/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2006-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2010-2013 ForgeRock AS. */ package org.opends.server.protocols.ldap; import static org.opends.messages.CoreMessages.*; import static org.opends.messages.ProtocolMessages.*; import static org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer.*; import static org.opends.server.loggers.AccessLogger.*; import static org.opends.server.loggers.ErrorLogger.*; import static org.opends.server.loggers.debug.DebugLogger.*; import static org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPConstants.*; import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*; import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.*; import java.security.cert.Certificate; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.net.ssl.SSLException; import org.opends.messages.Message; import org.opends.messages.MessageBuilder; import org.opends.server.api.ClientConnection; import org.opends.server.api.ConnectionHandler; import org.opends.server.core.*; import org.opends.server.core.networkgroups.NetworkGroup; import org.opends.server.extensions.ConnectionSecurityProvider; import org.opends.server.extensions.RedirectingByteChannel; import org.opends.server.extensions.TLSByteChannel; import org.opends.server.extensions.TLSCapableConnection; import org.opends.server.loggers.debug.DebugTracer; import org.opends.server.protocols.asn1.ASN1; import org.opends.server.protocols.asn1.ASN1ByteChannelReader; import org.opends.server.protocols.asn1.ASN1Reader; import org.opends.server.protocols.asn1.ASN1Writer; import org.opends.server.types.*; import org.opends.server.util.TimeThread; /** * This class defines an LDAP client connection, which is a type of * client connection that will be accepted by an instance of the LDAP * connection handler and have its requests decoded by an LDAP request * handler. */ public final class LDAPClientConnection extends ClientConnection implements TLSCapableConnection { /** * A runnable whose task is to close down all IO related channels * associated with a client connection after a small delay. */ private static final class ConnectionFinalizerJob implements Runnable { /** The client connection ASN1 reader. */ private final ASN1Reader asn1Reader; /** The client connection socket channel. */ private final SocketChannel socketChannel; /** Creates a new connection finalizer job. */ private ConnectionFinalizerJob(ASN1Reader asn1Reader, SocketChannel socketChannel) { this.asn1Reader = asn1Reader; this.socketChannel = socketChannel; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void run() { try { asn1Reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // In general, we don't care about any exception that might be // thrown here. if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } try { socketChannel.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // In general, we don't care about any exception that might be // thrown here. if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } } /** * Channel that writes the contents of the provided buffer to the client, * throwing an exception if the write is unsuccessful for too * long (e.g., if the client is unresponsive or there is a network * problem). If possible, it will attempt to use the selector returned * by the {@code ClientConnection.getWriteSelector} method, but it is * capable of working even if that method returns {@code null}.
* * Note that the original position and limit values will not be * preserved, so if that is important to the caller, then it should * record them before calling this method and restore them after it * returns. */ private class TimeoutWriteByteChannel implements ByteChannel { /** Synchronize concurrent writes to the same connection. */ private final Lock writeLock = new ReentrantLock(); @Override public int read(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws IOException { int bytesRead = clientChannel.read(byteBuffer); if (bytesRead > 0 && keepStats) { statTracker.updateBytesRead(bytesRead); } return bytesRead; } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return clientChannel.isOpen(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { clientChannel.close(); } @Override public int write(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) throws IOException { writeLock.lock(); try { int bytesToWrite = byteBuffer.remaining(); int bytesWritten = clientChannel.write(byteBuffer); if (bytesWritten > 0 && keepStats) { statTracker.updateBytesWritten(bytesWritten); } if (!byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { return bytesToWrite; } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long waitTime = getMaxBlockedWriteTimeLimit(); if (waitTime <= 0) { // We won't support an infinite time limit, so fall back to using // five minutes, which is a very long timeout given that we're // blocking a worker thread. waitTime = 300000L; } long stopTime = startTime + waitTime; Selector selector = getWriteSelector(); if (selector == null) { // The client connection does not provide a selector, so we'll // fall back to a more inefficient way that will work without a // selector. while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining() && (System.currentTimeMillis() < stopTime)) { bytesWritten = clientChannel.write(byteBuffer); if (bytesWritten < 0) { // The client connection has been closed. throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (bytesWritten > 0 && keepStats) { statTracker.updateBytesWritten(bytesWritten); } } if (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { // If we've gotten here, then the write timed out. throw new ClosedChannelException(); } return bytesToWrite; } // Register with the selector for handling write operations. SelectionKey key = clientChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); try { selector.select(waitTime); while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentTime >= stopTime) { // We've been blocked for too long. throw new ClosedChannelException(); } else { waitTime = stopTime - currentTime; } Iterator iterator = selector.selectedKeys() .iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { SelectionKey k = iterator.next(); if (k.isWritable()) { bytesWritten = clientChannel.write(byteBuffer); if (bytesWritten < 0) { // The client connection has been closed. throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (bytesWritten > 0 && keepStats) { statTracker.updateBytesWritten(bytesWritten); } iterator.remove(); } } if (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { selector.select(waitTime); } } return bytesToWrite; } finally { if (key.isValid()) { key.cancel(); selector.selectNow(); } } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } } /** The tracer object for the debug logger. */ private static final DebugTracer TRACER = getTracer(); /** * Thread local ASN1Writer and buffer. */ private static final class ASN1WriterHolder { private final ASN1Writer writer; private final ByteStringBuilder buffer; private final int maxBufferSize; private ASN1WriterHolder() { this.buffer = new ByteStringBuilder(); this.maxBufferSize = getMaxInternalBufferSize(); this.writer = ASN1.getWriter(buffer, maxBufferSize); } } /** * Cached ASN1 writer: a thread can only write to one connection at a time. */ private static final ThreadLocal ASN1_WRITER_CACHE = new ThreadLocal() { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected ASN1WriterHolder initialValue() { return new ASN1WriterHolder(); } }; private ASN1WriterHolder getASN1Writer() { ASN1WriterHolder holder = ASN1_WRITER_CACHE.get(); if (holder.maxBufferSize != getMaxInternalBufferSize()) { // Setting has changed, so recreate the holder. holder = new ASN1WriterHolder(); ASN1_WRITER_CACHE.set(holder); } return holder; } /** The time that the last operation was completed. */ private final AtomicLong lastCompletionTime; /** The next operation ID that should be used for this connection. */ private final AtomicLong nextOperationID; /** The selector that may be used for write operations. */ private final AtomicReference writeSelector; /** * Indicates whether the Directory Server believes this connection to be valid * and available for communication. */ private volatile boolean connectionValid; /** * Indicates whether this connection is about to be closed. This will be used * to prevent accepting new requests while a disconnect is in progress. */ private boolean disconnectRequested; /** * Indicates whether the connection should keep statistics regarding the * operations that it is performing. */ private final boolean keepStats; /** The set of all operations currently in progress on this connection. */ private final ConcurrentHashMap operationsInProgress; /** * The number of operations performed on this connection. Used to compare with * the resource limits of the network group. */ private final AtomicLong operationsPerformed; /** The port on the client from which this connection originated. */ private final int clientPort; /** * The LDAP version that the client is using to communicate with the server. */ private int ldapVersion; /** The port on the server to which this client has connected. */ private final int serverPort; /** The reference to the connection handler that accepted this connection. */ private final LDAPConnectionHandler connectionHandler; /** The statistics tracker associated with this client connection. */ private final LDAPStatistics statTracker; private boolean useNanoTime=false; /** The connection ID assigned to this connection. */ private final long connectionID; /** * The lock used to provide threadsafe access to the set of operations in * progress. */ private final Object opsInProgressLock; /** The socket channel with which this client connection is associated. */ private final SocketChannel clientChannel; /** The byte channel used for blocking writes with time out. */ private final ByteChannel timeoutClientChannel; /** The string representation of the address of the client. */ private final String clientAddress; /** * The name of the protocol that the client is using to communicate with the * server. */ private final String protocol; /** * The string representation of the address of the server to which the client * has connected. */ private final String serverAddress; private ASN1ByteChannelReader asn1Reader; private final int bufferSize; private final RedirectingByteChannel saslChannel; private final RedirectingByteChannel tlsChannel; private volatile ConnectionSecurityProvider activeProvider = null; private volatile ConnectionSecurityProvider tlsPendingProvider = null; private volatile ConnectionSecurityProvider saslPendingProvider = null; /** * Creates a new LDAP client connection with the provided information. * * @param connectionHandler * The connection handler that accepted this connection. * @param clientChannel * The socket channel that may be used to communicate with * the client. * @param protocol String representing the protocol (LDAP or LDAP+SSL). * @throws DirectoryException If SSL initialisation fails. */ LDAPClientConnection(LDAPConnectionHandler connectionHandler, SocketChannel clientChannel, String protocol) throws DirectoryException { this.connectionHandler = connectionHandler; if (connectionHandler.isAdminConnectionHandler()) { setNetworkGroup(NetworkGroup.getAdminNetworkGroup()); } this.clientChannel = clientChannel; timeoutClientChannel = new TimeoutWriteByteChannel(); opsInProgressLock = new Object(); ldapVersion = 3; lastCompletionTime = new AtomicLong(TimeThread.getTime()); nextOperationID = new AtomicLong(0); connectionValid = true; disconnectRequested = false; operationsInProgress = new ConcurrentHashMap(); operationsPerformed = new AtomicLong(0); keepStats = connectionHandler.keepStats(); this.protocol = protocol; writeSelector = new AtomicReference(); clientAddress = clientChannel.socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); clientPort = clientChannel.socket().getPort(); serverAddress = clientChannel.socket().getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(); serverPort = clientChannel.socket().getLocalPort(); statTracker = this.connectionHandler.getStatTracker(); if (keepStats) { statTracker.updateConnect(); this.useNanoTime=DirectoryServer.getUseNanoTime(); } bufferSize = connectionHandler.getBufferSize(); tlsChannel = RedirectingByteChannel.getRedirectingByteChannel( timeoutClientChannel); saslChannel = RedirectingByteChannel.getRedirectingByteChannel(tlsChannel); this.asn1Reader = ASN1.getReader(saslChannel, bufferSize, connectionHandler .getMaxRequestSize()); if (connectionHandler.useSSL()) { enableSSL(connectionHandler.getTLSByteChannel(timeoutClientChannel)); } connectionID = DirectoryServer.newConnectionAccepted(this); } /** * Retrieves the connection ID assigned to this connection. * * @return The connection ID assigned to this connection. */ @Override public long getConnectionID() { return connectionID; } /** * Retrieves the connection handler that accepted this client * connection. * * @return The connection handler that accepted this client * connection. */ @Override public ConnectionHandler getConnectionHandler() { return connectionHandler; } /** * Retrieves the socket channel that can be used to communicate with * the client. * * @return The socket channel that can be used to communicate with the * client. */ @Override public SocketChannel getSocketChannel() { return clientChannel; } /** * Retrieves the protocol that the client is using to communicate with * the Directory Server. * * @return The protocol that the client is using to communicate with * the Directory Server. */ @Override public String getProtocol() { return protocol; } /** * Retrieves a string representation of the address of the client. * * @return A string representation of the address of the client. */ @Override public String getClientAddress() { return clientAddress; } /** * Retrieves the port number for this connection on the client system. * * @return The port number for this connection on the client system. */ @Override public int getClientPort() { return clientPort; } /** * Retrieves a string representation of the address on the server to * which the client connected. * * @return A string representation of the address on the server to * which the client connected. */ @Override public String getServerAddress() { return serverAddress; } /** * Retrieves the port number for this connection on the server system. * * @return The port number for this connection on the server system. */ @Override public int getServerPort() { return serverPort; } /** * Retrieves the java.net.InetAddress associated with the * remote client system. * * @return The java.net.InetAddress associated with the * remote client system. It may be null if the * client is not connected over an IP-based connection. */ @Override public InetAddress getRemoteAddress() { return clientChannel.socket().getInetAddress(); } /** * Retrieves the java.net.InetAddress for the Directory * Server system to which the client has established the connection. * * @return The java.net.InetAddress for the Directory * Server system to which the client has established the * connection. It may be null if the client is * not connected over an IP-based connection. */ @Override public InetAddress getLocalAddress() { return clientChannel.socket().getLocalAddress(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isConnectionValid() { return this.connectionValid; } /** * Indicates whether this client connection is currently using a * secure mechanism to communicate with the server. Note that this may * change over time based on operations performed by the client or * server (e.g., it may go from false to * true if the client uses the StartTLS extended * operation). * * @return true if the client connection is currently * using a secure mechanism to communicate with the server, or * false if not. */ @Override public boolean isSecure() { if (activeProvider != null) return activeProvider.isSecure(); else return false; } /** * Sends a response to the client based on the information in the * provided operation. * * @param operation * The operation for which to send the response. */ @Override public void sendResponse(Operation operation) { // Since this is the final response for this operation, we can go // ahead and remove it from the "operations in progress" list. It // can't be canceled after this point, and this will avoid potential // race conditions in which the client immediately sends another // request with the same message ID as was used for this operation. if (keepStats) { long time; if (useNanoTime) { time = operation.getProcessingNanoTime(); } else { time = operation.getProcessingTime(); } this.statTracker.updateOperationMonitoringData( operation.getOperationType(), time); } // Avoid sending the response if one has already been sent. This may happen // if operation processing encounters a run-time exception after sending the // response: the worker thread exception handling code will attempt to send // an error result to the client indicating that a problem occurred. if (removeOperationInProgress(operation.getMessageID())) { LDAPMessage message = operationToResponseLDAPMessage(operation); if (message != null) { sendLDAPMessage(message); } } } /** * Retrieves an LDAPMessage containing a response generated from the * provided operation. * * @param operation * The operation to use to generate the response LDAPMessage. * @return An LDAPMessage containing a response generated from the * provided operation. */ private LDAPMessage operationToResponseLDAPMessage(Operation operation) { ResultCode resultCode = operation.getResultCode(); if (resultCode == null) { // This must mean that the operation has either not yet completed // or that it completed without a result for some reason. In any // case, log a message and set the response to "operations error". logError(ERR_LDAP_CLIENT_SEND_RESPONSE_NO_RESULT_CODE.get( operation.getOperationType().toString(), operation .getConnectionID(), operation.getOperationID())); resultCode = DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(); } MessageBuilder errorMessage = operation.getErrorMessage(); DN matchedDN = operation.getMatchedDN(); // Referrals are not allowed for LDAPv2 clients. List referralURLs; if (ldapVersion == 2) { referralURLs = null; if (resultCode == ResultCode.REFERRAL) { resultCode = ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION; errorMessage.append(ERR_LDAPV2_REFERRAL_RESULT_CHANGED.get()); } List opReferrals = operation.getReferralURLs(); if ((opReferrals != null) && (!opReferrals.isEmpty())) { StringBuilder referralsStr = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iterator = opReferrals.iterator(); referralsStr.append(iterator.next()); while (iterator.hasNext()) { referralsStr.append(", "); referralsStr.append(iterator.next()); } errorMessage.append(ERR_LDAPV2_REFERRALS_OMITTED.get(String .valueOf(referralsStr))); } } else { referralURLs = operation.getReferralURLs(); } ProtocolOp protocolOp; switch (operation.getOperationType()) { case ADD: protocolOp = new AddResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), errorMessage.toMessage(), matchedDN, referralURLs); break; case BIND: ByteString serverSASLCredentials = ((BindOperationBasis) operation).getServerSASLCredentials(); protocolOp = new BindResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), errorMessage.toMessage(), matchedDN, referralURLs, serverSASLCredentials); break; case COMPARE: protocolOp = new CompareResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), errorMessage.toMessage(), matchedDN, referralURLs); break; case DELETE: protocolOp = new DeleteResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), errorMessage.toMessage(), matchedDN, referralURLs); break; case EXTENDED: // If this an LDAPv2 client, then we can't send this. if (ldapVersion == 2) { logError(ERR_LDAPV2_SKIPPING_EXTENDED_RESPONSE.get( getConnectionID(), operation.getOperationID(), String .valueOf(operation))); return null; } ExtendedOperationBasis extOp = (ExtendedOperationBasis) operation; protocolOp = new ExtendedResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), errorMessage.toMessage(), matchedDN, referralURLs, extOp .getResponseOID(), extOp.getResponseValue()); break; case MODIFY: protocolOp = new ModifyResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), errorMessage.toMessage(), matchedDN, referralURLs); break; case MODIFY_DN: protocolOp = new ModifyDNResponseProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), errorMessage.toMessage(), matchedDN, referralURLs); break; case SEARCH: protocolOp = new SearchResultDoneProtocolOp(resultCode.getIntValue(), errorMessage.toMessage(), matchedDN, referralURLs); break; default: // This must be a type of operation that doesn't have a response. // This shouldn't happen, so log a message and return. logError(ERR_LDAP_CLIENT_SEND_RESPONSE_INVALID_OP.get(String .valueOf(operation.getOperationType()), getConnectionID(), operation.getOperationID(), String.valueOf(operation))); return null; } // Controls are not allowed for LDAPv2 clients. List controls; if (ldapVersion == 2) { controls = null; } else { controls = operation.getResponseControls(); } return new LDAPMessage(operation.getMessageID(), protocolOp, controls); } /** * Sends the provided search result entry to the client. * * @param searchOperation * The search operation with which the entry is associated. * @param searchEntry * The search result entry to be sent to the client. */ @Override public void sendSearchEntry(SearchOperation searchOperation, SearchResultEntry searchEntry) { SearchResultEntryProtocolOp protocolOp = new SearchResultEntryProtocolOp(searchEntry, ldapVersion); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(searchOperation.getMessageID(), protocolOp, searchEntry.getControls())); } /** * Sends the provided search result reference to the client. * * @param searchOperation * The search operation with which the reference is * associated. * @param searchReference * The search result reference to be sent to the client. * @return true if the client is able to accept * referrals, or false if the client cannot * handle referrals and no more attempts should be made to * send them for the associated search operation. */ @Override public boolean sendSearchReference(SearchOperation searchOperation, SearchResultReference searchReference) { // Make sure this is not an LDAPv2 client. If it is, then they can't // see referrals so we'll not send anything. Also, throw an // exception so that the core server will know not to try sending // any more referrals to this client for the rest of the operation. if (ldapVersion == 2) { Message message = ERR_LDAPV2_SKIPPING_SEARCH_REFERENCE.get(getConnectionID(), searchOperation.getOperationID(), String .valueOf(searchReference)); logError(message); return false; } SearchResultReferenceProtocolOp protocolOp = new SearchResultReferenceProtocolOp(searchReference); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(searchOperation.getMessageID(), protocolOp, searchReference.getControls())); return true; } /** * Sends the provided intermediate response message to the client. * * @param intermediateResponse * The intermediate response message to be sent. * @return true if processing on the associated operation * should continue, or false if not. */ @Override protected boolean sendIntermediateResponseMessage( IntermediateResponse intermediateResponse) { IntermediateResponseProtocolOp protocolOp = new IntermediateResponseProtocolOp(intermediateResponse .getOID(), intermediateResponse.getValue()); Operation operation = intermediateResponse.getOperation(); LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(operation.getMessageID(), protocolOp, intermediateResponse.getControls()); sendLDAPMessage(message); // The only reason we shouldn't continue processing is if the // connection is closed. return connectionValid; } /** * Sends the provided LDAP message to the client. * * @param message * The LDAP message to send to the client. */ private void sendLDAPMessage(LDAPMessage message) { // Use a thread local writer. final ASN1WriterHolder holder = getASN1Writer(); try { message.write(holder.writer); holder.buffer.copyTo(saslChannel); if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugProtocolElement(DebugLogLevel.VERBOSE, message.toString()); } if (keepStats) { statTracker.updateMessageWritten(message); } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } // FIXME -- Log a message or something disconnect(DisconnectReason.SERVER_ERROR, false, null); return; } finally { // Clear and reset all of the internal buffers ready for the next usage. // The ASN1Writer is based on a ByteStringBuilder so closing will cause // the internal buffers to be resized if needed. close(holder.writer); } } /** * Closes the connection to the client, optionally sending it a * message indicating the reason for the closure. Note that the * ability to send a notice of disconnection may not be available for * all protocols or under all circumstances. * * @param disconnectReason * The disconnect reason that provides the generic cause for * the disconnect. * @param sendNotification * Indicates whether to try to provide notification to the * client that the connection will be closed. * @param message * The message to include in the disconnect notification * response. It may be null if no message is to * be sent. */ @Override public void disconnect(DisconnectReason disconnectReason, boolean sendNotification, Message message) { // Set a flag indicating that the connection is being terminated so // that no new requests will be accepted. Also cancel all operations // in progress. synchronized (opsInProgressLock) { // If we are already in the middle of a disconnect, then don't // do anything. if (disconnectRequested) { return; } disconnectRequested = true; } if (keepStats) { statTracker.updateDisconnect(); } if (connectionID >= 0) { DirectoryServer.connectionClosed(this); } // Indicate that this connection is no longer valid. connectionValid = false; if (message != null) { MessageBuilder msgBuilder = new MessageBuilder(); msgBuilder.append(disconnectReason.getClosureMessage()); msgBuilder.append(": "); msgBuilder.append(message); cancelAllOperations(new CancelRequest(true, msgBuilder .toMessage())); } else { cancelAllOperations(new CancelRequest(true, disconnectReason .getClosureMessage())); } finalizeConnectionInternal(); // If there is a write selector for this connection, then close it. Selector selector = writeSelector.get(); close(selector); // See if we should send a notification to the client. If so, then // construct and send a notice of disconnection unsolicited // response. Note that we cannot send this notification to an LDAPv2 // client. if (sendNotification && (ldapVersion != 2)) { try { int resultCode; switch (disconnectReason) { case PROTOCOL_ERROR: resultCode = LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR; break; case SERVER_SHUTDOWN: resultCode = LDAPResultCode.UNAVAILABLE; break; case SERVER_ERROR: resultCode = DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode().getIntValue(); break; case ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: case IDLE_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: case MAX_REQUEST_SIZE_EXCEEDED: case IO_TIMEOUT: resultCode = LDAPResultCode.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED; break; case CONNECTION_REJECTED: resultCode = LDAPResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION; break; case INVALID_CREDENTIALS: resultCode = LDAPResultCode.INVALID_CREDENTIALS; break; default: resultCode = LDAPResultCode.OTHER; break; } Message errMsg; if (message == null) { errMsg = INFO_LDAP_CLIENT_GENERIC_NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECTION.get(); } else { errMsg = message; } ExtendedResponseProtocolOp notificationOp = new ExtendedResponseProtocolOp(resultCode, errMsg, null, null, OID_NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECTION, null); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(0, notificationOp, null)); } catch (Exception e) { // NYI -- Log a message indicating that we couldn't send the // notice of disconnection. if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } // Enqueue the connection channels for closing by the finalizer. Runnable r = new ConnectionFinalizerJob(asn1Reader, clientChannel); connectionHandler.registerConnectionFinalizer(r); // NYI -- Deregister the client connection from any server components that // might know about it. // Log a disconnect message. logDisconnect(this, disconnectReason, message); try { PluginConfigManager pluginManager = DirectoryServer.getPluginConfigManager(); pluginManager.invokePostDisconnectPlugins(this, disconnectReason, message); } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } /** * Retrieves the set of operations in progress for this client * connection. This list must not be altered by any caller. * * @return The set of operations in progress for this client * connection. */ @Override public Collection getOperationsInProgress() { return operationsInProgress.values(); } /** * Retrieves the operation in progress with the specified message ID. * * @param messageID * The message ID for the operation to retrieve. * @return The operation in progress with the specified message ID, or * null if no such operation could be found. */ @Override public Operation getOperationInProgress(int messageID) { return operationsInProgress.get(messageID); } /** * Adds the provided operation to the set of operations in progress * for this client connection. * * @param operation * The operation to add to the set of operations in progress * for this client connection. * @throws DirectoryException * If the operation is not added for some reason (e.g., the * client already has reached the maximum allowed concurrent * requests). */ private void addOperationInProgress(Operation operation) throws DirectoryException { int messageID = operation.getMessageID(); // We need to grab a lock to ensure that no one else can add // operations to the queue while we are performing some preliminary // checks. try { synchronized (opsInProgressLock) { // If we're already in the process of disconnecting the client, // then reject the operation. if (disconnectRequested) { Message message = WARN_CLIENT_DISCONNECT_IN_PROGRESS.get(); throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, message); } // Add the operation to the list of operations in progress for // this connection. Operation op = operationsInProgress.putIfAbsent(messageID, operation); // See if there is already an operation in progress with the // same message ID. If so, then we can't allow it. if (op != null) { Message message = WARN_LDAP_CLIENT_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID.get(messageID); throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, message); } } // Try to add the operation to the work queue, // or run it synchronously (typically for the administration // connector) connectionHandler.getQueueingStrategy().enqueueRequest( operation); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } operationsInProgress.remove(messageID); lastCompletionTime.set(TimeThread.getTime()); throw de; } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } Message message = WARN_LDAP_CLIENT_CANNOT_ENQUEUE.get(getExceptionMessage(e)); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer .getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e); } } /** * Removes the provided operation from the set of operations in * progress for this client connection. Note that this does not make * any attempt to cancel any processing that may already be in * progress for the operation. * * @param messageID * The message ID of the operation to remove from the set of * operations in progress. * @return true if the operation was found and removed * from the set of operations in progress, or * false if not. */ @Override public boolean removeOperationInProgress(int messageID) { Operation operation = operationsInProgress.remove(messageID); if (operation == null) { return false; } if (operation.getOperationType() == OperationType.ABANDON) { if (keepStats && (operation.getResultCode() == ResultCode.CANCELED)) { statTracker.updateAbandonedOperation(); } } lastCompletionTime.set(TimeThread.getTime()); return true; } /** * Attempts to cancel the specified operation. * * @param messageID * The message ID of the operation to cancel. * @param cancelRequest * An object providing additional information about how the * cancel should be processed. * @return A cancel result that either indicates that the cancel was * successful or provides a reason that it was not. */ @Override public CancelResult cancelOperation(int messageID, CancelRequest cancelRequest) { Operation op = operationsInProgress.get(messageID); if (op == null) { // See if the operation is in the list of persistent searches. for (PersistentSearch ps : getPersistentSearches()) { if (ps.getMessageID() == messageID) { // We only need to find the first persistent search // associated with the provided message ID. The persistent // search will ensure that all other related persistent // searches are cancelled. CancelResult cancelResult = ps.cancel(); return cancelResult; } } return new CancelResult(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OPERATION, null); } else { CancelResult cancelResult = op.cancel(cancelRequest); return cancelResult; } } /** * Attempts to cancel all operations in progress on this connection. * * @param cancelRequest * An object providing additional information about how the * cancel should be processed. */ @Override public void cancelAllOperations(CancelRequest cancelRequest) { // Make sure that no one can add any new operations. synchronized (opsInProgressLock) { try { for (Operation o : operationsInProgress.values()) { try { o.abort(cancelRequest); // TODO: Assume its cancelled? if (keepStats) { statTracker.updateAbandonedOperation(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } if (!(operationsInProgress.isEmpty() && getPersistentSearches() .isEmpty())) { lastCompletionTime.set(TimeThread.getTime()); } operationsInProgress.clear(); for (PersistentSearch persistentSearch : getPersistentSearches()) { persistentSearch.cancel(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } } /** * Attempts to cancel all operations in progress on this connection * except the operation with the specified message ID. * * @param cancelRequest * An object providing additional information about how the * cancel should be processed. * @param messageID * The message ID of the operation that should not be * canceled. */ @Override public void cancelAllOperationsExcept(CancelRequest cancelRequest, int messageID) { // Make sure that no one can add any new operations. synchronized (opsInProgressLock) { try { for (int msgID : operationsInProgress.keySet()) { if (msgID == messageID) { continue; } Operation o = operationsInProgress.get(msgID); if (o != null) { try { o.abort(cancelRequest); // TODO: Assume its cancelled? if (keepStats) { statTracker.updateAbandonedOperation(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } operationsInProgress.remove(msgID); lastCompletionTime.set(TimeThread.getTime()); } for (PersistentSearch persistentSearch : getPersistentSearches()) { if (persistentSearch.getMessageID() == messageID) { continue; } persistentSearch.cancel(); lastCompletionTime.set(TimeThread.getTime()); } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override() public Selector getWriteSelector() { Selector selector = writeSelector.get(); if (selector == null) { try { selector = Selector.open(); if (!writeSelector.compareAndSet(null, selector)) { selector.close(); selector = writeSelector.get(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } return selector; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override() public long getMaxBlockedWriteTimeLimit() { return connectionHandler.getMaxBlockedWriteTimeLimit(); } /** * Returns the total number of operations initiated on this * connection. * * @return the total number of operations on this connection */ @Override public long getNumberOfOperations() { return operationsPerformed.get(); } /** * Returns the ASN1 reader for this connection. * * @return the ASN1 reader for this connection */ ASN1ByteChannelReader getASN1Reader() { return asn1Reader; } /** * Process data read. * * @return number of bytes read if this connection is still valid * or negative integer to indicate an error otherwise */ int processDataRead() { if (bindOrStartTLSInProgress.get()) { // We should wait for the bind or startTLS to finish before // reading any more data off the socket. return 0; } try { int result = asn1Reader.processChannelData(); if (result < 0) { // The connection has been closed by the client. Disconnect // and return. disconnect(DisconnectReason.CLIENT_DISCONNECT, false, null); return -1; } return result; } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } if (asn1Reader.hasRemainingData() || (e instanceof SSLException)) { // The connection failed, but there was an unread partial message so // interpret this as an IO error. Message m = ERR_LDAP_CLIENT_IO_ERROR_DURING_READ.get(String .valueOf(e)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.IO_ERROR, true, m); } else { // The connection failed and there was no unread data, so interpret this // as indicating that the client aborted (reset) the connection. This // happens when a client configures closes a connection which has been // configured with SO_LINGER set to 0. Message m = ERR_LDAP_CLIENT_IO_ERROR_BEFORE_READ.get(); disconnect(DisconnectReason.CLIENT_DISCONNECT, true, m); } return -1; } } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message read from the client and takes * whatever action is appropriate. For most requests, this will * include placing the operation in the work queue. Certain requests * (in particular, abandons and unbinds) will be processed directly. * * @param message * The LDAP message to process. * @return true if the appropriate action was taken for * the request, or false if there was a fatal * error and the client has been disconnected as a result, or * if the client unbound from the server. */ boolean processLDAPMessage(LDAPMessage message) { if (keepStats) { statTracker.updateMessageRead(message); this.getNetworkGroup().updateMessageRead(message); } operationsPerformed.getAndIncrement(); List opControls = message.getControls(); // FIXME -- See if there is a bind in progress. If so, then deny // most kinds of operations. // Figure out what type of operation we're dealing with based on the // LDAP message. Abandon and unbind requests will be processed here. // All other types of requests will be encapsulated into operations // and append into the work queue to be picked up by a worker // thread. Any other kinds of LDAP messages (e.g., response // messages) are illegal and will result in the connection being // terminated. try { if(bindOrStartTLSInProgress.get() || (saslBindInProgress.get() && message.getProtocolOpType() != OP_TYPE_BIND_REQUEST)) { throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, ERR_ENQUEUE_BIND_IN_PROGRESS.get()); } boolean result; switch (message.getProtocolOpType()) { case OP_TYPE_ABANDON_REQUEST: result = processAbandonRequest(message, opControls); return result; case OP_TYPE_ADD_REQUEST: result = processAddRequest(message, opControls); return result; case OP_TYPE_BIND_REQUEST: bindOrStartTLSInProgress.set(true); if(message.getBindRequestProtocolOp(). getAuthenticationType() == AuthenticationType.SASL) { saslBindInProgress.set(true); } result = processBindRequest(message, opControls); if(!result) { bindOrStartTLSInProgress.set(false); if(message.getBindRequestProtocolOp(). getAuthenticationType() == AuthenticationType.SASL) { saslBindInProgress.set(false); } } return result; case OP_TYPE_COMPARE_REQUEST: result = processCompareRequest(message, opControls); return result; case OP_TYPE_DELETE_REQUEST: result = processDeleteRequest(message, opControls); return result; case OP_TYPE_EXTENDED_REQUEST: if(message.getExtendedRequestProtocolOp().getOID().equals( OID_START_TLS_REQUEST)) { bindOrStartTLSInProgress.set(true); } result = processExtendedRequest(message, opControls); if(!result && message.getExtendedRequestProtocolOp().getOID().equals( OID_START_TLS_REQUEST)) { bindOrStartTLSInProgress.set(false); } return result; case OP_TYPE_MODIFY_REQUEST: result = processModifyRequest(message, opControls); return result; case OP_TYPE_MODIFY_DN_REQUEST: result = processModifyDNRequest(message, opControls); return result; case OP_TYPE_SEARCH_REQUEST: result = processSearchRequest(message, opControls); return result; case OP_TYPE_UNBIND_REQUEST: result = processUnbindRequest(message, opControls); return result; default: Message msg = ERR_LDAP_DISCONNECT_DUE_TO_INVALID_REQUEST_TYPE.get(message .getProtocolOpName(), message.getMessageID()); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, true, msg); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } Message msg = ERR_LDAP_DISCONNECT_DUE_TO_PROCESSING_FAILURE.get(message .getProtocolOpName(), message.getMessageID(), String .valueOf(e)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.SERVER_ERROR, true, msg); return false; } } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as an abandon request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the abandon request to * process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processAbandonRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { if ((ldapVersion == 2) && (controls != null) && (!controls.isEmpty())) { // LDAPv2 clients aren't allowed to send controls. disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } // Create the abandon operation and add it into the work queue. AbandonRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getAbandonRequestProtocolOp(); AbandonOperationBasis abandonOp = new AbandonOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, protocolOp.getIDToAbandon()); try { addOperationInProgress(abandonOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } // Don't send an error response since abandon operations // don't have a response. } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as an add request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the add request to process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processAddRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { if ((ldapVersion == 2) && (controls != null) && (!controls.isEmpty())) { // LDAPv2 clients aren't allowed to send controls. AddResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new AddResponseProtocolOp(LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } // Create the add operation and add it into the work queue. AddRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getAddRequestProtocolOp(); AddOperationBasis addOp = new AddOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID.getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, protocolOp.getDN(), protocolOp.getAttributes()); try { addOperationInProgress(addOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } AddResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new AddResponseProtocolOp(de.getResultCode().getIntValue(), de.getMessageObject(), de.getMatchedDN(), de .getReferralURLs()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp, addOp.getResponseControls())); } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as a bind request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the bind request to process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processBindRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { BindRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getBindRequestProtocolOp(); // See if this is an LDAPv2 bind request, and if so whether that // should be allowed. String versionString; switch (ldapVersion = protocolOp.getProtocolVersion()) { case 2: versionString = "2"; if (!connectionHandler.allowLDAPv2()) { BindResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new BindResponseProtocolOp( LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAPV2_CLIENTS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CLIENTS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } if ((controls != null) && (!controls.isEmpty())) { // LDAPv2 clients aren't allowed to send controls. BindResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new BindResponseProtocolOp(LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } break; case 3: versionString = "3"; break; default: // Unsupported protocol version. RFC4511 states that we MUST send // a protocol error back to the client. BindResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new BindResponseProtocolOp(LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAP_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION.get(ldapVersion)); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAP_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION.get(ldapVersion)); return false; } ByteString bindDN = protocolOp.getDN(); BindOperationBasis bindOp; switch (protocolOp.getAuthenticationType()) { case SIMPLE: bindOp = new BindOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, versionString, bindDN, protocolOp.getSimplePassword()); break; case SASL: bindOp = new BindOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, versionString, bindDN, protocolOp.getSASLMechanism(), protocolOp.getSASLCredentials()); break; default: // This is an invalid authentication type, and therefore a // protocol error. As per RFC 2251, a protocol error in a bind // request must result in terminating the connection. Message msg = ERR_LDAP_INVALID_BIND_AUTH_TYPE.get(message.getMessageID(), String.valueOf(protocolOp.getAuthenticationType())); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, true, msg); return false; } // Add the operation into the work queue. try { addOperationInProgress(bindOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } BindResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new BindResponseProtocolOp(de.getResultCode().getIntValue(), de.getMessageObject(), de.getMatchedDN(), de .getReferralURLs()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp, bindOp.getResponseControls())); // If it was a protocol error, then terminate the connection. if (de.getResultCode() == ResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR) { Message msg = ERR_LDAP_DISCONNECT_DUE_TO_BIND_PROTOCOL_ERROR.get(message .getMessageID(), de.getMessageObject()); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, true, msg); } } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as a compare request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the compare request to * process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processCompareRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { if ((ldapVersion == 2) && (controls != null) && (!controls.isEmpty())) { // LDAPv2 clients aren't allowed to send controls. CompareResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new CompareResponseProtocolOp(LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } CompareRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getCompareRequestProtocolOp(); CompareOperationBasis compareOp = new CompareOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, protocolOp.getDN(), protocolOp.getAttributeType(), protocolOp.getAssertionValue()); // Add the operation into the work queue. try { addOperationInProgress(compareOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } CompareResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new CompareResponseProtocolOp(de.getResultCode() .getIntValue(), de.getMessageObject(), de.getMatchedDN(), de.getReferralURLs()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp, compareOp.getResponseControls())); } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as a delete request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the delete request to process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processDeleteRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { if ((ldapVersion == 2) && (controls != null) && (!controls.isEmpty())) { // LDAPv2 clients aren't allowed to send controls. DeleteResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new DeleteResponseProtocolOp(LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } DeleteRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getDeleteRequestProtocolOp(); DeleteOperationBasis deleteOp = new DeleteOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, protocolOp.getDN()); // Add the operation into the work queue. try { addOperationInProgress(deleteOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } DeleteResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new DeleteResponseProtocolOp( de.getResultCode().getIntValue(), de.getMessageObject(), de.getMatchedDN(), de.getReferralURLs()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp, deleteOp.getResponseControls())); } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as an extended request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the extended request to * process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processExtendedRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { // See if this is an LDAPv2 client. If it is, then they should not // be issuing extended requests. We can't send a response that we // can be sure they can understand, so we have no choice but to // close the connection. if (ldapVersion == 2) { Message msg = ERR_LDAPV2_EXTENDED_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED.get( getConnectionID(), message.getMessageID()); logError(msg); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, msg); return false; } // FIXME -- Do we need to handle certain types of request here? // -- StartTLS requests // -- Cancel requests ExtendedRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getExtendedRequestProtocolOp(); ExtendedOperationBasis extendedOp = new ExtendedOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, protocolOp.getOID(), protocolOp.getValue()); // Add the operation into the work queue. try { addOperationInProgress(extendedOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } ExtendedResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new ExtendedResponseProtocolOp(de.getResultCode() .getIntValue(), de.getMessageObject(), de.getMatchedDN(), de.getReferralURLs()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp, extendedOp.getResponseControls())); } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as a modify request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the modify request to process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processModifyRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { if ((ldapVersion == 2) && (controls != null) && (!controls.isEmpty())) { // LDAPv2 clients aren't allowed to send controls. ModifyResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new ModifyResponseProtocolOp(LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } ModifyRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getModifyRequestProtocolOp(); ModifyOperationBasis modifyOp = new ModifyOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, protocolOp.getDN(), protocolOp.getModifications()); // Add the operation into the work queue. try { addOperationInProgress(modifyOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } ModifyResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new ModifyResponseProtocolOp( de.getResultCode().getIntValue(), de.getMessageObject(), de.getMatchedDN(), de.getReferralURLs()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp, modifyOp.getResponseControls())); } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as a modify DN request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the modify DN request to * process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processModifyDNRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { if ((ldapVersion == 2) && (controls != null) && (!controls.isEmpty())) { // LDAPv2 clients aren't allowed to send controls. ModifyDNResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new ModifyDNResponseProtocolOp(LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } ModifyDNRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getModifyDNRequestProtocolOp(); ModifyDNOperationBasis modifyDNOp = new ModifyDNOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, protocolOp.getEntryDN(), protocolOp.getNewRDN(), protocolOp .deleteOldRDN(), protocolOp.getNewSuperior()); // Add the operation into the work queue. try { addOperationInProgress(modifyDNOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } ModifyDNResponseProtocolOp responseOp = new ModifyDNResponseProtocolOp(de.getResultCode() .getIntValue(), de.getMessageObject(), de.getMatchedDN(), de.getReferralURLs()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp, modifyDNOp.getResponseControls())); } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as a search request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the search request to process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processSearchRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { if ((ldapVersion == 2) && (controls != null) && (!controls.isEmpty())) { // LDAPv2 clients aren't allowed to send controls. SearchResultDoneProtocolOp responseOp = new SearchResultDoneProtocolOp(LDAPResultCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp)); disconnect(DisconnectReason.PROTOCOL_ERROR, false, ERR_LDAPV2_CONTROLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } SearchRequestProtocolOp protocolOp = message.getSearchRequestProtocolOp(); SearchOperationBasis searchOp = new SearchOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls, protocolOp.getBaseDN(), protocolOp.getScope(), protocolOp .getDereferencePolicy(), protocolOp.getSizeLimit(), protocolOp.getTimeLimit(), protocolOp.getTypesOnly(), protocolOp.getFilter(), protocolOp.getAttributes()); // Add the operation into the work queue. try { addOperationInProgress(searchOp); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } SearchResultDoneProtocolOp responseOp = new SearchResultDoneProtocolOp(de.getResultCode() .getIntValue(), de.getMessageObject(), de.getMatchedDN(), de.getReferralURLs()); sendLDAPMessage(new LDAPMessage(message.getMessageID(), responseOp, searchOp.getResponseControls())); } return connectionValid; } /** * Processes the provided LDAP message as an unbind request. * * @param message * The LDAP message containing the unbind request to process. * @param controls * The set of pre-decoded request controls contained in the * message. * @return true if the request was processed * successfully, or false if not and the * connection has been closed as a result (it is the * responsibility of this method to close the connection). */ private boolean processUnbindRequest(LDAPMessage message, List controls) { UnbindOperationBasis unbindOp = new UnbindOperationBasis(this, nextOperationID .getAndIncrement(), message.getMessageID(), controls); unbindOp.run(); // The client connection will never be valid after an unbind. return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getMonitorSummary() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("connID=\""); buffer.append(connectionID); buffer.append("\" connectTime=\""); buffer.append(getConnectTimeString()); buffer.append("\" source=\""); buffer.append(clientAddress); buffer.append(":"); buffer.append(clientPort); buffer.append("\" destination=\""); buffer.append(serverAddress); buffer.append(":"); buffer.append(connectionHandler.getListenPort()); buffer.append("\" ldapVersion=\""); buffer.append(ldapVersion); buffer.append("\" authDN=\""); DN authDN = getAuthenticationInfo().getAuthenticationDN(); if (authDN != null) { authDN.toString(buffer); } buffer.append("\" security=\""); if (isSecure()) { buffer.append(activeProvider.getName()); } else { buffer.append("none"); } buffer.append("\" opsInProgress=\""); buffer.append(operationsInProgress.size()); buffer.append("\""); int countPSearch = getPersistentSearches().size(); if (countPSearch > 0) { buffer.append(" persistentSearches=\""); buffer.append(countPSearch); buffer.append("\""); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Appends a string representation of this client connection to the * provided buffer. * * @param buffer * The buffer to which the information should be appended. */ @Override public void toString(StringBuilder buffer) { buffer.append("LDAP client connection from "); buffer.append(clientAddress); buffer.append(":"); buffer.append(clientPort); buffer.append(" to "); buffer.append(serverAddress); buffer.append(":"); buffer.append(serverPort); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean prepareTLS(MessageBuilder unavailableReason) { if (isSecure() && "TLS".equals(activeProvider.getName())) { unavailableReason.append(ERR_LDAP_TLS_EXISTING_SECURITY_PROVIDER .get(activeProvider.getName())); return false; } // Make sure that the connection handler allows the use of the // StartTLS operation. if (!connectionHandler.allowStartTLS()) { unavailableReason.append(ERR_LDAP_TLS_STARTTLS_NOT_ALLOWED.get()); return false; } try { TLSByteChannel tlsByteChannel = connectionHandler.getTLSByteChannel(timeoutClientChannel); setTLSPendingProvider(tlsByteChannel); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } unavailableReason.append(ERR_LDAP_TLS_CANNOT_CREATE_TLS_PROVIDER .get(stackTraceToSingleLineString(de))); return false; } return true; } /** * Retrieves the length of time in milliseconds that this client * connection has been idle.
* Note that the default implementation will always return zero. * Subclasses associated with connection handlers should override this * method if they wish to provided idle time limit functionality. * * @return The length of time in milliseconds that this client * connection has been idle. */ @Override public long getIdleTime() { if (operationsInProgress.isEmpty() && getPersistentSearches().isEmpty()) { return (TimeThread.getTime() - lastCompletionTime.get()); } else { // There's at least one operation in progress, so it's not idle. return 0L; } } /** * Set the connection provider that is not in use yet. Used in TLS * negotiation when a clear response is needed before the connection * provider is active. * * @param provider * The provider that needs to be activated. */ public void setTLSPendingProvider(ConnectionSecurityProvider provider) { tlsPendingProvider = provider; } /** * Set the connection provider that is not in use. Used in SASL * negotiation when a clear response is needed before the connection * provider is active. * * @param provider * The provider that needs to be activated. */ public void setSASLPendingProvider(ConnectionSecurityProvider provider) { saslPendingProvider = provider; } /** * Enable the provider that is inactive. */ private void enableTLS() { activeProvider = tlsPendingProvider; tlsChannel.redirect(tlsPendingProvider); tlsPendingProvider = null; } /** * Set the security provider to the specified provider. * * @param sslProvider * The provider to set the security provider to. */ private void enableSSL(ConnectionSecurityProvider sslProvider) { activeProvider = sslProvider; tlsChannel.redirect(sslProvider); } /** * Enable the SASL provider that is currently inactive or pending. */ private void enableSASL() { activeProvider = saslPendingProvider; saslChannel.redirect(saslPendingProvider); saslPendingProvider = null; } /** * Return the certificate chain array associated with a connection. * * @return The array of certificates associated with a connection. */ public Certificate[] getClientCertificateChain() { if (activeProvider != null) { return activeProvider.getClientCertificateChain(); } else return new Certificate[0]; } /** * Retrieves the TLS redirecting byte channel used in a LDAP client * connection. * * @return The TLS redirecting byte channel. */ @Override public ByteChannel getChannel() { return this.tlsChannel; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int getSSF() { if (activeProvider != null) return activeProvider.getSSF(); else return 0; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void finishBindOrStartTLS() { if(this.tlsPendingProvider != null) { enableTLS(); } if (this.saslPendingProvider != null) { enableSASL(); } super.finishBindOrStartTLS(); } }