Control Panel Sanity Check

Test purpose: Test the main functionality of the Control Panel

Test summary: Set up OpenDS instance with data load and run through the various tasks accessible via the console, such as: back-up; restore; export; import; entry, schema and index management.

Test steps:

  1. Set up server using GUI

  2. Launch Control Panel

  3. Backup userRoot

  4. Create New AttributeType and ObjectClass

  5. Add Entry

  6. Export userRoot

  7. Delete o=example

  8. Create new base DN

  9. Add new index

  10. Verify indexes

  11. Rebuild indexes

  12. Search Entry

  13. Delete cptBackend

  14. Search Entry 2

  15. Restore backup

  16. Create new base DN 2

  17. Restore backup 2

  18. Monitoring - General Information

  19. Monitoring - Connection Handler

1. Set up server using GUI

- ldap: 1389
- admin port: 1444

Topology options:
- stand-alone instance

Directory Data:
- base DN: o=example
- automatically load with 100 entries

2. Launch Control Panel

Authenticate as Directory Manager

3. Backup userRoot

  • Backup...
    Backend: userRoot
    Backup Type: Full backup
    Backup ID: example-backup
    Backup path: (default)
    Backup options: Compress data (.gzip)

4. Create New AttributeType and ObjectClass

  • Schema -> Manage Schema

  • New Attrtibute...
    Name: cpTestAttr
    OID: fake-oid
    Description: Fake attribute for Control Panel test
    Syntax: DirectoryString
    Attribute Type Options -> Single Valued

  • New Object Class...
    Name: cpTestPerson
    OID: fake-oid-2
    Description: Fake objectclass for Control Panel test
    Parent: inetOrgPerson
    Required Attributes -> Add: cpTestAttr

5. Add Entry

  • Manage Entries
    Base DN: o=example

  • Entries -> New from LDIF...
    dn: uid=cpt-user,ou=People,o=example
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: cpTestPerson
    cn: CP Test User
    sn: User
    givenname: CP Test
    uid: cpt-user
    userpassword: testpwd
    cptestattr: This is a Control Panel test
    cptestattr: bla bla bla bla

      • Check Syntax
        ----> Check for Error because of
        multiple values for single-valued attribute cptestattr”
        ==> Remove '
        cptestattr: bla bla bla bla' ---> Check Syntax

6. Export userRoot

  • Export LDIF...
    Backend: userRoot
    Export to File: <instance_root>/ldif/cpt-example.ldif

7. Delete o=example

  • Manage Entries

  • Entries-> Delete Base DN...
    -> Select o=example

8. Create new base DN

  • New Base DN...
    Backend: New Backend: cptBackend
    Base DN: o=example
    Directory Data -> Import Data From LDIF File: <instance_root>/ldif/cpt-example.ldif

9. Add new index

  • Indexes -> Manage Indexes
    Backend: cptBackend

  • New Index...
    Attribute: cpTestAttr
    Backend: cptBackend
    Entry Limit: 4000
    Index Type -> equality / presence / substring
    -> Index Rebuild Required -> No

10. Verify indexes

  • Indexes -> Verify Indexes...
    Base DN: o=example
    Action -> Verify Entry Contents are Properly Indexed
    Selected Indexes -> Add: cpTestAttr

11. Rebuild indexes

  • Indexes -> Rebuild Indexes...
    Base DN: o=example
    Selected Indexes -> Add: cpTestAttr

12. Search Entry

  • Manage Entries
    Base DN: All Base DNs
    Filter: cpTestAttr = *
    -> Select cpt-user

      • View -> Attribute View

13. Delete cptBackend

  • Manage Entries

  • Entries -> Delete Backend
    -> Select cptBackend

14. Search Entry

  • Manage Entries
    Base DN: All Base DNs
    Filter: LDAP Filter: cptTestAttr=*
    ----> Check 'No matches Found' returned

15. Restore backup

  • Restore...
    Backup Path: (default)
    Available Backups: example-backup

      • Verify Backup
        ----> Check verify fails with error code 1

16. Create new base DN

  • New Base DN
    Backend: New backend: userRoot
    Base DN: o=example
    Directory Data -> Leave Database empty

17. Restore backup

  • Restore...
    Backup Path: (default)
    Available Backups: example-backup

      • Verify Backup

18. Monitoring - General Information

  • Verify OpenDS Version 2.5

  • System Information : Verify

  • Java Information : Verify

expand Other Attributes then Memory Attributes

  • Work Queue : Verify

  • Entry Cache : Verify

  • Database Environment : Verify

click on Show Operations... (issue 3800 for the size)

19. Monitoring - Connection Handler

  • In the "Connection Handlers" Filter, select each filter and verify the filter is working





Administration Connector

  • In the View menu, select "Show Operations"

  • In the View menu, select "Show Averages"

20. Monitoring - Manage Tasks

  • TBD

21. Runtime Options - Java Settings

  • TBD

22. Runtime Options - Windows Service

  • TBD

23. Administer Remote Server

  • TBD

24. View - Refresh Options

  • TBD

25. Help

  • In the Help menu, select Administration Guide

  • In the Help menu, select Documentation Wiki