/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2011-2013 ForgeRock AS */ package org.opends.server.tools; import static org.opends.messages.ToolMessages.*; import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.EOL; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Properties; import org.opends.messages.Message; import org.opends.messages.ToolMessages; import org.opends.quicksetup.Constants; import org.opends.quicksetup.util.Utils; import org.opends.server.types.NullOutputStream; import org.opends.server.util.args.ArgumentException; import org.opends.server.util.cli.ConsoleApplication; /** * This class is used to update the scripts that are used to launch the command * lines. We read the contents of a given properties file and we update the * scripts setting the arguments and JVM to be used by the different scripts. * */ public class JavaPropertiesTool extends ConsoleApplication { // The argument parser private JavaPropertiesToolArgumentParser argParser; /** * The enumeration containing the different return codes that the command-line * can have. * */ public enum ErrorReturnCode { /** * Successful setup. */ SUCCESSFUL(0), /** * We did no have an error but the setup was not executed (displayed version * or usage). */ SUCCESSFUL_NOP(0), /** * Unexpected error (potential bug). */ ERROR_UNEXPECTED(1), /** * Cannot parse arguments or data provided by user is not valid. */ ERROR_USER_DATA(2), /** * Error writing to destination file. */ ERROR_WRITING_FILE(3); private int returnCode; private ErrorReturnCode(int returnCode) { this.returnCode = returnCode; } /** * Get the corresponding return code value. * * @return The corresponding return code value. */ public int getReturnCode() { return returnCode; } } final private static String DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME = "default.java-home"; final private static String DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME = "default.java-args"; final private static String OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME = "overwrite-env-java-home"; final private static String OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME = "overwrite-env-java-args"; /** * Constructor for the JavaPropertiesTool object. * * @param out the print stream to use for standard output. * @param err the print stream to use for standard error. * @param in the input stream to use for standard input. */ public JavaPropertiesTool(PrintStream out, PrintStream err, InputStream in) { super(in, out, err); } /** * The main method for the java properties tool. * * @param args the command-line arguments provided to this program. */ public static void main(String[] args) { int retCode = mainCLI(args, System.out, System.err, System.in); System.exit(retCode); } /** * Parses the provided command-line arguments and uses that information to * run the java properties tool. * * @param args the command-line arguments provided to this program. * * @return The error code. */ public static int mainCLI(String[] args) { return mainCLI(args, System.out, System.err, System.in); } /** * Parses the provided command-line arguments and uses that information to * run the java properties tool. * * @param args The command-line arguments provided to this * program. * @param outStream The output stream to use for standard output, or * null if standard output is not * needed. * @param errStream The output stream to use for standard error, or * null if standard error is not * needed. * @param inStream The input stream to use for standard input. * @return The error code. */ public static int mainCLI(String[] args, OutputStream outStream, OutputStream errStream, InputStream inStream) { PrintStream out; if (outStream == null) { out = NullOutputStream.printStream(); } else { out = new PrintStream(outStream); } System.setProperty(Constants.CLI_JAVA_PROPERTY, "true"); PrintStream err; if (errStream == null) { err = NullOutputStream.printStream(); } else { err = new PrintStream(errStream); } JavaPropertiesTool tool = new JavaPropertiesTool(out, err, inStream); return tool.execute(args); } /** * Parses the provided command-line arguments and uses that information to * run the java properties tool. * * @param args the command-line arguments provided to this program. * * @return the return code (SUCCESSFUL, USER_DATA_ERROR or BUG). */ public int execute(String[] args) { argParser = new JavaPropertiesToolArgumentParser( JavaPropertiesTool.class.getName()); try { argParser.initializeArguments(); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Message message = ToolMessages.ERR_CANNOT_INITIALIZE_ARGS.get(ae.getMessage()); println(message); return ErrorReturnCode.ERROR_UNEXPECTED.getReturnCode(); } // Validate user provided data try { argParser.parseArguments(args); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { Message message = ERR_ERROR_PARSING_ARGS.get(ae.getMessage()); println(message); println(); println(Message.raw(argParser.getUsage())); return ErrorReturnCode.ERROR_USER_DATA.getReturnCode(); } if (argParser.usageOrVersionDisplayed()) { return ErrorReturnCode.SUCCESSFUL_NOP.getReturnCode(); } Properties properties = new Properties(); BufferedReader reader; String propertiesFile = argParser.propertiesFileArg.getValue(); try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(propertiesFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { println(ERR_JAVAPROPERTIES_WITH_PROPERTIES_FILE.get(propertiesFile)); return ErrorReturnCode.ERROR_USER_DATA.getReturnCode(); } try { updateProperties(reader, properties); } catch (IOException ioe) { println(ERR_JAVAPROPERTIES_WITH_PROPERTIES_FILE.get(propertiesFile)); return ErrorReturnCode.ERROR_USER_DATA.getReturnCode(); } String destinationFile = argParser.destinationFileArg.getValue(); BufferedWriter writer; try { File f = new File(destinationFile); writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); f.setReadable(true, false); } catch (IOException ioe) { println(ERR_JAVAPROPERTIES_WITH_DESTINATION_FILE.get(destinationFile)); return ErrorReturnCode.ERROR_USER_DATA.getReturnCode(); } Enumeration propertyNames = properties.propertyNames(); boolean overwriteEnvJavaHome = true; boolean overwriteEnvJavaArgs = true; String defaultJavaHome = null; String defaultJavaArgs = null; while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); String value = properties.getProperty(name); if (value != null) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME)) { defaultJavaHome = value; } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME)) { defaultJavaArgs = value; } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME)) { if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { overwriteEnvJavaHome = false; } } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME)) { if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { overwriteEnvJavaArgs = false; } } } } try { String value; if (Utils.isWindows()) { value = getWindowsContents(overwriteEnvJavaHome, overwriteEnvJavaArgs, defaultJavaHome, defaultJavaArgs, properties); } else { value = getUnixContents(overwriteEnvJavaHome, overwriteEnvJavaArgs, defaultJavaHome, defaultJavaArgs, properties); } writer.write(value); writer.newLine(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { println(Utils.getThrowableMsg( ERR_JAVAPROPERTIES_WRITING_DESTINATION_FILE.get(destinationFile), ioe)); return ErrorReturnCode.ERROR_WRITING_FILE.getReturnCode(); } // Add some information if we are not in quiet mode about // what is going to happen. File f1 = new File(argParser.destinationFileArg.getValue()); File f2 = new File(argParser.destinationFileArg.getDefaultValue()); if (f1.equals(f2)) { printProgress(INFO_JAVAPROPERTIES_SUCCESSFUL.get( argParser.propertiesFileArg.getValue())); } else { printProgress(INFO_JAVAPROPERTIES_SUCCESSFUL_NON_DEFAULT.get( argParser.destinationFileArg.getValue(), argParser.propertiesFileArg.getValue(), argParser.destinationFileArg.getDefaultValue())); } printlnProgress(); return ErrorReturnCode.SUCCESSFUL.getReturnCode(); } /** * Reads the contents of the provided reader and updates the provided * Properties object with it. This is required because '\' characters in * windows paths generates problems. * @param reader the buffered reader. * @param properties the properties. * @throws IOException if there is an error reading the buffered reader. */ public static void updateProperties( BufferedReader reader, Properties properties) throws IOException { String line; boolean slashInLastLine = false; String key = null; StringBuilder sbValue = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (!line.startsWith("#")) { if (!slashInLastLine) { key = null; sbValue = new StringBuilder(); int index = line.indexOf('='); if (index > 0) { key = line.substring(0, index); if (key.indexOf(' ') != -1) { key = null; } } } // Consider the space: in windows the user might add a path ending // with '\'. With this approach we minimize the possibilities of // error. boolean hasSlash = line.endsWith(" \\"); if (hasSlash) { line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1); } String lineValue = null; if (slashInLastLine) { lineValue = line; } else if (key != null) { int index = line.indexOf('='); if ((index != -1) && ((index + 1) < line.length())) { lineValue = line.substring(index+1); } } if ((lineValue != null) && (lineValue.length() > 0)) { if (sbValue == null) { sbValue = new StringBuilder(); } sbValue.append(lineValue); } if (!hasSlash && (key != null) && (sbValue != null)) { properties.put(key, sbValue.toString()); } slashInLastLine = hasSlash; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isQuiet() { return argParser.quietArg.isPresent(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isInteractive() { return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isMenuDrivenMode() { return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isScriptFriendly() { return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isAdvancedMode() { return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isVerbose() { return true; } private String getUnixContents(boolean overwriteJavaHome, boolean overwriteJavaArgs, String defaultJavaHome, String defaultJavaArgs, Properties properties) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("#!/bin/sh"+EOL+EOL); if (!overwriteJavaHome) { buf.append( "# See if the environment variables for java home are set"+EOL+ "# in the path and try to figure it out."+EOL+ "if test ! -f \"${OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL+ "then"+EOL+ " if test ! -d \"${OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME}\""+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " if test ! -f \"${OPENDS_JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " if test ! -d \"${OPENDS_JAVA_HOME}\""+EOL); } boolean propertiesAdded = false; Enumeration propertyNames = properties.propertyNames(); int nIfs = 0; while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); String value = properties.getProperty(name); if (value != null) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME)) { // Already handled } else if (name.endsWith(".java-home")) { propertiesAdded = true; String s; if (nIfs > 0) { if (!overwriteJavaHome) { s = " "; } else { s = ""; } buf.append( s+"elif test \"${SCRIPT_NAME}.java-home\" = \""+name+"\""+EOL); } else if (!overwriteJavaHome) { buf.append( " then"+EOL+ " if test \"${SCRIPT_NAME}.java-home\" = \""+name+"\""+EOL); s = " "; } else { buf.append( "if test \"${SCRIPT_NAME}.java-home\" = \""+name+"\""+EOL); s = ""; } buf.append( s+"then"+EOL+ s+" TEMP=\""+value+"/bin/java\""+EOL+ s+" if test -f \"${TEMP}\""+EOL+ s+" then"+EOL+ s+" OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\""+value+"/bin/java\""+EOL+ s+" export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ s+" fi"+EOL); nIfs++; } } } if (defaultJavaHome != null) { if (propertiesAdded) { String s; if (!overwriteJavaHome) { s = " "; } else { s = ""; } buf.append( s+"else"+EOL+ s+" OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\""+defaultJavaHome+"/bin/java\""+EOL+ s+" export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL); } else { if (!overwriteJavaHome) { buf.append( " then"+EOL+ " TEMP=\""+defaultJavaHome+"/bin/java\""+EOL+ " if test -f \"${TEMP}\""+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${TEMP}\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL); } else { buf.append( "OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\""+defaultJavaHome+"/bin/java\""+EOL+ "export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL); } } propertiesAdded = true; } if (nIfs > 0) { String s; if (!overwriteJavaHome) { s = " "; } else { s = ""; } buf.append( s+"fi"+EOL); } if (!overwriteJavaHome) { if (!propertiesAdded) { // No properties added: this is required not to break the script buf.append( " then"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL); } buf.append( " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${OPENDS_JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${OPENDS_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ "fi"+EOL+EOL); } else if (defaultJavaHome == null) { buf.append( EOL+ "if test ! -f \"${OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL+ "then"+EOL+ " if test ! -d \"${OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME}\""+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " if test ! -f \"${OPENDS_JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " if test ! -d \"${OPENDS_JAVA_HOME}\""+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " if test ! -f \"${JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " if test ! -d \"${JAVA_HOME}\""+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=`which java 2> /dev/null`"+EOL+ " if test ${?} -eq 0"+EOL+ " then"+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " else"+EOL+ " echo \"You must specify the path to a valid Java 6.0 "+ "or higher version in the\""+EOL+ " echo \"properties file and then run the "+ "dsjavaproperties tool. \""+EOL+ " echo \"The procedure to follow is:\""+EOL+ " echo \"You must specify the path to a valid Java 6.0 "+ "or higher version. The \""+EOL+ " echo \"procedure to follow is:\""+EOL+ " echo \"1. Delete the file "+ "${INSTANCE_ROOT}/lib/set-java-home\""+EOL+ " echo \"2. Set the environment variable "+ "OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME to the root of a valid \""+EOL+ " echo \"Java 6.0 installation.\""+EOL+ " echo \"If you want to have specificjava settings for"+ " each command line you must\""+EOL+ " echo \"follow the steps 3 and 4\""+EOL+ " echo \"3. Edit the properties file specifying the "+ "java binary and the java arguments\""+EOL+ " echo \"for each command line. The java properties "+ "file is located in:\""+EOL+ " echo \"${INSTANCE_ROOT}/config/java.properties.\""+EOL+ " echo \"4. Run the command-line "+ "${INSTANCE_ROOT}/bin/dsjavaproperties\""+EOL+ " exit 1"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${OPENDS_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${OPENDS_JAVA_BIN}\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=\"${OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME}/bin/java\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ "fi"+EOL+EOL); } if (!overwriteJavaArgs) { buf.append( EOL+ "# See if the environment variables for arguments are set."+EOL+ "if test -z \"${OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS}\""+EOL+ "then"+EOL+ " if test -z \"${OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS}\""+EOL); } propertiesAdded = false; propertyNames = properties.propertyNames(); nIfs = 0; while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); String value = properties.getProperty(name); String s = overwriteJavaArgs? "":" "; if (value != null) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME)) { // Already handled } else if (name.endsWith(".java-args")) { propertiesAdded = true; if (nIfs > 0) { buf.append( s+" elif test \"${SCRIPT_NAME}.java-args\" = \""+name+"\""+EOL); } else if (!overwriteJavaArgs) { buf.append( " then"+EOL+ " if test \"${SCRIPT_NAME}.java-args\" = \""+name+"\""+EOL); } else { buf.append( " if test \"${SCRIPT_NAME}.java-args\" = \""+name+"\""+EOL); } buf.append( s+" then"+EOL+ s+" OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS=\""+value+"\""+EOL+ s+" export OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS"+EOL); nIfs++; } } } if (defaultJavaArgs != null) { String s = overwriteJavaArgs? "":" "; if (propertiesAdded) { buf.append( s+" else"+EOL+ s+" OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS=\""+defaultJavaArgs+"\""+EOL+ s+" export OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS"+EOL); } else { if (!overwriteJavaArgs) { buf.append( " then"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS=\""+defaultJavaArgs+"\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS"+EOL); } else { buf.append( EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS=\""+defaultJavaArgs+"\""+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS"+EOL); } } propertiesAdded = true; } if (nIfs > 0) { String s = overwriteJavaArgs? "":" "; buf.append(s+"fi"+EOL); } if (!overwriteJavaArgs) { if (!propertiesAdded) { // No properties added: this is required not to break the script buf.append( " then"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS=${OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS}"+EOL); } buf.append( " else"+EOL+ " OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS=${OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS}"+EOL+ " export OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS"+EOL+ " fi"+EOL+ "fi"+EOL); } return buf.toString(); } private String getWindowsContents(boolean overwriteJavaHome, boolean overwriteJavaArgs, String defaultJavaHome, String defaultJavaArgs, Properties properties) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); String javaHomeLabel1; String javaArgsLabel1; String javaHomeLabel2; String javaArgsLabel2; final String CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME = "checkEnvJavaHome"; final String CHECK_ENV_JAVA_ARGS = "checkEnvJavaArgs"; final String CHECK_JAVA_HOME = "checkJavaHome"; final String CHECK_JAVA_ARGS = "checkJavaArgs"; final String CHECK_DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME = "checkDefaultJavaHome"; final String CHECK_DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS = "checkDefaultJavaArgs"; final String LEGACY = "Legacy"; if (!overwriteJavaHome) { javaHomeLabel1 = CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME; javaHomeLabel2 = CHECK_JAVA_HOME; } else { javaHomeLabel1 = CHECK_JAVA_HOME; javaHomeLabel2 = CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME; } if (!overwriteJavaArgs) { javaArgsLabel1 = CHECK_ENV_JAVA_ARGS; javaArgsLabel2 = CHECK_JAVA_ARGS; } else { javaArgsLabel1 = CHECK_JAVA_ARGS; javaArgsLabel2 = CHECK_ENV_JAVA_ARGS; } buf.append("goto "+javaHomeLabel1+EOL+EOL); buf.append( ":"+CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME+EOL+ "if \"%OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN%\" == \"\" goto checkEnvJavaHome"+LEGACY+EOL+ "if not exist \"%OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN%\" goto checkEnvJavaHome"+LEGACY+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL+ ":checkEnvJavaHome"+LEGACY+EOL+ "if \"%OPENDS_JAVA_BIN%\" == \"\" goto checkOpendjJavaHome"+EOL+ "if not exist \"%OPENDS_JAVA_BIN%\" goto checkOpendjJavaHome"+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL+ ":checkOpendjJavaHome"+EOL ); if (javaHomeLabel1 == CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME) { buf.append( "if \"%OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME%\" == \"\" goto "+javaHomeLabel2+LEGACY+EOL+ "set TEMP=%OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME%\\bin\\java.exe"+EOL+ "if not exist \"%TEMP%\" goto "+javaHomeLabel2+LEGACY+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=%TEMP%"+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL+ ":"+javaHomeLabel2+LEGACY+EOL+ "if \"%OPENDS_JAVA_HOME%\" == \"\" goto "+javaHomeLabel2+EOL+ "set TEMP=%OPENDS_JAVA_HOME%\\bin\\java.exe"+EOL+ "if not exist \"%TEMP%\" goto "+javaHomeLabel2+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=%TEMP%"+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL ); } else { buf.append( "if \"%OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME%\" == \"\" goto "+javaArgsLabel1+LEGACY+EOL+ "set TEMP=%OPENDJ_JAVA_HOME%\\bin\\java.exe"+EOL+ "if not exist \"%TEMP%\" goto "+javaArgsLabel1+LEGACY+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=%TEMP%"+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL+ ":"+javaArgsLabel1+LEGACY+EOL+ "if \"%OPENDS_JAVA_HOME%\" == \"\" goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+ "set TEMP=%OPENDS_JAVA_HOME%\\bin\\java.exe"+EOL+ "if not exist \"%TEMP%\" goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=%TEMP%"+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL ); } if (defaultJavaHome != null) { if (javaHomeLabel1 == CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME) { buf.append( ":"+CHECK_DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME+EOL+ "set TEMP="+defaultJavaHome+"\\bin\\java.exe"+EOL+ "if not exist \"%TEMP%\" goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=%TEMP%"+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL ); } else { buf.append( ":"+CHECK_DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME+EOL+ "set TEMP="+defaultJavaHome+"\\bin\\java.exe"+EOL+ "if not exist \"%TEMP%\" goto "+CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=%TEMP%"+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL ); } } buf.append( ":"+CHECK_JAVA_HOME+EOL); Enumeration propertyNames = properties.propertyNames(); while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME)) { // Already handled } else if (name.endsWith(".java-home")) { String scriptName = name.substring(0, name.length() - ".java-home".length()); buf.append( "if \"%SCRIPT_NAME%.java-home\" == \""+name+"\" goto check"+ scriptName+"JavaHome"+EOL); } } if (defaultJavaHome != null) { buf.append("goto "+CHECK_DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME+EOL+EOL); } else if (javaHomeLabel1 != CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME) { buf.append("goto "+CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME+EOL+EOL); } else { buf.append("goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL); } propertyNames = properties.propertyNames(); while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); String value = properties.getProperty(name); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME)) { // Already handled } else if (name.endsWith(".java-home")) { String scriptName = name.substring(0, name.length() - ".java-home".length()); buf.append( ":check"+scriptName+"JavaHome"+EOL+ "set TEMP="+value+"\\bin\\java.exe"+EOL); if (defaultJavaHome != null) { buf.append( "if not exist \"%TEMP%\" goto "+CHECK_DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME+EOL); } else if (javaHomeLabel1 != CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME) { buf.append( "if not exist \"%TEMP%\" goto "+CHECK_ENV_JAVA_HOME+EOL); } buf.append( "set OPENDJ_JAVA_BIN=%TEMP%"+EOL+ "goto "+javaArgsLabel1+EOL+EOL); } } buf.append( ":"+CHECK_ENV_JAVA_ARGS+EOL); if (javaArgsLabel1 == CHECK_ENV_JAVA_ARGS) { buf.append( "if \"%OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS%\" == \"\" goto "+javaArgsLabel2+LEGACY+EOL+ "goto end"+EOL+EOL+ ":"+javaArgsLabel2+LEGACY+EOL+ "if \"%OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS%\" == \"\" goto "+javaArgsLabel2+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS=%OPENDS_JAVA_ARGS%"+EOL+ "goto end"+EOL+EOL); } else { buf.append( "goto end"+EOL+EOL); } if (defaultJavaArgs != null) { buf.append( ":"+CHECK_DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS="+defaultJavaArgs+EOL+ "goto end"+EOL+EOL); } buf.append( ":"+CHECK_JAVA_ARGS+EOL); propertyNames = properties.propertyNames(); while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME)) { // Already handled } else if (name.endsWith(".java-args")) { String scriptName = name.substring(0, name.length() - ".java-args".length()); buf.append( "if \"%SCRIPT_NAME%.java-args\" == \""+name+"\" goto check"+ scriptName+"JavaArgs"+EOL); } } if (defaultJavaArgs != null) { buf.append("goto "+CHECK_DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS+EOL+EOL); } else if (javaArgsLabel1 != CHECK_ENV_JAVA_ARGS) { buf.append("goto "+CHECK_ENV_JAVA_ARGS+EOL+EOL); } else { buf.append("goto end"+EOL+EOL); } propertyNames = properties.propertyNames(); while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String name = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); String value = properties.getProperty(name); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_HOME_PROP_NAME) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(OVERWRITE_ENV_JAVA_ARGS_PROP_NAME)) { // Already handled } else if (name.endsWith(".java-args")) { String scriptName = name.substring(0, name.length() - ".java-args".length()); buf.append( ":check"+scriptName+"JavaArgs"+EOL+ "set OPENDJ_JAVA_ARGS="+value+EOL+ "goto end"+EOL+EOL); } } buf.append(":end"+EOL); return buf.toString(); } }