/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ import netscape.ldap.*; import netscape.ldap.util.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.io.*; class Reader extends Thread { BlockingQueue queue; ArrayList masters; public Reader(BlockingQueue q, ArrayList masters) { this.queue = q; this.masters = masters; } public void run() { // master number in the array list int masterN = 0; // ECL "draft" mode index int changeNumber = 0; // ECL "opends" mode index String eclCookie = EclReadAndPlay.INITIAL_COOKIE; try { Server master = null; LDAPConnection masterConnection = new LDAPConnection(); LDAPSearchResults results = null; LDAPEntry entry = null; LDAPAttribute attr = null; int idleTime = 0; while (true) { try { master = masters.get(masterN); // Connect to the Directory master EclReadAndPlay.println("INFO", "Connecting to master " + master.host + ":" + master.port + " ......"); masterConnection.connect( master.host, master.port ); masterConnection.authenticate( 3, EclReadAndPlay.bindDn, EclReadAndPlay.bindPwd ); EclReadAndPlay.println("INFO", "...... Connected to master " + master.host + ":" + master.port ); // Set changenumber // Try to retrieve the ECL index (changenumber|changelogcookie) of the last update read // ---> use the CSN stored in the file under "db" directory for ( CSN csn: EclReadAndPlay.RUV.values() ) { String filter = "(& (objectclass=changelogentry)(replicationCSN=" + csn.getValue() + ") )"; results = masterConnection.search( "cn=changelog", LDAPv3.SCOPE_SUB, filter, new String[] {"changeNumber", "changeLogCookie"} , false ); entry = results.next(); if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("draft") ) { if ( entry != null ) { attr = entry.getAttribute("changeNumber"); if (attr != null) { String changeNumberString = attr.getStringValueArray()[0]; EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Found changeNumber " + changeNumberString + " for csn " + csn.getValue() ); int c = Integer.parseInt(changeNumberString); if ( ( changeNumber == 0 ) || ( changeNumber > c ) ) { EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Setting changeNumber to " + ++c ); changeNumber = c; } } else { EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "Cannot find changenumber, setting it to 1"); changeNumber = EclReadAndPlay.INITIAL_CHANGENUMBER; } } else { EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "Cannot find a changelog entry for csn " + csn ); EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "Will start from the first changelog entry"); results = masterConnection.search( "", LDAPv3.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", new String[]{"firstChangeNumber"} , false ); entry = results.next(); attr = entry.getAttribute("firstChangeNumber"); if ( attr != null ) { String changeNumberString = attr.getStringValueArray()[0]; EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Found firstChangeNumber " + changeNumberString); int c = Integer.parseInt(changeNumberString); if ( ( changeNumber == 0 ) || ( changeNumber > c ) ) { EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Setting changeNumber to " + c ); changeNumber = c; } } else { EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "Cannot find firstChangeNumber, setting it to 1"); changeNumber = EclReadAndPlay.INITIAL_CHANGENUMBER; } } } else if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("opends") ) { if ( entry != null ) { attr = entry.getAttribute("changeLogCookie"); if ( attr!= null ) { eclCookie = attr.getStringValueArray()[0]; EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Found changeLogCookie " + eclCookie + " for csn " + csn.getValue() ); } else { EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "Cannot find a changelog entry for csn " + csn ); EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "Will start from the first changelog entry"); eclCookie = EclReadAndPlay.INITIAL_COOKIE; } } else { EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "Cannot find a changelog entry for csn " + csn ); EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "Will start from the first changelog entry"); eclCookie = EclReadAndPlay.INITIAL_COOKIE; } } } /* for (CSN csn: ...) */ synchronized (EclReadAndPlay.lock) { EclReadAndPlay.lock.notifyAll(); } String[] attributes = new String[] {"replicationCSN", "replicaIdentifier", "targetDN", "targetEntryUUID", "changeType", "changes", "deleteOldRDN", "newRDN", "newSuperior", "changeNumber", "changeHasReplFixupOp", "changeLogCookie"}; while (idleTime < EclReadAndPlay.MAX_IDLE_TIME) { if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("draft") ) { int limit = changeNumber + (EclReadAndPlay.queueSize - 1); String filter = "(& (changeNumber>=" + changeNumber + ")(changeNumber<=" + limit + ") )"; EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Getting changes " + changeNumber + " to " + limit); results = masterConnection.search("cn=changelog", LDAPv3.SCOPE_SUB, filter, attributes , false ); } else if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("opends") ) { // --control ";" String filter = "changetype=*"; LDAPSearchConstraints controls = new LDAPSearchConstraints(); LDAPControl eclControl = new LDAPControl("", false, eclCookie.getBytes()); controls.setMaxResults(199); controls.setServerControls(eclControl); EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Getting changes from cookie: " + eclCookie); results = masterConnection.search("cn=changelog", LDAPv3.SCOPE_SUB, filter, attributes , false, controls ); } if ( ! results.hasMoreElements() ) { // No new change found in retrocl => sleep 100 ms. sleep(100); idleTime += 100; EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "No new change found in ECL => have slept for 100ms"); } else { idleTime = 0; // Forward all the results found to the application while ( results.hasMoreElements() ) { EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Going through change entries found in the ECL."); try { entry = results.next(); } catch (LDAPException ldapEx) { if ( ldapEx.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ) continue; else throw ldapEx; } //EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Changelog entry: " + entry.toString()); try { // Write the change in the queue Change change = new Change(entry); queue.put(change); } catch (Exception e) { EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "Ignoring change " + entry.getDN() ); if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("draft") ) EclReadAndPlay.inc_ignored(changeNumber); else if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("opends") ) EclReadAndPlay.inc_ignored(eclCookie); } if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("draft") ) { changeNumber++; EclReadAndPlay.println("DEBUG", "change=" + entry.getDN() + ", changenumber = " + changeNumber + ", count =" + results.getCount()); } else if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("opends") ) { attr = entry.getAttribute("changeLogCookie"); if ( attr != null ) { eclCookie = attr.getStringValueArray()[0]; EclReadAndPlay.println ("DEBUG", " ECL cookie value ========> " + eclCookie ); } } } /* while (result.hasMoreElements()) */ } if ( EclReadAndPlay.displayMissingChanges == true ) { if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("draft") ) { results = masterConnection.search( "", LDAPv3.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", new String[]{"lastChangeNumber"} , false ); entry = results.next(); attr = entry.getAttribute("lastChangeNumber"); if ( attr != null ) { EclReadAndPlay.lastChangeNumber = Integer.parseInt(attr.getStringValueArray()[0]); } } else if ( EclReadAndPlay.eclMode.equals("opends") ) { results = masterConnection.search( "", LDAPv3.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", new String[]{"lastExternalChangelogCookie"} , false ); entry = results.next(); attr = entry.getAttribute("lastExternalChangelogCookie"); if ( attr != null ) { EclReadAndPlay.lastExternalChangelogCookie = attr.getStringValueArray()[0]; } } } } /* while (idleTime <= EclReadAndPlay.MAX_IDLE_TIME) */ EclReadAndPlay.println("WARNING", "No new changes read in the ECL for " + Integer.toString(idleTime) + " milliseconds. ======> EXIT"); System.exit(0); } catch( LDAPException e ) { int errorCode = e.getLDAPResultCode(); // if server is down => switch if ( ( errorCode == 91 ) || ( errorCode == 81 ) || ( errorCode == 80 ) ) { // clear the queue of changes queue.clear(); EclReadAndPlay.println( "WARNING", "Connection lost to " + master.host + ":" + master.port + "."); masterN = (masterN+1) % masters.size(); } else { EclReadAndPlay.println( "ERROR" , e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } } /* while (true) */ } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } }