/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2008-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ package org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel; import java.io.File; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext; import org.opends.admin.ads.util.ApplicationTrustManager; import org.opends.admin.ads.util.ConnectionUtils; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.browser.IconPool; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.browser.LDAPConnectionPool; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.BackendPopulatedEvent; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.BackendPopulatedListener; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.BackupCreatedEvent; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.BackupCreatedListener; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.ConfigChangeListener; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.ConfigurationChangeEvent; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.IndexModifiedEvent; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.event.IndexModifiedListener; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.task.Task; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.ConfigFromDirContext; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.ConfigFromFile; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.ConfigReader; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.Utilities; import org.opends.quicksetup.util.UIKeyStore; import org.opends.quicksetup.util.Utils; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer; import org.opends.server.tools.ConfigureWindowsService; /** * This is the classes that is shared among all the different places in the * Control Panel. It contains information about the server status and * configuration and some objects that are shared everywhere. * */ public class ControlPanelInfo { private long poolingPeriod = 20000; private ServerDescriptor serverDesc; private Set tasks = new HashSet(); private InitialLdapContext ctx; private InitialLdapContext userDataCtx; private final LDAPConnectionPool connectionPool = new LDAPConnectionPool(); // Used by the browsers private final IconPool iconPool = new IconPool(); // Used by the browsers private Thread poolingThread; private boolean stopPooling; private boolean pooling; private ApplicationTrustManager trustManager; private int connectTimeout = ConnectionUtils.getDefaultLDAPTimeout(); private ConnectionProtocolPolicy connectionPolicy = ConnectionProtocolPolicy.USE_MOST_SECURE_AVAILABLE; private String ldapURL; private String startTLSURL; private String ldapsURL; private String adminConnectorURL; private String localAdminConnectorURL; private String lastWorkingBindDN; private String lastWorkingBindPwd; private String lastRemoteHostName; private String lastRemoteAdministrationURL; private static boolean mustDeregisterConfig; private boolean isLocal = true; private Set modifiedIndexes = new HashSet(); private LinkedHashSet configListeners = new LinkedHashSet(); private LinkedHashSet backupListeners = new LinkedHashSet(); private LinkedHashSet backendPopulatedListeners = new LinkedHashSet(); private LinkedHashSet indexListeners = new LinkedHashSet(); private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ControlPanelInfo.class.getName()); private static ControlPanelInfo instance; /** * Default constructor. * */ protected ControlPanelInfo() { } /** * Returns a singleton for this instance. * @return the control panel info. */ public static ControlPanelInfo getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new ControlPanelInfo(); try { instance.setTrustManager( new ApplicationTrustManager(UIKeyStore.getInstance())); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error retrieving UI key store: "+t, t); instance.setTrustManager(new ApplicationTrustManager(null)); } } return instance; } /** * Returns the last ServerDescriptor that has been retrieved. * @return the last ServerDescriptor that has been retrieved. */ public ServerDescriptor getServerDescriptor() { return serverDesc; } /** * Returns the list of tasks. * @return the list of tasks. */ public Set getTasks() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(tasks); } /** * Registers a task. The Control Panel creates a task every time an operation * is made and they are stored here. * @param task the task to be registered. */ public void registerTask(Task task) { tasks.add(task); } /** * Unregisters a task. * @param task the task to be unregistered. */ public void unregisterTask(Task task) { tasks.remove(task); } /** * Tells whether an index must be reindexed or not. * @param index the index. * @return true if the index must be reindexed and * false otherwise. */ public boolean mustReindex(AbstractIndexDescriptor index) { boolean mustReindex = false; for (AbstractIndexDescriptor i : modifiedIndexes) { if (i.getName().equals(index.getName()) && i.getBackend().getBackendID().equals( index.getBackend().getBackendID())) { mustReindex = true; break; } } return mustReindex; } /** * Registers an index as modified. This is used by the panels to be able * to inform the user that a rebuild of the index is required. * @param index the index. */ public void registerModifiedIndex(AbstractIndexDescriptor index) { modifiedIndexes.add(index); indexModified(index); } /** * Unregisters a modified index. * @param index the index. * @return true if the index is found in the list of modified * indexes and false otherwise. */ public boolean unregisterModifiedIndex(AbstractIndexDescriptor index) { // We might have stored indexes whose configuration has changed, just remove // them if they have the same name, are of the same type and are defined in // the same backend. Set toRemove = new HashSet(); for (AbstractIndexDescriptor i : modifiedIndexes) { if (i.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(index.getName()) && i.getBackend().getBackendID().equalsIgnoreCase( index.getBackend().getBackendID()) && i.getClass().equals((index.getClass()))) { toRemove.add(i); } } if (!toRemove.isEmpty()) { boolean returnValue = modifiedIndexes.removeAll(toRemove); indexModified(toRemove.iterator().next()); return returnValue; } else { return false; } } /** * Unregisters all the modified indexes on a given backend. * @param backendName the name of the backend. */ public void unregisterModifiedIndexesInBackend(String backendName) { HashSet toDelete = new HashSet(); for (AbstractIndexDescriptor index : modifiedIndexes) { // Compare only the Backend ID, since the backend object attached to // the registered index might have changed (for instance the number of // entries). Relying on the backend ID to identify the backend is // safe. if (index.getBackend().getBackendID().equalsIgnoreCase(backendName)) { toDelete.add(index); } } modifiedIndexes.removeAll(toDelete); for (BackendDescriptor backend : getServerDescriptor().getBackends()) { if (backend.getBackendID().equals(backendName)) { IndexModifiedEvent ev = new IndexModifiedEvent(backend); for (IndexModifiedListener listener : indexListeners) { listener.backendIndexesModified(ev); } break; } } } /** * Returns a collection with all the modified indexes. * @return a collection with all the modified indexes. */ public Collection getModifiedIndexes() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(modifiedIndexes); } /** * Sets the dir context to be used by the ControlPanelInfo to retrieve * monitoring and configuration information. * @param ctx the connection. */ public void setDirContext(InitialLdapContext ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; if (ctx != null) { lastWorkingBindDN = ConnectionUtils.getBindDN(ctx); lastWorkingBindPwd = ConnectionUtils.getBindPassword(ctx); lastRemoteHostName = ConnectionUtils.getHostName(ctx); lastRemoteAdministrationURL = ConnectionUtils.getLdapUrl(ctx); } } /** * Returns the dir context to be used by the ControlPanelInfo to retrieve * monitoring and configuration information. * @return the dir context to be used by the ControlPanelInfo to retrieve * monitoring and configuration information. */ public InitialLdapContext getDirContext() { return ctx; } /** * Sets the dir context to be used by the ControlPanelInfo to retrieve * user data. * @param ctx the connection. * @throws NamingException if there is a problem updating the connection pool. */ public void setUserDataDirContext(InitialLdapContext ctx) throws NamingException { if (userDataCtx != null) { if (connectionPool.isConnectionRegistered(userDataCtx)) { try { connectionPool.unregisterConnection(userDataCtx); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } this.userDataCtx = ctx; if (ctx != null) { InitialLdapContext cloneLdc = ConnectionUtils.cloneInitialLdapContext(userDataCtx, getConnectTimeout(), getTrustManager(), null); connectionPool.registerConnection(cloneLdc); } } /** * Returns the dir context to be used by the ControlPanelInfo to retrieve * user data. * @return the dir context to be used by the ControlPanelInfo to retrieve * user data. */ public InitialLdapContext getUserDataDirContext() { return userDataCtx; } /** * Informs that a backup has been created. The method will notify to all * the backup listeners that a backup has been created. * @param newBackup the new created backup. */ public void backupCreated(BackupDescriptor newBackup) { BackupCreatedEvent ev = new BackupCreatedEvent(newBackup); for (BackupCreatedListener listener : backupListeners) { listener.backupCreated(ev); } } /** * Informs that a set of backends have been populated. The method will notify * to all the backend populated listeners. * @param backends the populated backends. */ public void backendPopulated(Set backends) { BackendPopulatedEvent ev = new BackendPopulatedEvent(backends); for (BackendPopulatedListener listener : backendPopulatedListeners) { listener.backendPopulated(ev); } } /** * Informs that an index has been modified. The method will notify to all * the index listeners that an index has been modified. * @param modifiedIndex the modified index. */ public void indexModified(AbstractIndexDescriptor modifiedIndex) { IndexModifiedEvent ev = new IndexModifiedEvent(modifiedIndex); for (IndexModifiedListener listener : indexListeners) { listener.indexModified(ev); } } /** * Returns an empty new server descriptor instance. * @return an empty new server descriptor instance. */ protected ServerDescriptor createNewServerDescriptorInstance() { return new ServerDescriptor(); } /** * Returns a reader that will read the configuration from a file. * @return a reader that will read the configuration from a file. */ protected ConfigFromFile createNewConfigFromFileReader() { return new ConfigFromFile(); } /** * Returns a reader that will read the configuration from a dir context. * @return a reader that will read the configuration from a dir context. */ protected ConfigFromDirContext createNewConfigFromDirContextReader() { ConfigFromDirContext configFromDirContext = new ConfigFromDirContext(); configFromDirContext.setIsLocal(isLocal()); return configFromDirContext; } /** * Updates the contents of the server descriptor with the provider reader. * @param reader the configuration reader. * @param desc the server descriptor. */ protected void updateServerDescriptor(ConfigReader reader, ServerDescriptor desc) { desc.setExceptions(reader.getExceptions()); desc.setAdministrativeUsers(reader.getAdministrativeUsers()); desc.setBackends(reader.getBackends()); desc.setConnectionHandlers(reader.getConnectionHandlers()); desc.setAdminConnector(reader.getAdminConnector()); desc.setSchema(reader.getSchema()); desc.setSchemaEnabled(reader.isSchemaEnabled()); } /** * Regenerates the last found ServerDescriptor object. * */ public synchronized void regenerateDescriptor() { boolean isLocal = isLocal(); ServerDescriptor desc = createNewServerDescriptorInstance(); desc.setIsLocal(isLocal); InitialLdapContext ctx = getDirContext(); if (isLocal) { desc.setOpenDSVersion( org.opends.server.util.DynamicConstants.FULL_VERSION_STRING); String installPath = DirectoryServer.getServerRoot(); desc.setInstallPath(installPath); desc.setInstancePath(DirectoryServer.getInstanceRoot()); boolean windowsServiceEnabled = false; if (Utilities.isWindows()) { int result = ConfigureWindowsService.serviceState(null, null); windowsServiceEnabled = result == ConfigureWindowsService.SERVICE_STATE_ENABLED; } desc.setWindowsServiceEnabled(windowsServiceEnabled); } else { if (lastRemoteHostName != null) { desc.setHostname(lastRemoteHostName); } } ConfigReader reader; ServerDescriptor.ServerStatus status = null; for (Task task : getTasks()) { if ((task.getType() == Task.Type.START_SERVER) && (task.getState() == Task.State.RUNNING) && isRunningOnServer(desc, task)) { status = ServerDescriptor.ServerStatus.STARTING; } else if ((task.getType() == Task.Type.STOP_SERVER) && (task.getState() == Task.State.RUNNING) && isRunningOnServer(desc, task)) { status = ServerDescriptor.ServerStatus.STOPPING; } } if (status != null) { desc.setStatus(status); if (status == ServerDescriptor.ServerStatus.STOPPING) { if (ctx != null) { try { ctx.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } this.ctx = null; } if (userDataCtx != null) { if (connectionPool.isConnectionRegistered(userDataCtx)) { try { connectionPool.unregisterConnection(userDataCtx); } catch (Throwable t) { } } try { userDataCtx.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } userDataCtx = null; } } if (isLocal) { reader = createNewConfigFromFileReader(); ((ConfigFromFile)reader).readConfiguration(); } else { reader = null; } desc.setAuthenticated(false); } else if (!isLocal || Utilities.isServerRunning(new File(desc.getInstancePath()))) { desc.setStatus(ServerDescriptor.ServerStatus.STARTED); if ((ctx == null) && (lastWorkingBindDN != null)) { // Try with previous credentials. try { if (isLocal) { ctx = Utilities.getAdminDirContext(this, lastWorkingBindDN, lastWorkingBindPwd); } else if (lastRemoteAdministrationURL != null) { ctx = Utils.createLdapsContext(lastRemoteAdministrationURL, lastWorkingBindDN, lastWorkingBindPwd, getConnectTimeout(), null, getTrustManager()); } } catch (ConfigReadException cre) { // Ignore: we will ask the user for credentials. } catch (NamingException ne) { // Ignore: we will ask the user for credentials. } if (ctx != null) { this.ctx = ctx; } } if (isLocal && (ctx == null)) { reader = createNewConfigFromFileReader(); ((ConfigFromFile)reader).readConfiguration(); } else { if (!isLocal && (ctx == null)) { desc.setStatus(ServerDescriptor.ServerStatus.NOT_CONNECTED_TO_REMOTE); reader = null; } else { reader = createNewConfigFromDirContextReader(); ((ConfigFromDirContext)reader).readConfiguration(ctx); boolean connectionWorks = checkConnections(ctx, userDataCtx); if (!connectionWorks) { if (isLocal) { // Try with off-line info reader = createNewConfigFromFileReader(); ((ConfigFromFile)reader).readConfiguration(); } else { desc.setStatus( ServerDescriptor.ServerStatus.NOT_CONNECTED_TO_REMOTE); reader = null; } try { ctx.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } this.ctx = null; if (connectionPool.isConnectionRegistered(userDataCtx)) { try { connectionPool.unregisterConnection(userDataCtx); } catch (Throwable t) { } } try { userDataCtx.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } userDataCtx = null; } } } if (reader != null) { desc.setAuthenticated(reader instanceof ConfigFromDirContext); desc.setJavaVersion(reader.getJavaVersion()); desc.setOpenConnections(reader.getOpenConnections()); desc.setTaskEntries(reader.getTaskEntries()); if (reader instanceof ConfigFromDirContext) { ConfigFromDirContext rCtx = (ConfigFromDirContext)reader; desc.setRootMonitor(rCtx.getRootMonitor()); desc.setEntryCachesMonitor(rCtx.getEntryCaches()); desc.setJvmMemoryUsageMonitor(rCtx.getJvmMemoryUsage()); desc.setSystemInformationMonitor(rCtx.getSystemInformation()); desc.setWorkQueueMonitor(rCtx.getWorkQueue()); desc.setOpenDSVersion((String)Utilities.getFirstMonitoringValue( rCtx.getVersionMonitor(), "fullVersion")); String installPath = (String)Utilities.getFirstMonitoringValue( rCtx.getSystemInformation(), "installPath"); if (installPath != null) { desc.setInstallPath(installPath); } String instancePath = (String)Utilities.getFirstMonitoringValue( rCtx.getSystemInformation(), "instancePath"); if (instancePath != null) { desc.setInstancePath(instancePath); } } } } else { desc.setStatus(ServerDescriptor.ServerStatus.STOPPED); desc.setAuthenticated(false); reader = createNewConfigFromFileReader(); ((ConfigFromFile)reader).readConfiguration(); } if (reader != null) { updateServerDescriptor(reader, desc); } if ((serverDesc == null) || !serverDesc.equals(desc)) { serverDesc = desc; ldapURL = getURL(serverDesc, ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.LDAP); ldapsURL = getURL(serverDesc, ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.LDAPS); adminConnectorURL = getAdminConnectorURL(serverDesc); if (serverDesc.isLocal()) { localAdminConnectorURL = adminConnectorURL; } startTLSURL = getURL(serverDesc, ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol.LDAP_STARTTLS); ConfigurationChangeEvent ev = new ConfigurationChangeEvent(this, desc); for (ConfigChangeListener listener : configListeners) { listener.configurationChanged(ev); } } } /** * Adds a configuration change listener. * @param listener the listener. */ public void addConfigChangeListener(ConfigChangeListener listener) { configListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes a configuration change listener. * @param listener the listener. * @return true if the listener is found and false * otherwise. */ public boolean removeConfigChangeListener(ConfigChangeListener listener) { return configListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Adds a backup creation listener. * @param listener the listener. */ public void addBackupCreatedListener(BackupCreatedListener listener) { backupListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes a backup creation listener. * @param listener the listener. * @return true if the listener is found and false * otherwise. */ public boolean removeBackupCreatedListener(BackupCreatedListener listener) { return backupListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Adds a backend populated listener. * @param listener the listener. */ public void addBackendPopulatedListener(BackendPopulatedListener listener) { backendPopulatedListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes a backend populated listener. * @param listener the listener. * @return true if the listener is found and false * otherwise. */ public boolean removeBackendPopulatedListener( BackendPopulatedListener listener) { return backendPopulatedListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Adds an index modification listener. * @param listener the listener. */ public void addIndexModifiedListener(IndexModifiedListener listener) { indexListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes an index modification listener. * @param listener the listener. * @return true if the listener is found and false * otherwise. */ public boolean removeIndexModifiedListener(IndexModifiedListener listener) { return indexListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Starts pooling the server configuration. The period of the pooling is * specified as a parameter. This method is asynchronous and it will start * the pooling in another thread. */ public synchronized void startPooling() { if (poolingThread != null) { return; } pooling = true; stopPooling = false; poolingThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { while (!stopPooling) { cleanupTasks(); regenerateDescriptor(); Thread.sleep(poolingPeriod); } } catch (Throwable t) { } pooling = false; } }); poolingThread.start(); } /** * Stops pooling the server. This method is synchronous, it does not return * until the pooling is actually stopped. * */ public synchronized void stopPooling() { stopPooling = true; while ((poolingThread != null) && pooling) { try { poolingThread.interrupt(); Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Throwable t) { // do nothing; } } poolingThread = null; pooling = false; } /** * Returns the trust manager to be used by this ControlPanelInfo (and in * general by the control panel). * @return the trust manager to be used by this ControlPanelInfo. */ public ApplicationTrustManager getTrustManager() { return trustManager; } /** * Sets the trust manager to be used by this ControlPanelInfo (and in * general by the control panel). * @param trustManager the trust manager to be used by this ControlPanelInfo. */ public void setTrustManager(ApplicationTrustManager trustManager) { this.trustManager = trustManager; connectionPool.setTrustManager(trustManager); } /** * Returns the timeout to establish the connection in milliseconds. * @return the timeout to establish the connection in milliseconds. */ public int getConnectTimeout() { return connectTimeout; } /** * Sets the timeout to establish the connection in milliseconds. * Use {@code 0} to express no timeout. * @param connectTimeout the timeout to establish the connection in * milliseconds. * Use {@code 0} to express no timeout. */ public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) { this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout; connectionPool.setConnectTimeout(connectTimeout); } /** * Returns the connection policy to be used by this ControlPanelInfo (and in * general by the control panel). * @return the connection policy to be used by this ControlPanelInfo. */ public ConnectionProtocolPolicy getConnectionPolicy() { return connectionPolicy; } /** * Sets the connection policy to be used by this ControlPanelInfo (and in * general by the control panel). * @param connectionPolicy the connection policy to be used by this * ControlPanelInfo. */ public void setConnectionPolicy(ConnectionProtocolPolicy connectionPolicy) { this.connectionPolicy = connectionPolicy; } /** * Gets the LDAPS URL based in what is read in the configuration. It * returns null if no LDAPS URL was found. * @return the LDAPS URL to be used to connect to the server. */ public String getLDAPSURL() { return ldapsURL; } /** * Gets the Administration Connector URL based in what is read in the * configuration. It returns null if no Administration * Connector URL was found. * @return the Administration Connector URL to be used to connect * to the server. */ public String getAdminConnectorURL() { if (isLocal) { // If the user set isLocal to true, we want to return the // localAdminConnectorURL (in particular if regenerateDescriptor has not // been called). return localAdminConnectorURL; } else { return adminConnectorURL; } } /** * Gets the Administration Connector URL based in what is read in the local * configuration. It returns null if no Administration * Connector URL was found. * @return the Administration Connector URL to be used to connect * to the local server. */ public String getLocalAdminConnectorURL() { return localAdminConnectorURL; } /** * Gets the LDAP URL based in what is read in the configuration. It * returns null if no LDAP URL was found. * @return the LDAP URL to be used to connect to the server. */ public String getLDAPURL() { return ldapURL; } /** * Gets the Start TLS URL based in what is read in the configuration. It * returns null if no Start TLS URL is found. * @return the Start TLS URL to be used to connect to the server. */ public String getStartTLSURL() { return startTLSURL; } /** * Returns the LDAP URL to be used to connect to a given ServerDescriptor * using a certain protocol. It returns null if URL for the * protocol is not found. * @param server the server descriptor. * @param protocol the protocol to be used. * @return the LDAP URL to be used to connect to a given ServerDescriptor * using a certain protocol. */ private static String getURL(ServerDescriptor server, ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.Protocol protocol) { String url = null; String sProtocol = null; switch (protocol) { case LDAP: sProtocol = "ldap"; break; case LDAPS: sProtocol = "ldaps"; break; case LDAP_STARTTLS: sProtocol = "ldap"; break; case JMX: sProtocol = "jmx"; break; case JMXS: sProtocol = "jmxs"; break; } for (ConnectionHandlerDescriptor desc : server.getConnectionHandlers()) { if ((desc.getState() == ConnectionHandlerDescriptor.State.ENABLED) && (desc.getProtocol() == protocol)) { int port = desc.getPort(); SortedSet addresses = desc.getAddresses(); if (addresses.size() == 0) { if (port > 0) { if (server.isLocal()) { url = sProtocol +"://localhost:"+port; } else { url = sProtocol +"://"+ ConnectionUtils.getHostNameForLdapUrl(server.getHostname())+ ":"+port; } } } else { if (port > 0) { if (server.isLocal()) { InetAddress address = addresses.first(); url = sProtocol +"://"+ ConnectionUtils.getHostNameForLdapUrl(address.getHostAddress())+ ":"+ port; } else { url = sProtocol +"://"+ ConnectionUtils.getHostNameForLdapUrl(server.getHostname())+ ":"+port; } } } } } return url; } /** * Returns the Administration Connector URL. * It returns null if URL for the * protocol is not found. * @param server the server descriptor. * @return the Administration Connector URL. */ private static String getAdminConnectorURL(ServerDescriptor server) { String url = null; ConnectionHandlerDescriptor desc = server.getAdminConnector(); if (desc != null) { int port = desc.getPort(); SortedSet addresses = desc.getAddresses(); if (addresses.size() == 0) { if (port > 0) { url = ConnectionUtils.getLDAPUrl("localhost", port, true); } } else { if (port > 0) { InetAddress address = addresses.first(); String a = address.getHostAddress(); url = ConnectionUtils.getLDAPUrl(a, port, true); } } } else { url = null; } return url; } /** * Tells whether we must connect to the server using Start TLS. * @return true if we must connect to the server using Start TLS * and false otherwise. */ public boolean connectUsingStartTLS() { boolean connectUsingStartTLS = false; if (getStartTLSURL() != null) { connectUsingStartTLS = getStartTLSURL().equals(getURLToConnect()); } return connectUsingStartTLS; } /** * Tells whether we must connect to the server using LDAPS. * @return true if we must connect to the server using LDAPS * and false otherwise. */ public boolean connectUsingLDAPS() { boolean connectUsingLDAPS = false; if (getLDAPSURL() != null) { connectUsingLDAPS = getLDAPSURL().equals(getURLToConnect()); } return connectUsingLDAPS; } /** * Returns the URL that must be used to connect to the server based on the * available enabled connection handlers in the server and the connection * policy. * @return the URL that must be used to connect to the server. */ public String getURLToConnect() { String url; switch (getConnectionPolicy()) { case USE_STARTTLS: url = getStartTLSURL(); break; case USE_LDAP: url = getLDAPURL(); break; case USE_LDAPS: url = getLDAPSURL(); break; case USE_ADMIN: url = getAdminConnectorURL(); break; case USE_MOST_SECURE_AVAILABLE: url = getLDAPSURL(); if (url == null) { url = getStartTLSURL(); } if (url == null) { url = getLDAPURL(); } break; case USE_LESS_SECURE_AVAILABLE: url = getLDAPURL(); if (url == null) { url = getStartTLSURL(); } if (url == null) { url = getLDAPSURL(); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown policy: "+getConnectionPolicy()); } return url; } /** * Returns true if the configuration must be deregistered and * false otherwise. * This is required when we use the ConfigFileHandler to update the * configuration, in these cases cn=config must the deregistered from the * ConfigFileHandler and after that register again. * @return true if the configuration must be deregistered and * false otherwise. */ public boolean mustDeregisterConfig() { return mustDeregisterConfig; } /** * Sets whether the configuration must be deregistered or not. * @param mustDeregisterConfig whether the configuration must be deregistered * or not. */ public void setMustDeregisterConfig(boolean mustDeregisterConfig) { ControlPanelInfo.mustDeregisterConfig = mustDeregisterConfig; } /** * Sets whether the server is local or not. * @param isLocal whether the server is local or not. */ public void setIsLocal(boolean isLocal) { this.isLocal = isLocal; } /** * Returns true if we are trying to manage the local host and * false otherwise. * @return true if we are trying to manage the local host and * false otherwise. */ public boolean isLocal() { return isLocal; } /** * Returns the connection pool to be used by the LDAP entry browsers. * @return the connection pool to be used by the LDAP entry browsers. */ public LDAPConnectionPool getConnectionPool() { return connectionPool; } /** * Returns the icon pool to be used by the LDAP entry browsers. * @return the icon pool to be used by the LDAP entry browsers. */ public IconPool getIconPool() { return iconPool; } /** * Returns the pooling period in miliseconds. * @return the pooling period in miliseconds. */ public long getPoolingPeriod() { return poolingPeriod; } /** * Sets the pooling period in miliseconds. * @param poolingPeriod the pooling time in miliseconds. */ public void setPoolingPeriod(long poolingPeriod) { this.poolingPeriod = poolingPeriod; } /** * Cleans the tasks that are over. */ private void cleanupTasks() { Set toClean = new HashSet(); for (Task task : tasks) { if (task.getState() == Task.State.FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY || task.getState() == Task.State.FINISHED_WITH_ERROR) { toClean.add(task); } } for (Task task : toClean) { unregisterTask(task); } } /** * Returns whether the provided task is running on the provided server or not. * The code takes into account that the server object might not be fully * initialized (but at least it contains the host name and the instance * path if it is local). * @param server the server. * @param task the task to be analyzed. * @return true if the provided task is running on the provided * server and false otherwise. */ private boolean isRunningOnServer(ServerDescriptor server, Task task) { boolean isRunningOnServer; if (!server.isLocal() || !task.getServer().isLocal()) { if (!server.isLocal()) { // At this point we only have connection information about the new // server. Use the dir context which corresponds to the server to // compare things. String host1 = server.getHostname(); String host2 = task.getServer().getHostname(); if (host1 == null) { isRunningOnServer = host2 == null; } else { isRunningOnServer = host1.equalsIgnoreCase(host2); } if (isRunningOnServer) { // Compare administration port; int adminPort1 = -1; int adminPort2 = -1; if (server.getAdminConnector() != null) { adminPort1 = server.getAdminConnector().getPort(); } if (getDirContext() != null) { adminPort2 = ConnectionUtils.getPort(getDirContext()); } isRunningOnServer = adminPort1 == adminPort2; } } else { // Compare host names and paths String f1 = server.getInstancePath(); String f2 = task.getServer().getInstancePath(); String host1 = server.getHostname(); String host2 = task.getServer().getHostname(); if (host1 == null) { isRunningOnServer = host2 == null; } else { isRunningOnServer = host1.equalsIgnoreCase(host2); } if (isRunningOnServer) { if (f1 == null) { isRunningOnServer = f2 == null; } else { isRunningOnServer = f1.equals(f2); } } } } else { isRunningOnServer = true; } return isRunningOnServer; } private boolean checkConnections(InitialLdapContext ctx, InitialLdapContext userCtx) { // Check the connection boolean connectionWorks = false; int nMaxErrors = 5; for (int i=0; i< nMaxErrors && !connectionWorks; i++) { try { Utilities.pingDirContext(ctx); if (userCtx != null) { Utilities.pingDirContext(userCtx); } connectionWorks = true; } catch (NamingException ne) { try { Thread.sleep(400); } catch (Throwable t) { } } } return connectionWorks; } }