/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2013 ForgeRock AS */ package org.opends.server.tools.upgrade; import static org.opends.messages.ToolMessages.*; import static org.opends.server.tools.upgrade.FileManager.copy; import static org.opends.server.tools.upgrade.Installation .CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME; import static org.opends.server.tools.upgrade.Upgrade.*; import static org.opends.server.tools.upgrade.UpgradeUtils.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.security.auth.callback.ConfirmationCallback; import javax.security.auth.callback.TextOutputCallback; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Filter; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.UnknownSchemaElementException; import org.opends.messages.Message; import org.opends.server.tools.ClientException; import org.opends.server.tools.RebuildIndex; import org.opends.server.util.BuildVersion; import org.opends.server.util.ChangeOperationType; /** * Factory methods for create new upgrade tasks. */ public final class UpgradeTasks { /** * An errors counter in case of ignore errors mode. */ static int countErrors = 0; /** * Logger for the upgrade. */ static private final Logger LOG = Logger .getLogger(UpgradeCli.class.getName()); /** * The indexes list to rebuild are united here. */ static Set indexesListToRebuild = new HashSet(); /** * A flag to avoid rebuild single indexes if 'rebuild all' is selected. */ static boolean isRebuildAllIndexesIsPresent = false; /** * A flag for marking 'rebuild all' task accepted by user. */ static boolean isRebuildAllIndexesTaskAccepted = false; /** * Returns a new upgrade task which applies an LDIF record to all * configuration entries matching the provided filter. * * @param summary * The summary of this upgrade task. * @param ldif * The LDIF record which will be applied to matching entries. * @return A new upgrade task which applies an LDIF record to all * configuration entries matching the provided filter. */ public static UpgradeTask addConfigEntry(final Message summary, final String... ldif) { return addConfigEntry0(summary, summary, false, ldif); } /** * Returns a new upgrade task which applies an LDIF record to all * configuration entries matching the provided filter. * * @param summary * The summary of this upgrade task. * @param description * The detailed description of this upgrade task. * @param ldif * The LDIF record which will be applied to matching entries. * @return A new upgrade task which applies an LDIF record to all * configuration entries matching the provided filter. */ public static UpgradeTask addConfigEntryOptional(final Message summary, final Message description, final String... ldif) { return addConfigEntry0(summary, description, true, ldif); } /** * This task copies the file placed in parameter within the config / schema * folder. If the file already exists, it's overwritten. * * @param fileName * The name of the file which need to be copied. * @return A task which copy the the file placed in parameter within the * config / schema folder. If the file already exists, it's * overwritten. */ public static UpgradeTask copySchemaFile(final String fileName) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { @Override public void perform(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { final Message msg = INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_REPLACE_SCHEMA_FILE.get(fileName); LOG.log(Level.INFO, msg.toString()); final ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, msg, 0); final File schemaFileTemplate = new File(templateConfigSchemaDirectory, fileName); try { context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(20)); if (!schemaFileTemplate.exists() || schemaFileTemplate.length() == 0) { throw new IOException(ERR_UPGRADE_CORRUPTED_TEMPLATE .get(schemaFileTemplate.getPath()).toString()); } copy(schemaFileTemplate, configSchemaDirectory, true); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } catch (final IOException e) { manageTaskException(context, ERR_UPGRADE_COPYSCHEMA_FAILS.get( schemaFileTemplate.getName(), e.getMessage()), pnc); } } }; } /** * This task copies the file placed in parameter within the config folder. If * the file already exists, it's overwritten. * * @param fileName * The name of the file which need to be copied. * @return A task which copy the the file placed in parameter within the * config folder. If the file already exists, it's overwritten. */ public static UpgradeTask addConfigFile(final String fileName) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { @Override public void perform(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { final Message msg = INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_ADD_CONFIG_FILE.get(fileName); LOG.log(Level.INFO, msg.toString()); final ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, msg, 0); final File configFile = new File(templateConfigDirectory, fileName); try { context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(20)); copy(configFile, configDirectory, true); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } catch (final IOException e) { manageTaskException(context, ERR_UPGRADE_ADD_CONFIG_FILE_FAILS.get( configFile.getName(), e.getMessage()), pnc); } } }; } /** * Returns a new upgrade task which applies an LDIF record to all * configuration entries matching the provided filter. * * @param summary * The summary of this upgrade task. * @param filter * The LDAP filter which configuration entries must match. * @param ldif * The LDIF record which will be applied to matching entries. * @return A new upgrade task which applies an LDIF record to all * configuration entries matching the provided filter. */ public static UpgradeTask modifyConfigEntry(final Message summary, final String filter, final String... ldif) { return modifyConfigEntry(summary, summary, false, filter, ldif); } /** * Returns a new upgrade task which applies an LDIF record to all * configuration entries matching the provided filter. * * @param summary * The summary of this upgrade task. * @param description * The detailed description of this upgrade task. * @param filter * The LDAP filter which configuration entries must match. * @param ldif * The LDIF record which will be applied to matching entries. * @return A new upgrade task which applies an LDIF record to all * configuration entries matching the provided filter. */ public static UpgradeTask modifyConfigEntryOptional(final Message summary, final Message description, final String filter, final String... ldif) { return modifyConfigEntry(summary, description, true, filter, ldif); } /** * This task adds a new attribute type (must exists in the original file) to * the specified file placed in parameter. The destination must be a file * contained in the config/schema folder. E.g : This example adds a new * attribute type named 'etag' in the 00.core.ldif. The 'etag' attribute * already exists in the 00-core.ldif template schema file. * *
   * register("",
   *   newAttributeTypes(Message.raw("New attribute etag"),
   *   false, "00-core.ldif", "etag"));
* * @param summary * The summary of the task. * @param fileName * The file where to add the new attribute types. This file must be * contained in the config/schema folder. * @param names * The names of the new attributes to add to. * @return An upgrade task which adds new attribute types, defined previously * in the config template files, reads the definition and adds it onto * the specified file in parameter. */ public static UpgradeTask newAttributeTypes(final Message summary, final String fileName, final String... names) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { @Override public void perform(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { LOG.log(Level.INFO, summary.toString()); final ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, summary, 20); context.notifyProgress(pnc); final File schemaFileTemplate = new File(templateConfigSchemaDirectory, fileName); final File pathDestination = new File(configSchemaDirectory, fileName); try { final int changeCount = updateSchemaFile(schemaFileTemplate, pathDestination, names, null); displayChangeCount(pathDestination.getPath(), changeCount); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } catch (final IOException e) { manageTaskException(context, ERR_UPGRADE_ADDATTRIBUTE_FAILS.get( schemaFileTemplate.getName(), e.getMessage()), pnc); } catch (final UnknownSchemaElementException e) { manageTaskException(context, ERR_UPGRADE_ADDATTRIBUTE_FAILS.get( schemaFileTemplate.getName(), e.getMessage()), pnc); } } }; } /** * This task adds a new object class (must exists in the original file) to the * specified file placed in parameter. The destination must be a file * contained in the config/schema folder. * * @param summary * The summary of the task. * @param fileName * The file where to add the new object classes. This file must be * contained in the config/schema folder. * @param names * The names of the new object classes to add to. * @return An upgrade task which adds new object classes, defined previously * in the config template files, reads the definition and adds it onto * the specified file in parameter. */ public static UpgradeTask newObjectClasses(final Message summary, final String fileName, final String... names) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { @Override public void perform(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { LOG.log(Level.INFO, summary.toString()); final ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, summary, 20); context.notifyProgress(pnc); final File schemaFileTemplate = new File(templateConfigSchemaDirectory, fileName); final File pathDestination = new File(configSchemaDirectory, fileName); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(20)); try { final int changeCount = updateSchemaFile(schemaFileTemplate, pathDestination, null, names); displayChangeCount(pathDestination.getPath(), changeCount); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } catch (final IOException e) { manageTaskException(context, ERR_UPGRADE_ADDOBJECTCLASS_FAILS.get( schemaFileTemplate.getName(), e.getMessage()), pnc); } catch (final UnknownSchemaElementException e) { manageTaskException(context, ERR_UPGRADE_ADDOBJECTCLASS_FAILS.get( schemaFileTemplate.getName(), e.getMessage()), pnc); } } }; } /** * Creates a group of tasks which will only be invoked if the current version * is more recent than the provided version. This may be useful in cases where * a regression was introduced in version X and resolved in a later version Y. * In this case, the provided upgrade tasks will only be invoked if the * current version is between X (inclusive) and Y (exclusive). * * @param versionString * The lower bound version. The upgrade tasks will not be applied if * the current version is older than this version. * @param tasks * The group of tasks to invoke if the current version is equal to or * more recent than {@code versionString}. * @return An upgrade task which will only be invoked if the current version * is more recent than the provided version. */ public static UpgradeTask regressionInVersion(final String versionString, final UpgradeTask... tasks) { final BuildVersion version = BuildVersion.valueOf(versionString); return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { @Override public void verify(UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (currentVersionEqualToOrMoreRecentThan(context, version)) { for (UpgradeTask task : tasks) { task.verify(context); } } } @Override public void interact(UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (currentVersionEqualToOrMoreRecentThan(context, version)) { for (UpgradeTask task : tasks) { task.interact(context); } } } @Override public void perform(UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (currentVersionEqualToOrMoreRecentThan(context, version)) { for (UpgradeTask task : tasks) { task.perform(context); } } } @Override public void postUpgrade(UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (currentVersionEqualToOrMoreRecentThan(context, version)) { boolean isOk = true; for (final UpgradeTask task : tasks) { if (isOk) { try { task.postUpgrade(context); } catch (ClientException e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage()); isOk = false; } } else { task.postponePostUpgrade(context); } } } } private boolean currentVersionEqualToOrMoreRecentThan( UpgradeContext context, final BuildVersion version) { return context.getFromVersion().compareTo(version) >= 0; } }; } /** * Creates a rebuild all indexes task. * * @param summary * The summary of this upgrade task. * @return An Upgrade task which rebuild all the indexes. */ public static UpgradeTask rebuildAllIndexes(final Message summary) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { private boolean isATaskToPerform = false; @Override public void interact(UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { Upgrade.setHasPostUpgradeTask(true); // Requires answer from the user. final int answer = context.confirmYN(summary, ConfirmationCallback.NO); isATaskToPerform = (answer == ConfirmationCallback.YES); isRebuildAllIndexesIsPresent = true; isRebuildAllIndexesTaskAccepted = isATaskToPerform; } @Override public void postUpgrade(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (!isATaskToPerform) { postponePostUpgrade(context); } } @Override public void postponePostUpgrade(UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { context.notify(INFO_UPGRADE_ALL_REBUILD_INDEX_DECLINED.get(), TextOutputCallback.WARNING); } }; } /** * Creates a rebuild index task for a given single index. As this task is * possibly lengthy, it's considered as a post upgrade task. This task is not * mandatory; e.g not require user interaction, but could be required to get a * fully functional server.
* The post upgrade task just register the task. The rebuild indexes tasks are * completed at the end of the upgrade process. * * @param summary * A message describing why the index needs to be rebuilt and asking * them whether or not they wish to perform this task after the * upgrade. * @param index * The index to rebuild. * @return The rebuild index task. */ public static UpgradeTask rebuildSingleIndex(final Message summary, final String index) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { private boolean isATaskToPerform = false; @Override public void interact(UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { Upgrade.setHasPostUpgradeTask(true); // Requires answer from the user. final int answer = context.confirmYN(summary, ConfirmationCallback.NO); isATaskToPerform = (answer == ConfirmationCallback.YES); } @Override public void postUpgrade(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (isATaskToPerform) { indexesListToRebuild.add(index); } else { postponePostUpgrade(context); } } @Override public void postponePostUpgrade(UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (!isRebuildAllIndexesIsPresent) { context.notify(INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_INDEX_DECLINED.get(index), TextOutputCallback.WARNING); } } }; } /** * This task is processed at the end of the upgrade, rebuilding indexes. If a * rebuild all indexes has been registered before, it takes the flag * relatively to single rebuild index. * * @return The post upgrade rebuild indexes task. */ public static UpgradeTask postUpgradeRebuildIndexes() { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { @Override public void postUpgrade(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { Message message = null; final List args = new LinkedList(); if (isRebuildAllIndexesIsPresent && isRebuildAllIndexesTaskAccepted) { args.add("--rebuildAll"); message = INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_ALL.get(); } else if (!indexesListToRebuild.isEmpty() && !isRebuildAllIndexesTaskAccepted) { message = INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_INDEX_STARTS.get(Arrays .toString(indexesListToRebuild.toArray())); // Adding all requested indexes. for (final String indexToRebuild : indexesListToRebuild) { args.add("-i"); args.add(indexToRebuild); } } else { return; } // Startup message. ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, message, 25); LOG.log(Level.INFO, message.toString()); context.notifyProgress(pnc); // Sets the arguments like the rebuild index command line. args.addAll(Arrays.asList( "-f", new File(configDirectory, CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) .getAbsolutePath())); /* * Index(es) could be contained in several backends or none, If none, * the post upgrade tasks succeed and a message is printed in the * upgrade log file. */ final List backends = UpgradeUtils.getLocalBackendsFromConfig(); if (!backends.isEmpty()) { for (final String be : backends) { args.add("-b"); args.add(be); } final String[] commandLineArgs = args.toArray(new String[args.size()]); // Displays info about command line args for log only. LOG.log(Level.INFO, INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_INDEX_ARGUMENTS.get( Arrays.toString(commandLineArgs)).toString()); /* * The rebuild-index process just display a status ok / fails. The * logger stream contains all the log linked to this process. The * complete process is not displayed in the upgrade console. */ final int result = new RebuildIndex().rebuildIndexesWithinMultipleBackends(true, UpgradeLog.getPrintStream(), commandLineArgs); if (result == 0) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_INDEX_ENDS.get() .toString()); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } else { final Message msg = ERR_UPGRADE_PERFORMING_POST_TASKS_FAIL.get(); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(-100)); throw new ClientException(EXIT_CODE_ERROR, msg); } } else { final Message msg = INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_INDEX_NO_BACKEND_FOUND.get(); LOG.log(Level.INFO, msg.toString()); LOG.log(Level.INFO, INFO_UPGRADE_REBUILD_INDEX_DECLINED.get( Arrays.toString(indexesListToRebuild.toArray())).toString()); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } } }; } /** * Creates a file object representing config/upgrade/schema.ldif.current which * the server creates the first time it starts if there are schema * customizations. * * @return An upgrade task which upgrade the config/upgrade folder, creating a * new schema.ldif.rev which is needed after schema customization for * starting correctly the server. */ public static UpgradeTask updateConfigUpgradeFolder() { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { @Override public void perform(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { final Message msg = INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_REFRESH_UPGRADE_DIRECTORY.get(); LOG.log(Level.INFO, msg.toString()); final ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, msg, 20); context.notifyProgress(pnc); try { updateConfigUpgradeSchemaFile(configSchemaDirectory, String .valueOf(context.getToVersion().getRevisionNumber())); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } catch (final Exception ex) { manageTaskException(context, ERR_UPGRADE_CONFIG_ERROR_UPGRADE_FOLDER .get(ex.getMessage()), pnc); } } }; } /** * Renames the SNMP security config file if it exists. Since this * file has been renamed. * * @param summary * The summary of this upgrade task. * @return An upgrade task which renames the old SNMP security config file if * it exists. */ public static UpgradeTask renameSnmpSecurityConfig(final Message summary) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { @Override public void perform(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { /* * Snmp config file contains old name in old version(like 2.4.5), in * order to make sure the process will still work after upgrade, we need * to rename it - only if it exists. */ if (UpgradeUtils.configSnmpSecurityDirectory.exists()) { ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, summary, 0); try { final File oldSnmpConfig = new File(UpgradeUtils.configSnmpSecurityDirectory, "opends-snmp.security"); if (oldSnmpConfig.exists()) { context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(20)); LOG.log(Level.INFO, summary.toString()); final File snmpConfig = new File(UpgradeUtils.configSnmpSecurityDirectory, "opendj-snmp.security"); FileManager.rename(oldSnmpConfig, snmpConfig); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } } catch (final Exception ex) { manageTaskException(context, ERR_UPGRADE_RENAME_SNMP_SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE.get(ex .getMessage()), pnc); } } } }; } private static UpgradeTask addConfigEntry0(final Message summary, final Message description, final boolean needsUserConfirmation, final String... ldif) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { private boolean userConfirmation = true; @Override public void interact(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (needsUserConfirmation) { // Process needs to have user's response to perform the current // modification. final int answer = context.confirmYN(INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_NEEDS_USER_CONFIRM .get(description), ConfirmationCallback.YES); // The user refuses to perform this task. if (answer == ConfirmationCallback.NO) { userConfirmation = false; } } } @Override public void perform(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (userConfirmation) { displayTaskLogInformation(summary.toString(), null, ldif); final ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, summary, 20); context.notifyProgress(pnc); try { // TODO change the directory to the config if it exists. final File configFile = new File(configDirectory, Installation.CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); final int changeCount = updateConfigFile(configFile.getPath(), null, ChangeOperationType.ADD, ldif); displayChangeCount(configFile.getPath(), changeCount); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } catch (final Exception e) { manageTaskException(context, Message.fromObject(e.getMessage()), pnc); } } } }; } private static void displayChangeCount(final String fileName, final int changeCount) { if (changeCount != 0) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, INFO_UPGRADE_CHANGE_DONE_IN_SPECIFIC_FILE.get( fileName, String.valueOf(changeCount)).toString()); } else { LOG.log(Level.INFO, INFO_UPGRADE_NO_CHANGE_DONE_IN_SPECIFIC_FILE.get( fileName).toString()); } } private static void displayTaskLogInformation(final String summary, final String filter, final String... ldif) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, summary); if (filter != null) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, filter); } if (ldif != null) { LOG.log(Level.INFO, Arrays.asList(ldif).toString()); } } private static void manageTaskException(final UpgradeContext context, final Message message, final ProgressNotificationCallback pnc) throws ClientException { countErrors++; context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(-100)); LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, message.toString()); if (!context.isIgnoreErrorsMode()) { throw new ClientException(EXIT_CODE_ERROR, message); } } private static UpgradeTask modifyConfigEntry(final Message summary, final Message description, final boolean needsUserConfirmation, final String filter, final String... ldif) { return new AbstractUpgradeTask() { private boolean userConfirmation = true; @Override public void interact(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (needsUserConfirmation) { // Process needs to have user's response to perform the current // modification. final int answer = context.confirmYN(INFO_UPGRADE_TASK_NEEDS_USER_CONFIRM .get(description), ConfirmationCallback.YES); // The user refuses to perform this task. if (answer == ConfirmationCallback.NO) { userConfirmation = false; } } } @Override public void perform(final UpgradeContext context) throws ClientException { if (userConfirmation) { displayTaskLogInformation(summary.toString(), filter, ldif); final ProgressNotificationCallback pnc = new ProgressNotificationCallback(0, summary, 20); context.notifyProgress(pnc); try { final File configFile = new File(configDirectory, Installation.CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); final int changeCount = updateConfigFile(configFile.getPath(), Filter.valueOf(filter), ChangeOperationType.MODIFY, ldif); displayChangeCount(configFile.getPath(), changeCount); context.notifyProgress(pnc.setProgress(100)); } catch (final Exception e) { manageTaskException(context, Message.fromObject(e.getMessage()), pnc); } } } }; } // Prevent instantiation. private UpgradeTasks() { // Do nothing. } }