cd Hets/VSE/test rm -rf specifications Imports_List_1.tar hets -g -A Imports.casl uDrawGraph window "Development Graph for Imports" -> "Prove VSE Structured" on node "List" vse window "project" -> "Work On" -> "Specification" -> select "imports_nat_0" -> "ok" vse window "specification": "View" -> "Short Symbols" "Specification" -> "Add Simplifier Rules" -> selection of first 4 axioms leaving 3 theorems -> "ok" "Proof" -> "Begin" -> selection "AX6 ()" -> "ok" vse window "specification-strat" (h-step) -> "Control" -> "Heuristics" -> heuristic (scroll left side down) "local simplifier equations" -> "ok" vse window "ruleselection" -> "structural induction" vse window "specification-strat": "Lemma" -> "Update" "File" -> "Go Back" vse window "specification": "Specification" -> "Add Simplifier Rules" -> selection of first proven theorem leaving 2 theorems -> "ok" "Proof" -> "Begin" -> selection "AX7 ()" -> "ok" h-step vse window "ruleselection": "structural induction" -> selection "m" -> "ok" "all right" "all left" -> Confirm "Use SL parser?" -> "Yes" -> type in "n" -> "ok" "insert equation" -> selection (choose first equation) -> "ok" "all right" vse window "specification-strat": "Lemma" -> "Update" "File" -> "Go Back" same steps for "AX8 ()" starting with "Add Simplifier Rules" vse window "specification": "Proof" -> "Replay Proofs" -> select "### All proofs ###" -> "ok" ! "File" -> "Go Back" vse window "project" -> "Work On" -> "Specification" -> select "imports_list_1" -> "ok" vse window "specification": "Specification" -> "Add Simplifier Rules" -> selection of first 6 axioms leaving the theorem -> "ok" "Proof" -> "Begin" -> selection "LEN_1APP ()" -> "ok" h-step "structural induction" -> selection "l1" -> "ok" "all right" "all left" -> Confirm "Use SL parser?" -> "Yes" -> type in "l2" -> "ok" "insert equation" -> selection (choose first equation) -> "ok" "all right" vse window "specification-strat": "Lemma" -> "Update" "File" -> "Go Back" vse window "specification": "Proof" -> "Replay Proofs" -> select "### All proofs ###" -> "ok" ! "File" -> "Go Back" vse window "project" -> "Project" -> "Exit All" uDrawGraph window "Development Graph for Imports" -> "File" -> "Exit" If something does not work as above, you probably did not set up the Simplifier Rules correctly or forgot the "local simplifier equations" Control Heuristic (h-step). It may be a good idea to replay every single proof first, before attempting the next one. (Only replayed proofs are reported back to hets.) Locked lemmas are not properly written back and the proofs will be lost by unlocking. In case of a crash you'll have to kill the remaining lisp and wish processes manually from within another shell. Do not check in a changed file Imports_List_1.tar! This archive always changes when replaying proofs. A successful replayed proof on any node will report all proven lemmas back to hets. Of course you need the secret binary hetsvse in your PATH or pointed to by the environment variable HETS_VSE.