/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS */ package org.opends.server.schema; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope; import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils; import org.opends.server.api.AttributeSyntax; import org.opends.server.core.AddOperation; import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalSearchOperation; import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.SearchRequest; import org.opends.server.types.Attribute; import org.opends.server.types.DN; import org.opends.server.types.Entry; import org.opends.server.types.SearchResultEntry; import org.opends.server.util.RemoveOnceSDKSchemaIsUsed; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*; import static org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalClientConnection.*; import static org.opends.server.protocols.internal.Requests.*; import static org.testng.Assert.*; /** * Test the LDAPSyntaxDescriptionSyntax. */ @RemoveOnceSDKSchemaIsUsed @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public class LDAPSyntaxTest extends AttributeSyntaxTest { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected AttributeSyntax getRule() { return new LDAPSyntaxDescriptionSyntax(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @DataProvider(name="acceptableValues") public Object[][] createAcceptableValues() { return new Object [][] { {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-9EN ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test'))", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "(X-name 'this", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "(X-name 'this'", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "Y-name 'this')", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name 'this' 'is')", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name )", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X- ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test'))", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a 'this' X-name-b ('this')", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a 'this' X-name-b ('this'", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a 'this' X-name-b ('this'))))", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a X-name-b ('this'))))", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a 'X-name-b' ('this'))))", false}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a 'this' X-name-b ('this'))", true}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a 'this' X-name-b ( 'this' ))", true}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a 'this' X-name-b ('this' 'that'))", true}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test') X-name-a 'this' X-name-b ('this' 'that') )", true}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-a-_eN_- ('this' 'is' 'a' 'test'))", true}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name ('this'))", true}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name 'this')", true}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' " + "X-name 'this' X-name-a 'test')", true}, {"( DESC 'full syntax description' )", true}, {" ( DESC ' syntax description' )", true}, {"( DESC 'Test syntax' X-SCHEMA-FILE '00-core.ldif' )", true}, {"( DESC 'Test X-SUBST Extensions' X-SUBST '' )", true}, {"( DESC 'Test X-SUBST Extensions' X-SUBST '' X-SCHEMA-FILE '00-core.ldif' )", true}, {"( DESC 'Test X-SUBST Extensions' X-SCHEMA-FILE '00-core.ldif' X-SUBST '' )", true}, {"( DESC 'Test X-PATTERN Extensions' X-PATTERN '[0-9]+' )", true}, {"( DESC 'Test X-PATTERN Extensions' X-PATTERN '[0-9]+' X-SCHEMA-FILE '00-core.ldif' )", true}, {"( DESC 'Test X-ENUM Extensions' X-ENUM ( 'black' 'white' ) )", true}, {"( DESC 'Test X-ENUM Extensions' X-ENUM ( 'white' 'white' ) )", false}, {"( DESC 'Test X-ENUM Extensions' X-ENUM )", false}, {"( DESC 'Test X-ENUM Extensions' X-ENUM ( 'black' 'white' ) X-SCHEMA-FILE '00-core.ldif' )", true}, {"( DESC syntax description )", false}, {"($%^*&!@ DESC 'syntax description' )", false}, {"(temp-oid DESC 'syntax description' )", true}, {" DESC 'syntax description' )", false}, {"( DESC 'syntax description' ", false}, }; } /** * Tests whether an implemented syntax can't be substituted by another. */ @Test public void testSubstitutionSyntaxForInvalidSubstitution() throws Exception { try { //Test if we can substitute a directory string syntax by itself. int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapsyntaxes: ( " + "DESC 'Replacing DirectorySyntax' " + " X-SUBST '' )"); //This is not expected to happen assertFalse(resultCode==0); //Test if we can substitute a directory string syntax by an undefined. resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapsyntaxes: ( " + "DESC 'Replacing DirectorySyntax' " + " X-SUBST '1.1.1' )"); //This is not expected to happen assertFalse(resultCode==0); //Test if we can substitute a core syntax with a user-defined //syntax addSubtitutionSyntax(); //Replace the IA5Stringsyntax with the custom syntax we just created. resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapsyntaxes: ( " + "DESC 'Replacing DirectorySyntax' " + " X-SUBST '9.9.9' )"); //This is not expected to happen assertFalse(resultCode==0); } finally { deleteSubstitutionSyntax(); } } /** * Tests whether both the virtual and the newly added real substitution * sytanx are available when a search is made for ldapsyntaxes attribute. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @Test public void testSubstitutionSyntaxSearch() throws Exception { try { addSubtitutionSyntax(); SearchRequest request = newSearchRequest("cn=schema", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "objectclass=ldapsubentry") .addAttribute("ldapsyntaxes"); InternalSearchOperation searchOperation = getRootConnection().processSearch(request); assertEquals(searchOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); List entries = searchOperation.getSearchEntries(); SearchResultEntry e = entries.get(0); //An entry must be returned. assertNotNull(e); Attribute attr = e.getAttribute("ldapsyntaxes").get(0); Iterator iter = attr.iterator(); //There are other ways of doing it but we will extract the OID //from the attribute values and then check to see if our //OID is found in the result set or not. List syntaxList = new ArrayList<>(); while(iter.hasNext()) { //parse the OIDs. syntaxList.add(getOIDFromLdapSyntax(iter.next().toString())); } //Check if we find our OID. assertThat(syntaxList).contains("9.9.9"); //DirectoryString. assertThat(syntaxList).contains(""); //IA5String. assertThat(syntaxList).contains(""); } finally { deleteSubstitutionSyntax(); } } /** * Tests whether it is possible to add values after an umimplemented syntax * has been subsitutited by DirectoryString syntax. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @Test public void testSubsitutionSyntaxAddValues() throws Exception { try { addSubtitutionSyntax(); //Add an attribute with undefined syntax. int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: attributetypes", "attributetypes: ( test-oid NAME 'test-attr' SYNTAX 9.9.9 )", "-", "add: objectclasses", "objectclasses: ( oc-oid NAME 'testOC' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST test-attr)" ); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); TestCaseUtils.addEntry( "dn: cn=syntax-test,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: syntax-test", "sn: xyz", "test-attr: test value for unimplemented syntax"); } finally { deleteSubstitutionSyntax(); } } /** * Tests whether it is possible to add values after a regex syntax * has been added. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @Test public void testRegexSyntaxAddValues() throws Exception { try { addRegexSyntax(); TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); //This addition should fail because it doesn't match the pattern. Entry entry = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( "dn: cn=syntax-test,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: syntax-test", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-regex: invalid regex"); AddOperation addOperation = getRootConnection().processAdd(entry); assertEquals(addOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX); //This addition should go through. TestCaseUtils.addEntry( "dn: cn=syntax-test,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: syntax-test", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-regex: host:0.0.0"); } finally { deleteRegexSyntax(); } } /** * Tests the search using regex syntax. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @Test public void testRegexSyntaxSearch() throws Exception { try { addRegexSyntax(); TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); //This addition should go through. TestCaseUtils.addEntry( "dn: cn=test,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: test", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-regex: host:0.0.0"); SearchRequest request = newSearchRequest("cn=test,o=test", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "test-attr-regex=host:0.0.0"); InternalSearchOperation searchOperation = getRootConnection().processSearch(request); assertEquals(searchOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); List entries = searchOperation.getSearchEntries(); SearchResultEntry e = entries.get(0); //An entry must be returned. assertNotNull(e); } finally { deleteRegexSyntax(); } } /** * Tests whether it is possible to add values after an enum syntax * has been added. * * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @Test public void testEnumSyntaxAddValues() throws Exception { try { addEnumSyntax(); TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); //This addition should fail because it doesn't match the pattern. Entry entry = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry( "dn: cn=syntax-test,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: syntax-test", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-enum: arbit-day"); AddOperation addOperation = getRootConnection().processAdd(entry); assertEquals(addOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX); //This addition should go through. TestCaseUtils.addEntry( "dn: cn=syntax-test,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: syntax-test", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-enum: sunday"); } finally { deleteEnumSyntax(); } } /** * Tests the equality-based search using enum syntax. */ @Test public void testEnumSyntaxEqualitySearch() throws Exception { try { addEnumSyntax(); //This addition should go through. TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); TestCaseUtils.addEntry( "dn: cn=test,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: test", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-enum: wednesday"); SearchRequest request = newSearchRequest("cn=test,o=test", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "test-attr-enum=wednesday"); InternalSearchOperation searchOperation = getRootConnection().processSearch(request); assertEquals(searchOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); List entries = searchOperation.getSearchEntries(); SearchResultEntry e = entries.get(0); //An entry must be returned. assertNotNull(e); } finally { deleteEnumSyntax(); } } /** * Tests the ordering-based search using enum syntax. */ @Test public void testEnumSyntaxOrderingSearch() throws Exception { try { addEnumSyntax(); TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); //This addition should go through. TestCaseUtils.addEntries( "dn: cn=test1,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: test1", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-enum: sunday", "", "dn: cn=test2,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: test2", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-enum: monday", "", "dn: cn=test3,o=test", "objectclass: person", "objectclass: testOC", "cn: test3", "sn: xyz", "test-attr-enum: tuesday"); SearchRequest request = newSearchRequest("o=test", SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "test-attr-enum>=tuesday"); InternalSearchOperation searchOperation = getRootConnection().processSearch(request); assertEquals(searchOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); List entries = searchOperation.getSearchEntries(); assertThat(entries).as("expected one entry to be returned").isNotEmpty(); assertThat(entries.get(0).getName()).isEqualTo(DN.valueOf("cn=test1,o=test")); } finally { deleteEnumSyntax(); } } /** Parses the OID from the syntax defitions. */ private String getOIDFromLdapSyntax(String valueStr) { int pos = 0; int length = valueStr.length(); while (pos < length && valueStr.charAt(pos) == ' ') { pos++; } // The next character must be an open parenthesis. If it is not, then that // is an error. assertEquals(valueStr.charAt(pos++), '('); // Skip over any spaces immediately following the opening parenthesis. while (pos < length && valueStr.charAt(pos) == ' ') { pos++; } int oidStartPos = pos; while (pos < length && valueStr.charAt(pos) != ' ' && valueStr.charAt(pos) != ')') { pos++; } return valueStr.substring(oidStartPos, pos); } /** Adds a substitutionsyntax to the schema. */ private void addSubtitutionSyntax() throws Exception { //Add the substitution syntax for an unimplemented syntax. int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapsyntaxes: ( 9.9.9 DESC 'Unimplemented Syntax' " + " X-SUBST '' )"); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); } /** Deletes the substitutionSyntax from the schema. */ private void deleteSubstitutionSyntax() throws Exception { //delete the substitution syntax. int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "delete: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapsyntaxes: ( 9.9.9 DESC 'Unimplemented Syntax' " + " X-SUBST '' )"); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); } /** Adds a regex syntax to the schema. */ private void addRegexSyntax() throws Exception { //Add the substitution syntax for an unimplemented syntax. int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapSyntaxes: ( 1.1.1 DESC 'Host and Port in the format of HOST:PORT' " + "X-PATTERN '^[a-z-A-Z]+:[0-9.]+\\d$' )"); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: attributetypes", "attributetypes: ( test-attr-oid NAME 'test-attr-regex' SYNTAX 1.1.1 )", "-", "add: objectclasses", "objectclasses: ( oc-oid NAME 'testOC' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST test-attr-regex)" ); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); } /** Deletes the regex syntax from the schema. */ private void deleteRegexSyntax() throws Exception { //delete the substitution syntax. int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "delete: objectclasses", "objectclasses: ( oc-oid NAME 'testOC' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST test-attr-regex)", "-", "delete: attributetypes", "attributetypes: ( test-attr-oid NAME 'test-attr-regex' SYNTAX 1.1.1 )" ); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "delete: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapSyntaxes: ( 1.1.1 DESC 'Host and Port in the format of HOST:PORT' " + "X-PATTERN '^[a-z-A-Z]+:[0-9.]+\\d$' )"); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); } /** Adds an enum syntax to the schema. */ private void addEnumSyntax() throws Exception { //Add the enum syntax. int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapSyntaxes: ( 3.3.3 DESC 'Day Of The Week' " + "X-ENUM ( 'monday' 'tuesday' 'wednesday' 'thursday' 'friday' 'saturday' 'sunday') )"); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "add: attributetypes", "attributetypes: ( test-attr-oid NAME 'test-attr-enum' SYNTAX 3.3.3 )", "-", "add: objectclasses", "objectclasses: ( oc-oid NAME 'testOC' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST test-attr-enum)" ); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); } /** Deletes the enum syntax from the schema. */ private void deleteEnumSyntax() throws Exception { int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "delete: objectclasses", "objectclasses: ( oc-oid NAME 'testOC' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST test-attr-enum)", "-", "delete: attributetypes", "attributetypes: ( test-attr-oid NAME 'test-attr-enum' SYNTAX 3.3.3 )" ); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(true, "dn: cn=schema", "changetype: modify", "delete: ldapsyntaxes", "ldapSyntaxes: ( 3.3.3 DESC 'Day Of The Week' " + "X-ENUM ( 'monday' 'tuesday' 'wednesday' 'thursday' 'friday' 'saturday' 'sunday') )"); assertThat(resultCode).isEqualTo(0); } }