/* * reserved comment block * DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER! */ /* * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: Messages.java,v 2005/09/08 11:03:10 suresh_emailid Exp $ */ package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer.utils; import com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.utils.SecuritySupport; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; /** * A utility class for issuing error messages. * * A user of this class normally would create a singleton * instance of this class, passing the name * of the message class on the constructor. For example: * * static Messages x = new Messages("org.package.MyMessages"); * * Later the message is typically generated this way if there are no * substitution arguments: * * String msg = x.createMessage(org.package.MyMessages.KEY_ONE, null); * * If there are arguments substitutions then something like this: * * String filename = ...; * String directory = ...; * String msg = x.createMessage(org.package.MyMessages.KEY_TWO, * new Object[] {filename, directory) ); * * * The constructor of an instance of this class must be given * the class name of a class that extends java.util.ListResourceBundle * ("org.package.MyMessages" in the example above). * The name should not have any language suffix * which will be added automatically by this utility class. * * The message class ("org.package.MyMessages") * must define the abstract method getContents() that is * declared in its base class, for example: * * public Object[][] getContents() {return contents;} * * * It is suggested that the message class expose its * message keys like this: * * public static final String KEY_ONE = "KEY1"; * public static final String KEY_TWO = "KEY2"; * . . . * * and used through their names (KEY_ONE ...) rather than * their values ("KEY1" ...). * * The field contents (returned by getContents() * should be initialized something like this: * * public static final Object[][] contents = { * { KEY_ONE, "Something has gone wrong!" }, * { KEY_TWO, "The file ''{0}'' does not exist in directory ''{1}''." }, * . . . * { KEY_N, "Message N" } } * * * Where that section of code with the KEY to Message mappings * (where the message classes 'contents' field is initialized) * can have the Message strings translated in an alternate language * in a errorResourceClass with a language suffix. * * * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is * used in com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer. * * @xsl.usage internal */ public final class Messages { /** The local object to use. */ private final Locale m_locale = Locale.getDefault(); /** The language specific resource object for messages. */ private ListResourceBundle m_resourceBundle; /** The class name of the error message string table with no language suffix. */ private String m_resourceBundleName; /** * Constructor. * @param resourceBundle the class name of the ListResourceBundle * that the instance of this class is associated with and will use when * creating messages. * The class name is without a language suffix. If the value passed * is null then loadResourceBundle(errorResourceClass) needs to be called * explicitly before any messages are created. * * @xsl.usage internal */ Messages(String resourceBundle) { m_resourceBundleName = resourceBundle; } /** * Get the Locale object that is being used. * * @return non-null reference to Locale object. * @xsl.usage internal */ private Locale getLocale() { return m_locale; } /** * Creates a message from the specified key and replacement * arguments, localized to the given locale. * * @param msgKey The key for the message text. * @param args The arguments to be used as replacement text * in the message created. * * @return The formatted message string. * @xsl.usage internal */ public final String createMessage(String msgKey, Object args[]) { if (m_resourceBundle == null) m_resourceBundle = SecuritySupport.getResourceBundle(m_resourceBundleName); if (m_resourceBundle != null) { return createMsg(m_resourceBundle, msgKey, args); } else return "Could not load the resource bundles: "+ m_resourceBundleName; } /** * Creates a message from the specified key and replacement * arguments, localized to the given locale. * * @param errorCode The key for the message text. * * @param fResourceBundle The resource bundle to use. * @param msgKey The message key to use. * @param args The arguments to be used as replacement text * in the message created. * * @return The formatted message string. * @xsl.usage internal */ private final String createMsg( ListResourceBundle fResourceBundle, String msgKey, Object args[]) //throws Exception { String fmsg = null; boolean throwex = false; String msg = null; if (msgKey != null) msg = fResourceBundle.getString(msgKey); else msgKey = ""; if (msg == null) { throwex = true; /* The message is not in the bundle . . . this is bad, * so try to get the message that the message is not in the bundle */ try { msg = java.text.MessageFormat.format( MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY, new Object[] { msgKey, m_resourceBundleName }); } catch (Exception e) { /* even the message that the message is not in the bundle is * not there ... this is really bad */ msg = "The message key '" + msgKey + "' is not in the message class '" + m_resourceBundleName+"'"; } } else if (args != null) { try { // Do this to keep format from crying. // This is better than making a bunch of conditional // code all over the place. int n = args.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (null == args[i]) args[i] = ""; } fmsg = java.text.MessageFormat.format(msg, args); // if we get past the line above we have create the message ... hurray! } catch (Exception e) { throwex = true; try { // Get the message that the format failed. fmsg = java.text.MessageFormat.format( MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT, new Object[] { msgKey, m_resourceBundleName }); fmsg += " " + msg; } catch (Exception formatfailed) { // We couldn't even get the message that the format of // the message failed ... so fall back to English. fmsg = "The format of message '" + msgKey + "' in message class '" + m_resourceBundleName + "' failed."; } } } else fmsg = msg; if (throwex) { throw new RuntimeException(fmsg); } return fmsg; } }