/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2008-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2013 ForgeRock AS. */ package org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.task; import static org.opends.messages.AdminToolMessages.*; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.BasicAttribute; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; import javax.naming.directory.ModificationItem; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.datamodel.ControlPanelInfo; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.ui.ColorAndFontConstants; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.ui.ProgressDialog; import org.opends.guitools.controlpanel.util.Utilities; import org.opends.messages.Message; import org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants; import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer; import org.opends.server.types.Attributes; import org.opends.server.types.AttributeType; import org.opends.server.types.CommonSchemaElements; import org.opends.server.types.Entry; import org.opends.server.types.ExistingFileBehavior; import org.opends.server.types.LDIFExportConfig; import org.opends.server.types.LDIFImportConfig; import org.opends.server.types.Modification; import org.opends.server.types.ModificationType; import org.opends.server.types.ObjectClass; import org.opends.server.types.OpenDsException; import org.opends.server.types.Schema; import org.opends.server.types.SchemaFileElement; import org.opends.server.util.LDIFReader; import org.opends.server.util.LDIFWriter; import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils; /** * The task that is launched when a schema element must be deleted. */ public class DeleteSchemaElementsTask extends Task { // The list of object classes that the user asked to delete. LinkedHashSet providedOcsToDelete = new LinkedHashSet(); // The list of attributes that the user asked to delete. LinkedHashSet providedAttrsToDelete = new LinkedHashSet(); // The list of object classes that will be actually deleted (some might be // recreated). LinkedHashSet ocsToDelete = new LinkedHashSet(); // The list of attributes that will be actually deleted (some might be // recreated). LinkedHashSet attrsToDelete = new LinkedHashSet(); // The list of object classes that will be recreated. LinkedHashSet ocsToAdd = new LinkedHashSet(); // The list of attributes that will be recreated. LinkedHashSet attrsToAdd = new LinkedHashSet(); /** * Constructor of the task. * @param info the control panel information. * @param dlg the progress dialog where the task progress will be displayed. * @param ocsToDelete the object classes that must be deleted (ordered). * @param attrsToDelete the attributes that must be deleted (ordered). */ public DeleteSchemaElementsTask(ControlPanelInfo info, ProgressDialog dlg, LinkedHashSet ocsToDelete, LinkedHashSet attrsToDelete) { super(info, dlg); this.providedOcsToDelete.addAll(ocsToDelete); this.providedAttrsToDelete.addAll(attrsToDelete); Schema schema = info.getServerDescriptor().getSchema(); LinkedHashSet allAttrsToDelete = DeleteSchemaElementsTask.getOrderedAttributesToDelete(attrsToDelete, schema); LinkedHashSet allOcsToDelete = null; if (!attrsToDelete.isEmpty()) { allOcsToDelete = DeleteSchemaElementsTask.getOrderedObjectClassesToDeleteFromAttrs( attrsToDelete, schema); } if (!ocsToDelete.isEmpty()) { if (allOcsToDelete == null) { allOcsToDelete = DeleteSchemaElementsTask.getOrderedObjectClassesToDelete( ocsToDelete, schema); } else { allOcsToDelete.addAll( DeleteSchemaElementsTask.getOrderedObjectClassesToDelete( ocsToDelete, schema)); } } ArrayList lAttrsToDelete = new ArrayList(allAttrsToDelete); for (int i = lAttrsToDelete.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AttributeType attrToDelete = lAttrsToDelete.get(i); if (!attrsToDelete.contains(attrToDelete)) { AttributeType attrToAdd = getAttributeToAdd(attrToDelete); if (attrToAdd != null) { attrsToAdd.add(attrToAdd); } } } assert allOcsToDelete != null; ArrayList lOcsToDelete = new ArrayList(allOcsToDelete); for (int i = lOcsToDelete.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ObjectClass ocToDelete = lOcsToDelete.get(i); if (!ocsToDelete.contains(ocToDelete)) { ocsToAdd.add(getObjectClassToAdd(lOcsToDelete.get(i))); } } this.ocsToDelete.addAll(allOcsToDelete); this.attrsToDelete.addAll(allAttrsToDelete); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Set getBackends() { return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean canLaunch(Task taskToBeLaunched, Collection incompatibilityReasons) { boolean canLaunch = true; if (state == State.RUNNING && (taskToBeLaunched.getType() == Task.Type.DELETE_SCHEMA_ELEMENT || taskToBeLaunched.getType() == Task.Type.MODIFY_SCHEMA_ELEMENT || taskToBeLaunched.getType() == Task.Type.NEW_SCHEMA_ELEMENT)) { incompatibilityReasons.add(getIncompatibilityMessage(this, taskToBeLaunched)); canLaunch = false; } return canLaunch; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Type getType() { return Type.NEW_SCHEMA_ELEMENT; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void runTask() { state = State.RUNNING; lastException = null; try { updateSchema(); state = State.FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY; } catch (Throwable t) { lastException = t; state = State.FINISHED_WITH_ERROR; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected String getCommandLinePath() { return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected List getCommandLineArguments() { return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Message getTaskDescription() { return INFO_CTRL_PANEL_DELETE_SCHEMA_ELEMENT_TASK_DESCRIPTION.get(); } /** * Updates the schema. * @throws OpenDsException if an error occurs. */ private void updateSchema() throws OpenDsException { final boolean[] isFirst = {true}; final int totalNumber = ocsToDelete.size() + attrsToDelete.size(); int numberDeleted = 0; for (ObjectClass objectClass : ocsToDelete) { final ObjectClass fObjectclass = objectClass; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!isFirst[0]) { getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml("

"); } isFirst[0] = false; printEquivalentCommandToDelete(fObjectclass); getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml( Utilities.getProgressWithPoints( INFO_CTRL_PANEL_DELETING_OBJECTCLASS.get( fObjectclass.getNameOrOID()), ColorAndFontConstants.progressFont)); } }); if (isServerRunning()) { try { BasicAttribute attr = new BasicAttribute( getSchemaFileAttributeName(objectClass)); attr.add(getSchemaFileAttributeValue(objectClass)); ModificationItem mod = new ModificationItem(DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attr); getInfo().getDirContext().modifyAttributes( ConfigConstants.DN_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_ROOT, new ModificationItem[] { mod }); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new OnlineUpdateException( ERR_CTRL_PANEL_ERROR_UPDATING_SCHEMA.get(ne.toString()), ne); } } else { updateSchemaFile(objectClass); } numberDeleted ++; final int fNumberDeleted = numberDeleted; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { getProgressDialog().getProgressBar().setIndeterminate(false); getProgressDialog().getProgressBar().setValue( (fNumberDeleted * 100) / totalNumber); getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml( Utilities.getProgressDone(ColorAndFontConstants.progressFont)); } }); } for (AttributeType attribute : attrsToDelete) { final AttributeType fAttribute = attribute; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!isFirst[0]) { getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml("

"); } isFirst[0] = false; printEquivalentCommandToDelete(fAttribute); getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml( Utilities.getProgressWithPoints( INFO_CTRL_PANEL_DELETING_ATTRIBUTE.get( fAttribute.getNameOrOID()), ColorAndFontConstants.progressFont)); } }); if (isServerRunning()) { try { BasicAttribute attr = new BasicAttribute( getSchemaFileAttributeName(attribute)); attr.add(getSchemaFileAttributeValue(attribute)); ModificationItem mod = new ModificationItem( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attr); getInfo().getDirContext().modifyAttributes( ConfigConstants.DN_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_ROOT, new ModificationItem[] { mod }); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new OnlineUpdateException( ERR_CTRL_PANEL_ERROR_UPDATING_SCHEMA.get(ne.toString()), ne); } } else { updateSchemaFile(attribute); } numberDeleted ++; final int fNumberDeleted = numberDeleted; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { getProgressDialog().getProgressBar().setIndeterminate(false); getProgressDialog().getProgressBar().setValue( (fNumberDeleted * 100) / totalNumber); getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml( Utilities.getProgressDone(ColorAndFontConstants.progressFont)); } }); } if (!ocsToAdd.isEmpty() || !attrsToAdd.isEmpty()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml(Utilities.applyFont( "


", ColorAndFontConstants.progressFont)); } }); NewSchemaElementsTask createTask = new NewSchemaElementsTask(getInfo(), getProgressDialog(), ocsToAdd, attrsToAdd); createTask.runTask(); } } /** * Updates the schema file by deleting the provided schema element. * @param schemaElement the schema element to be deleted. * @throws OpenDsException if an error occurs. */ private void updateSchemaFile(CommonSchemaElements schemaElement) throws OpenDsException { String schemaFile = getSchemaFile((SchemaFileElement)schemaElement); LDIFExportConfig exportConfig = new LDIFExportConfig(schemaFile, ExistingFileBehavior.OVERWRITE); LDIFReader reader = null; LDIFWriter writer = null; try { reader = new LDIFReader(new LDIFImportConfig(schemaFile)); Entry schemaEntry = reader.readEntry(); Modification mod = new Modification(ModificationType.DELETE, Attributes.create( getSchemaFileAttributeName(schemaElement).toLowerCase(), getSchemaFileAttributeValue(schemaElement))); schemaEntry.applyModification(mod); writer = new LDIFWriter(exportConfig); writer.writeEntry(schemaEntry); exportConfig.getWriter().newLine(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OfflineUpdateException( ERR_CTRL_PANEL_ERROR_UPDATING_SCHEMA.get(e.toString()), e); } finally { StaticUtils.close(reader, exportConfig, writer); } } /** * Returns the schema file for a given schema element. * @param element the schema element. * @return the schema file for a given schema element. */ private String getSchemaFile(SchemaFileElement element) { String schemaFile = element.getSchemaFile(); if (schemaFile == null) { schemaFile = ConfigConstants.FILE_USER_SCHEMA_ELEMENTS; } File f = new File(schemaFile); if (!f.isAbsolute()) { f = new File( DirectoryServer.getEnvironmentConfig().getSchemaDirectory(), schemaFile); } schemaFile = f.getAbsolutePath(); return schemaFile; } /** * Returns the attribute name in the schema entry that corresponds to the * provided schema element. * @param element the schema element. * @return the attribute name in the schema entry that corresponds to the * provided schema element. */ private String getSchemaFileAttributeName(CommonSchemaElements element) { if (element instanceof AttributeType) { return "attributeTypes"; } else { return "objectClasses"; } } /** * Returns the value in the schema file for the provided element. * @param element the schema element. * @return the value in the schema file for the provided element. */ private String getSchemaFileAttributeValue(CommonSchemaElements element) { if (element instanceof AttributeType) { return ((AttributeType)element).getDefinition(); } else { return ((ObjectClass)element).getDefinition(); } } /** * Prints the equivalent command-line to delete the schema element in the * progress dialog. * @param element the schema element to be deleted. */ private void printEquivalentCommandToDelete(CommonSchemaElements element) { String schemaFile = getSchemaFile((SchemaFileElement)element); String attrName = getSchemaFileAttributeName(element); String attrValue = getSchemaFileAttributeValue(element); if (!isServerRunning()) { Message msg; if (element instanceof AttributeType) { msg = INFO_CTRL_PANEL_EQUIVALENT_CMD_TO_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE.get( element.getNameOrOID(), schemaFile); } else { msg = INFO_CTRL_PANEL_EQUIVALENT_CMD_TO_DELETE_OBJECTCLASS_OFFLINE.get( element.getNameOrOID(), schemaFile); } getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml(Utilities.applyFont( msg+"
"+ attrName+": "+attrValue+"

", ColorAndFontConstants.progressFont)); } else { ArrayList args = new ArrayList(); args.add("-a"); args.addAll(getObfuscatedCommandLineArguments( getConnectionCommandLineArguments(true, true))); args.add(getNoPropertiesFileArgument()); String equiv = getEquivalentCommandLine(getCommandLinePath("ldapmodify"), args); Message msg; if (element instanceof AttributeType) { msg = INFO_CTRL_PANEL_EQUIVALENT_CMD_TO_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE_ONLINE.get( element.getNameOrOID()); } else { msg = INFO_CTRL_PANEL_EQUIVALENT_CMD_TO_DELETE_OBJECTCLASS_ONLINE.get( element.getNameOrOID()); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(msg).append("
"); sb.append(equiv); sb.append("
"); sb.append("dn: cn=schema
"); sb.append("changetype: modify
"); sb.append("delete: ").append(attrName).append("
"); sb.append(attrName).append(": ").append(attrValue); sb.append("

"); getProgressDialog().appendProgressHtml(Utilities.applyFont(sb.toString(), ColorAndFontConstants.progressFont)); } } private AttributeType getAttributeToAdd(AttributeType attrToDelete) { AttributeType attrToAdd; boolean isSuperior = false; for (AttributeType attr : providedAttrsToDelete) { if (attr.equals(attrToDelete.getSuperiorType())) { isSuperior = true; AttributeType newSuperior = attr.getSuperiorType(); while (newSuperior != null && providedAttrsToDelete.contains(newSuperior)) { newSuperior = newSuperior.getSuperiorType(); } break; } } if (isSuperior) { ArrayList allNames = new ArrayList(); for (String str : attrToDelete.getNormalizedNames()) { allNames.add(str); } Map> extraProperties = cloneExtraProperties(attrToDelete); attrToAdd = new AttributeType( "", attrToDelete.getPrimaryName(), allNames, attrToDelete.getOID(), attrToDelete.getDescription(), null, attrToDelete.getSyntax(), attrToDelete.getApproximateMatchingRule(), attrToDelete.getEqualityMatchingRule(), attrToDelete.getOrderingMatchingRule(), attrToDelete.getSubstringMatchingRule(), attrToDelete.getUsage(), attrToDelete.isCollective(), attrToDelete.isNoUserModification(), attrToDelete.isObsolete(), attrToDelete.isSingleValue(), extraProperties); } else { // Nothing to be changed in the definition of the attribute itself. attrToAdd = attrToDelete; } return attrToAdd; } private ObjectClass getObjectClassToAdd(ObjectClass ocToDelete) { ObjectClass ocToAdd; boolean containsAttribute = false; for (AttributeType attr : providedAttrsToDelete) { if(ocToDelete.getRequiredAttributeChain().contains(attr) || ocToDelete.getOptionalAttributeChain().contains(attr)) { containsAttribute = true; break; } } boolean hasSuperior = false; Set newSuperiors = new LinkedHashSet(); for (ObjectClass sup : ocToDelete.getSuperiorClasses()) { boolean isFound = false; for (ObjectClass oc: providedOcsToDelete) { if(sup.equals(oc)) { hasSuperior = true; isFound = true; newSuperiors.addAll(getNewSuperiors(oc)); break; } } if (!isFound) { //Use the same super if not found in the list. newSuperiors.add(sup); } } if (containsAttribute || hasSuperior) { ArrayList allNames = new ArrayList(); for (String str : ocToDelete.getNormalizedNames()) { allNames.add(str); } Map> extraProperties = cloneExtraProperties(ocToDelete); Set required; Set optional; if (containsAttribute) { required = new HashSet( ocToDelete.getRequiredAttributes()); optional = new HashSet( ocToDelete.getOptionalAttributes()); required.removeAll(providedAttrsToDelete); optional.removeAll(providedAttrsToDelete); } else { required = ocToDelete.getRequiredAttributes(); optional = ocToDelete.getOptionalAttributes(); } ocToAdd = new ObjectClass("", ocToDelete.getPrimaryName(), allNames, ocToDelete.getOID(), ocToDelete.getDescription(), newSuperiors, required, optional, ocToDelete.getObjectClassType(), ocToDelete.isObsolete(), extraProperties); } else { // Nothing to be changed in the definition of the object class itself. ocToAdd = ocToDelete; } return ocToAdd; } private Set getNewSuperiors(ObjectClass currentSup) { Set newSuperiors = new LinkedHashSet(); if (currentSup.getSuperiorClasses() != null && !currentSup.getSuperiorClasses().isEmpty()) { for (ObjectClass o : currentSup.getSuperiorClasses()) { if (providedOcsToDelete.contains(o)) { newSuperiors.addAll(getNewSuperiors(o)); } else { newSuperiors.add(o); } } } return newSuperiors; } /** * Returns an ordered set of the attributes that must be deleted. * @param attrsToDelete the attributes to be deleted. * @param schema the server schema. * @return an ordered list of the attributes that must be deleted. */ public static LinkedHashSet getOrderedAttributesToDelete( Collection attrsToDelete, Schema schema) { LinkedHashSet orderedAttributes = new LinkedHashSet(); for (AttributeType attribute : attrsToDelete) { orderedAttributes.addAll(getOrderedChildrenToDelete(attribute, schema)); orderedAttributes.add(attribute); } return orderedAttributes; } /** * Returns an ordered list of the object classes that must be deleted. * @param ocsToDelete the object classes to be deleted. * @param schema the server schema. * @return an ordered list of the object classes that must be deleted. */ public static LinkedHashSet getOrderedObjectClassesToDelete( Collection ocsToDelete, Schema schema) { LinkedHashSet orderedOcs = new LinkedHashSet(); for (ObjectClass oc : ocsToDelete) { orderedOcs.addAll(getOrderedChildrenToDelete(oc, schema)); orderedOcs.add(oc); } return orderedOcs; } /** * Returns an ordered list of the object classes that must be deleted when * deleting a list of attributes that must be deleted. * @param attrsToDelete the attributes to be deleted. * @param schema the server schema. * @return an ordered list of the object classes that must be deleted when * deleting a list of attributes that must be deleted. */ public static LinkedHashSet getOrderedObjectClassesToDeleteFromAttrs( Collection attrsToDelete, Schema schema) { LinkedHashSet orderedOcs = new LinkedHashSet(); ArrayList dependentClasses = new ArrayList(); for (AttributeType attr : attrsToDelete) { for (ObjectClass oc : schema.getObjectClasses().values()) { if (oc.getRequiredAttributeChain().contains(attr)) { dependentClasses.add(oc); } else if (oc.getOptionalAttributeChain().contains(attr)) { dependentClasses.add(oc); } } } for (ObjectClass oc : dependentClasses) { orderedOcs.addAll(getOrderedChildrenToDelete(oc, schema)); orderedOcs.add(oc); } return orderedOcs; } /** * Clones the extra properties of the provided schema element. This can * be used when copying schema elements. * @param element the schema element. * @return the extra properties of the provided schema element. */ public static Map> cloneExtraProperties( CommonSchemaElements element) { Map> extraProperties = new HashMap>(); for (String name : element.getExtraPropertyNames()) { List values = new ArrayList(); Iterable properties = element.getExtraProperty(name); for (String v : properties) { values.add(v); } extraProperties.put(name, values); } return extraProperties; } private static LinkedHashSet getOrderedChildrenToDelete( AttributeType attribute, Schema schema) { LinkedHashSet children = new LinkedHashSet(); for (AttributeType attr : schema.getAttributeTypes().values()) { if (attribute.equals(attr.getSuperiorType())) { children.addAll(getOrderedChildrenToDelete(attr, schema)); children.add(attr); } } return children; } private static LinkedHashSet getOrderedChildrenToDelete( ObjectClass objectClass, Schema schema) { LinkedHashSet children = new LinkedHashSet(); for (ObjectClass oc : schema.getObjectClasses().values()) { if (oc.getSuperiorClasses().contains(objectClass)) { children.addAll(getOrderedChildrenToDelete(oc, schema)); children.add(oc); } } return children; } }