/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt * or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2006-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS. */ package org.opends.server.tools; import static com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentConstants.*; import static com.forgerock.opendj.cli.Utils.*; import static org.opends.messages.ToolMessages.*; import static org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants.*; import static org.opends.server.util.CollectionUtils.*; import static org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPResultCode.*; import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*; import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.net.ssl.SSLException; import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString; import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DecodeException; import org.opends.server.admin.AdministrationConnector; import org.opends.server.controls.ProxiedAuthV2Control; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer.DirectoryServerVersionHandler; import org.opends.server.core.LockFileManager; import org.opends.server.loggers.JDKLogging; import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.AddRequestProtocolOp; import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.AddResponseProtocolOp; import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.ExtendedResponseProtocolOp; import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPAttribute; import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPConstants; import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPMessage; import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPResultCode; import org.opends.server.tasks.ShutdownTask; import org.opends.server.tools.tasks.TaskTool; import org.opends.server.types.Control; import org.opends.server.types.LDAPException; import org.opends.server.types.NullOutputStream; import org.opends.server.types.RawAttribute; import org.opends.server.util.args.LDAPConnectionArgumentParser; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.Argument; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentConstants; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentParser; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.BooleanArgument; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.CommonArguments; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.FileBasedArgument; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.IntegerArgument; import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.StringArgument; /** * This class provides a tool that can send a request to the Directory Server * that will cause it to shut down. */ public class StopDS { /** The fully-qualified name of this class. */ private static final String CLASS_NAME = "org.opends.server.tools.StopDS"; /** * Return codes used when the hidden option --checkStoppability is used. * NOTE: when checkStoppability is specified is recommended not to allocate * a lot of memory for the JVM (Using -Xms and -Xmx options) as there might * be calls to Runtime.exec. */ /** The server is already stopped. */ private static int SERVER_ALREADY_STOPPED = 98; /** The server must be started. */ private static int START_SERVER = 99; /** The server must be stopped using a system call. */ private static int STOP_USING_SYSTEM_CALL = 100; /** The server must be restarted using system calls. */ private static int RESTART_USING_SYSTEM_CALL = 101; /** The server must be stopped using protocol. */ private static int STOP_USING_PROTOCOL = 102; /** The server must be stopped as a window service. */ private static int STOP_AS_WINDOW_SERVICE = 103; /** The server must be restarted as a window service. */ private static int RESTART_AS_WINDOW_SERVICE = 104; /** The server must be started and it should use quiet mode. */ private static int START_SERVER_QUIET = 105; /** The server must be restarted using system calls and it should use quiet mode. */ private static int RESTART_USING_SYSTEM_CALL_QUIET = 106; /** * Invokes the stopDS method, passing it the provided command * line arguments. If the call to stopDS returns a nonzero * value, then that will be used as the exit code for this program. * * @param args The command-line arguments provided to this program. */ public static void main(String[] args) { int result = stopDS(args, System.out, System.err); if (result != LDAPResultCode.SUCCESS) { System.exit(filterExitCode(result)); } } /** * Parses the provided set of command-line arguments and attempts to contact * the Directory Server in order to send it the shutdown request. * * @param args The command-line arguments provided to this program. * * @return An integer value that indicates whether the shutdown request was * accepted by the Directory Server. A nonzero value should be * interpreted as a failure of some kind. */ public static int stopDS(String[] args) { return stopDS(args, System.out, System.err); } /** * Parses the provided set of command-line arguments and attempts to contact * the Directory Server in order to send it the shutdown request. * * @param args The command-line arguments provided to this program. * @param outStream The output stream to use for standard output, or * null if standard output is not needed. * @param errStream The output stream to use for standard error, or * null if standard error is not needed. * * @return An integer value that indicates whether the shutdown request was * accepted by the Directory Server. A nonzero value should be * interpreted as a failure of some kind. */ public static int stopDS(String[] args, OutputStream outStream, OutputStream errStream) { PrintStream out = NullOutputStream.wrapOrNullStream(outStream); PrintStream err = NullOutputStream.wrapOrNullStream(errStream); JDKLogging.disableLogging(); // Define all the arguments that may be used with this program. LocalizableMessage toolDescription = INFO_STOPDS_TOOL_DESCRIPTION.get(); ArgumentParser argParser = new ArgumentParser(CLASS_NAME, toolDescription, false); argParser.setShortToolDescription(REF_SHORT_DESC_STOP_DS.get()); argParser.setVersionHandler(new DirectoryServerVersionHandler()); BooleanArgument checkStoppability; BooleanArgument quietMode; BooleanArgument windowsNetStop; BooleanArgument restart; BooleanArgument showUsage; BooleanArgument trustAll; FileBasedArgument bindPWFile; FileBasedArgument keyStorePWFile; FileBasedArgument trustStorePWFile; IntegerArgument port; StringArgument bindDN; StringArgument bindPW; StringArgument certNickname; StringArgument host; StringArgument keyStoreFile; StringArgument keyStorePW; StringArgument proxyAuthzID; StringArgument saslOption; StringArgument stopReason; StringArgument stopTimeStr; StringArgument trustStoreFile; StringArgument trustStorePW; StringArgument propertiesFileArgument; BooleanArgument noPropertiesFileArgument; try { propertiesFileArgument = new StringArgument("propertiesFilePath", null, OPTION_LONG_PROP_FILE_PATH, false, false, true, INFO_PROP_FILE_PATH_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_DESCRIPTION_PROP_FILE_PATH.get()); argParser.addArgument(propertiesFileArgument); argParser.setFilePropertiesArgument(propertiesFileArgument); noPropertiesFileArgument = new BooleanArgument( "noPropertiesFileArgument", null, OPTION_LONG_NO_PROP_FILE, INFO_DESCRIPTION_NO_PROP_FILE.get()); argParser.addArgument(noPropertiesFileArgument); argParser.setNoPropertiesFileArgument(noPropertiesFileArgument); host = new StringArgument("host", OPTION_SHORT_HOST, OPTION_LONG_HOST, false, false, true, INFO_HOST_PLACEHOLDER.get(), "", null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_HOST.get()); host.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_HOST); argParser.addArgument(host); port = new IntegerArgument( "port", OPTION_SHORT_PORT, OPTION_LONG_PORT, false, false, true, INFO_PORT_PLACEHOLDER.get(), AdministrationConnector.DEFAULT_ADMINISTRATION_CONNECTOR_PORT, null, true, 1, true, 65535, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_PORT.get()); port.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_PORT); argParser.addArgument(port); bindDN = new StringArgument("binddn", OPTION_SHORT_BINDDN, OPTION_LONG_BINDDN, false, false, true, INFO_BINDDN_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_BINDDN.get()); bindDN.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_BINDDN); argParser.addArgument(bindDN); bindPW = new StringArgument("bindpw", OPTION_SHORT_BINDPWD, OPTION_LONG_BINDPWD, false, false, true, INFO_BINDPWD_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_BINDPW.get()); bindPW.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_BINDPWD); argParser.addArgument(bindPW); bindPWFile = new FileBasedArgument( "bindpwfile", OPTION_SHORT_BINDPWD_FILE, OPTION_LONG_BINDPWD_FILE, false, false, INFO_BINDPWD_FILE_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_BINDPWFILE.get()); bindPWFile.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_BINDPWD_FILE); argParser.addArgument(bindPWFile); saslOption = new StringArgument( "sasloption", OPTION_SHORT_SASLOPTION, OPTION_LONG_SASLOPTION, false, true, true, INFO_SASL_OPTION_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_SASLOPTIONS.get()); saslOption.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_SASLOPTION); argParser.addArgument(saslOption); proxyAuthzID = new StringArgument( "proxyauthzid", OPTION_SHORT_PROXYAUTHID, OPTION_LONG_PROXYAUTHID, false, false, true, INFO_PROXYAUTHID_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_PROXYAUTHZID.get()); proxyAuthzID.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_PROXYAUTHID); argParser.addArgument(proxyAuthzID); stopReason = new StringArgument( "stopreason", 'r', "stopReason", false, false, true, INFO_STOP_REASON_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_STOP_REASON.get()); stopReason.setPropertyName("stopReason"); argParser.addArgument(stopReason); checkStoppability = new BooleanArgument("checkstoppability", null, "checkStoppability", INFO_STOPDS_CHECK_STOPPABILITY.get()); checkStoppability.setHidden(true); argParser.addArgument(checkStoppability); windowsNetStop = new BooleanArgument("windowsnetstop", null, "windowsNetStop", INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_WINDOWS_NET_STOP.get()); windowsNetStop.setHidden(true); argParser.addArgument(windowsNetStop); restart = CommonArguments.getRestart(); argParser.addArgument(restart); stopTimeStr = new StringArgument("stoptime", 't', "stopTime", false, false, true, INFO_STOP_TIME_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_STOP_TIME.get()); stopTimeStr.setPropertyName("stopTime"); argParser.addArgument(stopTimeStr); trustAll = CommonArguments.getTrustAll(); argParser.addArgument(trustAll); keyStoreFile = new StringArgument("keystorefile", OPTION_SHORT_KEYSTOREPATH, OPTION_LONG_KEYSTOREPATH, false, false, true, INFO_KEYSTOREPATH_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_KSFILE.get()); keyStoreFile.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_KEYSTOREPATH); argParser.addArgument(keyStoreFile); keyStorePW = new StringArgument("keystorepw", OPTION_SHORT_KEYSTORE_PWD, OPTION_LONG_KEYSTORE_PWD, false, false, true, INFO_KEYSTORE_PWD_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_KSPW.get()); keyStorePW.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_KEYSTORE_PWD); argParser.addArgument(keyStorePW); keyStorePWFile = new FileBasedArgument( "keystorepwfile", OPTION_SHORT_KEYSTORE_PWD_FILE, OPTION_LONG_KEYSTORE_PWD_FILE, false, false, INFO_KEYSTORE_PWD_FILE_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_KSPWFILE.get()); keyStorePWFile.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_KEYSTORE_PWD_FILE); argParser.addArgument(keyStorePWFile); certNickname = new StringArgument( "certnickname", 'N', "certNickname", false, false, true, INFO_NICKNAME_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_DESCRIPTION_CERT_NICKNAME.get()); certNickname.setPropertyName("certNickname"); argParser.addArgument(certNickname); trustStoreFile = new StringArgument("truststorefile", OPTION_SHORT_TRUSTSTOREPATH, OPTION_LONG_TRUSTSTOREPATH, false, false, true, INFO_TRUSTSTOREPATH_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_TSFILE.get()); trustStoreFile.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_TRUSTSTOREPATH); argParser.addArgument(trustStoreFile); trustStorePW = new StringArgument( "truststorepw", 'T', OPTION_LONG_TRUSTSTORE_PWD, false, false, true, INFO_TRUSTSTORE_PWD_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_TSPW.get()); trustStorePW.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_TRUSTSTORE_PWD); argParser.addArgument(trustStorePW); trustStorePWFile = new FileBasedArgument("truststorepwfile", OPTION_SHORT_TRUSTSTORE_PWD_FILE, OPTION_LONG_TRUSTSTORE_PWD_FILE, false, false, INFO_TRUSTSTORE_PWD_FILE_PLACEHOLDER.get(), null, null, INFO_STOPDS_DESCRIPTION_TSPWFILE.get()); trustStorePWFile.setPropertyName(OPTION_LONG_TRUSTSTORE_PWD_FILE); argParser.addArgument(trustStorePWFile); quietMode = CommonArguments.getQuiet(); argParser.addArgument(quietMode); showUsage = CommonArguments.getShowUsage(); argParser.addArgument(showUsage); argParser.setUsageArgument(showUsage, out); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_ARGS.get(ae.getMessage())); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } // Parse the command-line arguments provided to the program. try { argParser.parseArguments(args); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { argParser.displayMessageAndUsageReference(err, ERR_ERROR_PARSING_ARGS.get(ae.getMessage())); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } // If we should just display usage or version information, // then exit because it will have already been done. if (argParser.usageOrVersionDisplayed()) { return LDAPResultCode.SUCCESS; } if (quietMode.isPresent()) { out = NullOutputStream.printStream(); } if (checkStoppability.isPresent()) { System.exit(checkStoppability(argParser, out, err)); } // If both a bind password and bind password file were provided, then return // an error. if (bindPW.isPresent() && bindPWFile.isPresent()) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_ARGUMENTS.get(bindPW.getLongIdentifier(), bindPWFile.getLongIdentifier())); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } // If both a key store password and key store password file were provided, // then return an error. if (keyStorePW.isPresent() && keyStorePWFile.isPresent()) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_ARGUMENTS.get( keyStorePW.getLongIdentifier(), keyStorePWFile.getLongIdentifier())); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } // If both a trust store password and trust store password file were // provided, then return an error. if (trustStorePW.isPresent() && trustStorePWFile.isPresent()) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_ARGUMENTS.get( trustStorePW.getLongIdentifier(), trustStorePWFile.getLongIdentifier())); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } // Make sure that we can decode the stop time string if one was provided. Date stopTime = new Date(); if (stopTimeStr.isPresent()) { String timeStr = stopTimeStr.getValue(); if (!TaskTool.NOW.equals(timeStr)) { try { stopTime = parseDateTimeString(timeStr); } catch (Exception e) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_CANNOT_DECODE_STOP_TIME.get()); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } // Check that the provided date is not previous to the current date. Date currentDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (currentDate.after(stopTime)) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_DATETIME_ALREADY_PASSED.get(timeStr)); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } } } // Create the LDAP connection options object, which will be used to // customize the way that we connect to the server and specify a set of // basic defaults. LDAPConnectionOptions connectionOptions = new LDAPConnectionOptions(); connectionOptions.setVersionNumber(3); try { String clientAlias; if (certNickname.isPresent()) { clientAlias = certNickname.getValue(); } else { clientAlias = null; } SSLConnectionFactory sslConnectionFactory = new SSLConnectionFactory(); sslConnectionFactory.init(trustAll.isPresent(), keyStoreFile.getValue(), keyStorePW.getValue(), clientAlias, trustStoreFile.getValue(), trustStorePW.getValue()); connectionOptions.setSSLConnectionFactory(sslConnectionFactory); } catch (SSLConnectionException sce) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_SSL.get(sce.getMessage())); return CLIENT_SIDE_LOCAL_ERROR; } // If one or more SASL options were provided, then make sure that one of // them was "mech" and specified a valid SASL mechanism. if (saslOption.isPresent()) { String mechanism = null; LinkedList options = new LinkedList<>(); for (String s : saslOption.getValues()) { int equalPos = s.indexOf('='); if (equalPos <= 0) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_CANNOT_PARSE_SASL_OPTION.get(s)); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } else { String name = s.substring(0, equalPos); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("mech")) { mechanism = s; } else { options.add(s); } } } if (mechanism == null) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_NO_SASL_MECHANISM.get()); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } connectionOptions.setSASLMechanism(mechanism); for (String option : options) { connectionOptions.addSASLProperty(option); } } // Attempt to connect and authenticate to the Directory Server. AtomicInteger nextMessageID = new AtomicInteger(1); LDAPConnection connection; try { connection = new LDAPConnection(host.getValue(), port.getIntValue(), connectionOptions, out, err); connection.connectToHost(bindDN.getValue(), LDAPConnectionArgumentParser.getPasswordValue(bindPW, bindPWFile, bindDN, out, err), nextMessageID); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { argParser.displayMessageAndUsageReference( err, ERR_STOPDS_CANNOT_DETERMINE_PORT.get(port.getLongIdentifier(), ae.getMessage())); return CLIENT_SIDE_PARAM_ERROR; } catch (LDAPConnectionException lce) { LocalizableMessage message = null; if (lce.getCause() != null && lce.getCause().getCause() != null && lce.getCause().getCause() instanceof SSLException) { message = ERR_STOPDS_CANNOT_CONNECT_SSL.get(host.getValue(), port.getValue()); } else { String hostPort = host.getValue() + ":" + port.getValue(); message = ERR_STOPDS_CANNOT_CONNECT.get(hostPort, lce.getMessage()); } printWrappedText(err, message); return CLIENT_SIDE_CONNECT_ERROR; } LDAPReader reader = connection.getLDAPReader(); LDAPWriter writer = connection.getLDAPWriter(); // Construct the add request to send to the server. String taskID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); ByteString entryDN = ByteString.valueOfUtf8(ATTR_TASK_ID + "=" + taskID + "," + SCHEDULED_TASK_BASE_RDN + "," + DN_TASK_ROOT); ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList<>(); attributes.add(new LDAPAttribute(ATTR_OBJECTCLASS, newArrayList("top", "ds-task", "ds-task-shutdown"))); attributes.add(new LDAPAttribute(ATTR_TASK_ID, taskID)); attributes.add(new LDAPAttribute(ATTR_TASK_CLASS, ShutdownTask.class.getName())); if (restart.isPresent()) { attributes.add(new LDAPAttribute(ATTR_RESTART_SERVER, "true")); } if (stopReason.isPresent()) { attributes.add(new LDAPAttribute(ATTR_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE, stopReason.getValue())); } if (stopTime != null) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_GMT_TIME); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); String stopTimeValues = dateFormat.format(stopTime); attributes.add(new LDAPAttribute(ATTR_TASK_SCHEDULED_START_TIME, stopTimeValues)); } ArrayList controls = new ArrayList<>(); if (proxyAuthzID.isPresent()) { controls.add(new ProxiedAuthV2Control( ByteString.valueOfUtf8(proxyAuthzID.getValue()))); } AddRequestProtocolOp addRequest = new AddRequestProtocolOp(entryDN, attributes); LDAPMessage requestMessage = new LDAPMessage(nextMessageID.getAndIncrement(), addRequest, controls); // Send the request to the server and read the response. LDAPMessage responseMessage; try { writer.writeMessage(requestMessage); responseMessage = reader.readMessage(); if (responseMessage == null) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_UNEXPECTED_CONNECTION_CLOSURE.get()); return CLIENT_SIDE_SERVER_DOWN; } } catch (DecodeException | LDAPException e) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_DECODE_ERROR.get(e.getMessage())); return CLIENT_SIDE_DECODING_ERROR; } catch (IOException ioe) { printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_IO_ERROR.get(ioe)); return LDAPResultCode.CLIENT_SIDE_SERVER_DOWN; } if (responseMessage.getProtocolOpType() != LDAPConstants.OP_TYPE_ADD_RESPONSE) { if (responseMessage.getProtocolOpType() == LDAPConstants.OP_TYPE_EXTENDED_RESPONSE) { // It's possible that this is a notice of disconnection, which we can // probably interpret as a "success" in this case. ExtendedResponseProtocolOp extendedResponse = responseMessage.getExtendedResponseProtocolOp(); String responseOID = extendedResponse.getOID(); if (LDAPConstants.OID_NOTICE_OF_DISCONNECTION.equals(responseOID)) { printWrappedText(err, extendedResponse.getErrorMessage()); return extendedResponse.getResultCode(); } } printWrappedText(err, ERR_STOPDS_INVALID_RESPONSE_TYPE.get(responseMessage.getProtocolOpName())); return CLIENT_SIDE_LOCAL_ERROR; } AddResponseProtocolOp addResponse = responseMessage.getAddResponseProtocolOp(); printWrappedText(err, addResponse.getErrorMessage()); return addResponse.getResultCode(); } /** * Returns the error code that we return when we are checking the stoppability * of the server. This basically tells the invoker what must be done based * on the different parameters passed. * @param argParser the ArgumentParser with the arguments already parsed. * @param out the print stream to use for standard output. * @param err the print stream to use for standard error. * @return the error code that we return when we are checking the stoppability * of the server. */ private static int checkStoppability(ArgumentParser argParser, PrintStream out, PrintStream err) { int returnValue; boolean isServerRunning; boolean quietMode = false; Argument quietArg = argParser.getArgumentForLongID(ArgumentConstants.OPTION_LONG_QUIET); if (quietArg != null && quietArg.isPresent()) { quietMode = true; } BooleanArgument restart = (BooleanArgument)argParser.getArgumentForLongID(OPTION_LONG_RESTART); boolean restartPresent = restart.isPresent(); BooleanArgument windowsNetStop = (BooleanArgument)argParser.getArgumentForLongID("windowsnetstop"); boolean windowsNetStopPresent = windowsNetStop.isPresent(); // Check if this is a stop through protocol. LinkedList list = argParser.getArgumentList(); boolean stopThroughProtocol = false; for (Argument arg: list) { if (!OPTION_LONG_RESTART.toLowerCase().equals(arg.getName()) && !OPTION_LONG_QUIET.equals(arg.getName()) && !OPTION_LONG_HELP.toLowerCase().equals(arg.getName()) && !"checkstoppability".equals(arg.getName()) && !"windowsnetstop".equals(arg.getName()) && ! OPTION_LONG_NO_PROP_FILE.equals(arg.getLongIdentifier())) { stopThroughProtocol |= arg.isPresent(); } } if (stopThroughProtocol) { // Assume that this is done on a remote server and do no more checks. returnValue = STOP_USING_PROTOCOL; } else { String lockFile = LockFileManager.getServerLockFileName(); try { StringBuilder failureReason = new StringBuilder(); if (LockFileManager.acquireExclusiveLock(lockFile, failureReason)) { // The server is not running: write a message informing of that // in the standard out (this is not an error message). LocalizableMessage message = INFO_STOPDS_SERVER_ALREADY_STOPPED.get(); out.println(message); LockFileManager.releaseLock(lockFile, failureReason); isServerRunning = false; } else { isServerRunning = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // Assume that if we cannot acquire the lock file the server is // running. isServerRunning = true; } boolean configuredAsService = DirectoryServer.isRunningAsWindowsService(); if (!isServerRunning) { if (configuredAsService && !windowsNetStopPresent) { if (restartPresent) { returnValue = RESTART_AS_WINDOW_SERVICE; } else { returnValue = STOP_AS_WINDOW_SERVICE; } } else if (restartPresent) { if (quietMode) { returnValue = START_SERVER_QUIET; } else { returnValue = START_SERVER; } } else { returnValue = SERVER_ALREADY_STOPPED; } } else { if (configuredAsService) { if (windowsNetStopPresent) { // stop-ds.bat is being called through net stop, so return // STOP_USING_SYSTEM_CALL or RESTART_USING_SYSTEM_CALL so that the // batch file actually stops the server. if (restartPresent) { if (quietMode) { returnValue = RESTART_USING_SYSTEM_CALL_QUIET; } else { returnValue = RESTART_USING_SYSTEM_CALL; } } else { returnValue = STOP_USING_SYSTEM_CALL; } } else { if (restartPresent) { returnValue = RESTART_AS_WINDOW_SERVICE; } else { returnValue = STOP_AS_WINDOW_SERVICE; } // Display a message informing that we are going to the server. LocalizableMessage message = INFO_STOPDS_GOING_TO_STOP.get(); out.println(message); } } else { // Display a message informing that we are going to the server. LocalizableMessage message = INFO_STOPDS_GOING_TO_STOP.get(); out.println(message); if (restartPresent) { if (quietMode) { returnValue = RESTART_USING_SYSTEM_CALL_QUIET; } else { returnValue = RESTART_USING_SYSTEM_CALL; } } else { returnValue = STOP_USING_SYSTEM_CALL; } } } } return returnValue; } }