Test ID upgrade_gui
OpenDS GUI upgrade command : upgrade and revert
- Install  OpenDS previous build in {opends-path}, using  setup GUI command or QuickSetup (http://www.opends.org/promoted-builds/)
- Verify the server is running
- Upgrade using the QuickSetup, open a browser on the test machine and go to this URL
On the first panel of the QuickSetup, select the second bullet "Upgrade Existing Server Instance"
and enter the path of the Server to Upgrade {opends-path}
- After the upgrade, verify that the server is running and that it's the correct build  (for example run start-ds --version)

- test the revert with the GUI (when it will be available)

Specific checks Notes:
- QuickSetup is the only way to upgrade using GUI mode
- There is no GUI mode available for the revert the upgrade