package org.apache.lucene.queryParser; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; /** * Tests QueryParser. */ public class TestMultiFieldQueryParser extends LuceneTestCase { /** test stop words parsing for both the non static form, and for the * corresponding static form (qtxt, fields[]). */ public void testStopwordsParsing() throws Exception { assertStopQueryEquals("one", "b:one t:one"); assertStopQueryEquals("one stop", "b:one t:one"); assertStopQueryEquals("one (stop)", "b:one t:one"); assertStopQueryEquals("one ((stop))", "b:one t:one"); assertStopQueryEquals("stop", ""); assertStopQueryEquals("(stop)", ""); assertStopQueryEquals("((stop))", ""); } // verify parsing of query using a stopping analyzer private void assertStopQueryEquals (String qtxt, String expectedRes) throws Exception { String[] fields = {"b", "t"}; Occur occur[] = {Occur.SHOULD, Occur.SHOULD}; TestQueryParser.QPTestAnalyzer a = new TestQueryParser.QPTestAnalyzer(); MultiFieldQueryParser mfqp = new MultiFieldQueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, fields, a); Query q = mfqp.parse(qtxt); assertEquals(expectedRes, q.toString()); q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, qtxt, fields, occur, a); assertEquals(expectedRes, q.toString()); } public void testSimple() throws Exception { String[] fields = {"b", "t"}; MultiFieldQueryParser mfqp = new MultiFieldQueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, fields, new MockAnalyzer(random)); Query q = mfqp.parse("one"); assertEquals("b:one t:one", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one two"); assertEquals("(b:one t:one) (b:two t:two)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("+one +two"); assertEquals("+(b:one t:one) +(b:two t:two)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("+one -two -three"); assertEquals("+(b:one t:one) -(b:two t:two) -(b:three t:three)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one^2 two"); assertEquals("((b:one t:one)^2.0) (b:two t:two)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one~ two"); assertEquals("(b:one~0.5 t:one~0.5) (b:two t:two)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one~0.8 two^2"); assertEquals("(b:one~0.8 t:one~0.8) ((b:two t:two)^2.0)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one* two*"); assertEquals("(b:one* t:one*) (b:two* t:two*)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("[a TO c] two"); assertEquals("(b:[a TO c] t:[a TO c]) (b:two t:two)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("w?ldcard"); assertEquals("b:w?ldcard t:w?ldcard", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("\"foo bar\""); assertEquals("b:\"foo bar\" t:\"foo bar\"", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("\"aa bb cc\" \"dd ee\""); assertEquals("(b:\"aa bb cc\" t:\"aa bb cc\") (b:\"dd ee\" t:\"dd ee\")", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("\"foo bar\"~4"); assertEquals("b:\"foo bar\"~4 t:\"foo bar\"~4", q.toString()); // LUCENE-1213: MultiFieldQueryParser was ignoring slop when phrase had a field. q = mfqp.parse("b:\"foo bar\"~4"); assertEquals("b:\"foo bar\"~4", q.toString()); // make sure that terms which have a field are not touched: q = mfqp.parse("one f:two"); assertEquals("(b:one t:one) f:two", q.toString()); // AND mode: mfqp.setDefaultOperator(QueryParser.AND_OPERATOR); q = mfqp.parse("one two"); assertEquals("+(b:one t:one) +(b:two t:two)", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("\"aa bb cc\" \"dd ee\""); assertEquals("+(b:\"aa bb cc\" t:\"aa bb cc\") +(b:\"dd ee\" t:\"dd ee\")", q.toString()); } public void testBoostsSimple() throws Exception { Map boosts = new HashMap(); boosts.put("b", Float.valueOf(5)); boosts.put("t", Float.valueOf(10)); String[] fields = {"b", "t"}; MultiFieldQueryParser mfqp = new MultiFieldQueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, fields, new MockAnalyzer(random), boosts); //Check for simple Query q = mfqp.parse("one"); assertEquals("b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0", q.toString()); //Check for AND q = mfqp.parse("one AND two"); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q.toString()); //Check for OR q = mfqp.parse("one OR two"); assertEquals("(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) (b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)", q.toString()); //Check for AND and a field q = mfqp.parse("one AND two AND foo:test"); assertEquals("+(b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0) +(b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0) +foo:test", q.toString()); q = mfqp.parse("one^3 AND two^4"); assertEquals("+((b:one^5.0 t:one^10.0)^3.0) +((b:two^5.0 t:two^10.0)^4.0)", q.toString()); } public void testStaticMethod1() throws ParseException { String[] fields = {"b", "t"}; String[] queries = {"one", "two"}; Query q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries, fields, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("b:one t:two", q.toString()); String[] queries2 = {"+one", "+two"}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries2, fields, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("(+b:one) (+t:two)", q.toString()); String[] queries3 = {"one", "+two"}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries3, fields, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("b:one (+t:two)", q.toString()); String[] queries4 = {"one +more", "+two"}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries4, fields, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("(b:one +b:more) (+t:two)", q.toString()); String[] queries5 = {"blah"}; try { q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries5, fields, new MockAnalyzer(random)); fail(); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected exception, array length differs } // check also with stop words for this static form (qtxts[], fields[]). TestQueryParser.QPTestAnalyzer stopA = new TestQueryParser.QPTestAnalyzer(); String[] queries6 = {"((+stop))", "+((stop))"}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries6, fields, stopA); assertEquals("", q.toString()); String[] queries7 = {"one ((+stop)) +more", "+((stop)) +two"}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries7, fields, stopA); assertEquals("(b:one +b:more) (+t:two)", q.toString()); } public void testStaticMethod2() throws ParseException { String[] fields = {"b", "t"}; BooleanClause.Occur[] flags = {BooleanClause.Occur.MUST, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT}; Query q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "one", fields, flags, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("+b:one -t:one", q.toString()); q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "one two", fields, flags, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("+(b:one b:two) -(t:one t:two)", q.toString()); try { BooleanClause.Occur[] flags2 = {BooleanClause.Occur.MUST}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "blah", fields, flags2, new MockAnalyzer(random)); fail(); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected exception, array length differs } } public void testStaticMethod2Old() throws ParseException { String[] fields = {"b", "t"}; //int[] flags = {MultiFieldQueryParser.REQUIRED_FIELD, MultiFieldQueryParser.PROHIBITED_FIELD}; BooleanClause.Occur[] flags = {BooleanClause.Occur.MUST, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT}; Query q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "one", fields, flags, new MockAnalyzer(random));//, fields, flags, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("+b:one -t:one", q.toString()); q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "one two", fields, flags, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("+(b:one b:two) -(t:one t:two)", q.toString()); try { BooleanClause.Occur[] flags2 = {BooleanClause.Occur.MUST}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, "blah", fields, flags2, new MockAnalyzer(random)); fail(); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected exception, array length differs } } public void testStaticMethod3() throws ParseException { String[] queries = {"one", "two", "three"}; String[] fields = {"f1", "f2", "f3"}; BooleanClause.Occur[] flags = {BooleanClause.Occur.MUST, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD}; Query q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries, fields, flags, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("+f1:one -f2:two f3:three", q.toString()); try { BooleanClause.Occur[] flags2 = {BooleanClause.Occur.MUST}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries, fields, flags2, new MockAnalyzer(random)); fail(); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected exception, array length differs } } public void testStaticMethod3Old() throws ParseException { String[] queries = {"one", "two"}; String[] fields = {"b", "t"}; BooleanClause.Occur[] flags = {BooleanClause.Occur.MUST, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT}; Query q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries, fields, flags, new MockAnalyzer(random)); assertEquals("+b:one -t:two", q.toString()); try { BooleanClause.Occur[] flags2 = {BooleanClause.Occur.MUST}; q = MultiFieldQueryParser.parse(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, queries, fields, flags2, new MockAnalyzer(random)); fail(); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected exception, array length differs } } public void testAnalyzerReturningNull() throws ParseException { String[] fields = new String[] { "f1", "f2", "f3" }; MultiFieldQueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, fields, new AnalyzerReturningNull()); Query q = parser.parse("bla AND blo"); assertEquals("+(f2:bla f3:bla) +(f2:blo f3:blo)", q.toString()); // the following queries are not affected as their terms are not analyzed anyway: q = parser.parse("bla*"); assertEquals("f1:bla* f2:bla* f3:bla*", q.toString()); q = parser.parse("bla~"); assertEquals("f1:bla~0.5 f2:bla~0.5 f3:bla~0.5", q.toString()); q = parser.parse("[a TO c]"); assertEquals("f1:[a TO c] f2:[a TO c] f3:[a TO c]", q.toString()); } public void testStopWordSearching() throws Exception { Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random); Directory ramDir = newDirectory(); IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(ramDir, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer)); Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(newField("body", "blah the footest blah", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); iw.addDocument(doc); iw.close(); MultiFieldQueryParser mfqp = new MultiFieldQueryParser(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new String[] {"body"}, analyzer); mfqp.setDefaultOperator(QueryParser.Operator.AND); Query q = mfqp.parse("the footest"); IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher(ramDir, true); ScoreDoc[] hits =, null, 1000).scoreDocs; assertEquals(1, hits.length); is.close(); ramDir.close(); } /** * Return empty tokens for field "f1". */ private static class AnalyzerReturningNull extends Analyzer { MockAnalyzer stdAnalyzer = new MockAnalyzer(random); public AnalyzerReturningNull() { } @Override public TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) { if ("f1".equals(fieldName)) { return new EmptyTokenStream(); } else { return stdAnalyzer.tokenStream(fieldName, reader); } } private static class EmptyTokenStream extends TokenStream { @Override public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException { return false; } } } }