.family; return true; case EWEIGHT: return weight > 0 && weight < 10; case EWIDTH: return width >= .5f && width < 10; case EPOSTURE: return posture >= -1 && posture <= 1; case ESIZE: return size >= 0; case ETRANSFORM: if (transform != null && transform.isIdentity()) transform = DEFAULT.transform; return true; case ESUPERSCRIPT: return superscript >= -7 && superscript <= 7; case EFONT: return true; case ECHAR_REPLACEMENT: return true; case EFOREGROUND: return true; case EBACKGROUND: return true; case EUNDERLINE: return underline >= -1 && underline < 6; case ESTRIKETHROUGH: return true; case ERUN_DIRECTION: return runDirection >= -2 && runDirection <= 1; case EBIDI_EMBEDDING: return bidiEmbedding >= -61 && bidiEmbedding < 62; case EJUSTIFICATION: justification = max(0, min (justification, 1)); return true; case EINPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT: return true; case EINPUT_METHOD_UNDERLINE: return imUnderline >= -1 && imUnderline < 6; case ESWAP_COLORS: return true; case ENUMERIC_SHAPING: return true; case EKERNING: return kerning >= 0 && kerning <= 1; case ELIGATURES: return ligatures >= 0 && ligatures <= 1; case ETRACKING: return tracking >= -1 && tracking <= 10; default: throw new InternalError("unknown attribute: " + a); } } // Until textlayout is fixed to use AttributeValues, we'll end up // creating a map from the values for it. This is a compromise between // creating the whole map and just checking a particular value. // Plan to remove these. public static float getJustification(Map map) { if (map != null) { if (map instanceof AttributeMap && ((AttributeMap) map).getValues() != null) { return ((AttributeMap)map).getValues().justification; } Object obj = map.get(TextAttribute.JUSTIFICATION); if (obj != null && obj instanceof Number) { return max(0, min(1, ((Number)obj).floatValue())); } } return DEFAULT.justification; } public static NumericShaper getNumericShaping(Map map) { if (map != null) { if (map instanceof AttributeMap && ((AttributeMap) map).getValues() != null) { return ((AttributeMap)map).getValues().numericShaping; } Object obj = map.get(TextAttribute.NUMERIC_SHAPING); if (obj != null && obj instanceof NumericShaper) { return (NumericShaper)obj; } } return DEFAULT.numericShaping; } /** * If this has an imHighlight, create copy of this with those attributes * applied to it. Otherwise return this unchanged. */ public AttributeValues applyIMHighlight() { if (imHighlight != null) { InputMethodHighlight hl = null; if (imHighlight instanceof InputMethodHighlight) { hl = (InputMethodHighlight)imHighlight; } else { hl = (InputMethodHighlight)((Annotation)imHighlight).getValue(); } Map imStyles = hl.getStyle(); if (imStyles == null) { Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); imStyles = tk.mapInputMethodHighlight(hl); } if (imStyles != null) { return clone().merge(imStyles); } } return this; } public static AffineTransform getBaselineTransform(Map map) { if (map != null) { AttributeValues av = null; if (map instanceof AttributeMap && ((AttributeMap) map).getValues() != null) { av = ((AttributeMap)map).getValues(); } else if (map.get(TextAttribute.TRANSFORM) != null) { av = AttributeValues.fromMap((Map)map); // yuck } if (av != null) { return av.baselineTransform; } } return null; } public static AffineTransform getCharTransform(Map map) { if (map != null) { AttributeValues av = null; if (map instanceof AttributeMap && ((AttributeMap) map).getValues() != null) { av = ((AttributeMap)map).getValues(); } else if (map.get(TextAttribute.TRANSFORM) != null) { av = AttributeValues.fromMap((Map)map); // yuck } if (av != null) { return av.charTransform; } } return null; } public void updateDerivedTransforms() { // this also updates the mask for the baseline transform if (transform == null) { baselineTransform = null; charTransform = null; } else { charTransform = new AffineTransform(transform); baselineTransform = extractXRotation(charTransform, true); if (charTransform.isIdentity()) { charTransform = null; } if (baselineTransform.isIdentity()) { baselineTransform = null; } } if (baselineTransform == null) { nondefault &= ~EBASELINE_TRANSFORM.mask; } else { nondefault |= EBASELINE_TRANSFORM.mask; } } public static AffineTransform extractXRotation(AffineTransform tx, boolean andTranslation) { return extractRotation(new Point2D.Double(1, 0), tx, andTranslation); } public static AffineTransform extractYRotation(AffineTransform tx, boolean andTranslation) { return extractRotation(new Point2D.Double(0, 1), tx, andTranslation); } private static AffineTransform extractRotation(Point2D.Double pt, AffineTransform tx, boolean andTranslation) { tx.deltaTransform(pt, pt); AffineTransform rtx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(pt.x, pt.y); try { AffineTransform rtxi = rtx.createInverse(); double dx = tx.getTranslateX(); double dy = tx.getTranslateY(); tx.preConcatenate(rtxi); if (andTranslation) { if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { tx.setTransform(tx.getScaleX(), tx.getShearY(), tx.getShearX(), tx.getScaleY(), 0, 0); rtx.setTransform(rtx.getScaleX(), rtx.getShearY(), rtx.getShearX(), rtx.getScaleY(), dx, dy); } } } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { return null; } return rtx; } }