/* * reserved comment block * DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER! */ /* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: SuballocatedIntVector.java,v 1.3 2005/09/28 13:49:22 pvedula Exp $ */ package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils; /** * A very simple table that stores a list of int. Very similar API to our * IntVector class (same API); different internal storage. * * This version uses an array-of-arrays solution. Read/write access is thus * a bit slower than the simple IntVector, and basic storage is a trifle * higher due to the top-level array -- but appending is O(1) fast rather * than O(N**2) slow, which will swamp those costs in situations where * long vectors are being built up. * * Known issues: * * Some methods are private because they haven't yet been tested properly. * * Retrieval performance is critical, since this is used at the core * of the DTM model. (Append performance is almost as important.) * That's pushing me toward just letting reads from unset indices * throw exceptions or return stale data; safer behavior would have * performance costs. * */ public class SuballocatedIntVector { /** Size of blocks to allocate */ protected int m_blocksize; /** Bitwise addressing (much faster than div/remainder */ protected int m_SHIFT, m_MASK; /** The default number of blocks to (over)allocate by */ protected static final int NUMBLOCKS_DEFAULT = 32; /** The number of blocks to (over)allocate by */ protected int m_numblocks = NUMBLOCKS_DEFAULT; /** Array of arrays of ints */ protected int m_map[][]; /** Number of ints in array */ protected int m_firstFree = 0; /** "Shortcut" handle to m_map[0]. Surprisingly helpful for short vectors. */ protected int m_map0[]; /** "Shortcut" handle to most recently added row of m_map. * Very helpful during construction. * @xsl.usage internal */ protected int m_buildCache[]; protected int m_buildCacheStartIndex; /** * Default constructor. Note that the default * block size is currently 2K, which may be overkill for * small lists and undershootng for large ones. */ public SuballocatedIntVector() { this(2048); } /** * Construct a IntVector, using the given block size and number * of blocks. For efficiency, we will round the requested size * off to a power of two. * * @param blocksize Size of block to allocate * @param numblocks Number of blocks to allocate * */ public SuballocatedIntVector(int blocksize, int numblocks) { //m_blocksize = blocksize; for(m_SHIFT=0;0!=(blocksize>>>=1);++m_SHIFT) ; m_blocksize=1<sz) // Whups; had that backward! m_firstFree = sz; } /** * Append a int onto the vector. * * @param value Int to add to the list */ public void addElement(int value) { int indexRelativeToCache = m_firstFree - m_buildCacheStartIndex; // Is the new index an index into the cache row of m_map? if(indexRelativeToCache >= 0 && indexRelativeToCache < m_blocksize) { m_buildCache[indexRelativeToCache]=value; ++m_firstFree; } else { // Growing the outer array should be rare. We initialize to a // total of m_blocksize squared elements, which at the default // size is 4M integers... and we grow by at least that much each // time. However, attempts to microoptimize for this (assume // long enough and catch exceptions) yield no noticable // improvement. int index=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT; int offset=m_firstFree&m_MASK; if(index>=m_map.length) { int newsize=index+m_numblocks; int[][] newMap=new int[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_map.length); m_map=newMap; } int[] block=m_map[index]; if(null==block) block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize]; block[offset]=value; // Cache the current row of m_map. Next m_blocksize-1 // values added will go to this row. m_buildCache = block; m_buildCacheStartIndex = m_firstFree-offset; ++m_firstFree; } } /** * Append several int values onto the vector. * * @param value Int to add to the list */ private void addElements(int value, int numberOfElements) { if(m_firstFree+numberOfElements>>m_SHIFT; int offset=m_firstFree&m_MASK; m_firstFree+=numberOfElements; while( numberOfElements>0) { if(index>=m_map.length) { int newsize=index+m_numblocks; int[][] newMap=new int[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_map.length); m_map=newMap; } int[] block=m_map[index]; if(null==block) block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize]; int copied=(m_blocksize-offset < numberOfElements) ? m_blocksize-offset : numberOfElements; numberOfElements-=copied; while(copied-- > 0) block[offset++]=value; ++index;offset=0; } } } /** * Append several slots onto the vector, but do not set the values. * Note: "Not Set" means the value is unspecified. * * @param numberOfElements Int to add to the list */ private void addElements(int numberOfElements) { int newlen=m_firstFree+numberOfElements; if(newlen>m_blocksize) { int index=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT; int newindex=(m_firstFree+numberOfElements)>>>m_SHIFT; for(int i=index+1;i<=newindex;++i) m_map[i]=new int[m_blocksize]; } m_firstFree=newlen; } /** * Inserts the specified node in this vector at the specified index. * Each component in this vector with an index greater or equal to * the specified index is shifted upward to have an index one greater * than the value it had previously. * * Insertion may be an EXPENSIVE operation! * * @param value Int to insert * @param at Index of where to insert */ private void insertElementAt(int value, int at) { if(at==m_firstFree) addElement(value); else if (at>m_firstFree) { int index=at>>>m_SHIFT; if(index>=m_map.length) { int newsize=index+m_numblocks; int[][] newMap=new int[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_map.length); m_map=newMap; } int[] block=m_map[index]; if(null==block) block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize]; int offset=at&m_MASK; block[offset]=value; m_firstFree=offset+1; } else { int index=at>>>m_SHIFT; int maxindex=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT; // %REVIEW% (m_firstFree+1?) ++m_firstFree; int offset=at&m_MASK; int push; // ***** Easier to work down from top? while(index<=maxindex) { int copylen=m_blocksize-offset-1; int[] block=m_map[index]; if(null==block) { push=0; block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize]; } else { push=block[m_blocksize-1]; System.arraycopy(block, offset , block, offset+1, copylen); } block[offset]=value; value=push; offset=0; ++index; } } } /** * Wipe it out. Currently defined as equivalent to setSize(0). */ public void removeAllElements() { m_firstFree = 0; m_buildCache = m_map0; m_buildCacheStartIndex = 0; } /** * Removes the first occurrence of the argument from this vector. * If the object is found in this vector, each component in the vector * with an index greater or equal to the object's index is shifted * downward to have an index one smaller than the value it had * previously. * * @param s Int to remove from array * * @return True if the int was removed, false if it was not found */ private boolean removeElement(int s) { int at=indexOf(s,0); if(at<0) return false; removeElementAt(at); return true; } /** * Deletes the component at the specified index. Each component in * this vector with an index greater or equal to the specified * index is shifted downward to have an index one smaller than * the value it had previously. * * @param at index of where to remove and int */ private void removeElementAt(int at) { // No point in removing elements that "don't exist"... if(at>>m_SHIFT; int maxindex=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT; int offset=at&m_MASK; while(index<=maxindex) { int copylen=m_blocksize-offset-1; int[] block=m_map[index]; if(null==block) block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize]; else System.arraycopy(block, offset+1, block, offset, copylen); if(index>>m_SHIFT; int offset=at&m_MASK; if(index>=m_map.length) { int newsize=index+m_numblocks; int[][] newMap=new int[newsize][]; System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_map.length); m_map=newMap; } int[] block=m_map[index]; if(null==block) block=m_map[index]=new int[m_blocksize]; block[offset]=value; } if(at>=m_firstFree) m_firstFree=at+1; } /** * Get the nth element. This is often at the innermost loop of an * application, so performance is critical. * * @param i index of value to get * * @return value at given index. If that value wasn't previously set, * the result is undefined for performance reasons. It may throw an * exception (see below), may return zero, or (if setSize has previously * been used) may return stale data. * * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index was _clearly_ * unreasonable (negative, or past the highest block). * * @throws NullPointerException if the index points to a block that could * have existed (based on the highest index used) but has never had anything * set into it. * %REVIEW% Could add a catch to create the block in that case, or return 0. * Try/Catch is _supposed_ to be nearly free when not thrown to. Do we * believe that? Should we have a separate safeElementAt? */ public int elementAt(int i) { // This is actually a significant optimization! if(i>>m_SHIFT][i&m_MASK]; } /** * Tell if the table contains the given node. * * @param s object to look for * * @return true if the object is in the list */ private boolean contains(int s) { return (indexOf(s,0) >= 0); } /** * Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, * beginning the search at index, and testing for equality * using the equals method. * * @param elem object to look for * @param index Index of where to begin search * @return the index of the first occurrence of the object * argument in this vector at position index or later in the * vector; returns -1 if the object is not found. */ public int indexOf(int elem, int index) { if(index>=m_firstFree) return -1; int bindex=index>>>m_SHIFT; int boffset=index&m_MASK; int maxindex=m_firstFree>>>m_SHIFT; int[] block; for(;bindex>>m_SHIFT; index>=0; --index) { int[] block=m_map[index]; if(block!=null) for(int offset=boffset; offset>=0; --offset) if(block[offset]==elem) return offset+index*m_blocksize; boffset=0; // after first } return -1; } /** * Return the internal m_map0 array * @return the m_map0 array */ public final int[] getMap0() { return m_map0; } /** * Return the m_map double array * @return the internal map of array of arrays */ public final int[][] getMap() { return m_map; } }