/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - 1997, All Rights Reserved * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996-2003, All Rights Reserved * * The original version of this source code and documentation is * copyrighted and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary * of IBM. These materials are provided under terms of a License * Agreement between Taligent and Sun. This technology is protected * by multiple US and International patents. * * This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed. * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc. * */ package java.awt.font; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.font.NumericShaper; import java.awt.font.TextLine.TextLineMetrics; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.text.AttributedString; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import sun.font.AttributeValues; import sun.font.CoreMetrics; import sun.font.Decoration; import sun.font.FontLineMetrics; import sun.font.FontResolver; import sun.font.GraphicComponent; import sun.font.LayoutPathImpl; import sun.text.CodePointIterator; /** * * TextLayout is an immutable graphical representation of styled * character data. *

* It provides the following capabilities: *


* A TextLayout object can be rendered using * its draw method. *

* TextLayout can be constructed either directly or through * the use of a {@link LineBreakMeasurer}. When constructed directly, the * source text represents a single paragraph. LineBreakMeasurer * allows styled text to be broken into lines that fit within a particular * width. See the LineBreakMeasurer documentation for more * information. *

* TextLayout construction logically proceeds as follows: *


* All graphical information returned from a TextLayout * object's methods is relative to the origin of the * TextLayout, which is the intersection of the * TextLayout object's baseline with its left edge. Also, * coordinates passed into a TextLayout object's methods * are assumed to be relative to the TextLayout object's * origin. Clients usually need to translate between a * TextLayout object's coordinate system and the coordinate * system in another object (such as a * {@link java.awt.Graphics Graphics} object). *

* TextLayout objects are constructed from styled text, * but they do not retain a reference to their source text. Thus, * changes in the text previously used to generate a TextLayout * do not affect the TextLayout. *

* Three methods on a TextLayout object * (getNextRightHit, getNextLeftHit, and * hitTestChar) return instances of {@link TextHitInfo}. * The offsets contained in these TextHitInfo objects * are relative to the start of the TextLayout, not * to the text used to create the TextLayout. Similarly, * TextLayout methods that accept TextHitInfo * instances as parameters expect the TextHitInfo object's * offsets to be relative to the TextLayout, not to any * underlying text storage model. *

* Examples:

* Constructing and drawing a TextLayout and its bounding * rectangle: *

 *   Graphics2D g = ...;
 *   Point2D loc = ...;
 *   Font font = Font.getFont("Helvetica-bold-italic");
 *   FontRenderContext frc = g.getFontRenderContext();
 *   TextLayout layout = new TextLayout("This is a string", font, frc);
 *   layout.draw(g, (float)loc.getX(), (float)loc.getY());
 *   Rectangle2D bounds = layout.getBounds();
 *   bounds.setRect(bounds.getX()+loc.getX(),
 *                  bounds.getY()+loc.getY(),
 *                  bounds.getWidth(),
 *                  bounds.getHeight());
 *   g.draw(bounds);

* Hit-testing a TextLayout (determining which character is at * a particular graphical location): *

 *   Point2D click = ...;
 *   TextHitInfo hit = layout.hitTestChar(
 *                         (float) (click.getX() - loc.getX()),
 *                         (float) (click.getY() - loc.getY()));

* Responding to a right-arrow key press: *

 *   int insertionIndex = ...;
 *   TextHitInfo next = layout.getNextRightHit(insertionIndex);
 *   if (next != null) {
 *       // translate graphics to origin of layout on screen
 *       g.translate(loc.getX(), loc.getY());
 *       Shape[] carets = layout.getCaretShapes(next.getInsertionIndex());
 *       g.draw(carets[0]);
 *       if (carets[1] != null) {
 *           g.draw(carets[1]);
 *       }
 *   }

* Drawing a selection range corresponding to a substring in the source text. * The selected area may not be visually contiguous: *

 *   // selStart, selLimit should be relative to the layout,
 *   // not to the source text
 *   int selStart = ..., selLimit = ...;
 *   Color selectionColor = ...;
 *   Shape selection = layout.getLogicalHighlightShape(selStart, selLimit);
 *   // selection may consist of disjoint areas
 *   // graphics is assumed to be tranlated to origin of layout
 *   g.setColor(selectionColor);
 *   g.fill(selection);

* Drawing a visually contiguous selection range. The selection range may * correspond to more than one substring in the source text. The ranges of * the corresponding source text substrings can be obtained with * getLogicalRangesForVisualSelection(): *

 *   TextHitInfo selStart = ..., selLimit = ...;
 *   Shape selection = layout.getVisualHighlightShape(selStart, selLimit);
 *   g.setColor(selectionColor);
 *   g.fill(selection);
 *   int[] ranges = getLogicalRangesForVisualSelection(selStart, selLimit);
 *   // ranges[0], ranges[1] is the first selection range,
 *   // ranges[2], ranges[3] is the second selection range, etc.

* Note: Font rotations can cause text baselines to be rotated, and * multiple runs with different rotations can cause the baseline to * bend or zig-zag. In order to account for this (rare) possibility, * some APIs are specified to return metrics and take parameters 'in * baseline-relative coordinates' (e.g. ascent, advance), and others * are in 'in standard coordinates' (e.g. getBounds). Values in * baseline-relative coordinates map the 'x' coordinate to the * distance along the baseline, (positive x is forward along the * baseline), and the 'y' coordinate to a distance along the * perpendicular to the baseline at 'x' (postitive y is 90 degrees * clockwise from the baseline vector). Values in standard * coordinates are measured along the x and y axes, with 0,0 at the * origin of the TextLayout. Documentation for each relevant API * indicates what values are in what coordinate system. In general, * measurement-related APIs are in baseline-relative coordinates, * while display-related APIs are in standard coordinates. * * @see LineBreakMeasurer * @see TextAttribute * @see TextHitInfo * @see LayoutPath */ public final class TextLayout implements Cloneable { private int characterCount; private boolean isVerticalLine = false; private byte baseline; private float[] baselineOffsets; // why have these ? private TextLine textLine; // cached values computed from GlyphSets and set info: // all are recomputed from scratch in buildCache() private TextLine.TextLineMetrics lineMetrics = null; private float visibleAdvance; private int hashCodeCache; /* * TextLayouts are supposedly immutable. If you mutate a TextLayout under * the covers (like the justification code does) you'll need to set this * back to false. Could be replaced with textLine != null <--> cacheIsValid. */ private boolean cacheIsValid = false; // This value is obtained from an attribute, and constrained to the // interval [0,1]. If 0, the layout cannot be justified. private float justifyRatio; // If a layout is produced by justification, then that layout // cannot be justified. To enforce this constraint the // justifyRatio of the justified layout is set to this value. private static final float ALREADY_JUSTIFIED = -53.9f; // dx and dy specify the distance between the TextLayout's origin // and the origin of the leftmost GlyphSet (TextLayoutComponent, // actually). They were used for hanging punctuation support, // which is no longer implemented. Currently they are both always 0, // and TextLayout is not guaranteed to work with non-zero dx, dy // values right now. They were left in as an aide and reminder to // anyone who implements hanging punctuation or other similar stuff. // They are static now so they don't take up space in TextLayout // instances. private static float dx; private static float dy; /* * Natural bounds is used internally. It is built on demand in * getNaturalBounds. */ private Rectangle2D naturalBounds = null; /* * boundsRect encloses all of the bits this TextLayout can draw. It * is build on demand in getBounds. */ private Rectangle2D boundsRect = null; /* * flag to supress/allow carets inside of ligatures when hit testing or * arrow-keying */ private boolean caretsInLigaturesAreAllowed = false; /** * Defines a policy for determining the strong caret location. * This class contains one method, getStrongCaret, which * is used to specify the policy that determines the strong caret in * dual-caret text. The strong caret is used to move the caret to the * left or right. Instances of this class can be passed to * getCaretShapes, getNextLeftHit and * getNextRightHit to customize strong caret * selection. *

* To specify alternate caret policies, subclass CaretPolicy * and override getStrongCaret. getStrongCaret * should inspect the two TextHitInfo arguments and choose * one of them as the strong caret. *

* Most clients do not need to use this class. */ public static class CaretPolicy { /** * Constructs a CaretPolicy. */ public CaretPolicy() { } /** * Chooses one of the specified TextHitInfo instances as * a strong caret in the specified TextLayout. * @param hit1 a valid hit in layout * @param hit2 a valid hit in layout * @param layout the TextLayout in which * hit1 and hit2 are used * @return hit1 or hit2 * (or an equivalent TextHitInfo), indicating the * strong caret. */ public TextHitInfo getStrongCaret(TextHitInfo hit1, TextHitInfo hit2, TextLayout layout) { // default implmentation just calls private method on layout return layout.getStrongHit(hit1, hit2); } } /** * This CaretPolicy is used when a policy is not specified * by the client. With this policy, a hit on a character whose direction * is the same as the line direction is stronger than a hit on a * counterdirectional character. If the characters' directions are * the same, a hit on the leading edge of a character is stronger * than a hit on the trailing edge of a character. */ public static final CaretPolicy DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY = new CaretPolicy(); /** * Constructs a TextLayout from a String * and a {@link Font}. All the text is styled using the specified * Font. *

* The String must specify a single paragraph of text, * because an entire paragraph is required for the bidirectional * algorithm. * @param string the text to display * @param font a Font used to style the text * @param frc contains information about a graphics device which is needed * to measure the text correctly. * Text measurements can vary slightly depending on the * device resolution, and attributes such as antialiasing. This * parameter does not specify a translation between the * TextLayout and user space. */ public TextLayout(String string, Font font, FontRenderContext frc) { if (font == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null font passed to TextLayout constructor."); } if (string == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null string passed to TextLayout constructor."); } if (string.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero length string passed to TextLayout constructor."); } Map attributes = null; if (font.hasLayoutAttributes()) { attributes = font.getAttributes(); } char[] text = string.toCharArray(); if (sameBaselineUpTo(font, text, 0, text.length) == text.length) { fastInit(text, font, attributes, frc); } else { AttributedString as = attributes == null ? new AttributedString(string) : new AttributedString(string, attributes); as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, font); standardInit(as.getIterator(), text, frc); } } /** * Constructs a TextLayout from a String * and an attribute set. *

* All the text is styled using the provided attributes. *

* string must specify a single paragraph of text because an * entire paragraph is required for the bidirectional algorithm. * @param string the text to display * @param attributes the attributes used to style the text * @param frc contains information about a graphics device which is needed * to measure the text correctly. * Text measurements can vary slightly depending on the * device resolution, and attributes such as antialiasing. This * parameter does not specify a translation between the * TextLayout and user space. */ public TextLayout(String string, Map attributes, FontRenderContext frc) { if (string == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null string passed to TextLayout constructor."); } if (attributes == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null map passed to TextLayout constructor."); } if (string.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero length string passed to TextLayout constructor."); } char[] text = string.toCharArray(); Font font = singleFont(text, 0, text.length, attributes); if (font != null) { fastInit(text, font, attributes, frc); } else { AttributedString as = new AttributedString(string, attributes); standardInit(as.getIterator(), text, frc); } } /* * Determines a font for the attributes, and if a single font can render * all the text on one baseline, return it, otherwise null. If the * attributes specify a font, assume it can display all the text without * checking. * If the AttributeSet contains an embedded graphic, return null. */ private static Font singleFont(char[] text, int start, int limit, Map attributes) { if (attributes.get(TextAttribute.CHAR_REPLACEMENT) != null) { return null; } Font font = null; try { font = (Font)attributes.get(TextAttribute.FONT); } catch (ClassCastException e) { } if (font == null) { if (attributes.get(TextAttribute.FAMILY) != null) { font = Font.getFont(attributes); if (font.canDisplayUpTo(text, start, limit) != -1) { return null; } } else { FontResolver resolver = FontResolver.getInstance(); CodePointIterator iter = CodePointIterator.create(text, start, limit); int fontIndex = resolver.nextFontRunIndex(iter); if (iter.charIndex() == limit) { font = resolver.getFont(fontIndex, attributes); } } } if (sameBaselineUpTo(font, text, start, limit) != limit) { return null; } return font; } /** * Constructs a TextLayout from an iterator over styled text. *

* The iterator must specify a single paragraph of text because an * entire paragraph is required for the bidirectional * algorithm. * @param text the styled text to display * @param frc contains information about a graphics device which is needed * to measure the text correctly. * Text measurements can vary slightly depending on the * device resolution, and attributes such as antialiasing. This * parameter does not specify a translation between the * TextLayout and user space. */ public TextLayout(AttributedCharacterIterator text, FontRenderContext frc) { if (text == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null iterator passed to TextLayout constructor."); } int start = text.getBeginIndex(); int limit = text.getEndIndex(); if (start == limit) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero length iterator passed to TextLayout constructor."); } int len = limit - start; text.first(); char[] chars = new char[len]; int n = 0; for (char c = text.first(); c != text.DONE; c = text.next()) { chars[n++] = c; } text.first(); if (text.getRunLimit() == limit) { Map attributes = text.getAttributes(); Font font = singleFont(chars, 0, len, attributes); if (font != null) { fastInit(chars, font, attributes, frc); return; } } standardInit(text, chars, frc); } /** * Creates a TextLayout from a {@link TextLine} and * some paragraph data. This method is used by {@link TextMeasurer}. * @param textLine the line measurement attributes to apply to the * the resulting TextLayout * @param baseline the baseline of the text * @param baselineOffsets the baseline offsets for this * TextLayout. This should already be normalized to * baseline * @param justifyRatio 0 if the TextLayout * cannot be justified; 1 otherwise. */ TextLayout(TextLine textLine, byte baseline, float[] baselineOffsets, float justifyRatio) { this.characterCount = textLine.characterCount(); this.baseline = baseline; this.baselineOffsets = baselineOffsets; this.textLine = textLine; this.justifyRatio = justifyRatio; } /** * Initialize the paragraph-specific data. */ private void paragraphInit(byte aBaseline, CoreMetrics lm, Map paragraphAttrs, char[] text) { baseline = aBaseline; // normalize to current baseline baselineOffsets = TextLine.getNormalizedOffsets(lm.baselineOffsets, baseline); justifyRatio = AttributeValues.getJustification(paragraphAttrs); NumericShaper shaper = AttributeValues.getNumericShaping(paragraphAttrs); if (shaper != null) { shaper.shape(text, 0, text.length); } } /* * the fast init generates a single glyph set. This requires: * all one style * all renderable by one font (ie no embedded graphics) * all on one baseline */ private void fastInit(char[] chars, Font font, Map attrs, FontRenderContext frc) { // Object vf = attrs.get(TextAttribute.ORIENTATION); // isVerticalLine = TextAttribute.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL.equals(vf); isVerticalLine = false; LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics(chars, 0, chars.length, frc); CoreMetrics cm = CoreMetrics.get(lm); byte glyphBaseline = (byte) cm.baselineIndex; if (attrs == null) { baseline = glyphBaseline; baselineOffsets = cm.baselineOffsets; justifyRatio = 1.0f; } else { paragraphInit(glyphBaseline, cm, attrs, chars); } characterCount = chars.length; textLine = TextLine.fastCreateTextLine(frc, chars, font, cm, attrs); } /* * the standard init generates multiple glyph sets based on style, * renderable, and baseline runs. * @param chars the text in the iterator, extracted into a char array */ private void standardInit(AttributedCharacterIterator text, char[] chars, FontRenderContext frc) { characterCount = chars.length; // set paragraph attributes { // If there's an embedded graphic at the start of the // paragraph, look for the first non-graphic character // and use it and its font to initialize the paragraph. // If not, use the first graphic to initialize. Map paragraphAttrs = text.getAttributes(); boolean haveFont = TextLine.advanceToFirstFont(text); if (haveFont) { Font defaultFont = TextLine.getFontAtCurrentPos(text); int charsStart = text.getIndex() - text.getBeginIndex(); LineMetrics lm = defaultFont.getLineMetrics(chars, charsStart, charsStart+1, frc); CoreMetrics cm = CoreMetrics.get(lm); paragraphInit((byte)cm.baselineIndex, cm, paragraphAttrs, chars); } else { // hmmm what to do here? Just try to supply reasonable // values I guess. GraphicAttribute graphic = (GraphicAttribute) paragraphAttrs.get(TextAttribute.CHAR_REPLACEMENT); byte defaultBaseline = getBaselineFromGraphic(graphic); CoreMetrics cm = GraphicComponent.createCoreMetrics(graphic); paragraphInit(defaultBaseline, cm, paragraphAttrs, chars); } } textLine = TextLine.standardCreateTextLine(frc, text, chars, baselineOffsets); } /* * A utility to rebuild the ascent/descent/leading/advance cache. * You'll need to call this if you clone and mutate (like justification, * editing methods do) */ private void ensureCache() { if (!cacheIsValid) { buildCache(); } } private void buildCache() { lineMetrics = textLine.getMetrics(); // compute visibleAdvance if (textLine.isDirectionLTR()) { int lastNonSpace = characterCount-1; while (lastNonSpace != -1) { int logIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(lastNonSpace); if (!textLine.isCharSpace(logIndex)) { break; } else { --lastNonSpace; } } if (lastNonSpace == characterCount-1) { visibleAdvance = lineMetrics.advance; } else if (lastNonSpace == -1) { visibleAdvance = 0; } else { int logIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(lastNonSpace); visibleAdvance = textLine.getCharLinePosition(logIndex) + textLine.getCharAdvance(logIndex); } } else { int leftmostNonSpace = 0; while (leftmostNonSpace != characterCount) { int logIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(leftmostNonSpace); if (!textLine.isCharSpace(logIndex)) { break; } else { ++leftmostNonSpace; } } if (leftmostNonSpace == characterCount) { visibleAdvance = 0; } else if (leftmostNonSpace == 0) { visibleAdvance = lineMetrics.advance; } else { int logIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(leftmostNonSpace); float pos = textLine.getCharLinePosition(logIndex); visibleAdvance = lineMetrics.advance - pos; } } // naturalBounds, boundsRect will be generated on demand naturalBounds = null; boundsRect = null; // hashCode will be regenerated on demand hashCodeCache = 0; cacheIsValid = true; } /** * The 'natural bounds' encloses all the carets the layout can draw. * */ private Rectangle2D getNaturalBounds() { ensureCache(); if (naturalBounds == null) { naturalBounds = textLine.getItalicBounds(); } return naturalBounds; } /** * Creates a copy of this TextLayout. */ protected Object clone() { /* * !!! I think this is safe. Once created, nothing mutates the * glyphvectors or arrays. But we need to make sure. * {jbr} actually, that's not quite true. The justification code * mutates after cloning. It doesn't actually change the glyphvectors * (that's impossible) but it replaces them with justified sets. This * is a problem for GlyphIterator creation, since new GlyphIterators * are created by cloning a prototype. If the prototype has outdated * glyphvectors, so will the new ones. A partial solution is to set the * prototypical GlyphIterator to null when the glyphvectors change. If * you forget this one time, you're hosed. */ try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new InternalError(); } } /* * Utility to throw an expection if an invalid TextHitInfo is passed * as a parameter. Avoids code duplication. */ private void checkTextHit(TextHitInfo hit) { if (hit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TextHitInfo is null."); } if (hit.getInsertionIndex() < 0 || hit.getInsertionIndex() > characterCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TextHitInfo is out of range"); } } /** * Creates a copy of this TextLayout justified to the * specified width. *

* If this TextLayout has already been justified, an * exception is thrown. If this TextLayout object's * justification ratio is zero, a TextLayout identical * to this TextLayout is returned. * @param justificationWidth the width to use when justifying the line. * For best results, it should not be too different from the current * advance of the line. * @return a TextLayout justified to the specified width. * @exception Error if this layout has already been justified, an Error is * thrown. */ public TextLayout getJustifiedLayout(float justificationWidth) { if (justificationWidth <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("justificationWidth <= 0 passed to TextLayout.getJustifiedLayout()"); } if (justifyRatio == ALREADY_JUSTIFIED) { throw new Error("Can't justify again."); } ensureCache(); // make sure textLine is not null // default justification range to exclude trailing logical whitespace int limit = characterCount; while (limit > 0 && textLine.isCharWhitespace(limit-1)) { --limit; } TextLine newLine = textLine.getJustifiedLine(justificationWidth, justifyRatio, 0, limit); if (newLine != null) { return new TextLayout(newLine, baseline, baselineOffsets, ALREADY_JUSTIFIED); } return this; } /** * Justify this layout. Overridden by subclassers to control justification * (if there were subclassers, that is...) * * The layout will only justify if the paragraph attributes (from the * source text, possibly defaulted by the layout attributes) indicate a * non-zero justification ratio. The text will be justified to the * indicated width. The current implementation also adjusts hanging * punctuation and trailing whitespace to overhang the justification width. * Once justified, the layout may not be rejustified. *

* Some code may rely on immutablity of layouts. Subclassers should not * call this directly, but instead should call getJustifiedLayout, which * will call this method on a clone of this layout, preserving * the original. * * @param justificationWidth the width to use when justifying the line. * For best results, it should not be too different from the current * advance of the line. * @see #getJustifiedLayout(float) */ protected void handleJustify(float justificationWidth) { // never called } /** * Returns the baseline for this TextLayout. * The baseline is one of the values defined in Font, * which are roman, centered and hanging. Ascent and descent are * relative to this baseline. The baselineOffsets * are also relative to this baseline. * @return the baseline of this TextLayout. * @see #getBaselineOffsets() * @see Font */ public byte getBaseline() { return baseline; } /** * Returns the offsets array for the baselines used for this * TextLayout. *

* The array is indexed by one of the values defined in * Font, which are roman, centered and hanging. The * values are relative to this TextLayout object's * baseline, so that getBaselineOffsets[getBaseline()] == 0. * Offsets are added to the position of the TextLayout * object's baseline to get the position for the new baseline. * @return the offsets array containing the baselines used for this * TextLayout. * @see #getBaseline() * @see Font */ public float[] getBaselineOffsets() { float[] offsets = new float[baselineOffsets.length]; System.arraycopy(baselineOffsets, 0, offsets, 0, offsets.length); return offsets; } /** * Returns the advance of this TextLayout. * The advance is the distance from the origin to the advance of the * rightmost (bottommost) character. This is in baseline-relative * coordinates. * @return the advance of this TextLayout. */ public float getAdvance() { ensureCache(); return lineMetrics.advance; } /** * Returns the advance of this TextLayout, minus trailing * whitespace. This is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @return the advance of this TextLayout without the * trailing whitespace. * @see #getAdvance() */ public float getVisibleAdvance() { ensureCache(); return visibleAdvance; } /** * Returns the ascent of this TextLayout. * The ascent is the distance from the top (right) of the * TextLayout to the baseline. It is always either * positive or zero. The ascent is sufficient to * accomodate superscripted text and is the maximum of the sum of the * ascent, offset, and baseline of each glyph. The ascent is * the maximum ascent from the baseline of all the text in the * TextLayout. It is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @return the ascent of this TextLayout. */ public float getAscent() { ensureCache(); return lineMetrics.ascent; } /** * Returns the descent of this TextLayout. * The descent is the distance from the baseline to the bottom (left) of * the TextLayout. It is always either positive or zero. * The descent is sufficient to accomodate subscripted text and is the * maximum of the sum of the descent, offset, and baseline of each glyph. * This is the maximum descent from the baseline of all the text in * the TextLayout. It is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @return the descent of this TextLayout. */ public float getDescent() { ensureCache(); return lineMetrics.descent; } /** * Returns the leading of the TextLayout. * The leading is the suggested interline spacing for this * TextLayout. This is in baseline-relative * coordinates. *

* The leading is computed from the leading, descent, and baseline * of all glyphvectors in the TextLayout. The algorithm * is roughly as follows: *

     * maxD = 0;
     * maxDL = 0;
     * for (GlyphVector g in all glyphvectors) {
     *    maxD = max(maxD, g.getDescent() + offsets[g.getBaseline()]);
     *    maxDL = max(maxDL, g.getDescent() + g.getLeading() +
     *                       offsets[g.getBaseline()]);
     * }
     * return maxDL - maxD;
* @return the leading of this TextLayout. */ public float getLeading() { ensureCache(); return lineMetrics.leading; } /** * Returns the bounds of this TextLayout. * The bounds are in standard coordinates. *

Due to rasterization effects, this bounds might not enclose all of the * pixels rendered by the TextLayout.

* It might not coincide exactly with the ascent, descent, * origin or advance of the TextLayout. * @return a {@link Rectangle2D} that is the bounds of this * TextLayout. */ public Rectangle2D getBounds() { ensureCache(); if (boundsRect == null) { Rectangle2D vb = textLine.getVisualBounds(); if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { vb.setRect(vb.getX() - dx, vb.getY() - dy, vb.getWidth(), vb.getHeight()); } boundsRect = vb; } Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Float(); bounds.setRect(boundsRect); return bounds; } /** * Returns the pixel bounds of this TextLayout when * rendered in a graphics with the given * FontRenderContext at the given location. The * graphics render context need not be the same as the * FontRenderContext used to create this * TextLayout, and can be null. If it is null, the * FontRenderContext of this TextLayout * is used. * @param frc the FontRenderContext of the Graphics. * @param x the x-coordinate at which to render this TextLayout. * @param y the y-coordinate at which to render this TextLayout. * @return a Rectangle bounding the pixels that would be affected. * @see GlyphVector#getPixelBounds * @since 1.6 */ public Rectangle getPixelBounds(FontRenderContext frc, float x, float y) { return textLine.getPixelBounds(frc, x, y); } /** * Returns true if this TextLayout has * a left-to-right base direction or false if it has * a right-to-left base direction. The TextLayout * has a base direction of either left-to-right (LTR) or * right-to-left (RTL). The base direction is independent of the * actual direction of text on the line, which may be either LTR, * RTL, or mixed. Left-to-right layouts by default should position * flush left. If the layout is on a tabbed line, the * tabs run left to right, so that logically successive layouts position * left to right. The opposite is true for RTL layouts. By default they * should position flush left, and tabs run right-to-left. * @return true if the base direction of this * TextLayout is left-to-right; false * otherwise. */ public boolean isLeftToRight() { return textLine.isDirectionLTR(); } /** * Returns true if this TextLayout is vertical. * @return true if this TextLayout is vertical; * false otherwise. */ public boolean isVertical() { return isVerticalLine; } /** * Returns the number of characters represented by this * TextLayout. * @return the number of characters in this TextLayout. */ public int getCharacterCount() { return characterCount; } /* * carets and hit testing * * Positions on a text line are represented by instances of TextHitInfo. * Any TextHitInfo with characterOffset between 0 and characterCount-1, * inclusive, represents a valid position on the line. Additionally, * [-1, trailing] and [characterCount, leading] are valid positions, and * represent positions at the logical start and end of the line, * respectively. * * The characterOffsets in TextHitInfo's used and returned by TextLayout * are relative to the beginning of the text layout, not necessarily to * the beginning of the text storage the client is using. * * * Every valid TextHitInfo has either one or two carets associated with it. * A caret is a visual location in the TextLayout indicating where text at * the TextHitInfo will be displayed on screen. If a TextHitInfo * represents a location on a directional boundary, then there are two * possible visible positions for newly inserted text. Consider the * following example, in which capital letters indicate right-to-left text, * and the overall line direction is left-to-right: * * Text Storage: [ a, b, C, D, E, f ] * Display: a b E D C f * * The text hit info (1, t) represents the trailing side of 'b'. If 'q', * a left-to-right character is inserted into the text storage at this * location, it will be displayed between the 'b' and the 'E': * * Text Storage: [ a, b, q, C, D, E, f ] * Display: a b q E D C f * * However, if a 'W', which is right-to-left, is inserted into the storage * after 'b', the storage and display will be: * * Text Storage: [ a, b, W, C, D, E, f ] * Display: a b E D C W f * * So, for the original text storage, two carets should be displayed for * location (1, t): one visually between 'b' and 'E' and one visually * between 'C' and 'f'. * * * When two carets are displayed for a TextHitInfo, one caret is the * 'strong' caret and the other is the 'weak' caret. The strong caret * indicates where an inserted character will be displayed when that * character's direction is the same as the direction of the TextLayout. * The weak caret shows where an character inserted character will be * displayed when the character's direction is opposite that of the * TextLayout. * * * Clients should not be overly concerned with the details of correct * caret display. TextLayout.getCaretShapes(TextHitInfo) will return an * array of two paths representing where carets should be displayed. * The first path in the array is the strong caret; the second element, * if non-null, is the weak caret. If the second element is null, * then there is no weak caret for the given TextHitInfo. * * * Since text can be visually reordered, logically consecutive * TextHitInfo's may not be visually consecutive. One implication of this * is that a client cannot tell from inspecting a TextHitInfo whether the * hit represents the first (or last) caret in the layout. Clients * can call getVisualOtherHit(); if the visual companion is * (-1, TRAILING) or (characterCount, LEADING), then the hit is at the * first (last) caret position in the layout. */ private float[] getCaretInfo(int caret, Rectangle2D bounds, float[] info) { float top1X, top2X; float bottom1X, bottom2X; if (caret == 0 || caret == characterCount) { float pos; int logIndex; if (caret == characterCount) { logIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(characterCount-1); pos = textLine.getCharLinePosition(logIndex) + textLine.getCharAdvance(logIndex); } else { logIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(caret); pos = textLine.getCharLinePosition(logIndex); } float angle = textLine.getCharAngle(logIndex); float shift = textLine.getCharShift(logIndex); pos += angle * shift; top1X = top2X = pos + angle*textLine.getCharAscent(logIndex); bottom1X = bottom2X = pos - angle*textLine.getCharDescent(logIndex); } else { { int logIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(caret-1); float angle1 = textLine.getCharAngle(logIndex); float pos1 = textLine.getCharLinePosition(logIndex) + textLine.getCharAdvance(logIndex); if (angle1 != 0) { pos1 += angle1 * textLine.getCharShift(logIndex); top1X = pos1 + angle1*textLine.getCharAscent(logIndex); bottom1X = pos1 - angle1*textLine.getCharDescent(logIndex); } else { top1X = bottom1X = pos1; } } { int logIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(caret); float angle2 = textLine.getCharAngle(logIndex); float pos2 = textLine.getCharLinePosition(logIndex); if (angle2 != 0) { pos2 += angle2*textLine.getCharShift(logIndex); top2X = pos2 + angle2*textLine.getCharAscent(logIndex); bottom2X = pos2 - angle2*textLine.getCharDescent(logIndex); } else { top2X = bottom2X = pos2; } } } float topX = (top1X + top2X) / 2; float bottomX = (bottom1X + bottom2X) / 2; if (info == null) { info = new float[2]; } if (isVerticalLine) { info[1] = (float) ((topX - bottomX) / bounds.getWidth()); info[0] = (float) (topX + (info[1]*bounds.getX())); } else { info[1] = (float) ((topX - bottomX) / bounds.getHeight()); info[0] = (float) (bottomX + (info[1]*bounds.getMaxY())); } return info; } /** * Returns information about the caret corresponding to hit. * The first element of the array is the intersection of the caret with * the baseline, as a distance along the baseline. The second element * of the array is the inverse slope (run/rise) of the caret, measured * with respect to the baseline at that point. *

* This method is meant for informational use. To display carets, it * is better to use getCaretShapes. * @param hit a hit on a character in this TextLayout * @param bounds the bounds to which the caret info is constructed. * The bounds is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @return a two-element array containing the position and slope of * the caret. The returned caret info is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @see #getCaretShapes(int, Rectangle2D, TextLayout.CaretPolicy) * @see Font#getItalicAngle */ public float[] getCaretInfo(TextHitInfo hit, Rectangle2D bounds) { ensureCache(); checkTextHit(hit); return getCaretInfoTestInternal(hit, bounds); } // this version provides extra info in the float array // the first two values are as above // the next four values are the endpoints of the caret, as computed // using the hit character's offset (baseline + ssoffset) and // natural ascent and descent. // these values are trimmed to the bounds where required to fit, // but otherwise independent of it. private float[] getCaretInfoTestInternal(TextHitInfo hit, Rectangle2D bounds) { ensureCache(); checkTextHit(hit); float[] info = new float[6]; // get old data first getCaretInfo(hitToCaret(hit), bounds, info); // then add our new data double iangle, ixbase, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y; int charix = hit.getCharIndex(); boolean lead = hit.isLeadingEdge(); boolean ltr = textLine.isDirectionLTR(); boolean horiz = !isVertical(); if (charix == -1 || charix == characterCount) { // !!! note: want non-shifted, baseline ascent and descent here! // TextLine should return appropriate line metrics object for these values TextLineMetrics m = textLine.getMetrics(); boolean low = ltr == (charix == -1); iangle = 0; if (horiz) { p1x = p2x = low ? 0 : m.advance; p1y = -m.ascent; p2y = m.descent; } else { p1y = p2y = low ? 0 : m.advance; p1x = m.descent; p2x = m.ascent; } } else { CoreMetrics thiscm = textLine.getCoreMetricsAt(charix); iangle = thiscm.italicAngle; ixbase = textLine.getCharLinePosition(charix, lead); if (thiscm.baselineIndex < 0) { // this is a graphic, no italics, use entire line height for caret TextLineMetrics m = textLine.getMetrics(); if (horiz) { p1x = p2x = ixbase; if (thiscm.baselineIndex == GraphicAttribute.TOP_ALIGNMENT) { p1y = -m.ascent; p2y = p1y + thiscm.height; } else { p2y = m.descent; p1y = p2y - thiscm.height; } } else { p1y = p2y = ixbase; p1x = m.descent; p2x = m.ascent; // !!! top/bottom adjustment not implemented for vertical } } else { float bo = baselineOffsets[thiscm.baselineIndex]; if (horiz) { ixbase += iangle * thiscm.ssOffset; p1x = ixbase + iangle * thiscm.ascent; p2x = ixbase - iangle * thiscm.descent; p1y = bo - thiscm.ascent; p2y = bo + thiscm.descent; } else { ixbase -= iangle * thiscm.ssOffset; p1y = ixbase + iangle * thiscm.ascent; p2y = ixbase - iangle * thiscm.descent; p1x = bo + thiscm.ascent; p2x = bo + thiscm.descent; } } } info[2] = (float)p1x; info[3] = (float)p1y; info[4] = (float)p2x; info[5] = (float)p2y; return info; } /** * Returns information about the caret corresponding to hit. * This method is a convenience overload of getCaretInfo and * uses the natural bounds of this TextLayout. * @param hit a hit on a character in this TextLayout * @return the information about a caret corresponding to a hit. The * returned caret info is in baseline-relative coordinates. */ public float[] getCaretInfo(TextHitInfo hit) { return getCaretInfo(hit, getNaturalBounds()); } /** * Returns a caret index corresponding to hit. * Carets are numbered from left to right (top to bottom) starting from * zero. This always places carets next to the character hit, on the * indicated side of the character. * @param hit a hit on a character in this TextLayout * @return a caret index corresponding to the specified hit. */ private int hitToCaret(TextHitInfo hit) { int hitIndex = hit.getCharIndex(); if (hitIndex < 0) { return textLine.isDirectionLTR() ? 0 : characterCount; } else if (hitIndex >= characterCount) { return textLine.isDirectionLTR() ? characterCount : 0; } int visIndex = textLine.logicalToVisual(hitIndex); if (hit.isLeadingEdge() != textLine.isCharLTR(hitIndex)) { ++visIndex; } return visIndex; } /** * Given a caret index, return a hit whose caret is at the index. * The hit is NOT guaranteed to be strong!!! * * @param caret a caret index. * @return a hit on this layout whose strong caret is at the requested * index. */ private TextHitInfo caretToHit(int caret) { if (caret == 0 || caret == characterCount) { if ((caret == characterCount) == textLine.isDirectionLTR()) { return TextHitInfo.leading(characterCount); } else { return TextHitInfo.trailing(-1); } } else { int charIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(caret); boolean leading = textLine.isCharLTR(charIndex); return leading? TextHitInfo.leading(charIndex) : TextHitInfo.trailing(charIndex); } } private boolean caretIsValid(int caret) { if (caret == characterCount || caret == 0) { return true; } int offset = textLine.visualToLogical(caret); if (!textLine.isCharLTR(offset)) { offset = textLine.visualToLogical(caret-1); if (textLine.isCharLTR(offset)) { return true; } } // At this point, the leading edge of the character // at offset is at the given caret. return textLine.caretAtOffsetIsValid(offset); } /** * Returns the hit for the next caret to the right (bottom); if there * is no such hit, returns null. * If the hit character index is out of bounds, an * {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * @param hit a hit on a character in this layout * @return a hit whose caret appears at the next position to the * right (bottom) of the caret of the provided hit or null. */ public TextHitInfo getNextRightHit(TextHitInfo hit) { ensureCache(); checkTextHit(hit); int caret = hitToCaret(hit); if (caret == characterCount) { return null; } do { ++caret; } while (!caretIsValid(caret)); return caretToHit(caret); } /** * Returns the hit for the next caret to the right (bottom); if no * such hit, returns null. The hit is to the right of * the strong caret at the specified offset, as determined by the * specified policy. * The returned hit is the stronger of the two possible * hits, as determined by the specified policy. * @param offset an insertion offset in this TextLayout. * Cannot be less than 0 or greater than this TextLayout * object's character count. * @param policy the policy used to select the strong caret * @return a hit whose caret appears at the next position to the * right (bottom) of the caret of the provided hit, or null. */ public TextHitInfo getNextRightHit(int offset, CaretPolicy policy) { if (offset < 0 || offset > characterCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset out of bounds in TextLayout.getNextRightHit()"); } if (policy == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null CaretPolicy passed to TextLayout.getNextRightHit()"); } TextHitInfo hit1 = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(offset); TextHitInfo hit2 = hit1.getOtherHit(); TextHitInfo nextHit = getNextRightHit(policy.getStrongCaret(hit1, hit2, this)); if (nextHit != null) { TextHitInfo otherHit = getVisualOtherHit(nextHit); return policy.getStrongCaret(otherHit, nextHit, this); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the hit for the next caret to the right (bottom); if no * such hit, returns null. The hit is to the right of * the strong caret at the specified offset, as determined by the * default policy. * The returned hit is the stronger of the two possible * hits, as determined by the default policy. * @param offset an insertion offset in this TextLayout. * Cannot be less than 0 or greater than the TextLayout * object's character count. * @return a hit whose caret appears at the next position to the * right (bottom) of the caret of the provided hit, or null. */ public TextHitInfo getNextRightHit(int offset) { return getNextRightHit(offset, DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY); } /** * Returns the hit for the next caret to the left (top); if no such * hit, returns null. * If the hit character index is out of bounds, an * IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * @param hit a hit on a character in this TextLayout. * @return a hit whose caret appears at the next position to the * left (top) of the caret of the provided hit, or null. */ public TextHitInfo getNextLeftHit(TextHitInfo hit) { ensureCache(); checkTextHit(hit); int caret = hitToCaret(hit); if (caret == 0) { return null; } do { --caret; } while(!caretIsValid(caret)); return caretToHit(caret); } /** * Returns the hit for the next caret to the left (top); if no * such hit, returns null. The hit is to the left of * the strong caret at the specified offset, as determined by the * specified policy. * The returned hit is the stronger of the two possible * hits, as determined by the specified policy. * @param offset an insertion offset in this TextLayout. * Cannot be less than 0 or greater than this TextLayout * object's character count. * @param policy the policy used to select the strong caret * @return a hit whose caret appears at the next position to the * left (top) of the caret of the provided hit, or null. */ public TextHitInfo getNextLeftHit(int offset, CaretPolicy policy) { if (policy == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null CaretPolicy passed to TextLayout.getNextLeftHit()"); } if (offset < 0 || offset > characterCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset out of bounds in TextLayout.getNextLeftHit()"); } TextHitInfo hit1 = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(offset); TextHitInfo hit2 = hit1.getOtherHit(); TextHitInfo nextHit = getNextLeftHit(policy.getStrongCaret(hit1, hit2, this)); if (nextHit != null) { TextHitInfo otherHit = getVisualOtherHit(nextHit); return policy.getStrongCaret(otherHit, nextHit, this); } else { return null; } } /** * Returns the hit for the next caret to the left (top); if no * such hit, returns null. The hit is to the left of * the strong caret at the specified offset, as determined by the * default policy. * The returned hit is the stronger of the two possible * hits, as determined by the default policy. * @param offset an insertion offset in this TextLayout. * Cannot be less than 0 or greater than this TextLayout * object's character count. * @return a hit whose caret appears at the next position to the * left (top) of the caret of the provided hit, or null. */ public TextHitInfo getNextLeftHit(int offset) { return getNextLeftHit(offset, DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY); } /** * Returns the hit on the opposite side of the specified hit's caret. * @param hit the specified hit * @return a hit that is on the opposite side of the specified hit's * caret. */ public TextHitInfo getVisualOtherHit(TextHitInfo hit) { ensureCache(); checkTextHit(hit); int hitCharIndex = hit.getCharIndex(); int charIndex; boolean leading; if (hitCharIndex == -1 || hitCharIndex == characterCount) { int visIndex; if (textLine.isDirectionLTR() == (hitCharIndex == -1)) { visIndex = 0; } else { visIndex = characterCount-1; } charIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(visIndex); if (textLine.isDirectionLTR() == (hitCharIndex == -1)) { // at left end leading = textLine.isCharLTR(charIndex); } else { // at right end leading = !textLine.isCharLTR(charIndex); } } else { int visIndex = textLine.logicalToVisual(hitCharIndex); boolean movedToRight; if (textLine.isCharLTR(hitCharIndex) == hit.isLeadingEdge()) { --visIndex; movedToRight = false; } else { ++visIndex; movedToRight = true; } if (visIndex > -1 && visIndex < characterCount) { charIndex = textLine.visualToLogical(visIndex); leading = movedToRight == textLine.isCharLTR(charIndex); } else { charIndex = (movedToRight == textLine.isDirectionLTR())? characterCount : -1; leading = charIndex == characterCount; } } return leading? TextHitInfo.leading(charIndex) : TextHitInfo.trailing(charIndex); } private double[] getCaretPath(TextHitInfo hit, Rectangle2D bounds) { float[] info = getCaretInfo(hit, bounds); return new double[] { info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5] }; } /** * Return an array of four floats corresponding the endpoints of the caret * x0, y0, x1, y1. * * This creates a line along the slope of the caret intersecting the * baseline at the caret * position, and extending from ascent above the baseline to descent below * it. */ private double[] getCaretPath(int caret, Rectangle2D bounds, boolean clipToBounds) { float[] info = getCaretInfo(caret, bounds, null); double pos = info[0]; double slope = info[1]; double x0, y0, x1, y1; double x2 = -3141.59, y2 = -2.7; // values are there to make compiler happy double left = bounds.getX(); double right = left + bounds.getWidth(); double top = bounds.getY(); double bottom = top + bounds.getHeight(); boolean threePoints = false; if (isVerticalLine) { if (slope >= 0) { x0 = left; x1 = right; } else { x1 = left; x0 = right; } y0 = pos + x0 * slope; y1 = pos + x1 * slope; // y0 <= y1, always if (clipToBounds) { if (y0 < top) { if (slope <= 0 || y1 <= top) { y0 = y1 = top; } else { threePoints = true; y0 = top; y2 = top; x2 = x1 + (top-y1)/slope; if (y1 > bottom) { y1 = bottom; } } } else if (y1 > bottom) { if (slope >= 0 || y0 >= bottom) { y0 = y1 = bottom; } else { threePoints = true; y1 = bottom; y2 = bottom; x2 = x0 + (bottom-x1)/slope; } } } } else { if (slope >= 0) { y0 = bottom; y1 = top; } else { y1 = bottom; y0 = top; } x0 = pos - y0 * slope; x1 = pos - y1 * slope; // x0 <= x1, always if (clipToBounds) { if (x0 < left) { if (slope <= 0 || x1 <= left) { x0 = x1 = left; } else { threePoints = true; x0 = left; x2 = left; y2 = y1 - (left-x1)/slope; if (x1 > right) { x1 = right; } } } else if (x1 > right) { if (slope >= 0 || x0 >= right) { x0 = x1 = right; } else { threePoints = true; x1 = right; x2 = right; y2 = y0 - (right-x0)/slope; } } } } return threePoints? new double[] { x0, y0, x2, y2, x1, y1 } : new double[] { x0, y0, x1, y1 }; } private static GeneralPath pathToShape(double[] path, boolean close, LayoutPathImpl lp) { GeneralPath result = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD, path.length); result.moveTo((float)path[0], (float)path[1]); for (int i = 2; i < path.length; i += 2) { result.lineTo((float)path[i], (float)path[i+1]); } if (close) { result.closePath(); } if (lp != null) { result = (GeneralPath)lp.mapShape(result); } return result; } /** * Returns a {@link Shape} representing the caret at the specified * hit inside the specified bounds. * @param hit the hit at which to generate the caret * @param bounds the bounds of the TextLayout to use * in generating the caret. The bounds is in baseline-relative * coordinates. * @return a Shape representing the caret. The returned * shape is in standard coordinates. */ public Shape getCaretShape(TextHitInfo hit, Rectangle2D bounds) { ensureCache(); checkTextHit(hit); if (bounds == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Rectangle2D passed to TextLayout.getCaret()"); } return pathToShape(getCaretPath(hit, bounds), false, textLine.getLayoutPath()); } /** * Returns a Shape representing the caret at the specified * hit inside the natural bounds of this TextLayout. * @param hit the hit at which to generate the caret * @return a Shape representing the caret. The returned * shape is in standard coordinates. */ public Shape getCaretShape(TextHitInfo hit) { return getCaretShape(hit, getNaturalBounds()); } /** * Return the "stronger" of the TextHitInfos. The TextHitInfos * should be logical or visual counterparts. They are not * checked for validity. */ private final TextHitInfo getStrongHit(TextHitInfo hit1, TextHitInfo hit2) { // right now we're using the following rule for strong hits: // A hit on a character with a lower level // is stronger than one on a character with a higher level. // If this rule ties, the hit on the leading edge of a character wins. // If THIS rule ties, hit1 wins. Both rules shouldn't tie, unless the // infos aren't counterparts of some sort. byte hit1Level = getCharacterLevel(hit1.getCharIndex()); byte hit2Level = getCharacterLevel(hit2.getCharIndex()); if (hit1Level == hit2Level) { if (hit2.isLeadingEdge() && !hit1.isLeadingEdge()) { return hit2; } else { return hit1; } } else { return (hit1Level < hit2Level)? hit1 : hit2; } } /** * Returns the level of the character at index. * Indices -1 and characterCount are assigned the base * level of this TextLayout. * @param index the index of the character from which to get the level * @return the level of the character at the specified index. */ public byte getCharacterLevel(int index) { // hmm, allow indices at endpoints? For now, yes. if (index < -1 || index > characterCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index is out of range in getCharacterLevel."); } ensureCache(); if (index == -1 || index == characterCount) { return (byte) (textLine.isDirectionLTR()? 0 : 1); } return textLine.getCharLevel(index); } /** * Returns two paths corresponding to the strong and weak caret. * @param offset an offset in this TextLayout * @param bounds the bounds to which to extend the carets. The * bounds is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @param policy the specified CaretPolicy * @return an array of two paths. Element zero is the strong * caret. If there are two carets, element one is the weak caret, * otherwise it is null. The returned shapes * are in standard coordinates. */ public Shape[] getCaretShapes(int offset, Rectangle2D bounds, CaretPolicy policy) { ensureCache(); if (offset < 0 || offset > characterCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset out of bounds in TextLayout.getCaretShapes()"); } if (bounds == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Rectangle2D passed to TextLayout.getCaretShapes()"); } if (policy == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null CaretPolicy passed to TextLayout.getCaretShapes()"); } Shape[] result = new Shape[2]; TextHitInfo hit = TextHitInfo.afterOffset(offset); int hitCaret = hitToCaret(hit); LayoutPathImpl lp = textLine.getLayoutPath(); Shape hitShape = pathToShape(getCaretPath(hit, bounds), false, lp); TextHitInfo otherHit = hit.getOtherHit(); int otherCaret = hitToCaret(otherHit); if (hitCaret == otherCaret) { result[0] = hitShape; } else { // more than one caret Shape otherShape = pathToShape(getCaretPath(otherHit, bounds), false, lp); TextHitInfo strongHit = policy.getStrongCaret(hit, otherHit, this); boolean hitIsStrong = strongHit.equals(hit); if (hitIsStrong) {// then other is weak result[0] = hitShape; result[1] = otherShape; } else { result[0] = otherShape; result[1] = hitShape; } } return result; } /** * Returns two paths corresponding to the strong and weak caret. * This method is a convenience overload of getCaretShapes * that uses the default caret policy. * @param offset an offset in this TextLayout * @param bounds the bounds to which to extend the carets. This is * in baseline-relative coordinates. * @return two paths corresponding to the strong and weak caret as * defined by the DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY. These are * in standard coordinates. */ public Shape[] getCaretShapes(int offset, Rectangle2D bounds) { // {sfb} parameter checking is done in overloaded version return getCaretShapes(offset, bounds, DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY); } /** * Returns two paths corresponding to the strong and weak caret. * This method is a convenience overload of getCaretShapes * that uses the default caret policy and this TextLayout * object's natural bounds. * @param offset an offset in this TextLayout * @return two paths corresponding to the strong and weak caret as * defined by the DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY. These are * in standard coordinates. */ public Shape[] getCaretShapes(int offset) { // {sfb} parameter checking is done in overloaded version return getCaretShapes(offset, getNaturalBounds(), DEFAULT_CARET_POLICY); } // A utility to return a path enclosing the given path // Path0 must be left or top of path1 // {jbr} no assumptions about size of path0, path1 anymore. private GeneralPath boundingShape(double[] path0, double[] path1) { // Really, we want the path to be a convex hull around all of the // points in path0 and path1. But we can get by with less than // that. We do need to prevent the two segments which // join path0 to path1 from crossing each other. So, if we // traverse path0 from top to bottom, we'll traverse path1 from // bottom to top (and vice versa). GeneralPath result = pathToShape(path0, false, null); boolean sameDirection; if (isVerticalLine) { sameDirection = (path0[1] > path0[path0.length-1]) == (path1[1] > path1[path1.length-1]); } else { sameDirection = (path0[0] > path0[path0.length-2]) == (path1[0] > path1[path1.length-2]); } int start; int limit; int increment; if (sameDirection) { start = path1.length-2; limit = -2; increment = -2; } else { start = 0; limit = path1.length; increment = 2; } for (int i = start; i != limit; i += increment) { result.lineTo((float)path1[i], (float)path1[i+1]); } result.closePath(); return result; } // A utility to convert a pair of carets into a bounding path // {jbr} Shape is never outside of bounds. private GeneralPath caretBoundingShape(int caret0, int caret1, Rectangle2D bounds) { if (caret0 > caret1) { int temp = caret0; caret0 = caret1; caret1 = temp; } return boundingShape(getCaretPath(caret0, bounds, true), getCaretPath(caret1, bounds, true)); } /* * A utility to return the path bounding the area to the left (top) of the * layout. * Shape is never outside of bounds. */ private GeneralPath leftShape(Rectangle2D bounds) { double[] path0; if (isVerticalLine) { path0 = new double[] { bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getY() }; } else { path0 = new double[] { bounds.getX(), bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight(), bounds.getX(), bounds.getY() }; } double[] path1 = getCaretPath(0, bounds, true); return boundingShape(path0, path1); } /* * A utility to return the path bounding the area to the right (bottom) of * the layout. */ private GeneralPath rightShape(Rectangle2D bounds) { double[] path1; if (isVerticalLine) { path1 = new double[] { bounds.getX(), bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight(), bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight() }; } else { path1 = new double[] { bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight(), bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getY() }; } double[] path0 = getCaretPath(characterCount, bounds, true); return boundingShape(path0, path1); } /** * Returns the logical ranges of text corresponding to a visual selection. * @param firstEndpoint an endpoint of the visual range * @param secondEndpoint the other endpoint of the visual range. * This endpoint can be less than firstEndpoint. * @return an array of integers representing start/limit pairs for the * selected ranges. * @see #getVisualHighlightShape(TextHitInfo, TextHitInfo, Rectangle2D) */ public int[] getLogicalRangesForVisualSelection(TextHitInfo firstEndpoint, TextHitInfo secondEndpoint) { ensureCache(); checkTextHit(firstEndpoint); checkTextHit(secondEndpoint); // !!! probably want to optimize for all LTR text boolean[] included = new boolean[characterCount]; int startIndex = hitToCaret(firstEndpoint); int limitIndex = hitToCaret(secondEndpoint); if (startIndex > limitIndex) { int t = startIndex; startIndex = limitIndex; limitIndex = t; } /* * now we have the visual indexes of the glyphs at the start and limit * of the selection range walk through runs marking characters that * were included in the visual range there is probably a more efficient * way to do this, but this ought to work, so hey */ if (startIndex < limitIndex) { int visIndex = startIndex; while (visIndex < limitIndex) { included[textLine.visualToLogical(visIndex)] = true; ++visIndex; } } /* * count how many runs we have, ought to be one or two, but perhaps * things are especially weird */ int count = 0; boolean inrun = false; for (int i = 0; i < characterCount; i++) { if (included[i] != inrun) { inrun = !inrun; if (inrun) { count++; } } } int[] ranges = new int[count * 2]; count = 0; inrun = false; for (int i = 0; i < characterCount; i++) { if (included[i] != inrun) { ranges[count++] = i; inrun = !inrun; } } if (inrun) { ranges[count++] = characterCount; } return ranges; } /** * Returns a path enclosing the visual selection in the specified range, * extended to bounds. *

* If the selection includes the leftmost (topmost) position, the selection * is extended to the left (top) of bounds. If the * selection includes the rightmost (bottommost) position, the selection * is extended to the right (bottom) of the bounds. The height * (width on vertical lines) of the selection is always extended to * bounds. *

* Although the selection is always contiguous, the logically selected * text can be discontiguous on lines with mixed-direction text. The * logical ranges of text selected can be retrieved using * getLogicalRangesForVisualSelection. For example, * consider the text 'ABCdef' where capital letters indicate * right-to-left text, rendered on a right-to-left line, with a visual * selection from 0L (the leading edge of 'A') to 3T (the trailing edge * of 'd'). The text appears as follows, with bold underlined areas * representing the selection: *

     *    defCBA  
* The logical selection ranges are 0-3, 4-6 (ABC, ef) because the * visually contiguous text is logically discontiguous. Also note that * since the rightmost position on the layout (to the right of 'A') is * selected, the selection is extended to the right of the bounds. * @param firstEndpoint one end of the visual selection * @param secondEndpoint the other end of the visual selection * @param bounds the bounding rectangle to which to extend the selection. * This is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @return a Shape enclosing the selection. This is in * standard coordinates. * @see #getLogicalRangesForVisualSelection(TextHitInfo, TextHitInfo) * @see #getLogicalHighlightShape(int, int, Rectangle2D) */ public Shape getVisualHighlightShape(TextHitInfo firstEndpoint, TextHitInfo secondEndpoint, Rectangle2D bounds) { ensureCache(); checkTextHit(firstEndpoint); checkTextHit(secondEndpoint); if(bounds == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Rectangle2D passed to TextLayout.getVisualHighlightShape()"); } GeneralPath result = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); int firstCaret = hitToCaret(firstEndpoint); int secondCaret = hitToCaret(secondEndpoint); result.append(caretBoundingShape(firstCaret, secondCaret, bounds), false); if (firstCaret == 0 || secondCaret == 0) { GeneralPath ls = leftShape(bounds); if (!ls.getBounds().isEmpty()) result.append(ls, false); } if (firstCaret == characterCount || secondCaret == characterCount) { GeneralPath rs = rightShape(bounds); if (!rs.getBounds().isEmpty()) { result.append(rs, false); } } LayoutPathImpl lp = textLine.getLayoutPath(); if (lp != null) { result = (GeneralPath)lp.mapShape(result); // dlf cast safe? } return result; } /** * Returns a Shape enclosing the visual selection in the * specified range, extended to the bounds. This method is a * convenience overload of getVisualHighlightShape that * uses the natural bounds of this TextLayout. * @param firstEndpoint one end of the visual selection * @param secondEndpoint the other end of the visual selection * @return a Shape enclosing the selection. This is * in standard coordinates. */ public Shape getVisualHighlightShape(TextHitInfo firstEndpoint, TextHitInfo secondEndpoint) { return getVisualHighlightShape(firstEndpoint, secondEndpoint, getNaturalBounds()); } /** * Returns a Shape enclosing the logical selection in the * specified range, extended to the specified bounds. *

* If the selection range includes the first logical character, the * selection is extended to the portion of bounds before * the start of this TextLayout. If the range includes * the last logical character, the selection is extended to the portion * of bounds after the end of this TextLayout. * The height (width on vertical lines) of the selection is always * extended to bounds. *

* The selection can be discontiguous on lines with mixed-direction text. * Only those characters in the logical range between start and limit * appear selected. For example, consider the text 'ABCdef' where capital * letters indicate right-to-left text, rendered on a right-to-left line, * with a logical selection from 0 to 4 ('ABCd'). The text appears as * follows, with bold standing in for the selection, and underlining for * the extension: *

     *    defCBA  
* The selection is discontiguous because the selected characters are * visually discontiguous. Also note that since the range includes the * first logical character (A), the selection is extended to the portion * of the bounds before the start of the layout, which in * this case (a right-to-left line) is the right portion of the * bounds. * @param firstEndpoint an endpoint in the range of characters to select * @param secondEndpoint the other endpoint of the range of characters * to select. Can be less than firstEndpoint. The range * includes the character at min(firstEndpoint, secondEndpoint), but * excludes max(firstEndpoint, secondEndpoint). * @param bounds the bounding rectangle to which to extend the selection. * This is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @return an area enclosing the selection. This is in standard * coordinates. * @see #getVisualHighlightShape(TextHitInfo, TextHitInfo, Rectangle2D) */ public Shape getLogicalHighlightShape(int firstEndpoint, int secondEndpoint, Rectangle2D bounds) { if (bounds == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Rectangle2D passed to TextLayout.getLogicalHighlightShape()"); } ensureCache(); if (firstEndpoint > secondEndpoint) { int t = firstEndpoint; firstEndpoint = secondEndpoint; secondEndpoint = t; } if(firstEndpoint < 0 || secondEndpoint > characterCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Range is invalid in TextLayout.getLogicalHighlightShape()"); } GeneralPath result = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD); int[] carets = new int[10]; // would this ever not handle all cases? int count = 0; if (firstEndpoint < secondEndpoint) { int logIndex = firstEndpoint; do { carets[count++] = hitToCaret(TextHitInfo.leading(logIndex)); boolean ltr = textLine.isCharLTR(logIndex); do { logIndex++; } while (logIndex < secondEndpoint && textLine.isCharLTR(logIndex) == ltr); int hitCh = logIndex; carets[count++] = hitToCaret(TextHitInfo.trailing(hitCh - 1)); if (count == carets.length) { int[] temp = new int[carets.length + 10]; System.arraycopy(carets, 0, temp, 0, count); carets = temp; } } while (logIndex < secondEndpoint); } else { count = 2; carets[0] = carets[1] = hitToCaret(TextHitInfo.leading(firstEndpoint)); } // now create paths for pairs of carets for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 2) { result.append(caretBoundingShape(carets[i], carets[i+1], bounds), false); } if (firstEndpoint != secondEndpoint) { if ((textLine.isDirectionLTR() && firstEndpoint == 0) || (!textLine.isDirectionLTR() && secondEndpoint == characterCount)) { GeneralPath ls = leftShape(bounds); if (!ls.getBounds().isEmpty()) { result.append(ls, false); } } if ((textLine.isDirectionLTR() && secondEndpoint == characterCount) || (!textLine.isDirectionLTR() && firstEndpoint == 0)) { GeneralPath rs = rightShape(bounds); if (!rs.getBounds().isEmpty()) { result.append(rs, false); } } } LayoutPathImpl lp = textLine.getLayoutPath(); if (lp != null) { result = (GeneralPath)lp.mapShape(result); // dlf cast safe? } return result; } /** * Returns a Shape enclosing the logical selection in the * specified range, extended to the natural bounds of this * TextLayout. This method is a convenience overload of * getLogicalHighlightShape that uses the natural bounds of * this TextLayout. * @param firstEndpoint an endpoint in the range of characters to select * @param secondEndpoint the other endpoint of the range of characters * to select. Can be less than firstEndpoint. The range * includes the character at min(firstEndpoint, secondEndpoint), but * excludes max(firstEndpoint, secondEndpoint). * @return a Shape enclosing the selection. This is in * standard coordinates. */ public Shape getLogicalHighlightShape(int firstEndpoint, int secondEndpoint) { return getLogicalHighlightShape(firstEndpoint, secondEndpoint, getNaturalBounds()); } /** * Returns the black box bounds of the characters in the specified range. * The black box bounds is an area consisting of the union of the bounding * boxes of all the glyphs corresponding to the characters between start * and limit. This area can be disjoint. * @param firstEndpoint one end of the character range * @param secondEndpoint the other end of the character range. Can be * less than firstEndpoint. * @return a Shape enclosing the black box bounds. This is * in standard coordinates. */ public Shape getBlackBoxBounds(int firstEndpoint, int secondEndpoint) { ensureCache(); if (firstEndpoint > secondEndpoint) { int t = firstEndpoint; firstEndpoint = secondEndpoint; secondEndpoint = t; } if (firstEndpoint < 0 || secondEndpoint > characterCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid range passed to TextLayout.getBlackBoxBounds()"); } /* * return an area that consists of the bounding boxes of all the * characters from firstEndpoint to limit */ GeneralPath result = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO); if (firstEndpoint < characterCount) { for (int logIndex = firstEndpoint; logIndex < secondEndpoint; logIndex++) { Rectangle2D r = textLine.getCharBounds(logIndex); if (!r.isEmpty()) { result.append(r, false); } } } if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(dx, dy); result = (GeneralPath)tx.createTransformedShape(result); } LayoutPathImpl lp = textLine.getLayoutPath(); if (lp != null) { result = (GeneralPath)lp.mapShape(result); } //return new Highlight(result, false); return result; } /** * Returns the distance from the point (x, y) to the caret along * the line direction defined in caretInfo. Distance is * negative if the point is to the left of the caret on a horizontal * line, or above the caret on a vertical line. * Utility for use by hitTestChar. */ private float caretToPointDistance(float[] caretInfo, float x, float y) { // distanceOffBaseline is negative if you're 'above' baseline float lineDistance = isVerticalLine? y : x; float distanceOffBaseline = isVerticalLine? -x : y; return lineDistance - caretInfo[0] + (distanceOffBaseline*caretInfo[1]); } /** * Returns a TextHitInfo corresponding to the * specified point. * Coordinates outside the bounds of the TextLayout * map to hits on the leading edge of the first logical character, * or the trailing edge of the last logical character, as appropriate, * regardless of the position of that character in the line. Only the * direction along the baseline is used to make this evaluation. * @param x the x offset from the origin of this * TextLayout. This is in standard coordinates. * @param y the y offset from the origin of this * TextLayout. This is in standard coordinates. * @param bounds the bounds of the TextLayout. This * is in baseline-relative coordinates. * @return a hit describing the character and edge (leading or trailing) * under the specified point. */ public TextHitInfo hitTestChar(float x, float y, Rectangle2D bounds) { // check boundary conditions LayoutPathImpl lp = textLine.getLayoutPath(); boolean prev = false; if (lp != null) { Point2D.Float pt = new Point2D.Float(x, y); prev = lp.pointToPath(pt, pt); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; } if (isVertical()) { if (y < bounds.getMinY()) { return TextHitInfo.leading(0); } else if (y >= bounds.getMaxY()) { return TextHitInfo.trailing(characterCount-1); } } else { if (x < bounds.getMinX()) { return isLeftToRight() ? TextHitInfo.leading(0) : TextHitInfo.trailing(characterCount-1); } else if (x >= bounds.getMaxX()) { return isLeftToRight() ? TextHitInfo.trailing(characterCount-1) : TextHitInfo.leading(0); } } // revised hit test // the original seems too complex and fails miserably with italic offsets // the natural tendency is to move towards the character you want to hit // so we'll just measure distance to the center of each character's visual // bounds, pick the closest one, then see which side of the character's // center line (italic) the point is on. // this tends to make it easier to hit narrow characters, which can be a // bit odd if you're visually over an adjacent wide character. this makes // a difference with bidi, so perhaps i need to revisit this yet again. double distance = Double.MAX_VALUE; int index = 0; int trail = -1; CoreMetrics lcm = null; float icx = 0, icy = 0, ia = 0, cy = 0, dya = 0, ydsq = 0; for (int i = 0; i < characterCount; ++i) { if (!textLine.caretAtOffsetIsValid(i)) { continue; } if (trail == -1) { trail = i; } CoreMetrics cm = textLine.getCoreMetricsAt(i); if (cm != lcm) { lcm = cm; // just work around baseline mess for now if (cm.baselineIndex == GraphicAttribute.TOP_ALIGNMENT) { cy = -(textLine.getMetrics().ascent - cm.ascent) + cm.ssOffset; } else if (cm.baselineIndex == GraphicAttribute.BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT) { cy = textLine.getMetrics().descent - cm.descent + cm.ssOffset; } else { cy = cm.effectiveBaselineOffset(baselineOffsets) + cm.ssOffset; } float dy = (cm.descent - cm.ascent) / 2 - cy; dya = dy * cm.italicAngle; cy += dy; ydsq = (cy - y)*(cy - y); } float cx = textLine.getCharXPosition(i); float ca = textLine.getCharAdvance(i); float dx = ca / 2; cx += dx - dya; // proximity in x (along baseline) is two times as important as proximity in y double nd = Math.sqrt(4*(cx - x)*(cx - x) + ydsq); if (nd < distance) { distance = nd; index = i; trail = -1; icx = cx; icy = cy; ia = cm.italicAngle; } } boolean left = x < icx - (y - icy) * ia; boolean leading = textLine.isCharLTR(index) == left; if (trail == -1) { trail = characterCount; } TextHitInfo result = leading ? TextHitInfo.leading(index) : TextHitInfo.trailing(trail-1); return result; } /** * Returns a TextHitInfo corresponding to the * specified point. This method is a convenience overload of * hitTestChar that uses the natural bounds of this * TextLayout. * @param x the x offset from the origin of this * TextLayout. This is in standard coordinates. * @param y the y offset from the origin of this * TextLayout. This is in standard coordinates. * @return a hit describing the character and edge (leading or trailing) * under the specified point. */ public TextHitInfo hitTestChar(float x, float y) { return hitTestChar(x, y, getNaturalBounds()); } /** * Returns the hash code of this TextLayout. * @return the hash code of this TextLayout. */ public int hashCode() { if (hashCodeCache == 0) { ensureCache(); hashCodeCache = textLine.hashCode(); } return hashCodeCache; } /** * Returns true if the specified Object is a * TextLayout object and if the specified Object * equals this TextLayout. * @param obj an Object to test for equality * @return true if the specified Object * equals this TextLayout; false * otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (obj instanceof TextLayout) && equals((TextLayout)obj); } /** * Returns true if the two layouts are equal. * Two layouts are equal if they contain equal glyphvectors in the same order. * @param rhs the TextLayout to compare to this * TextLayout * @return true if the specified TextLayout * equals this TextLayout. * */ public boolean equals(TextLayout rhs) { if (rhs == null) { return false; } if (rhs == this) { return true; } ensureCache(); return textLine.equals(rhs.textLine); } /** * Returns debugging information for this TextLayout. * @return the textLine of this TextLayout * as a String. */ public String toString() { ensureCache(); return textLine.toString(); } /** * Renders this TextLayout at the specified location in * the specified {@link java.awt.Graphics2D Graphics2D} context. * The origin of the layout is placed at x, y. Rendering may touch * any point within getBounds() of this position. This * leaves the g2 unchanged. Text is rendered along the * baseline path. * @param g2 the Graphics2D context into which to render * the layout * @param x the X coordinate of the origin of this TextLayout * @param y the Y coordinate of the origin of this TextLayout * @see #getBounds() */ public void draw(Graphics2D g2, float x, float y) { if (g2 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Graphics2D passed to TextLayout.draw()"); } textLine.draw(g2, x - dx, y - dy); } /** * Package-only method for testing ONLY. Please don't abuse. */ TextLine getTextLineForTesting() { return textLine; } /** * * Return the index of the first character with a different baseline from the * character at start, or limit if all characters between start and limit have * the same baseline. */ private static int sameBaselineUpTo(Font font, char[] text, int start, int limit) { // current implementation doesn't support multiple baselines return limit; /* byte bl = font.getBaselineFor(text[start++]); while (start < limit && font.getBaselineFor(text[start]) == bl) { ++start; } return start; */ } static byte getBaselineFromGraphic(GraphicAttribute graphic) { byte alignment = (byte) graphic.getAlignment(); if (alignment == GraphicAttribute.BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT || alignment == GraphicAttribute.TOP_ALIGNMENT) { return (byte)GraphicAttribute.ROMAN_BASELINE; } else { return alignment; } } /** * Returns a Shape representing the outline of this * TextLayout. * @param tx an optional {@link AffineTransform} to apply to the * outline of this TextLayout. * @return a Shape that is the outline of this * TextLayout. This is in standard coordinates. */ public Shape getOutline(AffineTransform tx) { ensureCache(); Shape result = textLine.getOutline(tx); LayoutPathImpl lp = textLine.getLayoutPath(); if (lp != null) { result = lp.mapShape(result); } return result; } /** * Return the LayoutPath, or null if the layout path is the * default path (x maps to advance, y maps to offset). * @return the layout path * @since 1.6 */ public LayoutPath getLayoutPath() { return textLine.getLayoutPath(); } /** * Convert a hit to a point in standard coordinates. The point is * on the baseline of the character at the leading or trailing * edge of the character, as appropriate. If the path is * broken at the side of the character represented by the hit, the * point will be adjacent to the character. * @param hit the hit to check. This must be a valid hit on * the TextLayout. * @param point the returned point. The point is in standard * coordinates. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the hit is not valid for the * TextLayout. * @throws NullPointerException if hit or point is null. * @since 1.6 */ public void hitToPoint(TextHitInfo hit, Point2D point) { if (hit == null || point == null) { throw new NullPointerException((hit == null ? "hit" : "point") + " can't be null"); } ensureCache(); checkTextHit(hit); float adv = 0; float off = 0; int ix = hit.getCharIndex(); boolean leading = hit.isLeadingEdge(); boolean ltr; if (ix == -1 || ix == textLine.characterCount()) { ltr = textLine.isDirectionLTR(); adv = (ltr == (ix == -1)) ? 0 : lineMetrics.advance; } else { ltr = textLine.isCharLTR(ix); adv = textLine.getCharLinePosition(ix, leading); off = textLine.getCharYPosition(ix); } point.setLocation(adv, off); LayoutPath lp = textLine.getLayoutPath(); if (lp != null) { lp.pathToPoint(point, ltr != leading, point); } } }