/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2007-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2011-2013 ForgeRock AS */ package org.opends.server.admin.doc; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.opends.messages.Message; import org.opends.server.admin.ACIPropertyDefinition; import org.opends.server.admin.AbsoluteInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider; import org.opends.server.admin.AbstractManagedObjectDefinition; import org.opends.server.admin.AdministratorAction.Type; import org.opends.server.admin.std.meta.RootCfgDefn; import org.opends.server.admin.*; import org.opends.server.types.InitializationException; import org.opends.server.util.EmbeddedUtils; import org.opends.server.util.DynamicConstants; /** * This class allow Configuration Guide documentation generation (html format). * It is based on the Admin Framework Introspection API * */ public class ConfigGuideGeneration { // Note : still to be done : // I18n support. Today all the strings are hardcoded in this file private final static String ACI_SYNTAX_REL_URL = "/doc/admin-guide/OpenDJ-Admin-Guide.html#chap-privileges-acis"; private final static String DURATION_SYNTAX_REL_URL = "duration-syntax.html"; private final String CSS_FILE = "opendj-config.css"; private final String MAIN_FILE = "index.html"; private final String INHERITANCE_TREE_FILE = "ManagedObjectInheritanceTree.html"; private final String RELATION_TREE_FILE = "ManagedObjectRelationTree.html"; private final String MO_LIST_FILE = "ManagedObjectList.html"; private final String PROPERTIES_INDEX_FILE = "PropertiesIndex.html"; private final String WELCOME_FILE = "welcome.html"; private final String MAINTOP_FILE = "maintop.html"; private final String INDEX_FILE = "index.html"; private final String FAVICON = "http://forgerock.org/favicon.ico"; private static final String CONFIG_GUIDE_DIR = "opendj_config_guide"; private final String MAIN_FRAME = "mainFrame"; /** * Entry point for documentation generation. * * Properties: * GenerationDir - The directory where the doc is generated * (default is /var/tmp/[CONFIG_GUIDE_DIR>]) * LdapMapping - Presence means that the LDAP mapping section is to be * generated (default is no) * OpenDJWiki - The URL of the OpenDJ Wiki * (default is * "http://wikis.forgerock.org/confluence/display/OPENDJ") * OpenDJHome - The URL of the OpenDJ project Home page * (default is "http://opendj.forgerock.org") * * @param args none. */ public static void main(String[] args) { Properties properties = System.getProperties(); generationDir = properties.getProperty("GenerationDir"); if (generationDir == null) { // Default dir is prefixed by the system-dependent default temporary dir generationDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator + CONFIG_GUIDE_DIR; } // Create new dir if necessary try { (new File(generationDir)).mkdir(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Generation directory is : " + generationDir); if (properties.getProperty("LdapMapping") != null) { ldapMapping = true; } OpenDJWiki = properties.getProperty("OpenDJWiki"); if (OpenDJWiki == null) { // Default is current wiki OpenDJWiki = "http://wikis.forgerock.org/confluence/display/OPENDJ"; } OpenDJHome = properties.getProperty("OpenDJHome"); if (OpenDJHome == null) { // Default is current OpenDJ project home OpenDJHome = "http://opendj.forgerock.org"; } aciSyntaxPage = OpenDJHome + ACI_SYNTAX_REL_URL; durationSyntaxPage = DURATION_SYNTAX_REL_URL; ConfigGuideGeneration myGen = new ConfigGuideGeneration(); myGen.generate(); } private void generate() { init(); // Generate the relation tree of all the managed objects genManagedObjectRelationTree(catTopRelList); // Generate the inheritance tree of all the managed objects genManagedObjectInheritanceTree(catTopMoList); // Generate all the managed objects and their children genAllManagedObject(topMoList); // Generate a list of managed objects genManagedObjectList(moList); // Generate an index of properties genPropertiesIndex(); // Generate the Index page genIndexPage(); // Generate the Main Top page genMainTopPage(); // Generate the Welcome page genWelcomePage(); } private void init() { // Build a list of top relations RootCfgDefn rootCfg = RootCfgDefn.getInstance(); for (RelationDefinition rel : rootCfg.getAllRelationDefinitions()) { topRelList.put(rel.getChildDefinition().getName(), rel); } // Enable the client-side class loader to explicitly load classes // which are not directly reachable from the root configuration EmbeddedUtils.initializeForClientUse(); // Bootstrap definition classes. try { ClassLoaderProvider.getInstance().enable(); } catch (InitializationException e) { System.err.println("ERROR : Cannot enable the client-side class loader."); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // Switch off class name validation in client. ClassPropertyDefinition.setAllowClassValidation(false); // Switch off attribute type name validation in client. AttributeTypePropertyDefinition.setCheckSchema(false); // Build a sorted list of top managed objects TopCfgDefn topCfg = TopCfgDefn.getInstance(); Collection> topObjects = topCfg.getChildren(); for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition topObject : topObjects) { if (topObject.getName().equals("")) { // root continue; } if (topObject.hasOption(ManagedObjectOption.HIDDEN)) { continue; } topMoList.put(topObject.getName(), topObject); } // Build a list of top relations by category (core, database, ...) for (RelationDefinition rel : topRelList.values()) { AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo = rel.getChildDefinition(); Collection tags = mo.getAllTags(); for (Tag tag : tags) { TreeMap catMap = catTopRelList.get(tag.getName()); if (catMap == null) { catMap = new TreeMap(); catTopRelList.put(tag.getName(), catMap); } catMap.put(mo.getName(), rel); } } // Build a list of top managed objects by category (core, database, ...) for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition topObject : topMoList.values()) { Collection tags = topObject.getAllTags(); for (Tag tag : tags) { TreeMap catMap = catTopMoList.get(tag.getName()); if (catMap == null) { catMap = new TreeMap(); catTopMoList.put(tag.getName(), catMap); } catMap.put(topObject.getName(), topObject); } } } /** * Generate the inheritance tree of all the managed objects. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void genManagedObjectInheritanceTree( TreeMap> list) { htmlHeader(DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " " + "Configuration Reference - Inheritance View"); tabMenu(INHERITANCE_TREE_FILE); viewHelp("This view represents the inheritance relationships between " + "configuration components."); jumpSection(); for (String catName : list.keySet()) { heading3(getFriendlyName(catName)); // Get the list of the category TreeMap catList = list.get(catName); for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo : catList.values()) { if ((relList.get(mo.getName()) != null) && (relList.get(mo.getName()).hasOption(RelationOption.HIDDEN))) { continue; } paragraph( getLink(mo.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), mo.getName() + ".html", MAIN_FRAME)); if (mo.hasChildren()) { genMoInheritanceTree(makeMOTreeMap(mo.getChildren())); } } } htmlFooter(); generateFile(INHERITANCE_TREE_FILE); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void genMoInheritanceTree( TreeMap catList) { beginList(); for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo : catList.values()) { link(mo.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), mo.getName() + ".html", MAIN_FRAME); if (mo.hasChildren()) { genMoInheritanceTree(makeMOTreeMap(mo.getChildren())); } } endList(); } private void jumpSection() { htmlBuff.append("

" + "Jump To:
\n"); String[] catNames = catTopMoList.keySet().toArray(new String[0]); for (int ii=0; ii < catNames.length; ii++) { if (ii != 0) { htmlBuff.append(", "); } String catFriendlyName = getFriendlyName(catNames[ii]); htmlBuff.append(getLink(catFriendlyName, "#" + catFriendlyName)); } htmlBuff.append("

\n"); } /** * Generate the relation tree of all the managed objects. */ private void genManagedObjectRelationTree( TreeMap > list) { htmlHeader(DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " Configuration Reference - Structure View"); tabMenu(RELATION_TREE_FILE); viewHelp("This view represents the structural relationships between " + "components and indicates how certain components can exist only within " + "container components."); jumpSection(); for (String catName : list.keySet()) { heading3(getFriendlyName(catName)); // Get the list of the category TreeMap catList = list.get(catName); genMORelationTree(catList); } htmlFooter(); generateFile(RELATION_TREE_FILE); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void genMORelationTree(TreeMap list) { for (RelationDefinition rel : list.values()) { AbstractManagedObjectDefinition childMo = rel.getChildDefinition(); AbstractManagedObjectDefinition parentMo = rel.getParentDefinition(); // Does not generate several entry for the same relation if (relList.put(childMo.getName(), rel) != null) { continue; } if (rel.hasOption(RelationOption.HIDDEN)) { continue; } String linkStr = getLink(childMo.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), childMo.getName() + ".html", MAIN_FRAME); String fromStr = ""; if (!parentMo.getName().equals("")) { fromStr = " (from " + getLink(parentMo.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), parentMo.getName() + ".html", MAIN_FRAME) + ")"; } if (!inList) { paragraph(linkStr + fromStr); } else { bullet(linkStr + fromStr); } genMORelationSubTree(makeRelTreeMap(childMo.getAllRelationDefinitions())); if (childMo.hasChildren()) { for (Iterator it = childMo.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo = it.next(); if (mo.hasOption(ManagedObjectOption.HIDDEN)) { continue; } genMORelationSubTree(makeRelTreeMap(mo.getAllRelationDefinitions())); } } } } private void genMORelationSubTree(TreeMap list) { if (!list.values().isEmpty()) { beginList(); genMORelationTree(list); endList(); } } /** * Generate all the managed objects HTML pages. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void genAllManagedObject( TreeMap list) { for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo : list.values()) { if ((relList.get(mo.getName()) != null) && (relList.get(mo.getName()).hasOption(RelationOption.HIDDEN))) { continue; } moList.put(mo.getName(), mo); genManagedObject(mo); if (mo.hasChildren()) { genAllManagedObject(makeMOTreeMap(mo.getChildren())); } } } private void genManagedObject(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Header //------------------------------------------------------------------------ homeLink(); String title = mo.getUserFriendlyName().toString(); htmlHeader(DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " - " + title); // title heading2(title); // Abstract notice if (mo.hasChildren()) { paragraph( "Note: this is an abstract component, that cannot be instantiated.", TextStyle.ITALIC); } // description paragraph(mo.getSynopsis()); paragraph(mo.getDescription()); // sub-components if (mo.hasChildren()) { heading3("Direct Subcomponents"); paragraph("The following " + mo.getUserFriendlyPluralName() + " are available in the server :"); beginList(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TreeMap children = makeMOTreeMap(mo.getChildren()); for ( AbstractManagedObjectDefinition child : children.values()) { link(child.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), child.getName() + ".html"); } endList(); paragraph("These " + mo.getUserFriendlyPluralName() + " inherit from the properties described below."); } // Parent if (!mo.getParent().isTop()) { heading3("Parent Component"); paragraph("The " + mo.getUserFriendlyName() + " component inherits from the " + getLink(mo.getParent().getUserFriendlyName().toString(), mo.getParent().getName() + ".html")); } // Relations generateRelationsSection(mo); // Page links in case of LDAP mapping if (ldapMapping) { newline(); horizontalLine(); newline(); paragraph("This page describes the " + mo.getUserFriendlyName() + ":"); beginList(); link("Properties", "#Properties"); link("LDAP Mapping", "#LDAP Mapping"); endList(); newline(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Properties //------------------------------------------------------------------------ heading3("Properties"); paragraph("A description of each property follows."); newline(); TreeMap basicProps = new TreeMap(); TreeMap advancedProps = new TreeMap(); // Properties actually defined in this managed object @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection props = mo.getAllPropertyDefinitions(); for ( PropertyDefinition prop : props) { if (prop.hasOption(PropertyOption.ADVANCED)) { advancedProps.put(prop.getName(), prop); } else { basicProps.put(prop.getName(), prop); } } propertiesLinkTable(basicProps, advancedProps); // basic properties if (basicProps.size() > 0) { heading4("Basic Properties"); for ( PropertyDefinition prop : basicProps.values()) { generateProperty(mo, prop); newline(); } newline(); } // advanced properties if (advancedProps.size() > 0) { heading4("Advanced Properties"); for ( PropertyDefinition prop : advancedProps.values()) { generateProperty(mo, prop); newline(); } newline(); } if (ldapMapping) { genLdapMapping(mo); } htmlFooter(); generateFile(mo.getName() + ".html"); } private TreeMap getPropertyList(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection props = mo.getAllPropertyDefinitions(); return makePropTreeMap(props); } private void homeLink() { htmlBuff.append(""); } private void generateRelationsSection(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo) { // Composition relations @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection compRels = mo.getRelationDefinitions(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection reverseCompRels = mo.getReverseRelationDefinitions(); // Aggregation properties @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection aggregProps = mo.getAggregationPropertyDefinitions(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection reverseAggregProps = mo.getReverseAggregationPropertyDefinitions(); // Check if something to print in composition relations // (even if the list not empty, it may contain only hidden relations) boolean isCompRelsEmpty = true; if (!compRels.isEmpty()) { for (RelationDefinition rel : compRels) { if (rel.hasOption(RelationOption.HIDDEN)) { continue; } isCompRelsEmpty = false; } } boolean isReverseCompRelsEmpty = true; if (!reverseCompRels.isEmpty()) { for (RelationDefinition rel : reverseCompRels) { if (rel.hasOption(RelationOption.HIDDEN)) { continue; } // check if it is not root if (rel.getParentDefinition().getName().equals("")) { continue; } isReverseCompRelsEmpty = false; } } // Check if something to print in reverse aggregation relations // (even if the list not empty, it may contain only relations from // hidden component) boolean isReverseAggregPropsEmpty = true; if (!reverseAggregProps.isEmpty()) { for (AggregationPropertyDefinition agg : reverseAggregProps) { AbstractManagedObjectDefinition fromMo = agg.getManagedObjectDefinition(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection rels = fromMo.getAllReverseRelationDefinitions(); for (RelationDefinition rel : rels) { if (rel.hasOption(RelationOption.HIDDEN)) { continue; } isReverseAggregPropsEmpty = false; } } } // // Relations FROM this component // if (!isCompRelsEmpty || !aggregProps.isEmpty()) { heading3("Relations From this Component"); } if (!isCompRelsEmpty) { paragraph( "The following components have a direct COMPOSITION relation FROM " + mo.getUserFriendlyPluralName() + " :"); for ( RelationDefinition rel : compRels) { if (rel.hasOption(RelationOption.HIDDEN)) { continue; } beginList(); AbstractManagedObjectDefinition childRel = rel.getChildDefinition(); link(childRel.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), childRel.getName() + ".html"); endList(); } } if (!aggregProps.isEmpty()) { paragraph( "The following components have a direct AGGREGATION relation FROM " + mo.getUserFriendlyPluralName() + " :"); TreeMap componentList = new TreeMap(); for ( AggregationPropertyDefinition agg : aggregProps) { RelationDefinition rel = agg.getRelationDefinition(); AbstractManagedObjectDefinition childRel = rel.getChildDefinition(); componentList.put(childRel.getName(), childRel); } for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition component : componentList.values()) { beginList(); link(component.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), component.getName() + ".html"); endList(); } } // // Relations TO this component // if (!isReverseCompRelsEmpty || !isReverseAggregPropsEmpty) { heading3("Relations To this Component"); } if (!mo.getReverseRelationDefinitions().isEmpty()) { if (!isReverseCompRelsEmpty) { paragraph( "The following components have a direct COMPOSITION relation TO " + mo.getUserFriendlyPluralName() + " :"); for ( RelationDefinition rel : reverseCompRels) { beginList(); AbstractManagedObjectDefinition childRel = rel.getParentDefinition(); link(childRel.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), childRel.getName() + ".html"); endList(); } } } if (!isReverseAggregPropsEmpty) { paragraph( "The following components have a direct AGGREGATION relation TO " + mo.getUserFriendlyPluralName() + " :"); TreeMap componentList = new TreeMap(); for ( AggregationPropertyDefinition agg : reverseAggregProps) { AbstractManagedObjectDefinition fromMo = agg.getManagedObjectDefinition(); componentList.put(fromMo.getName(), fromMo); } for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition component : componentList.values()) { beginList(); link(component.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), component.getName() + ".html"); endList(); } } } private void generateProperty( AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo, PropertyDefinition prop) { // Property name paragraph(getAnchor(prop.getName()) + prop.getName(), TextStyle.STANDARD, "propertyname"); // Property table startTable(); tableRow("Description", ((prop.getSynopsis() != null) ? prop.getSynopsis().toString()+ " " : "") + ((prop.getDescription() != null) ? prop.getDescription().toString() : "")); // Default value String defValueStr = getDefaultBehaviorString(prop); tableRow("Default Value", defValueStr); tableRow("Allowed Values", getSyntaxStr(prop)); tableRow("Multi-valued", (prop.hasOption(PropertyOption.MULTI_VALUED) ? "Yes" : "No")); if (prop.hasOption(PropertyOption.MANDATORY)) { tableRow("Required", "Yes"); } else { tableRow("Required", "No"); } String action = "None"; if (prop.getAdministratorAction() != null) { Message synopsis = prop.getAdministratorAction().getSynopsis(); Type actionType = prop.getAdministratorAction().getType(); String actionStr = ""; if (actionType == Type.COMPONENT_RESTART) { actionStr = "The " + mo.getUserFriendlyName() + " must be disabled and re-enabled for changes to this setting " + "to take effect"; } else if (actionType == Type.SERVER_RESTART) { actionStr = "Restart the server"; } else if (actionType == Type.NONE) { actionStr = "None"; } String dot = (actionStr.equals("") ? "" : ". "); action = actionStr + ((synopsis != null) ? dot + synopsis : ""); } tableRow("Admin Action Required", action); if (prop.hasOption(PropertyOption.ADVANCED)) { tableRow("Advanced Property", "Yes"); } else { tableRow("Advanced Property", "No"); } if (prop.hasOption(PropertyOption.READ_ONLY)) { tableRow("Read-only", "Yes"); } else { tableRow("Read-only", "No"); } endTable(); } private void propertiesLinkTable(TreeMap basicProps, TreeMap advancedProps) { htmlBuff.append( "\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n"); PropertyDefinition[] basicPropsArray = basicProps.values().toArray(new PropertyDefinition[0]); PropertyDefinition[] advancedPropsArray = advancedProps.values().toArray(new PropertyDefinition[0]); for (int ii=0; (ii < basicPropsArray.length) || (ii < advancedPropsArray.length); ii++) { String basicPropName = ii < basicPropsArray.length ? basicPropsArray[ii].getName() : null; String advancedPropName = ii < advancedPropsArray.length ? advancedPropsArray[ii].getName() : null; String basicHtmlCell = ""; if (basicPropName != null) { basicHtmlCell = " \n"; } else if ((basicPropsArray.length == 0) && (ii == 0)) { basicHtmlCell = " \n"; } else if (ii >= basicPropsArray.length) { // Case of nb of basic props < nb of advanced props basicHtmlCell = " \n"; } String advancedHtmlCell = ""; if (advancedPropName != null) { advancedHtmlCell = " \n"; } else if ((advancedPropsArray.length == 0) && (ii == 0)) { advancedHtmlCell = " \n"; } htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append(basicHtmlCell + advancedHtmlCell); htmlBuff.append("\n"); } htmlBuff.append("
Basic Properties:Advanced Properties:
↓ " + basicPropName + " None↓ " + advancedPropName + " None
\n"); } private void genLdapMapping(AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LDAP mapping //------------------------------------------------------------------------ heading3("LDAP Mapping"); paragraph( "Each configuration property can be mapped to a specific " + "LDAP attribute under the \"cn=config\" entry. " + "The mappings that follow are provided for information only. " + "In general, you should avoid changing the server configuration " + "by manipulating the LDAP attributes directly."); // Managed object table startTable(); LDAPProfile ldapProfile = LDAPProfile.getInstance(); tableRow("Base DN", getBaseDN(mo, ldapProfile)); tableRow("objectclass name", ldapProfile.getObjectClass(mo)); if (mo.getParent().getName() != null) { String superior = ""; if (mo.getParent().getName().equals("top")) { superior = "top"; } else { if (moList.get(mo.getParent().getName()) != null) { superior = ldapProfile.getObjectClass(moList.get(mo.getParent().getName())); } else { System.err.println( "Error: managed object " + mo.getName() + " not found."); } } tableRow("objectclass superior", superior); } else { System.err.println( "Error: objectclass superior not found for " + mo.getName()); } endTable(); newline(); // Properties table startTable(); tableRow("Property", "LDAP attribute"); for ( PropertyDefinition prop : getPropertyList(mo).values()) { tableRow(prop.getName(), ldapProfile.getAttributeName(mo, prop)); } endTable(); } private void genManagedObjectList( TreeMap list) { htmlHeader(DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " Configuration Reference - Components View"); tabMenu(MO_LIST_FILE); viewHelp("This view provides a list of all configuration components, " + "in alphabetical order."); newline(); StringBuffer moPointers = new StringBuffer(); String lettersPointers = ""; String firstChar = "."; for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo : list.values()) { if (!mo.getName().startsWith(firstChar)) { firstChar = mo.getName().substring(0, 1); String letter = firstChar.toUpperCase(); moPointers.append(getAnchor(letter) + getHeading2(letter)); lettersPointers += getLink(letter, "#" + letter) + " "; } moPointers.append( "

" + getLink(mo.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), mo.getName() + ".html", MAIN_FRAME) + "

\n"); } paragraph(lettersPointers); htmlBuff.append(moPointers); htmlFooter(); generateFile(MO_LIST_FILE); } private void genPropertiesIndex() { // Build a sorted list of (property name + its managed object name) TreeSet propMoList = new TreeSet(); for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo : moList.values()) { for (PropertyDefinition prop : mo.getPropertyDefinitions()) { propMoList.add( prop.getName() + "," + prop.getManagedObjectDefinition().getName()); } } String lettersPointers = ""; String firstChar = "."; for (String propMoStr : propMoList) { String[] propMoArray = propMoStr.split(","); String propName = propMoArray[0]; AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo = moList.get(propMoArray[1]); if (!propName.startsWith(firstChar)) { firstChar = propName.substring(0, 1); String letter = firstChar.toUpperCase(); htmlBuff.append(getAnchor(letter) + getHeading2(letter)); lettersPointers += getLink(letter, "#" + letter) + " "; } String propLink = getLink(propName, mo.getName() + ".html" + "#" + propName, MAIN_FRAME); String moLink = getLink(mo.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), mo.getName() + ".html", MAIN_FRAME, "#666"); paragraph(propLink + " [ " + moLink + " ]"); } String indexBody = htmlBuff.toString(); htmlBuff = new StringBuffer(); htmlHeader(DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " Configuration Reference - Properties View"); tabMenu(PROPERTIES_INDEX_FILE); viewHelp("This view provides a list of all configuration properties, " + "in alphabetical order, and indicates the configuration component to " + "which each property applies."); newline(); paragraph(lettersPointers); htmlBuff.append(indexBody); htmlFooter(); generateFile(PROPERTIES_INDEX_FILE); } private void genWelcomePage() { htmlHeader(DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " Configuration Reference - Welcome"); heading2("About This Reference"); paragraph("This reference " + "describes the " + DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " configuration properties that can be manipulated " + "with the dsconfig command."); paragraph("Configuration components are grouped according to the area of " + "the server in which they are used, as follows:"); beginList(); for (String catName : catTopMoList.keySet()) { bullet(getFriendlyName(catName)); } endList(); paragraph( "For ease of reference, the configuration is described on multiple " + "tabs. These tabs provide alternative views of the configuration " + "components:"); beginList(); bullet("The Inheritance view represents the inheritance " + "relationships between configuration components. A sub-component " + "inherits all of the properties of its parent component."); bullet("The Structure view represents the structural " + "relationships between components and indicates how certain components " + "can exist only within container components. When a container " + "component is deleted, all of the components within it are also " + "deleted."); bullet( "The Components view provides an alphabetical list " + "of all configuration components."); bullet( "The Properties view provides an alphabetical list " + "of all configuration properties, and indicates the configuration " + "component to which each property applies."); endList(); newline(); paragraph("When you set up " + DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + ", certain components are created in the " + "configuration by default. These components are configured with " + "specific values, which are not necessarily the same as the " + "\"default values\" of new components that you create using dsconfig. " + "The \"default values\" listed in this document refer to the values " + "of the new components that you create using dsconfig."); htmlFooter(); generateFile(WELCOME_FILE); } private void genMainTopPage() { htmlHeader(DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " Configuration Reference - Main Top"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append(" \n"); htmlBuff.append(" \n"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append("

"+ DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " Configuration Reference

" + "" + "\"OpenDJ
\n"); htmlFooter(); generateFile(MAINTOP_FILE); } private void genIndexPage() { htmlBuff.append(getHtmlHeader( DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME + " Configuration Reference")); htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append(" \n"); htmlBuff.append(" \n"); htmlBuff.append(" \n"); htmlBuff.append(" \n"); htmlBuff.append(" \n"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append("<body>\n"); htmlBuff.append("</body>\n"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); generateFile(INDEX_FILE); } private String getBaseDN( AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo, LDAPProfile ldapProfile) { RelationDefinition rel = relList.get(mo.getName()); if (rel != null) { String baseDn = ldapProfile.getRelationRDNSequence(rel); if (!baseDn.equals("")) { return baseDn; } else { // Check the parent relation return getBaseDN(rel.getParentDefinition(), ldapProfile); } } else if (moList.get(mo.getParent().getName()) != null) { // check its superior return getBaseDN(moList.get(mo.getParent().getName()), ldapProfile); } else { System.err.println("Error: Base DN not found for " + mo.getName()); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String getSyntaxStr(PropertyDefinition prop) { // Create a visitor for performing syntax specific processing. PropertyDefinitionVisitor visitor = new PropertyDefinitionVisitor() { @Override public String visitACI(ACIPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { return getLink("An ACI Syntax", aciSyntaxPage); } @Override public String visitAggregation( AggregationPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { RelationDefinition rel = prop.getRelationDefinition(); String linkStr = getLink(rel.getUserFriendlyName().toString(), rel.getName() + ".html"); return "The DN of any " + linkStr + ". " + ((prop.getSourceConstraintSynopsis() != null) ? prop.getSourceConstraintSynopsis().toString() : ""); } @Override public String visitAttributeType( AttributeTypePropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { return "The name of an attribute type defined in the server schema."; } @Override public String visitBoolean(BooleanPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { return "true" + getNewLine() + "false"; } @Override public String visitClass(ClassPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { String classStr = "A java class that implements or extends the class(es) :"; for (String clazz : prop.getInstanceOfInterface()) { classStr += getNewLine() + clazz; } return classStr; } @Override public String visitDN(DNPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { String retStr = "A valid DN."; if (prop.getBaseDN() != null) { retStr += prop.getBaseDN().toString(); } return retStr; } @Override public String visitDuration(DurationPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { String durationStr = ""; durationStr += getLink("A duration Syntax", durationSyntaxPage) + ". "; if (prop.isAllowUnlimited()) { durationStr += "A value of \"-1\" or \"unlimited\" for no limit. "; } if (prop.getMaximumUnit() != null) { durationStr += "Maximum unit is \"" + prop.getMaximumUnit().getLongName() + "\". "; } long lowerLimitStr = new Double(prop.getBaseUnit(). fromMilliSeconds(prop.getLowerLimit())).longValue(); durationStr += "Lower limit is " + lowerLimitStr + " " + prop.getBaseUnit().getLongName() + ". "; if (prop.getUpperLimit() != null) { long upperLimitStr = new Double(prop.getBaseUnit(). fromMilliSeconds(prop.getUpperLimit())).longValue(); durationStr += "Upper limit is " + upperLimitStr + " " + prop.getBaseUnit().getLongName() + ". "; } return durationStr; } @Override public String visitEnum(EnumPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { String enumStr = ""; Class en = prop.getEnumClass(); for (Object cst : en.getEnumConstants()) { enumStr += cst.toString(); if (prop.getValueSynopsis((Enum) cst) != null) { enumStr += " - " + prop.getValueSynopsis((Enum) cst).toString(); } enumStr += getNewLine() + getNewLine(); } return enumStr; } @Override public String visitInteger(IntegerPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { String intStr = "An integer value."; intStr += " Lower value is " + prop.getLowerLimit() + "."; if (prop.getUpperLimit() != null) { intStr += " Upper value is " + prop.getUpperLimit() + " ."; } if (prop.isAllowUnlimited()) { intStr += " A value of \"-1\" or \"unlimited\" for no limit."; } if (prop.getUnitSynopsis() != null) { intStr += " Unit is " + prop.getUnitSynopsis() + "."; } return intStr; } @Override public String visitIPAddress(IPAddressPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { return "An IP address"; } @Override public String visitIPAddressMask( IPAddressMaskPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { return "An IP address mask"; } @Override public String visitSize(SizePropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { String sizeStr = "A positive integer representing a size."; if (prop.getLowerLimit() != 0) { sizeStr += " Lower value is " + prop.getLowerLimit() + "."; } if (prop.getUpperLimit() != null) { sizeStr += " Upper value is " + prop.getUpperLimit() + " ."; } if (prop.isAllowUnlimited()) { sizeStr += " A value of \"-1\" or \"unlimited\" for no limit."; } return sizeStr; } @Override public String visitString(StringPropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { String retStr = "A String"; if (prop.getPatternSynopsis() != null) { retStr = prop.getPatternSynopsis().toString(); } return retStr; } @Override public String visitUnknown(PropertyDefinition prop, Void p) { return "Unknown"; } }; // Invoke the visitor against the property definition. return (String) prop.accept(visitor, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String getDefaultBehaviorString(PropertyDefinition prop) { DefaultBehaviorProvider defaultBehav = prop.getDefaultBehaviorProvider(); String defValueStr = ""; if (defaultBehav instanceof UndefinedDefaultBehaviorProvider) { defValueStr = "None"; } else if (defaultBehav instanceof DefinedDefaultBehaviorProvider) { DefinedDefaultBehaviorProvider defBehav = (DefinedDefaultBehaviorProvider) defaultBehav; for (Iterator it = defBehav.getDefaultValues().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String str = it.next(); defValueStr += str + (it.hasNext() ? "\n" : ""); } } else if (defaultBehav instanceof AliasDefaultBehaviorProvider) { AliasDefaultBehaviorProvider aliasBehav = ( AliasDefaultBehaviorProvider) defaultBehav; defValueStr = aliasBehav.getSynopsis().toString(); } else if (defaultBehav instanceof RelativeInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider) { RelativeInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider relativBehav = (RelativeInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider) defaultBehav; defValueStr = getDefaultBehaviorString( relativBehav.getManagedObjectDefinition(). getPropertyDefinition(relativBehav.getPropertyName())); } else if (defaultBehav instanceof AbsoluteInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider) { AbsoluteInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider absoluteBehav = (AbsoluteInheritedDefaultBehaviorProvider) defaultBehav; defValueStr = getDefaultBehaviorString( absoluteBehav.getManagedObjectDefinition(). getPropertyDefinition(absoluteBehav.getPropertyName())); } return defValueStr; } private TreeMap makeMOTreeMap( Collection coll) { if (coll == null) { return null; } TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); for (AbstractManagedObjectDefinition mo : coll) { if (mo.hasOption(ManagedObjectOption.HIDDEN)) { continue; } map.put(mo.getName(), mo); } return map; } private TreeMap makeRelTreeMap( Collection coll) { if (coll == null) { return null; } TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); for (RelationDefinition rel : coll) { map.put(rel.getChildDefinition().getName(), rel); } return map; } private TreeMap makePropTreeMap( Collection coll) { if (coll == null) { return null; } TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); for (PropertyDefinition prop : coll) { map.put(prop.getName(), prop); } return map; } private void horizontalLine() { htmlBuff.append("
"); } private void endTable() { htmlBuff.append("\n"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); } private void bullet(String str) { htmlBuff.append( "
  • " + str + "
  • \n"); } private void heading2(String string) { heading(string, 2); } private void heading3(String string) { heading(string, 3); } private void heading4(String string) { heading(string, 4); } private void heading(String str, int level) { htmlBuff.append(getHeading(str, level)); } private String getHeading(String str, int level) { String strLevel = (new Integer(level)).toString(); return "" + "" + str + "\n"; } private String getHeading2(String str) { return getHeading(str, 2); } private String getAnchor(String str) { return ""; } private void htmlHeader(String pageTitle) { htmlBuff.append(getHtmlHeader(pageTitle) + "\n"); } private final String Now = new Date().toString(); private String getHtmlHeader(String pageTitle) { return ("\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "" + pageTitle + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n"); } // Add a Tab Menu, the active tab is the one given as parameter private void tabMenu(String activeTab) { htmlBuff.append( "
    " + "Inheritance " + "Structure " + "Components " + "Properties" + "
    " + "\n" ); } private String getLink(String str, String link) { return getLink(str, link, null, null); } private String getLink(String str, String link, String target) { return getLink(str, link, target, null); } private String getLink(String str, String link, String target, String color) { return "" + str + ""; } private void link(String str, String link) { link(str, link, null, null); } private void link(String str, String link, String target) { link(str, link, target, null); } private void link(String str, String link, String target, String color) { String htmlStr = ""; if (!inList && getIndentPixels() > 0) { htmlStr += "
    "; } else if (inList) { htmlStr += "
  • "; } htmlStr += getLink(str, link, target, color); if (!inList && getIndentPixels() > 0) { htmlStr += "
  • "; } else if (inList) { htmlStr += ""; } if (!inList) { htmlStr += "
    "; } htmlBuff.append(htmlStr + "\n"); } private void newline() { htmlBuff.append( getNewLine()); } private String getNewLine() { return "
    \n"; } private void paragraph(Message description) { if (description != null) { paragraph(description.toString()); } } private void paragraph(String description) { paragraph(description, TextStyle.STANDARD, null); } private void paragraph(String description, TextStyle style) { paragraph(description, style, null); } private void paragraph(String description, TextStyle style, String pClass) { String indentStr = ""; String styleStr = ""; String classStr = ""; if (getIndentPixels() > 0) { indentStr = "style=\"margin-left: " + getIndentPixels() + "px;\""; } if (style == TextStyle.BOLD) { styleStr = "style=\"font-weight: bold;\""; } else if (style == TextStyle.ITALIC) { styleStr = "style=\"font-style: italic;\""; } if (pClass != null) { classStr = "class=" + pClass; } htmlBuff.append( "

    " + description + "

    \n"); } private int getIndentPixels() { return (ind * 40); } private void startTable() { htmlBuff.append( "\n"); htmlBuff.append("\n"); } /* * Generate a "friendly" name from a string : * '-' and '_' replaced by space * first letter of a word in uppercase */ private String getFriendlyName(String str) { String retStr = ""; String[] words = str.split("\\p{Punct}"); for (int ii = 0; ii < words.length; ii++) { if (ii>0) { retStr += " "; } String word = words[ii]; String firstChar = word.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); retStr += firstChar + word.substring(1, word.length()); } return retStr; } private void tableRow(String... strings) { htmlBuff.append( "\n"); for (int ii = 0; ii < strings.length; ii++) { String string = strings[ii]; htmlBuff.append( ""); } htmlBuff.append( "\n"); } /** * Text style. */ private enum TextStyle { STANDARD, BOLD, ITALIC, UNDERLINE, FIXED_WIDTH } private void beginList() { inList = true; listLevel++; htmlBuff.append( "
      \n"); } private void endList() { listLevel--; if (listLevel == 0) { inList = false; } htmlBuff.append( "
    \n"); } private void htmlFooter() { htmlBuff.append( "\n" + "\n"); } private void viewHelp(String helpStr) { htmlBuff.append( "

    " + helpStr + "

    " + "\n" ); } private void generateFile(String fileName) { // Write the html buffer in a file try { PrintWriter file = new java.io.PrintWriter( new java.io.FileWriter(generationDir + File.separator + fileName)); file.write(htmlBuff.toString()); file.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // re-init html buffer htmlBuff = new StringBuffer(); } // Relation List from RootConfiguration private final TreeMap topRelList = new TreeMap(); private final TreeMap relList = new TreeMap(); private final TreeMap> catTopRelList = new TreeMap>(); // managed object list private final TreeMap moList = new TreeMap(); private final TreeMap topMoList = new TreeMap(); private final TreeMap> catTopMoList = new TreeMap>(); private final int ind = 0; private StringBuffer htmlBuff = new StringBuffer(); private static String generationDir; private static boolean ldapMapping = false; private static String OpenDJWiki; private static String OpenDJHome; private static String aciSyntaxPage; private static String durationSyntaxPage; private boolean inList = false; private int listLevel = 0; }
    " + string + "