/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2008-2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions copyright 2013 ForgeRock, AS. */ package org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util; import static org.opends.messages.AdminToolMessages.*; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls; import javax.naming.directory.SearchResult; import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName; import org.opends.admin.ads.util.ConnectionUtils; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.AbstractIndexDescriptor; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.BackendDescriptor; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.BaseDNDescriptor; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.ConnectionHandlerDescriptor; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.CustomSearchResult; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.IndexDescriptor; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.VLVIndexDescriptor; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.VLVSortOrder; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.task.OnlineUpdateException; import org.opends.server.admin.client.ManagementContext; import org.opends.server.admin.client.ldap.JNDIDirContextAdaptor; import org.opends.server.admin.client.ldap.LDAPManagementContext; import org.opends.server.admin.std.client.*; import org.opends.server.admin.std.meta.LocalDBIndexCfgDefn.IndexType; import org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer; import org.opends.server.tools.tasks.TaskEntry; import org.opends.server.types.DN; import org.opends.server.types.OpenDsException; import org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants; /** * A class that reads the configuration and monitoring information using a * DirContext through LDAP. * */ public class ConfigFromDirContext extends ConfigReader { private static final String DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_SUFFIX = " Database Environment"; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ConfigFromDirContext.class.getName()); private CustomSearchResult rootMonitor; private CustomSearchResult jvmMemoryUsage; private CustomSearchResult systemInformation; private CustomSearchResult entryCaches; private CustomSearchResult workQueue; private CustomSearchResult versionMonitor; private boolean isLocal = true; private final Map hmConnectionHandlersMonitor = new HashMap(); /** * The monitor root entry DN. */ protected DN monitorDN = DN.nullDN(); /** * The JVM memory usage monitoring entry DN. */ protected DN jvmMemoryUsageDN = DN.nullDN(); /** * The system information monitoring entry DN. */ protected DN systemInformationDN = DN.nullDN(); /** * The entry cache monitoring entry DN. */ protected DN entryCachesDN = DN.nullDN(); /** * The work queue monitoring entry DN. */ protected DN workQueueDN = DN.nullDN(); /** * The version monitoring entry DN. */ protected DN versionDN = DN.nullDN(); { try { monitorDN = DN.decode("cn=monitor"); jvmMemoryUsageDN = DN.decode("cn=JVM Memory Usage,cn=monitor"); systemInformationDN = DN.decode("cn=System Information,cn=monitor"); entryCachesDN = DN.decode("cn=Entry Caches,cn=monitor"); workQueueDN = DN.decode("cn=Work Queue,cn=monitor"); versionDN = DN.decode("cn=Version,cn=monitor"); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not decode DNs: "+t, t); } } /** * The date formatter to be used to parse GMT dates. */ public static final SimpleDateFormat utcParser = new SimpleDateFormat( ServerConstants.DATE_FORMAT_GMT_TIME); { utcParser.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); } /** * The date formatter to be used to format dates. */ public static final DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); /** * Returns the monitoring entry for the entry caches. * @return the monitoring entry for the entry caches. */ public CustomSearchResult getEntryCaches() { return entryCaches; } /** * Returns the monitoring entry for the JVM memory usage. * @return the monitoring entry for the JVM memory usage. */ public CustomSearchResult getJvmMemoryUsage() { return jvmMemoryUsage; } /** * Returns the root entry of the monitoring tree. * @return the root entry of the monitoring tree. */ public CustomSearchResult getRootMonitor() { return rootMonitor; } /** * Returns the version entry of the monitoring tree. * @return the version entry of the monitoring tree. */ public CustomSearchResult getVersionMonitor() { return versionMonitor; } /** * Returns the monitoring entry for the system information. * @return the monitoring entry for the system information. */ public CustomSearchResult getSystemInformation() { return systemInformation; } /** * Returns the monitoring entry for the work queue. * @return the monitoring entry for the work queue. */ public CustomSearchResult getWorkQueue() { return workQueue; } /** * Sets whether this server represents the local instance or a remote server. * @param isLocal whether this server represents the local instance or a * remote server (in another machine or in another installation on the same * machine). */ public void setIsLocal(boolean isLocal) { this.isLocal = isLocal; } /** * Returns true if we are trying to manage the local host and * false otherwise. * @return true if we are trying to manage the local host and * false otherwise. */ public boolean isLocal() { return isLocal; } /** * Reads configuration and monitoring information using the provided * connection. * @param ctx the connection to be used to read the information. */ public void readConfiguration(InitialLdapContext ctx) { List ex = new ArrayList(); Set ls = new HashSet(); Set bs = new HashSet(); Set as = new HashSet(); Set ts = new HashSet(); rootMonitor = null; jvmMemoryUsage = null; systemInformation = null; entryCaches = null; workQueue = null; versionMonitor = null; hmConnectionHandlersMonitor.clear(); if (mustReadSchema()) { try { readSchema(ctx); if (getSchema() != null) { // Update the schema: so that when we call the server code the // latest schema read on the server we are managing is used. DirectoryServer.setSchema(getSchema()); } } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } } try { // Get the Directory Server configuration handler and use it. ManagementContext mCtx = LDAPManagementContext.createFromContext( JNDIDirContextAdaptor.adapt(ctx)); RootCfgClient root = mCtx.getRootConfiguration(); try { AdministrationConnectorCfgClient adminConnector = root.getAdministrationConnector(); this.adminConnector = getConnectionHandler(adminConnector); } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } for (String connHandler : root.listConnectionHandlers()) { try { ConnectionHandlerCfgClient connectionHandler = root.getConnectionHandler(connHandler); ls.add(getConnectionHandler(connectionHandler, connHandler)); } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } } isSchemaEnabled = root.getGlobalConfiguration().isCheckSchema(); for (String backendName : root.listBackends()) { try { BackendCfgClient backend = root.getBackend(backendName); Set baseDNs = new HashSet(); for (DN dn : backend.getBaseDN()) { BaseDNDescriptor baseDN = new BaseDNDescriptor(BaseDNDescriptor.Type.NOT_REPLICATED, dn, null, -1, -1, -1); baseDNs.add(baseDN); } Set indexes = new HashSet(); Set vlvIndexes = new HashSet(); BackendDescriptor.Type type; if (backend instanceof LocalDBBackendCfgClient) { type = BackendDescriptor.Type.LOCAL_DB; LocalDBBackendCfgClient db = (LocalDBBackendCfgClient)backend; try { for (String indexName : db.listLocalDBIndexes()) { LocalDBIndexCfgClient index = db.getLocalDBIndex(indexName); indexes.add(new IndexDescriptor( index.getAttribute().getNameOrOID(), index.getAttribute(), null, index.getIndexType(), index.getIndexEntryLimit())); } } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } indexes.add(new IndexDescriptor("dn2id", null, null, new TreeSet(), -1)); indexes.add(new IndexDescriptor("id2children", null, null, new TreeSet(), -1)); indexes.add(new IndexDescriptor("id2subtree", null, null, new TreeSet(), -1)); try { for (String vlvIndexName : db.listLocalDBVLVIndexes()) { LocalDBVLVIndexCfgClient index = db.getLocalDBVLVIndex(vlvIndexName); String s = index.getSortOrder(); List sortOrder = getVLVSortOrder(s); vlvIndexes.add(new VLVIndexDescriptor(index.getName(), null, index.getBaseDN(), index.getScope(), index.getFilter(), sortOrder, index.getMaxBlockSize())); } } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } } else if (backend instanceof LDIFBackendCfgClient) { type = BackendDescriptor.Type.LDIF; } else if (backend instanceof MemoryBackendCfgClient) { type = BackendDescriptor.Type.MEMORY; } else if (backend instanceof BackupBackendCfgClient) { type = BackendDescriptor.Type.BACKUP; } else if (backend instanceof MonitorBackendCfgClient) { type = BackendDescriptor.Type.MONITOR; } else if (backend instanceof TaskBackendCfgClient) { type = BackendDescriptor.Type.TASK; } else { type = BackendDescriptor.Type.OTHER; } BackendDescriptor desc = new BackendDescriptor(backend.getBackendId(), baseDNs, indexes, vlvIndexes, -1, backend.isEnabled(), type); for (AbstractIndexDescriptor index: indexes) { index.setBackend(desc); } for (AbstractIndexDescriptor index: vlvIndexes) { index.setBackend(desc); } for (BaseDNDescriptor baseDN : baseDNs) { baseDN.setBackend(desc); } bs.add(desc); } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } } boolean isReplicationSecure = false; try { CryptoManagerCfgClient cryptoManager = root.getCryptoManager(); isReplicationSecure = cryptoManager.isSSLEncryption(); } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } replicationPort = -1; ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfgClient sync = null; try { sync = (ReplicationSynchronizationProviderCfgClient) root.getSynchronizationProvider("Multimaster Synchronization"); } catch (OpenDsException oe) { // Ignore this one } if (sync != null) { try { if (sync.isEnabled() && sync.hasReplicationServer()) { ReplicationServerCfgClient replicationServer = sync.getReplicationServer(); if (replicationServer != null) { replicationPort = replicationServer.getReplicationPort(); ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol protocol = isReplicationSecure ? ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.REPLICATION_SECURE : ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.REPLICATION; Set emptySet = Collections.emptySet(); ConnectionHandlerDescriptor connHandler = new ConnectionHandlerDescriptor( new HashSet(), replicationPort, protocol, ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.State.ENABLED, "Multimaster Synchronization", emptySet); ls.add(connHandler); } } String[] domains = sync.listReplicationDomains(); if (domains != null) { for (String domain2 : domains) { ReplicationDomainCfgClient domain = sync.getReplicationDomain(domain2); DN dn = domain.getBaseDN(); for (BackendDescriptor backend : bs) { for (BaseDNDescriptor baseDN : backend.getBaseDns()) { if (baseDN.getDn().equals(dn)) { baseDN.setType(sync.isEnabled() ? BaseDNDescriptor.Type.REPLICATED : BaseDNDescriptor.Type.DISABLED); baseDN.setReplicaID(domain.getServerId()); } } } } } } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } } try { RootDNCfgClient rootDN = root.getRootDN(); String[] rootUsers = rootDN.listRootDNUsers(); if (rootUsers != null) { for (String rootUser2 : rootUsers) { RootDNUserCfgClient rootUser = rootDN.getRootDNUser(rootUser2); as.addAll(rootUser.getAlternateBindDN()); } } } catch (OpenDsException oe) { ex.add(oe); } } catch (final Throwable t) { OnlineUpdateException oupe = new OnlineUpdateException( ERR_READING_CONFIG_LDAP.get(t.toString()), t); ex.add(oupe); } for (OpenDsException oe : ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error reading configuration: "+oe, oe); } administrativeUsers = Collections.unmodifiableSet(as); listeners = Collections.unmodifiableSet(ls); backends = Collections.unmodifiableSet(bs); try { updateMonitorInformation(ctx, ex); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error reading monitoring: "+t, t); OnlineUpdateException oupe = new OnlineUpdateException( ERR_READING_CONFIG_LDAP.get(t.toString()), t); ex.add(oupe); } try { updateTaskInformation(ctx, ex, ts); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error reading task information: "+t, t); OnlineUpdateException oupe = new OnlineUpdateException( ERR_READING_CONFIG_LDAP.get(t.toString()), t); ex.add(oupe); } taskEntries = Collections.unmodifiableSet(ts); for (ConnectionHandlerDescriptor ch : getConnectionHandlers()) { ch.setMonitoringEntries(getMonitoringEntries(ch)); } if (adminConnector != null) { adminConnector.setMonitoringEntries(getMonitoringEntries(adminConnector)); } exceptions = Collections.unmodifiableList(ex); } /** * Returns an array of monitoring attributes to be returned in the request. * @return an array of monitoring attributes to be returned in the request. */ protected String[] getMonitoringAttributes() { return new String[] { "*" }; } /** * Reads the schema from the files. * @param ctx the connection to be used to load the schema. * @throws OpenDsException if an error occurs reading the schema. */ private void readSchema(InitialLdapContext ctx) throws OpenDsException { if (isLocal) { super.readSchema(); } else { RemoteSchemaLoader loader = new RemoteSchemaLoader(); try { loader.readSchema(ctx); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new OnlineUpdateException( ERR_READING_SCHEMA_LDAP.get(ne.toString()), ne); } schema = loader.getSchema(); } } /** * Takes the provided search result and updates the monitoring information * accordingly. * @param sr the search result. * @param searchBaseDN the base search. * @throws NamingException if there is an error retrieving the values of the * search result. */ protected void handleMonitoringSearchResult(SearchResult sr, String searchBaseDN) throws NamingException { if (javaVersion == null) { javaVersion = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "javaVersion"); } if (numberConnections == -1) { String v = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "currentConnections"); if (v != null) { numberConnections = Integer.parseInt(v); } } String dn = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "domain-name"); String replicaId = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "server-id"); String missingChanges = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "missing-changes"); if ((dn != null) && (replicaId != null) && (missingChanges != null)) { for (BackendDescriptor backend : backends) { for (BaseDNDescriptor baseDN : backend.getBaseDns()) { try { if (baseDN.getDn().equals(DN.decode(dn)) && String.valueOf(baseDN.getReplicaID()).equals(replicaId)) { try { baseDN.setAgeOfOldestMissingChange( new Long(ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "approx-older-change-not-synchronized-millis"))); } catch (Throwable t) { } try { baseDN.setMissingChanges(new Integer(missingChanges)); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } catch (Throwable t) { } } } } else { CustomSearchResult csr = new CustomSearchResult(sr, searchBaseDN); String backendID = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "ds-backend-id"); String entryCount = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "ds-backend-entry-count"); Set baseDnEntries = ConnectionUtils.getValues(sr, "ds-base-dn-entry-count"); if ((backendID != null) && ((entryCount != null) || (baseDnEntries != null))) { for (BackendDescriptor backend : backends) { if (backend.getBackendID().equalsIgnoreCase(backendID)) { if (entryCount != null) { backend.setEntries(Integer.parseInt(entryCount)); } if (baseDnEntries != null) { for (String s : baseDnEntries) { int index = s.indexOf(" "); if (index != -1) { for (BaseDNDescriptor baseDN : backend.getBaseDns()) { dn = s.substring(index +1); if (Utilities.areDnsEqual(dn, baseDN.getDn().toString())) { try { baseDN.setEntries( Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, index))); } catch (Throwable t) { /* Ignore */ } break; } } } } } } } } else { // Check if it is the DB monitor entry String cn = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "cn"); if ((cn != null) && cn.endsWith(DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_SUFFIX)) { String monitorBackendID = cn.substring(0, cn.length() - DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_SUFFIX.length()); for (BackendDescriptor backend : backends) { if (backend.getBackendID().equalsIgnoreCase(monitorBackendID)) { backend.setMonitoringEntry(csr); } } } } try { if ((rootMonitor == null) && isRootMonitor(csr)) { rootMonitor = csr; } else if ((entryCaches == null) && isEntryCaches(csr)) { entryCaches = csr; } else if ((workQueue == null) && isWorkQueue(csr)) { workQueue = csr; } else if ((jvmMemoryUsage == null) && isJvmMemoryUsage(csr)) { jvmMemoryUsage = csr; } else if ((systemInformation == null) && isSystemInformation(csr)) { systemInformation = csr; } else if ((versionMonitor == null) && isVersionMonitor(csr)) { versionMonitor = csr; } else if (isConnectionHandler(csr)) { String statistics = " Statistics"; String cn = ConnectionUtils.getFirstValue(sr, "cn"); if (cn.endsWith(statistics)) { // Assume it is a connection handler String name = cn.substring(0, cn.length() - statistics.length()); hmConnectionHandlersMonitor.put(getKey(name), csr); } } } catch (OpenDsException ode) { exceptions.add(ode); } } } /** * Takes the provided search result and updates the task information * accordingly. * @param sr the search result. * @param searchBaseDN the base search. * @param taskEntries the collection of TaskEntries to be updated. * @param ex the list of exceptions to be updated if an error occurs. * @throws NamingException if there is an error retrieving the values of the * search result. */ private void handleTaskSearchResult(SearchResult sr, String searchBaseDN, Collection taskEntries, List ex) throws NamingException { CustomSearchResult csr = new CustomSearchResult(sr, searchBaseDN); try { if (isTaskEntry(csr)) { taskEntries.add(new TaskEntry(csr.getEntry())); } } catch (OpenDsException ode) { ex.add(ode); } } private void updateMonitorInformation(InitialLdapContext ctx, List ex) { // Read monitoring information: since it is computed, it is faster // to get everything in just one request. SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls(); ctls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); ctls.setReturningAttributes( getMonitoringAttributes()); String filter = "(objectclass=*)"; try { LdapName jndiName = new LdapName("cn=monitor"); NamingEnumeration monitorEntries = ctx.search(jndiName, filter, ctls); javaVersion = null; numberConnections = -1; try { while (monitorEntries.hasMore()) { SearchResult sr = monitorEntries.next(); handleMonitoringSearchResult(sr, "cn=monitor"); } } finally { monitorEntries.close(); } } catch (NamingException ne) { OnlineUpdateException oue = new OnlineUpdateException( ERR_READING_CONFIG_LDAP.get(ne.getMessage().toString()), ne); ex.add(oue); } } /** * Updates the provided list of TaskEntry with the task entries found in * a server. * @param ctx the connection to the server. * @param ex the list of exceptions encountered while retrieving the task * entries. * @param ts the list of task entries to be updated. */ public void updateTaskInformation(InitialLdapContext ctx, List ex, Collection ts) { // Read monitoring information: since it is computed, it is faster // to get everything in just one request. SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls(); ctls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); ctls.setReturningAttributes( getMonitoringAttributes()); String filter = "(objectclass=ds-task)"; try { LdapName jndiName = new LdapName(ConfigConstants.DN_TASK_ROOT); NamingEnumeration taskEntries = ctx.search(jndiName, filter, ctls); try { while (taskEntries.hasMore()) { SearchResult sr = taskEntries.next(); handleTaskSearchResult(sr, ConfigConstants.DN_TASK_ROOT, ts, ex); } } finally { taskEntries.close(); } } catch (NamingException ne) { OnlineUpdateException oue = new OnlineUpdateException( ERR_READING_CONFIG_LDAP.get(ne.getMessage().toString()), ne); ex.add(oue); } } private ConnectionHandlerDescriptor getConnectionHandler( ConnectionHandlerCfgClient connHandler, String name) throws OpenDsException { SortedSet addresses = new TreeSet( getInetAddressComparator()); int port; ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol protocol; ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.State state = connHandler.isEnabled() ? ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.State.ENABLED : ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.State.DISABLED; if (connHandler instanceof LDAPConnectionHandlerCfgClient) { LDAPConnectionHandlerCfgClient ldap = (LDAPConnectionHandlerCfgClient)connHandler; if (ldap.isUseSSL()) { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.LDAPS; } else if (ldap.isAllowStartTLS()) { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.LDAP_STARTTLS; } else { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.LDAP; } addAll(addresses, ldap.getListenAddress()); port = ldap.getListenPort(); } else if (connHandler instanceof HTTPConnectionHandlerCfgClient) { HTTPConnectionHandlerCfgClient http = (HTTPConnectionHandlerCfgClient) connHandler; if (http.isUseSSL()) { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.HTTPS; } else { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.HTTP; } addAll(addresses, http.getListenAddress()); port = http.getListenPort(); } else if (connHandler instanceof JMXConnectionHandlerCfgClient) { JMXConnectionHandlerCfgClient jmx = (JMXConnectionHandlerCfgClient)connHandler; if (jmx.isUseSSL()) { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.JMXS; } else { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.JMX; } addAll(addresses, jmx.getListenAddress()); port = jmx.getListenPort(); } else if (connHandler instanceof LDIFConnectionHandlerCfgClient) { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.LDIF; port = -1; } else if (connHandler instanceof SNMPConnectionHandlerCfgClient) { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.SNMP; SNMPConnectionHandlerCfgClient snmp = (SNMPConnectionHandlerCfgClient)connHandler; addAll(addresses, snmp.getListenAddress()); port = snmp.getListenPort(); } else { protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.OTHER; port = -1; } Set emptySet = Collections.emptySet(); return new ConnectionHandlerDescriptor(addresses, port, protocol, state, name, emptySet); } private void addAll(Collection target, Collection source) { if (source != null) { target.addAll(source); } } private ConnectionHandlerDescriptor getConnectionHandler( AdministrationConnectorCfgClient adminConnector) throws OpenDsException { SortedSet addresses = new TreeSet( getInetAddressComparator()); ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol protocol = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.ADMINISTRATION_CONNECTOR; ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.State state = ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.State.ENABLED; addAll(addresses, adminConnector.getListenAddress()); int port = adminConnector.getListenPort(); Set emptySet = Collections.emptySet(); return new ConnectionHandlerDescriptor(addresses, port, protocol, state, INFO_CTRL_PANEL_CONN_HANDLER_ADMINISTRATION.get().toString(), emptySet); } private boolean isRootMonitor(CustomSearchResult csr) throws OpenDsException { return monitorDN.equals(DN.decode(csr.getDN())); } private boolean isVersionMonitor(CustomSearchResult csr) throws OpenDsException { return versionDN.equals(DN.decode(csr.getDN())); } private boolean isSystemInformation(CustomSearchResult csr) throws OpenDsException { return systemInformationDN.equals(DN.decode(csr.getDN())); } private boolean isJvmMemoryUsage(CustomSearchResult csr) throws OpenDsException { return jvmMemoryUsageDN.equals(DN.decode(csr.getDN())); } private boolean isWorkQueue(CustomSearchResult csr) throws OpenDsException { return workQueueDN.equals(DN.decode(csr.getDN())); } private boolean isEntryCaches(CustomSearchResult csr) throws OpenDsException { return entryCachesDN.equals(DN.decode(csr.getDN())); } private boolean isConnectionHandler(CustomSearchResult csr) throws OpenDsException { boolean isConnectionHandler = false; DN dn = DN.decode(csr.getDN()); DN parent = dn.getParent(); if ((parent != null) && parent.equals(monitorDN)) { List vs = csr.getAttributeValues("cn"); if ((vs != null) && !vs.isEmpty()) { String cn = (String)vs.iterator().next(); String statistics = " Statistics"; if (cn.endsWith(statistics)) { isConnectionHandler = true; } } } return isConnectionHandler; } private static boolean isTaskEntry(CustomSearchResult csr) throws OpenDsException { boolean isTaskEntry = false; List vs = csr.getAttributeValues("objectclass"); if ((vs != null) && !vs.isEmpty()) { for (Object oc : vs) { if (oc.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("ds-task")) { isTaskEntry = true; break; } } } return isTaskEntry; } /** * Commodity method to get the string representation to be used in the * hash maps as key. * @param value the value to be transformed into a key for a hash map. * @return the string representation to be used in the hash maps as key. */ private String getKey(String value) { return value.toLowerCase(); } private SetgetMonitoringEntries( ConnectionHandlerDescriptor ch) { Set monitorEntries = new HashSet(); if (ch.getState() == ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.State.ENABLED) { for (String key : hmConnectionHandlersMonitor.keySet()) { // The name of the connection handler does not appear necessarily in the // key (which is based on the DN of the monitoring entry). In general // the DN contains the String specified in // LDAPConnectionHandler.DEFAULT_FRIENDLY_NAME, so we have to check that // this connection handler is the right one. // See org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPConnectionHandler to see // how the DN of the monitoring entry is generated. if (key.indexOf(getKey("port "+ch.getPort())) != -1) { boolean hasAllAddresses = true; for (InetAddress a : ch.getAddresses()) { if (key.indexOf(getKey(a.getHostAddress())) == -1) { hasAllAddresses = false; break; } } if (hasAllAddresses) { monitorEntries.add(hmConnectionHandlersMonitor.get(key)); } } } } return monitorEntries; } }