Running MBean API (AMX) JUnit Tests

Last updated: 26 April 2007

NOTE: the hyperlinks in this document assume you are reading it from its location in the source tree eg glassfish/admin/mbeanapi-impl/tests/org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.

JUNIT: You must check out glassfish/appserv-tests in order to make junit.jar available. The easiest way to do this is:

$ cd glassfish/bootstrap
$ maven checkout-quicklook

Step 0: Start the server

Ensure that sources in admin/mbeanapi-impl and admin-core/mbeanapi are up-to-date and built.  Then start the server.

Step 1: The file

You will need to change the following properties in admin/mbeanapi-impl/ to match your own host/port/user/password:

If amxtest.connect.useTLS=true, then you also need these two properties, but the defaults should be fine:


The java constants for all the keys may be found in The only required properties are those necessary to connect to the server as shown above.  Most of the options are self-explanatory.  The tests will obviously fail if the useTLS value does not match the server's state.

amxtest.connect If true, a connection is made, if false, no connection is made. If set to false, be sure to modify your test classes to remove any that require a connection to the server.  You can set amxtest.testClasses=myamxtest.classes and modify your own copy of the file.
amxtest.connect.useTLS Set amxtest.connect.useTLS=true if the server is using TLS.
amxtest.connect.truststore Any file will do here and it need not exist in advance.  Just make sure the name is valid for your platform.  The file will be created in the course of testing if it does not already exist.
amxtest.threaded If true, then within any single test class the tests are run using junit.extensions.ActiveTestSuite; otherwise they are run using junit.framework.TestSuite.  Running the tests threaded can be confusing if they are failing (due to overlapping output); otherwise it speeds things up significantly.
By default, all tests will be run unless you set the property "amxtest.classes" (shown commented-out above).  This property is the name of a file containing a lister of test classes.  If you wish to run specific tests, you can copy the output from a run into a file, then comment-out any tests you don't want to run.  See the default test list.
For the most part, this displays the time it takes to run various tests.  Useful to see how things are performing remotely versus locally, etc.  If you are just looking for correctness, leave it set to "false".
amxtest.iterations Specifies the number of times to run the tests.  All the tests are run, then all the tests are repeated, etc.  Always run 2 iterations if there are any repeatability issues (sporadic problems in server code, not necessarily AMX code, have been seen in the past).
amxtest.deploy.files Comma-separated list of archives to deploy during DeploymentMgrTest
amxtest.deploy.numThreads The number of threads to run for DeploymentMgrTest.testDeployHeavilyThreaded.
amxtest.deploy.deployDummies Controls whether certain tests requiring the deployment of dummy (garbage) files are run.
amxtest.UploadDownloadMgrTest.numThreads The number of threads used in UploadDownloadMgrTest.
amxtest.UploadDownloadMgrTest.bigFileKB The size, in KB, of UploadDownloadMgrTest.

You can cause the tests to be run as many times as you like by setting amxtest.loopCount.  It is generally a good practise to use a count of 2, just in case there are any repeatability issues.

Step 2: Run the tests

Here is how to run the tests; note the directory:

G:\glassfish\admin\mbeanapi-impl>maven run-tests

Be sure to use 'maven' and not 'ant'.  If you use ant, the classpath won't contain required classes for certain com.sun.appserv unit tests.  Perhaps a build wizard can figure this out and fix it.

See a sample run.  The tests take just a few minutes to run, or as much as 30 minutes over VPN to a remote, slow server!  Probably you'll want to run them locally.  The tests do test all AMX MBeans, so if you have multiple running servers and/or clusters, and are testing against the Domain Admin Server (DAS), then you will be testing all AMX MBeans for all running instances.

Appendex A: Known Issues

Test/issue Comments
 j2EEType=X-CallFlowMonitor 18 July 2005

 [java] Warning: MBean "amx:j2eeType=X-CallFlowMonitor,
did not supply the 1 attributes {RequestInformation
Note that other operations are also unimplemented.

 18 July 2005  sporadic failure, not a new bug, I've seen it in the past

1) testHeavilyThreaded(
rtionError: $Proxy90.downloadBytes(Unknown Source)

The AMX Logging MBean now lives in all server instances.
However, its Container, X-ServerRootMonitor and DomainRoot do not yet exist in non-DAS instances.
Thisordinarily causes some of the generic tests to fail (ProxyTest, AMXTest, ContainerTest).
So the generic testing of remote Logging MBeans has been temporarily disabled via:


You may safely ignore all lines that say "remoteIncomplete: ..." so long as the ObjectName has j2eeType=X-Logging.

The Logging MBeans are all being tested specifically, just not generically.


24 June 2005

Very recent changes have broken something in the underlying com.sun.appserv MBeans. This is a regression.

 WARNING: MBean "amx:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//server/__JWSappclients,

clients" does not have its statisticProvider set to true,
monitoring peer = null

 WARNING: MBean "amx:j2eeType=WebModule,J2EEServer=server,
name=//server/__JWSappclients,J2EEApplication=__JWSappclients" does no

t have its statisticProvider set to true, monitoring peer = null
 WARNING: MBean "amx:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//server/__JWSappclients,

nts" does not have its statisticProvider set to true, monitoring peer = null
WARNING: MBean "amx:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=//server/__JWSappclients,

=__JWSappclients" does not have its statisticProvider set to true,
monitoring peer = null

 FAILURE: Failures in the following MBeans: amx:j2eeType=Servlet,




Unit tests fail the 2nd time due to a bug in com.sun.appserv mbean code that auto-creates, AND fails to delete, ResourceRefs for the ConnectorResource.
testCreateRemove( org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ConnectorResourceConfigTest) java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableExcep
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't remove dangling ResourceRef: amx:j2eeType=X-ResourceRefConfig,X-StandaloneServerCo
nfig=server,name=jndi/ConnectorResourceConfigTest from amx:j2eeType=X-StandaloneServerConfig,name=server
This is a bug in the custom MBean implementation, not AMX:

WARNING: after removing custom MBeans, they are still registered:
Issues warnings about dangling references (such as for X-ConnectorResourceConfig).  Runs before the config unit tests, and also runs at the very end of the unit tests (invoked by RunMeLastTest).

Appendix B: Sample Output

This output was from a test run on 06 June 2005:

G:\glassfish\admin\mbeanapi-impl>maven run-tests
Buildfile: build.xml



    [mkdir] Created dir: G:\glassfish\admin\mbeanapi-impl\build\tests
    [javac] Compiling 80 source files to G:\glassfish\admin\mbeanapi-impl\build\tests
    [javac] Note: * uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

     [java] Reading properties from: ""
     [java] Properties:
     [java] amxtest.threaded=false
     [java] amxtest.connect.truststorePassword=changeme
     [java] amxtest.deploy.files=./tests/bookstore.war
     [java] amxtest.deploy.numThreads=10
     [java] amxtest.connect.port=8686
     [java] amxtest.loopCount=1
     [java] amxtest.UploadDownloadMgrTest.bigFileKB=8192
     [java] amxtest.UploadDownloadMgrTest.numThreads=10
     [java] amxtest.connect.user=admin
     [java] amxtest.connect.useTLS=true
     [java] amxtest.testClasses=amxtest.classes
     [java] amxtest.connect.truststore=./amx-test-truststore
     [java] amxtest.deploy.deployDummies=false
     [java] amxtest.connect=true
     [java] amxtest.verbose=false
     [java] amxtest.connect.password=admin123
     [java] Connecting: host=localhost, port=8686, user=admin, password=admin123, tls=true...
     [java] Connected: host=localhost, port=8686, user=admin, password=admin123, tls=true
     [java] HandshakeCompletedEvent:[source=50d89c[SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5: Socket[addr=
     [java] Reading test classes from: "amxtest.classes"

     [java] --- 56 TEST CLASSES ---
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.util.misc.SetUtilTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LogQueryEntryImplTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LogQueryResultImplTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.util.misc.CircularListTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.SerializableTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ProxyTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ProxyFactoryTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.AMXTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ContainerTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.GenericTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.PropertiesTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LogMBeanTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LoggingTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LoggingHelperTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.StatefulLoggingHelperTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.TestTemplateTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.DomainRootTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.BulkAccessTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.QueryMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.NotificationEmitterServiceTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.NotificationServiceMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.NotificationServiceTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.MiscTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.monitor.StatisticTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.monitor.MonitorTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.monitor.JMXMonitorMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.j2ee.J2EETest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.deploy.DeploymentProgressTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.deploy.DeploymentSourceTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.deploy.DeploymentStatusTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.deploy.DeploymentMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.DomainConfigTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ReferencesTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.HTTPServiceConfigTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.HTTPListenerConfigTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ClusterConfigTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.SSLConfigTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JMXConnectorConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.IIOPListenerConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.HTTPListenerConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.AuditModuleConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.AuthRealmConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JavaConfigTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.VirtualServerConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JACCProviderConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.AdminObjectResourceConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JDBCResourceConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.MailResourceConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ConnectorConnectionPoolConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JDBCConnectionPoolConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.PersistenceManagerFactoryResourceConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JNDIResourceConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ThreadPoolConfigMgrTest
     [java] org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.PerformanceTest

     [java] --- BEGIN TESTS ---
     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.util.misc.SetUtilTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LogQueryEntryImplTest ***
     [java] .....
     [java] Time: 0.187

     [java] OK (5 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LogQueryResultImplTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 0.016

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing ***
     [java] .............
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (13 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.util.misc.CircularListTest ***
     [java] ..........
     [java] Time: 0.015

     [java] OK (10 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.SerializableTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.016

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ProxyTest ***
     [java] .....failure: getRequestInformation = java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

     [java] MBean "amx:j2eeType=X-CallFlowMonitor,name=server,X-ServerRootMonitor=server" failed for:
     [java] testProxyGetters: failure from: getRequestInformation:
     [java] failure: getLBWeight = java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

     [java] MBean "amx:j2eeType=X-StandaloneServerConfig,name=server" failed for:
     [java] testProxyGetters: failure from: getLBWeight:
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 9.812

     [java] OK (9 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ProxyFactoryTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] Time: 0.063

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.AMXTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] amx:j2eeType=X-StandaloneServerConfig,name=server contains the following int/long Attributes which perhaps ought to be String due to the t
emplatizing of config: LBWeight

     [java] ...............
     [java] Time: 14.844

     [java] OK (17 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ContainerTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 5.078

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.GenericTest ***
     [java] .Validating:
     [java] - MBeanInfo
     [java] - Attributes
     [java] - Operations (getters)

     [java] Warning: MBean "amx:j2eeType=X-CallFlowMonitor,name=server,X-ServerRootMonitor=server" did not supply the 1 attributes {RequestInformation

     [java] Warning: MBean "amx:j2eeType=X-StandaloneServerConfig,name=server" did not supply the 1 attributes {LBWeight}

     [java] Total mbeans failing: 0
     [java] .
     [java] Time: 10.297

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.PropertiesTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 0.765

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LogMBeanTest ***
     [java] .....
     [java] Time: 2.531

     [java] OK (5 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LoggingTest ***
     [java] .........
     [java] Time: 3.266

     [java] OK (9 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.LoggingHelperTest ***
     [java] .........
     [java] Time: 0.391

     [java] OK (9 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.ext.logging.StatefulLoggingHelperTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.015

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.TestTemplateTest ***
     [java] .
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (1 test)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.DomainRootTest ***
     [java] .......
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (7 tests)

     [java] *** testing ***
     [java] ............
     [java] Time: 6.703

     [java] OK (12 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.BulkAccessTest ***
     [java] ........
     [java] Time: 3.047

     [java] OK (8 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.QueryMgrTest ***
     [java] ..............
     [java] Time: 4.296

     [java] OK (14 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.NotificationEmitterServiceTest ***
     [java] ..E.
     [java] Time: 0.016
     [java] There was 1 error:
     [java] 1) testEmit(org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.NotificationEmitterServiceTest)java.lang.AssertionError
     [java]     at org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.NotificationEmitterServiceTest.testEmit(
     [java]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
     [java]     at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
     [java]     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
     [java]     at org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.TestRunner.runSuite(
     [java]     at org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.TestRunner.testClass(
     [java]     at org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.TestRunner.runTests(
     [java]     at org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.TestRunner.runAll(
     [java]     at org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.TestMain.<init>(
     [java]     at org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.TestMain.main(

     [java] FAILURES!!!
     [java] Tests run: 3,  Failures: 0,  Errors: 1

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.NotificationServiceMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.031

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.NotificationServiceTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 5.125

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.MiscTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] Time: 0.047

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.monitor.StatisticTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.016

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.monitor.MonitorTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] Time: 8.875

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.monitor.JMXMonitorMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.047

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.j2ee.J2EETest ***
     [java] .....
     [java] Time: 2.422

     [java] OK (5 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.deploy.DeploymentProgressTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.deploy.DeploymentSourceTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.deploy.DeploymentStatusTest ***
     [java] ......
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (6 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.deploy.DeploymentMgrTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 4.407

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.DomainConfigTest ***
     [java] ......
     [java] Time: 0.047

     [java] OK (6 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ReferencesTest ***
     [java] .
     [java] WARNING: ReferencesTest: server 'testServer' does not exist, SKIPPING TEST

     [java] .
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.HTTPServiceConfigTest ***
     [java] .......
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (7 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.HTTPListenerConfigTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] Time: 0.015

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ClusterConfigTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] Time: 0

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.SSLConfigTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] Time: 0.032

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JMXConnectorConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 0.375

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.IIOPListenerConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 0.312

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.HTTPListenerConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 0.766

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.AuditModuleConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.25

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.AuthRealmConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.218

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JavaConfigTest ***
     [java] ..
     [java] Time: 0.079

     [java] OK (2 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.VirtualServerConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ....
     [java] Time: 0.859

     [java] OK (4 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JACCProviderConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.094

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.AdminObjectResourceConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.125

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JDBCResourceConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.234

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.MailResourceConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.094

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ConnectorConnectionPoolConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.109

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JDBCConnectionPoolConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.078

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.PersistenceManagerFactoryResourceConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.094

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.JNDIResourceConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.094

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.config.ThreadPoolConfigMgrTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 0.125

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] *** testing org.glassfish.admin.amxtest.PerformanceTest ***
     [java] ...
     [java] Time: 1.781

     [java] OK (3 tests)

     [java] Time to run tests: 89 seconds

Total time: 1 minute 37 seconds