/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS */ package org.opends.server.types; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.AttributeUsage; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRule; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.Syntax; import org.forgerock.util.Utils; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * This class defines a set of tests for the * {@link org.opends.server.types.AttributeType} class. */ public final class TestAttributeType extends TestCommonSchemaElements { /** * Internal class to simplify construction of attribute types. */ private static final class AttributeTypeBuilder extends SchemaDefinitionBuilder { /** The superior attribute type from which this attribute type inherits. */ private AttributeType superiorType; /** The syntax for this attribute type. */ private Syntax syntax; /** The approximate matching rule for this attribute type. */ private MatchingRule approximateMatchingRule; /** The equality matching rule for this attribute type. */ private MatchingRule equalityMatchingRule; /** The ordering matching rule for this attribute type. */ private MatchingRule orderingMatchingRule; /** The substring matching rule for this attribute type. */ private MatchingRule substringMatchingRule; /** The attribute usage for this attribute type. */ private AttributeUsage attributeUsage; /** Indicates whether this attribute type is declared "collective". */ private boolean isCollective; /** * Indicates whether this attribute type is declared "no-user-modification". */ private boolean isNoUserModification; /** * Indicates whether this attribute type is declared "single-value". */ private boolean isSingleValue; /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void resetBuilder() { this.superiorType = null; this.syntax = null; this.approximateMatchingRule = null; this.equalityMatchingRule = null; this.orderingMatchingRule = null; this.substringMatchingRule = null; this.attributeUsage = AttributeUsage.USER_APPLICATIONS; this.isCollective = false; this.isNoUserModification = false; this.isSingleValue = false; } /** * Create a new attribute type builder. */ public AttributeTypeBuilder() { super(); } /** * Create a new attribute type builder. * * @param primaryName * The attribute type primary name. * @param oid * The attribute type OID. */ public AttributeTypeBuilder(String primaryName, String oid) { super(primaryName, oid); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected AttributeType buildInstance(String primaryName, Collection names, String oid, String description, boolean isObsolete, Map> extraProperties) { StringBuilder definition = new StringBuilder(); definition.append("( "); definition.append(oid); LinkedHashSet nameSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (primaryName != null) { nameSet.add(primaryName); } if (names != null) { nameSet.addAll(names); } if (! nameSet.isEmpty()) { definition.append(" NAME "); if (nameSet.size() == 1) { definition.append("'"); definition.append(nameSet.iterator().next()); definition.append("'"); } else { definition.append("( '"); Utils.joinAsString(definition, "' '", nameSet); definition.append("' )"); } } if (description != null) { definition.append(" DESC '"); definition.append(description); definition.append("'"); } if (isObsolete) { definition.append(" OBSOLETE"); } if (superiorType != null) { definition.append(" SUP "); definition.append(superiorType.getNameOrOID()); } if (equalityMatchingRule != null) { definition.append(" EQUALITY "); definition.append(equalityMatchingRule.getNameOrOID()); } if (orderingMatchingRule != null) { definition.append(" ORDERING "); definition.append(orderingMatchingRule.getNameOrOID()); } if (substringMatchingRule != null) { definition.append(" SUBSTR "); definition.append(substringMatchingRule.getNameOrOID()); } if (syntax != null) { definition.append(" SYNTAX "); definition.append(syntax.getOID()); } if (isSingleValue) { definition.append(" SINGLE-VALUE"); } if (isCollective) { definition.append(" COLLECTIVE"); } if (isNoUserModification) { definition.append(" NO-USER-MODIFICATIOn"); } if (attributeUsage != null) { definition.append(" USAGE "); definition.append(attributeUsage); } if (extraProperties != null) { for (String property : extraProperties.keySet()) { List values = extraProperties.get(property); if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) { continue; } else if (values.size() == 1) { definition.append(" "); definition.append(property); definition.append(" '"); definition.append(values.get(0)); definition.append("'"); } else { definition.append(" "); definition.append(property); definition.append(" ("); for (String value : values) { definition.append(" '"); definition.append(value); definition.append("'"); } definition.append(" )"); } } } definition.append(" )"); return new AttributeType(definition.toString(), primaryName, names, oid, description, superiorType, syntax, approximateMatchingRule, equalityMatchingRule, orderingMatchingRule, substringMatchingRule, attributeUsage, isCollective, isNoUserModification, isObsolete, isSingleValue, extraProperties); } /** * Set the approximateMatchingRule. * * @param approximateMatchingRule * The approximateMatchingRule. */ public void setApproximateMatchingRule(MatchingRule approximateMatchingRule) { this.approximateMatchingRule = approximateMatchingRule; } /** * Set the attributeUsage. * * @param attributeUsage * The attributeUsage. */ public void setAttributeUsage(AttributeUsage attributeUsage) { this.attributeUsage = attributeUsage; } /** * Set the equalityMatchingRule. * * @param equalityMatchingRule * The equalityMatchingRule. */ public void setEqualityMatchingRule( MatchingRule equalityMatchingRule) { this.equalityMatchingRule = equalityMatchingRule; } /** * Set the isCollective. * * @param isCollective * The isCollective. */ public void setCollective(boolean isCollective) { this.isCollective = isCollective; } /** * Set the isNoUserModification. * * @param isNoUserModification * The isNoUserModification. */ public void setNoUserModification(boolean isNoUserModification) { this.isNoUserModification = isNoUserModification; } /** * Set the isSingleValue. * * @param isSingleValue * The isSingleValue. */ public void setSingleValue(boolean isSingleValue) { this.isSingleValue = isSingleValue; } /** * Set the orderingMatchingRule. * * @param orderingMatchingRule * The orderingMatchingRule. */ public void setOrderingMatchingRule( MatchingRule orderingMatchingRule) { this.orderingMatchingRule = orderingMatchingRule; } /** * Set the substringMatchingRule. * * @param substringMatchingRule * The substringMatchingRule. */ public void setSubstringMatchingRule( MatchingRule substringMatchingRule) { this.substringMatchingRule = substringMatchingRule; } /** * Set the superiorType. * * @param superiorType * The superiorType. */ public void setSuperiorType(AttributeType superiorType) { this.superiorType = superiorType; } /** * Set the syntax. * * @param syntax * The syntax. */ public void setSyntax(Syntax syntax) { this.syntax = syntax; } } /** * Check that the simple constructor throws an NPE when mandatory * parameters are not specified. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(expectedExceptions = NullPointerException.class) public void testSimpleConstructorNPE() throws Exception { new AttributeType(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false, false, false); } /** * Check that the complex constructor throws an NPE when mandatory * parameters are not specified. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(expectedExceptions = NullPointerException.class) public void testComplexConstructorNPE() throws Exception { new AttributeType(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false, false, false, null); } /** * Check that the complex constructor does not throw an exception * when all optional parameters are not specified. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testComplexConstructorDefault() throws Exception { AttributeType type = new AttributeType("", null, null, "1.2.3", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false, false, false, null); Assert.assertNull(type.getPrimaryName()); } /** * Check constructor sets the default usage correctly. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testConstructorDefaultUsage() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertEquals(type.getUsage(), AttributeUsage.USER_APPLICATIONS); } /** * Check constructor sets the default syntax correctly. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testConstructorDefaultSyntax() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertEquals(type.getSyntax(), DirectoryServer .getDefaultAttributeSyntax()); } /** * Check constructor sets the syntax correctly. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testConstructorSyntax() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); builder.setSyntax(DirectoryServer.getDefaultIntegerSyntax()); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertEquals(type.getSyntax(), DirectoryServer .getDefaultIntegerSyntax()); } /** * Check constructor inherits the syntax from the parent type when * required. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dependsOnMethods = "testConstructorSyntax") public void testConstructorInheritsSyntax() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "parentType", "1.2.3"); builder.setSyntax(DirectoryServer.getDefaultIntegerSyntax()); AttributeType parent = builder.getInstance(); builder.setPrimaryName("childType"); builder.setOid("4.5.6"); builder.setSuperiorType(parent); AttributeType child = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertEquals(parent.getSyntax(), child.getSyntax()); } /** * Check constructor sets the default matching rules correctly. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testConstructorDefaultMatchingRules() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Syntax syntax = DirectoryServer .getDefaultAttributeSyntax(); Assert.assertEquals(type.getApproximateMatchingRule(), syntax .getApproximateMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(type.getEqualityMatchingRule(), syntax .getEqualityMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(type.getOrderingMatchingRule(), syntax .getOrderingMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(type.getSubstringMatchingRule(), syntax .getSubstringMatchingRule()); } /** * Check constructor sets the matching rules correctly. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testConstructorMatchingRules() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); Syntax syntax = DirectoryServer.getDefaultStringSyntax(); builder.setApproximateMatchingRule(syntax .getApproximateMatchingRule()); builder.setEqualityMatchingRule(syntax.getEqualityMatchingRule()); builder.setOrderingMatchingRule(syntax.getOrderingMatchingRule()); builder.setSubstringMatchingRule(syntax .getSubstringMatchingRule()); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertEquals(type.getApproximateMatchingRule(), syntax .getApproximateMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(type.getEqualityMatchingRule(), syntax .getEqualityMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(type.getOrderingMatchingRule(), syntax .getOrderingMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(type.getSubstringMatchingRule(), syntax .getSubstringMatchingRule()); } /** * Check constructor inherits the matching rules from the parent * type when required. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dependsOnMethods = "testConstructorMatchingRules") public void testConstructorInheritsMatchingRules() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "parentType", "1.2.3"); Syntax syntax = DirectoryServer.getDefaultStringSyntax(); builder.setApproximateMatchingRule(syntax .getApproximateMatchingRule()); builder.setEqualityMatchingRule(syntax.getEqualityMatchingRule()); builder.setOrderingMatchingRule(syntax.getOrderingMatchingRule()); builder.setSubstringMatchingRule(syntax .getSubstringMatchingRule()); AttributeType parent = builder.getInstance(); builder.setPrimaryName("childType"); builder.setOid("4.5.6"); builder.setSuperiorType(parent); AttributeType child = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertEquals(parent.getApproximateMatchingRule(), child .getApproximateMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(parent.getEqualityMatchingRule(), child .getEqualityMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(parent.getOrderingMatchingRule(), child .getOrderingMatchingRule()); Assert.assertEquals(parent.getSubstringMatchingRule(), child .getSubstringMatchingRule()); } /** * Create test data for testing the * {@link AttributeType#isObjectClass()} method. * * @return Returns the array of test data. */ @DataProvider(name = "isObjectClassTypeTestData") public Object[][] createIsObjectClassTypeTestData() { return new Object[][] { { "testType", false }, { "objectclass", true }, { "objectClass", true }, { "OBJECTCLASS", true } }; } /** * Check that the objectClass attribute type is correctly * identified. * * @param name * The primary name. * @param result * The expected result. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "isObjectClassTypeTestData") public void testIsObjectClassType(String name, boolean result) throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder(name, "1.2.3"); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertEquals(type.isObjectClass(), result); } /** * Check that the {@link AttributeType#isCollective()} method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testIsCollective() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertFalse(type.isCollective()); builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder("testType", "1.2.3"); builder.setCollective(true); type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertTrue(type.isCollective()); } /** * Check that the {@link AttributeType#isNoUserModification()} * method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testIsNoUserModification() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertFalse(type.isNoUserModification()); builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder("testType", "1.2.3"); builder.setNoUserModification(true); type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertTrue(type.isNoUserModification()); } /** * Check that the {@link AttributeType#isSingleValue()} method. * * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test public void testIsSingleValue() throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertFalse(type.isSingleValue()); builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder("testType", "1.2.3"); builder.setSingleValue(true); type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertTrue(type.isSingleValue()); } /** * Create test data for testing the * {@link AttributeType#isOperational()} method. * * @return Returns the array of test data. */ @DataProvider(name = "isOperationalTestData") public Object[][] createIsOperationalTestData() { return new Object[][] { { null, false }, { AttributeUsage.USER_APPLICATIONS, false }, { AttributeUsage.DIRECTORY_OPERATION, true }, { AttributeUsage.DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION, true }, { AttributeUsage.DSA_OPERATION, true } }; } /** * Check that the {@link AttributeType#isOperational()} method. * * @param usage * The attribute usage. * @param result * Expected result. * @throws Exception * If the test failed unexpectedly. */ @Test(dataProvider = "isOperationalTestData") public void testIsOperational(AttributeUsage usage, boolean result) throws Exception { AttributeTypeBuilder builder = new AttributeTypeBuilder( "testType", "1.2.3"); builder.setAttributeUsage(usage); AttributeType type = builder.getInstance(); Assert.assertEquals(type.isOperational(), result); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected SchemaDefinitionBuilder getBuilder(String name, String oid) { return new AttributeTypeBuilder(name, oid); } }