Test ID snmp
OpenDS SNMP Extension feature
- install OpenDS using the same procedure than in the setup_cli testcase

- run status in CLI and check that the SNMP Connection Handler is listed and disabled
- same checks using control-panel in GUI

- enable SNMP Connection Handler:
# dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -p PORT --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler" --set enabled:true --set listen-port:8085 --set opendmk-jarfile:PATH_TO_OPENDMK_JARFILE -n

For more information on how to enable SNMP, see:
How To Monitor OpenDS Through SNMP

- run status in CLI and check that the SNMP Connection Handler is listed and enabled, check also that the port is correct
- same checks using control-panel in GUI

- check that your SNMP Connection Handler is up and running:
# snmpwalk -v 2c -c OpenDS@OpenDS HOSTNAME:8085 .
iso. = STRING: "JDMK"
iso. = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)

- stop the server (stop-ds)

- run status in CLI and check that the SNMP Connection Handler is listed and enabled
- same checks using control-panel in GUI

- run uninstall command in CLI or in GUI mode

Specific checks