Ant options to control the tests: -Dorg.opends.test.suppressOutput=false Writes the unit test output to the console. -Dtest.progress="default,memory" Unless explicity disabled using -Dtest.progress=none, the tests provide continuous progress of the tests that are being run. The specific options to set for this property are none: no progress output all: enables all progress (slows tests) default: same as "time,count,restarts" time: timing information for the tests count: # of run test classes, methods, and invocations memory: running total of memory usage (slows tests) threadcount: running total of active threads threadchange: +/- changes for active threads between tests restarts: running total of in-core server restarts To specifying multiple values, nseparate them with ',' and quote the entire value. For instance, when you want the default output plus more, do -Dtest.progress="default,memory". Enabling memory progress slows down the tests significantly. Include the otherwise undocumented property "gcs" to see how much time each progress line spends doing garbage collections to get an accurate measure of memory usage. A new line of progress is written when TestNG completes running tests for a class. This progress is reported immediately before TestNG starts to run the first test of the next class. All @BeforeClass and @BeforeMethod methods will have been invoked for the next class as well as the @DataProvider (if any) for the first test method. Keep this in mind when debugging memory usage, running times, and thread creation. -Dtestng.verbosity0to5=5 for example has TestNG dump the maximum amount of debugging output to stdout. This output is useful to check the order in which test methods are invoked. Valid values are integer values from 0 (no output) to 5 (maximum output). Since this implicitly sets -Dorg.opends.test.suppressOutput=false, other stderr/stdout output generated by the unit tests will also be displayed. -Dorg.opends.test.pauseOnFailure=true pauses the test suite whenever a failure occurs allowing you to inspect the server more closely in the failure state -Dorg.opends.test.copyClassesToTestPackage=true copies the classes into the test server root. This enables you to run the server tools on the test server. It can slow down the test startup so the files are not copied by default. -Dtest.failures=true Runs only the tests that failed last time.,category=data for example only include debug messages in the core package that are related to data access and at the verbose level or higher. The syntax of this target definition is the same as the property when starting ${SHORT_NAME}. Default debug target: org.opends.server:level=warning,category=caught|data|database-access|message|protocol,stack,cause -Dtest.diff.srcpath='src_path[ src_path]...' A space separated list of source directories (relative to the ant base directory), whose classes should be included in the coveragediff report. -Dtest.groups=exclude=slow for example excludes the slow tests. Each value is expected group inclusion/exclusion clause which consists of either 'include' or 'exclude' followed by the '=' character and then a group name. For multiple group clauses, separate them with a ',' and quote the entire value. Debug logging is disabled. -Dtest.packages=java_package_name[,java_package_name]... Comma separated list of packages to test. Debug logging is disabled. -Dtest.classes=className[,className]... Comma separated list of fully qualified names of classes to test. Debug logging is disabled. -Dtest.methods=classname.method[,classname.method]... Comma separated list of methods incl. fully qualified names of classes to test. Debug logging is disabled. -Dtest.remote.debug.port=5005 for example will allow you to remotely debug the unit tests from the debugger of your choice by pointing it at port 5005. The unit tests will not start to run until the debugger is attached unless you also specify -Dtest.remote.debug.suspend=n.