/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License * (the License). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the License at * http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html * See the License for the specific language governing * permission and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL * Header Notice in each file and include the License file * at http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" */ package org.forgerock.openidm.repo.orientdb.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.forgerock.json.JsonValue; import org.forgerock.json.resource.ConflictException; import org.forgerock.openidm.config.enhanced.InvalidException; import org.forgerock.openidm.util.RelationshipUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.orientechnologies.common.exception.OException; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.config.OGlobalConfiguration; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentPool; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.OIndex; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.index.OIndexManager; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OClass; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OProperty; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchema; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OType; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.security.ORole; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.security.OSecurity; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.security.OUser; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.storage.OStorage; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.array; import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.json; import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.field; import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.object; /** * A Helper to interact with the OrientDB */ public class DBHelper { final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DBHelper.class); private static Map pools = new HashMap(); /** * Get the DB pool for the given URL. May return an existing pool instance. * Also can initialize/create/update the DB to meet the passed * configuration if setupDB is enabled * * Do not close the returned pool directly as it may be used by others. * * To cleanly shut down the application, call closePools at the end * * @param dbURL the orientdb URL * @param user the orientdb user to connect * @param password the orientdb password to connect * @param minSize the orientdb pool minimum size * @param maxSize the orientdb pool maximum size * @param completeConfig the full configuration for the DB * @param setupDB true if it should also check the DB exists in the state * to match the passed configuration, and to set it up to match * @return the pool * @throws org.forgerock.openidm.config.enhanced.InvalidException */ public synchronized static ODatabaseDocumentPool getPool(String dbURL, String user, String password, int minSize, int maxSize, JsonValue completeConfig, boolean setupDB) throws InvalidException { ODatabaseDocumentTx setupDbConn = null; ODatabaseDocumentPool pool = null; try { if (setupDB) { logger.debug("Check DB exists in expected state for pool {}", dbURL); setupDbConn = checkDB(dbURL, user, password, completeConfig); } logger.debug("Getting pool {}", dbURL); pool = pools.get(dbURL); if (pool == null) { pool = initPool(dbURL, user, password, minSize, maxSize); pools.put(dbURL, pool); } } finally { if (setupDbConn != null) { setupDbConn.close(); } } return pool; } /** * Updates the username and password for the default admin user * * @param dbURL the orientdb URL * @param oldUser the old orientdb user to update * @param oldPassword the old orientdb password to update * @param newUser the new orientdb user * @param newPassword the new orientdb password */ public synchronized static void updateDbCredentials(String dbURL, String oldUser, String oldPassword, String newUser, String newPassword) { ODatabaseDocumentTx db = null; try { db = new ODatabaseDocumentTx(dbURL); db.open(oldUser, oldPassword); OSecurity security = db.getMetadata().getSecurity(); // Delete the old admin user security.dropUser(oldUser); // Create new admin user with new username and password security.createUser(newUser, newPassword, security.getRole(ORole.ADMIN)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error updating DB credentials", e); } finally { if (db != null) { db.close(); } } } /** * Closes all pools managed by this helper * Call at application shut-down to cleanly shut down the pools. */ public synchronized static void closePools() { logger.debug("Close DB pools"); for (ODatabaseDocumentPool pool : pools.values()) { try { pool.close(); logger.trace("Closed pool {}", pool); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.info("Faillure reported in closing pool {}", pool, ex); } } // release all our closed pool references pools.clear(); pools = new HashMap(); } /** * Close and remove a pool managed by this helper */ public synchronized static void closePool(String dbUrl, ODatabaseDocumentPool pool) { logger.debug("Close DB pool for {} {}", dbUrl, pool); try { pools.remove(dbUrl); pool.close(); logger.trace("Closed pool for {} {}", dbUrl, pool); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.info("Failure reported in closing pool {} {}", dbUrl, pool, ex); } } /** * Initialize the DB pool. * @param dbURL the orientdb URL * @param user the orientdb user to connect * @param password the orientdb password to connect * @param minSize the orientdb pool minimum size * @param maxSize the orientdb pool maximum size * @return the initialized pool * @throws org.forgerock.openidm.config.enhanced.InvalidException */ private static ODatabaseDocumentPool initPool(String dbURL, String user, String password, int minSize, int maxSize) throws InvalidException { logger.trace("Initializing DB Pool {}", dbURL); // Enable transaction log OGlobalConfiguration.TX_USE_LOG.setValue(true); // Immediate disk sync for commit OGlobalConfiguration.TX_COMMIT_SYNCH.setValue(true); // Have the storage closed when the DB is closed. OGlobalConfiguration.STORAGE_KEEP_OPEN.setValue(false); boolean success = false; int maxRetry = 10; int retryCount = 0; ODatabaseDocumentPool pool = null; // Initialize and try to verify the DB. Retry maxRetry times. do { retryCount++; if (pool != null) { pool.close(); } pool = new ODatabaseDocumentPool(); pool.setup(minSize, maxSize); warmUpPool(pool, dbURL, user, password, 1); boolean finalTry = (retryCount >= maxRetry); success = test(pool, dbURL, user, password, finalTry); } while (!success && retryCount < maxRetry); if (!success) { logger.warn("DB could not be verified."); } else { logger.info("DB verified on try {}", retryCount); } logger.debug("Opened and initialized pool {}", pool); return pool; } /** * Perform a basic access on the DB for a rudimentary test * @return whether the basic access succeeded */ private static boolean test(ODatabaseDocumentPool pool, String dbURL, String user, String password, boolean finalTry) { ODatabaseDocumentTx db = null; try { logger.info("Verifying the DB."); db = pool.acquire(dbURL, user, password); Iterator iter = db.browseClass("config"); // Config always should exist if (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); } } catch (OException ex) { if (finalTry) { logger.info("Exceptions encountered in verifying the DB", ex); } else { logger.debug("DB exception in testing.", ex); } return false; } finally { if (db != null) { db.close(); } } return true; } /** * Ensure the min size pool entries are initilized. * Cuts down on some (small) initial latency with lazy init * Do not call with a min past the real pool max, it will block. */ private static void warmUpPool(ODatabaseDocumentPool pool, String dbURL, String user, String password, int minSize) { logger.trace("Warming up pool up to minSize {}", Integer.valueOf(minSize)); List list = new ArrayList(); for (int count=0; count < minSize; count++) { logger.trace("Warming up entry {}", Integer.valueOf(count)); try { list.add(pool.acquire(dbURL, user, password)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Issue in warming up db pool, entry {}", Integer.valueOf(count), ex); } } for (ODatabaseDocumentTx entry : list) { try { if (entry != null) { entry.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Issue in connection close during warming up db pool, entry {}", entry, ex); } } } /** * Ensures the DB is present in the expected form. * @return the db reference. The caller MUST reliably close that DB when done with it, e.g. in a finally. * Be aware that an in-memory DB will disappear if there is no connection open to it, * and the keep open setting is not explicitly set to true */ private static ODatabaseDocumentTx checkDB(String dbURL, String user, String password, JsonValue completeConfig) throws InvalidException { // TODO: Creation/opening of db may be not be necessary if we require this managed externally ODatabaseDocumentTx db = new ODatabaseDocumentTx(dbURL); // To add support for remote DB checking/creation one // would need to use OServerAdmin instead // boolean dbExists = new OServerAdmin(dbURL).connect(user, password).existsDatabase(); // Local DB we can auto populate if (isLocalDB(dbURL) || isMemoryDB(dbURL)) { if (db.exists()) { logger.info("Using DB at {}", dbURL); db.open(user, password); populateSample(db, completeConfig); } else { logger.info("DB does not exist, creating {}", dbURL); db.create(); // Delete default admin user OSecurity security = db.getMetadata().getSecurity(); security.dropUser(OUser.ADMIN); // Create new admin user with new username and password security.createUser(user, password, security.getRole(ORole.ADMIN)); populateSample(db, completeConfig); } } else { logger.info("Using remote DB at {}", dbURL); } return db; } /** * Whether the URL represents a local DB * @param dbURL the OrientDB db url * @return true if local, false if remote * @throws InvalidException if the dbURL is null or otherwise known to be invalid */ public static boolean isLocalDB(String dbURL) throws InvalidException { if (dbURL == null) { throw new InvalidException("dbURL is not set"); } return dbURL.startsWith("local:") || dbURL.startsWith("plocal"); } /** * Whether the URL represents a memory DB * @param dbURL the OrientDB db url * @return true if local, false if remote * @throws InvalidException if the dbURL is null or otherwise known to be invalid */ public static boolean isMemoryDB(String dbURL) throws InvalidException { if (dbURL == null) { throw new InvalidException("dbURL is not set"); } return dbURL.startsWith("memory:"); } // TODO: Review the initialization mechanism private static void populateSample(ODatabaseDocumentTx db, JsonValue completeConfig) throws InvalidException { JsonValue dbStructure = completeConfig.get(OrientDBRepoService.CONFIG_DB_STRUCTURE); if (dbStructure == null) { logger.warn("No database structure defined in the configuration." + completeConfig); } else { JsonValue orientDBClasses = dbStructure.get(OrientDBRepoService.CONFIG_ORIENTDB_CLASS); OSchema schema = db.getMetadata().getSchema(); // Default always to create Config class for bootstrapping if (orientDBClasses == null || orientDBClasses.isNull()) { orientDBClasses = json(object()); } orientDBClasses.put("config", object()); logger.info("Setting up database"); for (Object key : orientDBClasses.keys()) { String orientClassName = (String) key; JsonValue orientClassConfig = orientDBClasses.get(orientClassName); boolean classAlreadyExists = schema.existsClass(orientClassName); createOrUpdateOrientDBClass(db, schema, orientClassName, orientClassConfig); if (!classAlreadyExists && "internal_user".equals(orientClassName)) { populateDefaultUsers(orientClassName, db); } if (!classAlreadyExists && "internal_role".equals(orientClassName)) { populateDefaultRoles(orientClassName, db); } } } } // Populates the default roles private static void populateDefaultRoles(String defaultTableName, ODatabaseDocumentTx db) throws InvalidException { populateDefaultRole(defaultTableName, db, "openidm-reg", "Anonymous access"); populateDefaultRole(defaultTableName, db, "openidm-authorized", "Basic minimum user"); populateDefaultRole(defaultTableName, db, "openidm-admin", "Administrative access"); populateDefaultRole(defaultTableName, db, "openidm-cert", "Authenticated via certificate"); populateDefaultRole(defaultTableName, db, "openidm-tasks-manager", "Allowed to reassign workflow tasks"); } private static void populateDefaultRole(String defaultTableName, ODatabaseDocumentTx db, String id, String description) throws InvalidException { JsonValue role = new JsonValue(new HashMap()); role.put("_openidm_id", id); role.put("description", description); try { ODocument newDoc = DocumentUtil.toDocument(role.asMap(), null, db, defaultTableName); newDoc.save(); logger.trace("Created default role {}", id); } catch (ConflictException ex) { throw new InvalidException("Unexpected failure during DB set-up of default role", ex); } } // Populates the default user, the pwd needs to be changed by the installer private static void populateDefaultUsers(String defaultTableName, ODatabaseDocumentTx db) throws InvalidException { String defaultAdminUser = "openidm-admin"; // Default password needs to be replaced after installation String defaultAdminPwd = "openidm-admin"; List defaultAdminRoles = json(array( object(field(RelationshipUtil.REFERENCE_ID, "repo/internal/role/openidm-admin")), object(field(RelationshipUtil.REFERENCE_ID, "repo/internal/role/openidm-authorized")))) .asList(Map.class); populateDefaultUser(defaultTableName, db, defaultAdminUser, defaultAdminPwd, defaultAdminRoles); logger.trace("Created default user {}. Please change the assigned default password.", defaultAdminUser); String anonymousUser = "anonymous"; String anonymousPwd = "anonymous"; List anonymousRoles = json(array( object(field(RelationshipUtil.REFERENCE_ID, "repo/internal/role/openidm-reg")))).asList(Map.class); populateDefaultUser(defaultTableName, db, anonymousUser, anonymousPwd, anonymousRoles); logger.trace("Created default user {} for registration purposes.", anonymousUser); } private static void populateDefaultUser(String defaultTableName, ODatabaseDocumentTx db, String user, String pwd, List roles) throws InvalidException { JsonValue defaultAdmin = new JsonValue(new HashMap()); defaultAdmin.put("_openidm_id", user); defaultAdmin.put("userName", user); defaultAdmin.put("password", pwd); defaultAdmin.put("roles", roles); try { ODocument newDoc = DocumentUtil.toDocument(defaultAdmin.asMap(), null, db, defaultTableName); newDoc.save(); } catch (ConflictException ex) { throw new InvalidException("Unexpected failure during DB set-up of default user", ex); } } private static String uniqueIndexName(String orientClassName, String[] propertyNames) { // Determine a unique name to use for the index // Naming pattern used is !property1[!propertyN]*!Idx StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(orientClassName); sb.append("!"); for (String entry : propertyNames) { sb.append(entry); sb.append("!"); } sb.append("Idx"); return sb.toString(); } private static void createProperty(OClass orientClass, String propName, String propertyType) { try { // Create property type object OType orientPropertyType = OType.valueOf(propertyType.toUpperCase()); // Create property orientClass.createProperty(propName, orientPropertyType); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new InvalidException("Invalid property type '" + propertyType + "' in configuration for property '" + propName + " on " + orientClass.getName() + " valid values: { " + StringUtils.join(OType.values(), ", ") + " }" + " failure message: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } private static void createIndex(OClass orientClass, String indexType, String[] propertyNames, String propertyType) { logger.info("Creating index on properties {} of type {} with index type {} on {} for OrientDB class ", propertyNames, propertyType, indexType, orientClass.getName()); try { // Create the index String indexName = uniqueIndexName(orientClass.getName(), propertyNames); OClass.INDEX_TYPE orientIndexType = OClass.INDEX_TYPE.valueOf(indexType.toUpperCase()); orientClass.createIndex(indexName, orientIndexType, propertyNames); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new InvalidException("Invalid index type '" + indexType + "' in configuration on properties " + propertyNames + " of type " + propertyType + " on " + orientClass.getName() + " valid values: { " + StringUtils.join(OClass.INDEX_TYPE.values(), ", ") + " }" + " failure message: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } private static void createOrUpdateOrientDBClass(ODatabaseDocumentTx db, OSchema schema, String orientClassName, JsonValue orientClassConfig) { OIndexManager indexManager = db.getMetadata().getIndexManager(); OClass orientClass = schema.getClass(orientClassName); if (orientClass == null) { logger.info("OrientDB class {} does not exist and is being created.", orientClassName); orientClass = schema.createClass(orientClassName, db.addCluster(orientClassName, OStorage.CLUSTER_TYPE.PHYSICAL)); } List indexProperties = new ArrayList(); JsonValue indexes = orientClassConfig.get(OrientDBRepoService.CONFIG_INDEX); for (JsonValue index : indexes) { String propertyType = index.get(OrientDBRepoService.CONFIG_PROPERTY_TYPE).asString(); String indexType = index.get(OrientDBRepoService.CONFIG_INDEX_TYPE).asString(); String propertyName = index.get(OrientDBRepoService.CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME).asString(); ArrayList propNamesList = new ArrayList(); if (propertyName != null) { propNamesList.add(propertyName); } else { propNamesList.addAll(index.get(OrientDBRepoService.CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAMES).asList(String.class)); if (propNamesList.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidException("Invalid index configuration. " + "Missing property name(s) on index configuration for property type " + propertyType + " with index type " + indexType + " on " + orientClassName); } } // Add new Class properties for (String propName : propNamesList) { if (!orientClass.existsProperty(propName)) { logger.info("Creating property {} of type {}", new Object[] {propName, propertyType}); createProperty(orientClass, propName, propertyType); } } // Add or re-create indexes. No need to rebuild indexes as automatic // indexes are rebuilt by OrientDB when they are created. String[] propertyNames = propNamesList.toArray(new String[propNamesList.size()]); if (propertyNames.length > 0) { String indexName = uniqueIndexName(orientClass.getName(), propertyNames); OIndex oIndex = orientClass.getClassIndex(indexName); if (oIndex != null && !oIndex.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(indexType)) { indexManager.dropIndex(indexName); oIndex = null; } if (oIndex == null) { createIndex(orientClass, indexType, propertyNames, propertyType); } } // Add to master list of configured class properties indexProperties.addAll(propNamesList); } // Remove obsolete indexes but do not remove the associated // Class properties as we are using a hybrid schema and do not // know who created the Class properties Collection classProperties = orientClass.properties(); for (OProperty property : classProperties) { String propName = property.getName(); if (!indexProperties.contains(propName)) { Set> propIndexes = indexManager.getClassInvolvedIndexes(orientClass.getName(), propName); for (OIndex propIndex : propIndexes) { // Ensure that we only drop indexes which we created and // match the OpenIDM index naming convention String indexRegex = uniqueIndexName(orientClass.getName(), new String[]{".*"}); if (propIndex.getName().matches(indexRegex)) { indexManager.dropIndex(propIndex.getName()); } } } } } }