/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS. */ package org.opends.server.util; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static org.opends.messages.BackendMessages.*; import static org.opends.messages.UtilityMessages.*; import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*; import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileFilter; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.zip.Deflater; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream; import javax.crypto.Mac; import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage; import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger; import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode; import org.forgerock.util.Pair; import org.opends.server.api.Backupable; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer; import org.opends.server.types.BackupConfig; import org.opends.server.types.BackupDirectory; import org.opends.server.types.BackupInfo; import org.opends.server.types.CryptoManager; import org.opends.server.types.CryptoManagerException; import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException; import org.opends.server.types.RestoreConfig; /** * A backup manager for any entity that is backupable (backend, storage). * * @see {@link Backupable} */ public class BackupManager { private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass(); /** * The common prefix for archive files. */ private static final String BACKUP_BASE_FILENAME = "backup-"; /** * The name of the property that holds the name of the latest log file * at the time the backup was created. */ private static final String PROPERTY_LAST_LOGFILE_NAME = "last_logfile_name"; /** * The name of the property that holds the size of the latest log file * at the time the backup was created. */ private static final String PROPERTY_LAST_LOGFILE_SIZE = "last_logfile_size"; /** * The name of the entry in an incremental backup archive file * containing a list of log files that are unchanged since the * previous backup. */ private static final String ZIPENTRY_UNCHANGED_LOGFILES = "unchanged.txt"; /** * The name of a dummy entry in the backup archive file that will act * as a placeholder in case a backup is done on an empty backend. */ private static final String ZIPENTRY_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER = "empty.placeholder"; /** * The backend ID. */ private final String backendID; /** * Construct a backup manager for a backend. * * @param backendID * The ID of the backend instance for which a backup manager is * required. */ public BackupManager(String backendID) { this.backendID = backendID; } /** A cryptographic engine to use for backup creation or restore. */ private static abstract class CryptoEngine { final CryptoManager cryptoManager; final boolean shouldEncrypt; /** Creates a crypto engine for archive creation. */ static CryptoEngine forCreation(BackupConfig backupConfig, NewBackupParams backupParams) throws DirectoryException { if (backupConfig.hashData()) { if (backupConfig.signHash()) { return new MacCryptoEngine(backupConfig, backupParams); } else { return new DigestCryptoEngine(backupConfig, backupParams); } } else { return new NoHashCryptoEngine(backupConfig.encryptData()); } } /** Creates a crypto engine for archive restore. */ static CryptoEngine forRestore(BackupInfo backupInfo) throws DirectoryException { boolean hasSignedHash = backupInfo.getSignedHash() != null; boolean hasHashData = hasSignedHash || backupInfo.getUnsignedHash() != null; if (hasHashData) { if (hasSignedHash) { return new MacCryptoEngine(backupInfo); } else { return new DigestCryptoEngine(backupInfo); } } else { return new NoHashCryptoEngine(backupInfo.isEncrypted()); } } CryptoEngine(boolean shouldEncrypt) { cryptoManager = DirectoryServer.getCryptoManager(); this.shouldEncrypt = shouldEncrypt; } /** Indicates if data is encrypted. */ final boolean shouldEncrypt() { return shouldEncrypt; } /** Indicates if hashed data is signed. */ boolean hasSignedHash() { return false; } /** Update the hash with the provided string. */ abstract void updateHashWith(String s); /** Update the hash with the provided buffer. */ abstract void updateHashWith(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len); /** Generates the hash bytes. */ abstract byte[] generateBytes(); /** Returns the error message to use in case of check failure. */ abstract LocalizableMessage getErrorMessageForCheck(String backupID); /** Check that generated hash is equal to the provided hash. */ final void check(byte[] hash, String backupID) throws DirectoryException { byte[] bytes = generateBytes(); if (bytes != null && !Arrays.equals(bytes, hash)) { LocalizableMessage message = getErrorMessageForCheck(backupID); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message); } } /** Wraps an output stream in a cipher output stream if encryption is required. */ final OutputStream encryptOutput(OutputStream output) throws DirectoryException { if (!shouldEncrypt()) { return output; } try { return cryptoManager.getCipherOutputStream(output); } catch (CryptoManagerException e) { logger.traceException(e); StaticUtils.close(output); LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_GET_CIPHER.get(stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e); } } /** Wraps an input stream in a cipher input stream if encryption is required. */ final InputStream encryptInput(InputStream inputStream) throws DirectoryException { if (!shouldEncrypt) { return inputStream; } try { return cryptoManager.getCipherInputStream(inputStream); } catch (CryptoManagerException e) { logger.traceException(e); StaticUtils.close(inputStream); LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_GET_CIPHER.get(stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e); } } } /** Represents the cryptographic engine with no hash used for a backup. */ private static final class NoHashCryptoEngine extends CryptoEngine { NoHashCryptoEngine(boolean shouldEncrypt) { super(shouldEncrypt); } @Override void updateHashWith(String s) { // nothing to do } @Override void updateHashWith(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len) { // nothing to do } @Override byte[] generateBytes() { return null; } @Override LocalizableMessage getErrorMessageForCheck(String backupID) { // check never fails because bytes are always null return null; } } /** * Represents the cryptographic engine with signed hash. */ private static final class MacCryptoEngine extends CryptoEngine { private Mac mac; /** Constructor for backup creation. */ private MacCryptoEngine(BackupConfig backupConfig, NewBackupParams backupParams) throws DirectoryException { super(backupConfig.encryptData()); String macKeyID = null; try { macKeyID = cryptoManager.getMacEngineKeyEntryID(); backupParams.putProperty(BACKUP_PROPERTY_MAC_KEY_ID, macKeyID); } catch (CryptoManagerException e) { LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_GET_MAC_KEY_ID.get(backupParams.backupID, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e); } retrieveMacEngine(macKeyID); } /** Constructor for backup restore. */ private MacCryptoEngine(BackupInfo backupInfo) throws DirectoryException { super(backupInfo.isEncrypted()); HashMap backupProperties = backupInfo.getBackupProperties(); String macKeyID = backupProperties.get(BACKUP_PROPERTY_MAC_KEY_ID); retrieveMacEngine(macKeyID); } private void retrieveMacEngine(String macKeyID) throws DirectoryException { try { mac = cryptoManager.getMacEngine(macKeyID); } catch (Exception e) { LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_GET_MAC.get(macKeyID, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override void updateHashWith(String s) { mac.update(getBytes(s)); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override void updateHashWith(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len) { mac.update(buffer, offset, len); } @Override byte[] generateBytes() { return mac.doFinal(); } @Override boolean hasSignedHash() { return true; } @Override LocalizableMessage getErrorMessageForCheck(String backupID) { return ERR_BACKUP_SIGNED_HASH_ERROR.get(backupID); } @Override public String toString() { return "MacCryptoEngine [mac=" + mac + "]"; } } /** Represents the cryptographic engine with unsigned hash used for a backup. */ private static final class DigestCryptoEngine extends CryptoEngine { private final MessageDigest digest; /** Constructor for backup creation. */ private DigestCryptoEngine(BackupConfig backupConfig, NewBackupParams backupParams) throws DirectoryException { super(backupConfig.encryptData()); String digestAlgorithm = cryptoManager.getPreferredMessageDigestAlgorithm(); backupParams.putProperty(BACKUP_PROPERTY_DIGEST_ALGORITHM, digestAlgorithm); digest = retrieveMessageDigest(digestAlgorithm); } /** Constructor for backup restore. */ private DigestCryptoEngine(BackupInfo backupInfo) throws DirectoryException { super(backupInfo.isEncrypted()); HashMap backupProperties = backupInfo.getBackupProperties(); String digestAlgorithm = backupProperties.get(BACKUP_PROPERTY_DIGEST_ALGORITHM); digest = retrieveMessageDigest(digestAlgorithm); } private MessageDigest retrieveMessageDigest(String digestAlgorithm) throws DirectoryException { try { return cryptoManager.getMessageDigest(digestAlgorithm); } catch (Exception e) { LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_GET_DIGEST.get(digestAlgorithm, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updateHashWith(String s) { digest.update(getBytes(s)); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updateHashWith(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len) { digest.update(buffer, offset, len); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public byte[] generateBytes() { return digest.digest(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override LocalizableMessage getErrorMessageForCheck(String backupID) { return ERR_BACKUP_UNSIGNED_HASH_ERROR.get(backupID); } @Override public String toString() { return "DigestCryptoEngine [digest=" + digest + "]"; } } /** * Contains all parameters for creation of a new backup. */ private static final class NewBackupParams { final String backupID; final BackupDirectory backupDir; final HashMap backupProperties; final boolean shouldCompress; final boolean isIncremental; final String incrementalBaseID; final BackupInfo baseBackupInfo; NewBackupParams(BackupConfig backupConfig) throws DirectoryException { backupID = backupConfig.getBackupID(); backupDir = backupConfig.getBackupDirectory(); backupProperties = new HashMap<>(); shouldCompress = backupConfig.compressData(); incrementalBaseID = retrieveIncrementalBaseID(backupConfig); isIncremental = incrementalBaseID != null; baseBackupInfo = isIncremental ? getBackupInfo(backupDir, incrementalBaseID) : null; } private String retrieveIncrementalBaseID(BackupConfig backupConfig) { String id = null; if (backupConfig.isIncremental()) { if (backupConfig.getIncrementalBaseID() == null && backupDir.getLatestBackup() != null) { // The default is to use the latest backup as base. id = backupDir.getLatestBackup().getBackupID(); } else { id = backupConfig.getIncrementalBaseID(); } if (id == null) { // No incremental backup ID: log a message informing that a backup // could not be found and that a normal backup will be done. logger.warn(WARN_BACKUPDB_INCREMENTAL_NOT_FOUND_DOING_NORMAL, backupDir.getPath()); } } return id; } void putProperty(String name, String value) { backupProperties.put(name, value); } @Override public String toString() { return "BackupCreationParams [backupID=" + backupID + ", backupDir=" + backupDir.getPath() + "]"; } } /** Represents a new backup archive. */ private static final class NewBackupArchive { private final String archiveFilename; private String latestFileName; private long latestFileSize; private final HashSet dependencies; private final String backendID; private final NewBackupParams newBackupParams; private final CryptoEngine cryptoEngine; NewBackupArchive(String backendID, NewBackupParams backupParams, CryptoEngine crypt) { this.backendID = backendID; this.newBackupParams = backupParams; this.cryptoEngine = crypt; dependencies = new HashSet<>(); if (backupParams.isIncremental) { HashMap properties = backupParams.baseBackupInfo.getBackupProperties(); latestFileName = properties.get(PROPERTY_LAST_LOGFILE_NAME); latestFileSize = Long.parseLong(properties.get(PROPERTY_LAST_LOGFILE_SIZE)); } archiveFilename = BACKUP_BASE_FILENAME + backendID + "-" + backupParams.backupID; } String getArchiveFilename() { return archiveFilename; } String getBackendID() { return backendID; } String getBackupID() { return newBackupParams.backupID; } String getBackupPath() { return newBackupParams.backupDir.getPath(); } void addBaseBackupAsDependency() { dependencies.add(newBackupParams.baseBackupInfo.getBackupID()); } void updateBackupDirectory() throws DirectoryException { BackupInfo backupInfo = createDescriptorForBackup(); try { newBackupParams.backupDir.addBackup(backupInfo); newBackupParams.backupDir.writeBackupDirectoryDescriptor(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_BACKUP_DESCRIPTOR.get( newBackupParams.backupDir.getDescriptorPath(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } } /** Create a descriptor for the backup. */ private BackupInfo createDescriptorForBackup() { byte[] bytes = cryptoEngine.generateBytes(); byte[] digestBytes = cryptoEngine.hasSignedHash() ? null : bytes; byte[] macBytes = cryptoEngine.hasSignedHash() ? bytes : null; newBackupParams.putProperty(PROPERTY_LAST_LOGFILE_NAME, latestFileName); newBackupParams.putProperty(PROPERTY_LAST_LOGFILE_SIZE, String.valueOf(latestFileSize)); return new BackupInfo( newBackupParams.backupDir, newBackupParams.backupID, new Date(), newBackupParams.isIncremental, newBackupParams.shouldCompress, cryptoEngine.shouldEncrypt(), digestBytes, macBytes, dependencies, newBackupParams.backupProperties); } @Override public String toString() { return "NewArchive [archive file=" + archiveFilename + ", latestFileName=" + latestFileName + ", backendID=" + backendID + "]"; } } /** Represents an existing backup archive. */ private static final class ExistingBackupArchive { private final String backupID; private final BackupDirectory backupDir; private final BackupInfo backupInfo; private final CryptoEngine cryptoEngine; private final File archiveFile; ExistingBackupArchive(String backupID, BackupDirectory backupDir) throws DirectoryException { this.backupID = backupID; this.backupDir = backupDir; this.backupInfo = BackupManager.getBackupInfo(backupDir, backupID); this.cryptoEngine = CryptoEngine.forRestore(backupInfo); this.archiveFile = BackupManager.retrieveArchiveFile(backupInfo, backupDir.getPath()); } File getArchiveFile() { return archiveFile; } BackupInfo getBackupInfo() { return backupInfo; } String getBackupID() { return backupID; } CryptoEngine getCryptoEngine() { return cryptoEngine; } /** * Obtains a list of the dependencies of this backup in order from * the oldest (the full backup), to the most recent. * * @return A list of dependent backups. * @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs. */ List getBackupDependencies() throws DirectoryException { List dependencies = new ArrayList<>(); BackupInfo currentBackupInfo = backupInfo; while (currentBackupInfo != null && !currentBackupInfo.getDependencies().isEmpty()) { String backupID = currentBackupInfo.getDependencies().iterator().next(); currentBackupInfo = backupDir.getBackupInfo(backupID); if (currentBackupInfo != null) { dependencies.add(currentBackupInfo); } } Collections.reverse(dependencies); return dependencies; } boolean hasDependencies() { return !backupInfo.getDependencies().isEmpty(); } /** Removes the archive from file system. */ boolean removeArchive() throws DirectoryException { try { backupDir.removeBackup(backupID); backupDir.writeBackupDirectoryDescriptor(); } catch (ConfigException e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), e.getMessageObject()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceException(e); LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_BACKUP_DESCRIPTOR.get( backupDir.getDescriptorPath(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e); } return archiveFile.delete(); } } /** Represents a writer of a backup archive. */ private static final class BackupArchiveWriter implements Closeable { private final ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream; private final NewBackupArchive archive; private final CryptoEngine cryptoEngine; BackupArchiveWriter(NewBackupArchive archive) throws DirectoryException { this.archive = archive; this.cryptoEngine = archive.cryptoEngine; this.zipOutputStream = open(archive.getBackupPath(), archive.getArchiveFilename()); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { StaticUtils.close(zipOutputStream); } /** * Writes the provided file to a new entry in the archive. * * @param file * The file to be written. * @param cryptoMethod * The cryptographic method for the written data. * @param backupConfig * The configuration, used to know if operation is cancelled. * * @return The number of bytes written from the file. * @throws FileNotFoundException If the file to be archived does not exist. * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs while archiving the file. */ long writeFile(Path file, String relativePath, CryptoEngine cryptoMethod, BackupConfig backupConfig) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(relativePath); zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); cryptoMethod.updateHashWith(relativePath); InputStream inputStream = null; long totalBytesRead = 0; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(file.toFile()); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer); while (bytesRead > 0 && !backupConfig.isCancelled()) { cryptoMethod.updateHashWith(buffer, 0, bytesRead); zipOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); totalBytesRead += bytesRead; bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer); } } finally { StaticUtils.close(inputStream); } zipOutputStream.closeEntry(); logger.info(NOTE_BACKUP_ARCHIVED_FILE, zipEntry.getName()); return totalBytesRead; } /** * Write a list of strings to an entry in the archive. * * @param stringList * A list of strings to be written. The strings must not * contain newlines. * @param fileName * The name of the zip entry to be written. * @param cryptoMethod * The cryptographic method for the written data. * @throws IOException * If an I/O error occurs while writing the archive entry. */ void writeStrings(List stringList, String fileName, CryptoEngine cryptoMethod) throws IOException { ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(fileName); zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); cryptoMethod.updateHashWith(fileName); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(zipOutputStream); for (String s : stringList) { cryptoMethod.updateHashWith(s); writer.write(s); writer.write(EOL); } writer.flush(); zipOutputStream.closeEntry(); } /** Writes a empty placeholder entry into the archive. */ void writeEmptyPlaceHolder() throws DirectoryException { try { ZipEntry emptyPlaceholder = new ZipEntry(ZIPENTRY_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER); zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(emptyPlaceholder); } catch (IOException e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_WRITE_ARCHIVE_FILE.get(ZIPENTRY_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER, archive.getBackupID(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } } /** * Writes the files that are unchanged from the base backup (for an * incremental backup only). *

* The unchanged files names are listed in the "unchanged.txt" file, which * is put in the archive. * */ void writeUnchangedFiles(Path rootDirectory, ListIterator files, BackupConfig backupConfig) throws DirectoryException { List unchangedFilenames = new ArrayList<>(); while (files.hasNext() && !backupConfig.isCancelled()) { Path file = files.next(); String relativePath = rootDirectory.relativize(file).toString(); int cmp = relativePath.compareTo(archive.latestFileName); if (cmp > 0 || (cmp == 0 && file.toFile().length() != archive.latestFileSize)) { files.previous(); break; } logger.info(NOTE_BACKUP_FILE_UNCHANGED, relativePath); unchangedFilenames.add(relativePath); } if (!unchangedFilenames.isEmpty()) { writeUnchangedFilenames(unchangedFilenames); } } /** Writes the list of unchanged files names in a file as new entry in the archive. */ private void writeUnchangedFilenames(List unchangedList) throws DirectoryException { String zipEntryName = ZIPENTRY_UNCHANGED_LOGFILES; try { writeStrings(unchangedList, zipEntryName, archive.cryptoEngine); } catch (IOException e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new DirectoryException( DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_WRITE_ARCHIVE_FILE.get(zipEntryName, archive.getBackupID(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } archive.addBaseBackupAsDependency(); } /** * Writes the new files in the archive. */ void writeChangedFiles(Path rootDirectory, ListIterator files, BackupConfig backupConfig) throws DirectoryException { while (files.hasNext() && !backupConfig.isCancelled()) { Path file = files.next(); String relativePath = rootDirectory.relativize(file).toString(); try { archive.latestFileSize = writeFile(file, relativePath, archive.cryptoEngine, backupConfig); archive.latestFileName = relativePath; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // The file may have been deleted by a cleaner (i.e. for JE storage) since we started. // The backupable entity is responsible for handling the changes through the files list iterator logger.traceException(e); } catch (IOException e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_WRITE_ARCHIVE_FILE.get(relativePath, archive.getBackupID(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } } } private ZipOutputStream open(String backupPath, String archiveFilename) throws DirectoryException { OutputStream output = openStream(backupPath, archiveFilename); output = cryptoEngine.encryptOutput(output); return openZipStream(output); } private OutputStream openStream(String backupPath, String archiveFilename) throws DirectoryException { OutputStream output = null; try { File archiveFile = new File(backupPath, archiveFilename); int i = 1; while (archiveFile.exists()) { archiveFile = new File(backupPath, archiveFilename + "." + i); i++; } output = new FileOutputStream(archiveFile, false); archive.newBackupParams.putProperty(BACKUP_PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FILENAME, archiveFilename); return output; } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceException(e); StaticUtils.close(output); LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_CREATE_ARCHIVE_FILE. get(archiveFilename, backupPath, archive.getBackupID(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e); } } /** Wraps the file output stream in a zip output stream. */ private ZipOutputStream openZipStream(OutputStream outputStream) { ZipOutputStream zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream); zipStream.setComment(ERR_BACKUP_ZIP_COMMENT.get(DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME, archive.getBackupID()) .toString()); if (archive.newBackupParams.shouldCompress) { zipStream.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); } else { zipStream.setLevel(Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION); } return zipStream; } @Override public String toString() { return "BackupArchiveWriter [archive file=" + archive.getArchiveFilename() + ", backendId=" + archive.getBackendID() + "]"; } } /** Represents a reader of a backup archive. */ private static final class BackupArchiveReader { private final CryptoEngine cryptoEngine; private final File archiveFile; private final String identifier; private final BackupInfo backupInfo; BackupArchiveReader(String identifier, ExistingBackupArchive archive) { this.identifier = identifier; this.backupInfo = archive.getBackupInfo(); this.archiveFile = archive.getArchiveFile(); this.cryptoEngine = archive.getCryptoEngine(); } BackupArchiveReader(String identifier, BackupInfo backupInfo, String backupDirectoryPath) throws DirectoryException { this.identifier = identifier; this.backupInfo = backupInfo; this.archiveFile = BackupManager.retrieveArchiveFile(backupInfo, backupDirectoryPath); this.cryptoEngine = CryptoEngine.forRestore(backupInfo); } /** * Obtains the set of files in a backup that are unchanged from its * dependent backup or backups. *

* The file set is stored as as the first entry in the archive file. * * @return The set of files that are listed in "unchanged.txt" file * of the archive. * @throws DirectoryException * If an error occurs. */ Set readUnchangedDependentFiles() throws DirectoryException { Set hashSet = new HashSet<>(); ZipInputStream zipStream = null; try { zipStream = openZipStream(); // Iterate through the entries in the zip file. ZipEntry zipEntry = zipStream.getNextEntry(); while (zipEntry != null) { // We are looking for the entry containing the list of unchanged files. if (ZIPENTRY_UNCHANGED_LOGFILES.equals(zipEntry.getName())) { hashSet.addAll(readAllLines(zipStream)); break; } zipEntry = zipStream.getNextEntry(); } return hashSet; } catch (IOException e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_RESTORE.get( identifier, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } finally { StaticUtils.close(zipStream); } } /** * Restore the provided list of files from the provided restore directory. * @param restoreDir * The target directory for restored files. * @param filesToRestore * The set of files to restore. If empty, all files in the archive * are restored. * @param restoreConfig * The restore configuration, used to check for cancellation of * this restore operation. * @throws DirectoryException * If an error occurs. */ void restoreArchive(Path restoreDir, Set filesToRestore, RestoreConfig restoreConfig, Backupable backupable) throws DirectoryException { try { restoreArchive0(restoreDir, filesToRestore, restoreConfig, backupable); } catch (IOException e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_RESTORE.get(identifier, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } // check the hash byte[] hash = backupInfo.getUnsignedHash() != null ? backupInfo.getUnsignedHash() : backupInfo.getSignedHash(); cryptoEngine.check(hash, backupInfo.getBackupID()); } private void restoreArchive0(Path restoreDir, Set filesToRestore, RestoreConfig restoreConfig, Backupable backupable) throws DirectoryException, IOException { ZipInputStream zipStream = null; try { zipStream = openZipStream(); ZipEntry zipEntry = zipStream.getNextEntry(); while (zipEntry != null && !restoreConfig.isCancelled()) { String zipEntryName = zipEntry.getName(); Pair result = handleSpecialEntries(zipStream, zipEntryName); if (result.getFirst()) { zipEntry = result.getSecond(); continue; } boolean mustRestoreOnDisk = !restoreConfig.verifyOnly() && (filesToRestore.isEmpty() || filesToRestore.contains(zipEntryName)); if (mustRestoreOnDisk) { restoreZipEntry(zipEntryName, zipStream, restoreDir, restoreConfig); } else { restoreZipEntryVirtual(zipEntryName, zipStream, restoreConfig); } zipEntry = zipStream.getNextEntry(); } } finally { StaticUtils.close(zipStream); } } /** * Handle any special entry in the archive. * * @return the pair (true, zipEntry) if next entry was read, (false, null) otherwise */ private Pair handleSpecialEntries(ZipInputStream zipStream, String zipEntryName) throws IOException { if (ZIPENTRY_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER.equals(zipEntryName)) { // the backup contains no files return Pair.of(true, zipStream.getNextEntry()); } if (ZIPENTRY_UNCHANGED_LOGFILES.equals(zipEntryName)) { // This entry is treated specially. It is never restored, // and its hash is computed on the strings, not the bytes. cryptoEngine.updateHashWith(zipEntryName); List lines = readAllLines(zipStream); for (String line : lines) { cryptoEngine.updateHashWith(line); } return Pair.of(true, zipStream.getNextEntry()); } return Pair.of(false, null); } /** * Restores a zip entry virtually (no actual write on disk). */ private void restoreZipEntryVirtual(String zipEntryName, ZipInputStream zipStream, RestoreConfig restoreConfig) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (restoreConfig.verifyOnly()) { logger.info(NOTE_BACKUP_VERIFY_FILE, zipEntryName); } cryptoEngine.updateHashWith(zipEntryName); restoreFile(zipStream, null, restoreConfig); } /** * Restores a zip entry with actual write on disk. */ private void restoreZipEntry(String zipEntryName, ZipInputStream zipStream, Path restoreDir, RestoreConfig restoreConfig) throws IOException, DirectoryException { OutputStream outputStream = null; long totalBytesRead = 0; try { Path fileToRestore = restoreDir.resolve(zipEntryName); ensureFileCanBeRestored(fileToRestore); outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileToRestore.toFile()); cryptoEngine.updateHashWith(zipEntryName); totalBytesRead = restoreFile(zipStream, outputStream, restoreConfig); logger.info(NOTE_BACKUP_RESTORED_FILE, zipEntryName, totalBytesRead); } finally { StaticUtils.close(outputStream); } } private void ensureFileCanBeRestored(Path fileToRestore) throws DirectoryException { Path parent = fileToRestore.getParent(); if (!Files.exists(parent)) { try { Files.createDirectories(parent); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY_TO_RESTORE_FILE.get(fileToRestore, identifier)); } } } /** * Restores the file provided by the zip input stream. *

* The restore can be virtual: if the outputStream is {@code null}, the file * is not actually restored on disk. */ private long restoreFile(ZipInputStream zipInputStream, OutputStream outputStream, RestoreConfig restoreConfig) throws IOException { long totalBytesRead = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int bytesRead = zipInputStream.read(buffer); while (bytesRead > 0 && !restoreConfig.isCancelled()) { totalBytesRead += bytesRead; cryptoEngine.updateHashWith(buffer, 0, bytesRead); if (outputStream != null) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } bytesRead = zipInputStream.read(buffer); } return totalBytesRead; } private InputStream openStream() throws DirectoryException { try { return new FileInputStream(archiveFile); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_RESTORE.get(identifier, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } } private ZipInputStream openZipStream() throws DirectoryException { InputStream inputStream = openStream(); inputStream = cryptoEngine.encryptInput(inputStream); return new ZipInputStream(inputStream); } private List readAllLines(ZipInputStream zipStream) throws IOException { final ArrayList results = new ArrayList<>(); String line; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(zipStream)); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { results.add(line); } return results; } } /** * Creates a backup of the provided backupable entity. *

* The backup is stored in a single zip file in the backup directory. *

* If the backup is incremental, then the first entry in the zip is a text * file containing a list of all the log files that are unchanged since the * previous backup. The remaining zip entries are the log files themselves, * which, for an incremental, only include those files that have changed. * * @param backupable * The underlying entity (storage, backend) to be backed up. * @param backupConfig * The configuration to use when performing the backup. * @throws DirectoryException * If a Directory Server error occurs. */ public void createBackup(final Backupable backupable, final BackupConfig backupConfig) throws DirectoryException { final NewBackupParams backupParams = new NewBackupParams(backupConfig); final CryptoEngine cryptoEngine = CryptoEngine.forCreation(backupConfig, backupParams); final NewBackupArchive newArchive = new NewBackupArchive(backendID, backupParams, cryptoEngine); BackupArchiveWriter archiveWriter = null; try { final ListIterator files = backupable.getFilesToBackup(); final Path rootDirectory = backupable.getDirectory().toPath(); archiveWriter = new BackupArchiveWriter(newArchive); if (files.hasNext()) { if (backupParams.isIncremental) { archiveWriter.writeUnchangedFiles(rootDirectory, files, backupConfig); } archiveWriter.writeChangedFiles(rootDirectory, files, backupConfig); } else { archiveWriter.writeEmptyPlaceHolder(); } } finally { closeArchiveWriter(archiveWriter, newArchive.getArchiveFilename(), backupParams.backupDir.getPath()); } newArchive.updateBackupDirectory(); if (backupConfig.isCancelled()) { // Remove the backup since it may be incomplete removeBackup(backupParams.backupDir, backupParams.backupID); } } /** * Restores a backupable entity from its backup, or verify the backup. * * @param backupable * The underlying entity (storage, backend) to be backed up. * @param restoreConfig * The configuration to use when performing the restore. * @throws DirectoryException * If a Directory Server error occurs. */ public void restoreBackup(Backupable backupable, RestoreConfig restoreConfig) throws DirectoryException { Path saveDirectory = null; if (!restoreConfig.verifyOnly()) { saveDirectory = backupable.beforeRestore(); } final String backupID = restoreConfig.getBackupID(); final ExistingBackupArchive existingArchive = new ExistingBackupArchive(backupID, restoreConfig.getBackupDirectory()); final Path restoreDirectory = getRestoreDirectory(backupable, backupID); if (existingArchive.hasDependencies()) { final BackupArchiveReader zipArchiveReader = new BackupArchiveReader(backupID, existingArchive); final Set unchangedFilesToRestore = zipArchiveReader.readUnchangedDependentFiles(); final List dependencies = existingArchive.getBackupDependencies(); for (BackupInfo dependencyBackupInfo : dependencies) { restoreArchive(restoreDirectory, unchangedFilesToRestore, restoreConfig, backupable, dependencyBackupInfo); } } // Restore the final archive file. Set filesToRestore = emptySet(); restoreArchive(restoreDirectory, filesToRestore, restoreConfig, backupable, existingArchive.getBackupInfo()); if (!restoreConfig.verifyOnly()) { backupable.afterRestore(restoreDirectory, saveDirectory); } } /** * Removes the specified backup if it is possible to do so. * * @param backupDir The backup directory structure with which the * specified backup is associated. * @param backupID The backup ID for the backup to be removed. * * @throws DirectoryException If it is not possible to remove the specified * backup for some reason (e.g., no such backup * exists or there are other backups that are * dependent upon it). */ public void removeBackup(BackupDirectory backupDir, String backupID) throws DirectoryException { ExistingBackupArchive archive = new ExistingBackupArchive(backupID, backupDir); archive.removeArchive(); } private Path getRestoreDirectory(Backupable backupable, String backupID) { File restoreDirectory = backupable.getDirectory(); if (!backupable.isDirectRestore()) { restoreDirectory = new File(restoreDirectory.getAbsoluteFile() + "-restore-" + backupID); } return restoreDirectory.toPath(); } private void closeArchiveWriter(BackupArchiveWriter archiveWriter, String backupFile, String backupPath) throws DirectoryException { if (archiveWriter != null) { try { archiveWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.traceException(e); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_CLOSE_ZIP_STREAM.get(backupFile, backupPath, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } } } /** * Restores the content of an archive file. *

* If set of files is not empty, only the specified files are restored. * If set of files is empty, all files are restored. * * If the archive is being restored as a dependency, then only files in the * specified set are restored, and the restored files are removed from the * set. Otherwise all files from the archive are restored, and files that are * to be found in dependencies are added to the set. * @param restoreDir * The directory in which files are to be restored. * @param filesToRestore * The set of files to restore. If empty, then all files are * restored. * @param restoreConfig * The restore configuration. * @param backupInfo * The backup containing the files to be restored. * * @throws DirectoryException * If a Directory Server error occurs. * @throws IOException * If an I/O exception occurs during the restore. */ private void restoreArchive(Path restoreDir, Set filesToRestore, RestoreConfig restoreConfig, Backupable backupable, BackupInfo backupInfo) throws DirectoryException { String backupID = backupInfo.getBackupID(); String backupDirectoryPath = restoreConfig.getBackupDirectory().getPath(); BackupArchiveReader zipArchiveReader = new BackupArchiveReader(backupID, backupInfo, backupDirectoryPath); zipArchiveReader.restoreArchive(restoreDir, filesToRestore, restoreConfig, backupable); } /** Retrieves the full path of the archive file. */ private static File retrieveArchiveFile(BackupInfo backupInfo, String backupDirectoryPath) { Map backupProperties = backupInfo.getBackupProperties(); String archiveFilename = backupProperties.get(BACKUP_PROPERTY_ARCHIVE_FILENAME); return new File(backupDirectoryPath, archiveFilename); } /** * Get the information for a given backup ID from the backup directory. * * @param backupDir The backup directory. * @param backupID The backup ID. * @return The backup information, never null. * @throws DirectoryException If the backup information cannot be found. */ private static BackupInfo getBackupInfo(BackupDirectory backupDir, String backupID) throws DirectoryException { BackupInfo backupInfo = backupDir.getBackupInfo(backupID); if (backupInfo == null) { LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUP_MISSING_BACKUPID.get(backupID, backupDir.getPath()); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message); } return backupInfo; } /** * Helper method to build a list of files to backup, in the simple case where all files are located * under the provided directory. * * @param directory * The directory containing files to backup. * @param filter * The filter to select files to backup. * @param identifier * Identifier of the backed-up entity * @return the files to backup, which may be empty but never {@code null} * @throws DirectoryException * if an error occurs. */ public static List getFiles(File directory, FileFilter filter, String identifier) throws DirectoryException { File[] files = null; try { files = directory.listFiles(filter); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_LIST_LOG_FILES.get(directory.getAbsolutePath(), identifier), e); } if (files == null) { throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_LIST_LOG_FILES.get(directory.getAbsolutePath(), identifier)); } List paths = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : files) { paths.add(file.toPath()); } return paths; } /** * Helper method to save all current files of the provided backupable entity, using * default behavior. * * @param backupable * The entity to backup. * @param identifier * Identifier of the backup * @return the directory where all files are saved. * @throws DirectoryException * If a problem occurs. */ public static Path saveCurrentFilesToDirectory(Backupable backupable, String identifier) throws DirectoryException { ListIterator filesToBackup = backupable.getFilesToBackup(); File rootDirectory = backupable.getDirectory(); String saveDirectory = rootDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + ".save"; BackupManager.saveFilesToDirectory(rootDirectory.toPath(), filesToBackup, saveDirectory, identifier); return Paths.get(saveDirectory); } /** * Helper method to move all provided files in a target directory created from * provided target base path, keeping relative path information relative to * root directory. * * @param rootDirectory * A directory which is an ancestor of all provided files. * @param files * The files to move. * @param targetBasePath * Base path of the target directory. Actual directory is built by * adding ".save" and a number, always ensuring that the directory is new. * @param identifier * Identifier of the backup * @return the actual directory where all files are saved. * @throws DirectoryException * If a problem occurs. */ public static Path saveFilesToDirectory(Path rootDirectory, ListIterator files, String targetBasePath, String identifier) throws DirectoryException { Path targetDirectory = null; try { targetDirectory = createDirectoryWithNumericSuffix(targetBasePath, identifier); while (files.hasNext()) { Path file = files.next(); Path relativeFilePath = rootDirectory.relativize(file); Path targetFile = targetDirectory.resolve(relativeFilePath); Files.createDirectories(targetFile.getParent()); Files.move(file, targetFile); } return targetDirectory; } catch (IOException e) { throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_SAVE_FILES_BEFORE_RESTORE.get(rootDirectory, targetDirectory, identifier, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } } /** * Creates a new directory based on the provided directory path, by adding a * suffix number that is guaranteed to be the highest. */ static Path createDirectoryWithNumericSuffix(final String baseDirectoryPath, String identifier) throws DirectoryException { try { int number = getHighestSuffixNumberForPath(baseDirectoryPath); String path = baseDirectoryPath + (number + 1); Path directory = Paths.get(path); Files.createDirectories(directory); return directory; } catch (IOException e) { throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_BACKUP_CANNOT_CREATE_SAVE_DIRECTORY.get(baseDirectoryPath, identifier, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e); } } /** * Returns a number that correspond to the highest suffix number existing for the provided base path. *

* Example: given the following directory structure *

   * +--- someDir
   * |   \--- directory
   * |   \--- directory1
   * |   \--- directory2
   * |   \--- directory10
* getHighestSuffixNumberForPath("directory") returns 10. * * @param basePath * A base path to a file or directory, without any suffix number. * @return the highest suffix number, or 0 if no suffix number exists * @throws IOException * if an error occurs. */ private static int getHighestSuffixNumberForPath(final String basePath) throws IOException { final File baseFile = new File(basePath).getCanonicalFile(); final File[] existingFiles = baseFile.getParentFile().listFiles(); final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(baseFile + "\\d*"); int highestNumber = 0; for (File file : existingFiles) { final String name = file.getCanonicalPath(); if (pattern.matcher(name).matches()) { String numberAsString = name.substring(baseFile.getPath().length()); int number = numberAsString.isEmpty() ? 0 : Integer.valueOf(numberAsString); highestNumber = number > highestNumber ? number : highestNumber; } } return highestNumber; } }