/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2007-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ package org.opends.messages; import static org.testng.Assert.*; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Locale; /** * Message Tester. */ public class MessageBuilderTest extends MessagesTestCase { @BeforeClass public void setUp() throws IOException { createDummyLocalizedCoreMessagesFile(); } @DataProvider(name = "toMessageData") public Object[][] toMessageData() { return new Object[][]{ // All strings { new CharSequence[] { "Once", " upon", " a", " time." }, "Once upon a time." }, // All messages { new CharSequence[] { Message.raw("Once"), Message.raw(" upon"), Message.raw(" a"), Message.raw(" time.") }, "Once upon a time." }, // Mix of strings and messages { new CharSequence[] { Message.raw("Once"), " upon", Message.raw(" a"), " time." }, "Once upon a time." }, // Lots of messages { new CharSequence[] { Message.raw("North"), Message.raw(" America"), Message.raw(" is"), Message.raw(" divided"), Message.raw(" into"), Message.raw(" two"), Message.raw(" vast"), Message.raw(" regions,"), Message.raw(" one"), Message.raw(" inclining"), Message.raw(" towards"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" Pole,"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" other"), Message.raw(" towards"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" Equator--Valley"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" Mississippi--Traces"), Message.raw(" found"), Message.raw(" there"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" revolutions"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" globe"), Message.raw(" --Shore"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" Atlantic"), Message.raw(" Ocean,"), Message.raw(" on"), Message.raw(" which"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" English"), Message.raw(" colonies"), Message.raw(" were"), Message.raw(" founded--Different"), Message.raw(" aspects"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" North"), Message.raw(" and"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" South"), Message.raw(" America"), Message.raw(" at"), Message.raw(" the"), Message.raw(" time"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" their"), Message.raw(" discovery--Forests"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" North"), Message.raw(" America"), Message.raw(" --Prairies--Wandering"), Message.raw(" tribes"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" natives--Their"), Message.raw(" outward"), Message.raw(" appearance,"), Message.raw(" customs,"), Message.raw(" and"), Message.raw(" languages--Traces"), Message.raw(" of"), Message.raw(" an"), Message.raw(" unknown"), Message.raw(" people.") }, "North America is divided into two vast regions, one inclining towards the Pole," + " the other towards the Equator--Valley of the Mississippi--Traces found there of" + " the revolutions of the globe --Shore of the Atlantic Ocean, on which the English" + " colonies were founded--Different aspects of North and of South America at the" + " time of their discovery--Forests of North America --Prairies--Wandering tribes" + " of natives--Their outward appearance, customs, and languages--Traces of an" + " unknown people." } }; } @Test (dataProvider = "toMessageData") public void testToMessage(CharSequence[] content, String result) { MessageBuilder mb = new MessageBuilder(); for (CharSequence c : content) { mb.append(c); } Message m = mb.toMessage(); assertTrue(result.equals(m.toString())); } @DataProvider(name = "toMessageData1") public Object[][] toMessageData1() { return new Object[][]{ // default locale { new CharSequence[] { CoreMessages.ERR_ADD_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_DSE.get(), CoreMessages.ERR_ABANDON_OP_NO_SUCH_OPERATION.get(1) }, Locale.getDefault(), CoreMessages.ERR_ADD_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_DSE.get().toString() + CoreMessages.ERR_ABANDON_OP_NO_SUCH_OPERATION.get(1).toString() }, { new CharSequence[] { CoreMessages.ERR_ADD_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_DSE.get(), CoreMessages.ERR_ABANDON_OP_NO_SUCH_OPERATION.get(1) }, TEST_LOCALE, CoreMessages.ERR_ADD_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_DSE.get().toString(TEST_LOCALE) + CoreMessages.ERR_ABANDON_OP_NO_SUCH_OPERATION.get(1).toString(TEST_LOCALE) } }; } @Test (dataProvider = "toMessageData1") public void testToMessage1(CharSequence[] content, Locale locale, String result) { MessageBuilder mb = new MessageBuilder(); for (CharSequence c : content) { mb.append(c); } Message m = mb.toMessage(); assertTrue(result.equals(m.toString(locale))); } @DataProvider(name = "toMessageData2") public Object[][] toMessageData2() { return new Object[][] { { CoreMessages.ERR_ADD_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_DSE.get(), CoreMessages.ERR_ABANDON_OP_NO_SUCH_OPERATION.get(1), CoreMessages.ERR_ADD_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_DSE.getCategory(), CoreMessages.ERR_ADD_CANNOT_ADD_ROOT_DSE.getSeverity() }, { Message.raw(Category.JEB, Severity.FATAL_ERROR, "test message"), CoreMessages.ERR_ABANDON_OP_NO_SUCH_OPERATION.get(1), Category.JEB, Severity.FATAL_ERROR }, { Message.raw("test message"), CoreMessages.ERR_ABANDON_OP_NO_SUCH_OPERATION.get(1), Category.USER_DEFINED, Severity.INFORMATION } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "toMessageData2") public void testToMessage2(Message m1, Message m2, Category c, Severity s) { MessageBuilder mb = new MessageBuilder(); mb.append(m1); mb.append(m2); Message m = mb.toMessage(); assertEquals(m.getDescriptor().getCategory(), c); assertEquals(m.getDescriptor().getSeverity(), s); } }