/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2012-2015 ForgeRock AS */ package org.opends.server.types; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*; import static org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils.*; import static org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer.*; import static org.testng.Assert.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder; import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * This class defines a set of tests for the org.opends.server.core.DN * class. */ public class TestDN extends TypesTestCase { /** * DN test data provider. * * @return The array of test DN strings. */ @DataProvider public Object[][] testDNs() { return new Object[][] { // raw dn, irreversible normalized string representation, toString representation { "", "", "" }, { " ", "", "" }, { "cn=", "cn=", "cn=" }, { "cn= ", "cn=", "cn=" }, { "cn =", "cn=", "cn=" }, { "cn = ", "cn=", "cn=" }, { "dc=com", "dc=com", "dc=com" }, { "dc=com+o=com", "dc=com+o=com", "dc=com+o=com" }, { "DC=COM", "dc=com", "DC=COM" }, { "dc = com", "dc=com", "dc=com" }, { " dc = com ", "dc=com", "dc=com" }, { "dc=example,dc=com", "dc=com,dc=example", "dc=example,dc=com" }, { "dc=example, dc=com", "dc=com,dc=example", "dc=example,dc=com" }, { "dc=example ,dc=com", "dc=com,dc=example", "dc=example,dc=com" }, { "dc =example , dc = com", "dc=com,dc=example", "dc=example,dc=com" }, { "givenName=John+cn=Doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "dc=com,dc=example,ou=people,cn=doe+givenname=john", "givenName=John+cn=Doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" }, { "givenName=John\\+cn=Doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "dc=com,dc=example,ou=people,givenname=john%2Bcn%3Ddoe", "givenName=John\\+cn=Doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" }, { "cn=Doe\\, John,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "dc=com,dc=example,ou=people,cn=doe%2C%20john", "cn=Doe\\, John,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" }, { "UID=jsmith,DC=example,DC=net", "dc=net,dc=example,uid=jsmith", "UID=jsmith,DC=example,DC=net" }, { "OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith,DC=example,DC=net", "dc=net,dc=example,cn=j.%20smith+ou=sales", "OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith,DC=example,DC=net" }, { "CN=James \\\"Jim\\\" Smith\\, III,DC=example,DC=net", "dc=net,dc=example,cn=james%20%22jim%22%20smith%2C%20iii", "CN=James \\\"Jim\\\" Smith\\, III,DC=example,DC=net" }, { "CN=John Smith\\2C III,DC=example,DC=net", "dc=net,dc=example,cn=john%20smith%2C%20iii", "CN=John Smith\\, III,DC=example,DC=net" }, { "CN=\\23John Smith\\20,DC=example,DC=net", "dc=net,dc=example,cn=%23john%20smith", "CN=\\#John Smith\\ ,DC=example,DC=net" }, { "CN=Before\\0dAfter,DC=example,DC=net", //\0d is a hex representation of Carriage return. It is mapped //to a SPACE as defined in the MAP ( RFC 4518) "dc=net,dc=example,cn=before%20after", "CN=Before\\0dAfter,DC=example,DC=net" }, { "", //Unicode codepoints from 0000-0008 are mapped to nothing. "", "\\04\\02Hi" }, { "1.1.1=", "1.1.1=", "1.1.1=" }, { "CN=Lu\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87", "cn=luc%CC%8Cic%CC%81", "CN=Lu\u010di\u0107" }, { "ou=\\e5\\96\\b6\\e6\\a5\\ad\\e9\\83\\a8,o=Airius", "o=airius,ou=%E5%96%B6%E6%A5%AD%E9%83%A8", "ou=\u55b6\u696d\u90e8,o=Airius" }, { "photo=\\ john \\ ,dc=com", "dc=com,photo=%20john%20%20", "photo=\\ john \\ ,dc=com" }, { "AB-global=", "ab-global=", "AB-global=" }, { "OU= Sales + CN = J. Smith ,DC=example,DC=net", "dc=net,dc=example,cn=j.%20smith+ou=sales", "OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith,DC=example,DC=net" }, { "cn=John+a=", "a=+cn=john", "cn=John+a=" }, { "OID.", //Unicode codepoints from 0000-0008 are mapped to nothing. "", "\\04\\02Hi" }, { "O=\"Sue, Grabbit and Runn\",C=US", "c=us,o=sue%2C%20grabbit%20and%20runn", "O=Sue\\, Grabbit and Runn,C=US" }, }; } /** * Illegal DN test data provider. * * @return The array of illegal test DN strings. */ @DataProvider public Object[][] illegalDNs() { return new Object[][] { { "manager" }, { "manager " }, { "=Jim" }, { " =Jim" }, { "= Jim" }, { " = Jim" }, { "cn+Jim" }, { "cn + Jim" }, { "cn=Jim+" }, { "cn=Jim+manager" }, { "cn=Jim+manager " }, { "cn=Jim+manager," }, { "cn=Jim," }, { "cn=Jim, " }, { "c[n]=Jim" }, { "_cn=Jim" }, { "c_n=Jim" }, { "cn\"=Jim" }, { "c\"n=Jim" }, { "1cn=Jim" }, { "cn+uid=Jim" }, { "-cn=Jim" }, { "/tmp=a" }, { "\\tmp=a" }, { "cn;lang-en=Jim" }, { "@cn=Jim" }, { "_name_=Jim" }, { "\u03c0=pi" }, { "v1.0=buggy" }, { "1.=buggy" }, { ".1=buggy" }, { "oid.1." }, { "" }, { "cn=#a" }, { "cn=#ag" }, { "cn=#ga" }, { "cn=#abcdefgh" }, { "cn=a\\b" }, { "cn=a\\bg" }, { "cn=\"hello" }, {"cn=+mail=,dc=example,dc=com"},{"cn=xyz+sn=,dc=example,dc=com"}, {"cn=,dc=example,dc=com"}, // {"cn=a+cn=b,dc=example,dc=com"} }; } /** * Set up the environment for performing the tests in this suite. * * @throws Exception * If the environment could not be set up. */ @BeforeClass public void setUp() throws Exception { // This test suite depends on having the schema available, so // we'll start the server. TestCaseUtils.startServer(); String attrName = "x-test-integer-type"; AttributeType dummy = getAttributeTypeOrDefault(attrName, attrName, getDefaultIntegerSyntax()); DirectoryServer.getSchema().registerAttributeType(dummy, true); } /** * Tests the create method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testCreateNullDN1() throws Exception { DN dn = new DN(new RDN[0]); assertEquals(dn, DN.rootDN()); } /** * Tests the create method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testCreateNullDN2() throws Exception { DN dn = new DN(); assertEquals(dn, DN.rootDN()); } /** * Tests the create method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testCreateNullDN3() throws Exception { DN dn = new DN((RDN[]) null); assertEquals(dn, DN.rootDN()); } /** * Tests the create method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testCreateNullDN4() throws Exception { DN dn = new DN((ArrayList) null); assertEquals(dn, DN.rootDN()); } /** * Tests the create method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testCreateWithSingleRDN1() throws Exception { DN dn = new DN(new RDN[] { RDN.decode("dc=com") }); assertEquals(dn, DN.valueOf("dc=com")); } /** * Tests the create method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testCreateWithMultipleRDNs1() throws Exception { DN dn = new DN(new RDN[] { RDN.decode("dc=foo"), RDN.decode("dc=opends"), RDN.decode("dc=org") }); assertEquals(dn, DN.valueOf("dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org")); } /** * Tests the create method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testCreateWithMultipleRDNs2() throws Exception { ArrayList rdnList = new ArrayList<>(); rdnList.add(RDN.decode("dc=foo")); rdnList.add(RDN.decode("dc=opends")); rdnList.add(RDN.decode("dc=org")); DN dn = new DN(rdnList); assertEquals(dn, DN.valueOf("dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org")); } /** * Tests the valueOf method which takes a String * argument. * * @param rawDN * Raw DN string representation. * @param normDN * Normalized DN string representation. * @param unused * Unused argument. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "testDNs") public void testValueOf(String rawDN, String normDN, String unused) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(rawDN); assertEquals(dn.toNormalizedUrlSafeString(), normDN); } /** * Tests the decode method which takes a ByteString * argument. * * @param rawDN * Raw DN string representation. * @param normDN * Normalized DN string representation. * @param unused * Unused argument. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "testDNs") public void testDecodeByteString(String rawDN, String normDN, String unused) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.decode(ByteString.valueOfUtf8(rawDN)); assertEquals(dn.toNormalizedUrlSafeString(), normDN); } /** * Test DN string decoder. * * @param rawDN * Raw DN string representation. * @param unused * Unused argument. * @param stringDN * String representation. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "testDNs") public void testToString(String rawDN, String unused, String stringDN) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(rawDN); assertEquals(dn.toString(), stringDN); } /** * Tests the toNoramlizedString methods. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testToNormalizedString() throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf("dc=example,dc=com"); assertEquals(dn.toNormalizedByteString(), new ByteStringBuilder().appendUtf8("dc=com").appendByte(DN.NORMALIZED_RDN_SEPARATOR) .appendUtf8("dc=example").toByteString()); assertEquals(dn.toNormalizedUrlSafeString(), "dc=com,dc=example"); } /** * Tests both variants of the {@code decode} method with null arguments. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testDecodeNull() throws Exception { assertEquals(DN.decode((ByteString) null), DN.rootDN()); assertEquals(DN.valueOf((String) null), DN.rootDN()); } /** * Test that decoding an illegal DN as a String throws an exception. * * @param dn * The illegal DN to be tested. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "illegalDNs", expectedExceptions = DirectoryException.class) public void testIllegalStringDNs(String dn) throws Exception { DN.valueOf(dn); } /** * Test that decoding an illegal DN as an octet string throws an * exception. * * @param dn * The illegal DN to be tested. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "illegalDNs", expectedExceptions = DirectoryException.class) public void testIllegalOctetStringDNs(String dn) throws Exception { ByteString octetString = ByteString.valueOfUtf8(dn); DN.decode(octetString); } /** * Test the nullDN method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testNullDN() throws Exception { DN nullDN = DN.rootDN(); assertEquals(nullDN.size(), 0); assertEquals(nullDN.toString(), ""); } /** * Test the isNullDN method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testIsNullDNWithNullDN() throws Exception { DN nullDN = DN.rootDN(); assertTrue(nullDN.isRootDN()); } /** * Test the isNullDN method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testIsNullDNWithNonNullDN() throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf("dc=com"); assertFalse(dn.isRootDN()); } /** * DN test data provider. * * @return The array of test DN strings. */ @DataProvider(name = "createNumComponentsTestData") public Object[][] createNumComponentsTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "", 0 }, { "dc=com", 1 }, { "dc=opends,dc=com", 2 }, { "dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", 3 }, { "dc=hello,dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", 4 }, }; } /** * Test the getNumComponents method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param sz * The expected number of RDNs. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createNumComponentsTestData") public void testNumComponents(String s, int sz) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); assertEquals(dn.size(), sz); } /** * DN test data provider. * * @return The array of test DN strings. */ @DataProvider(name = "createParentAndRDNTestData") public Object[][] createParentAndRDNTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "", null, null }, { "dc=com", null, "dc=com" }, { "dc=opends,dc=com", "dc=com", "dc=opends" }, { "dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", "dc=opends,dc=com", "dc=world" }, { "dc=hello,dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", "dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", "dc=hello" }, }; } /** * Test the getParent method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param p * The expected parent. * @param r * The expected rdn. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createParentAndRDNTestData") public void testGetParent(String s, String p, String r) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); DN parent = p != null ? DN.valueOf(p) : null; assertEquals(dn.parent(), parent, "For DN " + s); } /** * Retrieves the naming contexts defined in the server. */ @DataProvider(name = "namingContexts") public Object[][] getNamingContexts() { ArrayList contextList = new ArrayList<>(); contextList.addAll(DirectoryServer.getPublicNamingContexts().keySet()); contextList.addAll(DirectoryServer.getPrivateNamingContexts().keySet()); Object[][] contextArray = new Object[contextList.size()][1]; for (int i=0; i < contextArray.length; i++) { contextArray[i][0] = contextList.get(i); } return contextArray; } /** * Tests the getParentDNInSuffix method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "namingContexts") public void testGetParentDNInSuffix(DN namingContext) throws Exception { assertNull(namingContext.getParentDNInSuffix()); DN childDN = namingContext.child(RDN.decode("ou=People")); assertNotNull(childDN.getParentDNInSuffix()); assertEquals(childDN.getParentDNInSuffix(), namingContext); } /** * Test the getParent method's interaction with other methods. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testGetParentInteraction() throws Exception { DN c = DN.valueOf("dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=opends,dc=org"); DN e = DN.valueOf("dc=bar,dc=opends,dc=org"); DN p = c.parent(); assertFalse(p.isRootDN()); assertEquals(p.size(), 3); assertTrue(p.compareTo(c) < 0); assertTrue(c.compareTo(p) > 0); assertTrue(p.isAncestorOf(c)); assertFalse(c.isAncestorOf(p)); assertTrue(c.isDescendantOf(p)); assertFalse(p.isDescendantOf(c)); assertEquals(p, e); assertEquals(p.hashCode(), e.hashCode()); assertEquals(p.toNormalizedUrlSafeString(), e.toNormalizedUrlSafeString()); assertEquals(p.toString(), e.toString()); assertEquals(p.rdn(), RDN.decode("dc=bar")); assertEquals(p.getRDN(0), RDN.decode("dc=bar")); assertEquals(p.getRDN(1), RDN.decode("dc=opends")); assertEquals(p.getRDN(2), RDN.decode("dc=org")); assertEquals(p.parent(), DN.valueOf("dc=opends,dc=org")); assertEquals(p.parent(), e.parent()); assertEquals(p.child(RDN.decode("dc=foo")), DN .valueOf("dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=opends,dc=org")); assertEquals(p.child(RDN.decode("dc=foo")), c); assertEquals(p.child(DN.valueOf("dc=xxx,dc=foo")), DN .valueOf("dc=xxx,dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=opends,dc=org")); } /** * Test the getRDN method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param p * The expected parent. * @param r * The expected rdn. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createParentAndRDNTestData") public void testGetRDN(String s, String p, String r) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); RDN rdn = r != null ? RDN.decode(r) : null; assertEquals(dn.rdn(), rdn, "For DN " + s); } /** * DN test data provider. * * @return The array of test DN strings. */ @DataProvider(name = "createRDNTestData") public Object[][] createRDNTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "dc=com", 0, "dc=com" }, { "dc=opends,dc=com", 0, "dc=opends" }, { "dc=opends,dc=com", 1, "dc=com" }, { "dc=hello,dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", 0, "dc=hello" }, { "dc=hello,dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", 1, "dc=world" }, { "dc=hello,dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", 2, "dc=opends" }, { "dc=hello,dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", 3, "dc=com" }, }; } /** * Test the getRDN indexed method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param i * The RDN index. * @param r * The expected rdn. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createRDNTestData") public void testGetRDNIndexed(String s, int i, String r) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); RDN rdn = RDN.decode(r); assertEquals(dn.getRDN(i), rdn, "For DN " + s); } /** * DN test data provider. * * @return The array of test DN strings. */ @DataProvider(name = "createRDNIllegalTestData") public Object[][] createRDNIllegalTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "", 0 }, { "", -1 }, { "", 1 }, { "dc=com", -1 }, { "dc=com", 1 }, { "dc=opends,dc=com", -1 }, { "dc=opends,dc=com", 2 }, { "dc=hello,dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", -1 }, { "dc=hello,dc=world,dc=opends,dc=com", 4 }, }; } /** * Test the getRDN indexed method with illegal indexes. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param i * The illegal RDN index. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createRDNIllegalTestData", expectedExceptions = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class) public void testGetRDNIndexedException(String s, int i) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); // Shoudld throw. dn.getRDN(i); Assert.fail("Excepted exception for RDN index " + i + " in DN " + s); } /** * Concat DN test data provider. * * @return The array of test data. */ @DataProvider(name = "createConcatDNTestData") public Object[][] createConcatDNTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "", "", "" }, { "", "dc=org", "dc=org" }, { "", "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=org", "", "dc=org" }, { "dc=org", "dc=opends", "dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=opends", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "", "dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=foo", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=bar,dc=foo", "dc=bar,dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org" }, }; } /** * Test the concat(DN) method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param l * The local name to be appended. * @param e * The expected DN. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createConcatDNTestData") public void testConcatDN(String s, String l, String e) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); DN localName = DN.valueOf(l); DN expected = DN.valueOf(e); assertEquals(dn.child(localName), expected); } /** * Test the concat(DN) method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(expectedExceptions = { NullPointerException.class, AssertionError.class }) public void testConcatDNException() throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf("dc=org"); dn.child((DN) null); } /** * Test the concat(DN) method's interaction with other methods. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testConcatDNInteraction() throws Exception { DN p = DN.valueOf("dc=opends,dc=org"); DN l = DN.valueOf("dc=foo,dc=bar"); DN e = DN.valueOf("dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=opends,dc=org"); DN c = p.child(l); assertFalse(c.isRootDN()); assertEquals(c.size(), 4); assertTrue(c.compareTo(p) > 0); assertTrue(p.compareTo(c) < 0); assertTrue(p.isAncestorOf(c)); assertFalse(c.isAncestorOf(p)); assertTrue(c.isDescendantOf(p)); assertFalse(p.isDescendantOf(c)); assertEquals(c, e); assertEquals(c.hashCode(), e.hashCode()); assertEquals(c.toNormalizedUrlSafeString(), e.toNormalizedUrlSafeString()); assertEquals(c.toString(), e.toString()); assertEquals(c.rdn(), RDN.decode("dc=foo")); assertEquals(c.getRDN(0), RDN.decode("dc=foo")); assertEquals(c.getRDN(1), RDN.decode("dc=bar")); assertEquals(c.getRDN(2), RDN.decode("dc=opends")); assertEquals(c.getRDN(3), RDN.decode("dc=org")); assertEquals(c.parent(), DN.valueOf("dc=bar,dc=opends,dc=org")); assertEquals(c.parent(), e.parent()); assertEquals(c.child(RDN.decode("dc=xxx")), DN .valueOf("dc=xxx,dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=opends,dc=org")); assertEquals(c.child(DN.valueOf("dc=xxx,dc=yyy")), DN .valueOf("dc=xxx,dc=yyy,dc=foo,dc=bar,dc=opends,dc=org")); } /** * Concat RDN test data provider. * * @return The array of test data. */ @DataProvider(name = "createConcatRDNTestData") public Object[][] createConcatRDNTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "", "dc=org", "dc=org" }, { "dc=org", "dc=opends", "dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=foo", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org" }, }; } /** * Test the concat(RDN...) method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param r * The RDN to be appended. * @param e * The expected DN. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createConcatRDNTestData") public void testConcatSingleRDN(String s, String r, String e) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); RDN rdn = RDN.decode(r); DN expected = DN.valueOf(e); assertEquals(dn.child(rdn), expected); } /** * Test the concat(RDN...) method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(expectedExceptions = { NullPointerException.class, AssertionError.class }) public void testConcatRDNException() throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf("dc=org"); dn.concat((RDN[]) null); } /** * Test the concat(RDN[]...) method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param l * The local name to be appended. * @param e * The expected DN. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createConcatDNTestData") public void testConcatRDNSequence1(String s, String l, String e) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); DN localName = DN.valueOf(l); DN expected = DN.valueOf(e); // Construct sequence. RDN[] rdns = new RDN[localName.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < localName.size(); i++) { rdns[i] = localName.getRDN(i); } assertEquals(dn.concat(rdns), expected); } /** * Get local name test data provider. * * @return The array of test data. */ @DataProvider(name = "createGetLocalNameTestData") public Object[][] createGetLocalNameTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "", 0, -1, "" }, { "", 0, 0, "" }, { "dc=org", 0, -1, "dc=org" }, { "dc=org", 1, -1, "" }, { "dc=org", 0, 0, "" }, { "dc=org", 0, 1, "dc=org" }, { "dc=org", 1, 1, "" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 0, -1, "dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 1, -1, "dc=opends" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 2, -1, "" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 0, 0, "" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 0, 1, "dc=org" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 0, 2, "dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 1, 1, "" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 1, 2, "dc=opends" }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", 2, 2, "" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 0, -1, "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 1, -1, "dc=foo,dc=opends" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 2, -1, "dc=foo" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 3, -1, "" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 0, 0, "" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 0, 1, "dc=org" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 0, 2, "dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 0, 3, "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 1, 1, "" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 1, 2, "dc=opends" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 1, 3, "dc=foo,dc=opends" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 2, 2, "" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 2, 3, "dc=foo" }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", 3, 3, "" }, }; } /** * Is ancestor of test data provider. * * @return The array of test data. */ @DataProvider(name = "createIsAncestorOfTestData") public Object[][] createIsAncestorOfTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "", "", true }, { "", "dc=org", true }, { "", "dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=org", "", false }, { "dc=org", "dc=org", true }, { "dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "", false }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=org", false }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", "", false }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=org", false }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=org", false }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=org", "dc=com", false }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=org", false }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=com", false }, }; } /** * Test the isAncestoryOf method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param d * The dn parameter. * @param e * The expected result. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createIsAncestorOfTestData") public void testIsAncestorOf(String s, String d, boolean e) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); DN other = DN.valueOf(d); assertEquals(dn.isAncestorOf(other), e, s + " isAncestoryOf " + d); } /** * Test the isAncestorOf method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(expectedExceptions = { NullPointerException.class, AssertionError.class }) public void testIsAncestorOfException() throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf("dc=com"); dn.isAncestorOf(null); } /** * Is descendant of test data provider. * * @return The array of test data. */ @DataProvider(name = "createIsDescendantOfTestData") public Object[][] createIsDescendantOfTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "", "", true }, { "", "dc=org", false }, { "", "dc=opends,dc=org", false }, { "", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", false }, { "dc=org", "", true }, { "dc=org", "dc=org", true }, { "dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=org", false }, { "dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", false }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "", true }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=org", true }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", false }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", "", true }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=org", true }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=opends,dc=org", true }, { "dc=org", "dc=com", false }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=foo,dc=org", false }, { "dc=opends,dc=org", "dc=opends,dc=com", false }, }; } /** * Test the isDescendantOf method. * * @param s * The test DN string. * @param d * The dn parameter. * @param e * The expected result. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createIsDescendantOfTestData") public void testIsDescendantOf(String s, String d, boolean e) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(s); DN other = DN.valueOf(d); assertEquals(dn.isDescendantOf(other), e, s + " isDescendantOf " + d); } /** * Test the isDescendantOf method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(expectedExceptions = { NullPointerException.class, AssertionError.class }) public void testIsDescendantOfException() throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf("dc=com"); dn.isDescendantOf(null); } /** * DN equality test data provider. * * @return The array of test DN strings. */ @DataProvider(name = "createDNEqualityData") public Object[][] createDNEqualityData() { return new Object[][] { // { "cn=hello world,dc=com", "cn=hello world,dc=com", 0 }, // { "cn=hello world,dc=com", "CN=hello world,dc=com", 0 }, // { "cn=hello world,dc=com", "cn=hello world,dc=com", 0 }, // { " cn = hello world ,dc=com", "cn=hello world,dc=com", 0 }, // { "cn=hello world\\ ,dc=com", "cn=hello world,dc=com", 0 }, // { "cn=HELLO WORLD,dc=com", "cn=hello world,dc=com", 0 }, // { "cn=HELLO+sn=WORLD,dc=com", "sn=world+cn=hello,dc=com", 0 }, // { "x-test-integer-type=10,dc=com", "x-test-integer-type=9,dc=com", 1 }, { "x-test-integer-type=999,dc=com", "x-test-integer-type=1000,dc=com", -1 }, // { "x-test-integer-type=-1,dc=com", "x-test-integer-type=0,dc=com", -1 }, // { "x-test-integer-type=0,dc=com", "x-test-integer-type=-1,dc=com", 1 }, // { "cn=aaa,dc=com", "cn=aaaa,dc=com", -1 }, // { "cn=AAA,dc=com", "cn=aaaa,dc=com", -1 }, // { "cn=aaa,dc=com", "cn=AAAA,dc=com", -1 }, // { "cn=aaaa,dc=com", "cn=aaa,dc=com", 1 }, // { "cn=AAAA,dc=com", "cn=aaa,dc=com", 1 }, // { "cn=aaaa,dc=com", "cn=AAA,dc=com", 1 }, // { "cn=aaab,dc=com", "cn=aaaa,dc=com", 1 }, // { "cn=aaaa,dc=com", "cn=aaab,dc=com", -1 }, // { "dc=aaa,dc=aaa", "dc=bbb", -1 }, // { "dc=bbb,dc=aaa", "dc=bbb", -1 }, // { "dc=ccc,dc=aaa", "dc=bbb", -1 }, // { "dc=aaa,dc=bbb", "dc=bbb", 1 }, // { "dc=bbb,dc=bbb", "dc=bbb", 1 }, // { "dc=ccc,dc=bbb", "dc=bbb", 1 }, // { "dc=aaa,dc=ccc", "dc=bbb", 1 }, // { "dc=bbb,dc=ccc", "dc=bbb", 1 }, // { "dc=ccc,dc=ccc", "dc=bbb", 1 }, // { "", "dc=bbb", -1 }, // { "dc=bbb", "", 1 } }; } /** * Test DN equality * * @param first * First DN to compare. * @param second * Second DN to compare. * @param result * Expected comparison result. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createDNEqualityData") public void testEquality(String first, String second, int result) throws Exception { DN dn1 = DN.valueOf(first); DN dn2 = DN.valueOf(second); if (result == 0) { assertEquals (dn1, dn2, "DN equality for <" + first + "> and <" + second + ">"); } else { assertNotEquals(dn1, dn2, "DN equality for <" + first + "> and <" + second + ">"); } } /** * Tests the equals method with a value that's not a DN. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testEqualsNonDN() throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf("dc=example,dc=com"); assertNotEquals(dn, "not a DN"); } /** * Test DN hashCode * * @param first * First DN to compare. * @param second * Second DN to compare. * @param result * Expected comparison result. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createDNEqualityData") public void testHashCode(String first, String second, int result) throws Exception { DN dn1 = DN.valueOf(first); DN dn2 = DN.valueOf(second); int h1 = dn1.hashCode(); int h2 = dn2.hashCode(); if (result == 0) { assertEquals(h1, h2, "Hash codes for <" + first + "> and <" + second + "> should be the same."); } else { assertNotEquals(h1, h2, "Hash codes for <" + first + "> and <" + second + "> should be the same."); } } /** * Test DN compareTo * * @param first * First DN to compare. * @param second * Second DN to compare. * @param result * Expected comparison result. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "createDNEqualityData") public void testCompareTo(String first, String second, int result) throws Exception { DN dn1 = DN.valueOf(first); DN dn2 = DN.valueOf(second); int rc = dn1.compareTo(dn2); // Normalize the result. if (rc < 0) { rc = -1; } else if (rc > 0) { rc = 1; } assertEquals(rc, result, "Comparison for <" + first + "> and <" + second + ">."); } @DataProvider public Object[][] renameData() { return new Object[][] { // DN to rename, from DN, to DN , expected DN after renaming { "dc=com", "dc=com", "dc=org", "dc=org" }, { "dc=com2", "dc=com", "dc=org", "dc=com2" }, { "dc=example1,dc=com", "dc=com", "dc=org", "dc=example1,dc=org"}, { "dc=example1,dc=example2,dc=com", "dc=com", "dc=org", "dc=example1,dc=example2,dc=org"}, { "dc=example1,dc=example2,dc=com", "dc=example2,dc=com", "dc=example2,dc=org", "dc=example1,dc=example2,dc=org"}, { "dc=example1,dc=example2,dc=com", "dc=example2,dc=com", "dc=example3,dc=org", "dc=example1,dc=example3,dc=org"} }; } @Test(dataProvider="renameData") public void testRename(String dnString, String fromDN, String toDN, String expectedDN) throws Exception { DN dn = DN.valueOf(dnString); DN renamed = dn.rename(DN.valueOf(fromDN), DN.valueOf(toDN)); assertThat(renamed).isEqualTo(DN.valueOf(expectedDN)); } }